Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

This chapter provides an overview of the 3Cs — communications, checklists, and comments and lists common elements.

The 3Cs — communications, checklists, and comments — are a flexible way to track and analyze correspondence, lists of requirements, and notes about the students, staff, constituents, and organizations in your database.

Communication management enables you to fully manage all types of contacts inside and outside your institution. Checklist management enables you to create lists of requirements and monitor their status. Comments creation enables you to attach notable remarks about individuals and organizations.

You can enter communications, checklists, and comments manually throughout your system, or, using the 3C engine, you can define events and triggers to have the system add communications, add comments, and add or update checklists for individuals or organizations automatically from within your business processes. You can also use the Population Selection process to select a specific population for the 3C engine to assign items to.

Each of the 3Cs requires an administrative function and a 3C update/inquiry group.

The administrative function identifies the variable data associated with the specific category of communication, checklist, or comment. For example, the administrative function of ADMA, for Admissions [Application Level] identifies the Academic Career, Student Career Number, Application Number, and Application Program Number.

The 3C update/inquiry group provides user-level security access to categories of communications, checklists, and comments, while providing or restricting the user's ability to edit the data. For example, a security administrator might give a specific user 3C update/inquiry group security access to items in the Notice of Dismissal communication category, with an update only status so that he or she can view the data but cannot modify it.

Buttons appear on many pages in the system to enable you to transfer directly from that page to another page within the same administrative function, to generate or review a communication, checklist, or comment for the individual or organization whose information you are currently viewing.

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Transfers you to the appropriate Communications Management page, where you can review or create communications for the individual or organization. Communications include letters, phone calls, meetings, emails, and faxes.


Transfers you to the appropriate Checklists Management page, where you can review or create checklists for the individual or organization. Checklists may be lists of steps that must be performed, or documents that must be provided, or communications that are planned to occur, and so on.


Transfers you to the appropriate Comments page, where you can review or enter comments about the individual or organization.

See Also

Managing Communications

Managing Comments

Managing Checklists

Setting Up Administrative Functions

Setting Up 3C Group Security

Using the Population Selection Process

Using the 3C Engine

Using Mass Change