Setting Up Cashiering

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Cashiering Office

To set up a cashiering office, use the Cashiering Offices component (CASHIERING_OFFICES).

Before you can run your cashiering process, you must first define the characteristics of your cashiering office. Your institution may have multiple cashiering offices, located on or off campus. Different cashiering offices often serve different roles in your institution. The Cashiering feature provides the flexibility to define different cashiering offices, each with its own set of cashiering rules and requirements.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define a Cashiering Office

Page Name

Definition Name



Cashiering Offices


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices

Define the basic parameters of the cashiering office.

Transaction Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices, Transaction Setup

Define the way in which your cashiering office handles and posts transactions.

Over GL Entry


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices, Over GL Entry

Define the general ledger chart of accounts to which you record any cash overages for your cashiering office. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the credit side of the GL entry.

Short GL Entry


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices, Short GL Entry

Define the general ledger chart of accounts to which you record any cash shortages for your cashiering office. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the debit side of the GL entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Basic Cashiering Office Parameters

Access the Cashiering Offices page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices).


Enter the campus on which the cashiering office is located.


Enter the specific location of the cashiering office.

Base Currency

Enter the base currency that the cashiering office uses when processing transactions. All transactions in the office are set to this currency by default. The default value for this field is the default currency of your business unit.

Balance By

Select the method to use to balance the cashiering office. Select from the following values:

Cashier: Select this value to balance receipts of each cashier against the cash drawer. With this method, a cashier can use any open register, but no one else can use his individual cash drawer. Therefore, balancing by cashier is the more secure option. It enables you to track errors and outages to specific cashiers.

Register: Select this value to balance the receipts of each register against the cash drawer. With this method, any number of valid cashiers can use the cash drawer in a register during a given business day.

Change Due Tender

Enter the tender key that you want to designate for change due. This is the type of tender that the office uses to give change to customers. You define the tender keys available in this field using the Tender Keys component.

Retrieval Limit

Enter the number of business days the system retrieves when you open, reopen, or close the cashiering office. This is an optional field. Use it to enhance system performance.

Note. If you do not enter a value, the system displays all past business days when opening, closing, or reopening a cashiering office. This slows system performance significantly.

Print Product

Select to print receipts. If you want to print receipts automatically using the Create Receipt button on the six receipt generation pages, you must select a print product. You can print receipts using Crystal.

Use Forms Engine for Receipts

Select to use Forms Engine to print student payment, corporate payment, department, and check cashing receipts. Clear to use the specified Print Product to print your receipts.

If you select this check box, it is necessary to specify printers for your valid registers before you can print receipts using Forms Engine.

Over GL Entry (over general ledger entry)

Click this link to access the Over GL Entry page or enter the ChartField values in the display field . Select the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record your cashiering overages.

Short GL Entry (short general ledger entry)

Click this link to access the Short GL Entry page or enter the ChartField values in the display field. Select the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record your cashiering shortages.

GL Interface Required (general ledger interface required)

If you select this check box, the system requires you to run the Cashiering GL Interface process before closing the cashiering office.

Close Office Edits

Use the Close Office Edits group box to specify the requirements that your office must meet before you can close it.

Posted Close Required

If you select this check box, the system requires you to post all receipts before closing the cashiering office. This requirement takes effect only if you select the Delay posting or Group Post options in the Posting field of the Transaction Setup page.

Approved Close Required

If you select this check box, the system requires you to approve all pending department receipts before closing the cashiering office. This requirement takes effect only if you select the Dept Receipt Approval Required check box on the Transaction Setup page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Transaction Setup of a Cashiering Office

Access the Transaction Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Cashiering Offices, Transaction Setup).

Note. If you select the Realtime Transaction Override check box, you must authorize and capture your cashiering credit card transactions using the batch process.

The value in Merchant Setup ID field and the selection of the Hosted Payment Provider check box are based on the setup of those fields on the Payment Merchant page.

See Setting Up Payment Merchants.

See Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

If the payment merchant is set up for hosted payment transactions, the Realtime Transaction Override and Post Unprocessed Authorization check boxes are cleared and not available for edit.

The Realtime Transaction Override check box applies to Business Interlink and Integration Broker transactions. It allows the cashier office to override the Real-Time Authorization selection on the SF Merchant page in case the Cashier Office is experiencing multiple timeouts. The transactions are then not authorized online but in batch.

