Securing Campus Community

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up 3C Group Security

To set up 3C group security, use the 3C Group Security component (OPR_GRP_3C_TABLE).

You can select which 3C groups user IDs can view and update. The Campus Community 3C engine also uses the security that you set up here. The 3C engine does not process the user's request if the user does not have update access for the 3C value used in the process. 3C groups allow access to specific communication categories, checklist codes, and comment categories.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to grant 3C group security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you set up 3C group security, set up 3C groups and complete the security setup for your institution.

See Also

Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

Securing Your Academic Institution

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up 3C Group Security

Page Name

Definition Name



3C Group Security


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, 3C Group Security, 3C Group Security

Grant user access to 3C group information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGranting 3C Group Security

Access the 3C Group Security page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, 3C Group Security, 3C Group Security).

Security Settings


Enter an institution. Only institutions to which this user ID has access are available.

3C Update/Inquiry Group

Enter the 3C group that the user ID should have access to for the selected institution. The 3C groups are defined on the Group 3C Table page (GRP_3C_TABLE page).

Inquiry Indicator

Select to enable the user ID to view all data in the 3C group. The inquiry indicator is used to widen or narrow searches on 3C inquiry pages throughout the system. For example, a user that has inquiry access to a certain 3C group will only be able to view the communications, checklists, or comments assigned to an individual or to an organization that is tied to the 3C group.

Update Indicator

Select to enable the user ID to update, by entering or altering, data in the 3C group. You should also select this check box if you want the user ID to be able to process 3C items by using the 3C engine. If the user ID does not have update access to the 3C group, the 3C engine does not process a request by using the 3C group. This functionality is similar to the way the system manages manual assignments for communications, checklists, or comments.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Indicator Security

To set up service indicator security, use the Service Indicator Security component (SCRTY_TABL_SRVC) and the Service Indicator Display (SCC_SI_DISP_ROLE) component..

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you set up service indicator security, set up service indicators in the Service Indicator table.

See Also

Managing Service Indicators

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Service Indicator Security

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Indicator Security


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, Service Indicator Security, Service Indicator Security

Grant placement and release access to service indicators for a user ID for a particular institution.

Service Indicator Display


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Setup, Service Indicator Display, Service Indicator Display

Restrict view access to service indicators on administrative pages to specific roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGranting Placement and Release Access to Service Indicators

Access the Service Indicator Security page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, Service Indicator Security, Service Indicator Security).

Security Settings

Service Indicator Code

Enter a code for each service indicator that the user ID should be able to place or release. To restrict the use of a service indicator by reason, enter multiple rows for the service indicator and enter the different reasons that apply. You define service indicator codes inside the Service Indicator Table.


Enter a reason indicating when the user ID can access the service indicator. You must enter a reason for each indicator.

For example, if the user ID should be able to use the conference guest service indicator only for football recruitment visits or Special Olympics guests, select each of those reasons for the conference guest service indicator. Define the reasons for using a service inside the Service Indicator table.

Placement and Release

Select if this user ID should have permission to assign or release the service indicator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRestricting Display of Service Indicators

Access the Service Indicator Display page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Setup, Service Indicator Display, Service Indicator Display).

Restrict Display to Roles

To restrict the display of a service indicator's data to specific roles, enter the one or more roles for whom the data should appear. The system displays the data only for the roles that you specify, and does not display it for any role not listed.

If you do not want to restrict the display, ensure that no role is listed. When no role is listed on the Service Indicator Display page, the service indicator data is unrestricted and the system displays it for all roles.

Service indicator data includes the service indicator icon on pages for IDs to which the indicator is assigned, and the service indicator information on the Service Indicator Summary page and the General Info tab of the Student Services Center component.

Note. A user's placement or release security takes precedence over restricted display. If the display of a service indicator is restricted, but the user has place or release access for that service indicator, then the service indicator data will appear for that user whether or not the user has any of the restricted display roles.

Click to jump to parent topicReplacing User Security

To copy or assign Campus Solutions user security, use the User Security Replacement component (SCRTY_OPRID_REPLAC) or the Mass User Security Replacement component (SCC_MASS_SCRTY_UPD).

