Maintaining Receivables

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Click to view the first group of transactions.

Click to view the previous group of transactions.

Click to view the next group of transactions.

Click to view the last group of transactions.

Account Nbr (account number)

This field displays the account number that is assigned by the Student Financials application to the line item.

Acct Term (accounting term)

This field displays the accounting term that is assigned by the Student Financials application to the line item.

Anticipated Aid

This field displays financial aid that was awarded to the student but not yet disbursed.


This field displays the positive or negative balance of any active account.

Billing Date

This field displays billing dates that are specified for charges.

Business Unit

This field displays the business unit of the transactions.

Contract ID

This field displays the student ID or IDs that are associated with a third-party contract sponsored by the corporation for which you are viewing account information.

Contract Number

This field displays the contract number of any third-party contracts that are sponsored by the corporation for which you are viewing account information.

Descr (description)

This field displays the description of the item type.

Due Amount

This field displays the amount that is due on a charge and is displayed in conjunction with the Due Date field.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which a charge is due.

Effective Date

This field displays the item effective date of the transaction.

Item Amount

This field displays the amount of the transaction item.

Item Balance

This field displays the remaining balance of the item.

Item Type

This field displays the item type number.

Line Seq Nbr (line sequence number)

This field displays the sequence number of transactions that involve multiple item lines.


This field displays the name of the student that is associated with a third-party contract for which a sponsor is being charged.

Net Award

This field displays the student's anticipated financial aid.

Posted Date & Time

This field displays the date and time that a transaction was posted.


This field displays the term of the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Groups of Transactions

This section provides an overview of group data entry and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Group Data Entry

PeopleSoft Student Financials enables you to post transactions for a group of students or organizations, which enables you to quickly and easily post many receivables without having to post and approve each one individually. Student Financial Cashiering Office application has the option to create Group Data entries. In addition, charges and payments from external sources can be loaded through the SF External File Load process, and these transactions populate the Group Data Entry tables.

To enter groups of transactions for students and organizations, access the pages using the Group Data Entry and Group Corp Data Entry components, respectively. To approve groups of transactions, use the same two pages, but access them from the worklist.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Groups of Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Group Entry


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Group Data Entries, Group Entry

Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Group Corp Data Entries, Group Corp Entry

Define source information and control totals for group transactions.

Group Line Entry


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Transactions, Group Line Entry

Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Corporate Transactions, Group Corp Line Entry

Add transactions to a group entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Source Information and Control Totals for Group Transactions

Access the Group Entry page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Group Data Entries, Group Entry).

Note. The system uses all of the information on this page as group control information and does not post it to student or corporate accounts.

Group Type

Enter the group type that describes the transactions.

Accounting Date

Enter the accounting date for the transactions. The default value is the current system date, but you can change it if necessary.

Origin ID

Enter an origin ID to indicate the source of the transactions. Depending on the origin ID, approval for the transactions might be required. SF Security can be placed on this field to allow individual sources (origins) to access only their groups of transactions.


Enter the date on which your office received payment or charge transactions.

Original Group ID

This field is populated after the Reverse Groups process runs. The Reverse Group process creates a new group ID representing the transactions that were reversed, and this field will reference the original group ID.

Entry Date

Enter the date that you are entering the transactions.


This field displays the ID of the user who is entering transactions.

Assign To

Reserved for future use.

Note. For groups requiring approval, the Approval Information link appears following the Assign To field. This link gives you the Original Approver ID, Approved At Date/Time Stamp, Last Approver ID, and Approved At Date/Time Stamp data. This link does not replace the Assign To field, it just provides further information about the content of the field.

Control Totals

Balance Group

Select this option to require that the group be in balance before the system posts it. To determine whether a group is balanced, the system compares the number of transactions and amounts to information in the control totals fields.

Control Total

Enter the monetary sum of the transactions in the group in the Control Total field and enter the total number of transactions in the group in the unlabeled field to the right. For example, if you are entering a group of checks that was received from students, enter the total monetary value of the checks in the Control Total field and the number of checks (count) in the unlabeled field. If the external file load process is used and the external file setup defines control totals, these fields are populated through the file load process.

Entered Total

These fields display the monetary amount of all transactions that are entered in the batch and the count of the entries.


These fields display the difference between the entered totals and the control totals.

Posted Total

These fields display the monetary total, posting date, and count of the entries after the batch is posted.

Display Option

The display option enables you to view multiple rows. The number of transaction rows that are chunked (viewable at one time) is controlled by the maximum row settings selection in the SF Installation setup.

Range in DB

This field displays the range of sequence numbers within the group ID.


This field displays the range of sequence numbers that is currently displayed. The display range is the viewable "chunk."

Total in DB

This field displays the total number of transactions within the group ID.

Effective Status

Edit Status

This field displays whether the batch has been edited.

Deposit Balance

This field displays whether the batch is balanced. You must select the Balance Group check box and the batch must balance for this field to display Balanced.

Posting Action

Select one of these values:

Available for Posting: If no approval is required, the field contains this value.

Do Not Post: If you are approving this posting group, select this option to hold the group for further review.

Posted: Indicates that the group has been posted.

Waiting for Approval: If approval is required, the field contains this value.

Posting Status

This field displays the posting status. Possible values for this field are Balance, Complete, Error, Incomplete, Not Posted, and Reversed.

Process Instance

This field displays the process instance number assigned by the process scheduler. This field is only populated if the posting job is not successful. To post a corrected group, you must remove the process instance number using the Reset Process Instance button on the Group Post Run Control page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Transactions to a Group Entry

Access the Group Line Entry page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Create Transactions, Group Line Entry).

Line Nbr (line number)

This field displays the line number of the current entry. This field increments as each new entry line is added.


Enter the ID for the student that you are adding to the group.


This field displays the current balance of the student's account.

Account Type

Select the account type of the new entry. The description of the account type appears to the right of the field.

Note. Specifying an account type for a payment transaction is optional.

Item Type

Select the item type of the new entry. The description of the item type appears to the right of the field.

Warning! We strongly advise that you do not enter refund item types through Group Post. If you enter a refund item type through Group Post, the Refund Table is not updated. If you try to reverse the refund item type through the Group Reversal process, the reversal process tries to reverse all items with the same refund number. Refund item types that are posted through Group Post have a refund number of zero because they are not true refunds. Posting reverses all items on the account with a refund number of zero, that is, all items on the account that are not refunds.

Charge Priority

The charge priority list that is attached to the selected item type (credit item types only) appears in this field. You may override this value.


Enter the item (charge or payment) amount of the transaction.

Use Excess Account

Select to direct payment amounts in excess of the charge to another account. Enter the target account in the field to the right.

Restrict Payment to Account

Select to keep the entire amount of the payment in the account. Selecting this option prevents an excess payment from being transferred to an excess payment account.

Restrict to Invoice

If your institution specifies that it will apply payments by invoice, you can restrict payments to an invoice.


Enter the term for which you want to post this transaction.

Ref Nbr (reference number)

Enter an optional reference number to track the transaction.

Service Indicator

If this transaction is a write-off, the system populates the write-off service indicator code.

Payment Information

Payment ID

Enter a payment ID in this field to reverse a payment. When you exit the field, the system populates the remaining fields on the page with the original payment information.

Pay Method

If the payment item type is set up to be tender-specific, the tender value appears in this field. If the field is not populated, you may select a payment method (tender).


