Producing Transcripts

This chapter provides an overview of transcript-related processes (including self-service transcript processing) and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Transcripts

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transcript-Related Processes

Two distinct processes are available to create transcripts. One transcript process uses COBOL to generate the transcript and Crystal reports to print the transcript. The other transcript process generates transcripts using Application Engine, creates detailed results tables, and uses XML to produce the report in PDF format. The processes have separate and distinct transcript type setup and processing pages. These transcript processes were not designed to be in production concurrently. The control of which process creates transcripts is determined by the security granted to the components.

After you have set up transcript notes, transcript types, and transcript type security, you're ready to create transcript requests and process transcripts. The PeopleSoft Transcript feature enables you to define multiple types of transcripts at varying levels of security, formality, appearance, and function. You can produce transcripts for individual students or for dynamically created groups of students that meet criteria you specify. You can process transcripts online or in the background at scheduled intervals, and you can send the results to a file, a window, or a printer. Finally, the Transcript feature includes a purge process that enables you to delete transcript results and requests. Purging transcripts periodically is a maintenance practice that enhances system performance.

If you are using the COBOL process to create transcripts, the choices you have for producing transcripts are the same as those that you have for producing advising reports. In the Application Engine transcript process, the advisement reports are created by using a different component. We briefly discuss advising reports in this section, but you are encouraged to review the PeopleSoft Academic Advisement 9.0 PeopleBook for more information.

The COBOL transcript process provides you with five components that you can use to create, process, print, and purge transcript requests. This table lists and describes how to use those components:



Transcript Request component

Request, process, and print small numbers of transcripts (recommended for fewer than 20).

Batch Transcript Request

Define group parameters and create request for large group (more than 20) of students.

Batch Transcript Generation component

Process and generate transcripts for a previously created online request. Generate transcripts for a previously created batch request.

Batch Transcript Print component

Print transcripts that were previously generated through either the Transcript Request inquiry component or the Batch Transcript Generation process component.

Transcript Purge component

Purge transcript requests and transcript results based on parameters that you specify.

The Application Engine transcript process provides three components that you can use to create, process, print, and purge transcript requests. This table lists and describes how to use those components:



Request Transcript Report component

Request, process, and print small numbers of transcripts (recommended for fewer than 20).

Process Transcripts component

This component combines the functionality of both the Batch Transcript Request and the Generate and Print Transcripts component.

Purge Transcript Reports component

Purge transcript requests and transcript results based on parameters that you specify.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Transcripts for Individuals or Small Groups of Students

This section provides an overview of the Request Transcript Report component, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Use the Request Transcript Report component to process application engine based transcripts for individuals or small groups of students.

Note. The pages of the Transcript Request component (TSCRPT_RQST) still exist in the system: SA_REQUEST_HEADER, SA_REQUEST_DETAIL, SA_REPORT_RESULTS, and SA_REQ_REPORT_ERR.

Use this component to process the COBOL based transcripts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Request Transcript Report Component

Use the Request Transcript Report component (application engine) to create and update transcript requests for an individual student or a small group of students. A small group of students is defined as a group of fewer than 20. Process the request, and you can view the transcripts online and print them. You can also use the Request Transcript Report component to create transcript requests for processing on future dates or events. For example, a student can request that a transcript be processed after they are awarded a degree, after their grades are posted for a term, or when a specific date arrives. When the future transcript request is saved, the system generates a report request number. You can then use a single report request number, a range of report request numbers, or requested print dates to process these requests.

Complete these steps to create a transcript request by student ID:

  1. Select the transcript type and enter other general parameters on the Transcript Request Header page.

  2. Enter IDs for students requesting transcripts, as well as recipient information, on the Transcript Request Detail page.

  3. Submit your request by clicking the Process Request button on the Request Detail page.

  4. View results in .PDF format by clicking the View Report link that appears for each student.

  5. If no link appears, view any process errors on the Report Errors page.

  6. Print all results by clicking the Print button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can create an online transcript request, you must create a transcript type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create an Online Transcript Request

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Request Header


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Transcript Request Header

Select the type of transcript you want to process and set general parameters for the request.

Transcript Request Detail


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Transcript Request Detail

Enter the IDs that you want to process and the number of copies you want to create. Run the Flexible Transcript generation process.

Send To Information


Click the Send To button on the Transcript Request Detail page.

Specify an address to which to send a student's transcript.

Report Messages


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Report Messages

Review messages about any problems the system encounters while processing the transcript request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Transcript Request Headers

Access the Transcript Request Header page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Transcript Request Header).


The system populates this field by default. You can change this value before you enter a transcript type.

Transcript Type

Select a transcript type with the correct detail organization that you want to appear on the transcripts. The system populates this field by user default, but you can change this value. Transcript type values are defined on the Define Transcript Type - Basic Data page, and the Transcript Type default is defined on the User Defaults 4 page.

Freeze Record

Select to protect the request from being purged during the transcript purge process. Because requests build up quickly in your system, the application provides a purge process to delete them. If you select this check box, the purge process does not delete the request.

Override Service Indicator

Select this check box to have the system process transcripts for all students, regardless of whether their service indicators match those specified for this transcript type on the Basic Data page.

For instance, some service impacts—if listed on the Basic Data page and attached to the student through a service indicator—might prevent a student from receiving a transcript.

See Defining Transcript Type Basic Data.

See Using Student Records Service Impacts.

See Managing Service Indicators.

If you do not select this check box, the system enforces the service indicator rules and does not generate transcripts for students with negative service indicators that match the service impacts on the Basic Data page for this transcript type.

Future Release

Select a value to indicate that you want the system to print the transcript at a later date. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

  • Degree Confer Date: The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

  • Grades Post: The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

  • Specific Date: The Print Date field is populated by default to the current date and is available for entry.

