(AUS) Setting Up Government Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of Australian government reporting and discusses how to:

See Also

(AUS) Generating Government Reports

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Australian Government Reporting

This section discusses the government departments that require higher education reporting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

In order to generate required government reports, in addition to the setup covered in this chapter, you must set up these tables:

See Setting Up Reporting Codes.

See (AUS) Defining Level Dependent Load Rules.

See (AUS) Setting Up Australian Academic Programs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Government Departments That Require Higher Education Reporting

DEEWR requires all institutions in Australia that receive funding from the Commonwealth government to provide statistical reports about programs offered, student enrollments and academic load, student liabilities under the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Commonwealth scholarships, enrollment and program completions, and application data.

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) also requires institutions to provide information about students and their HELP debts that are to be recovered through the taxation system. In a simple process for institutions, all returns are forwarded to DEEWR, which forwards the necessary information to the ATO.

Centrelink, an Australian Government Statutory Agency, requires institutions to provide continuous reporting about a student's study circumstances for all students in receipt of a Centrelink Payment.

See (AUS) Generating Government Reports.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Reporting Codes

This section provides an overview of DEEWR reporting codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding DEEWR Reporting Codes

To comply with the DEEWR reporting requirements, you use special DEEWR codes when reporting data. You map these DEEWR codes to the codes used in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. In most cases, you need to set up the DEEWR codes only once. If DEEWR codes change, you must change the DEEWR setup to reflect those changes.

In some cases, the DEEWR codes are delivered as translate values for fields. It is important that you do not change these translate values unless there is a change in the DEEWR code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up DEEWR Reporting Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



DEEWR Institution Code (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations institution code)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Institution Code, DEEWR Institution Code

Define Higher Education Provider (HEP) codes for DEEWR reporting.

DEEWR Country Code Table (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations country code table)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Country Code Table, DEEWR Country Code Table

Use the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) to define country codes. This is required for DEEWR reporting.

DEEWR Country Table (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations country table)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Country Table, DEEWR Country Table

Map PeopleSoft country codes to DEEWR country codes for DEEWR reporting.

DEEWR Language Code Table (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations language code table)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Language Code Table, DEEWR Language Code Table

Define language codes for DEEWR element 348.

DEEWR Language Table (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations language table)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Language Table, DEEWR Language Table

Map PeopleSoft language codes to DEEWR language codes defined for element 348.

DEEWR Unit Status Indicator (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations unit status indicator)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Unit Status Indicator, DEEWR Unit Status Indicator

Define unit of study completion status codes for DEEWR element 355.

DEEWR Unit Status Mapping (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations unit status mapping)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Unit Status Mapping

Map grades to unit of study completion status codes.

DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations citizen/resident indicator)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator, DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator

Define the DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator codes for element 358. The system includes these codes in the Student Help files.

DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations citizen/resident mapping)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping, DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping

Map citizenship status codes to DEEWR citizen/resident codes for element 358. The system assigns the mapped citizenship status codes to the imported person data.

DEEWR Reporting Setup (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations setup)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Reporting Setup, DEEWR Reporting Setup

Allocate address usages for reporting address elements to DEEWR and assign reporting years to the institution for DEEWR submissions. This allows the system to track the submission number for half- year reporting.

DEEWR Level of Education VET (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations Level of Education Vocational Education and Training


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Level of Education VET, DEEWR Level of Education VET

Define level of education codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Institution Codes

Access the DEEWR Institution Code page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Institution Code, DEEWR Institution Code).

These codes are provided by DEEWR. Set up codes for all your institutions, and for institutions from which you receive transfer students.

DEEWR Credit Basis (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations credit basis)

Enter the value to be reported for DEEWR Element 561 Credit-Basis, if the institution code is assigned to manual course credits processed for a student.

This field appears only if the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box is selected on the SA Features page.

DEEWR Provider Type VET (Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations provider type Vocational Education and Training)

Enter the value to be reported for DEEWR Element 564 Provider Type, if the institution code is assigned to manual course credits processed for a student.

This field is optional. If the institution does not offer VET related study, you do not have to enter a value.

This field appears only if the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box is selected on the SA Features page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Country Codes

Access the DEEWR Country Code Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Country Code Table, DEEWR Country Code Table).

Setting up the country codes for DEEWR reporting requires that you enter the DEEWR country codes into your system, then map each DEEWR country code to the appropriate country code defined in the system. Map country codes to DEEWR country codes on the DEEWR Country Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Country Codes to DEEWR Country Codes

Access the DEEWR Country Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Country Table, DEEWR Country Table).

