Managing Membership

This chapter provides an overview of membership and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Membership Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Membership

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses membership management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can manage a membership initiative, you must set one up. There are common initiative setup pages for this task, and also membership-specific setup pages that enable you to complete setup.

See Setting Up Initiatives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

ID Type

Identify the constituent as a Person or an Organization.

ID/Org ID (ID/organization ID)

Enter the ID of the constituent (either a person or an organization) or the person assigned to a task.

Add Mbr (add member)

If adding memberships, click to access the Membership Entry page, where you can add another membership payment or complimentary membership in the session.

If adjusting memberships, click to access the Membership Adjustment Summary page, where you can select another membership payment number for adjustment.

Add Desig (add designation)

If your institution allows the entry of additional gifts in a membership session, click to add an additional row for designation information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMembership Management

To involve the greatest number of constituents in the activities of an institution, it is often beneficial to create a membership organization that focuses on a particular interest area or support area. A member organization can be an alumni association, a chapter of a larger umbrella organization, or an organized group based on one or more common characteristics as defined by your institution. Member organizations may have a parent organization or child organizations.

Member organizations may or may not require a payment of dues to establish membership. Some organizations have a membership year that resets the membership at the beginning of a particular month each year. Some organizations have membership based strictly on the existence of a particular attribute on a record. These organization membership rosters are created through an automated process that links the constituent to the membership organization because the attribute exists. Dues and complimentary memberships are entered manually through membership entry.

If dues are collected for membership in an organization, they can be allocated to one or more designations, and a joint membership can be given to one or more people or organizations.

Membership is one type of initiative in Contributor Relations. All initiative types share some common management pages. Some initiatives, such as membership initiatives, require additional management that is specific to their purpose. The membership-specific management is covered in this chapter; refer to the following chapter for information about managing all types of initiatives.

See Also

Understanding Initiative Management

Click to jump to parent topicManaging General Initiative Information

You manage membership initiatives in Contributor Relations by using the common initiative functionality found throughout the system. Initiatives are the common link among campaigns, events, volunteer efforts, and membership initiatives at your institution.

To manage a membership effort, a membership initiative must exist for each new effort at your institution. That means that you have defined the basic features of the initiative. Optionally, you can also set up its audience, resources, any related initiatives, and a public relations plan. You can then use this chapter to manage the remaining membership-specific functionality.

See Managing Initiatives.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Member Organization

This section provides an overview of member organizations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Member Organizations

A member organization can be an alumni association, a chapter of a larger umbrella organization, or an organized group based on one or more common characteristics as defined by your institution. It can have a parent organization.

Member organizations may or may not require a payment of dues to establish membership. Some organizations have a membership year that resets the membership at the beginning of a particular month each year.

In other cases membership can be based strictly on the existence of a particular attribute on a constituent's record. In this instance organization membership rosters are generated through an automated process that links the qualifying constituents to the member organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create a Member Organization

Page Name

Definition Name



Member Organization


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Organization

Begin the process of defining a member organization at your institution.

Member Criteria


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Criteria

Specify the audiences that qualify for membership in a member organization if dues are not required.

Member Objectives


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Objectives

Define the aims of the member organization in terms of advancing your institution.

Member Dues


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Dues

Define the dues, levels, designations, and benefits for member organizations that require payment of dues.

Member Resources


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Resources

Add information about any additional resources assigned to a member organization, other than the responsible person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Member Organization

Access the Member Organization page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Organization).

Mbr Org Name (member organization name)

Enter the formal name of the organization, up to 60 characters.


Enter the member organization's mission, which describes the history and purpose of the member organization. This is a free-form text field.

Reporting Level

Select the member organization's reporting level. The highest level is 1. A level 1 member organization cannot be related to another level 1 member organization.

Club Classification

Identify the member organization as a Chapter, Alumni Association, Constituent Society, or other classification. Your institution can define club classifications in the translate table record.

Charter Status

Indicate whether the club has been approved as a full chartered member organization for your institution.

Allow Comp Memberships (allow complimentary memberships)

Select to enable the ability to grant constituents complimentary membership in this member organization. In some cases, you may add constituents as a member of an organization although they do not meet the audience criteria for membership or they are not expected to pay membership dues. For example, a constituent may be a very active volunteer and you want to bestow a complimentary association membership.

If selected, a complimentary check box appears on the Membership Entry page when you add a membership transaction for this member organization. When entering the membership transaction, you have the option of granting a complimentary membership.

Membership Dues Required

Select to require dues prior to a constituent's membership in the organization. If selected, at least one dues level on the Member Dues page must be completed for the member organization before the record can be saved. If cleared, you must select criteria on the Member Criteria page to build membership based on audiences.

Membership Resets Each Year

Select if annual membership in the organization is based on a set calendar beginning the same month each year.


Select the month when the new membership year begins. This field populates by default to the first month in the business unit's calendar definition. If you select the Membership Resets Each Year check box, this field is required. If not, this field is inactive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Member Criteria

Access the Member Criteria page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Criteria).

You must complete this page if membership is based on attributes that exist on a constituent's record. You cannot enter data on this page if the Membership Dues Required option has been selected for a member organization.

After specifying member criteria, you can automatically generate memberships by running the membership build and merge processes after this page is saved.

Audience Detail

Click to view the selection criteria that have been defined for the audience code that you selected on the Audience Detail page.

