Managing Prospects

This chapter provides an overview of prospect management and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Prospects

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Prospect Management

This section lists prerequisites and discusses prospect management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can assign staff members, volunteers, and business unit resources to manage prospects, you must set them up and assign them to roles at your institution.

See Adding Resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProspect Management

To manage prospects effectively, you must evaluate constituents, create comprehensive cultivation-activity plans, and constantly monitor and revise those plans. Contributor Relations enables you to do this by maintaining extensive prospect information and providing tools that you can use to effectively implement and manage cultivation plans.

You can assign prospects to the staff members, volunteers, and units that are responsible for prospect management. For each assignment that you create, you can assign an institution-defined role or a reason for the assignment. Roles are the undertakings (such as Prospect Manager, Campaign Manager, Solicitor, and so on) that are assumed by the assigned resources at your institution.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Resource Assignments

You can assign prospects to resources in two ways:

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Select an organized institutional effort (targeted to a specific constituency) that occurs over a specified period with specific purposes and goals. When you select a campaign, its description appears to the right of this field.


Select the role that the resource plays in the cultivation process. Roles are determined by your institution. Values include PM (Prospect Manager), SOL (Solicitor), and CM (Campaign Manager).

The list of available role values for each assignment is affected by the selections you made in the Assignment Role Option group box on the CR Installation page.

Note. Each prospect can have only one resource at a time assigned to the PM role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Resource Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Mass Assign Staff



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Staff Assignments

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Assign Staff - Workset

Assign groups of prospects to a staff member.

Mass Assign Units



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Unit Assignments

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Assign Unit - Workset

Assign groups of prospects to a unit.

Mass Assign Volunteers



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Volunteer Assignments

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Assign Volunteers - WS

Assign groups of prospects to a volunteer.

Staff Assignment




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Staff Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources Org, Staff Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Resources - Workset, Staff Assignment

Assign individual prospects to a staff member.

Volunteer Assignment




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Volunteer Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources Org, Volunteer Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Resources - Workset, Volunteer Assignment

Assign individual prospects to a volunteer.

Unit Assignment




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Unit Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources Org, Unit Assignment

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Resources - Workset, Unit Assignment

Assign individual prospects to a unit.

Resource Filter


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Resource Assignments, Resource Filter

Select the individual resource, or type of resource, for which to view a list of assigned prospects.

Resource Assignments


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Resource Assignments, Resource Assignments

View a list of the prospects who are assigned to the resource. Prospect assignments that meet the criteria that you selected on the Resource Filter page appear on this page.

Assignment Detail


  • You can access the Assignment Detail page through multiple navigation paths. The most frequently used paths are:

  • Click the Detail button on the Resource Assignments page.

  • Click the Detail button on the Prospect Assignments page.

View additional information about an assignment.

Prospect Assignments




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Prospect Assignments

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Prospect Assignments - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Prospect Assignments - Workset

View a list of the resources that are assigned to a prospect for cultivation purposes at your institution. Assigned resources can include staff members, volunteers, and units.

Role Assignments


Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Role Assignments

Set parameters for the assignments to view on the Role Assignments report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Mass Assignments

Access the Mass Assign Staff, Mass Assign Units, or Mass Assign Volunteers page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Mass Assignments, Mass Staff Assignments). The Mass Assign Staff page is shown; the appearance of the other pages will differ somewhat.

This page enables you to assign a group of prospects to a resource for the same reason. When you create mass assignments, the system:


Select the institution associated with the resource that you are assigning.

Note. If your security access limits you to one academic institution, this field does not appear.

Staff ID, Volunteer ID, or Unit ID

Enter the ID of the resource for which you are creating mass assignments. Select a staff ID, a volunteer ID, or a unit ID, depending on the resource type for which you are creating assignments.


The values that you selected in the Assignment Role Option group box of the CR Installation page affect the IDs that are available for this field.

If Defined was selected on the CR Installation page, only roles assigned to the selected ID appear here.

If Class was selected, only roles for the ID type selected (staff, volunteer, or unit) appear here.

If All was selected, all roles defined in the system appear, regardless of their ID or type.