Item Effective Date

Enter the date on which the transaction becomes active. The default value is the current date.

Due Date

Enter an optional due date for charge transactions. If you leave this field blank, the billing program populates the field in the student's account.

Mark For Delete

Click to select a particular row on the group entry page of the non-posted group for deletion.

Note. This button only appears for non-posted rows on the Create Transaction page and when the posting status value is Not Complete. When you click the button, the label changes to Unmark for Delete. You can post the group and this transaction will not be posted, but you will still have a record of it as part of the group for audit or reconciliation purposes. You can later correct the item, click Unmark for Delete, and repost the group.

Currency Detail

Click to access the Currency Conversion page, where you can change the exchange rate type on payment item types if you changed the default currency code.

Payment Details

Click to access the Payment Details page, where you can review details about the payment that was made. You can review the details about the payment for a payment item type, but typically, when you post a payment, you would use this page to enter data to which the payment should apply. For example, posting a payment toward payment plans, you could enter the specific contract number or post a payment for a specific career or class if you only want the payment to go towards one career or a particular class.

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page, where you can review the student's enrollment information.

Application Information

Click to access the Application Information page, where you can review the student's application status.

Tender Details

Click to access the Check Information page, where you can enter details about a payment by check. When entering a specific item type that is attached to a particular tender type (check or credit card), this page appears so that you can enter specific tender details. Otherwise, click the link to view the tender details.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Transactions from an External Source

Many institutions receive transaction information from external sources, such as third-party housing and parking applications, and lock box services. Loading external files enables you to maintain your receivables with transactions created by sources both outside and inside your institution.

This section discusses how to load external files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Transactions from an External Source

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Definition Name



External Files


Student Financial, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, External Files

Load external files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading External Files

Access the External Files page (Student Financial, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, External Files).


Business Unit

Enter the business unit that uses the file.

File Name

Enter the name of the data file. Do not include the file extension. The extension on data files must always be .dat.

File Directory

Enter the file directory where the file was stored.

Group Type

Enter the appropriate group type for the data source.

Layout ID

Enter the layout ID that you defined for the type of file that is being loaded.

Balance the Group

If you select this check box, the Balance Group check box is selected when you access the Group Entry page.

Report Only

Select this option to generate a report to review the contents of the file after the file is loaded into Group Data Entry.

See Also

Setting Up External File Layouts

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Payroll Deductions

This section lists prerequisites for payroll deduction processing and discusses how to:

  1. Select payroll deduction records.

  2. Review results of payroll deduction record selection.

  3. Create payroll deduction groups.

See Also

Understanding Payroll Deduction

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before Student Financials can retrieve deduction information from PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, your payroll department must calculate payroll deductions as part of its normal payroll process. The system stores payroll deduction records in the PS_PAY_DEDUCTION table.

Note. Consult your Payroll for North America staff for more information about how they calculate payroll deductions for employees.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Defining Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Payroll Deductions

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Definition Name



Select SA Payroll Deduction


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Process SA Payroll Deduction, Select SA Payroll Deduction

Select PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Administration payroll deduction records.

SA Payroll Deduction Summary


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Review Deduction Transactions, SA Payroll Deduction Summary

Review results of payroll deduction record selection for an individual employee.

Payroll Deduction Group Creation


Student Financials, Charges and Payment, Payroll Deduction Processing, Create Deduction Transactions, Payroll Deduction Group Creation

Create payroll deduction groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Payroll Deduction Records

Access the Select SA Payroll Deduction page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Process SA Payroll Deduction, Select SA Payroll Deduction).

On-Cycle Run

To select payroll deduction records that result from normal, scheduled payroll processing, select a Pay Run ID. Each Pay Run ID represents a single batch payroll process.

Off-Cycle Pay Calendar

To select payroll deduction records that result from manually issued or on-demand checks, select a specific pay calendar record using the Company, Pay Group, Pay End Date, Page #, and Thru fields.

Payroll Cycle

Consult your Payroll for North America staff for more information about the best method for running the process.


Select to have the process review only on-cycle payroll transactions.


Select to have the process review only off-cycle payroll transactions.


Select to have the process review both on- and off-cycle payroll transactions.

Running the Select Payroll Deduction Process

When you run the Select Payroll Deduction (SFPAYDED) process, the system scans the PS_PAY_DEDUCTION table in Payroll for North America for any payroll deduction records with the deduction codes that you designated to use with Student Financials. If these records were not already selected in a previous process run, the system moves them to the PS_PAY_DED_PROC staging table.

Note. To run this process properly, you must have a working knowledge of Payroll for North America functionality. Consult your payroll staff for more information about how to define the parameters of this process and when to run it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Results of Payroll Deduction Record Selection

Access the SA Payroll Deduction Summary page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payroll Deduction Processing, Review Deduction Transactions, SA Payroll Deduction Summary).

Check Date

The issue date of the paycheck from which the system made the deduction.

Paycheck Number

The unique number of the paycheck.

Deduction Code

The PeopleSoft Student Administration payroll deduction code that is associated with the deduction.

Current Deduction

The monetary amount of the deduction.

Business Unit

The business unit to which the system applied the deduction.

Group ID

The ID of the group transaction in which the system included the deduction.

Target ID

The student ID associated with the account that the system credited with the deduction.

Group Detail

Click to access the Group Line Entry page. From this page, you can review details about the group transaction that was used to post the deduction to a student account.

Note. If you have not yet added a deduction record to a group transaction using the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process, the Business Unit, Group ID, Target ID, and Group Detail fields are blank for that record. To reconcile deduction records that have not been processed into the group post tables, create a query that checks the PS_PAY_DED_PROC table for blank values in BUSINESS_UNIT, GROUP_ID_SF, EMPLID_RELATED, and where PROCESS_FLAG = N.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Payroll Deduction Groups

Access the Payroll Deduction Group Creation page (Student Financials, Charges and Payment, Payroll Deduction Processing, Create Deduction Transactions, Payroll Deduction Group Creation).


Enter the Business Unit, Origin ID, Group Type, and Term values that the system assigns to the group transaction you are creating. If you are restricting payroll deductions to pay payment plan contract charges, select the Use Payment Plan check box.

Deduction code selection

Plan Type

Select the benefit plan type to restrict the selection of available deduction codes.

Deduction Code

Select the deduction codes of the payroll deduction records that you are adding to a posting group.

Item Type

For each deduction code that you add to a posting group, select the payment item type that the system uses when posting the associated deductions to student accounts.


Click to run the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process.

The process creates a group transaction for any payroll deductions in the PS_PAY_DED_PROC staging table that match the run control criteria and were not included in a previous posting group. If you do not select the Use Payment Plan check box, the system ignores the payment plan contract information that is associated with accounts receiving deduction funds. If you select the Use Payment Plan check box and you assigned deduction codes to the appropriate payment plan contracts, then for any students who are linked to those contracts, the system includes contract information in the group line entry.

On the Group Entry page, the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process sets the posting action of the created group to Available for Posting. On the Group Line Entry page, the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process selects the Restrict Payment to Account check box for students who are linked to an eligible payment plan contract. On the Payment Details page, the Payroll Deduction Group Create process populates the Contract # field for group line entries that are restricted to payment plan accounts.

