Managing Comments

This chapter lists prerequisites, provides an overview of comments, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Comments

You can enter and track comments about individuals and organizations. You can review all comments about an individual or organization or all comments entered by a specific individual. Because personal comments are subjective and often confidential, carefully analyze your institution's needs and requirements for entering and tracking comments. You should also be familiar with administrative functions and 3C group security before setting up or creating comments in your system.


With the appropriate security access, you can click the Create Comments button while on a page in a functional area about that individual or organization to attach or review comments to an individual's or an organization's record.

You can also navigate through the menus to access the comments pages described in this chapter.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Set up comments, including comment categories and 3C comment groups, before entering comments for individuals or organizations.

See Also

Setting Up Comments

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Comments

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Administrative Function

The code for the administrative area with which this comment is associated.

3C Group

The group of comment types to which a user has security access.

Variable Data

Click to access the Variable Data page, where you can view or enter the variable data (for the individual or organization) that is associated with the administrative function.

If you transfer to this page directly from a functional area, the variable data transfers from there. If no variable data is required or allowed for the administrative function, the Variable Data button is unavailable and no data transfers from the functional area.


Click to transfer to the Person Communication page or the Organization Communication page, where you can add a new communication for the individual or organization.


Click to transfer to the Checklists Management 1 page or the Organization Checklist Management 1 page, where you can add a new checklist for the individual or organization.


Click to transfer to the Personal Comment Entry page or the Organizational Comments page, where you can enter a new comment for the individual or organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Comments

Page Name

Definition Name



Person Comment Entry


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Entry

Enter comments about an individual.

Organization Comment Entry


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Entry

Enter comments about an organization.

Variable Data

VAR_XXXX_SEC (where XXXX is the administrative code)

Click the Variable Data button on the Person Comment Entry page or on the Organization Comment Entry page.

Review or change variable data for an individual or organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Comments About an Individual

Access the Person Comment Entry page (Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Entry).

Administrative Function

The code for the administrative area with which this comment is associated.

Academic Institution

The academic institution with which this comment is associated.

Comment Category

The business need with which this comment is associated.

Variable Data

Click to access the Variable Data page, where you can view or enter the variable data associated with the specified administrative function.

If you transferred to this page directly from a functional area, the variable data transferred from there.

If no variable data is required or allowed for the administrative function, the Variable Data button is unavailable and no data was transferred from the functional area.

Comment Data

Comment ID

The system displays the ID of the person entering the comment. If someone else is responsible for this comment, you can override the default ID and type the responsible person's ID.


The department responsible for the comment.

Comment Date

The date when the comment is entered. The default date is the system's current date. You can override this date.


The system displays the default comment, if any, from the Comment Categories page. If the default comment is set to Allow Changes, this field is editable.

Append Comments

If the default comment is set to Append, this field is available. When the page is saved, comments entered in this field are appended to the end of the default comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Comments About an Organization

Access the Organization Comment Entry page (Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Entry).

Administrative Function

The administrative area with which this comment is most closely associated.

Academic Institution

The academic institution with which this comment is most closely associated.

Comment Category

The business need with which this comment is associated.

Variable Data

Click to access the Variable Data page, where you can view or enter the variable data associated with the specified administrative function.

If you transferred to this page directly from a functional area, the variable data transferred from there.

If no variable data is required or allowed for the administrative function, the Variable Data button is unavailable and no data was transferred from the functional area.

Comment Data

Comment ID

The system displays the ID of the person entering the comment. If someone else is responsible for the comment, you can override the ID and enter the responsible person's ID.


The department responsible for the comment.

Comment Date

The date when the comment is entered. The default date is the system's current date. You can override this date.


The system displays the default comment, if any, from the Comment Categories page. If the default comment is set to Allow Changes, this field is editable.

Append Comments

If the default comment is set to Append, this field is available. When the page is saved, comments entered in this field are appended to the end of the default comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing or Changing Variable Data

Access the Variable Data page (click the Variable Data button on the Person Comment Entry page or on the Organization Comment Entry page).