Workset Code

If you are entering mass assignments for a workset, enter the workset code for the workset to which to apply the assignment. The IDs and names of each constituent in the workset appear in the lower portion of this page.

Persons Assigned

ID and Name

Identify each prospect to be assigned to the resource and role that you selected. When you enter an ID, the person's name appears.

Organizations Assigned

External Org ID (external organization ID) and Description

Identify each external organization to be assigned to the resource and role that you selected. When you enter an ID, its description appears.

Workset Members

ID and Name

When you select a workset code, the ID or name of each constituent in the workset appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Individual Staff Assignments

Access the Staff Assignment page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Staff Assignment).

Staff ID, Volunteer ID, or Unit

Depending on which page you access, enter the staff ID, the volunteer ID, or the unit ID for the resource that you are assigning to a prospect.

Spouse Link

Select to indicate that the prospect's spouse is to receive the same resource assignment. The assignment is made on the corresponding report and display pages, but it is not included in the assignment totals for those pages.

Note. If this check box is unavailable for entry, one of the following is true:

  • The prospect does not have a spousal relationship established in the system.

  • The prospect or the prospect's spouse is deceased.

    If you select this check box, the application copies the assignment to the spouse's record. If the assignment already exists on that record, only the link is established. If the assignment is for the role of Prospect Manager, the spouse cannot have another current Prospect Manager assignment. If a current Prospect Manager assignment exists on the spouse's record, an error message appears and the system does not copy the assignment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Individual Volunteer Assignments

Access the Volunteer Assignment page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Volunteer Assignment).

Although this page contains the same fields as the Staff Assignment page, volunteer assignment differs slightly. Volunteer IDs are not necessarily staff members; they are the IDs of people being assigned to a prospect or action in a role for a specified period of time.

Note. You must set up an ID on the Volunteers page in order for it to appear as a valid Volunteer ID on this page.

See Also

Creating Individual Staff Assignments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Individual Unit Assignments

Access the Unit Assignment page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Assign Prospect Resources, Unit Assignment).

Although this page contains the same fields as the Staff Assignment page, unit assignment differs slightly. Unit IDs are groups, not individuals, assigned to a prospect or action in a role for a specified period of time.

Note. You must set up a unit on the Units page in order for it to appear as a valid unit on this page.

See Also

Creating Individual Staff Assignments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Prospects Assigned to a Resource

Access the Resource Filter page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Resource Assignments, Resource Filter).

After you have selected criteria on this page, you can view the list of prospects who are assigned to the resource that you selected on the Resource Assignments page.

Assigned Resource

Select the type of resource to view assignments for. Values are Staff, Volunteer, and Unit.

These values are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Staff ID, Volunteer ID, or Unit ID

Select the ID for the resource whose prospect assignments you want to view. The label for this field depends on your selection in the Assigned Resource field. Click the prompt to access the Lookup Staff ID search page, where you can search for resources of the selected type that have prospect assignments. Use the search keys and wildcards to narrow the list of returned staff members on the Resource Assignments page.


Click to retrieve a list of the prospects that match the criteria that you selected. The list of prospects matching your criteria appears on the Resource Assignments page.

Note. The Maximum Retrieval value set on the Institution Installation page determines the maximum number of results returned per search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Resource Assignments

Access the Resource Assignments page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Resources, Resource Assignments, Resource Assignments).

Assigned Prospect

Displays the name of the donor prospect for which a resource assignment exists.

Assigned Resource

Displays the name of the staff member, volunteer, or unit assigned to the prospect.


Displays the function of the resource assigned, such as Prospect Manager or Solicitor.


Indicates that the resource assignment is currently active.


Click this link in any row to view detailed information about the prospect's assignment on the Assignment Detail page.

You can build a workset from this page.

See Also

Building a Workset From a Page in the System

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Role Assignments Report

Access the Role Assignments page (Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Role Assignments).


Select the institution for which to generate a report. The report contains information about assignments only for the institution that you select.

Assigned Resource

Select the resource type for which to generate a list of assignments. You can select Staff, Volunteer, or Unit.

The values in this field are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Sort By

Select the sort order for the list of resources that appears on the report. You can sort by Count, ID, or Name.

If you select Count, the Role Assignments report will order the staff IDs by the highest number of assignments.