For information about the Post Unprocessed Authorization check box, see the Post Receipts section of documentation.

Void Receipts

Use this group box to define how the system voids receipts.

Direct Reports

Enter the appropriate value for your institution to determine the rules the system uses to establish supervisory relationships for the process of voiding receipts.

Student Financials Data: Select this value to establish supervisory relationships of cashiers on the Valid Cashiers page.

Human Resources Data: Select this value to have Student Financials use the employment data for each cashier defined in PeopleSoft Human Resources to determine supervisory relationships.

Transfer after void

Select this check box if, upon voiding a receipt, you want the system to transfer you automatically to the page where the receipt was created. For example, after voiding a student payment, the system automatically takes you to the Student Payment page if you selected this option.

Post Receipts

Use this group box to define how the system posts student payments and corporate payments.


Use this field to select when the system posts student and corporate payment receipts. Valid values are:

No posting delay: If you select this value, the system posts receipts immediately to student and corporate accounts from the Student Payment and Corporate Payment pages when you click the Create Receipt button. The advantage of this method is that the system updates account balances as you create payment receipts.

Delay posting: If you select this value, the system does not post receipts to student or corporate accounts when you click the Create Receipt button on the Student Payment and Corporate Payment pages. Instead, you post delayed student and corporate payment receipts using the Post Receipts page.

By delaying posting, you can enhance system performance during receipt creation, especially if you have a large number of cashiers using the system. Using the Post Receipts page, you can post receipts at any time during the day, when it puts less demand on the system.

Group Post: If you select this value, the system does not post receipts when you click the Create Receipt button on the Student Payment and Corporate Payment pages. Instead, the system places each receipt that you create into a single posting group for the business day. To post receipts for a group, use the Posting Groups page in the Maintain Receivables feature. Like the Delay posting method, the Group Post method enables you to enhance system performance during peak demand. However, using the Group Post method, you post all receipts at the end of the day by running one batch process. Therefore, the system does not update your student or corporate accounts as often.

Origin ID and Group Type

If you selected Group Post in the Posting field, enter the origin ID and group type of the posting group in which your cashiering office places student and corporate payment receipts.

Post Unprocessed Authorizations

Note. If the payment merchant is set up for hosted payment transactions, this check box is cleared and not available for edit.

If you select this check box, the system posts credit card transactions even if it has not processed the authorizations of those transactions. If you clear this check box, the system posts only transactions for which you have processed authorizations.

This option is useful when intermittent timeouts of the authorization process occur. This enables the system to save or post the transactions normally regardless of the timeout. However, if this situation occurs, you must remember to authorize your credit card transactions using the batch process in the Maintain Receivables feature.

Note. You should define a group type and origin ID in Maintain Receivables specifically for cashiering receipts so that you can more readily identify and isolate these posting groups.

Setting Check Cashing Rules

Check Cashing Target

Enter the target key associated with the check-cashing fee item type. Define the check cashing fee target key using the Target Keys component. Define the amount of the check-cashing fee in the Check Cashing Fee field. This is not a required field.

Check Cashing Fee

Enter the amount that you want to charge customers when they use this cashiering office to cash checks.

Check Cashing Maximum

Enter the maximum check amount that you want to allow customers to cash at your cashiering office.

Setting Department Receipt Approval

Dept Receipt Approval Required (department receipt approval required)

Select this check box to implement the workflow approval process for all department receipts generated by this cashiering office. When you select this check box, the Cashier Approval Rolefield becomes available.

Cashier Approval Role

Enter the role of the person who approves department receipts generated by your cashiering office. A person with the cashier approval role must approve all department receipts before you post them to the general ledger.

If you select the Approved Close Required check box on the Cashiering Offices page, the person with the cashier approval role must approve all department receipts before you close the cashiering office.

See Also

Setting Up SF Merchants

Processing ePayment Transactions

Maintaining Receivables

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Valid Registers and Cashiers

To set up valid registers and cashiers, use the Valid Registers component (REGISTERS) and the Valid Cashiers component (CASHIERS).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Valid Registers and Cashiers

Page Name

Definition Name



Valid Registers


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Valid Registers

Define valid registers.

