
This chapter provides an overview of cashiering and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cashiering

This section lists common elements and provides an overview of cashiering.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Click to view the first group of receipts.

Click to view the previous group of receipts.

Click to view the next group of receipts.

Click to view the last group of receipts.

Ref Nbr (reference number)

Enter a reference number to help organize and track your transactions. This is not a required field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCashiering

On a daily basis, the cashiering office collects and tracks a large number of transactions when students and other customers pay tuition, library fines, and fees. With the Student Financials cashiering program, you can perform a variety of transactions quickly, securely, and accurately. The inquiry and report features of the system support your audit trails for maintaining integrity in the system. In addition, the system enables you to design how each transaction interacts with the general ledger.

Click to jump to parent topicOpening a Cashiering Office for a Business Day

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Open a Cashiering Office for a Business Day

Page Name

Definition Name



Open Cashier Offices


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Cashier Offices

Open a cashiering office.

Open Registers


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Registers

Open valid registers.

Open Cashiers


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Cashiers

Open valid cashiers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpening a Cashiering Office

Access the Open Cashier Offices page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Cashier Offices).

Current Business Date

Enter the business date for which you want to open the cashiering office. The default value for the field is the system date.

Business Date

This heading displays business dates on which you opened the cashiering office. The system displays all of the business dates on which you opened the cashiering office unless you select a retrieval limit on the Cashiering Offices page during the setup of your cashiering office. For example, if you specify a retrieval limit of 5 for your cashiering office, the Business Date heading displays only the last five dates on which you opened the cashiering office.

Open Cashier Office

Click to open the cashiering office. When you click this button, the Current Business Date field becomes unavailable.

Copy Registers and Cashiers

After you open the cashiering office, you can click this button to copy information regarding the cashiers and registers from one business date to another. If you routinely use the same registers and cashiers from day to day, this button saves you the time and effort involved in having to manually select and open the registers and cashiers on the Open Registers and Open Cashiers pages.

Note. If you do not specify a retrieval limit for your cashiering office during setup, the Business Date heading displays all business dates on which you opened the cashiering office. Eventually, this list of dates will become so long that it can degrade system performance when you open the Open Cashier Offices page.

See Also

Defining a Cashiering Office

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpening Valid Registers

Access the Open Registers page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Registers).


Enter the register that you want to open for the business day. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically selects and opens registers from the copied business day.


Select to open the register for the business day. After you select this check box, it becomes unavailable. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically selects this check box for each copied register.

Tender Key

Enter a tender key to indicate the type of tender that you want the register to be able to use in its transactions. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically inserts the tender keys for each copied register.

Deposit ID (deposit identifier)

This is an optional field to help you track your deposits. Enter the actual bank deposit ID in this field for each tender key. If you are not balancing by register, this field is unavailable.

Opening Balance

Enter an opening balance for each tender key. If you are not balancing by register, this field is unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpening Valid Cashiers

Access the Open Cashiers page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Open Offices, Open Cashiers).


Enter the ID for the cashier that you want to open. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically selects cashiers from the copied business day.


Enter the register that you want this cashier to use. Only registers that you open on the Open Registers page are available to select. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically selects registers from the copied business day.


Select to open this cashier for the business day. After you select this check box, it becomes unavailable. Even if you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, you must still select this check box manually to open the cashier.

Tender Key

Enter a tender key to indicate the type of tender that you want the cashier to be able to use in its transactions. Only the tender keys that you assigned to the selected open register are available to select. In addition, you must have assigned the cashier to the tender key that you are selecting when you set up the tender key. If you click the Copy Registers and Cashiers button on the Open Cashier Offices page, the system automatically inserts the tender keys for each copied cashier.

Deposit ID (deposit identifier)

This is an optional field to help you track your deposits. Enter the actual bank deposit ID in this field for each tender key. If you do not balance by cashier, this field is unavailable.

Opening Balance

If you are balancing by cashier, enter an opening balance for each tender key. If you do not balance by cashier, this field is unavailable.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Cashiering Transactions

This section provides and overview of cashiering transactions, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cashiering Transactions

Using the Cashiering feature of Student Financials, you can process six types of cashiering transactions.

Type of Transaction


Student Payment

A payment tendered by a student. Typically, the system posts a student payment to the student's account. However, a student payment can also represent the purchase of an item (such as books or supplies). In this case, the system may not necessarily post the payment to the student's account.

Corporate Payment

A payment tendered by an external organization. The system posts a corporate payment to the organization's account.

Department Receipt

A transfer of funds through the cashiering office to a department's general ledger account.

Institutions often have offices or departments (such as the housing office, the bookstore, and the athletics office) that take in money on a daily basis or only at certain times of the year. These departments often deposit their funds through the cashiering office to record their accounting information in the institution's general ledger.

Cash Check

An exchange of cash for a check tendered by a customer.

Interim Deposit

A withdrawal of funds from the cashier's drawer to be deposited in the bank during the business day, while the cashier is still open.

Most cashiering offices set limits on how much money they want their cashiers' drawers to have in them. The Cashiering feature enables you to set this limit on a tender-specific basis on the Tender Key page. When one of your cashiers' drawers reaches the set limit, you must take tender out of the drawer so that you can deposit it in the bank.

Cash Replenishment

An addition of funds to a cashier's drawer during the business day, while the cashier is still open, so that the drawer does not run out of money.

Every time that you process one of these transactions, the Cashiering feature creates a receipt in the system. These receipts enable you to track and organize your cashiering transactions.

Note. Both Student Payments and Corporate Payments support hosted payment transactions.

See Setting Up ePayment Processing.

See Defining the Transaction Setup of a Cashiering Office.

See Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Cashiering Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Payments


Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Student Payments, Student Payments

Accept student payments in hosted and non-hosted payment modes.

Select Charges To Pay


Click the Select Charges to Pay link on the Student Payments page or the Corporate Payments page.

Allocate student payments to specific charges.

Corporate Payments


Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Corporate Payments

Accept corporate payments in hosted and non-hosted modes.

Select Students to Pay


Click the Select Students to Pay link on the Corporate Payments page.

Allocate corporate payments to sponsored charges.

Third Party Info (third-party information)


Click the Third Party Info link on the Corporate Payments page.

Create third-party tracking information for corporate payments.

Department Receipts


Student Financials, Cashiering, Collect Department Receipts

Create department receipts.

Cash Checks


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Checks

Cash checks.

Interim Deposits


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Make Interim Deposits, Interim Deposits

Process interim deposits.

Cash Replenishment


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Replenish Cash, Cash Replenishment

Create a cash replenishment when adding funds to a cashiering drawer.

Currency Conversion


Click the Currency Detail link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, the Department Receipts page, or the Cash Checks page.

Select exchange rates for cashiering transactions processed with foreign currency.

Check Information


Click the Tender Details link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, the Department Receipts page, or the Cash Checks page. This link accesses the Check Information page only if you select a check tender in the Tender field.

Enter check information for cashiering transactions.

Some of these details appear on the receipt for tracking and auditing purposes.

Credit Card Information


Click the Tender Details link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, or the Department Receipts page. This link accesses the Credit Card Information page only if you select a credit card tender in the Tender field of the respective page and only for non-hosted payments.

Enter credit card information for cashiering transactions for non-hosted payments using Business Interlink or Integration Broker, but not for hosted payments.

Some of these details appear on the receipt for tracking and auditing purposes.

For the Department Receipt, the credit card information is only stored. It is not processed by the third party vendor. The credit card authorization for the Department Receipt must be done outside of Campus Solutions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccepting Student Payments

Access the Student Payments page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Student Payments, Student Payments).

You can process credit card payments on the Student Payments page using hosted payment or non-hosted payment mode, depending on your setup.

See Setting Up ePayment Processing.

See Defining the Transaction Setup of a Cashiering Office.

See Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

The following documentation about the Student Payments page is based on non-hosted payment mode. For information about hosted payment mode, see the Hosted Payment subsection later within this section of documentation.

Select Charges to Pay

Click to access the Select Charges to Pay page, where you can specify to which charges to apply the payment to. You can pay only charges that are associated with the target key that you select in the Target Detail group box. If you select more than one target key in the Target Detail group box, the Select Charges to Pay page is not available. If you select Apply Payments by Invoice on the SF Installation 2 page, the Select Charges to Pay link cannot be used.

Note. The Target,Tax, Tender, and Change fields display the correct totals only after you click the Refresh button. If you make a change to any of the fields in the Target Detail group box or the Tender Detail group box, you must click the Refresh button for those changes to register in the display fields.

Target Detail


Enter a target key for the student payment. You define target keys using the Target Keys component (TARGET_KEYS).

If the target key that you select is associated with a tax authority, the system automatically inserts an additional target key for the tax. This is the secondary target key that you designated for the tax authority when you assigned the tax authority to the primary target key during target key setup.

Note. Restrict payment by invoice

If your institution specifies that it will apply payments by invoice, you can restrict payments to an invoice. When the target key is associated with an invoice cash or check payment, the cashier can restrict or select an invoice for which the payment is applied. The Restricted by Invoice label appears if Apply Payments by Invoice is selected on the SF Installation 2 page, the Cashier Target key is defined as Post on the Target Keys - Definition page and the Apply Payments by Invoice check box is selected in the Posting Parameters group box on the Target Keys - Definition page.


Enter the target amount. The system populates this field automatically if you specify a default amount when you define the selected target key. If necessary, you can override the target amount to match the amount that the student tenders for payment.

If the system automatically inserts a tax target key, it supplies the appropriate target amount.


Enter the term to be associated with this payment. This defines the current term to be used in the payment allocation rules. If this field is left blank, the term will be derived from the option selected on the SF Business Unit>Posting Setup>Default Term Control field.

Tender Detail

You can create student payments with both cash and check tenders, but credit card tender payments must be processed separately from other tenders. For example, a student has charges for tuition, books, and housing in the amount of 1,465 USD. The student pays 1,000 USD by credit card, 400 USD by check, and 65 USD by cash. Using two tender types, you can combine the check and cash payments into a single student payment for 465 USD, but you must create a separate student payment for the 1,000 USD credit card payment. This is necessary because when the system applies a student payment made with a credit card, it associates the payment with a payment reference number that it uses for processing. This reference number is particularly important when you are issuing refunds for credit card payments.

See Creating Student Refunds.

See Distributing Refunds to ePayment Accounts.


This information applies if you use non-hosted payment mode.

Select a value to identify the method of payment that the student is using. If you enter check or credit card, the Check Information page or Credit Card Information page appear automatically.

You can also access these pages by clicking the Tender Details link.

Note. For information about the hosted payment process, refer to the Hosted Payment section.


Enter the amount tendered. If you selected a target key with a default amount, the system automatically supplies that default tender amount. In addition, if you click the Refresh button or the Create Receipt button without entering a tender amount, the system automatically populates this field with the amount that you specified for the target. If the currency tendered is not the base currency that you selected during the setup of your cashiering office, select the correct currency in the field to the right of the Amount field.

Currency Detail

If the student tenders foreign currency for the payment, click this link to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select the method that the system uses to convert the currency.

