Using the Student Services Center Component

This chapter discusses the Student Services Center component for administrative users, and describes how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Student Services Center Component

Use the Student Services Center Setup page to control the order in which the tabbed pages appear in the Student Services Center component and to define the labels used on the tabs. Also, select the information that you want to make available to administrative users on each page of the Student Services Center component. The available information appears or does not appear for a user based on the user's security.

This section discusses how to set up the Student Services Center component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up the Student Services Center Component

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Services Center Setup


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Student Services Center Setup

Select the information to display in the Student Services Center component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Student Services Center Component

Access the Student Services Center Setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Student Services Center Setup).

Enter tab labels and tab positions (2-7), as you want them to appear in the Student Services Center component. If you try to save duplicate tab positions, an error message occurs.

Tab labels and positions are listed as delivered. You can modify all but the Student Center tab label and position. The Student Center tab is hard coded to be the first tab, which provides the administrative user quick access to the same view as the individual has on the Student Center page in PeopleSoft Campus Self Service.

Note. Each tab of the Student Services Center component acts as a separate component. This enables you to use standard PeopleTools security to set individual security access to the tabs. If you do not want a tab to appear, do not give anyone access to it in PeopleTools security and the page will not appear. Users must have access to the Student Center tab to have access to any of the other tabs.

Select the information that you want to make available on the General Information, Admissions, Academics, Transfer Credit, Student Financials (Finances), and Financial Aid pages.

The available information will then appear or not appear for a specific administrative user depending on the security set for that user on the Academic Institution Security, Institution/Career Security, Academic Program Security, Academic Plan Security, Application Center Security, Test ID Security, 3C Groups, and Service Indicators components. The user's Demographic Data Access (DDA) security also applies to either mask or display the student's national ID and date of birth.

If a user has multiple security levels upon redirection to core components from the Student Services Center, the highest level of access security is used. For example, if a user has corrections-access to a component from one menu and read-only access to the same component from another menu, the corrections access is granted when the user is redirected to the component.

Note. Information that appears on the Student Center tab is controlled on the Student Center Options page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Student Center). The setup on this page does not override Campus Solutions security setup.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing an Individual's Information

Use the Student Services Center component to view and access detailed information about a student or other individual.

Note. Only current and future-dated information appears in the Student Services Center component.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up the Student Services Center Component

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Edit an Individual's Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Center


Campus Community, Student Services Center, Student Center

Provides administrator ability to see what a specific individual, such as a student, sees on the Student Center self-service page.

General Information


Campus Community, Student Services Center, General Information

Provides administrator at-a-glance overview of the individual's personal information with access to further detail such as initiated checklist items, service indicators and student groups.



Campus Community, Student Services Center, Admissions

Provides administrator access to the student's self-service Admissions View with access to further detail.

Transfer Credit


Campus Community, Student Services Center, Transfer Credit

Provides administrator overview of a specific student's transfer credit information with easy access to transfer credit transactions.



Campus Community, Student Services Center, Academics

Provides administrator overview of a specific student's academic information with easy access to academics transactions.



Campus Community, Student Services Center, Finances

Provides administrator overview of a specific student's financial information with easy access to finances transactions.

Financial Aid


Campus Community, Student Services Center, Financial Aid

Provides administrator overview of a specific student's financial aid information with easy access to financial aid transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Individual's Student Center Information

Access the Student Center page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Student Center).

This page provides the same view of the self-service Student Center page as the self-service user sees. Clicking any of the buttons or links on this page takes the administrator to the same self-service destinations.

Enroll in Direct Deposit is available in the other financial field only if the Direct Deposit Enrollment check box is selected on the SF Institution Set - General Options page.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

Note. When you click the Demographic Data link in the Personal Information section of the General Information page. DDA security (masking of the national ID or date of birth) is enforced. This way the administrative user will not see sensitive information that he or she is allowed to see from other pages or search records. The masking configuration applies for administrative users viewing the Student Center page from the Student Services Center.

See Applying Demographic Data Access Security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Individual's General Information

Access the General Information page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, General Information).

This page provides an overview of the individual's general information from components in the Campus Community menu and the Student Groups component available from Admissions, Student Records, and other menus.

Individuals can see some of the same information from the self-service Campus Personal Information menu.

Note. If an administrative user does not have security access to a feature on the General Information page, the action button related to that information is not available so that the user cannot see or update the information in the core component. For example, if an administrative user does not have access to the core Service Indicator Data page, the Edit Service Indicators button is not displayed.

