Using GL Interface Processing

This chapter provides an overview of GL Interface processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding GL Interface Processing

The PeopleSoft Student Financials General Ledger Interface (GL Interface) records the effect of Student Financials transactions (for example, charges, payments, and cash receipts) against a general ledger chart of accounts.

A chart of accounts represents how an organization gathers, stores, combines, and uses financial information in its operations. For example, an organization may want to track student receivables, third-party receivables, payments, financial aid disbursements, cash receipts, or refunds disbursed for the balance sheet and other financial statement reporting requirements.

Student Financials integrates with PeopleSoft General Ledger and Oracle General Ledger. The Student Financials GL Interface:

Accounting office staff should perform the majority of the setup that is required to record information in the general ledger. This chapter focuses on how to process and review the information that is transferred to the general ledger.

For integration with PeopleSoft Financials, before you run the GL Interface, you can run the Chartfield Audit report to review the existing chartfield setup and ensure that the chartfield combinations are still valid as on a specific GL Run Date.

You can run the GL Interface at any appropriate interval. When you define an item type, a course in a course catalog, a class, or tender keys and target keys in your cashiering office, you complete a GL Interface-related page. The GL Interface and Cashiering GL interface processes use the information that you enter on these GL Interface-related pages to create accounting entries. You transfer these accounting entries to the PeopleSoft General Ledger application using Application Messaging—a feature of PeopleTools Integration Technology. After you transfer the accounting entries to the PeopleSoft General Ledger database, your PeopleSoft General Ledger staff creates the journal entries and posts the information to the general ledger.

Here is a user task flow for integration with Oracle Financials:

User task flow for integration with Oracle Financials

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

See CS90 to EBS GL Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

See Also

PeopleSoft General Ledger PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Chartfield Audit Report

This section provides an overview of the Chartfield Audit report and discusses how to run the report.

Note. The Chartfield Audit Report page is not used in integration with Oracle Financials.

If Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page, you must manually remove the Chartfield Audit Report page from the menu navigation by changing the Permission Lists. You should create a custom permission list to hide the menu navigation to this component.

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Chartfield Audit Report

The Chartfield Audit report reviews the existing chartfield setup and identifies invalid chartfield combinations. The report provides details of invalid chartfield combinations that are intended for reporting to GL, that is, those for which the GL Interface Required check box is selected on the related setup pages.

Before you run the GL Interface process, run the Chartfield Audit report and manually correct invalid combinations. You therefore avoid invalid transactions being interfaced to the GL.

The Chartfield Audit Report uses the setup that you specify on the SF Installation page.

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

Note. You can review the accounting line information after you run the Generate Accounting Lines batch process and you can verify the status of the transactions after you run the Batch Publish process. The chartfield combination cannot be edited or corrected in ACCOUNTING LINE (SF_ACCTG_LN).


Chartfields can be set up on item types, course catalog, class schedule, cashiering target and tender keys, and the cashiering office. All these areas must therefore be included in the audit. The records that are used to find chartfield combinations are:

Here is the process flow for validating chartfield combinations:

Process flow for validating chartfield combinations

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Definition Name



Chartfield Audit Report


Student Financials, GL Interface, Chartfield Audit Report, Chartfield Audit Report

Identify invalid chartfield combinations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Chartfield Audit Report

Access the Chartfield Audit Report page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Chartfield Audit Report, Chartfield Audit Report).

You must enter a value in the Business Unit, GL Run Date, Term From and Term To fields.

GL Run Date

Enter the date on which you expect to run the GL Interface process. You can enter a future, but not a past, date. The current date appears by default.

Term To

Enter a value that is equal to or greater than the value in the Term From field.

Validate Options

In the Validate Options group box, select a check box to indicate that you want to include a particular area in the audit.

When you select a check box, a related group box with selection parameters becomes available. For example, the Item Type Setup group box is available only if you select the Item Type Setup check box.

Item Type Setup

In the Item Type Setup group box, if you enter a value in the Group field, the From and To fields are not available for entry.

Cashiering Office Setup

The value in the Business Unit field in the Cashiering office Setup group box is used to report invalid chartfield combinations from Cashiering Office as well as Target and Tender Key setup.

Viewing the Report

When you click Run, an Application Engine program is initiated. A PDF report is produced using XML Publisher.