Note. The system applies payroll deductions to payment plan accounts only if you assign deduction codes to the appropriate payment plan contracts and if you select the Use Payment Plan check box when running the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process. You can also use the charge priority list to restrict your payroll deduction payments to specific charges.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Revising Group Data Entries Before Posting

The Group Data Entry and External File Load processes put saved transaction data into a suspended status until the group is actually posted. The Suspended Group Post component enables you to view and revise transaction entries for individual transactions.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Revise Group Data Entries Before Posting

Page Name

Definition Name



Suspended Group Post


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Review Suspended Transactions, Suspended Group Post

Review suspended transactions from a data group.

Group Post Details


Click the Group Post Details link on the Suspended Group Post page.

Review details about a suspended posting group.

Group Line Details


Click the Line Details link on the Suspended Group Post page.

Review and update details about a specific data group transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Suspended Transactions from a Data Group

Access the Suspended Group Post page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Review Suspended Transactions, Suspended Group Post).

Group Post Details

Click to access the Group Post Details page.

Acad Info (academic information)

Click to access the Academic Information page, where you can view the student's enrollment information.

Line Details

Click to access the Group Line Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Updating Details About a Specific Data Group Transaction

Access the Group Line Details page (click the Line Details link on the Suspended Group Post page).


Click this button to access the Group Line Entry page and update the transaction information. Alternatively, you can correct or update group lines from Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Correct Transactions or Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Correct Corporate Transactions.

See Also

Adding Transactions to a Group Entry

Click to jump to parent topicPosting Group Data Entries

This section discusses how to run the Group Post process.

After you correct entries in the group, you must save the group and then post it to update the affected accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Post Group Data Entries

Page Name

Definition Name



Post Transactions


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Post Transactions

Run the Group Post process.

Review Transactions


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Review Transactions

Review group entry information after it is posted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Group Post Process

Access the Post Transactions page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Post Transactions).


Business Unit

Select the business unit to which the group is associated.

Group Type

Select the group type to which the group ID is associated.

Starting Group ID and Ending Group ID

Select the starting group ID and the ending group ID. The system generates these IDs when you complete the Group Data Entry pages.

Operator ID

Optionally, select the user ID of the person posting the group.

Assign Group OperID (assign group operator ID)

Optionally, select and assign a user to the group.

Reset Process Instance

Click to delete a process instance number from a posting group that failed.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page. You can run two processes: Group Posting Common ID Create (SFPGRPDR) and Group Posting Process (SFPGRPST).

The Group Posting Common ID Create (SFPGRPDR) process is an optional process that evaluates all pending groups to find new IDs that do not yet have a row in the SF_COMMON_ID table. When the system encounters a new ID, it inserts a row into SF_COMMON_ID, which eliminates the need for the posting process to perform this function before posting pending transactions to an account. This process is especially useful during certain times of the year, such as the beginning of a term or the beginning of an academic year, when you have large groups with new IDs that have not undergone the posting process. If you run the Group Posting Common ID Create (SFPGRPDR) process before you run the Group Posting (SFPGRPST) process, the posting process is faster because it has fewer records to process.

The Group Posting Process (SFPGRPST) posts group transactions and inserts rows into SF_COMMON_ID for new IDs if you do not run the Group Posting Common ID Create (SFPGRPDR) process first.

Click to jump to parent topicPosting Transactions for Individual Students and Organizations

Student Financials enables you to process online transactions for students and organizations without entering control information or running a batch process. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Post Transactions for Individual Students and Organizations

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Post


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Post Student Transaction, Student Post

Post transactions for individual students.

Select Charges to Pay


Click the Select Charges to Pay link on the Student Post page.

Specify the charges to which the system applies a student payment.

Payment Details


Click the Payment Details link on the Student Post page.

Add specific information to the payment record.

Corp Post


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Post Corporation Transaction, Corp Post

Post transactions for individual organizations.

Select Students to Pay


Click the Select Students to Pay link on the Corp Post page.

Specify the sponsored student charges to which the system applies the corporate payment.

Third Party Information


Click the Third Party Information link on the Corp Post page.

Specify third-party contract information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Transactions for Individual Students

Access the Student Post page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Post Student Transaction, Student Post)

New Transaction

Click to enter a new transaction.


Click to post the entered transaction.


Enter the item amount. Click the Currency Detail link to specify the exchange rate.


Enter the term for which you want to post this transaction.

Reference Number

Enter an optional reference number to track the transaction.

Posted Date

After the transaction posts, the date it was posted appears in this field.

Item Effective Date

Enter the date on which the transaction becomes active. The default is the current date.

Due Date

Optionally, enter a due date if the transaction is a charge.

Charge Priority

For all credit item types, this field displays the charge priority list that is associated with the item type. If necessary, you may override this value.

Pay Method

If the payment item type is set up as tender-specific, then the tender category appears in this field. If the field is not populated, select a value from the list. Click the Tender Details button to add specific information, such as check number and bank information.

Payment ID

This field is used only when reversing a payment. Enter the payment ID number of the transaction to be reversed. When you exit the field, the page is completed with the original transaction information.

Use Exc Acct (use excess account)

Select the Exc Acct check box to route payments in excess of a charge or account balance to a designated excess account. When the check box is selected, enter the excess account type in the field to the right.

Restrict Payment to Account

Select to restrict the entire amount of the payment to the specified account type. Selecting this option prevents excess payments from being transferred to an excess payment account.

Restrict to Invoice

Select to restrict payment to an invoice. This option is only available if an institution elected to apply payments by invoice on the SF Installation page.

Select Charges to Pay

Click this link to access the Select Charges to Pay page.

Pay Amount

From the Select Charges to Pay page, specify the amount of the total payment that you want to apply against this charge. The specified amounts must total 100 percent of the payment.

Student Accounts

Click this link to access the Student Accounts page.

Academic Information

Click this link to access the Academic Information page.

Payment Details

Click this link to access the Payment Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Transactions for Individual Organizations

Access the Corp Post page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Post Corporation Transaction, Corp Post).

With the exception of the following links, this page is the same as the Student Post page.

Select Students to Pay

Click this link to access the Select Students to Pay page.

Corp Accounts

Click this link to access the Corp Accounts page.

Third Party Information

Click this link to access the Third Party Information page.

For better posting performance, when restricting the corporate payment, enter values in both the Contract Number and Contract ID fields of the Third Party Information page.

See Also

Posting Transactions for Individual Students

Click to jump to parent topicConsolidating and Reviewing Transactions for Individual Students and Organizations

This section lists the pages used to consolidate and reviewing transactions for individual students and organizations.

Note. Single transactions that are created using the Student Post and Corp Post components are stored in the QUICK_POST_TBL (quick post table). This table can become very large. The Purge QUICK_POST_TBL process consolidates these transactions into two posting groups, one for student transactions and one for corporate transactions. It then empties the table. After these transactions are consolidated into posting groups, they can be easily tracked and audited.

Note. Define the origin ID and group type that the system uses to consolidate transactions into posting groups on the Posting Setup page.

See Also

Defining Posting Parameters

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Consolidate and Review Transactions for Individual Students and Organizations

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Definition Name



Purge Posting Table


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Purge Posting Table

Run the Purge QUICK_POST_TBL process.

Posting Information


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Review Posting Information, Posting Information

Review transactions that were consolidated by the Purge QUICK_POST_TBL process.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Account Information Within the Maintain Receivables Feature

This section lists the pages used to view account information within the Maintain Receivables feature and discusses the Item Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Account Information Within the Maintain Receivables Feature

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Definition Name



Item View


Student Financials, View Item, Item View

Review item activity for student accounts.