Deposit ID

If you assigned a deposit ID to the selected tender key when you opened the cashiering office, it appears in this field.

Tender Details

This information applies if you use non-hosted mode.

If you select a check tender as the tender key, click this link to access the Check Information page, where you enter specific information about the check tendered.

If you select a credit card tender as the tender key, click this link to access the Credit Card Information page, where you enter specific information about the credit card used.

For information about these pages refer to the Entering Credit Card Information for Cashiering Transactions and Entering Credit Card Information for Cashiering Transactions later in this chapter.

Some of the tender details that you enter appear on your receipts for tracking and auditing purposes.

Note. For information about the hosted payment process, refer to the Hosted Payment section.


When you create a receipt for a credit card payment and you authorize the payment in real time, the Message field displays the status of the transaction.

Using the Go to Links

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page, where you can view a student's personal and academic information.

Student Account

Click to access the Customer Accounts page, where you can view a student's account information.

View Anticipated Aid

Click to access the Anticipated Aid Details page, where you can view details about the financial aid that the student is anticipated to receive. This link appears on the page only if the student has anticipated financial aid.

Using the Student Payment Buttons

Calculate Tuition

Click to calculate tuition for the student making the payment. This button is available only if you select the Auto Calculate Tuition check box on the Tuition Calculation Controls page.

Create Receipt, Print Receipt, and Create and Print Receipt

Note. For information about the hosted payment process, refer to the Hosted Payment section.

The label and functionality of this button changes according to the automatic receipt printing setup of your valid cashiers and valid registers.

If you are not printing automatically, the label of this button is Create Receipt. Click it to create a receipt for the student payment. If you set up your cashiering office for no posting delay, the system posts the payment. Depending on the setup of the SF merchant ID assigned to your cashiering office, this button may also trigger the authorization and capture of any student payments that are made with a credit card.

When you click the Create Receipt button, the label changes to Print Receipt. Click it to print the receipt using Forms Engine. Forms Engine generates the receipt and sends it to the appropriate printer as specified on the Valid Registers page.

If you are printing automatically, the label of this button is Create and Print Receipt. Click it to simultaneously create the receipt and print it using Forms Engine.

Note. If your institution specifies that it will apply payments by invoice, the Receipt Detail page will indicate an invoice number.

Note. If you select Delay posting or Group Post in the Posting field during the setup of your cashiering office, the system does not post the student payment when you click the Create Receipt button. You must post your payments using the Post Receipts page if you selected Delay posting or the Group Posting page if you selected Group Post.

Note. If you do not select the Use Forms Engine for Receipts check box on the Cashiering Offices page, click the Print Receipt button or the Create and Print Receipt button to create a printable receipt using the specified print product (Crystal or other print method). In this case, you must navigate to Report Manager to view and print the receipt.

New Transaction

After you create a receipt, click to return to the Student Payments dialog page to process another student payment.

Declined Credit Card

In non-hosted payment mode, if a credit card is declined, the Create Receipt button label becomes the Re-create Receipt button. You cannot make changes to the tender type—in the Tender Detail group box, the Tender field is not available for edit and the Add and Delete row buttons are not available. You have 2 options:

For information about hosted payment mode, refer to the Hosted Payment section.

Hosted Payment


For hosted payments, when you select credit card as the tender, the Credit Card Information page does not appear. Instead, you should ensure that the receipt is complete and then click on the Tender Details link to access the third party hosted site and enter credit card details. Clicking the Tender Details link causes the receipt details to be validated and invokes the ePayment API using the SF_PMT_REF_NBR as the merchant reference. The API retrieves the Cashier payment details using Cashiering application classes, and transfers control to the third party host. Alternatively, you can click the Create Receipt button to start the same processing.

Input credit card details on the third party hosted site page.

Fields that appear on the third party page might be configurable, depending on the level of customization that the third party allows.

If you click Cancel, you are taken back to the Receipt page on which a message appears advising that the payment has been cancelled. The receipt cannot be used and you must start a new transaction.

If you click Continue you return to the Student Payments page where you can authorize payment. Click the Authorize and Print button to change the SF_PAYMENT status to Submitted and invoke the ePayment API to authorize the payment. The authorization results, credit card type, and last 4 digits of the credit card are saved in the SF_PAYMENT record and the Receipt record.

If the authorization is successful, the Receipt page appears:

If the credit card is declined, the Student Payments page appears with a message: Transaction was declined.

New Transaction

If you click this button, you are taken to the Student Post search page, with the assumption that a new receipt will be created. A new SF_PAYMENT record is created with the receipt number and an Initiated status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAllocating Student Payments to Specific Charges

Access the Select Charges To Pay page (click the Select Charges to Pay link on the Student Payments page or the Corporate Payments page).

Pay Amount

Enter the amount that you want to pay toward the item on the student's account. Remember that you can select only charges associated with the target key that you select in the Target Detail group box on the Student Payments page or the Corporate Payments page. This field is unavailable for all other items on a student's account.

After you select your charges to pay and click the OK button, the fields in the Target Details group box on the Student Payment page become unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccepting Corporate Payments

Access the Corporate Payments page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Corporate Payments).

You can process credit card payments on the Corporate Payments page using hosted payment or non-hosted payment mode, depending on your setup.

See Setting Up ePayment Processing.

See Defining the Transaction Setup of a Cashiering Office.

The following documentation about the Corporate Payments page is based on non-hosted payment mode. For information about hosted payment mode, see the Hosted Payment section in the Student Payments page documentation.

With the exception of the following three links, this page is identical to the Student Payments page.

Note. The following links cannot be used if the institution uses Apply Payments by Invoice.

