Billing Customers

This chapter provides an overview of customer billing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Billing

You must submit a clear and accurate bill to every customer. The PeopleSoft Student Financials Billing feature offers you great flexibility when generating these bills. You can create a single bill for one customer, or you can create a batch of bills for several customers at the same time. You determine the messages that appear on your bills. To save time, you can establish a billing standard request that enables you to repeatedly create bills with the same parameters. You can print your bills using Form Based Extract Bill, Crystal, or a Student Financials Structured Query Report (SQR) and XML Publisher.

Note. Although the terms bill and invoice are technically synonymous, a distinction exists between the two terms in the context of the Student Financials application. Throughout this chapter, the term bill refers to a set of billing data for a student or a corporation that resides in the database. When the system prints a bill, the resulting paper document is an invoice.

Credit Invoices pertain to Oracle's global invoicing functionality and are invoices that document reductions in charges that have been previously invoiced. Credit Invoices are used to notify the student that a prior invoice has changed and a lesser amount is now requested from the student, a payment has a credit balance, or both.

Remember these conventions to avoid any confusion while reading the Billing Customers chapter.

See Setting Up Billing.

Click to jump to parent topicCompleting Billing Requests

This section provides an overview of billing requests and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Billing Requests

Use the Billing Request component (BI_REQUEST) to set the parameters that the billing process uses to determine the type of bills generated. To complete a billing request, you must use the following two pages. Versions of both of these pages are included in the Student Billing Request (BI_REQUEST) and the Corp. Billing Request (BI_REQUEST_ORG) components.

On the Billing Request 1 page, you create the set of parameters that the billing process uses to generate bills. On the Billing Request 2 page, you create printing parameters that populate the printing process pages. In addition, the Billing Request 2 page enables you to print invoices for single students with the click of a button, without using a separate process to generate the bill and print the invoice.

Bill By Options for Student Billing Requests

Oracle delivers three bill by options for your use when creating new billing requests. Selecting a bill by option is required for each billing request that you create. The options are Bill One ID, Bill Range, and Bill All Not Yet Billed. The bill by option that you select specifies whether the billing process bills one specific student, all students meeting the criteria of the billing standard request that you select, or only those students for whom you have not already generated bills. The option that you choose also determines which selection criteria from the billing standard request that the system uses when generating bills.

This table lists the selection criteria that the system applies to the bill generation process according to the option that you select:

Selection Criteria

Bill All Not Yet Billed

Bill Range

Bill One ID

Last Name



Does not apply

Account Type




Account Term




Not Billed Since



Does not apply

Transaction Date




Service Impact



Does not apply


Does not apply


Does not apply


Does not apply


Does not apply

Student Groups

Does not apply


Does not apply

Bill By Options for Corporate Billing Requests

Just as with student billing requests, when you create a new corporate billing request, you must select a bill by option. For corporate billing requests, four options are available: Bill One Ext Org ID (bill one external organization ID), Bill Range, Bill Per Contract(s), and Bill All Not Yet Billed. The bill by option that you select specifies whether the billing process bills one specific corporation, all corporations meeting the criteria of the billing standard request that you select, corporations associated with specific third-party contracts, or only those corporations for whom you have not already generated bills. The option that you choose also determines which selection criteria from the billing standard request that the system uses when generating bills.

This table lists the selection criteria that the system applies to the bill generation process according to the option that you select:

Selection Criteria

Bill All Not Yet Billed

Bill Range

Bill One Ext Org ID

Bill Per Contract(s)






Account Type





Account Term





Not Billed Since





Service Impact




Transaction Date





Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Complete Billing Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Billing Request 1


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 1

Specify basic student billing request parameters.

Billing Request 2


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 2

Specify bill terms and print options for student billing requests.

Corp Billing Request - Billing Request 1


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 1

Specify basic corporate billing request parameters.

Corp Billing Request - Billing Request 2


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 2

Specify bill terms and print options for student billing requests.

Error Bill Message


Click the Error Info link from the preceding various pages.

View information regarding any errors that the system encountered while processing the bill.

Warning Bill Message


Click the Warning Info link from the preceding pages.

View information regarding any warnings that the system encountered while processing the bill.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Basic Student Billing Request Parameters

Access the Billing Request 1 page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 1).

Billing ID

Enter the ID of the billing standard request that you want to link to this billing request.