  • Hold: The Print Date field is populated by default to the current date and is available for entry. This option indicates that you are going to process the request at a later and as yet undetermined time. The system saves this request until you change the future release value and enter a specific print date.

  • Immediate Processing: The Print Date field is populated by default to the system date. This value is used as the online default, as well as by self service.

  • Transfer Credit Post: The Print Date field is populated by default to the current date and becomes available for entry. You can issue a transcript after the system has articulated transfer credit to the student's academic record. This process is not automatic.

Academic Career and Term

If available for entry, select the appropriate academic career and term values. Later, you can issue a transcript on the fully graded date (future release value of Grades Post) or after you award degrees for the students (future release value of Degree Confer Date). The system populates the Print Date field with either the fully graded date from the Academic Term Calendar 3 page or the degree confer date from the Academic Term Calendar 3 page. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.

To create transcripts for future release, enter the request parameters and save the request without processing it. To later process and print the future release request, enter a single or range of report request numbers or requested print dates on the Transcript Generation page (if running COBOL transcripts) or Process Transcripts (if running application engine transcripts). The system processes requests for all transcripts due to print within the range you specify. After you process a transcript request, the system marks the report request ID as complete and excludes it from further processing.

This table lists how the Future Release field values affect the Academic Career, Term, and Print Date fields:

Field Value

Academic Career


Print Date


Available for entry

Available for entry

Unavailable for entry (default is Degree Confer Date for Term).


Available for entry

Available for entry

Unavailable for entry (default is Fully Graded Date for Term).

Hard Date

Unavailable for entry

Unavailable for entry

Available for entry (default is the system date).


Unavailable for entry

Unavailable for entry

Available for entry (default is the system date).

Imed Proc (immediate processing) (default)

Unavailable for entry

Unavailable for entry

Unavailable for entry (default is the system date).

Transfr Cr (transfer credit)

Unavailable for entry

Unavailable for entry

Available for entry (default is the system date).


Request Reason

Select a request reason. The reason appears on the transcript if the transcript type is set to display request reason information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Cancel Request

Select this check box to cancel a future-dated transcript request before it is processed.

Using the Request Header Page (COBOL Based Transcripts Only)

These additional fields appear on the Request Header page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Request Header):

Output Destination

Select the output destination of the transcript. This determines where the system electronically sends the results of the process. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Page: Sends the transcripts to the Report Results page to be viewed online before printing. You can then click the Print button to initialize Crystal, viewing and printing transcripts through a new window.

Printer: Like the Page option, sends the transcripts to the Report Results page to be viewed online before printing. You can then click the Print button to initialize Crystal, viewing and printing transcripts through a new window.

Report Format

With a transcript type that includes an advising report, the Report Format field becomes available for entry. A single report request can have multiple report formats. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Standard Report Format: Indicates that the report is delivered to a page or printer.

Analysis Database: Indicates that the results of the report are written to the analysis database. The results are stored in computer-readable format so application programs can be written against the tables to create user configurable reports. (This is the only field value that refreshes the database tables.)

Completed Only: Indicates that the report contains only those requirement groups that have been wholly completed. (Usually, the advising report bolds incomplete requirement groups and requirements while completed requirement groups are not bold.)

Incompleted Only: Indicates that the report contains only those requirement groups that have not been wholly completed. (This field value can help a counselor determine exactly what a student needs to satisfy in order to graduate.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Students for Evaluation

Access the Transcript Request Detail page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Transcript Request Detail).

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

The system determines the sequence number, and the number is the order in which the transcripts are processed.


Enter IDs of students for whom you want to process transcripts. The system populates the name by default after you enter the ID and tab out of the field.

Number of Copies

Although you can indicate the overall number of copies on the Transfer Request Header page, you can override the number on a student-by-student basis by changing the value in this field.

Send To

Before you process the transcript request, click to enter recipient information for each ID.

Process Request

Click when you are ready to submit the request for processing. An Application Engine process commences. When the process is complete, the system displays the View Report link next to the student's ID.

If no View Report link appears, access the Report Errors page to investigate what went wrong during the process.

View Report

Click this link to view the transcript as a PDF file. Each student ID has a link to view its report.


After you successfully complete the transcript request process, the Print button becomes available. Click the button to submit all of the transcripts on this request to the printer.

Using the Request Detail Page (COBOL Based Transcripts Only)

Here is some information about the Request Detail page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Request Detail):

Process Request

Click when you are ready to submit the request for processing. A COBOL/SQL process commences and, when complete, the system displays the results on the Report Results page and automatically opens that page.


After you have successfully completed the transcript request process, the Print button on the Request Detail page becomes available. Click the button to submit the Crystal to the Report manager. Use the Report Manager link to view and print the Crystal output, which the system sorts by Student Name within Transcript Request ID. Click the Print button on the Crystal window and choose whether you want to print all pages or a range of pages. When you have large groups of transcripts to print, clicking the Print All button significantly reduces the time it takes you to print them. You can also print transcripts by individual student ID by clicking the Print button on the Report Results page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Transcript Recipient Information

Access the Send To Information page (click the Send To button on the Transcript Request Detail page).

Send To

Enter the name of the addressee.

Specify External Org ID (specify external organization ID)

Select to send the transcript to an external organization that you already have in your database.

Org ID (organization ID)

Select the appropriate external organization ID number. If you do not select the Specify External Organization ID check box, enter the name and address of the recipient in the available address fields.


Click to save and exit the page.


Click to exit the page.

Edit Address

Click this link to enter or update the address where the transcript will be sent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Process Messages for Transcript Requests

Access the Report Messages page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Request Transcript Report, Report Messages).