Select Students to Pay

Click to access the Select Students to Pay page, where you can specify the sponsored charges to which the system applies the corporate payment.

Third Party Info (third-party information)

Click to access the Third Party Info page, where you can enter tracking information if your corporate payment is associated with a third-party contract.

Corp Account (corporate account)

Click to access the Corporate Accounts page, where you can view the account information of a corporation.

Note. Restrict payment by invoice.

If your institution specifies that it will apply payments by invoice, you can restrict payments to an invoice. When the target key is associated with an invoice cash or check payment, the cashier can restrict or select an invoice for which the payment is applied. The Restricted by Invoice label appears if Apply Payments by Invoice is selected on the SF Installation 2 page, the Cashier Target key is defined as Post on the Target Keys - Definition page and the Apply Payments by Invoice check box is selected in the Posting Parameters group box on the Target Keys - Definition page.

See Also

Accepting Student Payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAllocating Corporate Payments to Sponsored Charges

Access the Select Students Pay page (click the Select Students to Pay link on the Corporate Payments page).


Enter the ID of the student whose charges the organization wants to pay. Only students included in the organization's third-party contract are available in the pick list.

All Terms

Select to apply the corporate payment to every term in which the sponsored student has a charge. If you select this check box, you cannot select a specific pay term.

Pay Term

If you do not select the All Terms check box, use this field to apply the corporate payment to sponsored student charges that are associated with only one specific term.


This field displays the total amount of the sponsored student's charges to which the system can apply the corporate payment.

EmplID Org Detail (employee ID organization detail)

Click to access the Item Information page, where you can view the specific sponsored charges of the selected student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Third-Party Tracking Information for Corporate Payments

Access the Third Party Info page (click the Third Party Info link on the Corporate Payments page).

Contract Number

Enter the number of the third-party contract that you want to associate with this corporate payment.

Contract ID

Enter the student ID of the third-party contract member that you want to associate with the corporate payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Department Receipts

Access the Department Receipts page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Collect Department Receipts).

Note. If your institution does not use PeopleSoft General Ledger or Oracle General Ledger, the Ext GL Chartfield (external general ledger ChartField) field appears in the Target Detail group box instead of the standard ChartFields.

Receipt Status

The system displays the status of the department receipt in this field. Before you click the Create Receipt button, this field displays the Not Posted value. After you click the Create Receipt button, the value changes to Processed if approval of the department receipt is not required. If approval is required, the value changes to Pending when you click the Create Receipt button.


Click this link to select the chart of accounts to which your department receipt posts or enter the ChartField values in the display field.

Target Detail

Instead of specifying a target key as you do for student and corporate payments, you must select the chart of accounts to which your department receipt posts. In addition, if tax is associated with the department receipt, you must manually add a target row for the tax and specify its tax authority. For example, if you were processing a department receipt for 550 USD, of which 50 USD were tax, you would enter two target rows. The first nontax target row would be for 500 USD. The second tax target row would be for 50 USD.

Tax Authority

Enter the tax authority that is associated with the amount of tax that you are including in the department receipt. You select a tax authority for the tax target row only.


Enter the monetary amount for the target.


Click to select the chart of accounts to which your department receipt posts.

Click the SpeedType field to enter a SpeedType, which is a predefined set of ChartFields for a department your cashiering office works with regularly. After you enter the SpeedType, the system automatically populates the appropriate general ledger fields.

Tender Detail


Enter the type of tender being used for the department receipt.


Enter the amount of tender for the department receipt.

Currency Detail

If the department receipt involves foreign currency, click this link to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select the method that the system uses to convert the currency.

Deposit ID

If you assigned a deposit ID to the selected tender key when you opened the cashiering office, it appears in this field.

Tender Details

If you enter a check tender as the tender key, click this link to access the Check Information page where you enter specific information about the check tendered.

If you select a credit card tender as the tender key, click this link to access the Credit Card Information page, where you enter specific information about the credit card used.

For the Department Receipt, the credit card information is only stored. It is not processed by the third party vendor. The credit card authorization for the Department Receipt must be done outside of Campus Solutions.

Using the Department Receipt Buttons

Create Receipt, Print Receipt and Create and Print Receipt

The label and functionality of this button changes according to the automatic receipt printing setup of your valid cashiers and valid registers.

If you are not printing automatically, the label of this button is Create Receipt. Click it to create a department receipt.

When you click the Create Receipt button, the label changes to Print Receipt. Click it to print the receipt using Forms Engine. Forms Engine generates the receipt and sends it to the appropriate printer as specified on the Valid Registers page.

If you are printing automatically, the label of this button is Create and Print Receipt. Click it to simultaneously create the receipt and print it using Forms Engine.

Note. If you do not select the Use Forms Engine for Receipts check box on the Cashiering Offices page, click the Print Receipt button or the Create and Print Receipt button to create a printable receipt using the specified print product (Crystal or other print method). In this case, you must navigate to Report Manager to view and print the receipt.

New Transaction

After you create a receipt, click this button to return to the Department Receipts dialog page so that you can process another department receipt.

See Also

Setting Up Tax Authorities and Tax Codes

(Optional) Creating ChartField SpeedType Keys

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCashing Checks

Access the Cash Checks page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Checks).

Note. The Target, Tax, Tender, and Pay Out Amt fields display the correct totals only after you click the Refresh button. If you make a change to any of the fields in the Target Detail group box or the Tender Detail group box, you must click the Refresh button for those changes to register in the display fields.

Target Detail


The system automatically selects the Check Cashing Fee target key. If you set up your check-cashing target key to tax the check-cashing fee, the system automatically inserts an additional target key for the tax.