The report lists only the chartfields that have invalid combinations. If you select an area to be audited and no invalids are found for the combination, a No Invalids found message appears for that area on the report. If you select an area to be audited and no data is found for the combination, a No Data found message appears for that area on the report.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Accounting Entries

This section provides an overview of accounting entry creation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Accounting Entry Creation

Financial transaction activity from the PeopleSoft Student Financials application must be transferred to the general ledger so that your accounting office can track revenue, expenses, receivables, and liabilities that are created in Student Financials. The GL Interface creates accounting lines to accomplish this.

If your system integrates with PeopleSoft or Oracle Financials, it publishes accounting lines directly to the general ledger through PeopleSoft Application Messaging. A unique Cashiering GL Interface process exists for cash receipts for cashiering transactions.

Note. In this section, the term accounting entry refers to a single debit or credit entry destined for the general ledger. Accounting entries contain four primary elements: an accounting date, ChartField (chart of accounts) information, a currency code, and either a positive or negative monetary amount. The GL Interface creates accounting entries and stores them in the PS_SF_ACCTG_LN table. The terms accounting entry and accounting line are synonymous and are used interchangeably in this document.

GL Interface Process

The GL Interface process creates accounting lines for all types of transaction activity in the Student Financials application.

Note. The GL Interface process creates accounting lines for all Student Financials transactions except cash receipts that are accepted through the Cashiering feature. Run the Cashiering GL Interface process to create entries for cash receipts that are accepted through the Cashiering feature.

This diagram illustrates how the PeopleSoft Financials GL Interface process creates accounting lines for Student Financials transactions:

GL Interface process with PeopleSoft Financials integration

This diagram illustrates how the Oracle Financials GL Interface process creates accounting lines for Student Financials transactions:

GL Interface process with Oracle Financials integration

If you interact with PeopleSoft or Oracle Financials, the system uses application messaging to share accounting line information with PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger.

Cashiering GL Interface Process

The Cashiering GL Interface process creates accounting lines for cash receipts, cash drawer overages, and cash drawer shortages from cashiering.

The Cashiering GL Interface process is the same as illustrated in the previous section, except that SF Transactions: PS_ITEM_SF is replaced with Cashiering:

Reviewing GL Interface Results

After running the GL Interface or Cashiering GL Interface process, you can confirm the success of the run and check details of accounting line entries before you send them to the general ledger.

You cannot use the Back Out GL Interface process to reverse cashiering entries sent to the general ledger, so you must correct any mistakes before running the Batch Publish process for cashiering entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Accounting Entries

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Definition Name



Generate Accounting Entries


Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Accounting Entries

Create accounting entries using the GL Interface process.

Cashiering GL Interface


Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Cashiering Entries

Create accounting entries using the cashiering GL Interface process.

Review GL Messages


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review GL Messages

View messages resulting from the GL Interface process.

Cashiering GL Interface


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Cashiering Entries

View the results of the Cashiering GL Interface process.

Cashiering GL Interface Messages


Click the GL Run Error Detail link on the Cashiering GL Interface page. If multiple batches have been run, select the batch ID for the batch you want to review.

Review messages resulting from the Cashiering GL Interface process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Accounting Entries Using the GL Interface Process

Access the Generate Accounting Entries page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Accounting Entries).

Business Unit

Enter the business unit of the account activity that you are transferring to your institution's general ledger.

Journal Template

Enter the journal template that you want to use to create the transactions.

This field is not available if Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page.


The system selects all GL records that are less than or equal to the term code you select here.

Manual Batch Publish

Click to access the Batch Publish page. This link appears if your system interacts with PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page.

If your system interacts with PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials, select the check box next to the SF GL Interface - Acct Lines (SFPGLINT) process.

Note. The GL Interface process does not populate the Budget Period ChartField on each accounting line. Instead, when accounting entries from Student Financials are loaded into General Ledger, the General Ledger assigns the proper budget period to them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Accounting Entries Using the Cashiering GL Interface Process

Access the Cashiering GL Interface page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Cashiering Entries).

Note. If Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page, ensure that Cashiering is mapped to a journal category on the Journal Details Mapping page (Setup SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, General Ledger Interface, Journal Details Mapping).