See Also

Setting Up Audience Criteria

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Membership Objectives

Access the Member Objectives page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Objectives).

A member organization can have one or more objectives spanning various date ranges. These fields are intended to be used in reports.


Enter an intended accomplishment for the member organization. Objectives can be up to 60 characters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Membership Dues

Access the Member Dues page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Dues).

You must enter at least one row if the Membership Dues option is selected. If that option is cleared, you cannot enter data here; use the Member Criteria page instead.

Dues Level and Description

Enter the dues level and a longer, more informative description.

Membership Type

Indicate whether dues are Annual Membership, Sustaining, Lifetime Membership, or some other value that is defined by your institution. Life is a delivered value and should not be deleted. Use Life to designate any lifetime (nonexpiring) membership.

The available values depend on the values that you set up on the Membership Type page for the setID that is associated with this member organization's business unit.

Mbrshp Category (membership category)

Indicate whether the dues apply to a Family, Single Person, Couple, or other value. You define values on the Membership page. The value that you indicate here appears during membership entry when a member organization is selected and a dues level is set.

The available values depend on the values that you set up on the Membership Category page for the setID that is associated with this member organization's business unit.

Total Amount

Enter the amount that the member must pay to be recognized at this dues level.


Enter the duration of the membership when purchased for this amount. This field populates by default to 12 Months. If the membership type is Life Member, the system ignores duration on the Membership Entry page.

Payment Amount and Payment Years

If the member can purchase a membership and pay for it in installments over time, enter the amount for each payment and the number of years that are required to reach the membership dues balance.

Dues Designation

BU (business unit)

Select the business unit to which the membership dues should be allocated. This prompt dialog box contains a list of all the valid business units at your institution. When you make a selection, the values in the Designation prompt dialog box change to display the values that you defined for this business unit's setID.

Note. If you have already selected a designation and then change the business unit, you must select a designation again.


Select the funds at your institution to which memberships and donations can be allocated.

The available values for each row include the designations that you defined for that business unit's setID.


Select the membership or campaign initiative to which you want to assign member dues.

Designation Amt (designation amount)

Enter the amount or portion of the dues payment to be allocated to each designation.


When a portion of the dues is also a charitable contribution, select the designation that receives the contribution.

When you enter a membership and select the gift option, the member's giving records are updated with the portion of the dues that has been identified here as a charitable contribution.

Important! You must allocate exact portions of gift and nongift monies of the total dues amount.

Dues Benefits

Standard Benefit and Item Value

Select any specific benefits of membership. For example, if a member receives a lapel pin when joining the alumni association at the life member level, indicate that here. When you select a standard benefit, its monetary item value appears. When a membership is entered that has benefits defined here, the member's benefits summary is updated.

The available values depend on the values that you set up for the setID that is associated with this member organization's business unit. Items are defined on the Donor Appreciation Detail page.

1st (first)

Select if a benefit is to be distributed to a member only once. This option indicates that when the member renews membership at the same level, the member does not receive the same benefit again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Membership Resources

Access the Member Resources page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Member Organization, Member Resources).

Responsible Mgr (responsible manager)

Select the responsible person's manager. The manager receives reports and notifications that are related to the member organization.

The responsible person is defined on the Member Organization page.


Select the department that is associated with the member organization. This selection enables you to link the member organization to a department at your institution for reporting purposes.


Select the unit that is associated with a volunteer from the member organization. This selection enables you to associate the member organization with specific units that might not fall within the departmental structure of your institution. For example, a unit could be a subgroup of the English department that has alumni with a special interest in literary classics.

Rsrc Type (resource type)

To link the member organization with another member organization or an initiative, select either Mbr Org or Initiative. The fields in this row change depending on the selection that you make.

Mbr Org Code (member organization code) and Vol Structure (volunteer structure)

If you selected Mbr Org as a resource type, select the member organization code and the volunteer structure with which it is associated.

Intv Type (initiative type), Initiative, and Vol Structure (volunteer structure)

If you selected Initiative as a resource type, select the initiative type, initiative, and volunteer structure with which it is associated.

New Vol (new volunteer)

Click to create a new volunteer structure for the member organization when no other volunteer structure is responsible for the member organization.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding and Merging Membership Lists

This section discusses how to build and merge member lists.

Note. In addition to running these processes, you can add constituents as complimentary members by entering the membership to a member organization that allows complimentary memberships through a membership session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Build Membership Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Membership Audience Build


Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Build Membership Audience

Run the Membership Audience Build/Merge Application Engine process (AVMBRBM). You can build the list of members for a member organization, move audiences from the temporary AV_MBR_TEMP_TBL table to the permanent AV_MEMBERSHIP table, or both.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding and Merging Member Lists

Access the Membership Audience Build page (Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Manage Member Organizations, Build Membership Audience).

If you are building the audience for the first time, click Run to run the Membership Audience Build process. This process rebuilds the membership audiences that you select on this page and builds any defined audiences that have not previously been built.

Selection Process

The AVMBRBM process behaves differently, depending on whether you select Population Selection or Build/Merge Process. Selecting Population Selection builds memberships only for those membership organizations using the Population Selection process as the setup method for the member audience. Similarly, selecting Build/Merge Process builds only memberships with audience criteria created using the Build/Merge option on the Audience Criteria setup page.