Valid Cashiers


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Valid Cashiers

Define valid cashiers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Valid Registers

Access the Valid Registers page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Valid Registers).


Enter the alphanumeric code that you use to identify the register.

Setting Up Receipts to Print Automatically

Select the check boxes under the Print Receipt Automatically heading to determine which types of receipts print automatically when each valid register creates them. The system recognizes the selections made in these check boxes only if you choose to balance by register in the setup of your cashiering office. You can choose to print receipts automatically for Student Payment, Corporate Payment, Department Receipt, and Cash Check receipts. For each valid register set to print automatically, use the Forms Engine Printer field to specify the printer to which Forms Engine generates the receipt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Valid Cashiers

Access the Valid Cashiers page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Valid Cashiers).

Delete Cashier

Click to delete the cashier from the cashiering office.


Select to give the cashier the ability to void receipts. A cashier designated as a supervisor can void his or her own receipts and the receipts of any other cashier that directly reports to him or her.

Approval Required Swtich

Select to implement the workflow approval process for any department receipts processed by the cashier.

Department Only Cashier

Select to designate the cashier as one who can process only department receipts and does not have an open cash drawer. When you select this check box, the system automatically selects the Approval Required check box and makes it unavailable.

Supervisor Operator ID

This field is available only if you select Student Financials Data in the Direct Reports field of the Transaction Setup page. Enter an ID to indicate the supervisor to whom the cashier directly reports. The supervisor assigned to this cashier can view and void the cashier's receipts.

Print Receipt Automatically

Use the Print Receipt Automatically group box to determine which types of receipts print automatically when the valid cashier creates them. The system recognizes the selections made in these check boxes only if you choose balance by cashier in the setup of your cashiering office. You can choose to print receipts automatically for Student Payment, Corporate Payment, Department Receipt, and Cash Check receipts.

Valid Cash Registers

In the Valid Cash Registers scroll area, enter the codes of the valid registers that you want the cashier to be able to use.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Target Keys

To set up target keys, use the Target Keys component (TARGET_KEYS).

Target keys indicate which charges receive credit for a given transaction. A cashier must specify a target key for all transactions except department receipts, cash replenishments, and interim deposits. You can also enter ChartField information for target keys.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Target Keys

Page Name

Definition Name



Target Keys - Definition


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Target Keys, Definition

Define a target key.

Target Key ChartFields


Click the Target GL Entry link on the Definition page.

Define a chart of accounts for a target key.

Define the general ledger chart of accounts to which you record any cashiering transactions associated with the target key that you are defining.

Target Keys - Tax Authority


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Target Keys, Tax Authority

Link tax authorities to target keys.

Attach tax authorities to your target key. This enables you to assess tax on certain cashiering transactions with this target key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Target Keys

Access the Target Keys - Definition page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Target Keys, Definition).

Default Amount

Enter an optional default amount for the target. For example, if tuition charges are typically 5,000 USD, then for the tuition target key, you can enter 5,000 USD as a default amount to reduce the amount of data entry required at the time of payment.

Minimum Amount

Enter the minimum amount allowed for the target key per transaction.

Maximum Amount

Enter the maximum amount allowed for the target key per transaction.

GL Interface Required, Target GL Entry and Copy and Paste buttons

Select to include transactions for this target key when you run the cashiering GL interface process.

Click the Target GL Entry link to specify ChartFields or enter ChartField values. Enter the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record transaction information associated with the target key. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the credit side of the GL entry.

For a cashiering receipt to properly interface with your general ledger system, both the target key and the tender key associated with the receipt must have the GL Interface Required check box selected.

You can also specify a SpeedType on this page. To specify the Speed Type, click the link and enter the SpeedType that you have already set up.

For ease of use, after entering your ChartFields, click the Copy button to copy them to a clipboard. You can go to any other field and use the Paste button to paste.

Be careful when selecting this check box because if the item type associated with the target key also has this check box selected, the regular GL interface process will pick up any transactions associated with the target key that you are defining. The cashiering GL interface process is intended to be used to send transactions to your general ledger that do not post to student or corporate accounts. Usually, you do not want these nonpostable transactions to be picked up by the regular GL interface process. Therefore, you normally do not want to select the GL Interface Required check box for the target key unless it is to be used for transactions that do not post to an account.


Select to post student payments or corporate payments associated with this target key. The system selects this check box by default.