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

See Mapping General Ledger Business Units to Oracle General Ledger.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for the account activity that you are transferring to your institution's general ledger.

Cashier's Office

Enter the cashiering office for the account activity that you are transferring to your institution's general ledger.

Business Date

Enter the business date of the cashiering office transactions that you are transferring to your institution's general ledger.

Journal Template

Enter the journal template that you want to use to create the transactions.

This field does not appear if Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page.

Manual Batch Publish

Click to access the Batch Publish page. This link appears if your system interacts with PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page.

If your system interacts with PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials, select the check box next to the SF Cashiering GL Interface (SFDPTREC ) process.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing GL Interface Information

This section discusses how to:

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Review GL History


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review GL History

Review GL Interface run history resulting from the GL Interface, Cashiering GL Interface, and Back Out processes.

Accounting Line


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Accounting Lines, Accounting Line

Review accounting line information created by the GL Interface and Cashiering GL Interface processes.

SF Accounting Line Detail


Click a Detail link on the Main tab of the Accounting Line page.

Review detailed accounting line information.

Review GL Integration Data


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review GL Integration Data

Review batch publish control records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing GL Interface Run History

Access the Review GL History page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Review GL History).

Manually Complete Back Out

If the Back Out process fails before setting the status to Backout Successful, then this check box becomes available. Select the check box to manually complete the failed Back Out process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounting Line Information

Access the Accounting Line page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Accounting Lines, Accounting Line).

Search Criteria

Use the options in this group box to select the fields that you want to use to search for an accounting line. Enter a particular field value as the search criteria.

Student ID

Select to view the accounting lines for a single person. Select an ID in the field to the right.

Receipt Number

Select to view the accounting lines that are related to a single receipt. Select the receipt number in the field on the right.

Ext Org (external organization)

Select to view the accounting lines for a single external organization. Select the external organization in the field to the right.

Run Date and Sequence Number

Select to view the accounting lines for a specific GL Interface process instance. Select the date and enter the sequence number in the fields to the right.

Search Criteria - ChartFields

Select the ChartFields option to view the accounting lines that are related to specific ChartField values. If you select this option, you must select one or more ChartField values.

Ext Chart (external GL ChartField)

If you are using a third-party or legacy General Ledger application, enter the external chart of accounts information for which you want to search. If you use this option, the search returns only accounting lines containing the specific chart of accounts information that you supply.

If Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page:

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

See Mapping General Ledger Business Units to Oracle General Ledger.

SF Accounting Line

After selecting your search criteria, click the View Accounting Line Records button to display accounting line information in the four tabs located in this group box.

SF Accounting Lines

This scroll area displays the results of your search.

The Main tab displays general accounting line information. Click the Detail link next to an accounting line to access the SF Accounting Line Detail page, where you can view all fields for the accounting line record.

The fields on the Journal Info tab display the information that is published to PeopleSoft or Oracle Financials. This page also contains the GL journal line number, journal ID, and line date, which are supplied from the data that is returned to Student Financials through the STUDENT_SF_ACCTG_LINE subscription message after the journals are generated in PeopleSoft Financials. For Oracle Financials, the return data from General Ledger is populated using the message SSF_GL_ACCTG_LINE_SYNC.

If Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page, the 2 Affiliate Intra (Intra Unit), Project/Grant, and Affiliate chartfields are not supported and should be made inactive on the HRMS Standard Chartfield Configuration page.

View the Direct GL tab for information about accounting entries that are neither associated with nor appear on the student account—for example, AAWS fee transactions. The Generate Direct to GL Entries process is discussed later in this chapter.

See ChartField Display Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Batch Publish Control Records

Access the Review GL Integration Data page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Review GL Integration Data).

Selection Criteria - Batch Pub

Enter values for the batch publish records that you want to view in the Process Instance field or the Process Status field. Click the Search button to display these records in the Batch Publish Control Record (PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials integration) scroll area.

Batch Publish Control Record (PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials Integration)

This scroll area displays general information about the selected batch publish control records. Select the View check box next to a batch publish control record to view its related accounting lines in the SF Accounting Lines scroll area.