Note. Set up DEEWR country code values on the DEEWR Country Code Table page.


Select a PeopleSoft defined country code.

DEST Country Code

Enter the equivalent DEEWR defined country code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Language Codes

Access the DEEWR Language Code Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Language Code Table, DEEWR Language Code Table).

Setting up the language codes for DEEWR reporting requires that you enter the DEEWR language codes into your system, then map each DEEWR language code with the appropriate language code in the system. Map language codes to DEEWR language codes on the DEEWR Language Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Language Codes to DEEWR Language Codes

Access the DEEWR Language Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Language Table, DEEWR Language Table).

Note. Set up DEEWR language code values on the DEEWR Language Code Table page.

Language Code

Select a PeopleSoft defined language code.

DEEWR Language Code

Enter the equivalent DEEWR language code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Citizenship and Residency Codes

Access the DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator, DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator).

DEEWR citizenship and residency codes are provided by DEEWR. Map citizenship codes to DEEWR citizen/resident codes on the DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Citizenship and Residency Mapping

Access the DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping, DEEWR Citizen/Resident Mapping).

Note. Set up DEEWR citizenship and resident code values on the DEEWR Citizen/Res Indicator page.

Citizenship Status

Select a PeopleSoft defined citizenship status code.

DEEWR Citizen/Resident Code

Enter the equivalent DEEWR citizen/resident code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up DEEWR Processing

Access the DEEWR Reporting Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Reporting Setup, DEEWR Reporting Setup).

Note. For each new collection year, you must access this page and enter a new reference year row.

Address Usages

Postal Address

Select a value to determine the data for address elements 406, 407, 409, 466, 467, 468, 728.

DEEWR AO, DU, RD and CS Extracts report one or more of these elements.

Permanent Address

Select a value to determine the data for address elements 320, 410, 411, 413, 469, 470 and 471.

DEEWR AO, EN, DU and RD Extracts report one or more of these elements.

Term Address

Select a value to determine the data for address element 319.

DEEWR EN Extract reports this element.

DEEWR Submission Counter

DEEWR University Code

Enter your institution's DEEWR university code.

This code is used in the file name for your submissions.


Enter the ID for your institution's DEEWR contact.

Note. Make sure this individual has a BUSN and FAX phone number entered in his or her contact record. The individual's name, phone, and fax numbers are reported on the Due file (DU) in the second registration identity record in elements 424 (contact name), 425 (contact telephone), and 426 (contact facsimile number).

Reference year

Enter the collection year.

First Half Year and Second Half Year

Enrollment Submission Nbr, Scholarships Submission Nbr, and OS – Help Submission Nbr indicate the number of times the institution has submitted the enrollments, scholarship and OS-HELP records to DEEWR.

The Past Course Completion Nbr indicates how many files have been submitted to DEEWR for the reference year. The system increments this number each time the DEEWR Submission Processing Extract runs for past course completions.

Note. The Past Course Completion Nbr field appears as a First Half Year submission only.

The DEEWR Submission process, which stamps records as submitted, increments these numbers by one each time that it runs.

The submission numbers are used to generate file extensions for the DEEWR reports (for example, HX4888EN.A11). The first digit of the .A11 extension is the half year, so this will be one or two. The second digit is the submission number, which can go from one to nine as multiple submissions are made during the half year period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Level of Education Codes

Access the DEEWR Level of Education VET page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, DEEWR Level of Education VET, DEEWR Level of Education VET).

Use this page to enter values for DEST Element 563 – Level of Education for Prior VET Study.

These values are then available in the Level of Education field on the Transfer Course Entry page, if the school type assigned to the credit has a DEST Credit Basis of 0200 Credit Offered for Prior VET Study.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Collecting Applications and Offers Data

This section provides an overview of Applications and Offers Data Collection and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applications and Offers Data Collection

To meet the DEEWR Applications and Offers Data Collection requirements, you use the Applications and Offers (SSR_DEEWR_AO) process.

The process generates three files— Applications Details, Preference Details, and Offer Details.

An applicant is included in the data collection only if an admissions application exists for the applicant. The Preference Details file includes a record for each program within collection scope for which an applicant has applied. The Offer Details file includes only those programs for which an applicant has been made an offer—it can therefore contain zero records.