The system populates this field automatically with the check-cashing fee that you specified for the cashiering office. The cashier can override the default check-cashing fee.

If the system automatically inserts a tax target key, it supplies the appropriate target amount.

Tender Detail


Enter a check tender. If you press Tab to move out of this field, the system accesses the Check Information page.


Enter the amount of the check being cashed. If the currency tendered is not the base currency that you selected during the setup of your cashiering office, select the correct currency in the field to the right of the Amt field.

Currency Detail

If the student tenders foreign currency for the payment, click this link to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select the method that the system uses to convert the currency.

Deposit ID

If you assigned a deposit ID to the check tender key when you opened the cashiering office, it appears in this field.

Tender Details

Click to access the Check Information page, where you enter specific information about the check tendered.

Using the Go to Links

Student Accounts

Click to access the Student Accounts page, where you can view a student's account information.

Academic Information

Click to access the Student Personal Information page, where you can view a student's personal and academic information.

View Anticipated Aid

Click to access the Anticipated Aid Details page, where you can view details about the financial aid the student is anticipated to receive. This link appears on the page only if the student has anticipated financial aid.

Using the Cash Check Buttons

Create Receipt, Print Receipt and Create and Print Receipt

The label and functionality of this button changes according to the automatic receipt printing setup of your valid cashiers and valid registers.

If you are not printing automatically, the label of this button is Create Receipt. Click it to create a receipt for the cashed check.

When you click the Create Receipt button, the label changes to Print Receipt. Click it to print the receipt using Forms Engine. Forms Engine generates the receipt to the appropriate printer as specified on the Valid Registers page.

If you are printing automatically, the label of this button is Create and Print Receipt. Click it to simultaneously create the receipt and print it using Forms Engine.

Note. If you do not select the Use Forms Engine for Receipts check box on the Cashiering Offices page, click the Print Receipt or Create and Print Receipt button to create a printable receipt using the specified print product (Crystal or other print method). In this case, you must navigate to Report Manager to view and print the receipt.

New Transaction

After you create a receipt, click to return to the Cash Checks dialog page to cash another check.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Interim Deposits

Access the Interim Deposits page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Make Interim Deposits, Interim Deposits).

Tender Detail


Enter the type of tender that you are removing from the drawer.

Item Amount

Enter the amount of tender that you are removing from the drawer. Remember that because you are removing tender from the drawer, you must enter a negative value in this field.

Currency Detail

If you are removing foreign currency from the drawer, click this link to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select the method that the system uses to convert the currency.

Deposit ID

If you assigned a deposit ID to the selected tender key when you opened the cashiering office, it appears in this field.

Using the Interim Deposit Buttons

Create Receipt

Click to create a receipt for the interim deposit. When you click the Create Receipt button, it becomes unavailable and the Print Receipt button appears.

Print Receipt

Click to create a report of the receipt that you just created. This button appears only after you click the Create Receipt button.

Note. You must use the Report Manager to view the report created when you click the Print Receipt button.

New Transaction

After you have created a receipt, click this button to return to the Interim Deposits dialog page so that you can process another interim deposit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReplenishing Cash

Access the Cash Replenishment page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Replenish Cash, Cash Replenishment).

Tender Detail


Enter the tender key that you have set up for cash payments.


Enter the amount of cash that you are adding to the drawer.

Using the Cash Replenishment Buttons

Create Receipt

Click to create a receipt for the cash replenishment. When you click the Create Receipt button, it becomes unavailable and the Print Receipt button appears.

Print Receipt

Click to create a report of the receipt that you just created. This button appears only after you click the Create Receipt button.

Note. You must use the Report Manager to view the report created when you click the Print Receipt button.

New Transaction

After you create a receipt, click to return to the Cash Replenishment dialog page so that you can process another cash replenishment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Exchange Rates for Cashiering Transactions Processed with Foreign Currency

Access the Currency Conversion page (click the Currency Detail link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, the Department Receipts page, or the Cash Checks page).

Exchange Rate Type

Enter the type of exchange rate that you want the system to use to convert the foreign currency.

Item Amount

This field displays the amount of foreign currency that is tendered to the cashier.

Converted Item Amount

This field displays the amount after the system converts the foreign currency to your base currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Check Information for Cashiering Transactions

Access the Check Information page (click the Tender Details link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, the Department Receipts page, or the Cash Checks page).

Check Nbr (check number)

Enter the check number as printed on the check.

Account Number

Enter the customer's bank account number.

Bank Account Type

Enter the type of account, C (checking) or S (savings).

Bank Account Holder Name

Enter the name of the person on the account.

Federal Reserve Bank ID

If you know the Federal Reserve Bank ID of the bank issuing the check, enter it here.

Third Party Check Name

This field is available only if the tender category of the tender that you select on the Student Payments page is Third Party Check. Use this field to enter the name of the third party making the payment on the student's behalf.

Bank Tracer Nbr (bank tracer number)

Enter any information in this optional field to track or characterize the transaction.

Note. All of the fields on the Check Information page are optional and enable you to more easily track your check information. Some of the field values appear on your printed receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Credit Card Information for Cashiering Transactions

This section applies only if you use non-hosted payment mode.

Access the Credit Card Information page (click the Tender Details link on the Student Payments page, the Corporate Payments page, or the Department Receipts page).

Access the Credit Card Information page.

Card Type

Enter the type of credit card used for the transaction. This field is required.

Card Number

Enter the credit card number as it appears on the credit card. This field is required.

Note. Credit card numbers do not appear on the printed receipts.


Enter the expiration date of the credit card. This field is required.

Security Code

Enter the Security Code that is located on the credit card.

The Security Code is a security feature for "card not present" transactions such as Internet transactions.