Processes to Run

Using the check boxes in this group box, you can build an member list, merge an list, or both.

Build Temp Tables

Select this option to generate the actual list of members and store it in the temporary table AV_MBR_TEMP_TBL. When the records are in this table, they can be analyzed using SQL to determine if the member list is acceptable.

Merge into Initiative Audience

Select this option to add the constituents as members of the member organization by merging any audiences in the temporary (AV_MBR_TEMP_TBL) table to the permanent (AV_MEMBERSHIP) table.

Build Audience

The system displays member audiences here that are ready to be built. If you select the Population Selection option, this grid shows only member audiences built using the Population Selection process.

Rebuild Audience

If you have already built a member list and want to rebuild it, use this group box to enter your criteria. When you rebuild a member audience, the process adds any additional members that meet the criteria since the time the member audience was last built.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Membership Initiative Goals

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Membership Initiative Goals

Page Name

Definition Name



Initiative Goals


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Goals, Initiative Goals

Set intermediate goals or milestones for an initiative.

Annual Goals


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Goals, Annual Goals

Create annual or multiyear plans to increase the number of participating members for an organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Intermediate Goals for Membership Initiatives

Access the Initiative Goals page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Goals, Initiative Goals).

This page is used to set goals for the membership initiative, as opposed to the member organization.

Target Date

Select the date by which the goal may be reached. When you click the prompt button for this field, a calendar appears. Use the arrow keys at the bottom of the calendar to locate the appropriate month and year, and then click the specific date.

Goal Type

Select the measurement by which you track the goal's progress. Valid goal types are % Income, Financial, % Participation, Number of Donors, and Number of Volunteers. Your institution can define additional goal types.

Audience Code

Select the audience code to which the goal pertains. Available options include all the populations defined with the type of Segmentation for this initiative on the Audience page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Annual Goals for Membership Initiatives

Access the Annual Goals page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Goals, Annual Goals).

Use this page to set goals for the membership initiative to be used in customized reports.

Dollar Goal

Enter the monetary amount of the overall goal that you expect to achieve during this membership campaign year from this membership initiative.

Nbr Mbrshps Goal (number of memberships goal)

Indicates the expected number of memberships to be generated during this membership campaign year from this membership initiative.

Mbrshp Pct Increase (membership percent increase)

Enter the increase in overall memberships from one year to the next that is expected from this membership initiative.

Nbr Members Goal (number of members goal)

Enter the anticipated number of members for this membership campaign year from this membership initiative. This number should include joint members.

Mbrs Pct Increase (members percent increase goal)

Enter the anticipated increase in members (including joint members) from one year to the next from this membership initiative.

Goal Detail

Membership Type

Select the membership type for which you want to set a goal. Membership types are defined by your institution, but typically include values such as Annual, Sustaining, Life, and so on. The valid membership types are determined by the setID that is associated with the selected initiative's business unit.

Member Status

Select the status of the members from which memberships are received, such as New, Lapsed, Renewed, and so on. These values are defined by your institution.

Amount and Nbr Members (number of members)

Enter the monetary goal and the goal for the number of members.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Member Dues

This section provides overviews of membership dues and gift processing in membership sessions, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Membership Dues

When you enter membership dues, you open a membership session by using the Maintain Sessions page. This page is similar to the page that you use to open gift or pledge sessions, and the process is identical, with one exception. When you open a membership or adjust a membership session, a row appears on the Maintain Sessions page with a tender type of Complimentary. In some cases, you may want to add constituents as a member of an organization although they do not meet the audience criteria for membership or they are not expected to pay membership dues. For example, a constituent may be a very active volunteer and you want to give the constituent a complimentary association membership.

If you plan to enter complimentary memberships within the session, indicate the number of complimentary membership transactions that you plan to enter in the Expt Cnt (expected count) field for this row. For regular membership dues transactions, add a row and complete the Tender Type, Expt Cnt, and Expt Amt (expected amount) fields. Because complimentary memberships are entered through a membership session, your institution can track which users are granting memberships to constituents.

After you establish a session, enter dues by using a series of membership data entry pages.

If it complies with your institution's business practices, you can enter gift transactions as well as membership transactions into a membership session. To enable this feature, you must select the Allow Gifts in Membership check box on the Institution Installation page when you set up the system.

After you enter a membership session, you must balance and queue the session for posting.

See Also

Creating and Working with Sessions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Gift Processing in Membership Sessions

If any portion of a dues payment is a gift, or if your institution allows you to enter gifts into membership sessions, you must understand how these transactions are processed.

When a transaction includes both a membership dues payment and a gift, the membership portion of the transaction is written to the membership tables in the database. The gift portion of the transaction is written to gift tables in the database, and the donor receives hard credit for this portion.

For example, Mr. Jones writes a membership check for 1,000 USD for a lifetime membership at your institution. This payment includes 750 USD as nongift dues and 250 USD as a gift. After this transaction is processed, the Membership History page displays a lifetime dues payment of 1,000 USD. The Transaction Register page displays a gift of 250 USD with a hard credit to Mr. Jones.

In another example, Mr. Jones writes a membership check for 1,000 USD to your institution for a joint lifetime membership for Mrs. Jones and himself. This payment includes 750 USD as nongift dues and 250 USD as a gift. After the transaction is processed, the Membership History page displays a lifetime dues payment of 1,000 USD for both Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones. The Transaction Register page displays a gift of 250 USD with a hard credit to Mr. Jones, and a gift of 250 USD with a soft credit to Mrs. Jones. Any additional joint members would also receive 100 percent soft credit for the gift portion of the transaction.