The scope of Applications and Offers Collection Data requirements excludes certain categories of application, for example:

See Generating the Applications and Offers Files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Applications and Offers Profile Parameters

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Profile

Define key parameters to determine the selection of applicants to be included in the Applications & Offers data collection.

Element Mapping


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Element Mapping

Define program action and reason combinations to define the scope of each of the files in the Applications & Offers data collection and assist in determining the value to report for elements 723 and 701.

Element 710 is reported by identifying the test ID and component that captures an International Baccalaureate score.

Element Defaults


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Element Defaults

Specify either a constant or default value for a subset of elements in the Applications and Offers data collection.

Where applicable, a constant value is reported for all records in the file. A default value is reported if there is no data found.

Funding Source


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Funding Source, Funding Source

Define funding source codes that can be assigned to the applicant or student to record the type of place that the applicant is offered or for which the student is currently enrolled.

Element 702 Mapping


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Element 702 Map, Element 702 Mapping

Map the year 12 result type codes for Element 702 to the applicable state code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up an Applications and Offers Profile

Access the Profile page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Profile).

Use this page to define key selection parameters relevant to the data collection.

Application Center, Admit Type, and Application Method

Select a value in these fields if applicants included within the scope of the data collection are identifiable by an application centre, admit type, or application method on the admissions application.

Citizenship and Course of Study Type Code

The Applications and Offers Data Collection requirements include specific citizenship and course of study type values within scope. You must select all the required values for DEEWR Citizenship Element 358 and DEEWR Course of Study Type Element 310 that are applicable to the scope of the collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Applications and Offers Element Mapping

Access the Element Mapping page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Element Mapping).

Use this page to determine the value of a number of elements that must be reported and to further refine the scope of the collection by excluding a subset of applicants and distinguishing between preferences and offers.

File Scope Mapping

Here are examples of the Program Action and Application Status tabs:

Use these tabs to set up combinations of program action and reason(s) that affect:

Enter an Application Status value only for program actions and (optional) reasons that are relevant to the collection scope.

An example of a program action that does not require a mapping is DATA (Data Change). A program action of DATA is typically used to change an attribute on the application or program that is not relevant to the scope of the collection.

Application Status

Values are:

EX: Excluded

OF: Offered

NO: Not Offered

CO: Conditional

An example of mappings is:

When you run the Applications and Offers (SSR_DEEWR_AO) process from the Applications and Offers File page, the process uses the file scope mapping as follows:

  1. The process selects an application based on the criteria on the Profile setup page and the admit term(s) that you enter on the Applications and Offers File run control page.

  2. The process uses program action and reason data from either the admissions application (if not matriculated) or the academic program/plan stack and tries to map to the program action and reason data in the File Scope Mapping group box.

    The process searches in descending effective date and sequence order, as at the reference date on the run control page.

    The process checks each effective dated row until a match is found, at which point it stops searching, or until all rows are processed.

  3. If the applicant's program action and reason maps to a program action and reason in the File Scope Mapping group box (first tab), the process uses the application status (second tab) to determine whether the data is included or excluded from scope, and if included, whether the data for that program is output to the Offer Details file.

    If no mapping is found between the applicant's program data and the data in the File Scope Mapping group box, the applicant is considered in scope for the Application Details and Preference Details files (because the applicant has an admissions application) but not the Offers Details file.

If you enter a program action without an action reason, all applicants with the specified program action are associated with the mapped application status, regardless of reason.

Note. Because the Applications and Offers process uses descending effective date order, any program action that rescinds an offer must be mapped to an application status of NO (Not Offered) to ensure the program is not included in the offer file. An example is the RECN (Reconsidered)–NO (Not Offered) row in the example page.

The CO (Conditional) application status in the example page has an equivalent meaning to NO. You do not have to enter a row for a conditional offer unless it might rescind a previous offer row. You can map the action reason(s) used for conditional offer to either NO or CO. The CO value is for transparency only.

Here are some examples of how the Applications and Offers process matches and reports data, using the data that appears in the Element Mapping page example:

Applicant Data

What is Reported

01 Jul 2009 APPL

An application exists and therefore the applicant is considered in scope and is reported in the Applicant Details and Preference Details files.

No APPL row exists in the file scope mapping: because no match is found, the applicant is not reported in the Offer Details file.

01 Jul 2009 APPL

02 Jul 2009 ADMT/29

03 Jul 2009 DEIN

05 Jul 2009 MATR

15 Jul 2009 PLNC

16 Jul 2009 DATA

Working backwards from 16 Jul, no match exists until the ADMT row. The process stops searching when it finds this match. Action reason 29 is irrelevant because, in the file scope mapping, ADMT has no related action reason.