If you select ID, the report will list the staff by their ID numbers.

If you select Name, the report will list the staff in alphabetical order.

Note. The values in the Sort By and Sort Order fields will appear on the report, so you'll know how you chose to sort this information.

The sort by values are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Sort Order

Specify whether to view the information on the report in Ascending or Descending order.

Descending order means that the values in the Sort By field will be sorted from highest value to lowest value. Ascending order means that the values will be sorted from lowest value to highest value.

Report Type

Select the type of report to generate.

Select Summary to produce a one-page report that includes the ID and name of the assigned resource, and the number of assignments he or she has that meet the parameters that you set for the report.

Select Detail to produce a one-page summary and a separate page for each resource. The separate page will include the ID and name of each prospect assigned, the associated campaign, start date, end date, and whether the spouse's record is linked.

See Also

Contributor Relations Reports: Selected Reports

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Prospect Strategies

This section provides an overview of prospect strategies and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Prospect Strategies

Strategies are overall plans for the cultivation of a prospect. You can have multiple strategies for each prospect. You use the Prospect Strategy component to create strategies.

You can link strategies to a prospect's spouse and to the prospect actions that you have created. For example, if the cultivation goal for Shawn Gallegher focuses on board member involvement and cultivation toward a major gift to a campaign, you can link the entire strategy to the record of Shawn's spouse. Also, if you create an action to invite Shawn Gallegher to an event that promotes the campaign, you can associate that action with his strategy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Prospect Strategies

Page Name

Definition Name



Prospect Strategy




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Person, Prospect Strategy

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Organization, Prospect Strategy

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Workset, Prospect Strategy

Create an overall cultivation strategy for a prospect.

Linked Actions




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Person, Linked Actions

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Organization, Linked Actions

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Workset, Linked Actions

View the actions that are linked to a prospect's overall strategy.

Strategy Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy Summary - Person

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy Summary - Organization

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy Summary - Workset

View a summary of the strategies for a prospect.

Prospect Strategy Detail


Click the Details link on the Strategy Summary page.

View additional information about a particular prospect strategy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an Overall Cultivation Strategy

Access the Prospect Strategy page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Person, Prospect Strategy).

Overall Status

Select the status of cultivation in which the prospect is currently involved. Values include Active, In Negotiation, Prospect, Suspect, and Ultimate Gift. Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Strategy Name

Enter a descriptive title for the strategy that you are creating.

Spouse Link

Select to link the strategy to the prospect's spouse. When you link a strategy to a spouse's record, any updates that you make to the strategy on one prospect's record are automatically updated on the linked record.

If you clear this check box, the strategy is no longer linked to the spouse's record. Clearing the check box creates a disconnect between the two spouse strategies. Changes to one record no longer change the other.

Note. If a constituent does not have a spousal relationship in the system, this check box is unavailable for selection.

Strategy Status

Select the current state of progression for the strategy. Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Add Action

Click to access the Actions component, where you can add actions that are related to the strategy that you have created.

Note. You must save the prospect's strategy before this button becomes active.


Describe the strategy.

Initiative Type

Select the type of initiative to relate to the prospect strategy. This selection narrows the choices that appear when you select an initiative.


Select an initiative to relate to the prospect strategy. When you select an initiative, its descriptive name appears to the right of this field.

See Also

Creating Actions for Individual Prospects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Actions Linked to a Strategy

Access the Linked Actions page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Prospect Strategy, Strategy - Person, Linked Actions).

Both the actions for the prospect and the actions for the prospect's spouse appear on this page when the action is linked to the strategy.

The fields on this page also appear on the Prospect Action page.

Add Action

Click to open the Prospect Actions page, where you can add additional actions related to the strategy.


Click to view more information about a specific prospect action on the Action Detail page.

See Also

Creating Actions for Individual Prospects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Strategy Summary

The fields on this page can also be found on the Prospect Strategy page.

See Also

Creating an Overall Cultivation Strategy

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Prospect Strategy Details

The fields on this page can also be found on the Prospect Strategy page.