Corp Item View


Student Financials, View Corporate Item, Corp Item View

Review item activity for organization accounts.

Item Line View


Student Financials, View Item Line, Item Line View

Review information about each line item in a student account.

Item Line Corp View


Student Financials, View Corporate Item Line, Item Line Corp View

Review charges to a corporate account by the account type that is affected.

Item Due View


Student Financials, View Item Due, Item Due View

Review detailed information about due line items in a student account.

Corp Item Due View


Student Financials, View Corporate Item Due, Corp Item Due View

Review detailed information about due line items in an organization account.

Item Details


Click the Account Details link on the Corp Accounts page and then click the Item Details link.

Review item activity for organization accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Item Details Page

When the Cross Reference Student Charge check box is selected on the Third Party Contract page (Student Financials, Payment Plans, Third Party Contract, Create, Third Party Contract), additional information appears in the Details group box on the Item Details page (on the Corp Line, Student Charge, and Student Tuition Item tabs).

Here is an example of the Item Details page showing the Corp Line tab in the Details group box:

See Setting Up Third-Party Contracts.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Payment by Invoice Information Within the Maintain Receivables Feature

The Maintain Receivables application provides a variety of ways to inquire on payment by invoice information at various levels of detail.

Note. This section is only valid for institutions that apply payments by invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Payment by Invoice Information Within the Maintain Receivables Feature

Page Name

Definition Name



View Items by Invoice


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, View Items by Invoice

View a summary of student items by invoice.

View Corp Items by Invoice


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, View Corp Items by Invoice

View a summary of corporate items by invoice.

Update Payment Invoice ID


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, Update Payment Invoice ID

Update the invoice ID for payments restricted to invoices.

Update Corp Payment Invoice ID


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, Update Corp Payment Invoice

Update the invoice ID of corporate payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Items by Invoice

Access the View Items by Invoice page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, View Items by Invoice).

If payments are not restricted to invoice, then payments may be applied to charges that are not invoiced. In addition, the system displays both student and corporate payments that were received and posted towards an invoice. Only invoices with an invoice balance of more than $0.00 appear.

View items by invoice number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Corp Items by Invoice

Access the View Corp Items by Invoice page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, View Corp Items by Invoice).

View a summary of corporate items by invoice number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Payment Invoice ID

Access the Update Payment Invoice ID page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, Update Payment Invoice ID).

Use this page to designate an unapplied payment towards an invoice:

  1. Select the invoice ID to which the payment is to be applied.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Run the Payment Applier process for the student.

    The Payment Applier process applies the credit to the invoice. Payments restricted to a specific invoice cannot be designated to pay another invoice; however, they can be refunded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Corp Payment ID

Access the Update Corp Payment Invoice page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payments by Invoice, Update Corp Payment Invoice).

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Disputed Charges

This section provides an overview of disputed charges and discusses how to enter dispute information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Disputed Charges

When a student or organization disputes charges, the disputed charge is designated as a line entry on the Review Credit History page (depending on how Dispute Aging is set up in the Aging Set). When you have resolved the dispute, the customer can pay the charge, you can remove the disputed amount from the item, or you can move the charge to a write-off account

You would follow these steps to dispute a charge:

  1. Access the Change Item Line (for students) or Change Corp Item Line (for organizations) page to display a list of accounts for a student or organization.

  2. Click the Account Details link next to the account that contains the disputed charge to access the Change Item Line - Account Summary (for students) or Change Corp Item Line - Account Summary (for organizations) page.

    These pages display all charges that are associated with the selected account.

  3. Click the Item Details link next to the disputed charge to access the Change Item Line - Line Detail Update (for students) or Change Corp Item Line - Line Detail Update (for organizations) page.

  4. Enter dispute information for the charge and click the Save button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Disputed Charges

Page Name

Definition Name



Change Item Line


Student Financials, Collection, Adjustments, Change Item Line

Select an account that contains a disputed charge for a student.

Change Item Line - Account Summary


Click the Account Details link on the Change Item Line page.

Select a disputed charge for a student.

Change Item Line - Line Detail Update


Click the Item Details link on the Account Summary page.

Enter dispute information for a student.

Change Corp Item Line


Student Financials, Collections, Adjustments, Change Corporate Item Line, Change Corp Item Line

Select an account containing a disputed charge for an organization.

Change Item Line - Account Summary


Click the Account Details link on the Change Item Line page.

Select a disputed charge for an organization.

Change Item Line - Line Detail Update


Click the Item Details link on the Change Item Line - Account Summary page.

Enter dispute information for an organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dispute Information

Access the Change Item Line - Line Detail Update (click the Item Details link on the Account Summary page).

Ref Nbr (reference number)

Enter the reference number that you are using to track the disputed receivable.

Nbr Effective Dt (number effective date)

This field is set by default to the current system date.

Due Dt (due date)

Enter the due date of the charge.

Dispute Dt (dispute date)

Enter the date that the student or organization disputed the charge.

Dispute Amount

Enter the amount of the dispute.

Encum Dt (encumbrance date)

Enter the encumbrance date from which you want the disputed amount of the payment held.

Amount Encumbered

Enter the dollar amount of the student's account that the dispute encumbers in this field.

Item Term

This field displays the term to which the system posted the charge.

Line Action

Enter the line action.

Line Reason

Enter a line reason code that specifies the reason for the dispute.


The description is set by default to the description of the original transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicReversing Payments and Charges

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reverse Payments and Charges

Page Name

Definition Name



Payment Reversal


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Payment, Payment Reversal

Reverse student payments.

Payment Reversal - Payment Detail


Click the Payment Detail link on the Payment Reversal page.

Review details about a student payment before reversing it.

Payment Corp Reversal


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Corporate Payment, Payment Corp Reversal

Reverse corporate payments.

Payment Corp Reversal - Payment Detail (payment corporate reversal - payment detail)


Click the link next to a payment on the Payment Corp Reversal page.

Review details about a corporate payment before reversing it.

Charge Reversal


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Charge, Charge Reversal

Select a student account containing a charge you want to reverse.

Charge Reversal - Charge Detail


Click the Account Details link on the Charge Reversal page.

Reverse student charges.

Reverse Corporate Charge - Charge Reversal


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Corporate Charge

Select a corporate account containing a charge you want to reverse.

Reverse Corporate Charge - Charge Detail


Click the Account Details link on the Reverse Corporate Charge - Charge Reversal page.

Reverse corporate charges.

Reversal Detail


Click the Reverse button on the Payment Reversal, Payment Corp Reversal, Charge Reversal, or Reverse Corporate Charge - Charge Reversal page.

Enter optional reversal information after reversing a payment or charge.

Group Reversal


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Reverse Groups, Group Reversal

Reverse groups of transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Payments

Access the Payment Reversal (for students) (Student Financials (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Payment, Payment Reversal), Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Payment) or Payment Corp Reversal (for organizations) page.

  1. Enter search criteria and click the Search button to display the desired payments.

  2. Click the Reverse button next to a payment to access the Reversal Detail page.

  3. Enter optional reversal information (such as Item Effective Date, Description, and Reason Code) on the Reversal Detail page and click the OK button to complete the payment reversal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Charges

Access the Charge Reversal (for students) (Student Financials (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Charge, Charge Reversal), Charges and Payments, Reversals, Reverse Charge) or Charge Corp Reversal - Charge Reversal (for organizations) page.