SF Accounting Line

Click the View Accounting Line Records button to display accounting lines that are associated with the batch publish control record next to which you selected the View check box. If you want to display accounting lines for a specific process instance regardless of the batch publish control record, select the Use Process Instance check box and enter the desired process instance in the field to the right of the check box.

SF Accounting Lines

This scroll area is identical to the SF Accounting Line scroll area on the Accounting Line page.

If Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page, the 2 Affiliate Intra (Intra Unit), Project/Grant, and Affiliate chartfields are not supported and should be made inactive on the HRMS Standard Chartfield Configuration page.

See ChartField Display Options.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Back Out GL Interface Process

The Back Out GL Interface process enables you to reverse the most recent run of the GL Interface process. When you run the Back Out GL Interface process, it effectively deletes the accounting lines created in the Accounting Line table PS_SF_ACCTG_LN for the most recent process instance and resets the corresponding rows in PS_ITEM_SF as not having been processed by the GL Interface. The back out process enables you to correct errors before information is sent to the general ledger.

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Back Out GL Interface


Student Financials, GL Interface, Reverse GL Interface

Run the Back Out GL Interface process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Back Out GL Interface Process

Access the Back Out GL Interface page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Reverse GL Interface).

Business Unit

Enter the business for which you want to run the back out process.

This process to deletes accounting lines created in error.

If you need to reverse an earlier run of the GL Interface process, you can return to the Back Out GL Interface page and run the process again. Continue to run the process until you have backed out all of the entries that you need to correct.

After the back out process finishes, you can enter any correcting transactions in Student Financials. Then rerun the GL Interface process to create new accounting lines for the transactions.

Note. The Back Out GL Interface process does not back out accounting lines that are created by the Cashiering GL Interface process.

Warning! Use caution when running the Back Out GL Interface process because backing out accounting entries from Student Financials that have already been posted in PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger would lead to out-of-balance conditions between Student Financials and PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger. Run the Back Out GL Interface process only if you are sure that the accounting lines have not already been transferred to PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger. If the accounting lines have been transferred to PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger and you proceed with the Back Out GL Interface process, you must manually reverse the corresponding entries in PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Accounting Entries to the General Ledger

This section discusses how to publish accounting line information.

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Batch Publish


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Batch Publish

Publish accounting line information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Accounting Line Information

Access the Batch Publish page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Batch Publish).

To run the Batch Publish process:

  1. Enter a request ID and description for the process.

  2. Select the Always option in the Process Frequency group box.

  3. Enter SFPGLINT in the Process Name field.

    Enter SFDPTREC if you are using the Cashiering GL Interface process.

  4. Click the Run button to initiate the Manual Batch Publish (EOP_PUBLISHM) process.

The Manual Batch Publish process:

  1. Selects accounting lines based on three criteria: process or job instance, process name, and process status.

  2. Collects accounting line entries that are generated by the GL Interface process (SFPGLINT) and publishes them to the PeopleSoft or Oracle Financials database.

Interface with Oracle Financials

Two types of interfaces with Oracle Financials are required: Outbound and Inbound

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Direct to GL Entries

Some transactions, such as Admissions Application Web Services (AAWS) fee payment transactions, are not posted to the student account. Use the Generate Direct to GL Entries (SSF_RUNCTL_GL_TRNS) component to post these transactions directly to the general ledger.

This section discusses how to generate Direct to GL entries.

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Generate Direct to GL Entries


Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Direct to GL Entries, Generate Direct to GL Entries

Generate Direct to GL entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Direct to GL Entries

Access the Generate Direct to GL Entries page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Generate Direct to GL Entries, Generate Direct to GL Entries).

Use this page to run the Generate Direct to GL Entries (SSF_GL_TRANS) process to generate accounting entries for the transactions that are neither associated with nor appear on the student account—for example, AAWS fee transactions.

The GL Transaction (SSF_GL_TRANS) table contains all successfully authorized payment transactions that are not posted to the student account. The SSF_GL_TRANS process moves the entries from the GL Transaction table to the Accounting Line table PS_SF_ACCTG_LN. No follow on transactions, for example, reversals and/or refunds, are possible for these payments—after they are sent to the GL, all changes must be done manually.