Invoice Date

Enter the date that you want to establish as the date of the invoice creation. The system can use this date to determine when generated bills are due. The system automatically populates the field with the current system date, but you can override this date.


If you are creating a billing request for a single student, select the unique ID of the student in this field. This field is available only if you select the Bill One ID option when creating the request. Be sure that the student whom you select matches the criteria of the billing standard request that you select.

Calculate Tuition

If you are creating a billing request for one student ID, click this button to calculate tuition for that student. This button is available only if you select the Auto Calculate Tuition check box on the Tuition Calculation Controls page, and the student whose name that you select in the ID field requires tuition calculation.

Due Date/Days

Set a default due date for all the charges included in the bill that do not already have a due date.

Due Date

Enter the specific due date that you want to assign to charges without a due date when you create the bill.

Due Days

You can set the default due date as a function of the date that you generate the bill. Enter the number of days that the system adds to the invoice date to determine a due date.

Item Due Info

Set a default due date for term-specific charges that do not already have a due date. You can use the fields in this group box in conjunction with the fields in the Due Date/Days group box. For example, using the Due Date field in the Due Date/Days group box, you set a due date of 10/31/2005 for all charges included in the bill. However, suppose that you want charges from a previous term to be due sooner. In this case, you can use the fields in the Item Due Info (item due information) group box to establish a separate due date for charges in that specific term. The system assigns the default due date of 10/31/2005 to any charges falling outside that term.


Select the specific term with the charges to which you want to assign a due date.

Due Date

Enter the specific due date that you want to assign to charges without a due date when you create the bill.

Due Days

You can also set the default due date as a function of the date that you generate the bill. Enter the number of due days that the system adds to the invoice date to determine a due date.

Note. The Due Date and Due Days fields are mutually exclusive. If you enter a value in both fields, the system will keep only the most recently added value after you refresh the page.

Invoice Range

Start and End

If you run the billing process by clicking the Generate Invoice button on the Billing Request 2 page, the system displays the first invoice generated during the process in the Start field and the last invoice generated during the process in the End field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Bill Terms and Print Options for Student Billing Requests

Access the Billing Request 2 page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 2).

Bill Term

Bill Term

Select the term or terms for which you want to generate bills. Valid values are:

All Terms: Select to bill students for all terms.

One Term: Select to bill students for one specific term. If you select this option, you must select a term in the From Term field.

Term Range: Select to bill students for a specific range of terms. If you select this option, you must select terms in the From Term and To fields.

From Term and To

If you enter One Term in the Bill Term field, enter the term for which you want to bill in the From Term field.

If you enter Term Range in the Bill Term field, enter the beginning term of the range in the From Term field and the ending term of the range in the To field.

Print Options

Invoice Layout

Enter the invoice layout to print invoices.

Output Format

Select the method to print invoices using the Generate Invoice button. Four valid printing output methods are available: Crystal Bill, Other Bill (SQR), XML Publisher, and Form Based Extract Bill.

Aid Term From and To

Set the range of terms to print anticipated financial aid detail on the invoices. Enter the beginning term of the range in the Aid Term From field and the ending term of the range in the To field. These fields are required if you select either the Anticipated Aid Detail check box or the Include Anticipated Aid Total check box for the invoice layout that you select in the Invoice Layout field.

Generate Invoice

Select to generate and store the bill, but not print an invoice when you click the Generate Invoice button. This is the default option if you select the Bill All Not Yet Billed value or the Bill Range value when you access the component.

Generate & Print Bill

Select to generate a bill and print an invoice when you click the Generate Invoice button. Remember that this field is available only if you select the Bill One ID option when you access the BI_REQUEST component.

Print Schedule of Classes

Select to print the student's enrollment summary when you print invoices.

for Term

If you select the Print Schedule of Classes check box, use this field to select the academic term that includes the enrollment summary that you want to print on your invoices.

Address Usage

Enter the logic that the system uses to select the address printed on the bills.

Output File Directory

Enter the directory path to which the process stores the bills that it generates. Specifying an output file directory is necessary only when you are printing invoices using the value Form Based Extract Bill. If this field is left blank, output will go to the Report Repository.

Override Address Info (override address information)

This check box affects only the printing of invoices that the system already generated. If you select this check box, the system ignores the address that is already associated with the bills and selects addresses to print according to the order selected in the Address Usage field.

Address not required

Select to print invoices even if the process finds no address.

Use Email Address

Reserved for future use.

