Setting Up Receivables Maintenance

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Origins and Group Types

To define origins and group types, use the Origin Table component (ORIGIN_TABLE) and the Group Type Table component (GROUP_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of origins and group types and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Origins and Group Types

Before you can perform group data entry using the Maintain Receivables feature, you must define origins and group types.


Origins represent sources of charges or payments that are used during group posting. You can also apply security at the origin level. This security limits the number of users who can view and update the transactions with which an origin is associated. You can also use the description that you define for an origin as criteria for selecting groups during group data entry.

Group Types

Group types represent sets of frequently posted receivables such as financial aid, housing charges, and lock box payments. You can use the description of a group type as criteria for selecting groups for viewing during group data entry.

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Origin Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Origin Table

Define origins.

Group Type Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Type Table

Define group types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Origins

Access the Origin Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Origin Table).

Origin Method

Indicate the origin method of the transactions (how the transactions were entered into the system). Values are:

External: Select this option if the transactions were entered into the system using an external file load from a source such as a third-party housing or parking system.

LockBox: Select this option if the transactions were entered into the system using an external file load from a lock box source.

Online: Select this option if the transactions were entered into the system manually using the Group Entry component.


Select the type of currency that is used by this origin. The default value is the base currency that you specified in your SF Business Unit setup.

Origin Type

Select the origin type that describes the source of the transactions. Values are:

Department: The origin is a department within your institution.

Individual: The origin is an individual either from your institution or external to it.

Org (organization): The origin is an organization from within your institution or external to it. An example of an organization from within your institution is a theater box office.

System: The origin is another computer system organization from within your institution or external to it.

Approval Prior to Posting

Select to require approval before posting transactions from this origin.

Approval on Update

Select to require approval before updating any transactions in this origin.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Group Types

Access the Group Type Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Type Table).

Group Type

Enter the one-character code that you want to use for the group type you are creating.

Create New Charge Item

Select to create a unique item for each charge transaction in the group. Clearing the check box allows the charge items to be consolidated by common_ID, item type, and term.

This field appears (shaded) on the External Files run control page, the Create Group Data Entries page, and the Create Group Corp Data Entries page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Late Fees

To set up late fees, use the Late Fees component (LATE_FEE_TABLE).

Student Financials enables you to create late fees that the system assesses when it identifies past due charges. This section discusses how to:

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Late Fees Setup 1


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 1

Set up basic late fee parameters.

Late Fees Setup 2


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 2

Set up aging category information for late fees.

Late Fees Setup 3


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 3

Define late fee maximums and due dates.

Late Fees Setup 4


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 4

Specify academic programs for late fees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Basic Late Fee Parameters

Access the Late Fees Setup 1 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 1).

Use Aging Category

Select this check box if you want to use the credit history process to assess late fees for all overdue charges for a Student Financials Account. Aging category definitions are entered in the Late Fees Setup 2 page.

When this check box is selected, the following fields become unavailable: Item Type Group, Grace Period, Amount Past Due, Minimum Due, Init Aging % (initial aging percentage), Init Flat Amount (initial flat amount), Percent, and Flat Amount.

Item Type Group

Select an item type group if you want to assess late fees for specific charges only.

Service Impact

To exempt a student or external organization from a particular late fee, enter the service impact code that you defined for exemptions.

Grace Period

Enter the grace period that you want to allow the student before the system assesses a late fee. The value in this field becomes zero by default if you do not enter a grace period value.

Charge By

Select a charge-by value to represent the frequency that you charge late fees.

Warning! Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Months: Select to assess late fees on a monthly basis regardless of the number of days in the month.

Days: Select to specify an interval based on a set number of days.

Months Between Charges and Days Between Charges

The label of this field depends on the value that you select in the Charge By field. If you select Month, the Months Between Charges label appears. If you select Days, the Days Between Charges label appears.

Enter the months or days between charges to specify how often late fees are charged. For example, if you charge late fees every month, enter 1 in this field. If you charge late fees every other month, enter 2.

Late Fee Scheme

Enter a description for a late fee scheme. Late fee schemes enable you to set up multiple rules for a single late fee. For example, you can enter different academic program load rules, academic load rules, or both. You must define at least one late fee scheme.

ID Switch

Select an ID switch for this late fee scheme. The ID switch is used to specify whether a particular late fee scheme is for a student ID or an external organization ID.

Warning! Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Item Type

Select an item type to attach to this late fee scheme. The system posts late fees to this item type.