After you run the process, the system displays the sequence number in the Sequence column.


Message Text

The message text explains the message or error, if any.

Using the Report Results Page (COBOL)

Here is some information about the Report Results page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Results):


Click to submit the Crystal to the Report manager. Use the Report Manager link to view and print the Crystal output. Click the Print button on the Crystal window and choose whether you want to print all pages or a range of pages. When you have large groups of transcripts to print, clicking the Print All button significantly reduces the time it takes you to print them. You can also print transcripts by individual student ID by clicking the Print button on the Report Results page.

To print transcripts for multiple students whose transcripts you have processed within this report request number, click the Print button on the Request Detail page then click Print All from the Crystal window. If necessary, you can save the transcript request and both process and print the request at a later time.

To view messages about any problems that the system encounters while processing the transcript request (COBOL), use the Report Errors page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Errors).

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Batch Transcripts (Application Engine)

This section discusses how to process Application Engine based batch transcripts.

The Process Transcripts process enables you to process transcripts in multiple ways for a large group of students at one time. Based on a specific academic institution or transcript type, you can select the appropriate process action to: create a transcript request; generate or generate and print transcripts; only print transcripts; or request, generate, and print transcripts in a single step.

Complete these steps to process batch transcripts:

  1. Specify the parameters for which you want to process transcripts on the Process Transcripts page.

  2. Click the Run button on the Process Transcripts page to request, generate, or print your transcript.

  3. After the process finishes, select View Log and Trace and select the PDF file.

Note. To process transcript requests for individual student IDs, use the Request Transcript Report component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Batch Transcripts

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Transcripts


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Batch Transcripts, Process Transcripts

Select the institution and type of transcript that you to want process, and the appropriate processing action and student criteria for the group of students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Processing Options

Access the Process Transcripts page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Batch Transcripts, Process Transcripts).

Note. The fields on this page change based on the Process Action that you select.

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which the transcript type is associated. When you run the process, the system creates a transcript request number for each row within the process instance. Institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page.

Transcript Type

Select the transcript type. Be sure you select a transcript type with the correct detail organization that you want to appear on the transcripts. You can organize by academic career or chronology. Transcript type values are defined on the Define Transcript Type - Basic Data page.

Process Action

Select one of these options: Create Transcript Request, Generate Transcript, Generate and Print Transcript, Print Transcript, or Request, Generate and Print.

If you select a Process Action of Generate Transcript or Generate and Print Transcript, the system finds all transcripts that have an On Request status (requested only).

If you select a Process Action of Print Transcript, the system finds all transcripts that have a Completed status (generated), but have not yet printed.

To reprint a previously printed transcript, select the Reprint check box. This check box is available only when you select a Process Action of Print Transcript.

Note. If you select the Allow XML Output File check box on the Define Transcript Type - Basic Data page, the Output XML File and Output File Path fields appear on this page when you select a value of Generate and Print Transcript, Print Transcript, or Request, Generate and Print in the Process Action field.

Override Service Indicator

Select this check box to override any service indicators attached to student records that may prevent a transcript from being generated.

Population Selection

This group box appears if you select the Create Transcript Request or Request, Generate and Print process action.

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes.

If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Query Name

If you selected PS Query, select an existing query in the system. The application delivers these predefined queries:

  • SSR_TS_ACADLEVEL: Transcript Query by Acad Level (transcript query by academic level)

  • SSR_TS_ADVISOR: Transcript Query by Advisor

  • SSR_TS_CAREER: Transcript Query by Career

  • SSR_TS_PROGPLAN: Transcript Query by Prog Plan (transcript query by program/plan)

  • SSR_TS_PROGRAM: Transcript Query by Program

  • SSR_TS_STUDENT_GRP: Transcript Query by Stdnt Grp (transcript query by student group)

Note. You should not modify the delivered queries. Instead, create new queries using the Save-As feature so that the integrity of the delivered queries is not compromised.

Student Select List

This group box appears if you select the Create Transcript Request or Request, Generate and Print process action. Select the Use Student Select check box to add individual student IDs to your batch transcript process request. You can use this method alone or in combination with the Population Selection process to create the batch request.

EmplID (employee ID)

Enter individual student IDs that you want to include in the batch transcript request. The student's name appears to the right of this field.

Clear List

Click this button to remove all entered names from the student list.

Generate and Print Options

This group box appears if you select the Generate Transcript, Generate and Print Transcript, or Print Transcript process option.

Generate Transcripts By

Select whether to generate transcripts by Request Date or Request Nbr (request number).

Request Date

To generate transcripts by date, enter a single date or date range for the previously created transcript requests.

Request Number

To generate transcripts by number, enter one or more previously created transcript request numbers.

Additional Options

If you selected the Generate and Print Transcript, Print Transcript, or Request, Generate and Print process option, this group box appears.

Print Sort Option

Select whether to sort the transcripts for printing by Last Name, Student ID, or Zip/Postal Code.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the XML Transcript Template

This section discusses how to use the XML transcript template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the XML Transcript Template

When a transcript is processed, an XML file is also created, with data for testing.

The XML file is uploaded to the Data Source page (Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Data Source, Data Source).

To use the XML transcript template:

  1. Select Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition and search by SSR.

  2. Select SSR_TSRPT and access the Template page.

  3. Click the Download button to select the template (it is an .rtf file).

    Note. Two rows exist: Landscape and Portrait.

  4. To access the sub template, select Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Content Library.

  5. Search using SSR and select SSR_TSRPT_STMPLT.

  6. To use the Word Plug-In during testing of the template design, you must make some changes to the template so that the Word Plug-In knows where to find the sub template: click Download to view the instructions, which are at the top of the sub template.