Print Zero Bill

Select to print zero balance bills.

The system creates only zero balance bills if you select Create Zero Bills in the Zero Bill Handling field on the General Selections page for the selected billing standard request.

Generate Invoice

Click to run the billing process manually and generate bills. If you select the Bill One ID value when creating the request and select the Generate & Print Bill option, the system prints an invoice for the specified student.

Information Messages & Errors

This group box displays messages indicating the success of the bill generation process after you click the Generate Invoice button.

Invoice Generated

This message appears when the process generates bills successfully.

Error Info (error information)

If an error occurs when you run the billing process, this link appears in the Information Messages & Errors group box. Click the link to open the Error Bill Message page, where you can view detailed information about the nature of the error.

Warning Info (warning information)

If a warning situation occurs when you try to run the billing process, this link appears in the Information Messages & Errors group box. Click the link to open the Warning Bill Message page, where you can view detailed information about the nature of the warning.

Note. Although you can generate bills for a range of students using the Generate Invoice button in combination with the Generate Invoice option in the Print Choice group box, the Generate Invoice button is intended only for generating and printing an individual bill for a student. You should process bills for a range of students using the Bill Request process page. If you use the same run control ID to process your billing request and print your invoices, some of the values that you set in the Billing Request 2 page are supplied by default to their respective fields in the printing process page that you use. The values can be supplied from the following fields: Invoice Layout, Print Schedule of Classes for Term,Aid Term From, To, Address Usage, Output File Directory, Bill File, Override Address Info, Address not required, Use Email Address, Address, and Print Zero Bill.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Basic Corporate Billing Request Parameters

Access the Corp Billing Request - Billing Request 1 page Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 1.

Except for the External Org ID, Invoice per Student, and Contract Number fields, this page is identical to the Billing Request 1 page.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

If you want to create a bill for a single organization, select the unique ID of the organization. This field is available only if you select the Bill One Ext Org ID (bill one external organization ID) option when you create the request. Be sure that the corporation that you select matches the criteria of the billing standard request (Billing ID) that you select.

Invoice per Student

This check box appears only if you select the Bill Per Contract(s) value when you create the request. If you select the Invoice per Student check box, the billing process generates a separate corporate bill for each student associated with the contract that you select in the Contract Number field.

For example, if the contract that you choose has ten students associated with it, then the system would generate ten separate bills for the corporation associated with the contract. If you do not select the Invoice per Student check box, the system generates one corporate bill per contract regardless of the number of students attached to the contract.

Third Party Contract

Contract Number

Select the number of the contract that is associated with the corporation that you want to bill. You can select multiple contracts by inserting additional rows.

See Also

Specifying Basic Student Billing Request Parameters

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Bill Terms and Print Options for Student Billing Requests

Access the Corp Billing Request - Billing Request 2 pageStudent Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Create Billing Request, Billing Request 2.

This page is identical to the Billing Request 2 page.

See Also

Specifying Basic Corporate Billing Request Parameters

Click to jump to parent topicBilling Specific Charges for Individual Students

Student Financials enables you to create an individual bill for a student for only some of the charges on the account. In addition, you can review pending billing items and an invoice summary when you are done.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Bill Specific Charges for Individual Students

Page Name

Definition Name



Pending To Bill Items


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Pending to Bill Items

Viewing pending to bill items.

Identify Student Charges


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Identify Student Charges

Create individual bills for students.

Prior Billing


Click the Get Prior Billing link on the Bill Select page.

View information regarding past billing for the student.

Billing Detail


Click the Get Billing Detail Lines link on the Prior Billing page.

View detail of bills appearing on the Prior Billing page.

Student Invoice Summary


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Student Invoice Summary

 Lists all invoices for a student.

Invoice Header


Click the link on the Student Invoice Summary page.

View student invoice information.

Invoice Career


Click the Invoice Career link on the Invoice Header page

Displays academic information for a student.

Invoice Detail


Click the Invoice Detail link on the Invoice Header page

Lists the individual charges and payments for this invoice.

Invoice Messages


Click the Invoice Messages link on the Invoice Header page

Displays any messaging on invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Pending To Bill Items

Access the Pending To Bill Items page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Pending to Bill Items).

This page displays charges that have not been billed for a specific student. After you run the billing process, the pending items no longer appear on this page.

Account Balance

The total amount shown is not the total amount due for a student. Amounts that were billed prior to this summary might exist.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Individual Bills for Students

Access the Identify Student Charges page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Identify Student Charges).