Copying a security setup is the same as going to each appropriate menu and entering data for each security object to assign security for a specific user. Replacement security automates the process for you by enabling you to copy a security profile either to another individual user or to several users in mass.

This section discusses how to:

Note. User security replacement described here applies only to Campus Solutions user security. It does not apply to PeopleTools security.

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Definition Name



User Security Replacement


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Setup, User Security Replacement, User Security Replacement

Copy the security setup of one user to another user.

Mass User Security Replacement


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Process, Mass User Security Replacement, Mass User Security Replacement

Assign or copy a security profile to an individual user or to a group of users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReplacing User Security for an Individual

Access the User Security Replacement page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Setup, User Security Replacement, User Security Replacement).

Replacement User

Default Replacement User

To replace or create all of a user ID's security objects with the same security objects assigned to another user ID, specify the user ID whose security objects you want to copy in this field. When you exit the field, the system automatically copies each security object from the replacement user ID.

If you do not want to replace each of this user's security objects with all the security objects of one user ID, indicate the replacement user ID for each object that you want to replace. You do not have to replace all objects. For those objects that you do not want to replace, leave the field blank.

User Preferences

When you enter a user ID in this field, the default values that you set up in the User Default component for the entered user ID are assigned to the user ID, including the enrollment override defaults which assigns the Enrollment Access ID.

User defaults are set up in the User Defaults component.

See Setting User Defaults.

3C Group Security

When you enter a user ID in this field, the system also sets the values on the User 3C Group Summary page of the User Defaults component.

When you enter a user ID in any of the other fields on this page, the user ID is assigned the same security that you set up for the selected user ID for that item. All of these fields refer to the security that you set up on the pages in Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReplacing User Security for Multiple Individuals

Access the Mass User Security Replacement page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Process, Mass User Security Replacement, Mass User Security Replacement).

Population Selection

Enter the tool and related parameters for selecting the population of user IDs to which you want to assign this user security or replace the existing security.

Fields in the Population Selection group box on this page function the same as they do in the Population Selection group box across the system.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Replacement User

Enter the user ID whose security you want to mass assign to the user IDs selected by Population Selection. You can modify any of the user security values to assign.

Fields in the Replacement User group box function the same as described for the same group box on the User Security Replacement page.

Click to jump to parent topicApplying Demographic Data Access Security

To set up demographic data access (DDA) security, use the Demographic Data Access component (PERS_MSK_CFG) and the Demographic Data Access process component (RUNCTL_MSK_CFG).

This section provides overviews of DDA security and setting up DDA security, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding DDA Security

With DDA security, you can mask the display of national ID and birth date data in search records, prompt records, and on the Bio/Demo Data and the Relationships pages if these pages have display-only security. You can mask entire fields, the first five characters of the national ID field, or the year of the birth date field. You can apply masking to one, both, or neither field. No matter which masking configuration you use, users can search on the entire national ID field.

Note. To enhance the flexibility of masking for the National ID and birth date in Search/Match functionality, see Search/Match display options. National ID and birth date data are not masked in queries and reports.

See Setting Up Search/Match.

To apply DDA security, you define masking configurations for all primary permission lists and assign a primary permission list to each user ID as part of his or her User Profile.

For example, suppose a primary permission list assigned to a user ID is named ALLPANLS. You might not want national IDs to appear throughout the system for this permission list, but you do want partial birth dates to appear. You would access the Demographic Data Access setup page and insert a row for the ALLPANLS permission list. In that row, you would configure the system to both mask the entire national ID and display a partial birth date field (masking the year).

You must then run the Demographic Data Access (MSK_CFG) process to replace data in the masking configuration table with the masking configuration that you defined. The new configuration will be applied to each user to whom that permission list is assigned.

In the example, after running the Demographic Data Access process, each user whose primary permission list is ALLPANLS will not see national IDs on search pages or prompts, but they will see the birth month and day where birth dates appear. The masking configuration for the primary permission list to which a user is assigned also controls how national ID and birth date data appear on the Bio/Demo Data page (SCC_BIO_DEMO_PERS) and the Relationships page (RELATIONSHIPS) throughout the system.