For AAWS, the Complete ePayment web service authorizes payment transactions. If payment is authorized, the Amount Sent to GL field is updated in the Application Transactions staging component and when the application is successfully posted, the value is carried through to the Application Items page in the core production Application Maintenance component. The Generate Direct to GL process uses the Amount Sent to GL value.

See Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions chapter. At the time of publication of this PeopleBook (March 2012), the latest version of this chapter is available on My Oracle Support as part of the Bundle 23 Recruiting and Admissions doc package (CS_Bundle_23_Recruiting_and_Admissions _9_0.pdf)-Doc ID 1371376.1.

See Using Student Financials Web Services for Hosted ePayment Transactions.

The GL Transaction table contains item types (that have been set up for Direct to GL) to represent the GL chartfields.

To set up AAWS item types for Direct to GL, select the Post to GL from AAWS App check box on the Application Fees page (Set Up SACR, Student Financials, Admission Fees, Application Fees). The Application Fee Item Types link appears—click the link to access the Application Fee Item Types page and define the item types.

See Setting Up Application Fees.

See Using Admission Applications Web Services chapter. At the time of publication of this PeopleBook (March 2012), the latest version of this chapter is available on My Oracle Support as part of the Bundle 23 Recruiting and Admissions doc package (CS_Bundle_23_Recruiting_and_Admissions _9_0.pdf)-Doc ID 1371376.1.

Required Parameters

Business Unit

Enter the business unit of the Direct to GL entries that you are transferring to your institution's general ledger.

Journal Template

Enter the journal template that you want to use to create the transactions.

This field is not available if Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page.

Manual Batch Publish

Click to access the Batch Publish page. This link appears if your system interacts with either PeopleSoft Financials or Oracle Financials.

Transaction Date

The Direct to GL process selects all transactions, based on required parameters, that have a transaction date less than or equal to the current date or the date that you specify.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Direct to GL Entries

Use the Review Direct to GL Entries (SSF_GL_TRANS_INQ) component for reconciliation and audit purposes, to review accounting entries for the general ledger that are neither associated with nor appear on the student account.

This section discusses how to:

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GL Transaction Search


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Direct to GL Entries, GL Transaction Search

Search for Direct to GL transactions.

GL Transaction Result


Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Direct to GL Entries, GL Transaction Result

View GL Transaction search results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for GL Transactions

Access the GL Transaction Search page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Direct to GL Entries, GL Transaction Search).

Filter Options

GL Transaction ID

This ID is the unique value created when the Direct to GL process is run.

External Reference

For AAWS, you can use an applicant's application number, which is unique, to determine if a payment has been sent to the general ledger.

SF Payment Reference

This reference number is the unique value associated with the epayment.

After the Direct to GL process has been run, you can search by GL run date or process instance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Direct to GL Transactions

Access the GL Transaction Result page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Review Direct to GL Entries, GL Transaction Result).

The GL Run tab is populated after the Direct to GL Entries process is run.

In the Audit tab you can view the userid of the person who created the transaction and the date/time stamp.

Click to jump to parent topicReversing Direct to GL Entries

Use the Reverse Direct to GL (SSF_RNCTL_REVGL) component to reverse the most recent entries generated through the Generate Direct to GL Entries process.

This section discusses how to reverse Direct to GL entries.

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Reverse Direct to GL Entries


Student Financials, GL Interface, Reverse Direct to GL Entries, Reverse Direct to GL Entries

Reverse Direct to GL entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Direct to GL Entries

Access the Reverse Direct to GL Entries page (Student Financials, GL Interface, Reverse Direct to GL Entries, Reverse Direct to GL Entries).

The Reverse Direct to GL process deletes the Accounting Line (SF_ACCTG_LN) entries for the most recent Generate Direct to GL Entries process instance and updates the GL Transaction (SSF_GL_TRANS) table to indicate the records are yet to be processed/transferred to GL. The process therefore enables you to correct errors before information is sent to the general ledger.

Warning! Use caution when running the Reverse Direct to GL Entries process because reversing accounting entries from Student Financials that have already been posted in PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger leads to out-of-balance conditions between Student Financials and PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger. Run the process only if you are sure that the accounting lines have not already been transferred to PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger. If the accounting lines have been transferred to PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger and you proceed with the Reverse Direct to GL Entries process, you must manually reverse the corresponding entries in PeopleSoft or Oracle General Ledger.