  7. To access the Plug-In, select Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Setup, Design Helper.

See Also: PeopleTools PeopleBook: BI Publisher for Peoplesoft

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing XML Transcript Dates

The system date format is set up on the Define Personalizations page in PeopleTools (PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options, Define Personalizations, Format). Individual users can also set the date format by using the My Personalizations menu link. A local variable exists on the XML Transcript template, date_mask, to represent the date mask as the date format that was set up using personalizations. This variable is then added to each date field in the template, as the academic plan date. The Print Date and Plan Date fields on the transcript use this date formatting, as this example illustrates:

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Batch Transcript Requests (COBOL)

The Transcript Request process (COBOL) component enables you to create transcript requests for a large group of students at one time based on a specific academic institution and transcript type, and based on additional selection criteria and key values that you specify to define the group. For example, you can use this component to create transcript requests for all senior-level undergraduates for the fall term.

Note. The pages of the Transcript Request process (RUNCTL_SR_TSBATCH) and the Batch Transcript Generation (RUNCTL_SR_TSBATCH) components still exist in the system: RUNCTL_SRTSCRPT and RUNCTL_SRTSBGEN.

Use these components to process the COBOL based transcripts.

To create a batch transcript request (COBOL):

  1. Specify the parameters for which you want to create transcript requests on the Batch Transcript Request page.

  2. Click the Run button on the Batch Transcript Request page to create your request.

  3. After the Transcript Request process finishes, view the Message Log and note the Transcript Request Number. You can enter the Transcript Request Number on the Transcript Generation page to generate the transcripts.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to run the Batch Transcript Requests process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can process a batch transcript request, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Batch Transcript Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Transcript Request


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Batch Transcripts, Batch Transcript Request

Select the institution and type of transcript that you to want process, select the criteria for the group of students, and create the transcript requests for all students who meet your selection criteria. This process only creates a request; it does not generate a transcript. To generate transcripts, use the Transcript Generation component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Batch Transcript Request Process

Access the Batch Transcript Request page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Batch Transcripts, Batch Transcript Request).


Select the institution for which the transcript type is associated. Add rows as necessary. When you run the process, the system creates a transcript request number for each row within the process instance. Institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page.

Transcript Type

Select the transcript type. Be sure you select a transcript type with the correct detail organization that you want to appear on the transcripts. You can organize by academic career or chronology. Academic advising reports can include both an advising report and a regular transcript. When transcript types have the Advising Report check box or the Special Advising Report check box selected on the Basic Data page, the transcript includes an audit of academic requirement groups. Transcript type values are defined on the Transcript Type - Basic Data page.

If you select an advising transcript type, the Use Stored What-If, Database Report, and As of Date fields become available for entry.

Use Stored What-If

Select to process the batch of advisement reports based on stored what-if information for each student (as opposed to actual student academic career, academic program, academic plan and academic subplan information). For example, a student may have a stored what-if scenario set up for them that has an alternate combination of academic program, academic plan, academic subplan, requirement term, and so on. If the Use Stored What-If check box is selected, the system uses the hypothetical what-if data rather than the student's actual data from the Student Program/Plan component.

Database Report

Select this check box to update the academic advisement analysis database with the results of the transcript request (at the time of the Transcript Generation process). Specific data for each student based on each student's respective requirements is then available for query and reporting. For example, you may run an advisement report with the Student Group and Athlete options selected, thereby populating the analysis database with advising results for student athletes. You may then query those tables to create user configurable reports for all athletes at a later date.

As of Date

Set the As of Date field as appropriate to include or exclude future-dated academic programs, academic plans, academic subplans, conditions, and entity groups when you process any type of academic advising report.

At the start of the advising report process (on the Transcript Generation page), the system references the value in the As of Date field to determine which STUDENT_CAR_TERM records are active for each student. Active records are defined as rows on the Track Student Careers component, with an effective date that is equal to or less than the as-of date and with a program action of activate, data change, plan change, program change, or readmit. After the system identifies the active rows, it compares the student's career, program, plan, subplan, and requirement term information against the appropriate academic requirement groups. Appropriate academic requirement groups are defined as those with effective dates that are equal to or less than the start date of the student's requirement term. Regardless of the As of Date field value, the system evaluates all courses on a student's transcript, future-dated or otherwise.

Note. As delivered, the system populates the As of Date field by default to 01/01/3000, but you can modify the date each time you run the process. To set the As of Date field default to the current date, go to the Installation Student Administration page and clear the Transcript Default As of Date field.

Transcript Request Criteria

Select batch processing criteria and further describe the group. Select one of these values:

Academic Level: If you select this option, the Career, Term, and Level fields become available for entry. The values in all three of these fields intersect to form a single criterion set.

Advisor: If you select this option, the Advisor field becomes available for entry.

Career/Program/Plan: If you select this option, the Career, Acad Program (academic program), and Acad Plan (academic plan) fields become available for entry.

Student Group: If you select this option, the Group Name field becomes available for entry.


Creates transcript requests for all students within the academic career you specify. Academic career values are defined on the Academic Career Table page. This field is required.

Acad Program (academic program)

Creates transcript requests for all students within the academic career and academic program that you specify. Academic program values are defined in the Academic Program Table component.

Acad Plan (academic plan)

Creates transcript requests for all students within the academic career, academic program, and academic plan that you specify. Academic plan values are defined on the Academic Plan Table page.


Creates transcript requests for all students that are term activated in the academic career and academic level as of the term you specify. Term values are defined on the Term Table page. This field is required.

Academic Level

Creates transcript requests for all students within the academic career and academic level as of the term you specify. Academic level values are defined on the Academic Level Table page. This field is required.