The following table represents the distribution of the lifetime membership check for 1,000 USD from Mr. and Mrs. Jones:


Without Joint

With Joint


ID 1

Recog Type

ID 1

Recog Type

ID 2

Recog Type




































Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Maintain Sessions

Click when you have finished entering transactions in a session. The system displays the Maintain Membership Sessions page, which enables you to balance the session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Member Dues

Page Name

Definition Name



Membership Entry


  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Entry

  • Click the Session Entry link on the Maintain Membership Sessions page.

Enter basic information about dues.

Tender Type Detail - Check page


Click the Tender Detail button on the Gift Entry, Membership Entry, Gift Adjustment, or Membership Adjustment page.

Enter check information for gift or membership payments.

Tender Type Detail - Credit Card Entry


Click the Tender Detail button on the Gift Entry, Membership Entry, Gift Adjustment, or Membership Adjustment page.

Enter detailed credit card information for gift or membership payments.

What is a security code?


Click the What is a security code? link on the Tender Type Detail - Credit Card page.

Learn more about security codes in credit card transactions.



  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Entry, Designations

  • Click the Session Entry link on the Maintain Membership Sessions page (for adjustment sessions).

Apply payments to designations or allocation accounts at your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dues Payment Detail

Access the Membership Entry page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Entry).

When you open a new session, this is the first page that appears. This page contains information about the appeal, dues level, amount, tender type, and so on.

If the currency code that you selected for this session on the Maintain Session page differs from the business unit's base currency, two new page controls appear on this page:

Currency Code

Fields That Appear

Fields That Disappear

Your business unit's base


Display in Other Currency button



Base Amt

Any other currency

Display in Other Currency button



Base Amt



Click to access the Update Information page to either update an existing member's record or add a new member to the system.

Because the ID Type field populates by default to Person on this page, the page used to add or update a person's record appears by default. To access the page used to add or update an organization's record, select Organization from the ID Type field, enter the organization's ID, and then click the Update Record button.

If you have not entered a donor's ID, you are prompted to enter one. You can either enter the donor's ID here or leave the prompt set to NEW. If you leave the prompt set to NEW, the system assumes that you are adding a new member and displays the pages for adding or updating a new constituent.


If the member is an alumnus or alumna, the preferred class year appears.


Click to access the Search/Match page, where you can search for a member.

See Using Search/Match.

Click to paste a carried ID found using Search/Match functionality.

Carry Transaction

Select to carry over values from this transaction to subsequent transactions in this session. If you select this check box, all information from this transaction appears by default in subsequent transactions, with the exception of ID, tender type fields for entry of check or credit card specific information, and recognition information. This feature is useful when entering a number of payments with the same member organization, member levels, and so on.

Membership Number

The membership number is set to New when you enter this page. When you select a member organization, the system checks to see if the constituent is already a member of the organization. If so, the system displays the existing membership number for the selected member organization. If not, the system assigns a new membership number.

Note. New membership numbers are assigned based on the last membership number on the CR Installation page.

Member Org (member organization)

Select the member organization that the member is joining. The available values for this field include all the member organizations for which the Allow Comp Memberships or Membership Dues Required check boxes are selected on the Member Organization page.

When you select a member organization for which the ID is already a member, the Level field is populated by default with the last dues level for the member, the Periods field populates by default to 1, and the Total Amount field populates by default to the dues amount for the current dues level.


Select the membership level at which a constituent joins the member organization. Levels are defined by your institution when you define the member organization. When you select a level, the system calculates the dues amount and total amount of the transaction based on the selections that you made on the Membership Dues page.

If you are entering transactions in a currency other than base currency, the system populates the Base Amt field (in addition to the Dues Amt and Total Amt fields) and resets the exchange rate based on the data entry date when you edit this field. The system also recalculates designation information. If you enter additional gifts in this session and change the level, you must reenter those gifts.


Select the specific acts or items that lead a member to join the member organization, such as a specific visit, phone call, letter, and so on. Appeals are defined by your institution.

The available values include the appeals that you defined for the setID that is associated with the session's business unit.


If the membership organization that you selected is set up on the Member Organization page to allow complimentary memberships, this check box appears. Select to grant complimentary membership to the constituent or allow memberships with no payment. You can cancel complimentary memberships on the Member Adjust page.

If you select this check box, the system hides the Dues Amount, Tender, and Total Amount fields. Additionally, you cannot edit any information on the Designations page.

Membership Status

This field populates based on the information that the system retrieves when you select a member organization. Values are:

New: No previous membership exists for the selected member organization.

Renewed: A membership exists for the selected member organization. The membership has an expiration date that is equal to or greater than the system date, or, for organizations whose expiration dates occur on the same day every year, the expiration date falls within the span of days specified in the Membership Days field on the Institution Installation page.

Reactivated: A membership exists for the selected member organization. The membership's expiration date is less than the system date, minus the number of days specified in the Membership Days field on the Institution Installation page.

Membership Type and Membership Category

These fields appear after you enter payment information. The information in these fields is based on dues level.