The Security Code field is available if the Security Code Required check box is selected on the SF Merchants page.

Note. Security Code is supported for hosted payment mode and Integration Broker. It is not supported through Business Interlink.

See Setting Up SF Merchants.

First Name

Enter the first name of the credit card holder as it appears on the credit card. If you accessed the Credit Card Information page from the Student Payment page, the default value for this field is the first name of the student making the payment. This field is required.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the credit card holder as it appears on the credit card. If you accessed the Credit Card Information page from the Student Payment page, the default value for this field is the first name of the student making the payment. This field is required.

Bank Tracer Nbr (bank tracer number)

Enter any information in this optional field to track or characterize the transaction.

Billing Information

Enter the billing information of the student or organization making the payment.

Note. If you use the third-party vendor business interlink for credit card processing of student payments, you must enter an email address and telephone number. Also, if the SF merchant ID associated with your cashiering office requires address verification, the billing address that you enter here must match the billing address recorded for the credit card; otherwise, the transaction will be denied.

Authorization Information

This group box displays the authorization details received from the third-party credit card processing vendor. Prior to a user authorizing the payment, the only field appearing in this group box is the Credit Card Status (credit card authorization status) field. After you authorize the transaction, the system displays the Reference Nbr (reference number), Authorization Reply, Auth Code (authorization code), Auth DTTM (authorization datetime), and Request ID fields.

See Also

Setting Up Credit Card Types

Click to jump to parent topicPosting Delayed Receipts

If you select the Delay posting option during the setup of your cashiering office, you must use the Post Receipts page to select and post your payment receipts periodically throughout the day.

See Also

Defining a Cashiering Office

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Post Delayed Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Post Receipts


Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Receipts

Post delayed payment receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Delayed Payment Receipts

Access the Post Receipts page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Post Receipts).

Posting Receipts


Click next to the unposted receipt that you want to post. When you click the button, the system posts the receipt and makes the button unavailable.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing the Cashiering GL Interface

You must process the cashiering GL (general ledger) interface to send to your GL any cashiering transactions that are not posted to a student or corporate account. You can send department receipts to the GL only through the cashiering GL interface process. However, if you process any transactions using nonpostable target keys but still need to send them to your GL, you must do so using the cashiering GL interface process. The system sends cashiering transactions using postable target keys to the GL using the regular GL interface process as long as you set up the item types that are associated with the applicable target keys to go to the general ledger. Use caution with target key and item type setup to ensure the following results:

Furthermore, you can only send cashiering overage and shortage GL entries using the cashiering GL interface process. And if you select the GL Interface Required check box during the setup of your cashiering office, you must run the cashiering GL interface before you can close your cashiering office.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Setting Up Target Keys

Click to jump to parent topicVoiding Receipts

This section provides an overview of receipt voiding and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Receipt Voiding

A processed or even a posted receipt may become invalid. A cashier could make a mistake when creating a receipt, a student's check could bounce, or an organization could stop payment on a check. In these cases, the Cashiering feature enables you to void a receipt.

Note. You can void receipts only for an open business day. If you want to void a receipt for a past business day, you must reopen the cashiering office for that business day.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Void Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Void Receipts


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Void Receipts - Cashier

Using either SF or HR security, void the receipts created by you or any cashier who directly reports to you.

Void Receipts - All


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Void Receipts- All

Bypassing SF or HR security, void any receipts that are created on a given business day.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoiding Receipts Using Security

Access the Void Receipts page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Void Receipts - Cashier).

This page is identical to the Void Receipts - All page.

This page is intended for use by the majority of your institution's cashiering staff when voiding receipts. It is a secure page in that it permits you to void only receipts that you, the user, generated. If you are a supervisor, the page also enables you to void the receipts of any cashiers that directly report to you.


Click next to the receipt that you want to void. When you click the button, the system requires you to select a void reason. After you select a void reason, the system voids the receipt, makes the Void button unavailable, and displays the Void Code representing the void reason that you selected.

When you void a corporate or student payment receipt, the system reverses any payments that were posted to the respective corporate or student account. In addition, it may issue a credit to any credit card payments depending on the status of the credit card transaction.

If the Cashier's office is set to Group Post, the credit is issued to the third party vendor but you must adjust the transaction on the student's account or corporation's account.

If the SF Merchant is set up for real time credits, then dependent on the third party vendor, the credit is sent automatically to the vendor when the receipt is voided. If the SF Merchant is not set up for real time credits, the batch job must be run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoiding Receipts Without Using Security

Access the Void Receipts - All page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Void Receipts- All).

This page represents an alternate receipt-voiding method that bypasses your security. Very few people at your institution should have access to this page. It is intended only for individuals that oversee all of your institution's cashiering activities such as a Vice Chancellor or a Chief Financial Officer. The page enables you to void any receipt created for an open business day.

See Also

Voiding Receipts Using Security

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Details for Individual Receipts

This section discusses how to review and print individual receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Details for Individual Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Check Detail

Corporate Payment Detail

Cash Replenishment Detail

Department Receipt Detail

Interim Deposit Detail

Student Payment Detail


  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Check Cashing

  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Corporate Payments

  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Review Replenishment

  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Department Receipts

  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Interim Deposit Detail

  • Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Student Payments

Review information regarding a specific receipt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Printing Individual Receipts

Access the Cash Check Detail (Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Check Cashing), Corporate Payment Detail (Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Corporate Payments), Cash Replenishment Detail (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Review Replenishment),Department Receipt Detail (Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Department Receipts), Interim Deposit Detail (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Interim Deposit Detail), or Student Payment Detail page Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Student Payments) page. The page label, fields, and group boxes that appear on the inquiry page depend on the component that you use to access it.