Creates transcript requests for all active students who are assigned to this advisor on the Student Advisor page. This field is required.

Group Name

Creates transcript requests for all students who are active within the group that you specify. Student group names are defined on the Student Group Table page and assigned to students on the Student Groups page.

Click the Run button to run this request. When you click the OK button, an Application Engine process scans the database and creates transcript requests for the students who match your selection criteria. When the Run Status for SRTSRQST process is Success, you can generate the transcripts on the Transcript Generation page. Be sure to click the Message Log link on the Process Detail page to note the system-generated transcript request numbers. You need these numbers to generate transcripts on the Transcript Generation page and to print transcripts on the Transcript Print page.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Grade Review Transcript Release Process

Using the Grade Review Transcript Release process, you can update your students' fully graded date and grade review status in batch mode, and then process transcripts or degree audits for students who meet your specific run control parameters. Essentially, this process releases transcripts or degree audits only if a student's classes are fully graded for the term. If some required grades are missing, the process does not generate a transcript. Instead, it assigns a special grade review value to the student so that they can be easily identified for future processing.

Complete these steps to use the Grade Review process:

  1. Set up grade review values on the Grade Review Table page.

  2. Set specific grade bases as required on the Grading Scheme Table page.

  3. Process grade reviews.

  4. View the grade review information on the Student Grade Review page.

  5. View fully graded date information on the Term Control Dates page.

  6. View the transcripts through the Transcript Request component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Grade Review Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Grade Review Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Grading, Grade Review, Grade Review Table

Define different values that you want to assign to students as a result of the grade review process. For example, MISS for missing grades, PEND for pending grade review, and COMP for completed all grades. The system assigns these values to students on the Term History - Student Grade Review page based on the status of the students' grades for the term you specify.

Grading Scheme Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Grading Scheme Table, Grading Scheme Table

Define the grade bases that you want to require. The system references the Grade Required check box setting to determine if a student's transcript can be released or not. Students who are enrolled in classes with a grade basis that is set to Grade Required must have all of their grades entered and posted for a specific term in order for the system to release their transcript through the Grade Review process.

Grade Review


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Review, Grade Review

Specify the group of students that you want to evaluate for fully graded data. Also, define other processing parameters and enter the values that you want to assign to the students' records. Run the Grade Review (SRPCGRDR) process.

Student Grade Review


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term History

View or change the grade review value that the Grade Review process assigned, or enter a grade review value. Define grade review values on the Grade Review Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Grade Review Values

Access the Grade Review Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Grading, Grade Review, Grade Review Table).

Effective Date

Enter an effective date for this grade review status. The effective date defines when the status that you select is valid.


Select a status for this grade review. Select Active when adding a new grade review status. The Inactive option should only be used if your institution will no longer use this grade review status.


Enter a description for the status. The description appears on the Student Grade Review page.

Short Description

Enter a short description for the status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Required Grade Bases

Access the Grading Scheme Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Grading Scheme Table, Grading Scheme Table).

See Also

Defining Grading Schemes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Grade Review Parameters

Access the Grade Review page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Review, Grade Review).

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which you want to run the grade review process. The system populates this field by default to the setting on the User Defaults 1 page.

Academic Career

Select the academic career of students for which you want to run the grade review process. The system populates this field by default to the setting on the User Defaults 1 page.


Select the term for which you want to run the grade review process. The system populates this field by default to the setting on the User Defaults 1 page.

System Date

The process assigns this date to the student records when it assigns new grade review values. For example, if a student is fully graded and meets all other processing parameters, the student's grade review status is set to COMP on the Student Grade Review page, with an effective date equal to the system date. In addition, if you select the Set Fully Graded Date check box, the system sets the student's fully graded date to the system date on the Term Control Dates page.

Grade Review Status

Select a status to assign to a student on the Student Grade Review page if the system finds him to be fully graded for the term.

Grade Review Missing Grades

Select a status to assign to a student on the Student Grade Review page if the system finds the student to be in acceptable academic standing but lacking fully graded enrollment records for the term. If a student is neither fully graded nor in acceptable standing, the system assigns the value in the Grade Review Excl Acad Stand field to the student on the Student Grade Review page.

Grade Review Excl Acad Stand (grade review excluded due to academic standing)

Select a status to assign to a student on the Student Grade Review page if the system finds him to be fully graded but his academic standing for the term is equal to the value in the Academic Standing field. If a student is neither fully graded nor in acceptable standing, the system assigns the value in the Grade Review Excl Acad Stand field to the student on the Student Grade Review page.

Generate Transcript

Select to process transcripts for the students in your selected population.

Warning! If you select the Generate Transcript check box and run the Grade Review process, the system immediately generates transcripts (not just transcript request numbers) for all students in your population. Depending on the size of your population and the transcript type you select, this process could take a substantial amount of time to complete.

Transcript Type

Select the type of transcript that you want to generate.

Report Format

If you select a transcript type that is an advising report, the Report Format field is available for entry. Select from these values:

Standard Report Format: Indicates that the report is delivered to a page or a printer.

Analysis Database: Indicates that the results of the report are written to the analysis database. The results are stored in computer-readable format so application programs can be written against the tables to create user configurable reports. (This is the only field value that refreshes the database tables.)

Completed Only: Indicates that the report contains only those requirements that have been wholly completed. (Normally, the advising report marks incomplete requirement groups and requirements in bold, while completed requirement groups and requirements are not in bold.)

Incompleted Only: Indicates that the report contains only those requirements that have not been wholly completed. (This field value can help a counselor determine exactly what a student needs to satisfy in order to graduate.)

Set Fully Graded Date

Select to set a student's fully graded date (on the Term Control Dates page) to the system date you specify in the System Date field. The system sets the fully graded date only if the process assigns a new grade review status to the student. If no grade review status is assigned, the fully graded date field does not update. Clear this check box if you never want to update the fully graded date.