If you select this check box, you cannot attach a tax authority to the target key. This is because when you attach a tax authority to a target key, the system assesses a tax to any cashiering transactions associated with that target key. Postable targets post against charges on a student or corporate account. The system already assesses any necessary taxes to a charge when it posts to an account. Therefore, if a tax authority were attached to a postable target key, when you used the target key for a cashiering transaction, the system would assess tax to the target even though the charge it would post against had already been taxed. This would cause the payer of the charge to be taxed twice for the same charge.

Posting Parameters

Determine how the system posts transactions associated with the target key.

Account Type

If you are defining target keys for student or corporate payments, enter the account type the target affects. The account type determines the account to which the payment posts.

Restrict Payment to Account

Select to post each payment in its entirety to the account that you set in the Account Type field. The system credits any excess payments to the account that you selected, thereby creating a credit balance that can be applied to new charges or refunded later. If you select this check box, the Use Excess Account check box and its accompanying field become unavailable.

Use Excess Account

If you do not select Restrict Payment to Account check box, you can select this check box. When you select this check box and do not specify a specific account in its accompanying field, the system credits excess payments to the default payment excess account that you defined during the setup of your Student Financials business unit.

Use the edit box to the right of this check box to enter a specific excess account to which the system credits any excess payments to this target key.

Apply Payments by Invoice

Select this check box to restrict payments to an invoice. The check box displays only if your institution indicated on the SF Installation 2 page that it will apply payments by invoice.

Item Type

If you are defining a target key for payments that post to student or corporate accounts, enter the payment item type that appears on the account when you use this target key.

Charge Priority

The system automatically populates this field with the charge priority of the item type that you entered. However, you can use this field to override the payment allocation rules for payments to this target. The charge priority determines how the system applies payments to charges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Tax Authorities to Target Keys

Access the Target Keys - Tax Authority page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Target Keys, Tax Authority).

Tax Authority

Enter tax authorities to attach to the target key. When you enter a tax authority, the system automatically populates the Tax Percent field with the appropriate percentage.

Target Key

Enter the target key of the tax that the system adds to transactions conducted using the target key that you are defining. Whenever you process payments to the target key, the system adds the attached tax target key automatically, thereby charging the customer the appropriate tax.

Tax Percent

The system populates this field with the appropriate percentage when you entered a value in the Tax Authority field.

Note. If you attach a tax authority to the target key and you select the Post check box on the Definition page, the system does not allow you to save the target key.

See Also

Setting Up Tax Authorities and Tax Codes

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tender Keys

To set up tender keys, use the Tender Keys component (TENDER_KEYS).

Tender keys represent the types of tender your office can accept. Examples of tender include cash, checks, and credit cards. You can also enter ChartField information for tender keys, overages, and shortages.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Tender Keys

Page Name

Definition Name



Tender Key


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Tender Keys, Tender Key

Define tender keys.

Tender Key GL


Click the GL Entry link on the Tender Key page.

Define charts of accounts for tender keys.

Tender Key Over GL


Click the Over GL Entry link on the Tender Key page.

Define charts of accounts for overages.

Tender Key Short GL


Click the Short GL Entry link on the Tender Key page.

Define charts of accounts for shortages.

Tender Key Valid Cashiers


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Tender Keys, Tender Key Valid Cashiers

Specify cashiers for tender keys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tender Keys

Access the Tender Key page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Tender Keys, Tender Key).

Tender Category

Select the appropriate category for the tender that you are defining. When a cashier enters a tender key during a cashiering transaction, this tender category tells the system which tender details must be entered before the cashier can successfully conduct the transaction.

Change Allowed

Select this check box if you want the cashier to be able to give change for a transaction using this tender key.

Service Impact

Enter a service impact code to affect how the system processes transactions using this tender. For example, if this field contains a negative service impact for checks, the system will not permit any students to tender checks as payment if the service indicators on their accounts are associated with the negative service impact.

Transaction Amount

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts of this tender that your cashiers can accept per transaction.

Out Amount

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts of this tender that your cashiers can dispense per transaction as change due.

Drawer Warning Amount

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts of this tender that your drawers can contain before the system generates a warning message.

When you create a receipt that causes the amount of this tender remaining in the cashier's drawer to be equal to or less than the minimum amount, the system generates a warning message signaling you to perform a cash replenishment.

