Setting Up Receivables Collection

This chapter lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you set up and run your collection process, you must:

  1. Make sure PeopleSoft Workflow is set up properly to handle your collection process.

  2. Set up the 3Cs for collection purposes. Although the 3Cs are part of the PeopleSoft Campus Community application, all of the pages that are necessary to set up the 3Cs for collection purposes can be accessed through the Collect Receivables menu in Student Financials.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide, Using Workflow

Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Business Units for Collections

You establish the collection parameters of your business unit using the Collections page of the SF Business Unit component (BUSINESS_UNIT_SF). This page specifies the rules that the Assign Collector process uses to determine whether it should bring past due charges into or out of the collection process. In addition, you use this page to determine whether the system assigns collection responsibilities by role or by user ID.

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Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Collections

Define collection rules for business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Collection Rules for Business Units

Access the Collections page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Collections).

Collector Type

Assign the collector type by role or by user ID. Values are:

Collector Assigned by User ID: Select to assign collection responsibilities to specific individuals.

Collector Assigned by Role: Select to assign collection responsibilities to everyone assigned a particular role.

Past Due Amount

Enter a minimum past-due amount to assign to collections for student accounts. By setting this minimum, you can focus your collection efforts on those accounts that are most cost-effective to recover.

Past Due Category

Select a category to define the minimum amount of time that an amount must be past due before it is assigned for collection.

Past Due Amount Org (past due amount organization)

Enter a minimum past-due amount to assign to collections for organization accounts.

Past Due Category Org (past due category organization)

Select a category that establishes the minimum amount of time that an amount must be past due before it is assigned for collection.

Exit Due Amount

Enter the exit due amount with the corresponding exit due category for individuals (for example, students). If the past-due amount falls below the exit due amount within the exit due category (time period), the account is automatically removed from the collections process.

Exit Due Category

The exit due category, in conjunction with the exit due amount, controls the removal of an account from collections. For example, if the past-due balance of an account falls below the specified exit due amount, but the length of time the account has been past due is beyond the range of the exit due category, the account will remain in collection. This selection is limited to accounts of individuals.

Exit Due Amount Org (exit due amount organization)

Enter the exit due amount with the corresponding exit due category for organizations. If the past-due amount falls below the exit due amount within the exit due category (time period), the account is automatically removed from the collections process.

Exit Due Category Org (exit due category organization)

The exit due category, in conjunction with the exit due amount, controls the removal of an account from collections. For example, if the past-due balance of an account falls below the specified exit due amount, but the length of time that the account has been past due is beyond the range of the exit due category, the account will remain in collection. This selection is limited to organization accounts.

NSF Line Reason (insufficient funds line reason)

Select the NSF line reason code that you want to use when a check is returned for insufficient funds. When a check is returned, it is reversed using the Payment Reversal process and marked with the NSF Line Reason code. If you select the NSF check box on the Collection Criteria page, the system uses this code to assign returned checks to your collectors who are responsible for recovering checks that are returned for insufficient funds.

Writeoff Service Indicator

Select a write-off service indicator to use if a collection balance is written off. Service indicators are available for students and external organizations. The service indicator code is automatically applied to all customer accounts that you write off, and the service limitations that you define for this code are applied to the customer.

See Also

PeopleSoft Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

Setting Up Collectors

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology, Defining Roles and Users

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collectors

To set up collectors, use the Collector component (COLLECTOR_SF).

Before you can start assigning past due items for collection, you must establish collectors within the system.

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Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collector

Define collectors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Collectors

Access the Collector page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collector).

Role Name

If your business unit assigns collection responsibilities by role rather than by user ID, select a collector role.

Type of Name

Select the type of name that the system uses when referring to this collector.

Location Code

Enter the code that is associated with the location where the collector is based.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collection Criteria

To set up collection criteria, use the Collection Criteria component (COLL_CRITER_SF) and the Corporate Collection Criteria component (COLL_CRITER_ORG).

You must set up collection criteria for each collector user ID or role to which you assign collection items. The collection criteria that you establish act as filters that assign collection items to the appropriate collector when you run the Assign Collector process.

This section discusses how to:

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Collection Criteria


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collection Criteria

Set up student collection criteria.

Corporate Collection Criteria (corporation collection criteria)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Corporate Collection Criteria

Set up organization collection criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Student Collection Criteria

Access the Collection Criteria page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collection Criteria).

User ID or Role Name

Select a user ID or role name. The label of the field changes depending on your business unit setup. If you assign collection items by user ID, the User ID field appears. If you assign collection items by role, the Role Name field appears.

Catch All Collector

Select to assign to this collector any collection items that did not meet any other collector's criteria.

Amount Past Due

Select to assign collection items to this collector only if they meet the minimum past-due amount that you enter in the field that appears to the right of the check box when you select it.

Past Due Catg (past-due category)

Select to assign collection items to this collector only if they belong to the aging category that you enter in the field that appears to the right of the check box when you select it.

Last Name, From, and To

Select to assign collection items to this collector only for students who fall within the range of last names that you specify in the From and To fields that appear to the right of the check box when you select it.

NSF (non-sufficient funds)

Select to assign to this collector only those collection items that are associated with students who have this item reason attached to their accounts.