  1. Click the Account Details link next to the account that contains the charge you want to reverse.

    This link accesses the Charge Reversal - Charge Detail (for students) or Charge Corp Reversal - Charge Detail (for organizations) page, which displays all charges that are associated with the selected account.

  2. Click the Reverse button next to a charge to access the Reversal Detail page.

  3. Enter optional reversal information (such as Item Effective Date, Description, and Reason Code) on the Reversal Detail page and click the OK button to complete the charge reversal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Groups of Transactions

Access the Group Reversal page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Group Processing, Reverse Group, Group Reversal).


Include Detail

Select this option to generate a detailed report of the transactions reversed when you run the process.

Group ID

Enter the unique ID of the group of transactions that you want to reverse.


Enter an optional description for the group reversal. This description appears next to the item type on the Group Line Entry page.

Bank Tracer Nbr (bank tracer number)

Enter a number for tracking purposes. This field is optional.

Item Effective Date

Enter the effective date that the system assigns to the reversed transactions.

Due Date Option

Select an option to determine how the system calculates due dates for the reversed transactions.

New Due Dt (new due date): Select this option to enter a new due date that the system assigns to the reversed transactions.

Null: The system assigns a null value to the due date of the reversed transactions and assigns new due dates during the billing process.

Old Due Dt (old due date): The system assigns the original due date of the reversed transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Payroll Deduction Reversals

When Payroll for North America reverses a previous payroll deduction, the resulting deduction is a negative amount. Student Financials cannot link the negative deduction amount to the originally posted deduction. The system selects these negative deductions through the Select Payroll Deduction (SFPAYDED) process. However, when you run the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process on negative deductions, the system enters them into the posting tables as a group with a Posting Action of Do Not Post and a Posting Status of Errors. Because you cannot post these negative deductions using the normal method, you must manually resolve the affected student accounts.

Note. If the Payroll Deduction Group Create (SF_PAY_DED) process encounters both negative and positive deductions, it creates two separate posting groups, one for the negative deductions and one for the positive deductions.

Click to jump to parent topicApplying Payments

You can run the Payment Applier process to allocate unapplied payments to eligible charges that are still owing. The process applies payments to both student and corporate accounts. Payment swapping might occur if a priority payment is applied.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Apply Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



Payment Applier


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Apply Payment. Payment Applier

Run the Payment Applier process.

Payment Shuffle


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payment Shuffle

Identify remaining unapplied payments after running the Payment Applier process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Applier Process

Access the Payment Applier page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Apply Payment. Payment Applier).

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you want to run the Payment Applier process.

Select All IDs

Select to run the Payment Applier process for all student and corporate IDs.

Reset IDs

When you select this option, all applied payments are unapplied. Then, all payments are applied to their eligible charges as if for the first time, following payment allocation rules. All payments are applied in priority order.

Note. The Payment Applier process does not reset payments if the account is a payment plan or if the account has write-off or refund transactions.

ID or External Org ID

If you do not select the Select All IDs check box, enter ID numbers for the students or organizations to which you want payments applied.

Note. When running the process for individual IDs, you cannot include both students and organizations at the same time.

Click to jump to parent topicWriting Off Charges and Account Balances

This section provides an overview of write-offs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Write-offs

If a receivable becomes impossible to collect, you can write off the receivable by moving the charge within your general ledger from your receivable or collections account to your write-off account. The system adds the write-off service indicator to the customer's account and applies the restrictions that you defined for write-off customers.

If you process a write-off by mistake, or if a customer agrees to pay a debt that you already wrote off, Student Financials enables you to reverse the write-off.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Write Off Charges and Account Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Writeoff


Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Post Student Write-off, Student Writeoff

Create write-offs for individual students.

Corp Writeoff


Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Post Corporate Writeoff, Corp Writeoff

Create write-offs for individual organizations.

Accounts To Writeoff


Select the Writeoff Accounts option or click the Accounts to Writeoff link on the Student Writeoff page.

Select accounts to write off for individual students and organizations.

Items To Writeoff


Select the Writeoff Items option and click the Items to Writeoff link on the Student Writeoff page.

Select items to write off for individual students and organizations.

Write Offs


Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Run Write-off Process, Write Offs

Process batch write-offs.

Writeoff Reversal


Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Reverse Student Writeoff, Writeoff Reversal

Reverse write-offs for students.

Writeoff Corp Reversal


Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Reverse Corporate Writeoff, Writeoff Corp Reversal

Reverse write-offs for organizations.

Writeoff Detail


Click the Writeoff Detail link on the Writeoff Reversal or Writeoff Corp Reversal page.

Review information about a write-off.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Write-offs for Individual Students

Access the Student Writeoff page (Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Post Student Write-off, Student Writeoff).


Select the ID of the student whose receivables you are writing off.


This field displays the total balance of the customer's account.

Anticipated Aid

This field displays the amount of financial aid that was awarded to the student but not yet disbursed.


Select a write-off method.

Writeoff Balance

Select this option to write off the entire amount shown in the Balance field.

Writeoff Account(s)

When you select this option, the Accounts to Writeoff link becomes available.

Writeoff Item(s)

When you select this option, the Items to Writeoff link becomes available.

Srv Ind Cd (service indicator code)

Select the service indicator code that sets the desired limitations on transactions for customers whose accounts you have written off.

Student Accounts and Academic Information

Click the Student Accounts link to see the View Customer Accounts page. Click the Academic Information link to view academic plan and enrollment information.

Item Information

Item Type

Select the item type that you are using for your write-off account. The description of the item type appears in the field to the right.

Item Amount

The amount of the transaction that you are writing off appears next to the term you select.


Enter a term for the write-off.

Reference Nbr (reference number)

Enter the reference number that you use to track your write-offs.

Item Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the item.

Payment Details

Click this link to review further details about the write-off.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Write-offs for Individual Organizations

Access the Corp Writeoff page (Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Post Corporate Writeoff, Corp Writeoff).

This page is identical to the Student Writeoff page.

See Also

Creating Write-offs for Individual Students

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Accounts to Write Off for Individual Students and Organizations

Access the Accounts To Writeoff page (Select the Writeoff Accounts option or click the Accounts to Writeoff link on the Student Writeoff page.

Select the check box next to the accounts that you want to write off.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Items to Write Off for Individual Students and Organizations

Access the Items To Writeoff page (Select the Writeoff Items option and click the Items to Writeoff link on the Student Writeoff page).

Select the check box next to the items you want to write off.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Batch Write-offs

Access the Write Offs page (Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Run Write-off Process, Write Offs).


Select this option to execute this process for individuals.

By External Org ID (by external organization ID)

Select this option to execute this process for organizations.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for the write-offs that you are processing.

Aging Set and Aging Category

Enter the aging set and the appropriate aging category to select the overdue amounts. For example, if you select the STD (standard) aging set and the code of 96 for the 120+ day aging category, transactions for individuals or organizations that match the criteria for the STD aging set and are more than 120 days past due are selected to be written off.

Past Due Amount and Last Activity Date

Enter the past due amount criteria for the aging category and the last activity date to further refine your selection.

Item Type Writeoff

Select the item type that your institution uses for write-offs.

Service Indicator Cd (service indicator code)

Select the appropriate service indicator code to place a hold on an individual or organization after you write off charges.

Report Only

Select this option to produce a report of individuals who are selected for write-off before you continue with the process.

