Processing ePayment Transactions

This chapter provides an overview of ePayment transactions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ePayment Transactions

PeopleSoft Student Financials enables your institution to receive payments for charges by eCheck or credit card through cashiering and over the web using self-service functionality. The rules that your institution defines for accepting, verifying, and authorizing transactions are established when you set up your Student Financials (SF) merchant and SF institution set.

After a credit card transaction takes place, the following steps occur during the completion of a transaction:

  1. Through real time or batch authorization, your system transfers the credit card number and payment request to the payment provider.

  2. The payment provider routes the transaction to the merchant bank and then to the credit card company.

  3. The credit card provider routes the payment request to the bank that issued the card, if applicable.

  4. The bank or credit card company authorizes or declines the transaction, transfers the result back to the credit card provider, then transfers the result back to you.

  5. Your system generates a capture request in real time or in batch. It routes the capture request to the issuing bank and the bank approves the money to be routed to the merchant account.

When the student submits an electronic check payment:

  1. The transaction is transmitted to the school's payment provider.

  2. The payment provider forwards the bank account number and routing number to the corresponding payment processor.

  3. The payment processor validates the transaction and transmits the result back to the payment provider.

  4. The payment provider forwards the results back to the PeopleSoft system.

  5. The results of the transaction are presented back to the student.

The check is subsequently submitted by the payment provider for settlement to the ACS System.

See Also

Setting Up SF Merchants


Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing ePayment Service Requests

Student Financials provides a batch process that authorizes, captures, and credits submitted credit card transactions, or debits and credits eCheck transactions.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process ePayment Service Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Credit Card Processing


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Process Credit Cards, Credit Card Processing

Process submitted credit card transactions.

eCheck Processing


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Process Electronic Check, eCheck Processing

Process submitted eCheck transactions.

Security Code Purge Process


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Security Code Purge, Security Code Purge Process

Purge Security Code data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Submitted Credit Card Transactions

Access the Credit Card Processing page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Process Credit Cards, Credit Card Processing).

SF Merchant ID (Student Financials merchant ID)

Select the ID of the SF merchant whose transactions you want to process.

Service Request

Hosted transactions cannot be authorized or captured in batch.

The Real-Time Authorization and Real-Time Capture check boxes on the SF Merchants page are selected by default and are not available for edit for hosted payment providers.

See Processing ePayment Service Requests.

Authorize and Capture

Select to authorize and capture any credit card transactions that have not yet been authorized for the SF merchant ID selected. If you set up your SF merchant ID to not authorize or capture in real time, you must run the batch process with this check box selected to authorize and capture your credit card transactions.


Select to capture any credit card transactions that have been authorized, but not captured. If you set up your SF merchant ID to authorize in real time, but not to capture in real time, you must run the batch process with this check box selected to capture your credit card transactions.

Note. Even if you authorize credit card transactions in real time, you might have connection errors with your credit card processing vendor. When this happens, your transactions fail and remain unauthorized. Therefore, you eventually need to run the batch process with the Authorize and Capture check box selected to process those failed transactions.


Select to credit the credit card accounts of students whose credit card transactions have been refunded, voided, or reversed.

Note. If you intend to process credits originating from a refund using the batch process, be sure that you have already run the Process ePayment Refunds process (SFPCCBAT). It generates the student refund credits that you send to the web credit card processing vendor using the Credit Card Processing batch process.

Credit Card Transaction Source


Select to process credit card transactions from all sources using the same SF merchant ID.


Select to process credit card transactions in order to view historical Admissions data. You must also specify an academic institution and application center.

Application Center

In order to view historical Application Center data, select an application center for the processing of admissions deposits.


Select to process credit card transactions from cashiering offices. You must also specify a business unit and cashier's office.

Self Service

Select to process credit card transactions from self-service sources.

Other Fields

Re-Post Self Service Errors

Select to post any transactions that previously failed to post due to setup or system errors.

To create a file log or troubleshoot batch credit card transactions, use Application Designer: Open the Business Interlink (CREDITCARD_TRANSACTION), click on the Input tab, and change the default value of Trace to Y.

See Also

Refunding Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Submitted eCheck Transactions

Access the eCheck Processing page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Electronic Check, eCheck Processing).


Select to debit any eCheck transactions that have not yet been debited for the SF merchant ID selected. This is not applicable for hosted payment transactions.


Select to credit the eCheck accounts of students whose eCheck transactions have been refunded, voided, or reversed.