When you create a receipt that causes the amount of this tender in the cashier's drawer to exceed the maximum amount, the system generates a warning message signaling you to perform an interim deposit.

Drawer Error Amount

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts of this tender that your drawers can contain before the system generates an error message.

When you attempt to create a receipt that causes the amount of this tender in the cashier's drawer to be equal to or less than the minimum amount, the system generates an error message signaling you to perform a cash replenishment and does not process the receipt.

When you attempt to create a receipt that causes the amount of this tender in the cashier's drawer to equal or exceed the maximum amount, the system generates an error message signaling you to perform an interim deposit and does not process the receipt.

Note. You determine the maximum amount that the cashiering office can dispense when cashing a check in the Cashiering Offices page.

GL Interface Required (general ledger interface required)

If you select the GL Interface Required check box, any transactions associated with this tender key must interface with the general ledger, and you must enter ChartField information on the GL Entry, Over GL Entry, and Short GL Entry pages of this component.

For a cashiering receipt to properly interface with the general ledger system, both the target key and the tender key associated with the receipt must have the GL Interface Required check box selected.

GL Entry (general ledger entry)

Click the GL Entry link to enter in the display field the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record any cashiering transactions associated with the tender key that you are defining. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the debit side of the GL entry.

You can also specify a SpeedType on this page. To specify the Speed Type, click this link or one of the proceeding links and enter the SpeedType that you have already set up.

For ease of use, after entering your ChartFields values, click the Copy button to copy them to a clipboard. You can go to any other field and use the Paste button to paste.

Over GL Entry (over general ledger entry)

Click the Over GL Entry link to enter in the display field the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record any overages when a cashier or register does not balance for the tender that you are defining. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the debit side of the GL entry.

Short GL Entry (short general ledger entry)

Click the Short GL Entry link to enter in the display field the ChartField values that correspond to the general ledger account into which you record any short amounts when a cashier or register does not balance for the tender that you are defining. The chart of accounts that you define on this page provides the credit side of the GL entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Cashiers for Tender Keys

Access the Tender Key Valid Cashiers page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Tender Keys, Tender Key Valid Cashiers).


Enter cashiers that can process transactions using the tender key.

In Allowed and Out Allowed

Select to determine if a cashier can take the tender in or give the tender out. For example, if you select only the In Allowed check box for a cashier when you define the cash tender key, the cashier can only take in cash. The cashier cannot give cash to a customer in a check cashing transaction or as change. A cashier with neither check box selected can not perform any transactions with this tender.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Processing Credit Cards

You use the SF Merchant page to set up the parameters that the cashiering system uses when processing credit cards.

See Setting Up SF Merchants.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Void Reasons

To set up void reasons, use the Void Reasons component (VOID_REASONS).

Void reasons provide brief explanations for voided cashiering receipts. They provide background information for auditors and staff. This section lists the page used to set up void reasons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Void Reasons

Page Name

Definition Name



Void Reasons


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Void Reasons

Create void reasons.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Receipt Messages

To set up receipt messages, use the Receipt Print Messages component (MESSAGES).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Receipt Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Cashier Office Messages


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Cashier Office Messages

Create receipt messages linked to cashiering offices.

Target Messages


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Target Messages

Create receipt messages linked to target keys.

Tender Messages


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Tender Messages

Create receipt messages linked to tender keys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Receipt Messages Linked to Cashiering Offices

Access the Cashier Office Messages page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Cashier Office Messages).


Enter the message that you want to appear on all receipts printed by this cashier office.

Long Message

Enter an optional, more detailed message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Receipt Messages Linked to Target Keys

Access the Target Messages page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Target Messages).

Target Key

Enter the target key to which you want to link the message.


Enter a message to appear on all receipts associated with the target key.

Long Message

Enter an optional, more detailed message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Receipt Messages Linked to Tender Keys

Access the Tender Messages page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Cashiering, Receipt Print Messages, Tender Messages).

Tender Key

Enter the tender key to which you want to link the message.


Enter a message to appear on all receipts associated with the tender key.

Long Message

Enter an optional, more detailed message.

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Cashiering Receipt Forms

To set up cashiering receipt forms, use the Upload EPS Image File component (FE_UPIMG_RUNCTL), the Form Image Text component (FE_IMAGE_TEXT), and the Form Editor component (FORM_EDITOR).