In file scope mapping, program action ADMT has an OF application status: the applicant is therefore reported in the Applicant Details, Preference Details, and Offer Details files.

01 Jul 2009 APPL

02 Jul 2009 ADMT/29

03 Jul 2009 MATR

15 Jul 2009 DISC/DEAT

Working backwards from 15 Jul, the process finds a match on the 15 Jul row and stops searching.

In the file scope mapping, DISC/DEAT has an application status of EX: the applicant is not reported in any file.

Element 723 Mapping

Here are examples of the Program Action and E723 Response Code tabs:

That data that you set up here determines the value that is reported for Element 723 if the applicant is not enrolled in the reported program.

If the applicant is enrolled, a value of 1 (Accepted the offer) is reported regardless of the setup.

If no mapping is found, a value of 6 (Response unknown/not recorded) is reported.

If you do not enter an action reason for a program action, the process assumes all reasons for the program action.

Element 701 Mapping

Here are examples of the Program Action and the E701 Application Status tabs:

The data that you set up here determines the value that is reported for Element 701.

The minimum recommended setup is for 2 (Applicant Withdrawn), but you can identify values for every program action. If set up a status of 2 only, all other program actions assume the reporting value of 1 (Current Application).

Note. A distinction exists between an applicant withdrawn for the purpose of element 701 and applications that are excluded from data collection. Programs with an E701 status of application withdrawn must be reported. To exclude applicants from all 3 files, assign the relevant program action/reason combinations in the File Scope Mapping group box not in the Element 701 group box.

International Baccalaureate Score

This mapping determines the test score and component relevant to the IB Aggregate score reported at Element 710.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Applications and Offers Element Defaults

Access the Element Defaults page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Applications & Offers Profile, Element Defaults).

Defaults are used to assist in the value of some elements that are reported in the Applications and Offers Data Collection. Only a subset of elements can be assigned either a default or constant value, because the concept is not applicable to all elements in the collection.

If you assign a constant value, all records in the data extracts are reported with the same value. If you assign a default value, the value is reported only if no data is found for the student for that particular element. You can assign a default value of blank—a blank value is output to file, highlighting the missing data.

Note. The only element that acknowledges a constant value is E724 Sector Code.

For all elements except Element 724, use the Default Value field to assign a default value to be reported if no data is sourced for the applicant.

This table lists the DEEWR Equivalent values where relevant:


DEEWR Equivalent

314: Date of Birth


316: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Code


348: Language Spoken at Home


493: Highest Educational Participation Prior to Commencement


702: Year 12 Result Type Code


Element 724

Release 9.0 customers can assign either a constant value or a default value if no funding source is assigned to the applicant with a mapping to Sector Code.

Release 8.9 customers must assign a constant value to the profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Funding Source Codes

Access the Funding Source page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Funding Source, Funding Source).

Use this page to define funding source codes that can be assigned to the applicant or student to record the type of place that the applicant is offered or for which the student is currently enrolled.

Funding Source

This user-defined code indicates the category of the place that the student is offered.

The Funding Source field appears on the AUS Student Program, Application Regional, Program Addition, and Quick Admit-Program/Plan pages.

Sector Code

The sector code represents DEEWR Element 724. If the funding source is relevant to the Applications and Offers data collection, enter a value in this field. If not, the field can be blank. You can map multiple funding source values to a single sector code for reporting purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Element 702 Mapping

Access the Element 702 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Element 702 Map, Element 702 Mapping).

Use this page to map the year 12 result type codes for Element 702 to the applicable state codes.

The Applications and Offers process uses this mapping to report the state in which a student completed or is completing year 12.

Element 702 Code

Enter the Australian Year 12 result type code values for DEEWR Element 702 and map each value to the relevant state.

You do not have to enter codes for values that are not directly attributable to a State, for example, International Baccalaureate.

The Element 702 code that is reported to DEEWR is based on the value in the State field on the CHESSN Year 12 page, if the student attended year 12 in the year that is designated as current for the DEEWR Applications and Offers Data collection—the year immediately prior to the reference year for which you run the Applications and Offers process.