Assessing Late Fees When Not Using Aging Category

If you do not assess late fees using an aging category, use the following fields to establish what fees the system assesses. You can assess late fees as a percentage of the late charge or as a flat amount. You can also use a combination of these methods.

Amount Past Due

Enter an amount past due for this late fee. This is the minimum amount that a charge must be past due before the system assesses a late fee.

Minimum Due

Enter a minimum due amount for this late fee. This is the minimum payment that must be made to prevent further late charges.

Init Aging % (initial aging percentage)

Enter a percentage value in this field that you want to charge as the initial late fee assessment.

Note. If you do not enter a value in this field, then the system does not charge an initial percentage for the first late fee. The value in this field can be the same as the one that you enter in the Percent field.

Init Flat Amount (initial flat amount)

Enter a flat amount charge in this field that you want to charge as the initial late fee assessment.

Note. If you do not enter a value in this field, then the system does not charge an initial flat amount for the first late fee. The value in this field can be the same as the one that you enter in the Flat Amount field.


Enter a percentage value in this field that you want to charge for all late fee assessments after the initial assessment.

Flat Amount

Enter an amount in this field that you want to charge for all late fee assessments after the initial assessment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging Category Information for Late Fees

Access the Late Fees Setup 2 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 2).

Note. Enter information on this page only if you select the Use Aging Category check box on the Late Fees Setup 1 page. If the Use Aging Category check box is not selected, these fields will be unavailable.

Aging Set

Enter the aging set for this late fee.

Flat Amt Calc (flat amount calculation)

Select to calculate late fees using flat amounts. Values are:

Use Oldest: Select to calculate late fees based on the flat amount of the oldest charge only.

Sum Categories: Select to calculate late fees by applying the flat amount for each charge.

Percent Calc (percent calculation)

Select to calculate late fees based on the percentage of outstanding charges. Values are:

Use Oldest: Select to calculate late fees based on the sum of the outstanding charges multiplied by the percentage that is associated with the oldest charge.

Sum Categories: Select to calculate late fees by multiplying each outstanding charge by its associated percentage and summing the total.

Note. You can use a combination of the Use Oldest and Sum Categories values or the same value in both the Flat Amt Calc and Percent Calc fields. The values that you select indicate the manner in which the system calculates the rules that you define for each of your aging categories.

Defining Aging Category Rules for the Late Fee Scheme

You can assess late fees as a percentage of the late charge, or as a flat amount. You can also use a combination of these methods.

Past Due

Enter the minimum amount past due that makes a student or external organization subject to late fees.

Percent and Flat Amount

Enter the percent, flat amount, or both of late fees that the system assesses.

Min Due (minimum due)

Enter the minimum due for the minimum late fee due.

See Also

Setting Up Aging Sets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Late Fee Maximums and Due Dates

Access the Late Fees Setup 3 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 3).

Note. If you selected the Use Aging Category option on the Late Fees Setup 1 page, all check boxes except Apply Anticipated Aid are unavailable.

Exclude Disputed Items

Select to exclude items that are being disputed from late fee charges.

Exclude Credit Items

Select to disregard items with a credit balance from calculation of late fee charges.

Exclude Small Items and Item Min (item minimum)

Select to exclude items below a certain threshold from late fee charges. In the Item Min field, enter the accompanying item minimum to establish the threshold.

New Item Nbr (new item number)

Select to identify each assessed late fee separately on a student's account. For example, if your institution charged late fees in May, June, and July, you will see three separate entries for late fees. If you clear this option, all late fees appear as one entry on the student's account (although you can drill down to see the assessment detail).

CAP Fees (capitalize fees)

Select to add late fees to the total balance due (capitalize). When late fees are capitalized, they become subject to late fees and interest.

Apply Anticipated Aid

Select if you want to reduce the amount of overdue charges by anticipated financial aid.

Eff Term (effective term) and Nbr of Days (number of days)

Enter the effective term of the anticipated aid and the number of days from the award date that you continue to consider anticipated aid as a reduction to charge

Maximum Late Fees

Yearly, Term, and Monthly

On a yearly, term, and monthly basis, enter the maximum monetary amount that you want to collect in late fees. In the Nbr field, enter the maximum number of months, terms, or years for which you want to collect late fees.

Year Start and Year Stop

If you enter a maximum amount in the Yearly field, enter the month and day for the year start and year stop that defines your institution's time span.

Due Info (due information)

Due Date

Select a due date option to establish the payment due date for late charges.