There are some simple modifications that you can make to the delivered Forms Engine cashiering receipts. For example, you can have your institution's logo appear on your receipts.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Modify Cashiering Receipt Forms

Page Name

Definition Name



Upload EPS Image File


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Process, Upload EPS Image File

Upload image files.

Form Image Text


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Setup, Form Image Text

Set up form image text.

Form Editor


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Setup, Form Editor

Change a receipt title and add an image.

Form Text Attributes


Click the Edit Field Attributes link for a form row with a form field type of Text.

Specify form text attributes.

Form Image Attributes


Click the Edit Field Attributes link for a form row with a form field type of Image.

Specify form image attributes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing Image Files for Uploading

Before you upload an image file to your database, there are some steps you must take to prepare the file. The required steps differ depending on whether the image is cached or noncached.

Preparing a Cached Image for Uploading

If an image is cached, Forms Engine does not resend it for each page on which it is printed. Preparing a cached image for uploading requires some knowledge of PostScript. You must:

  1. Create a plain text file with an .eps (Encapsulated PostScript) extension.

    See the sample file fe_flower1.eps in the data directory of your PS_HOME (or PS_APP_HOME, depending on your installation) for an example.

  2. Edit this PostScript file with a plain text editor to display the graphic image.

    Only edit the contents between the first "begin" and the last "end," noninclusive.

  3. Test print the image. To do so:

    1. Copy the EPS file to a temp file.

    2. Delete everything before the first "begin" inclusive.

    3. Delete everything after the last "end" inclusive.

    4. Insert a line at the top that reads "40 40 translate" to move the image to within the page margins.

    5. Insert a line at the bottom that reads "showpage."

    6. Copy the temp file to a PostScript printer.

Preparing a Noncached Image for Uploading

If an image is noncached, Forms Engine resends it for each page on which it is printed. Preparing a noncached image for uploading does not require knowledge of PostScript. You must:

  1. Open and display the image using a graphical display or editing program.

  2. Create a graphic image that is the size of a page.

    This image will be a background image for the receipt, so place it within a white background.

  3. Print the image to a PostScript printer, but when the print dialog box appears, select the Print to file check box.

  4. When the Print to file dialog box appears, place the file into a temp directory.

  5. Make the following edits to the file:

    1. Remove the "showpage" command near the end of the file.

    2. Remove all lines with "@PJL" in them.

    3. Remove all lines with "%%Pages" in them.

    4. Remove all lines with "%%Page" in them.

    5. Remove the "%%EOF" line near the end of the file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUploading Image Files

Access the Upload EPS Image File page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Process, Upload EPS Image File).

Enter the required information and run the process to upload the image to an FTP server.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Form Image Text

Access the Form Image Text Viewer page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Setup, Form Image Text).


Enter a description for the image.


Cache Form On Printer

Select if the image is cached. Clear if the image is noncached.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Form Editor to Change a Receipt Title and Add an Image

Access the Form Editor page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Forms Engine, Setup, Form Editor).

Changing a Receipt Title

To change a receipt title:

  1. Scroll to the row with a Fldno (field number) of 12.

  2. Click the Edit Field Attributes link to open the Form Text Attributes page.

  3. Edit the title in the Form Text field.

  4. Click OK and save your changes to the form.

Adding a Cachable Image to a Receipt

To add a cachable image to a receipt:

  1. Insert a row in the field number grid.

  2. Entered a form field type of Image.

  3. Click the Edit Field Attributes link to open the Form Image Attributes page.

  4. Locate and select the desired image.

  5. Specify a start position.

    X is the horizontal distance from the left side of the page, in units of 1/72 of an inch. Y is the vertical distance from the bottom of the page, in units of 1/72 of an inch. For example, if X is 504 and Y is 684, the start position would be 1.5 inches from the upper right corner of an 8.5-inch by 11-inch page.

  6. Specify a scaling factor.

    For example, if the unscaled image is roughly 3 inches square, use an X and Y scaling factor of 0.3 so that the image comes out as one square inch.

  7. Click OK and save your changes to the form.

Adding a Noncachable Image to a Receipt

To add a noncachable image to a receipt:

  1. Enter the name of the image in the Image field.

  2. Save your changes to the form.