See Generating the Applications and Offers Files.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up HECS Liability in Student Records

This section provides an overview of HECS liability in Student Records and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding HECS Liability in Student Records

The HECS is an equitable way of ensuring that students contribute to the cost of their higher education. HECS provides a loan to students that is interest free, with deferred income contingent repayment. The purpose of HECS in the system is to determine how much of the tuition a student should pay, and then to collect the payments. To do this, HECS Band IDs must be associated with courses so that when students enroll, the system can calculate their contributions based on the HECS Band and their level/load (EFTSL). HECS Band IDs are associated with academic subjects, but you can override them at the course catalog level. All of the HECS processing (tuition calculation) occurs in the Student Financials application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up HECS Liability

Page Name

Definition Name



Cohort Year


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Cohort Year, Cohort Year

Define the cohort years that your institution will use to create cohorts of students commencing a program in a specific year.

HECS Band ID Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, HECS Band ID Setup, HECS Band ID Setup

Set up the HECS Band IDs.

Map Liability Status


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Map Liability Status, Map Liability Status

Map pre-2005 liability status codes to post -2005 student status codes. The system uses this mapping when you term-activate a student who was active before 2005.

Map Work Exp to Liability (map work experience to liability)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Map Work Exp to Liability, Map Work Exp to Liability

Define liability status mappings for work experience in industry class enrollments.

Aggregated EFTSL AUS


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Aggregated EFTSL AUS, Aggregated EFTSL AUS, Aggregated EFTSL AUS

Define the aggregated EFSTL values that will be available on the Academic Program Australia page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Cohort Years

Access the Cohort Year page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Cohort Year, Cohort Year).

A cohort year designates a group of students that all begin a particular course of study the same year.

Setting up cohort years enables your institution to specify the student contribution amounts and tuition fees for the student cohorts according to the guidelines in the Higher Education Support Act of 2003.

Cohort Year

Enter the years in which your institution wants to group students.

See Also

(AUS) Entering Australia-Specific Student Program Information

(AUS) Entering HECS Data

Adding or Updating Quick Enrollment Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up HECS Band IDs

Access the HECS Band ID Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, HECS Band ID Setup, HECS Band ID Setup).

Note. Fixed HECS is used for students who enrolled before January 1, 1997, and are charged a single rate for all their subject areas.

The HECS Band ID determines the amount of tuition that an institution can charge per course.

The DEEWR sets up guidelines as to which band a subject should be placed. You associate HECS Band IDs with academic subjects. Courses that fall under that academic subject are automatically assigned the HECS Band ID of the academic subject; however, you can override the HECS Band ID for individual courses if required.

See Also

Defining Course Offerings

(AUS) Entering HECS Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Liability Status Codes

Access the Map Liability Status page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Map Liability Status, Map Liability Status).

A liability status defines a student's payment options (for example, deferred or pay up front) and is assigned to each student in the term activation component.

The liability status codes are defined by DEEWR. In 2005, the codes were changed from two-digit to three-digit codes. For historical purposes, your system must maintain the two-digit codes.

Liability Status

Select the two-digit liability status code.

Map to New Liability Status

Select the equivalent three-digit liability status code.

See Also

(AUS) Setting Student Term Default Values

(AUS) Entering HECS Data

Adding or Updating Quick Enrollment Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Work Experience to HECS Liability Codes

Access the Map Work Exp to Liability page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, Map Work Exp to Liability, Map Work Exp to Liability).

WEI is work that is done as a part of, or in connection with, a course of study undertaken with a higher education provider (HEP) and the purpose of which is to obtain work experience relevant to the course of study.

The work experience can be a unit of study that is directed or supported by your institution for which the student pays a contribution amount or tuition fees, or it can be work experience not directed or supported by an institution for which the student pays no contribution or fees.

Work Experience Indicator

When setting up a new indicator, select the appropriate value.

The work experience indicators are:

  • Not Wholly Work Experience: The HEP directs the learning and performance of the student. The work experience is treated as a normal unit, and the student is charged appropriately.

  • Wholly Work Exp - Exempt: The HEP does not provide direction or support for the work experience, and the unit of study is exempt from student contributions and tuition fees.

  • Wholly Work Exp with Charge: The HEP supports the learning and performance of the student and may charge the student contribution amounts and tuition fees.

Liability Status

Select a liability status that your institution has entered as a default status for a course.

Map to New Liability Status

Select the equivalent liability status for students who have enrolled in the course for WEI.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aggregated EFTSL Values

This section provides an overview of EFTSL Calculation and discusses how to set up Aggregated EFTSL values.

Understanding EFTSL Calculation

EFTSL is a measure of the study load, for one year, of a student undertaking a course of study on a full time basis.

To enable DEEWR to make accurate comparisons between institutions, student loads must be universally expressed in EFTSL values. One EFTSL is the amount of study that a full time student is expected to take in one year.