Group Type and Origin ID

To perform the write-off, you must create a posting group that consists of all amounts to be written off. Select the group type and origin ID to use when creating your posting group. These fields are used for security purposes. You should use a group type and origin type with limited access.

Running this process creates a posting group. Make note of the posting group ID because you should review the posting group before you post it. After you are satisfied with the posting group, post it using the Group Post process.

See Also

Posting Group Data Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Write-offs for Students

Access the Writeoff Reversal page (Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Reverse Student Writeoff, Writeoff Reversal).


Enter the ID of the student for whom you want to reverse the write-off.


Enter the term for which you want the write off reversal to apply.


This field displays the description of the write-off item type.


This field displays the term of the original charge.

Post Date

This field displays the date the write-off was posted.


This field displays the amount of the write-off.


This field displays the balance of each transaction.

Rev (reversed)

This field displays the write-off reversal status. When the reversal is complete, the N changes to a Y to indicate that you successfully reversed the write-off.


Click this button next to the write-off that you want to reverse.

Writeoff Detail

Click this link to access the Writeoff Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Write-offs for Organizations

Access the Writeoff Corp Reversal page (Student Financials, Collections, Write Offs, Reverse Corporate Writeoff, Writeoff Corp Reversal).

This page is identical to the Writeoff Reversal page.

See Also

Reversing Write-offs for Students

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Enrollment Deposits

The Enrollment Deposit process enables you to restrict services by automatically placing a service indicator on student records if the respective students do not pay the required enrollment deposits. This process also automatically releases service indicators upon receipt of enrollment deposits.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Enrollment Deposits

Page Name

Definition Name



Enroll Deposit


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Enrollment Deposits, Enroll Deposit

Define basic parameters for the Enrollment Deposit process.

Enroll Deposit2


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Enrollment Deposits, Enroll Deposit2

Select academic programs and waiver forms for the Enrollment Deposit process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Parameters for Enrollment Deposit Processing

Access the Enroll Deposit page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Enrollment Deposits, Enroll Deposit).

Business Unit

Select the business unit for which you are processing enrollment deposits.


Select the term for which you are processing enrollment deposits.

Item Type Group

Select the item type group that you are using for enrollment deposits.


Enter the amount of the enrollment deposit. The amount is the monetary amount of a single deposit.

Service Indicators

Set Srvc Ind (set service indicator)

Select this option to set service indicator codes.

Rel Srvc Ind (release service indicators)

Select this option to release the service indicator codes that have been applied to student's accounts.

Srv Ind Cd (service indicator code)

Select the service indicator code that you want to apply.

Srvc Reason (service reason), Contact, and Srvc Impact (service impact)

Select the service reason code that is attached to the service indicator code, the contact, and the service impact code.

Letter Generation

Using the 3Cs functionality, you can automatically generate letters to students.

Gen Letter (generate letter) and Letter Code

When you select the Gen Letter option, use the Letter Code field to identify the letter that the system generates.

Function, Category, and Context

Select the desired function, category, and context.

See Also

Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Academic Programs and Waiver Forms (Student Permissions) for the Enrollment Deposit Process

Access the Enroll Deposit2 page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Enrollment Deposits, Enroll Deposit2).

All Programs

To evaluate enrollment deposits for all academic programs, select this option. This selection makes the Academic Program fields unavailable.

Academic Program

Select the academic program whose deposits you want to process.

Permission Form

Select a permission form (Student Permissions) that allows financial aid monies to pay the enrollment fee for students who have been granted permission.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Late Fees

The Late Fee process enables you to calculate late fees for all students and organizations that are past due on their accounts.

See Also

Setting Up Late Fees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Late Fees

Page Name

Definition Name



Late Fees


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Processing, Late Fees

Calculate and post late fees.

Late Fees


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Student Late Fees, Late Fees

Review late fees for students.

Late Fee Details


Click the Details link on the Late Fees page: Late Fees 2 tab.

Review details about a student late fee.

Late Fee Messages


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Late Fee Messages, Late Fee Messages

Review errors and warnings generated during the processing of student late fees.

Corp Late Fees


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Corp Late Fees, Corp Late Fees

Review late fees for organizations.

Corp Late Fees - Late Fees Details


Click the Details link on the Corp Late Fees - Late Fees 2 tab.

Review details about a corporate late fee.

Corp Late Fee Messages


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Corp Late Fee Messages

Review errors or warnings generated during the processing of corporate late fees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Late Fees

Access the Late Fees page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Processing, Late Fees).

Batch ID

This field displays the batch ID that the system assigns when it runs the process.

Report Only

Select this option to produce a report without posting the late fee.

Run Options

Select from these values:

All External Organizations: Enables you to process late fees for external corporate customers. If you select this run option, the ID and External Org ID fields become unavailable and the From ID and To ID fields become available. These fields enable you to specify a range of external organizations against which to process late fees. These fields are not required. If you leave them blank, the system processes late fees for all external organizations.

Single External Organization: Enables you to process late fees that are incurred by a single corporate customer. If you select this run option, the External Org ID field becomes available and the ID, From ID, and To ID fields become unavailable.

Single Student: This is the default value. It enables you to process a late fee for one individual. If you select this run option, the ID field becomes available and the External Org ID, From ID, and To ID fields become unavailable.

All Students: Enables you to process late fees for all students. If you select this run option, the ID and External Org ID fields become unavailable and the From ID and To ID fields become available. These fields enable you to specify a range of students against which to process late fees. These fields are not required. If you leave them blank, the system processes late fees for all students.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for which you are processing late fees.


If applicable, select the ID of the student for which you are processing late fees. This field becomes available when you select the Single Student run option.

From ID

If applicable, select the beginning ID of your range. This field is only applicable if you process a range of either students or corporations when using the respective run options All Students or All External Organizations.


If applicable, select the ending ID of your range. This field is only applicable if you process a range of either students or corporations when using the respective run options All Students or All External Organizations.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

If applicable, select the ID of the organization for which you are processing late fees.

Late Fee Code

Select the late fee code for the fee schedule that you are applying.

Display Late Fees

Click the Display Late Fees link to access the Display Late Fees page, where you can review the accounts that were processed in this run.

Display Errors/Warnings

Click the Display Errors/Warnings link to access the Late Fee Messages page, where you can view errors or warnings that you encountered during this run.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Late Fees Using the Billing Request Number

An alternative Late Fees process starts with the amount due from a specified billing request number and nets any payments or credits received on the account since the billing date. If the payments or credits are less than the amount due, the student is assessed a late fee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Late Fees Using the Billing Request Number

Page Name

Definition Name



Late Fees – Billing


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Processing – Billing, Late Fees–Billing

Process late fees using the Billing Request number.

Late Fees – Billing


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Late Fees – Billing, Late Fees – Billing

Review student late fees – billing for students.

Late Fee Messages


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Late Fee Messages

Review any errors or warnings generated during the processing of student late fees.

Review Corp Late Fees - Billing (corporation late fees)


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Corp Late Fees – Bill (corporation late fees)

Review late fees for organizations.

Corp Late Fee Messages (corporation late fee messages)


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Review Corp Late Fee Messages

Review any errors or warnings generated during the processing of corporate late fees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Late Fees - Billing

Access the Late Fees - Billing page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Late Fees, Late Fees Processing – Billing, Late Fees–Billing)


Report Only

Select if the process is Report Only mode.

Business Unit

Select the business unit to be used for identifying the students, organizations, or both to be processed.