Enter the unique ID of the student whom you want to bill.

Address Type

Enter the address that you want to use when creating the bill.

Billing ID

Enter the ID of the billing standard request that you want to use to generate the bill.

Bill Scan Line

Enter a bill scan line if your bank requires it.

Due Date

Enter the default due date that you want to assign to charges without a due date when you create the bill.

Due Days

You can also set the default due date as a function of the date on which you generate the bill. Enter the number of due days that the system adds to the day that you generate the bill to determine a due date.

The page displays a list of line items in the two group boxes at the bottom of the page. Select the check box next to each line item that you want to include in the student's bill.

After you save your configured individual bill, you can review the individual bill and print it using the specified print option.

Get Prior Billing

Click to access the Prior Billing page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Student Invoice Summary Pages

Access the Student Invoice Summary page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Student Invoice Summary).

This page lists all invoices for a specific student with the most recent invoice listed first.

Invoice Number

Click to view the details of the invoice on the Invoice Header page.

The Invoice Header page displays more detail about this invoice.

Billing Status

This field will indicate Initiated or Cancelled.

Billing Address

Click the arrow button to display or hide the student's address information.

Invoice Career, Invoice Detail, and Invoice Messages

These links provide the same information as Invoice Info Student Information pages, and are displayed next.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Billing Requests

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Billing Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Generate Invoice


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Generate Invoice

Process student billing requests.

Generate Invoice


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Generate Invoice

Process corporate billing requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Student Billing Requests

Access the Generate Invoice page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Generate Invoice).

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you are generating bills.

Billing Request Nbr (billing request number)

Enter the number of the billing request that you want to use to generate your bills.

The system populates the remaining fields on the page with the data from the billing request that you choose in the Business Request Nbr field.

Note. If you want the system to populate the printing process pages with the printing parameters of the billing request that you are processing, you must use the same run control ID for printing that you use for processing the billing request.

Global Invoicing

Only item types for which the Include in Global Invoicing check box is selected on the Initial Setup page are selected for processing.

Note. Currently global invoicing limits the transactions to application fees, charges, and waivers.

See Defining Basic Item Type Attributes.

See Also

Completing Billing Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Corporate Billing Requests

Access the Generate Invoice page (corporate) (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Generate Invoice).

This page is identical to the Generate Invoice page (student).

The process uses the Use Student Charge Description check box on the Invoice Layout One page to identify the item type description to be shown and printed.

See Also

Processing Student Billing Requests

Setting Up Invoice Layouts

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Invoices

This section discusses how to:

You can print your bills using Form Based Extract Bill, Crystal, or a Student Financials Structured Query Report and XML Publisher.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Print Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Invoice Extract


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Produce Extract File, Student Invoice Extract

Print student invoices using Form Based Extract Bill.

Corporation Invoice Extract


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Produce Extract File, Corporation Invoice Extract

Print corporate invoices using Form Based Extract Bill.

Student Invoice Other


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Print Invoice, Student Invoice Other

Print student invoices using an SQR or XML Publisher.

Corporation Invoice Other


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Print Invoice, Corporation Invoice Other

Print corporate invoices using an SQR or XML Publisher.

Student Invoice Crystal


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Print Invoice Crystal, Student Invoice Crystal

Print student invoices using Crystal.

Corporation Invoice Crystal


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Print Invoice Crystal, Corporation Invoice Crystal

Print corporate invoices using Crystal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Student Invoices Using Form Based Extract Bill

Access the Student Invoice Extract page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Produce Extract File, Student Invoice Extract).

Print By

Select one of these values:

Customer ID: Print an invoice for a single student. When you select this option, the ID and Invoice Number fields become available.

Invoice Date: Print all student invoices with the same invoice date. When you select this option, the Invoice Date field becomes available.

Request #: (request number) Print all student invoices with a specific billing request number. When you select this option, the Billing Request Nbr (billing request number) field becomes available.

Invoice Range: Print a range of student invoices according to their invoice numbers. When you select this option, the Start and End fields become available.


Enter the unique ID of the student for whom you want to print an invoice.

Billing Request Nbr (billing request number)

Enter the billing request number for which you want to print invoices. When you select a request number, the printing parameters from the associated billing request are supplied to the respective fields on this page.

Invoice Date

Enter the invoice date of the invoices that you want to print.