Grades Required

Select to have the system use the Grade Required check box setting on the Grade Scheme Table page to determine if grades are missing. If you select this check box, the system only evaluates courses taken with grade bases for which the Grade Required check box is selected. If you clear this check box, students in the population will be set regardless of whether their grades are in.

Process Blank Grade Review

Select to include in your student selection students with no grade review value.

Grade Review Status

Enter the current grade review status of students that you want to process. Add rows to specify more than one valid grade review status value.

Academic Program

Select the academic program of the students you want to review.

Academic Plan

Select the academic plan of the students you want to review.

Academic Sub-Plan

Select the academic subplan of the students you want to review.

Academic Load

Select the academic load of the students you want to review for the term you specify.

Academic Level

Select the academic level (term begin) of the students you want to review for the term you specify.

Degree Checkout Status

Select the degree checkout status of the students you want to review.

Expected Graduation Term

Select the expected graduation term of the students you want to review.

Student Group

Select the student group of the students you want to review.

Academic Standing

Select the academic standing of students (on the Term History page for the term you specify) that you want to exclude from the grade review. Add rows to specify more than one type of academic standing value that you want to exclude from the review.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Grade Review Process Driver process at user-defined intervals. If you selected the Generate Transcripts check box, you can view the transcripts online or print them when the process finishes.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Electronic Transcripts

After you have set up the TS130 controls and mapped your internal values within the EDI Manager, you can create electronic transcript requests and process outbound files. This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Electronic Transcript Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce Electronic Transcripts

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Request


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Transcript Request

Enter general information about this transcript request.



Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Address

Enter address information for the organization to which you are sending the electronic transcript.

Send Options


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Send Options

Specify the send method and the recipient's email information.

Request History


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Request History

View the electronic transcript request history for this student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Electronic Transcript Request Information

Access the Transcript Request page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Transcript Request).

Transcript Seq No (transcript sequence number)

The system assigns a sequential number to each request that you enter for the student.

Request Date

The system displays the date on which you enter the request. When you enter a new request, the system uses the current date by default.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you want to print the request. By default, the system selects the academic institution defined in the User Defaults component.

Transcript Type

Select a transcript type with the correct detail that you want to report electronically. Only transcript types for which you have user security and that have valid careers for this student are available. Transcript type values are defined on the Transcript Type - Basic Data page.

Request Reason

Select the request reason. Request reason values are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

You can enter free-form text to further clarify the request reason in this field.

Override Service Indicator

Select this check box to have the system process the transcript for this student, regardless of whether the student has a service indicator with service impacts that match those specified for this transcript type on the Basic Data page. Service impacts that are listed on the Basic Data page and are attached to the student prevent a student from receiving a transcript. If you do not select this check box, the system enforces the service indicator rules and does not generate transcripts for a student with service impacts that match those on the Basic Data page for this transcript type.

See Managing Service Indicators.

Future Release

Select a future release to indicate that you want the system to generate the transcript at a later date. Future release values are delivered with your system as translate values. These translate values should not be modified in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Degree Confer Date: The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

Grades Post: The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

Hold: The system sets the Date to be Processed field to the current date and is available for entry. This option indicates that you are going to process the request at a later and undetermined time. The system saves this request until you change the future release value and enter a specific print date.

Immediate Processing: The system sets the Date to be Processed field to the system date.

Specific Date: The system sets the Date to be Processed field to the current date and it is available for entry. You can enter a specific date for the transcript request to be processed through the Generate Electronic Transcript page.

Transfer Credit Post: The system sets the Date to be Processed field to the current date and it becomes available for entry. You can issue a transcript through the Generate Electronic Transcript page after the system articulates transfer credit to the student's academic record. Because this process is not automatic, you must still generate the electronic transcript on the Generate Electronic Transcript page.

Academic Career and Term

If available for entry, select the appropriate academic career and term values. You can issue a transcript later through the Generate Electronic Transcript page on the fully graded date—future release value of Grades Post—or when the degree confer date arrives for the student—future release value of Degree Confer Date. The system populates the Date to the Processed field with either the fully graded date from the Term Control Dates page in the Term Activation component, or the degree confer date from the Degree page in the Student Degrees component. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.

To create transcripts for future release, enter the request parameters and save the request without processing it. To process and send the future release request later, enter into the Generate Electronic Transcript page a range of dates based on the Dates to be Processed field. The system processes requests for all electronic transcripts that have not yet been generated within the range you specify. After you process a transcript request, the system marks the report request ID as Generated, and the system excludes it from further batch processing.

Entered By

The system displays the user ID and name of the person who entered the request.


Click to process the request immediately and send the report as indicated on the Send Options page. The system takes you to the Request History page.

The Process button calls an Application Engine program that processes the request and creates the flat file. PeopleSoft PeopleCode, using Workflow, will send the resulting file as an email attachment if so requested on the Send Options page.

The process updates the request status to be generated. If you also send the file by email, the process updates the request status to complete.

If the student has a service indicator with an attached service impact that is defined on the transcript type setup, the system displays the Service Indicator page and indicates that it prevented the transcript due to negative service indicators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering the Recipient's Address Information

Access the Address page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Address).

Send to Student

Select to automatically populate the Send to field with the student's name. The Address Type field becomes available.

Address Type

Select the address type for the student to which you want to send this transcript. The system populates the address fields based on the address type you select. This field is available when you select the Send to Student check box.

Specify External Org ID (specify external organization ID)

Select to choose an existing external organization. The system makes the Org ID and Location Nbr fields available.