Warning! Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Days from Posted Date: Select this option if you want late fees to be due a specified number of days after they are posted to the account.

Days from Effective Date: Select this option if you want the late fees to be due a specified number of days after the effective date of the late fees charge.

Null Value: Select this option if you want to use the Null Due Date value that you established in SF Installation setup. Using this option enables you to set a due date during the billing process.

Due Days

Enter the number of days after the due date that you want late fee charges to be due.

Note. This field is not available if you select Null Value in the Due Date field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Academic Programs for Late Fees

Access the Late Fees Setup 4 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Setup 4).

All Programs

Select to have students in all academic programs included in the calculation for a late fee scheme. If you select this option, the Institution, Acad Prog (academic program), All Acad Loads (all academic loads), and Acad Load (academic load) fields become unavailable.

Blank Program

Select if a late fee scheme applies to a nonstudent without an academic program, such as a faculty member who is not enrolled in your institution as a student.

Note. A late fee scheme can apply to both students and nonstudents, so you may have a late fee scheme for which you select both All Programs and Blank Program.

Late Fee Schemes for Individual Programs

If you do not select the All Programs check box, you must indicate which academic programs are included in the late fee scheme. At least one academic program must be defined.


Enter an institution for this late fee scheme.

Acad Prog (academic program)

Enter an academic program for this late fee scheme.

All Acad Loads (all academic loads)

Select to have all academic loads included in this late fee scheme. If you select this option, the Acad Load field becomes unavailable.

Acad Load (academic load)

Select an academic load for this late fee scheme.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Late Fees - Billing

This section provides an overview of late fees – billing and discusses how to defining Late Fees - Billing Parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Late Fees Billing

To supplement the Late Fees process, Campus Solutions offers an alternative Late Fees calculation process

While Late Fees uses past-due amounts, aging categories, or both to calculate late fees, Late Fees - Billing compares the amount due from a specified billing record with the amount of payments or credits on the account. If the payments or credits are less than the amount due, the student is assessed a late fee.

Late Fees - Billing enables you to:

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Late Fees - Billing


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees — Billing

Set up parameters for late fees - billing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSet up Late Fees - Billing Parameters

Access the Late Fees - Billing page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees - Billing).

Late Fee Run Minimum

Enter a minimum balance for the run.


Enter a maximum balance for the run.

Late Fee Period Maximum

Enter a maximum late fee amount for the period.

Period From Date

Note. Indicate the from date to be used for determining previously assessed late fees (part of period maximum calculation).

Service Impact

Enter a positive service impact to prevent late fee assessment

Account Type

Indicate the account type to be used to post the late fee.

Late Fee Item Type

Indicate the item type to be used to post the late fee.

Offset Group

Enter the offset item group to be used to identify credits that should be applied for processing.

Exclude Charge Reversals

Select to indicate whether reversals should be included when the system is determining the charge adjustments. These are charge reversals from charges that have already been billed.

Late Fee Rules

From Amount

Identify a minimum amount for the range.

To Amount

Identify a maximum amount for the range.

Late Fee Flat Amount

Optionally, indicate a flat amount for the late fee. You must have at least the flat amount or the percentage set up.

Late Fee Percentage

Optionally, indicate a percentage amount for the late fee.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up External File Layouts

To set up external file layouts, use the External File Layouts component (BANK_INPUT_FILE).

This section provides an overview of external file layouts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External File Layouts

Student Financials enables you to import charge and payment information from outside sources. For example, many institutions have housing and parking management applications from third-party vendors. Or you may use a lock box service to receive and record payments. This information is imported into the Student Financials application using a file transfer process.

Field Positions and Lengths

Each piece of information in an external file is defined by a starting character position and a field length. Certain types of data (for example date fields) do not require a length definition because they have a fixed length. Consult the data provider to determine the correct definition.

Control Data

You must also set the location and length of the control data. This information is loaded into the Group Control Information. It is used to compare what the data source indicates they have sent to what was actually received, loaded, and posted. Control data also includes the origin code and the currency code. Control data may be located in the file header or trailer.

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Record Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types

Define basic file layout parameters.

Field Details 1


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Field Details 1

Define the first set of field positions and lengths.

Field Details 2


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Field Details 2

Define the second set of field positions and lengths.

Field Details 3


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Field Details 3

Define the third set of field positions and lengths.

Control Totals


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Control Totals

Defining locations and lengths of control data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic File Layout Parameters

Access the Record Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types).

