Managing Organization Data

This chapter provides an overview of organization data, lists a common element, and discusses how to:

See Also

Adding Organizations to Your Database

Deleting Organization IDs

Changing an External Organization ID

Setting Up OUAC Organizations

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Organization Data

After adding an organization to your database, you can enter information about an organization's various locations, including its addresses and phone numbers. You can enter as many locations for an organization as you need. You can enter locations from the menu item Organization Locations or through the Organization Table page. After you enter this information, you can specify the primary location for the organization on the Organization Table page.

You can enter information about an organization's various department names, locations, and email addresses. You can enter as many departments for an organization as you need. You can enter information about the department directly from the menu item Organization Departments or from the Organization Table page. After you enter this information, you can specify the primary department for this organization.

You can enter information about the people that your institution should contact at an organization, including the person's name, job title, and telephone numbers. You can enter as many contacts for an organization as you need. You can enter information about the contact directly from the menu item Organization Contacts or from the Organization Table page. After you enter this information, you can specify the primary contact for this organization.

You can review lists of all the locations, departments, and contacts for an organization.

You need to assign codes to the external organization and define priority control records to prevent the deletion of organization IDs.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

View Primary Location

Click to access the Organization Primary Location page where you can view the primary location for the organization.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Organization Location Data

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before entering or updating organization location data, you must create an organization record.

See Also

Setting Up Organization Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Organization Location Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Location Summary


Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organization, Organization Locations.

Click the Locations button on the Organization Table page.

View a summary of the location data.

Location Detail


Click the Location Details link on the Location Summary page.

Enter the physical or mailing address of the organization, the electronic addresses and the phone numbers for each location of an organization.

Edit Address


Click the Edit Address link on the Location Detail page.

Enter address data for the organization's location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Location Summary Data

Access the Location Summary page (Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organization, Organization Locations).

This page list the locations for the organization and is used to access the Location Detail page where you enter location data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Organization Location Data

Access the Location Detail page (click the Location Details link on the Location Summary page).



Displays the number of this location in the list of locations for this organization.

The system automatically assigns the next sequential number to each location that you add. You can manually override these numbers on the Organization Table page to rearrange the order of the locations.

See Setting Up Organization Data.

Location History


Enter the country of the location. Labels in the address format for the specified country display so you can add or review the address of this location.

Note. You must enter a country in this field to enable access to the Edit Address page.

Edit Address

Click to access the Edit Address page to add or modify the location address for the organization.

Enter the address. Click the OK button to return to the Location Detail page where the address is displayed. Additional addresses for this organization are added from the Location Summary page.

Electronic Address

Email ID

Enter the email address for this location of the organization.

URL Address

Enter the URL address of the World Wide Web page for this location of the organization.

EDI Address

Enter the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) address for this location of the organization.

Location Phones

Phone Type

Enter the type of phone number for this location (for example Main, Campus, or Business.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Select to indicate that this is the preferred phone number for the location.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Organization Department Data

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before entering or updating organization department data, you must enter the organization location data on the Organization Table page.

See Also

Entering Organization Location Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Organization Department Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Department Summary


Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organization, Organization Departments

Click the Departments button on the Organization Table page.

View a summary of the department data.

Department Detail


Click the Department Details link on the Department Summary page.

Enter the department of the organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Organization's Departments Summary Data

Access the Department Summary page (click the Departments button on the Organization Table page).

This page lists the department for the organization and is used to access the Department Detail page where you enter department data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Organization Departments

Access the Department Detail page (click the Department Details link on the Department Summary page).



Displays the number of this department in the list of departments for this organization.

The system automatically assigns the next sequential number to each department that you add. You can manually override these numbers on the Organization Table page to rearrange the order of the departments.

See Setting Up Organization Data.

Department History

Department Type

Enter the type, either Academic or Administrative, that describes this department.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter the main contact, from the Contact Details page, for this department.

Note. You cannot enter a contact for this department unless the contact is entered on the Contact Detail page.


Enter the location of the main contact, from the Location Detail page, for this department.

Add Contact

Click to access the Contact Detail page to add a new contact for this department.

When you have entered and saved the contact information, the contact appears on the Department Detail page.