Institution Set

Select the institution set for which you are processing eCheck transactions.

Re-Post Self Service Errors

Select to post any transactions that previously failed to post due to setup or system errors.

To create a file log or troubleshoot batch eCheck transactions, use Application Designer: Open the Business Interlink (ECHECK_TRANSACTION), click on the Input tab, and change the default value of Trace to Y.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Security Code Data

Access the Security Code Purge Process page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Security Code Purge, Security Code Purge Process).

The Security Code that is located on credit cards is a security feature for card not present transactions such as Internet transactions. The Security Code is sent to the issuing bank at the time of authorization. The merchant can stop the transaction if the Security Code is invalid.

The Security Code is supported only if you use the Integration Broker based interface for processing credit card transactions. Collecting the Security Code at the time of the ePayment transaction can lower your transaction costs.

Payment Application Best Practices require software vendors to delete Security Code data stored in any tables after the transaction is completed. Security Code data is stored encrypted in the SSF_PAYMENT_CVV table. The row is retained only as long as authorization is pending.

In real time transactions, the Security Code record is deleted immediately after submission and transmission of authorization and/or capture transaction.

For batch authorizations, a lag time can exist between the submission of a self-service or administrative transaction and the authorization of the transaction.

The Security Code Purge process is intended as a fail-safe measure to ensure that the Security code is either processed or purged from the system in a reasonable amount of time.

See Setting Up ePayment Processing.

See Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Canceling Self-Service ePayment Transactions

Student Financials enables you to review and cancel submitted payments that are not yet authorized or posted to the student account.

This section discusses how to view self-service credit card transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review and Cancel Self-Service ePayment Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain ePayment Transaction


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Maintain ePayment Transaction

View and cancel self-service credit card transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Canceling Self-Service Credit Card Transactions

Access the Maintain ePayment Transaction page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Maintain ePayment Transaction).

Reference Nbr (reference number)

Displays the unique reference number that the system assigns to each credit card transaction.


Displays the ID of the student who made the credit card transaction.

Posting Status

Indicates whether the Student Financials system successfully posted each transaction. Values are:

Errors: The transaction encountered errors during posting.

Pending: The system has not yet posted the transaction.

Successful: The system successfully posted the transaction.


Indicates where the transaction originated. Values are:

Application Center: The transaction originated from an admissions office application center.

Cashiering: The transaction originated from a cashiering office.

Payment: The transaction originated from the self-service Make a Payment page.

Refund: The transaction originated from the Student Financials Refund process.

Reversal: The transaction originated from the Payment Reversals page.

Reversal Status

If you reversed the transaction, this field Indicates whether the system successfully processed the reversal. Values are:

Errors: The system encountered errors during the reversal.

Successful: The system successfully reversed the transaction.


Click to cancel this transaction.

Note. The Cancel button is available only for transactions that are not posted and authorized.

Authorization Information

Information appears in this group box when a self-service credit card transaction has been authorized.

Credit Card Authorization DTTM (credit card authorization date and time)

Displays the date and time that the credit card processing vendor authorized the credit card transaction.

Credit Card Request ID

Displays the unique ID that the credit card processing vendor assigns to each transaction.

Credit Card Authorization Code

Displays the unique authorization code sent by the bank to the credit card processing vendor.


Displays the original date of the credit card transaction.

Authorization Reply

Displays the authorization reply code that was received from the credit card processing vendor for each transaction.

Credit Card AVS Return Code (credit card address verification system code)

Displays the address verification code that the credit card processing vendor sends to the Student Financials system. The code indicates whether the address that was sent with the transaction matches the credit card company's records. If you set the system not to perform address verification for a transaction, the AVS Code column is blank for that transaction.

Values are:

X (Exact): The address and the 9-digit zip code match.

Y (Yes): The address and the 5-digit zip code match.

A (Address): The address matches, but the 5-digit zip code does not.

W (Whole zip): The address does not match, but the 9-digit zip code does.

Z (Zip): The address does not match, but the 5-digit zip code does.

N (No): Neither the address nor the zip code match.

U (Unavailable): Information is unavailable or the card-issuing bank does not support AVS.

S (Unsupported): The card-issuing bank does not support AVS.

R (Retry): The system of the card-issuing bank is unavailable.

E (Edit Error): The transaction is ineligible for AVS or an edit error occurred.

Posting Message

Information appears in this group box when a self-service credit card transaction has been posted.