Display Late Fees

Select to access the Display Late Fees page, where you can review the accounts that were processed in this run.

Display Errors / Warnings

Select to access the Late Fee Messages page, where you can view any errors or warnings that you encountered during this run.

Billing Request Nbr (billing request number)

Enter the number to be used for identifying the students, organizations, or both to be processed.

Emplid/External Org Id (employee ID/external organization ID)

Enter a single student or organization for processing.

Late Fee Code

Select a value.

Posting Term

Select the term in which the late fee will be posted.

Include Anticipated Aid?

Select to include anticipated aid.

Maximum Aid Term

Enter a maximum aid term for the process.


Click to run the Late Fees - Billing process.

Payment Date Range


Enter a start date for the payment date range.


Enter an end date for the payment date range.

Late Fee Maximum Date Range


This value is provided by default from the late fee code setup.


Enter an end date for the late fee maximum date range.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Enrollment Cancellation

This section provides an overview of enrollment cancellation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Enrollment Cancellation

The Enrollment Cancellation process selects students for enrollment cancellation when they are past due on their fee payments. You can set up the system to cancel individual classes within a term, individual classes within a session, the entire term, or the entire session for students who meet the past due requirements that you define. You can apply enrollment cancellation criteria to all students in your institution or only to students in specific tuition groups or academic programs. You have the flexibility to define enrollment cancellation rules that meet the specific needs of your institution.

The Enrollment Cancellation process in the Student Financials application selects only students for cancellation. The actual cancellation process is completed in PeopleSoft Student Records using the Student Records Term Withdrawal process (SRPCWDPR).

See Also

PeopleSoft Student Records 9.0 PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Enrollment Cancellation

Page Name

Definition Name



Enrollment Cancellation 1


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Cancel Enrollment, Enrollment Cancellation 1

Define student selection criteria for enrollment cancellation.

Enrollment Cancellation 2


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Cancel Enrollment, Enrollment Cancellation 2

Define charges, offset payments, cancellation options, and service indicators for enrollment cancellation.

Enrollment Cancellation


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Review Enrollment Cancellation, Enrollment Cancellation

Review results of the Enrollment Cancellation process.

Enrollment Cancellation Messages


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Review Cancellation Messages

Review messages generated by the Enrollment Cancellation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Student Selection Criteria for Enrollment Cancellation

Access the Enrollment Cancellation 1 page (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Cancel Enrollment, Enrollment Cancellation 1).

Business Unit

Select the business unit for the students that you are reviewing.

Report Only

Select to view which students are eligible for cancellation without completing the process. The results of the report are available when you click the Display Cancellation link.

Display Cancellation

Click to view cancellation results. It does not matter whether the Report Only check box is selected. The system displays results for the Class Cancellation process you have run.

Display Cancellation Messages

Click to view enrollment cancellation warning and error messages.

Cancellation Type

Define which enrollments are canceled by running the process. The cancellation type works in conjunction with the Cancel Completed Classes and Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes on the Enrollment Cancellation 2 page to determine what type of request the Enrollment Cancellation process generates for a student.

Term Cancellation

Select to cancel all the classes that a student is taking for a term.

If you select this option and you also select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a term cancellation request for each selected student.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop, instead of a term cancellation request, for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a term cancellation request.

Session Cancellation

Select to cancel all the classes that a student is taking for a session.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a session cancellation request for each selected student.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop, instead of a session cancellation request, for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a session cancellation request.

Class by Class Within Term

Select to cancel individual classes within a term.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class in the term, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount that you specify. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a term cancellation request.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a term cancellation request.

Class by Class Within Session

Select to cancel individual classes within a session.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class in the session, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount that you specify. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a session cancellation request.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a session cancellation request.


Enter the term for which you are canceling enrollments. This field is required.


Enter the session for which you are canceling enrollments if you are using either session option.

Selection Criteria

Select which students you want to review for enrollment cancellation processing.


Select to review all students in the business unit who meet the criteria that you specify. If you select this option, the Tuition Group and Academic Program fields are not available.

Tuition Group

Select n to review students within a specific tuition group.

Academic Program

Select to review students within a specific academic program.

Aging Criteria

By Date

Select and enter a date to indicate that any student with a past due amount on the specified payment date should be selected for enrollment cancellation.

By Days

Select and enter the number of days to indicate that any student with a past due amount for the number of days specified should be selected for enrollment cancellation.

Past Due

Initial Amount

Enter the initial past due amount that places a student in the enrollment cancellation process. Students with past due amounts that are lower than the initial amount are not selected.

Subsequent Amount

This field is available only when the Class by Class Within Term or Class by Class Within Session option is selected. The system uses this information to automatically cancel classes one by one until the past due amount is less than the subsequent amount.

Example of the Class by Class Cancellation Process with Subsequent Amount

A student enrolls in four classes at a cost of 300 USD per class, but pays only 300 USD. For enrollment cancellation purposes, the initial amount is 600 USD and the subsequent amount is 350 USD. The system selects the student as eligible for enrollment cancellation because the past due amount is 900 USD, which exceeds the specified initial amount. The first class that is cancelled lowers the past due amount to 600 USD. Because this figure is still higher than the subsequent amount (350 USD), the system cancels a second class, which brings the past due amount to 300 USD. Because this figure is lower than the subsequent amount specified, no more classes are cancelled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Charges, Offset Payments, Cancellation Options, and Service Indicators for Enrollment Cancellation

Access the Enrollment Cancellation 2 page (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Cancellation, Cancel Enrollment, Enrollment Cancellation 2).

Display Cancellation

Click to access the Enrollment Cancellation page, where you can review details about students with cancelled enrollment.

Display Cancellation Messages

Click to access the Enrollment Canc Messages page, where you can review cancellation messages.

Item Group Selection

Item Group

Select the appropriate item group to indicate the specific charges to be included in the past due amount.

From/To Term

Enter the From/To Term range for picking up the charges.

Unapplied Payments, Unapplied Financial Aid, Anticipated Aid

To reduce charges by certain types of unapplied payments, unapplied financial aid, or anticipated aid, select the option and then enter the appropriate item group and the from/to term range for picking up these credits.


Cancel Completed Classes

Select this option to cancel classes that have been completed but not graded. The system will not cancel any classes for which the student has received grades.

Cancel Classes With Grades

If grades have been entered, and you want to include graded classes in the cancellation process, select this option to cancel classes with grades.

Eligible to Enroll

If you select this check box, the Enrollment Cancellation process selects the Eligible to Enroll check box on the Term Activation page for students selected by the process. If you do not select this check box, the Enrollment Cancellation process clears the Eligible to Enroll check box on the Term Activation page for students that were selected by the process.

Service Impact

Service Impact

Enter a service impact to exclude students from the enrollment cancellation process. Those students with the service indicator are not selected for the enrollment cancellation process.

After you set a service impact, it is not in effect for all future terms. You must reset it every term or set for the generic term 0000. No effective term is associated with a service impact. A service impact set at one institution will not be respected by other institutions.

See Also

Managing Student Programs, Plans, and Subplans

Click to jump to parent topicValidating Tables

The Table Validation process is a powerful tool that enables you to report on and correct referential integrity errors within Student Financials tables. These errors can occur as a result of setup errors, changes to setup after data is partially processed, or your own modified programs that insert or update Student Financials tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Validate Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Table Validation


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Validate Tables, Table Validation

Run the Table Validation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Table Validation Process

Access the Table Validation page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Validate Tables, Table Validation).