Different fields and data appear on this page, based on the administrative function selected in the individual Person Comment Entry page or on the Organization Comment Entry page.

See Also

Setting Up Administrative Functions

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Comments

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Note. Users can access only those comments to which they have been granted 3C group security. With 3C group inquiry access, users can view the comments but cannot change them. With 3C group update access, users can view and change the comments.

See Also

Selecting the Type of 3C Group Access

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Edit or View

Click to access the Personal Comment Entry page or Organizational Comments page where, depending on your 3C group security level for the category, you can view or edit the comment about the individual or organization.

Edit is available for 3C group update access.

View is available for 3C group inquiry access.


The code for the category with which the comment is associated.


The description of the category with which the comment is associated.


The code for the administrative area with which the comment is associated.


The date and time when the comment was entered.


The number of the comment in the list of comments for the individual or organization.

Selection Criteria (area)

If you click Search without entering any values, the system searches for all comments for the person ID or the organization ID and displays the results at the bottom of the page. Enter values or any combination of values (Function, Category, or Comment ID) to limit the search.

Comment ID (tab)

Click to determine the ID and name of the person who is responsible for the comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Comments

Page Name

Definition Name



Comment Summary


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Summary

View a summary of comments about an individual and delete comments.

Organization Comment Summary


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Summary

View a summary of comments about an organization and delete comments.

Operator 3C Groups Summary


  • Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Summary, Operator 3C Groups Summary

  • Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Summary, Operator 3C Groups Summary

View or change an individual's 3C group inquiry or update access.

Person Comment Detail


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Detail

View the details of a comment about an individual. (This is a view-only version of the Personal Comment Entry page.)

Organization Comment Detail


Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Detail

View the details of a comment about an organization. (This is a view-only version of the Organization Comment Entry page.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Summary of Comments About an Individual

Access the Comment Summary page (Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Summary).

To delete a comment, click the trash can icon beside the row. Activate this icon using the Allow Deletes from 3C Pages group box on the Campus Community Installation page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Summary of Comments About an Organization

Access the Organization Comment Summary page (Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Summary).

To delete a comment, click the trash can icon beside the row. Activate this icon using the Allow Deletes from 3C Pages group box on the Campus Community Installation page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Who Is Responsible for a Comment

Access the Comment ID tab area on the appropriate summary page (Comment Summary page or Organization Comment Summary page).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing 3C Group Access to Comments

Access the Operator 3C Groups Summary page (Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Person, Person Comment Summary, Operator 3C Groups Summary or Campus Community, Comments, Comments - Organization, Organization Comment Summary, Operator 3C Groups Summary).

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Comments

This section discusses how to delete comments in batch.

See Also

Reviewing a Summary of Comments About an Individual

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Delete Comments

Page Name

Definition Name



Delete Comments


Campus Community, Comments, Delete Comments

Define processing parameters to run the Delete Comments process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Comments in Batch

Access the Delete Comments page.

Select one or more parameters to narrow the set of comments to be deleted. The Academic Institution, Administrative Function, and Comment Category fields are required; all other parameter selections are optional. To define a subset of specific IDs for which you want to delete communications, use the Population Selection group box. If you specify a Date Range, the comment deletion process compares the value of the Comment Date field of each comment against this range.

Administrative Function

Select an administrative function. The values available here are defined on the Administrative Function Table.

Comment Category

Select a category of comments. The values available here are restricted by 3C group security.

From Date and To Date

These fields are optional; however if used, both date fields must be completed and the From Date value must precede the To Date value.

Use the Population Selection group box to define a set of IDs, select a PS Query or define an external file. Queries available for selection have the 3C Delete Bind Record "SCC_3CDELCT_BND" included in the query. IDs returned by the Population Selection process apply to all Checklist Preference rows in the component.

After you specify the parameters, click the Run button to run the SCC_3CD_CMNT Application Engine process. When you click the Run button, the system searches for all checklists matching the parameters specified on this page and deletes them. Only the target checklist items are deleted and any related communications and comments remain, while maintaining the relationships between the relevant 3C tables.