Member Payment Number

This field populates by default to NEW when you enter a new membership payment. After you save the membership session, the system assigns a number to the transaction.

Dues Amount

When you select a dues level, the dues amount for that level appears, as defined on the Member Dues page. The dues amount is the amount of money that the constituent is paying to join the member organization.

If you enter transactions in a currency other than base currency, the system recalculates the total amount and any designation information for the transaction. If you enter additional gifts in this session and change this field, you must reenter those gifts.


Select a monetary form in which the payment is received. Examples are Cash, Credit Card, Check, and so on.

The available values depend on the values that you set up on the Tender Types page for the business unit's setID.

Depending on the tender type you select, click this button to enter its appropriate details on the Tender Type Detail page:

For Check, enter the check number on the page that appears.

For Credit Card, enter the constituent's credit card information on the page that appears.

If the credit card gift was mass loaded, the system populates address information, based on the Address Type field selected on the Mass Load Gift/Pledge page. Mass loaded credit card transactions are treated as though the user had entered the credit card gift online.

For GIK, enter the constituent's gift-in-kind details on the page that appears.

For Security, enter the description and details of the constituent's securities on the page that appears.

See Entering Tender Type Details.


Enter the number of periods for which the member wants to pay membership dues. The system adjusts the total amount of the dues based on the number of periods that you select.

Note. If you enter a partial dues payment with a total amount that is less than the expected amount for the level, the system automatically calculates the new prorated period value and makes the Periods field display-only.

Total Amount

Dues totals are calculated by the system based on the dues amount times the number of periods for which the member is joining. This amount appears by default in the currency for the session. You can edit this field.

You can capture under- and overpayments in this field, to record partial membership payments or installment payments. Be sure that the membership payment amount in this field matches the Amount field on the Designations page. If you enter an underpayment, a warning message appears that the total amount does not match the dues amount. However, you can still save the page, and the system records the payment as a partial payment.

Note. If additional gift entries are allowed during a membership session, this amount may be overridden. To allow gifts in membership sessions, the Allow Gifts in Membership check box must be selected on the Institution Installation page.

Base Amount

If you enter this session using a currency other than base currency, the total amount for the transaction appears in your institution's base currency in this field.

Note. When you save transactions entered in a currency other than your institution's base, the amounts are converted to and stored in base currency. When you view information about these transactions on inquiry pages throughout the system, they appear in base currency. However, you can view detail about the transaction currency and exchange rate by accessing the related detail page.

If you are entering this session using a currency other than base currency, click to access the Display in Other Currency page, where you can view the amount in another currency and obtain exchange rate information.

If you change the exchange rate on the Display in Other Currency page, the total amount needed to match the dues amount changes. The system converts the dues amount based on the updated exchange rate and recalculates designation information. If you enter additional transactions in this session and change the exchange rate, you must reenter those transactions.

Expiration Date

The expiration date for membership appears. The system calculates this field based on the length of membership at various levels, as defined on the Member Dues page, multiplied by the periods. You can edit this field.

The system uses a different calculation, based on membership status:

New or Reactivated: Current date plus the duration for the dues code, as established on the Membership Dues page.

Renewed: The last expiration date plus the duration for the dues code, as established on the Membership Dues page.

If an organization resets at the same time each year, the expiration date is set to the last day of the month prior to the new organization year. If the membership is received prior to the end of the current organization year, and within the span of days specified for membership days on the Institution Installation page, the new expiration date is set to the last day of the month of the subsequent organization year.

Membership History

Click to view membership history for this person. The Membership History Prsn page appears.

See Viewing Membership History.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Tender Type Details

Access the Tender Type Detail page (Click the Tender Detail button on the Gift Entry, Membership Entry, Gift Adjustment, or Membership Adjustment page). This page changes depending on the tender type selected in the Special Fields field on the Tender Types setup page.

Check Number

If you selected Check as the tender on the Membership Entry page, enter the check number.

First Name

If entering a credit card payment for a person, enter the first name as it appears on the credit card. Include any middle initial after the first name in this field.

Last Name

If entering a credit card payment for a person, enter the last name as it appears on the credit card. Include any suffixes (such as Jr. or Sr.) after the last name in this field.

Organization Name

If entering a payment for an organization, enter the organization name.

Credit Card Type

Select the type of credit card that the credit card holder is using. These values are set up on the Credit Card Type page.

See Defining Credit Card Types.

Credit Card Number

Enter the credit card holder's card number. The length of the credit card number is established on the Credit Card Type page.

Security Code

Enter the security code as it appears on the credit card. This field does not appear if the Security Code-Batch check box is cleared on the CR Merchant page.

What is a security code?

Click this link to access an explanatory page explaining the reason for using a security code as well as its location on a credit card. This field does not appear if the Security Code-Batch check box is cleared on the CR Merchant page.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration month and year as they appear on the credit card.

Email Address

Enter the email address of the credit card holder, including the full domain name, in the form name@host.domain. For authorization and credit transactions, the third-party processor requires a value in this field. Email addresses are defined on the Electronic Addresses page.

If you do not have an email address for the contributor, the system uses the default email address that you define on the CR Merchants page.


Click to validate any changed information, save, and close the page.

If you chose to use the check digit algorithm on the Credit Card Type page, the validation process checks for the appropriate number of digits in the card number. The system also checks for the appropriate prefix for the credit card type and validates the expiration date format, the amount (must be greater than 0 USD), and the address information. If there are any errors on this page, the system returns a message and prompts for corrections.