Select Option

Select Option

Individual Only: Select to process only individual accounts. If you select this option, all options are available in the ID Options group box,

Individual and Organization: Select to process all accounts in the system. If you select this option, the ID Option is limited to All IDs.

Organization Only: Select to process only external organization accounts. If you select this option, all options are available in the ID Options group box.

Run Option


Select to correct data errors when they are detected. Clear this check box to produce reports only. If you select this check box, the process still produces reports.

Note. When you run the Table Validation process, you have the option of selecting as many reports and updates as you want. In update mode, data dependencies and processing must occur in the order that the options appear on the page.

ID Option

All IDs

Select to run the process against all accounts in the system. If Individual and Organization is selected as the Select Option, All IDs is the required ID Option.

One ID

Select to run the process against a single individual or corporate account. When you select this option, the ID field becomes available.

ID Range

Select to process a range of either individual or corporate accounts. When you select this option, the From ID and to ID fields become available.

Detail Options

In the Detail Options group box, select the reports or updates that you want to process. If the Update run option is not selected, the process produces a report that identifies referential data integrity discrepancies, but it does not change any data. If you select the Update run option, discrepancies are corrected as indicated in each description.

Student Account Balance

Select to compare the account balance from the ACCOUNT_SF table with the sum of the item amounts from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the sum of the item amounts to update the account balance.

Corporation Account Balance

Select to compare the account balance from the ACCOUNT_ORG_SF table with the sum of the item amounts from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the sum of the item amounts to update the account balance.

Item Amount

Select to compare the item amount from the ITEM_SF table with the sum of the line amounts from the ITEM_LINE_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the sum of the line amounts to update the item amount.

Payment Amount

Select to compare the payment amounts from the PAYMENT_TBL table with the sum of the item amounts for each payment from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the sum of the item amounts to update the payment amount.

Refund Amount

Select to compare the refund amount from the REFUND_HDR table with the item amount from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the item amount to update the refund amount.

Applied Amount

Select to compare the sum of the cross reference amounts from the ITEM_XREF table with the applied amount from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system uses the cross-reference amount to update the applied amount.

Balance Amount

Select to compare the sum of the cross-reference amount from the ITEM_XREF table with the net value of the item amount, minus the item balance from the ITEM_SF table. If the amounts are different, the system subtracts the sum of the cross-reference amount from the item amount and uses the result to update the item balance.

Cross Reference CommonID Table

Select the Cross Reference CommonID Table check box and run the process.

The report performs the following cross checks:

  • For every student with an account that is defined in ACCOUNT_SF and for every organization with an account that is defined in ACCOUNT_ORG_SF, the report verifies that a row exists in the SF_COMMON_ID table. If a row does not exist in the SF_COMMON_ID table and you run the report in update mode, the system inserts a row for the student or organization ID into SF_COMMON_ID.

  • For every person or organization, the report verifies for each COMMON_ID that the maximum item number that is recorded in the ITEM_SF table matches the field ITEM_NBR_LAST stored in the SF_COMMON_ID table. When you run the report in update mode, if the ITEM_NBR_LAST in the SF_COMMON_ID table does not match the highest ITEM_NBR for a given student or organization in ITEM_SF, the program updates the field ITEM_NBR_LAST to match the highest ITEM_NBR in ITEM_SF for that student or organization.

  • For every person or organization, the report verifies for each COMMON_ID that the maximum payment ID number recorded in the PAYMENT_TBL matches the field PAYMENT_ID_LAST stored in the SF_COMMON_ID table. When you run the report in update mode, if the PAYMENT_ID_LAST in the SF_COMMON_ID table does not match the highest PAYMENT_ID_NBR for a given student or organization in PAYMENT_TBL, the program updates the field PAYMENT_ID_LAST to match the highest PAYMENT_ID_NBR in PAYMENT_TBL for that student or organization.

The report lists any discrepancies found.

Note. Due to its intensive table analysis of the core SF transaction tables and possible updates to SF_COMMON_ID, you should run the Cross Reference CommonID Table report in update mode only on a limited basis and only while it has exclusive access to the system. Do not run other Student Financials processes while this report is running.

Cross Reference CommonID Field

Select the Cross Reference CommonID Field check box and run the process.

The report cross checks COMMON_ID and SA_ID_TYPE against the fields EMPLID and EXT_ORG_ID in the following tables:





For each table, the system reports errors when the following conditions occur:

  1. Both EMPLID and EXT_ORG_ID are populated.

  2. Neither EMPLID nor EXT_ORG_ID is populated.

  3. The SF_COMMON_ID.SA_ID_TYPE = P (person) and the EMPLID has a value that is not the same value in COMMON_ID.

  4. The SF_COMMON_ID.SA_ID_TYPE = O (organization) and the EXT_ORG_ID have values that are not the same value in COMMON_ID.

Note. Even if you run the report in update mode, the system does not update the EMPLID, EXT_ORG_ID, COMMON_ID, and SA_ID_TYPE fields to prevent an inadvertent change to these ID fields. You must identify the correct values and make a manual correction in all relevant tables.

Cross Reference Item Amount

Select to compare the sum of the cross-reference amounts from the ITEM_XREF table with the item amount from the ITEM_SF table. If the item amount is less than this sum, the values in the ITEM_XREF table are set to zero and the errors are reported. To correct the errors, the payments must be backed out and then reapplied. Each payment can be backed out manually or by running the Applied Amount and Balance Amount reports after running this report. Exception: If the item is linked to a contract, the system does not set the values in the ITEM_XREF table to zero. To correct the errors, the contracts must be cancelled, the update process must be run again to zero the ITEM_XREF values, and the contracts must be reapplied.

Cross Reference Effective Date

Select to find any missing effective dates in the ITEM_XREF table to the item effective date in the ITEM_SF table. If dates are missing, the system uses the item effective date from ITEM_SF to update the effective date.

Cross Reference Payment ID

Select to find any missing payment ID numbers from the ITEM_XREF table with the payment ID number from the ITEM_SF table. If the numbers are different, the system uses the payment ID number from ITEM_SF to update the payment ID number in ITEM_XREF.

Cross Reference Contract Nbr (cross reference contract number)

Select to validate the contract number in the ITEM_XREF table. If the item number contract is populated but the contract number is blank, the system uses the contract number from the TP_STUDENT table to update the ITEM_XREF table.

Item Due Info

Item Due Date

Select to find due date discrepancies in the ITEM_DUE_SF table. The program compares this due date with the due date from the ITEM_LINE_SF table. If the dates are different, the system uses the due date from ITEM_LINE_SF to calculate the appropriate value and update the ITEM_DUE_SF due date.

Initial Run

Select in conjunction with the Item Due Date option to delete all due date values from the ITEM_DUE_SF table before recalculating them. This option only has an effect if the report is run in update mode.

Note. The Item Due Date and Initial Run fields must always be considered together.

Commit Option

Commit At the End

Select to commit changes only at the end of processing.

This option applies only to the Item Due Date option.

Commit Level

Select to specify a commit level. When you select this option, you are required to specify a value in the box that appears to the right. The program commits changes to the table after each 100 IDs have been processed.

Note. This option applies only to the Item Due Date option.

You can use the Operator ID and Date Time Stamp columns to find out who last performed an update or insert operation on the following tables and when the operation was last performed

You will need to use a query tool to find out the Operator ID and Date Time Stamp column values.