Invoice Number

Select the specific invoice number that you want to print. Select an ID first to limit the valid invoice ID values to those of the student for whom you want to print an invoice. Note that when you select the Invoice Range option in the Print By group box, the label for this field changes from Invoice Number to Start.


Enter the invoice ID at the beginning of the invoice range. Note that when you select the Customer ID option in the Print By group box, the label for this field changes from Start to Invoice ID.


Enter the invoice ID at the end of the invoice range.

The following fields are populated by default with the values set in the billing request if the run control ID that you use to print is the same as the one that you use to process the billing request. They also are populated by default with the values set in the billing request if you select Request # in the Print By group box and specify a billing request number.

Invoice Layout

Enter the invoice layout to format the printed invoices.

Override Bill Request Layout

If you select the Print By option of Invoice Range or Invoice Date, and the invoices included use different invoice layouts, you receive a warning message when you run the process that reads Bills may be printed with different layouts. If you select the Override Bill Request Layout check box, you do not receive the warning message. Instead, the system uses the layout selected in the Invoice Layout field for all invoices for the specified invoice range or date.

Aid Term From and Aid Term To

Enter the beginning and ending terms for the term range. The term range determines for which terms the anticipated financial aid appears on the bills.

Note. If you do not select either the Anticipated Aid Detail check box or the Include Anticipated Aid Total check box for the invoice layout that you selected, the Aid Term From and Aid Term To fields are not available.

Output File Directory

Enter the path of the directory to which the system sends the extract file. Form Based Extract Bill uses this file to print the invoices.

Bill File

Enter the name of the file that the system generates.

Address Usage

Enter the logic that the system uses to select the address printed on the bills.

Override Address Info (override address information)

This check box affects only the printing of bills that the system already generated. If you select this check box, the process ignores the address that is already associated with the bills and selects addresses to print according to the order that is selected in the Address Usage field.

Address Not Required

Select this check box to print bills even if the process finds no address.

Use Email Address

Select if you send invoices by email.

Print Zero Bill

Select to print zero balance bills.

Class Schedule


Select to print the student enrollment summary when you print invoices.


If you select the Print check box, enter the term of the enrollment summary that you want to print on your invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Corporate Invoices Using Form Based Extract Bill

Access the Corporation Invoice Extract page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Produce Extract File, Corporation Invoice Extract).

Except for the Corp ID and External Org ID (external organization ID) fields, this page is identical to the Student Invoice Extract page.

Corp ID (corporation ID)

Select to print an invoice for a single corporation. When you select this option, the Corp ID and Invoice ID (invoice ID) fields become available.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

Enter the unique ID of the corporation for which you want to print an invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Student Invoices Using an SQR or XML Publisher

Access the Student Invoice Other page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Print Invoice, Student Invoice Other).

Except for the absence of the Output File Directory and Bill File fields, and the addition of XML Publisher fields, this page is identical to the Student Invoice Extract page.

Global Invoicing

For XML invoices, only item types for which the Include in Global Invoicing check box is selected on the Initial Setup page are selected for processing and printing.

Note. Currently global invoicing limits the transactions to application fees, charges, and waivers.

See Defining Basic Item Type Attributes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Corporate Invoices Using an SQR or XML Publisher

Access the Corporation Invoice Other page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Print Invoice, Corporation Invoice Other).

Except for the absence of the Output File Directory and Bill File fields, and the addition of XML Publisher fields, this page is identical to the Corporate Invoice Form Based Extract Bill page.

You can enter user-defined values at the third-party creation level or at the student assignment to third-party contract level. The corporate XML invoice process picks up these user-defined values.

For XML invoices, the process uses the Use Student Charge Description check box on the Invoice Layout One page to identify the item type description to be shown and printed.

See Setting Up Invoice Layouts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Student Invoices Using Crystal

Access the Student Invoice Crystal page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Print Invoice Crystal, Student Invoice Crystal).


Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you are printing the invoice.


Enter the ID of the student whose invoice you want to print.

Invoice Number

Enter the unique ID number of the invoice that you want to print.

Anticipated Aid

Aid Term From and Aid Term To

Enter the beginning and end terms for the term range. The term range determines for which terms the anticipated financial aid appears on the bills.

Note. When using Crystal to print invoices, you can print only one invoice at a time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Corporate Invoices Using Crystal

Access the Corporation Invoice Crystal page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Print Invoice Crystal, Corporation Invoice Crystal).


Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you are printing the invoice.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

Enter the ID of the corporation with an invoice that you want to print.

Invoice Number

Enter the unique ID number of the invoice that you want to print.

Note. When using Crystal to print invoices, you can print only one invoice at a time.

Click to jump to parent topicCanceling Bills

If you encounter problems during your billing process, Student Financials enables you to cancel bills so that you can rerun the billing process correctly.

This section discusses how to run the Billing Cancellation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Cancel a Bill

Page Name

Definition Name



Bill Cancellation


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Cancel Invoice, Bill Cancellation

Run the Billing Cancellation process.

Bill Cancellation


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Review Invoice Cancellation, Bill Cancellation

View the results of the Bill Cancellation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Bills

Access the Bill Cancellation page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Cancel Invoice, Bill Cancellation).

Run Option

This field determines whether the process cancels an entire group of bills or an individual bill. Values are:

Bill Request Nbr (bill request number): Select to cancel a bill associated with a specific bill request number. When you select this value, the Billing Request Nbr (billing request number) field becomes available and the Invoice Number, ID, and External Org ID fields become unavailable.

Invoice ID: Select to cancel a bill associated with a specific invoice ID. When you select this value, the Billing Request Nbr field becomes unavailable and the Invoice Number, ID, and External Org ID fields become available.

Note. The system allows you to cancel only the most recently generated bill. This means that to cancel an old bill, you must first cancel every bill that you generated after it.

Billing Request Nbr (billing request number)

When you enter the Bill Request Nbr option in the Run Option field, the system automatically populates this field with the billing request number of the last bill that you generated.


Enter the unique ID of the student whose bill you want to cancel.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

Enter the unique ID of the organization for which you want to cancel a bill.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice ID assigned to the individual bill that you want to cancel. When you select the Invoice Number value in the Run Option field and select an ID or external organization ID, the system automatically populates the Invoice Number field with the invoice number of the last bill that you generated for that ID.

Billing Cancellation Log Option

The option that you select in this field determines what type of information the system displays on the Bill Cancellation inquiry page. We recommend that you select Log All Activity so that you can see all of the results of the Bill Cancellation process in the inquiry page. Values are:

Log All Activity: Select to display both failed and successful cancellation attempts for the chosen bill request number or invoice ID.

Log Failed Cancels Only: Select to display only failed cancellation attempts for the chosen bill request number or invoice ID.

Log Successful Cancels Only: Select to display only successful cancellation attempts for the chosen bill request number or invoice ID.

None: Select to display only the bill cancellation number that is generated by the system.

For each bill affected by the process, the system sets the status to Cancelled. In addition, if the system originally set due dates on any of the bills cancelled by the Bill Cancellation process, it resets those due dates to Null.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Billing Information

Several tools are available to use in Student Financials to view the billing activity for a customer's account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Billing Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Invoice Info Student


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Invoice Info Student

Review student billing history.

Billing Address Info (billing address information)


Click the Address Info link on the Invoice Info Student page.

View the address information that is associated with a student bill.

Bill Career


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Career

Review the academic information that is associated with a student bill.

Bill Detail


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Detail

View details regarding all the items that are included in a student bill.

Bill Messages


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Messages

View any messages that are associated with a student bill.

Invoice Info Corp. (invoice information corporation)


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Review Invoice, Invoice Info Corp

Review an overview of corporate billing history.

Invoice Info. Corp - Bill Detail (invoice information corporation - bill detail)


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Detail

View details regarding all the items that are included in a corporate bill.

Academic Information


Click the Bill Header - Detail link on the Invoice Info. Corp. - Bill Detail page.

View academic information regarding the student who is associated with the third-party contract.

Invoice Info. Corp - Bill Messages (invoice information corporation - bill messages)


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Corporate Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Messages

View any messages that are associated with a corporate bill.

Invoice Printing


Student Financials, Bill Customers, Review Printed Invoice

View information regarding specific printing processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Billing History

Access the Invoice Info Student page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Invoice Info Student).

The Credit Invoice indicator is visible if the invoice is a credit invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Details for Student Bill Items

Access the Bill Detail page (Student Financials, Bill Customers, Student Bills, Review Invoice, Bill Detail).

View details regarding all the items included in a student bill.

Related Invoices

Related Invoice ID appears only if the invoice is a credit invoice. The Related Invoice ID link opens the same page for the related invoice ID in a new window.