Click to cancel the entry, ignore any changed information, and close the page without saving.

Gift Description

Enter a brief description of the gift-in-kind that will be incorporated into the AVAK LetterGen.SQC so that it can be used in an acknowledgement.

Gift Purpose

Enter the reason for the gift and how it will be used.

Estimated Value

Enter an educated guess of the value of the gift. This field is used for reporting purposes only; it is not included in the AVAK LetterGen.SQC, as it is the donor's responsibility to accurate declare the gift's value.

Written Appraisal

Select this check box when a written appraisal is received with the gift-in-kind.

Appraised Value

Enter the valued amount of the gift-in-kind, as determined by an external appraiser.

Appraisal Date

Enter the date that the appraisal was made.

Gift Description

Enter a brief description of the security that will be incorporated into the AVAK LetterGen.SQC so that it can be used in an acknowledgement.

Stock/Security Name and Symbol

Enter the name and trading symbol for the company whose stock has been given.

Number of Shares

Enter the number of shares of the stock or security being transferred to the institution as a gift.

Estimated Value

Enter an educated guess of the value of the gift or the average of the Day Low/Day High or Ask/Bid for the day on which the stock is determined to be transferred to the institution. This field is included in the AVAK LetterGen.SQC for use in the Acknowledgement template.

The Stock/Security Name carries over from the Security Information 1 tab.

Day Low/Ask

Enter the lowest amount at which the stock/security traded on the day of transfer or, if no trades occurred, the Ask amount as reported by the stock exchange.

Day High/Bid

Enter the highest amount at which the stock/security traded on the day of transfer or, if no trades occurred, the Ask amount as reported by the stock exchange.


Select this check box if the stock is publicly traded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Membership Designations and Associating Others with a Membership

Access the Designations page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Entry, Designations).

You can apply portions of a payment to multiple designations at your institution. For each designation, you must associate a specific membership or campaign initiative and appeal. In addition, you can indicate whether a membership is joint, given as a gift, or a referral. The people or organizations associated with the membership in these capacities are selected on this page.

When you access this page, the system displays the default designations, initiatives, appeals, and amount defined for the member organization on the Member Dues page. For dues, you can edit the Initiative and Amount fields.

If your institution opted to allow entry of additional gifts from this component, you can select additional designations. The amounts distributed among designations must equal 100 percent of the total amount received.

Business Unit

Select the business unit to which the additional gift is being allocated. For dues transactions, this field populates by default with the business unit that you selected when setting up the dues level for the organization and cannot be changed.

If you are adding a new designation row, valid values are all business units at your institution to which security access has been granted. When you make a selection, the available values in the designation and appeal fields change to those values that you defined for the business unit's setID.

If you have already selected a designation and appeal, and then change the business unit, you must select a designation and appeal again.


The designations that you defined for the member organization on the Membership Dues page appear on this page and cannot be edited. However, you can add additional records if your institution allows the entry of additional gifts in membership sessions.

If you are adding a designation, the available values are those designations that you defined for the business unit's setID.


Select an initiative from the prompt dialog box, which contains all the current campaign and membership initiatives defined at the institutions to which you have security. The system displays the default initiative that you defined for the member organization on the Membership Dues page, but you can change this value.


The appeal that you chose on the Membership Entry page is used for all designation entries from the Membership Dues page and cannot be edited here. To change the appeal, return to the Membership Entry page and select a new appeal code. You can add additional records if your institution allows the entry of additional gifts in membership sessions. In this case, the appeal field is editable.

If you are adding a designation row, the available values include the appeals that you defined for the business unit's setID.


Enter the payment to allocate to this designation. The dues amount that you entered on the Membership Dues page for the member organization appears on this page, but can be edited if your institution allows the entry of gifts in membership sessions.

Joint Records

Click to access the Update Information page to either update an existing joint member's record or add a new joint member to the system.

Because the ID Type field populates by default to Person on this page, the page used to add or update a person's record appears by default. To access the page used to add or update an organization's record, select Organization from the ID type field, enter the organization's ID, and then click the Update Record button.

If you have not entered a member's ID, you are prompted to enter one. You can either enter the member's ID here or leave the prompt set to NEW. If you leave the prompt set to NEW, the system assumes that you are adding a new member and displays the pages for adding or updating a new constituent.

Member Type

If the membership is Joint, a Gift, or a Referral, select the appropriate option. Gift and referral records are stored only for reference, to be used in audience criteria or in reports.

See Also

Setting Up Institution Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Member Credit Card Transactions

If your membership sessions contain credit card payments, you must process those transactions. Use the pages in the following chapter to select membership transactions for processing, and authorize and capture the transactions.

See Processing Credit Card Transactions.

Click to jump to parent topicAdjusting Membership Dues Payments

This section provides an overview of membership dues payment adjustments and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Membership Dues Payment Adjustments

When you adjust membership dues, you open a session, just as you would to adjust gifts or pledges. When a session is established, you select the membership transactions to adjust using the Membership Adjustment Summary page. Adjustment details are entered using the Membership Adjustment and Designation Adjustment pages.