Warning! You must enter the department data before entering a contact.

Add Location

Click to access the Location Detail page to add a new location for this department.

When you have entered the location, the contact appears on the Location Detail page.

See Active Contacts.

See Active Locations.

Electronic Addresses

Email ID

Enter the email address for this department of the organization.

URL Address

Enter the URL address for the World Wide Web page for this department of the organization.

Department Phones

Phone Type

Enter the type of phone for this department.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values


Select to indicate that this phone number is the preferred phone number to contact this department.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Organization Contact Data

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before entering or updating organization contact data, you must enter the organization department data.

See Also

Entering Organization Department Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Organization Contact Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Contact Summary


Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organizations, Organization Contacts

Click the Contacts button on the Organization Table page.

View a summary of the contact data.

Contact Detail


Click the Contact Details link on the Contact Summary page.

Specify the contact for the organization.



Click the Addresses link on the Contact Detail page.

View or modify the list of addresses for the contact.

Contact Type Preferred


Click the Contact Type Preferred button on the Organization Table page.

Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organizations, Contact Type Preferred

Enter the organization's preferred contact.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Organization's Contact Summary Data

Access the Contact Summary page (click the Contacts button on the Organization Table page).

This page lists the contacts for the organization and is used to access the Contacts Detail page where you enter contact data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Organization's Contacts Data

Access the Contact Detail page (click the Contact Details link on the Contact Summary page).



Displays the number of this contact in the list of contacts for this organization.

The system automatically assigns the next sequential number to each contact that you add.

Contact History


Enter the ID of this contact person, if the person exists in your database.

Contact Name

Enter the name of this contact person.

If the person is in your database, the system automatically displays the person's name when you select the ID. If the person is not in your database, you must enter the name manually.

Contact Type

Enter the type of contact (for example, Teacher, Principal, Guidance Counselor, or Primary Contact) from the Contact Type Table page.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Add Department

Click to access the Department Detail page to add the department for this contact.

Contact Address


Select to indicate that a department address should be used as the address for the contact.


Select to indicate that a location should be used as the address for this contact and enter the location.

Address Type

If the contact is one that has an ID in the system and this ID has one or many addresses, the user can then select an available address type (Business, Home, and so on) for this ID and it should be used as the address for this contact.


Select to indicate that no address is specified for this contact.

Add Location

Click to access the Location Detail page to add a location for this contact.

If you select the Location or Address Type option you must also specify which location or address type to use.

Click the Refresh icon to display the address data associated with the option that you select.

If the contact has an ID in the system, the Addresses link displays. Click to access the Addresses page where you can add a new address for this ID which is used as the contact address.

Electronic Addresses

Email ID

Enter the email address for this contact in the organization.

Contact Phones

Phone Type

Enter the type of phone for this contact.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter the country code that precedes the phone number.


Enter the phone number for this contact.


Enter the phone extension at which the contact can be contacted.


Select to indicate that this phone number is the preferred phone number for this contact.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Preferred Contact

Access the Contact Type Preferred page (click the Contact Type Preferred button on the Organization Table page).

If the individual is the preferred contact for this contact type, enter the individual's specific contact number in the Contact field. Contact numbers are assigned by the system on the Contact Summary page. Active contacts must be available for the specified contact type to identify it as a preferred contact.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Organization Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Organization Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization Location Summary


  • Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Location Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Location Summary

Review all the locations for an organization.

Organization Primary Location


Click the View Primary Location link on the Organization Location Summary page.

View data for the primary location for an organization.

Organization School Information


Click the School Information link on the Organization Primary Location page.

View the school characteristics of an organization location.

Location Summary


Click the Pencil icon to display the Location Summary page.

View a summary of the location data.

Organization Phone Information


Click the Details link on the Organization Location Summary page.

View the phone and electronic address information for an organization location.

Organization Department Summary


  • Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Dept. Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Department Summary

Review the departments for a specific organization.

Department Summary


Click the Pencil icon on the Organization Department Summary page.

View a summary of the department data.

Org Department Detail (organization department detail)


Click the Details link on the Organization Department Summary page.

View the mailing and electronic addresses and phone information for this department.

Organization Contacts Summary


  • Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Contacts Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Contact Summary

Review the contacts for a specific organization.