This table lists the actions available on the General Information page and the core component to which the user is redirected for more detail:

Action Button

Destination Component and 1st Page

Core Navigation

Self-Service Navigation

Edit Service Indicators



Campus Community, Service Indicators, Person, Manage Service Indicators

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Holds

Review Checklist Summary



Campus Community, Checklists, Person Checklists, Person Checklist Summary

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, To Do List

Edit Student Groups



Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Groups


Edit Personal Data



Campus Community, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Demographic Information

Edit National IDs



Campus Community, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Demographic Information

Edit Names



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Names

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Names

Edit Addresses



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Addresses

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Addresses

Edit Phones



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Phones

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Phone Numbers

Edit Email Addresses



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Electronic Addresses

Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Email Addresses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student's Admissions Information

Access the Admissions page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Admissions).

This page provides an overview of information from components in the Student Admissions menu. Students can see some of the same information from the self-service Student Admission Application status menu.

This table lists the actions available on the Admissions page and the core component to which the user is redirected for more detail:

Action Button

Destination Component and 1st Page

Core Navigation

Self-Service Navigation

Edit Application Data



Student Admissions, Application Maintenance, Maintain Applications

Self Service, Student Admission, Application Status

Edit Education Data



Student Admissions, Application Entry, Academic Information, Education or Records and Registration, Transfer Credit Evaluation, External Education


Edit Student Tests



Student Admissions, Application Entry, Academic Information, Test Results


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student's Transfer Credit Information

Access the Transfer Credit page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Transfer Credit).

This page provides an overview of information from components in the Records and Enrollment menu. Students can also see some of the same information from the self-service View Transfer Credit Report menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student's Academics Information

Access the Academics page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Academics).

This page provides an overview of information from components in the Records and Enrollment menu. Students cannot see this information from PeopleSoft Campus Self Service.

This table lists the actions available on the Academics page and the core component to which the user is redirected for more detail:

Action Button

Destination Component and 1st Page

Core Navigation

Self-Service Navigation

Edit Student Program Data



Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan


Edit Student Term Data



Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term Activate a Student, Term Activation


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student's Self-Service Finances Information

Access the Finances page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Finances).

Using the Finances Page

This page provides an overview of information from components in the Student Financials menu. Students cannot see this information from PeopleSoft Campus Self Service.

This table lists the actions available on the Finances page and the core component to which the user is redirected for more detail:

Action Button

Destination Component and 1st Page

Core Navigation

Self-Service Navigation

Calculate Tuition



Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation


View Student Account



Student Financials, View Customer Accounts



The 1098–T link appears only for US institutions—the institution that appears in the Account Summary section of the finances page must have a value of USA in the Country field on the Academic Institution 1 page.

For US institutions, the link appears:

If the Use Electronic Statements check box is not selected on the setup page, a message appears instead of the 1098–T link on the finances page: 1098-T- TIN is not set to Use Electronic Statement.

If 1098–T data is not available for a student, a message appears instead of the 1098–T link on the finances page: 1098-T- Student does not have 1098-T data.

Click the 1098–T link to access the (Review 1098–T Data) 1098–T Data page. The page displays the most recent 1098–T data for the student in context—that is, the maximum sequence number in the 1098–T Status group box.

On the 1098–T Data page, click the View 1098–T link to retrieve a 1098–T .pdf of the most recent 1098–T data.

The link is sensitive to the context in the 1098-T Status scroll area—that is, the .pdf is generated using the data in context.

See Producing and Filing 1098-T Tax Forms.

Manage Student Direct Deposit

Click the Manage Student Direct Deposit link to access the Manage Student Direct Deposit page with the context of student.

Note. The Search page does not appear.

Use the Manage Student Direct Deposit page to set up and edit direct deposit distributions for AP refunding for a student.

The Manage Student Direct Deposit link appears only if the Refund Method value on the Refund Setup page is A/P and the Use Single Payment Voucher option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

Unlike the Enroll in Direct Deposit link in Student Center, this link is not dependent on SF Institution Set setup.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See Setting Up Refunding.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student's Self-Service Financial Aid Information

Access the Financial Aid page (Campus Community, Student Services Center, Financial Aid).

This page provides an overview of information from components in the Financial Aid menu. Students cannot see this information from PeopleSoft Campus Self Service.

This table lists the actions available on the Financial Aid page and the core component to which the user is redirected for more detail:

Action Button

Destination Component and 1st Page

Core Navigation

Self-Service Navigation

View Packaging Status Summary



Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary, Financial Aid Status


Assign Awards to a Student



Financial Aid, Awards, Awards Processing, Assign Awards to a Student, Student Aid Package


Maintain Student FA Term



Financial Aid, Financial Aid Term, Maintain Student FA Term, FA Term