Note. The national ID and the birth date fields appear masked on the Biographical Details page and the Relationships page only for users who have security set to show the pages in display-only mode. If a user has more than one permission list and, therefore, has both add/update and display-only access to a masked page, then the least restrictive setting (add/update) takes precedence, and masking is not applied.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DDA Security

To set up DDA security, you must assign a primary permission list to each user ID, grant administrative access to components for managing DDA, and define masking configurations for each primary permission list.

Note. All Campus Solutions search records and prompts depend on DDA security. Therefore, you must assign a primary permission list to each user, even those who do not need the national ID and the birth date fields masked. In the latter case, set the masking configurations in the primary permission list for both the National ID and the Date of Birth to Display entire field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Apply DDA Security

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Definition Name





PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles, General

Assign a primary permission list to a user ID.



PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists, Pages

Grant access to new components for managing DDA masking configurations for each primary permission list.

Grant access to new Student components for users that should prompt only against Students.

Demographic Data Access (setup)


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Permission List, Demographic Data Access, Demographic Data Access

Define masking configurations for primary permission lists.

Demographic Data Access (run control)


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Process, Demographic Data Access, Demographic Data Access

Initialize the primary permission list configuration for all primary permission lists assigned to users.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up User Profiles" and "Working with Permission Lists"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining DDA Masking Configurations

Access the Demographic Data Access (setup) page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Permission List, Demographic Data Access, Demographic Data Access).

Important! Each time you make changes to the Demographic Data Access page, you must run the DDA process to apply the changes.

Configure Primary Permission List

Set As Default

Select to assign this masking configuration to all permission lists used as primary permission lists.

When selected, the Primary Permission List field becomes unavailable.

Primary Permission List

Insert a row for each primary permission list that requires a masking configuration different than the default masking configuration.

When you run the process, the system applies this masking configuration to all users to whom this primary permission list is assigned.

Mask National ID

Enter the configuration to use for national IDs. Values are Display entire field, Display partial field, and Mask entire field.

If you display a partial field, the system masks the first five characters of the national ID field.

These translate values should not be modified.

Mask Birthdate

Enter the configuration to use for birth dates. Values areDisplay entire field, Display partial date, and Mask entire field.

If you display a partial date, the system masks the year and displays month and day in the default date format for each birth date field.

These translate values should not be modified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the DDA Process

Access the Demographic Data Access (run control) page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, Process, Demographic Data Access, Demographic Data Access).

You must run the DDA process (MSK_CFG) to apply changes made on the Demographic Data Access (setup) page and to apply the default masking configuration to any newly created, newly assigned primary permission list whose masking configuration is not otherwise defined.

Note. The process applies the masking configuration only for permission lists that are used as "primary" permission lists. Therefore, if you assign a User ID a primary permission list that was not used as the primary the last time the DDA process was run, you will need to run the process again.

Click to jump to parent topicSecuring and Setting Up the Population Update Process

To secure and set up the Population Update process, use the Population Update Security (SCC_POP_UPD_SRTY) component and the Population Update Setup (SCC_POP_UPD_SETUP) component

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding the Population Update Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Secure and Set Up the Population Update Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Population Update Security


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, Population Update Security, Population Update Security

Set user security for accessing records to update using the Population Selection update process.

Population Update Setup


Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Population Update, Population Update Setup, Population Update Setup

Identify records and fields to make available for updating.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Population Update User Security

Access the Population Update Security page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure Student Administration, User ID, Population Update Security, Population Update Security).

Record (Table) Name

Enter each record that you want the user to be able to update for populations selected by the Population Selection process.

After you save the page, the user can view and update the records if your institution or department makes them available for updating on the Population Update Setup page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Population Update Process

Access the Population Update Setup page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Population Update, Population Update Setup, Population Update Setup).

When you select a record and access the Population Update Setup page, the system makes the fields from that record available in the Field Name drop-down lists. Select each field that you want to make available for users to update. Only the records and fields that you select and to which the user has security access will be available on the run control page.