Org ID (organization ID)

This field becomes available when you select the Specify External Org ID check box. Select the organization to which you are sending the electronic transcript. Define external organizations on the Organization Table page. When you exit this field, the system automatically populates the Send to field with the organization's name.

Location Nbr (location number)

This field becomes available when you select the Specify External Org ID check box. Select the location number of the organization to which you are sending the electronic transcript. Define location numbers for external organizations on the Organization Location page. When you exit this field, the system automatically populates the address fields with the location address.

Send to

Enter the name of the recipient to whom you are sending the electronic transcript. If you select either the Send to Student check box or the Specify External Org ID check box, then this value populates automatically according to your selection. This value can be overwritten.


Select the country of the recipient's address. When you exit this field, the system displays the address format associated with that country.

Edit Address

Click to enter a different address to which you want to send this transcript.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Send Options

Access the Send Options page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Send Options).

Send Options

Select the method that you want to use to send the TS130 file. Select E-Mail if you want to send the electronic transcript by email. The system sends the output file as soon as you run the Transcript Request process. Select Place File in Directory to enable you to transfer the file at a later time by using a file transfer protocol, such as the FTP.

E-Mail Address

Enter a valid email address to which the system sends the transcript.

File Name

The generated file name appears after processing. The naming convention is defined on the TS130 Setup page. The system inserts the control number before the file extension to identify unique files.

Output File Path

Insert the file path to which the system writes the TS130 file at the time it is generated. The system displays this value by default from the TS130 Setup page (or the Organization TS130 Setup page if the send to address is an organization with information in the Org TS130 Setup page). Users must have write permission for this specified directory to prevent runtime errors.

Note. Regardless of your send option, you need to specify a directory to store the TS130 file because the email process picks the file up as an attachment and sends it by email from this directory. For example, you could use c:\temp\.

E-Mail Message

Enter free-form text that will appear in the body of the email.

Note. You can set up defaults for the Send Options, E-Mail Address, and Output File Path fields on the Organization TS130 Setup page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Electronic Transcript Request History for a Student

Access the Request History page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Request, Request History).


Displays the date and time of the action performed on this request.


Displays the user name of the user performing the action.

File Name

Displays the unique file name.


Displays the various actions performed on this request. Values include Generate, Batch Generate, E-Mail, and Batch E-Mail.

TS131 Status

Displays the status of any incoming TS131 acknowledgements that have been processed for this request. Values include Confirm and Reissue.

TS131 Processed

Displays the date on which the sender processed the TS131 inbound file.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Electronic Transcripts in Batch

This section provides an overview of producing electronic transcripts in batch and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Producing Electronic Transcripts in Batch

The Generate Electronic Transcript page enables you to generate previously created TS130 requests that you saved through the Electronic Transcript Request page. The process combines transcripts from multiple requests when the requests specify the same recipient. This component is ideal for generating electronic transcripts requested for release on future dates or following specific events.

For example, students can request future release of their transcripts based on degree confer date, term grade posting date, transfer credit posting date, or a date you specify. When the future date arrives, you can access the Generate Electronic Transcript page, enter the transcript type that you want the system to process, enter a single date or a range of process dates, and generate the TS130 files. For example, if a student knows in March that he or she needs a transcript sent electronically to a specific institution on June 15, the date of graduation, he or she can enter this request and save it online in March with a future date of June 15 on the Transcript Request page. On June 15, they system can process this request through the Generate Electronic Transcript page and can generate this student's transcript electronically, along with all other requests scheduled for processing on this date.

After you run the process through the Generate Electronic Transcript page, you can access the TS130 files in the output directory indicated on the request, and you can send these files by email, in batch, through the E-Mail Electronic Transcript page. On the E-Mail Electronic Transcript page, enter the same run control that you used in the Generate Electronic Transcript process. Only those requests with a send option of email will appear. The batch generation process groups requests by email address and directory, thus forming virtual envelopes that can include several students' transcripts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce Electronic Transcripts in Batch

Page Name

Definition Name



Generate Electronic Transcript


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Generate Electronic Transcript, Generate Electronic Transcript

Generate previously created TS130 transcript requests that you saved through the Electronic Transcript Request page.

E-Mail Electronic Transcript


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, EMail Electronic Transcript, EMail Electronic Transcript

Email TS130 requests in batch.

Transcript E-Mail Detail


Click the Notes and Details link on the Email Electronic Transcript page.

Enter a message to be delivered in the body of the email. This message overwrites the email messages for each individual request within this file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Electronic Transcripts in Batch

Access the Generate Electronic Transcript page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Generate Electronic Transcript, Generate Electronic Transcript).

Academic Institution

Select the institution that the system should use in the process. Institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page.

Transcript Type

Select the transcript type. Transcript type values are defined on the Transcript Type - Basic Data page. Be sure you select a transcript type that matches the pending requests that you want to generate.

From and Through

Enter the range of dates for which you want to generate electronic transcripts. To generate electronic transcripts for one day, enter the same date in both fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Electronic Transcripts in Batch by Email

Access the EMail Electronic Transcript page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, EMail Electronic Transcript, EMail Electronic Transcript).


Select this check box if you want the process to send this file. Clear this check box for any row that has a file that should not be sent at this time.

TS130 Control

Enter the date the TS130 was generated.

E-Mail Address

Enter the email address of the recipient.

File Name

Enter the generated file name of the TS130.

File Path

Enter the file path where the file is located and will be picked up as an attachment in the email.

Notes and Details

Click to access the Transcript E-Mail Detail page, where you can view the requests that are included in each flat file and the history of each request. You can also enter text that will be delivered in the body of the email.

Note. The email text entered here overwrites email message text on the request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Text Message on the Request

Access the Transcript E-Mail Detail page (click the Notes and Details link on the Email Electronic Transcript page).