Business Unit

Displays the description of the business unit within which the transactions were processed.

Message Set Number and Message Number

If any errors occurred or warnings were issued during the processing of this transaction, use the message set number and the message number to locate the message explaining what happened.

Error or Warning Flag

Indicates whether the system encountered any errors or generated any warning messages when it posted the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Refunds for ePayments

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Refunds for ePayments

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Student Refund

Create an online refund for a student.

ePayment Refunds


Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Process ePayment Refunds

Generate refund credits in preparation of transmission to your third-party ePayment processor.

Review Refund Messages


Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Review Refund Messages

Review ePayment refund messages.

Batch ePayment Refund Details


Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Batch ePayment Refund Details

Review batch ePayment refund messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Online Student Refunds

Access the Student Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Student Refund).

See Also

Creating Student Refunds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the ePayment Refunds Process

Access the Process ePayment Refunds page (Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Process ePayment Refunds).

See Also

Distributing Refunds to ePayment Accounts

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing ePayment Transactions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review ePayment Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Selection Criteria


  • Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Transaction Log, Selection Criteria

  • Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Payments, Review Pending Transactions, Selection Criteria

Define selection criteria for reviewing specific ePayment transactions.

Transaction Detail


  • Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Transaction Log, Transaction Detail

  • Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Pending Transactions, Transaction Detail

Review ePayment transaction details.

Pending Transaction Detail


Click a reference number link on the Transaction Detail page.

View detailed information about a pending ePayment transaction.



Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Transaction Log, Totals

Review counts and monetary totals of processed ePayment transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Selection Criteria for Reviewing ePayment Transactions

Access the Selection Criteria page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Transaction Log, Selection Criteria).

Depending on the SF merchant ID that you select, the transaction detail displays values for credit cards or eChecks.

Note. If you access this page through the Transaction Log component, a Totals group box appears at the top of this page displaying the total debit and total credit, and a Totals page appears.

Filter Options

Specific and Reference Nbr (reference number)

Select the Specific option to retrieve transaction information for one specific transaction by entering its reference number.


Select to retrieve transaction information related to one person or organization.

ID Type

Specify whether the ID for which you want to retrieve transaction information is a person or organization.

Note. Org is valid only for corporate payments made through cashiering.


Select the ID of the student or organization whose transactions you want to view.


Select to retrieve all transaction information from the sources specified in the Transaction Source Information group box.

Transaction Source Information


Select to retrieve transactions from all sources using the same SF merchant ID.

Note. This selection displays all transactions for the SF merchant ID without regard for security display restrictions.


Select to retrieve transactions from all cashiering offices.

Business Unit

Select to narrow the selection of transactions to cashier's offices that are attached to a specific business unit.

Cashier's Office

Select to narrow the selection of transactions to a specific office.

Receipt Number

Select transaction information from one specific receipt.


Select to retrieve transactions in order to view historical Admissions data.

Academic Institution

Select to narrow the selection of transactions to admissions offices that are part of a specific academic institution.

Application Center

In order to view historical Application Center data, select to narrow the selection of transactions to a particular application center.

Self Service

Select to retrieve transactions from self-service sources.

Institution Set

Select to narrow the selection only to self-service transactions from a specific institution set.

Other Fields and Elements

Credit Card Type

Select the type of credit card used in the transactions that you want to view.

Batch ID

When you run the Process ePayment Refunds process, the system assigns a batch ID to all the credit card transactions that are affected by the process. Specify a batch ID to retrieve information about all the transactions with that particular batch ID.

Transaction Requested

Use this field to filter the retrieved transaction information by the type of transaction requested. Four types of transaction requests are available:

Authorize: Request for authorization of a credit card payment.

Auth/Capt: Request for authorization and capture of a credit card payment.

Credit: Request for an amount to be credited (refunded) to a credit card account.

Capture: Request for capture of a credit card payment.


Click to select all credit card transactions that meet your selection criteria. The system displays this information on the Transaction Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing ePayment Transaction Details

Access the Transaction Detail page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Electronic Transactions, Electronic Payments, Review Transaction Log, Transaction Detail).

Note. Multiple views of this page are available when you click the tabs in the scroll area. This section documents elements common to all views first.

Common Page Information

Reference Nbr (reference number)

Lists the unique reference number that the system assigns to each credit card transaction. Click the Reference Nbr link to access the Pending Transaction Detail page, where you can review detailed information about the transaction.