DEEWR requires that institutions report EFTSL values for each student, each year. A student's total EFTSL for a year is equal to the sum of EFTSL values for each term for which the student is enrolled in that year. The student's total EFTSL value for each term is the sum of the EFTSL for each class in which the student is enrolled in that term. The EFTSL value for each class is determined by dividing the number of units for each class in which the student is enrolled that term by the total annual units for that program of study.

This example illustrates the calculation of EFTSL values for a student for two terms:

Example Class



Accounting 101



Economics 101



English 201



Music 105




Total term units: 60

Engineering 201



Economics 102



Laws 201




Total term units: 60


Total annual units for program of study: 120

To calculate the EFTSL for each class, the number of units for each class is divided by the annual units for the program of study:

Accounting 101 EFTSL = [15 units for the class] / [120 units for the annual program of study] = 0.125

Engineering 501 EFTSL = [30 units for the class] / [120 units for the annual program of study] = 0.25

This table lists the EFTSL for each class in the example:



Accounting 101


Economics 101


English 201


Music 105


Engineering 201


Economics 102


Laws 201


Total Annual EFTSL


Note. For classes that are offered on an annual basis, the EFTSL value must be split so that it represents the load attributed to the class in each term. For example, an annual class that is assigned 30 units might have an EFTSL of 0.25. The term EFTSL for the class would be 0.125 for a two-term year.

The term total units do not need to be equal for each term. For example, if the annual load is 120, you could have 75 units from the first term and 45 units for the second term.

Setting Up Aggregated EFTSL Values

Access the Aggregated EFTSL AUS page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Aggregated EFTSL AUS, Aggregated EFTSL AUS, Aggregated EFTSL AUS).

DEEWR requires that institutions report EFTSL values for each student, each year. A student's total EFTSL for a year is equal to the sum of EFTSL values for each term for which he or she is enrolled in that year. The student's total EFTSL value for each term is the sum of the EFTSL for each class in which the student is enrolled in that term. The EFTSL value for each class is determined by dividing the number of units for each class in which the student is enrolled that term by the total annual units for that program of study.

Aggregated EFTSL values are the total number of EFTSL values that a student accumulates while completing a program of study. This value is used to derive the element 350 Course of Study Load on the Course of Study file.

DEEWR provides the codes for aggregated EFTSL. You must enter the codes (in tenths) into the system so that you can show the equivalent course of study load (program load). For example, the program value of 30 is equal to 3 years EFTSL.

You assign an aggregated EFTSL to each of your programs on the Academic Program AUS page.

See Also

(AUS) Setting Up Australian Academic Programs

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Centrelink Reporting

This section discusses how to

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set up Centrelink Reporting

Page Name

Definition Name



Centrelink Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, CART Setup, Centrelink Setup

Set up the academic institution(s) for the response file data to be reported to Centrelink. Additionally, set up the fixed attributes for the response header record.

Search/Match Rule


Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Search/Match, Search/Match Rules

For the CART Request file, define sets of fields to search for and identify how to search for them.

Search Parameters


Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Search/Match, Search/Match Parameters, Search Parameters

For the CART Request file, combine and order search rules. The combination (called the search parameter) is what the users select prior to performing a search to determine the search fields that they are permitted to search on.

SA Features


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, SA Features

If required, reset the last CART request ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Centrelink

Access the Centrelink Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment Reporting Codes, AUS Regulatory Report Setup, CART Setup, Centrelink Setup).

System Code

Enter the value CART. The system includes this value in the CART Response File Header for the field name System Code.

ABN (Australian Business Number)

Enter the ABN for your academic institution. The system includes this value in the CART Response File Header for the field name Institution ABN.

Centrelink User ID

Enter the User ID that Centrelink allocates for file exchange. The system reports this value in the CART Response File Header for field name User ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up the Load Search/Match Parameters for CART

Define search/match rules to verify whether the data in the CART Request file contains a student ID or has an invalid student ID. Define search/match rules to verify whether the student's personal data in the request file is valid.

See Setting Up Search/Match.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up the Last Cart Request ID

The Last CART Request ID field on the SA Features page displays the last CART Request ID that the system assigned to a CART request file. Each request file has a unique request ID. The system automatically increments the Last CART Request ID each time the CART Request File process loads a request file.

If required, reset the Last CART Request ID number. Set a number so that automatic numbering does not create numbers that already exist in the data.

This field appears only if you select the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box on the SA Features page.