When you create an adjustment transaction, a sequence number is created to indicate that there have been multiple actions on a particular member payment number. For example, the initial entry is sequence 1 on AV_MBR_DTL; the adjusted entry is sequence 2 on AV_ADJ_MBR_DTL; and the corrected entry is sequence 3 on AV_MBR_DTL.

Note. Adjusted transactions negate the original transaction and create a new transaction record, so you enter adjustment amounts just as you would if entering the correct original transaction.

For gifts entered through membership, fiscal year and gift date information on the GIFT record are based on the membership data entry date, not the membership start date. This also applies to any changes made through Membership Adjustment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Adjust Membership Dues Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



Member Adjust Summary


Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Member Adjust Summary

Select the membership transactions to adjust in this adjustment session.

Member Adjust


Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Member Adjust

Make adjustments to an existing membership transaction that you selected on the Membership Adjustment Summary page.

Designation Adjust


Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Designation Adjust

Make adjustments to assigned designations or to the links between the membership and other constituents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Posted Dues Transactions to be Adjusted

Access the Member Adjust Summary page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Member Adjust Summary).

Member Payment Number

Enter the original number for the transaction to adjust. Available values include the existing posted membership payments for the ID that you select.

Note. You must enter an ID before selecting a membership payment number.

Note. You can further narrow the search by entering a member organization code and data entry date in the prompt dialog box. When you enter a member organization code, the system displays the existing dues transactions for the member organization that you select. When you enter a data entry date, the system displays the transactions entered on or after the date that you enter.

Add Adjustment

Click to display the Membership Adjustment page, where you can change transaction information.

Important! The original transaction must be posted before you can adjust it. If a transaction does not appear in the Mbr Pmt Nbr field, it is likely part of an unposted session. If the session has not been queued, you can change the membership in the original session by reopening the session, if balanced.

Adjusted Member Payments

Click the link next to a row of transaction data to display that transaction on the Membership Adjustment page, where you can make changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Dues Payment Details

Access the Member Adjust page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Member Adjust).

Important! Adjusted transactions negate the original transaction and create a new transaction record, so enter adjustment amounts just as you would if entering the correct original transaction.


Select if the adjustment results in a refund to the member.

Membership Number

Displays the original membership number for the transaction to adjust. You selected this value on the Membership Adjustment Summary page. Existing information for the transaction is copied to the new transaction.

Expiration Date

This field is also editable for all lifetime members. You can use it to change the end date for both regular and complimentary lifetime memberships.

Important! The original transaction must be posted before you can adjust it. If a transaction does not appear in the Member Payment Number. field, it is likely part of an unposted session. If the session has not been queued, you can change the membership in the original session by reopening the session, if balanced.

Canceling a Membership

To cancel a membership:

  1. Select an adjustment reason.

  2. (Optional) Select the Refund check box.

  3. Change the dues total amount to 0.00.

  4. Enter an expiration date for the membership.

  5. Make any other adjustments to field values as necessary.

  6. Click Save.

The system processes the adjustment as follows:

  1. The system confirms that the membership is not complimentary.

  2. The system searches for the last nonzero adjusted membership payment, or the last zero-amount complimentary membership payment, and designates that last payment as the current membership.

    If the system does not find any membership payment, it deletes the membership record on the AV_MEMBERSHIP table. Member detail and adjusted member detail records remain for audit purposes.

  3. The system performs these processing steps not only for the member but also for all joint memberships that are affected by the adjustment.

When you cancel a membership, it no longer appears in the constituent's membership history. The system does not display adjusted or deleted memberships.

See Also

Entering Dues Payment Detail

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Designation and Associated Constituent Information

Access the Designation Adjust page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Enter Memberships, Membership Adjustment, Designation Adjust).

You can apply portions of a payment to multiple designations at your institution. For each designation, you must associate a specific membership or campaign initiative and appeal. In addition, you can indicate whether a membership is joint, given as a gift, or a referral. You select the people or organizations associated with the membership in these capacities.

When you access this page, the system displays the default designations, initiatives, appeals, and amount defined for the member organization on the Member Dues page. For dues, you can edit the Initiative and Amount fields.

If your institution opted to allow entry of additional gifts from this component, you can select additional designations. The amounts distributed among designations must equal 100 percent of the total amount received.

Designation Total


Displays the percentage of the membership dues amount that has been allocated to designations. Before you can save the page, this percent must equal 100.

The system displays less than 100 percent when the constituent donated more than the dues amount. For example, if the dues amount is 100 USD, and the constituent donated 100 USD in addition to the dues amount, the percentage is 50 until you allocate the extra 100 USD to a designation.


Displays the amount of the total membership dues or gift amount that has been allocated to designations.

Designation Detail

Business Unit

Select the designation business unit to which the gift payment is being allocated. For dues transactions, the system populates this field by default with the business unit that you selected for the session; the value cannot be changed.

If you are adjusting the designation row, the available values are all business units at your institution to which security access has been granted. When you make a selection, the values in the Designation and Appeal fields change to display the values that you defined for the business unit's setID.

If you have already selected a designation and appeal, and then change the business unit, your selections are backed out.


The designations that you defined for the dues level for the member organization on the Membership Dues page appear on this page and cannot be edited.

If your institution allows the entry of gifts in membership sessions and there are gifts included in the transaction that you are adjusting, you can edit this field. You can select additional designations or make changes to the designations for the gift portion of the transaction.

If you select a new designation, the available values are the designations that you defined for the business unit's setID.