Use Header Flag and Use Trailer Flag

Select to indicate to the system to look for information in the header position, trailer position, or both.


Enter any specific information that you want included in the file trailer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Field Positions and Lengths

Access the Field Details 1 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Field Details 1).

Note. Use the Field Details 2 page and the Field Details 3 page to define positions and lengths for additional fields.


To activate a field, select the Use check box next to it. The Customer ID, Amount, and Item Type fields are required.

Start and Length

Enter the start position and length for any applicable fields.


Enter the format for any applicable fields.


Enter the default for any applicable fields.


Enter a prefix value if one is required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Locations and Lengths of Control Data

Access the Control Totals page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, External File Layouts, Record Types, Control Totals).


To activate a field, select the Use check box next to it.

Start and Length

Enter the start position and length for any applicable fields.


Enter the default for any applicable fields.

Control Field Location

Header or Trailer

Select either header or trailer to indicate where control values can be found.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item Reasons

To set up item reasons, use the Item Reasons component (ITEM_REASONS).

Item reasons provide brief explanations for payment and charge reversals. They provide background information to auditors and staff.

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Item Reasons


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Item Reasons

Set up item reasons.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payroll Deduction

To set up payroll deduction, use the Identify SA Deduction Codes component (SSF_SA_DED_TBL), the Create Deduction Relationship component (SF_PAYDED_RELATION), and the Create Payment Plans component (TP_PAYMENT_PLAN).

This section provides an overview of payroll deduction and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payroll Deduction

Student Financials enables university employees to pay tuition, fees, and other educational expenses through payroll deductions. For applicable employees, PeopleSoft Payroll for North America calculates the payroll deductions to be used to pay student charges. Student Financials then takes those payroll deductions and applies them as payments to the appropriate student accounts. You also can restrict the payroll deduction payment to a payment plan account. In addition, this new feature enables you to apply payroll deductions from one employee to the account of a student with a different ID. This allows, for example, a university employee, who has a dependent who attends that same university, to have deductions from his paycheck apply to his dependent's student account.

Note. Close coordination between your PeopleSoft Payroll for North America and Student Financials staff is crucial to properly process payroll deductions.

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SA Payroll Deduction Codes


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Identify SA Deduction Codes, SA Payroll Deduction Codes

Define payroll deduction codes.

Payroll Deduction Relationship


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Create Deduction Relationship, Payroll Deduction Relationship

Define payroll deduction relationships.

Payment Plan 1


Student Financials, Payment Plans, Create Payment Plan

Assigning payroll deduction codes to payment plans

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payroll Deduction Codes

Access the SA Payroll Deduction Codes page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Identify SA Deduction Codes, SA Payroll Deduction Codes).

These are payroll deduction codes that PeopleSoft Payroll for North America uses to deduct funds to be applied to student charges in Student Financials.

Plan Type

Enter the value of the plan type that applies to the payroll deduction code.

Deduction Code

Enter the appropriate deduction code.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Defining Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payroll Deduction Relationships

Access the Payroll Deduction Relationship page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Create Deduction Relationship, Payroll Deduction Relationship).

Defining payroll deduction relationships for an employee, specifying the recipients of the employee's payroll deductions is optional.

The page displays the ID of the employee whose pay is being deducted. The name of the employee appears to the left.

Deduction Code

Enter the code of the payroll deduction that the system applies to the recipient.

Related ID

Enter the ID of the student whom you want to receive the deducted funds.

Expiration Date

Enter the date after which deducted funds no longer apply to the account of the student selected in the Related ID field. After this date, the system applies any payroll deductions to the account of the employee whose pay is being deducted.

Note. You can define only one related ID per deduction code. Defining a payroll deduction relationship is necessary only to apply a deduction to someone other than the employee receiving the payroll deduction. If an employee's payroll deduction is to be applied to his or her own student account, do not complete this page for that employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Payroll Deduction Codes to Payment Plans

Access the Payment Plan 1 page (Student Financials, Payment Plans, Create Payment Plan). In the Payroll Deduction field, enter the code of the payroll deduction that applies to the payment plan account.

Note. Assigning a payroll deduction code to a payment plan is necessary only if you plan to restrict payroll deductions to apply to payment plan accounts. In addition, you must be sure that you select the Use Payment Plan check box when you run the Payroll Deduction Group Create process to restrict payroll deductions to apply to payment plan accounts.

See Also

Defining Basic Payment Plan Contract Parameters