Print Receipt

If you select the Use Forms Engine for Receipts check box on the Cashiering Offices page, click to print the receipt using Forms Engine. Forms Engine generates the receipt and sends it to the appropriate printer as specified on the Valid Registers page.

If you do not select the Use Forms Engine for Receipts check box on the Cashiering Offices page, or you click the Print Receipt button from the Cash Replenishment Detail or Interim Deposit Detail page, the system initiates the process of creating a printable receipt using the specified print application. In this case, you must navigate to Report Manager to view and print the receipt.

See Also

Processing Cashiering Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipt and Tender Activity

This section provides an overview of receipt and tender activity review and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Receipt and Tender Activity Review

While the receipt detail pages (such as Student Payment Detail and Corporate Payment Detail) display useful information regarding individual receipts, they provide information only for one receipt at a time. Student Financials provides several pages enabling you to view your cashiering office's receipt activity as a whole.

In addition, Student Financials enables you to view cashiering activity by the type of tender used. For example, you might want to know how much cash your office brought in on a given day as opposed to how much revenue it received in checks.

Tender Flow

The Cashiering feature also enables you to review information regarding how tender flowed in and out of the cashiering office on a given business day. You can view the tender flow for a certain cashier, register, or tender type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Receipt and Tender Activity

Page Name

Definition Name



Receipts By Business Date


Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Receipts By Date

Review receipts by business date.

Corporate Receipts


Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Corporate Receipts

Review payment activity for an organization.

Student Receipts


Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Student Receipts

Review payment and check cashing activity for a student.

Tender By Cashier


Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Tender By Cashier

Review tender activity by cashier.

Tender By Register


Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Tender By Register

Review tender activity by register.

Currencies by Tender


Click the Currency Detail link on the Tender By Cashier or Tender By Register page.

View how much each type of currency contributed to the tender total and how the system converted the type of currency.

Receipt Tender Flow


Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Receipt Tender Flow

Review receipt tender flow.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipts by Business Date

Access the Receipts By Business Date page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Receipts By Date).

Business Date

Enter the business date for which you want to view receipt activity.


Use this field to filter the receipts displayed for a specific cashier.


Use this field to filter the receipts displayed for a specific register.

Trans Type (transaction type)

Use this field to filter the receipts displayed by transaction type. You can select all transaction types, or you can view only Cash Check (cashed checks), Cash Repl (cash replenishments), Corp Pymt (corporate payments), Dept Rcpt (department receipts), Interim Deposits (interim deposits), or Stdnt Pymt (student payments) transactions.

Receipt Status

Use this field to filter the receipts displayed by status. Values are Approved, Cancelled, Delayed, Denied, Group Post, Not Posted, Pending, Posted, Processed, Unprocessed, and Voided.

Sort By

Use this field to sort the displayed receipts. You can sort them by cashier, date, receipt status, register, total, transaction date and time, or transaction type. You can sort by all of these criteria in either ascending or descending order.


Click to filter and sort the displayed receipts by the criteria that you select in the Cashier, Register, Trans Type, and Sort By fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Payment Activity for an Organization

Access the Corporate Receipts page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Corporate Receipts).

External Org ID

Enter the ID of the corporation whose receipts you want to view.


Click the Search button to display the receipts for the selected corporation.

Receipt Nbr (receipt number)

This heading lists the system-assigned receipt number for each receipt. Click a receipt number to access the Corporate Payment Detail page, where you can view more detailed information about the corporate payment receipt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Payment and Check Cashing Activity for a Student

Access the Student Receipts page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Review Student Receipts).


Enter the ID of the student whose receipts you want to review.


Click the Search button to display the receipts for the selected student.

Receipt Nbr (receipt number)

This heading lists the system-assigned receipt number for each receipt. Click a receipt number to access the Student Payment Detail page or the Cash Check Detail page, depending on the transaction type, where you can view more detailed information about the receipt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Tender Activity by Cashier

Access the Tender By Cashier page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Tender By Cashier)

Cashier Office Date

Enter the business date of the tender activity that you want to view.


Click to retrieve the tender activity information for the selected business date.

Currency Detail

Click to access the Currencies by Tender page, where you can view a breakdown of each currency type that the cashiering office received, its converted amount, and how it contributed to the total balance for the tender key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Tender Activity by Register

Access the Tender By Register page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Tender By Register).

Cashier Office Date

Enter the business date of the tender activity that you want to view.


Click to retrieve the tender activity information for the selected business date.

Currency Detail

Click to access the Currencies by Tender page, where you can view a breakdown of each currency type that the cashiering office received, its converted amount, and how it contributed to the total balance for the tender key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipt Tender Flow

Access the Receipt Tender Flow page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Receipt Tender Flow).

Business Date

Enter the business date for which you want to view tender flow.


To view tender flow for a specific cashier, select the cashier.


To view tender flow of a specific tender key, select the tender key.


To view tender flow for a specific register, select the register.

Include in Totals

Select to add the opening balance of the cashiering office to the tender in and out activity to come up with a system-generated closing balance.

Opening Balance

After you click the Search button, this field displays the total of all of the opening balances that you specified for your cashiers or registers when you opened the cashiering office.

Note. If you select a specific cashier or register in the Cashier field or the Register field, the Opening Balance field reflects the opening balance for only the selected cashier or register.


Click to display all of the receipts that meet the criteria that you select in the Business Date, Cashier, Tender, and Register fields.

Receipt Nbr (receipt number)

This heading lists the system-assigned receipt number for each receipt. If you click the receipt number for a receipt, the system accesses the appropriate detail page to view complete information about the receipt. For example, if you click the receipt number for a student payment, the system accesses the Student Payment Detail page.