You can make changes to this field. The available values include all the current campaign and membership initiatives defined at the institutions to which you have security. The system displays the default initiative that you defined for the member organization on the Membership Dues page, but you can edit this value.


The appeal that you chose on the Membership Adjustment page is used for all designation entries derived from the Membership Dues page and cannot be edited here. To change the appeal, return to the Membership Adjustment page and select a new appeal code.

If your institution allows the entry of gifts in membership sessions and there are gifts included in the transaction that you are adjusting, you can edit this field. You can select additional appeals or make changes to the appeals for the gift portion of the transaction.

If you select a new appeal, the available values include the appeals that you defined for the business unit's setID.


If your institution allows the entry of gifts in membership sessions, and there are gifts included in the transaction that you are editing, you can edit this field.

The system displays the dues amount that you entered on the Membership Dues page for the member organization, but you can edit it for increases only.

Joint Records

Member Type

Make any necessary changes to the Membership Type field to indicate whether the membership is Joint, a Gift, or a Referral.

See Also

Processing and Posting Sessions

Assigning Membership Designations and Associating Others with a Membership

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Membership Letters

The PeopleSoft system provides two mass change templates that enable you to generate communications specifically for membership organization members. Use these templates, along with the Audience Criteria and Defaults and run the 3C Engine with the Mass Change pages to generate communications for a membership audience.

In the 3C Engine component (Campus Community, 3C Engine, Run 3C Engine) you can process both the trigger and mass change at the same time on the 3C Engine Parameters page. Then, select a mass change group ID on the Mass Change page. You also have the option to edit the mass change definitions.

Note. By selecting the Both option on the 3C Engine Parameters page, the system runs the mass change and also uses the trigger created to write the communication record.

See Also

Running the 3C Engine Process

Understanding the Membership Mass Change Template

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Membership Progress

This section discusses how to view membership progress.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Membership Progress

Page Name

Definition Name



Membership Progress


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiative Progress

View aggregated information of a membership initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Membership Progress

Access the Membership Progress page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiative Progress).

Financial Goal

Displays the overall revenue goal for the membership initiative.

Total to Date

Displays the sum of all the dues amounts received for the initiative.

Pct of Goal (percent of goal)

Displays the result of the total to date divided by the financial goal.

Nbr Memberships (number of memberships)

Displays the total number of memberships received to date. This field calculates only membership payments.

Note. This field includes each actual membership, regardless of how many members it represents.

Nbr Members (number of members)

Displays the total number of memberships received to date including joint members.

Nbr New Members (number of new members)

Displays the number of members who are paying membership dues for the first time.

Nbr Renew Mbrs (number of renewal members)

Displays the number of members who are paying membership dues as a renewal of a current membership.

Nbr React Mbrs (number of reactivating members)

Displays the number of members who are reinstating membership after it has lapsed for at least one year.

Nbr Life Mbrs (number of lifetime members)

Displays the number of new lifetime members brought in by this membership initiative.

Total Budget

Displays the total expense budget for management of this membership initiative.

Expenses to Date

Displays the total amount of expenses to date based on entries made on the Budget Detail page.

% Budget Remaining (percent of budget remaining)

Displays the calculation of total budget minus expenses to date divided by the total budget.

The grid on this page displays a summary of the performance of appeals that were sent in relation to this membership initiative. For each appeal, you can view the dues amount received and the number of memberships generated.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Membership History

This section lists the pages used to view membership history information for a person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Membership History

Page Name

Definition Name



Membership History Prsn (membership history person)




  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership History, Membership History

  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership History, Membership History - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership History, Membership History - Workset

View information about a member's past participation in member organizations defined at your institution. The Membership Detail portion of the page appears only after you select a membership organization.

Membership Detail


Click a Membership Organization link on the Membership History page.

View detailed information about a specific membership entry.

Membership Detail - Designation


Click the Designation link on the Membership Detail page.

View detailed information about designations.

See Also

Entering Dues Payment Detail

Assigning Membership Designations and Associating Others with a Membership

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Membership Benefit History

This section lists the page used to view membership benefit history. When you enter a membership through a session, the system enters benefits that have been earned by joining at a particular dues level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Membership Benefit History

Page Name

Definition Name



Benefits History




  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership Benefit Summary, View Member Benefits

  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership Benefit Summary, View Member Benefits - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Member Organizations, Membership Benefit Summary, View Member Benefits - Workset

View a summary of the benefits that a member has earned.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Membership Summary or a Supervisor's Membership Summary

This section discusses how to view membership summary information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View a Membership Summary or a Supervisor's Membership Summary

Page Name

Definition Name



Membership Summary, Supervisor Membership Summary


  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Supervise Sessions, Membership Sessions, Membership Session Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Supervise Sessions, Membership Sessions, Supervisor Membership Summary

View information about the membership transactions in a session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Membership Summary Information

You can view information about your own sessions on the Membership Summary page, and information about your staff's sessions on the Supervisor's Membership Summary page.

The membership number, start date, expiration date, ID and constituent name, dues amount, and total amount appear for each transaction in the session that you selected.

If the membership session that you selected is open, select a transaction and click the Edit Mbr (edit member) button to make changes to an existing transaction. Click the Details button to view detailed information about a particular transaction on the Membership Detail page.

See Also

Entering Dues Payment Detail