Enter a message to be delivered in the body of the email. This message overwrites the email message for each individual request within this file.

Note. If you rerun the Generate Electronic Transcript process, the system deletes all email records under that run control value and creates new records.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing TS130 Outbound Transactions

The Electronic Transcript Query enables you to see the status of various electronic transcript requests based on the user who entered the request, student ID, request date, process date, or request status.

This section discusses how to review transcript request data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review TS130 Outbound Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Electronic Transcript Query


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Query, Electronic Transcript Query

View the status of various electronic transcript requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Transcript Request Data

Access the Electronic Transcript Query page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Electronic Transcript Query, Electronic Transcript Query).

User ID

Enter the user ID of the person who completed the request if you want to view requests created by a single user.

Student ID

Enter the student ID if you want to view requests for a specific student.

Date From

Enter dates in the From and Through fields to view electronic transcript requests with request date values within a certain date range. These two fields can contain the same date.

Process Date Range

Enter dates in the From and Through fields to view electronic transcript requests with process date values within a certain date range. Process date values are specified in the Date Processed field on the Transcript Request page.

Request Status

Select a request status to filter the status of requests you want to view. Values include: Acknowledgement Received, Completed, Generated, On Request, and Reissue Requested.


Click to retrieve the results of your inquiry.

Go to Request

Click to go to the Electronic Transcript Request component for this request.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing TS131 Inbound Files

This section provides an overview of TS131 inbound files and discusses how to download TS131 files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding TS131 Inbound Files

Institutions that receive TS130 Electronic Transcripts from you should send back to you a Student Educational Record (Transcript) Acknowledgement, or TS131, file. This file confirms that the recipient received the record, and it ensures that the recipient received certain key elements as they were sent.

This process reconciles TS131 inbound files with individual electronic transcript requests. The process updates the Request History page in the Electronic Transcript Request component to indicate that it was successfully received or that the request needs to be reissued. You can query on which requests must be reissued through the Electronic Transcript Query page. Additionally, the Generate Electronic Transcript process also regenerates requests marked as Reissue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process TS131 Inbound Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Download TS131


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Download TS131, Download TS131

Download TS131 files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDownloading TS131 Files

Access the Download TS131 page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Electronic Transcripts, Download TS131, Download TS131).

Single File

Select this option to process a single file. The File Name field appears.

File List Driven

Select this option to process a list of files. Enter the name of the file that contains a list of files that you want to process in the File Name field.


Enter the name of the file if you selected the Single File orFile List Driven option.

File Pattern

Enter the pattern of the file names that you want to process. For example, enter *.txt to process all text files in the directory that you specified. This field appears if you selected the Directory option.

Input/Output file

Enter the path to the file or files that you want to process.

Note. You must enter the final slash in the file path.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Transcript Request History

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to run a transcript request query.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can search for a transcript request history, you must first have made at least one transcript request for a student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Student Transcript Request History

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Request Inquiry


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request Inquiry, Transcript Request Inquiry

List all of the transcript requests for a specific student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning a Transcript Request Query

Access the Transcript Request Inquiry page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request Inquiry, Transcript Request Inquiry).

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which the transcript was generated. Institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page.

Transcript Type

Select the transcript type. Transcript type values are defined on the Transcript Type - Basic Data Page.

Student ID

Enter the ID for the student whose transcript request history you want to review.

Flexible Transcript

Select this check box to search for dynamically created transcripts only.


When you click this button, the system displays transcript requests that meet the selection criteria you selected.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Transcripts

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to purge transcript reports.

To purge transcripts, use the Purge Transcript Reports component.

Note. The Transcript Purge (RUNCTL_SRTRPURG) component still exists in the system.

Use this component to purge COBOL based transcripts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can purge transcript requests and transcripts, you must create transcript requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Purge Transcripts

Page Name

Definition Name



Purge Transcript Reports


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Purge Transcript Reports, Purge Transcript Reports

Purge transcript requests, including transcript results, if any. The system purges all transcript reports within the parameters that you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Transcript Reports

Access the Purge Transcript Reports page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Purge Transcript Reports, Purge Transcript Reports).

Note. You can enter any or all of the parameters on the page to select the appropriate transcript reports to purge.

Purge All Results

Select this option to purge all results.

Warning! Selecting the Purge All Results option will override the Freeze Record flag set on the report request record and will delete all data from the results tables.

If you also select the Purge Report Requests and Logs option, all associated request records will also be purged, even if the Freeze Record flag is set.

Select Results to Purge

Select this option to purge by transcript type parameter, date range, or user ID selection.

Purge Report Requests and Logs

When this option is selected, the transcript requests that all information associated with the request will be deleted. Requests will not appear on the Transcript Request Inquiry after the process runs.

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to purge transcripts. This value determines the availability of transcript types in the Transcript Type field.

Transcript Type

Enter the transcript type for which you want to purge transcripts.

Request Date From and Request Date To

Enter values that specify purge parameters. The system purges transcript requests created on and including these dates. The request date is the date that the transcript request number is created.

Request Print Date From and Request Print Date To

Enter values that specify purge parameters. The system purges transcript requests printed on and including these dates. The request print date is not a literal definition. The request print date refers to the date on which the transcript is generated and available for printing. For online transcript requests, this value is provided by the value in the Print Date field on the Transcript Request Header page. For batch transcript requests, this date is the date that the transcript is generated.

Request User ID

Select an ID from your user ID list. The system purges transcript requests and print requests initiated by this user.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Purge Transcript Reports process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Transcripts

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, your students can request official and unofficial transcripts through the self-service pages described in the following chapters.

See Also

Using Student Center