The system calculates any overage or shortage by comparing the actual closing balance entered on the Close Cashier page to the system-generated closing balance, which appears to the right of the Over/Short field. If an overage or shortage exists, you should inquire on specific tenders to narrow down the cause.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Totals by Deposit ID

When you open your cashiers and registers using the Open Registers and Open Cashiers pages, you can designate a deposit ID for each type of tender that you select for a cashier or register. If you use the optional Deposit ID field to track your cashiering transactions, you can view your totals by deposit ID.

In addition, when you use the Student Post, Corp Post, Group Data Entry, or Group Corp Data Entry components to post payments, you can assign a deposit ID to each posting. The Totals By Deposit page enables you to see totals for these payments in addition to the totals associated with cashiering transactions. This is useful if you reconcile all of your bank deposits through your cashiering office.

See Also

Opening Valid Registers

Opening Valid Cashiers

Maintaining Receivables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Totals by Deposit ID

Page Name

Definition Name



Totals By Deposit ID


Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Totals by Deposit ID

Review cashiering office balance totals by deposit ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Cashiering Office Balance Totals by Deposit ID

Access the Totals By Deposit ID page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Balance by Business Day, Review Totals by Deposit ID).

Deposit ID

Enter the deposit ID for which you want to view totals.


Click to display all of the payments that are associated with the selected deposit ID.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing a Cashiering Office for a Business Day

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Close a Cashiering Office for a Business Day

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Registers


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices

Close registers.

Close Cashier


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices

Close cashiers.

Close Offices


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices

Close a cashiering office.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Registers

Access the Close Registers page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices).


Select to close the register. When you select this check box, the system makes it unavailable. If you have multiple open registers, be sure to close them all because you cannot close the cashiering office for a given business day until you close all of its open registers.

Closing Balance

If you are balancing by register, enter the closing balance for each type of tender used during the business day.

Over/Short Amount

When you enter a closing balance for a tender, the system calculates and displays the amount of any overage or shortage under this heading. If you processed any foreign-currency transactions during the business day, the tender for each currency appears so that you can record a closing balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Cashiers

Access the Close Cashier page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices).


Select to close the cashier. When you select this check box, the system makes it unavailable. If you have multiple open cashiers, be sure to close them all, because you cannot close the cashiering office for a given business day until you close all of its open cashiers.

Closing Balance

If you are balancing by cashier, enter the closing balance for each type of tender used during the business day.

Over/Short Amount

When you enter a closing balance for a tender, the system calculates and displays the amount of any overage or shortage under this heading. If you processed any foreign-currency transactions during the business day, the tender for each currency appears so that you can record a closing balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing a Cashiering Office

Access the Close Offices page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Close Offices, Close Cashier Offices).


Click to close the cashiering office. When you click this button, the system populates the Closed By and Datetime fields, recording who closed the cashiering office and when it was closed.

Note. During the setup of your cashiering office, you determine the closing requirements of your office. If you have not met these requirements when you click the Close button, you will receive an error message telling you what you must do before you can close your cashiering office.

See Also

Defining the Basic Cashiering Office Parameters

Click to jump to parent topicReopening a Cashiering Office for a Closed Business Day

Situations may occur that require you to reopen a cashiering office for a business day that you have already closed. For example, to void a receipt from a closed business day, you must reopen your cashiering office for that business day.

Note. After performing the transaction that required the reopening of the cashiering office, be sure to close it again.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reopen a Cashiering Office for a Closed Business Day

Page Name

Definition Name



Reopen Office


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Office

Reopen a cashiering office for a previously closed business date.

Reopen Register


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Register

Reopen registers for a previously closed business day.

Reopen Cashier


Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Cashier

Reopen cashiers for a previously closed business day.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReopening the Office

Access the Reopen Office page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Office).

Current Business Date

Enter the business date for which you want to reopen the cashiering office.

Business Date

This heading displays business dates for which you opened the cashiering office. The system displays all of the business dates on which you opened the cashiering office unless you select a retrieval limit on the Cashiering Offices page during the setup of your cashiering office. For example, if you specify a retrieval limit of 5 for your cashiering office, the Business Date heading displays only the last five dates on which you opened the cashiering office.

Note. If you do not specify a retrieval limit for your cashiering office during setup, the Business Date heading displays all business dates on which you opened the cashiering office. In time, this list of dates will become so long that it can degrade system performance when you open the Open Cashier Offices page.

Reopen Cashier Office

Click to reopen the cashiering office. When you click this button, the Current Business Date field becomes unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReopening Registers

Access the Reopen Register page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Register).


Enter the register that you want to reopen for the business day. The system automatically selects the registers from the business day for which you are reopening the cashiering office.


Select to reopen this register for the business day. After you select the check box, it becomes unavailable.

Tender Key

Each tender key that you assigned to the register when you originally opened the office appears automatically.

Deposit ID

The deposit IDs that you assigned to each tender key appear automatically.

Opening Balance

If you balance by register, enter an opening balance for each tender key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReopening Cashiers

Access the Reopen Cashier page (Student Financials, Cashiering, Cash Management, Reopen Offices, Reopen Cashier).


The system automatically selects the cashiers from the business day for which you are reopening the cashiering office.


The register that you originally assigned to this cashier when you first opened the office automatically appears.


Select to reopen the cashier for the business day.

Tender Key

Each tender key that you assigned to the cashier when you originally opened the office appears automatically.

Deposit ID

The deposit IDs that you assigned to each tender key appear automatically.

Opening Balance

If you balance by cashier, enter an opening balance for each tender key.