Template and Code

Select the Template check box to attach a particular collections letter template to any collection items that are assigned to this when you run the Assign Collector process. In the Code field that appears to the right of the selected check box, select the code of the appropriate collection letter template.

Academic Program

Select to assign to this collector only those collection items within the academic programs that you specify in the Academic Programs scroll area. This scroll area appears only if you select the Academic Programs check box.

Note. The system assigns collections to the first collector who meets the defined criteria. When assigning a collection item, the system reviews the criteria by sequence number starting with the lowest number. Therefore, you should create the criteria with the higher monetary amounts first. This will ensure that the high monetary collections are assigned to the collector who can best handle them. For example, suppose that you establish collection criteria with a sequence number of 1 with an amount past due of 100.00 and a past due category of 03 (30–60 days past due). The system would assign to the collector linked to these criteria all collection items of 100.00 USD and above that were 30−60 days past due. A collector linked to collection criteria with a minimum past due amount that is greater than 100.00 USD for the same past due dates, but with a higher sequence number, would not be assigned any collections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Organization Collection Criteria

Access the Corporate Collection Criteria page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Corporate Collection Criteria).

Except for the Description check box and the lack of the Academic Program check box, this page is identical to the Collection Criteria page.


Select to assign collection items to this collector only for organizations that fall within the range of names that you specify in the From and To fields that appear to the right of the check box when you select it.

See Also

Setting Up Collection Criteria

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Reason In and Reason Out Codes

To set up reason in and reason out codes, use the Reason In component (REASON_IN_SF) and the Reason Out component (REASON_OUT_SF).

The Assign Collector process brings past-due items into the collections system and moves reconciled items out of the collections system. When you move an item into or out of the system, you can track the movement using reason in and reason out codes.

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Reason In


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Reason In

Set up reason in codes that identify why the system moved an item into collections.

Reason Out


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Reason Out

Set up reason out codes that identify why the system moved an item out of collections.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Follow-Up Actions

To set up follow-up actions, use the Follow-Up Table component (FOLLOW_UP).

Part of the collection process involves following up on past due items that remain in the collection system. The Collect Receivables feature enables you to create follow-up action codes that record the steps that you intend to take to resolve a collection item.

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Follow Up Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Follow-Up Table

Define follow-up action codes.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collection Letter Templates

To set up collection letter templates, use the Collection Letter Template component (COLL_LTRTMP_TABLE).

The Collect Receivables feature enables you to create a template for the dunning letters that you automatically generate to send to students with past-due charges on their accounts. In addition, this template enables you to set a schedule for sending different dunning letters to students depending on how long their past-due charges have been in the collections system.

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Collections Letter Template


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collection Letter Template, Collection Letter Template

Define collection letter templates.

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Access the Collections Letter Template page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Collection Letter Template, Collection Letter Template).


Select the type of checklist with which you want to associate this collections letter template.

Mailing Code

Select the method that the system uses to determine the schedule for sending out the different dunning letters that you attach to the template.

If you select Day of Month, the corresponding field that appears in the Dunning Letter Details group box is Day of the Month. When you select this mailing code, the system sends dunning letters according to the day of the month in which you run the Collections Dunning Letter process.

If you select Days in Collection, the corresponding field that appears in the Dunning Letter Details group box is Days in Collection. When you select this mailing code, the system sends dunning letters according to how long a collections item that is associated with this letter template has been in the collections system.

Address Usage

Enter the method that the system uses to determine the addresses to which it sends dunning letters.

Type of Name

Select the type of name that the system uses when addressing the dunning letters.

Service Impact

Enter the service impact that the system attaches to students when it sends dunning letters to them using this template.

Dunning Letter Details

Specify details for each dunning letter that is attached to the template.

Nbr (number)

Indicates the number of the dunning letter with respect to all the dunning letters that you attach to the template.


Enter the administrative function that you want to associate with the dunning letter.


Enter the communication category that you want to associate with this dunning letter.


Enter the communication context that you want to associate with the dunning letter.

Day of the Month

The system compares the number that you enter in this field to the day of the month on which you run the Collections Dunning Letter process to determine whether a dunning letter should be sent for any collections item associated with the collections letter template.

For example, suppose that you enter 15 in this field and run the Collections Dunning Letter process on 07/18/2005. Because the day that you ran the process is on or after the value in the Day of the Month field, the system would determine that a dunning letter should be sent for any collections items associated with this collections letter template.

Days in Collections

When you run the Collections Dunning Letter process, the system generates a dunning letter for any collections items that are associated with this collections letter template that have been in the collections system for a number of days equal to or greater than the number that you enter in this field.

Letter Code

Enter the code of the standard letter that you want to associate with this dunning letter.


Enter the method of communication for the dunning letter.


Enter the department that is associated with the dunning letter.

Insert rows to associate additional dunning letters with the collections letter template. In this way, you can create a schedule for sending out multiple dunning letters. For example, suppose that you attach three different dunning letters to the collections letter template with values of 1, 15, and 30 in the Day of the Month field. If you run the Collections Dunning Letter process on 07/18/2005, the system knows to generate the first and second dunning letter for associated collections items based on the schedule that you set up here.

See Also

Managing Checklists