Seq (sequence)

Lists the sequence number that the system assigns to every activity for a given transaction reference number.

Note. A sequence number of zero means that submitted transactions are pending (no processing has taken place by the credit card vendor).


Lists the original date of each transaction.


Lists the ID of the student or external organization who made each transaction.


Lists the monetary amount of each transaction.

General Tab


Lists the type of transaction requested. A blank value in this field indicates that the transaction is awaiting background processing.

Auth Code (authorization code)

Lists the unique authorization code that was sent by the bank to the credit card processing vendor.

Card Nbr (card number)

Lists the last four digits of the credit card number that was used for each transaction.

Card Type

Lists the type of credit card that was used for each transaction.


Indicates where the transaction originated.

Refund Tab

Batch ID

When you run the Process ePayment Refunds process, the system assigns a batch ID to all the credit card transactions affected by the process. This heading lists the batch ID that is assigned to each transaction.


Lists the business unit that processed each refund.

Refund Nbr (refund number)

Lists the unique number that the system assigns to each refund transaction.


Lists the refund line number.

Self-Service Tab

Institution Set

Lists the institution set within which the transactions were processed.

Business Unit

Lists the business unit within which the transactions were processed.

Err/Warn (error/warning)

Lists whether a warning was issued or an error occurred.


Lists the posting date for each transaction.

Posting Status

Lists whether the Student Financials system successfully posted each transaction. Values are:

Errors: Errors occurred during posting.

Pending: The system has not yet posted the transactions.

Successful: The system successfully posted the transactions.

Cashiering Tab


Lists the business unit associated with the cashiering office that performed the transactions.

Cashier's Office

Lists the cashier's office from which the transaction originated.


Lists the register within the cashier's office from which the transaction originated.

Receipt Nbr (receipt number)

Lists the receipt number of the transaction.


Lists the receipt line number.


Lists the user or process that initiated the transaction. In the case of refunds that necessitate a credit, it lists SFCCBAT, which is the Process ePayment Refunds process.

ID Type

Lists the ID type of the person or organization for whom the transaction applies.

Admissions Tab


Lists the academic institution from which the transaction originated.

Application Center

Lists the application center from which the transaction originated.

Appl Nbr (application number)

Lists the application number for which the payment was made.

Other Trans Tab

View information about ePayment transactions that are processed through third party hosted payment but are not posted to the student account—for example, AAWS application fee payments.


A blank ID value is valid for AAWS transactions.

External Transaction Reference

Displays the unique identifier for the electronic transaction. For AAWS, the value is the application number.

Payment Source Update Status

The outcome of the payment authorization (authorized or declined) updates the status on the Payment Source record. This status is displayed here.

See See Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions chapter. At the time of publication of this PeopleBook (March 2012), the latest version of this chapter is available on My Oracle Support as part of the Bundle 23 Recruiting and Admissions doc package (CS_Bundle_23_Recruiting_and_Admissions _9_0.pdf)-Doc ID 1371376.1.

See Generating Direct to GL Entries.

See Using Student Financials Web Services for Hosted ePayment Transactions.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Self-Service Agreements

This section discusses how to review self-service agreements.

An administrative user can use the Review Self Service Agreements page to review the various self-service agreements that a student has signed.

See Using Student Financials Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Self-Service Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Self Service Agreements


Student Financials, Charges and Payment, Electronic Transactions, Review Self Service Agreements

View self-service agreements text and authentication.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Self-Service Agreements

Access the Review Self Service Agreements page (Student Financials, Charges and Payment, Electronic Transactions, Review Self Service Agreements).


Enter the student or organization ID.

ID Type

Select Person or Organization.

Agreement Number

Enter the agreement number that is automatically assigned when the agreement is transacted during the self-service activity.

Agreement Type

Select an agreement type. Values are 1098_T, Electronic Check, Payment Plan Enrollment, Student Permission, Bank Account, DD Enroll, and DD Change.

To include all agreement types, leave this field blank.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date of the processed agreements.


Click to display the search results in the Details, Text, and Authentication pages.


Agreement Status

Displays the status of the agreement. Values are Accepted and Revoked.


Select the Text tab.

Agreement Text

Displays the text that the student agreed to when performing the self-service activity.

Note. The text in this field varies according to the agreement type used by the student.


Select the Authentication tab.

Authentication Method

Displays the method by which the student authenticated his or her identity. Values are NID (national id), Birthdate, PIN (personal identification number) and No Auth (no authentication).