Contact Summary


Click the Pencil icon to display the Contact Summary page.

View a summary of the contact data.

Organization Contact Detail


Click the Details button on the Organization Contact Summary page.

View the mailing and electronic addresses and phone information for this contact.

Organization Groups Summary


Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Groups Summary

Review all organizations by group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Location Data

Access the Organization Location Summary page (Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Location Summary).

The Organization Location Summary page is for viewing only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information displayed here is from the Location Summary and Location Detail pages.

Organization Locations

Click to access the Location Summary or Detail page where you can view or modify the contacts data.


Click to access the Organization Phone Information page where you can view the electronic address and phone numbers for this location of the organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Primary Location Data

Access the Organization Primary Location page (click the View Primary Location link on the Organization Location Summary page).

The Organization Primary Location page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information here is from the Organization Locations page.

Primary Location

School Information

Click to access the Organization School Information page, where you can view the school characteristics for this organization location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing School Data

Access the Organization School Information page (click the School Information link on the Organization Primary Location page).

The Organization School Information page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information displayed here is from the School Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Phone Data

Access the Organization Phone Information page (click the Details link on the Organization Location Summary page).

The Organization Phone Information page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information displayed here is from the Location Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Department Data

Access the Organization Department Summary page (Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Dept. Summary).

Information displayed on this page is from the Department Summary page.


Department Type

Select Acad Dept or Adm Dept if you want to only display one department.

Organization Departments

Click to access the Department Summary and Detail pages where you can view the department data.


Click to access the Org Department Detail (organization department detail) page where you view the physical or mailing address, the electronic address and the phone numbers for this department.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Organization Department Details

Access the Org Department Detail (organization department detail) page (click the Details link on the Organization Department Summary page).

The Org Department Detail (organization department detail) page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information displayed here is from the Department Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Contacts Data

Access the Organization Contacts Summary page (Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Contacts Summary).

Information displayed on this page is from the Contact Summary page.


Contact Type

Enter the contact type if you want to indicate a primary contact.

Organization Contacts

Click to access the Contact Summary page where you can view contact data.


Click the to access the Organization Contact Details page to view the mailing and electronic addresses, and phone information for this contact.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicView Organization Contact Details

Access the Organization Contact Detail page (click the Details button on the Organization Contact Summary page).

The Organization Contact Detail page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data on this page. Information displayed here is from the Contact Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Organizations by Group Types

Access the Organization Groups Summary page (Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Groups Summary).

Selection Criteria


The institution associated with the organizations to review.

Group Type

The type of group (Academic Quality, Feeder, or Magnet), from the Organization Affiliation page, to review.

Note. Because the purpose of this page is to enable you to review a summary of organizations by group, you must specify a group type value.

Group Code

The group code, from within the group type, to review.

Sort By


Click to launch the search based on the selected criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Organization IDs

You can define priority control records to prevent the deletion of organization IDs. You can also change an organization's ID from the system-generated ID to another ID.

See Also

Setting Up ID Delete Control

Managing System IDs

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Codes for External Organizations

This section provides an overview of external organization codes, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to assign codes to external organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Organization Codes

You can enter and track external codes for organizations. You can load third-party external codes into your system, for example EPS or ATP codes, and view the results of the automated assignment process on the Organization External Codes page.

See Also

Loading and Assigning EPS Market Codes

Loading External Organization Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before assigning codes to external organizations, set up the code types from which to select.

See Also

Loading or Defining External Codes for Organization Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Codes for External Organizations

Page Name

Definition Name



External Organization Codes


Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organizations, External Organization Codes

Assign or review codes for external organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Codes to External Organizations

Access the External Organization Codes page (Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organizations, External Organization Codes).

Organization Code Types

Ext Org Code Type (external organization code type)

The code, from the External Organization Code Table page, that applies to this organization.

EPS Information

EPS Postal Code

If the code type is set as an EPS code on the External Organization Code Table page, the EPS Postal Code field is available.

If EPS codes are loaded into your system, you can select from the EPS postal codes for this organization.

EPS Market Code

The system displays the EPS market code based on the EPS postal code.

EPS Market Name

The system displays the EPS market name based on the EPS postal code.