See Also

Creating an Overall Cultivation Strategy

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Prospect Data

You can maintain information about a prospect's ratings, personal assets, and philanthropic interests. In addition, you can generate Bio Bit and Bio Brief reports that summarize information about a prospect.

This section lists a common element and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Click to access the Display in Other Currency page, where you can view the amount in another currency and obtain exchange rate information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Prospect Data

Page Name

Definition Name







  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Reports, Biographic Profile, Narrative

  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Reports, Biographic Profile - Org, Narrative

  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Reports, Biographic Profile - Workset, Narrative

Write a longer description about a prospect's involvement with the institution for a Bio Brief report.

Personal Assets



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Personal Assets

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Personal Assets - Workset

Track information about the assets, such as securities, real estate, fine art, automobiles, heirlooms, and so on, that are owned by a prospect. The organizational records that are contained in a workset do not appear on this page because personal asset information pertains only to people.

Display In Other Currency


  • You can access the Display in Other Currency page through multiple navigation paths. One frequently used path is:

  • Click the Display in Other Currency button on the Personal Assets page.

View information about the exchange of a monetary value from one currency to another.

Personal Asset Summary



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Personal Asset Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Personal Asset Summ - Workset

View information about the assets, such as securities, real estate, fine art, automobiles, heirlooms, and so on, owned by a prospect.

Personal Asset Detail


Click the Detail link on the Personal Asset Summary page.

View information about a particular asset that is owned by a prospect.





  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Ratings

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Ratings - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Ratings - Workset

Track information about the ratings that your institution uses to qualify prospects.

Ratings Filter


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Rating Summary, Ratings Filter

Search for ratings information that meets the criteria you select, such as household income, gift capacity, and so on, for a prospect.

Rating Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Rating Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Rating Summary - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Rating Summary - Workset

View information about the ratings that meet the criteria you selected on the Ratings Filter page.

Ratings Detail


Click the Details link on the Ratings Summary page.

View detailed information about a particular rating.

Philanthropic Interests




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Interests, Philanthropic Interests

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Interests, Philanthropic Interests - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Interests, Philanthropic Interests - WS

View information about a prospect's charitable interests.

Biographic Profile




  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Profile

  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Profile - Org

  • Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Profile - Workset

Prepare and generate biographic reports. You can generate a standard report or a customized report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Biographic Narrative

Access the Narrative page (Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Reports, Biographic Profile, Narrative).

If you are preparing a biographic profile, enter a narrative about the constituent. The Narrative field should contain information that is more descriptive than information in the summary area on the Biographic Profile page. This field might be used by a president to detail a personal request or to provide a more detailed history of the constituent.

The information that you enter in this field appears on all Bio Brief reports for all users who include narrative information in the Bio Bit, Bio Brief, or custom reports.

The Bio Bit and Bio Brief reports include information about the prospect based on the criteria that are set up for the report.

See Also

Preparing and Generating a Biographic Profile Report

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Personal Assets

Access the Personal Assets page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Personal Assets).

This page enables you to maintain specific asset information associated with a constituent.


Asset Category

Select the type of asset that you are entering. Define asset categories using the Asset Types page.


Describe the asset.

Source Description

Enter the name of the publication or person providing information about a prospect's asset to your institution.


Enter notes about the asset.

Asset Value

Value Date

Enter the date on which the asset value was determined. The default is today's date.

Asset Value

Enter the monetary value of the asset. You can add asset values as the monetary value of the asset changes over time. The most recent value for an asset appears on the Personal Asset Summary page.

Currency Code

If the currency for the asset is different from your institution's base currency, the value of the asset in base currency appears in this field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Personal Assets

Access the Personal Asset Summary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Personal Asset Summary).

The most recent monetary value for each asset that is owned by a prospect appears on this page.

Note. The organizational records contained in a workset do not appear on this page when it is accessed from a workset menu because personal asset information pertains only to people.

See Also

Maintaining Personal Assets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Ratings

Access the Ratings page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Prospect Research, Ratings).

Rating Category

Select the type of rating that you are entering. Rating categories are defined on the Rating Categories page.

Rating Type

Indicate the type of source that provided the rating information to your institution. Rating types are defined on the Rating Types page.


Select a code that describes the actual rating classification linked to a specific rating category. Indicators are defined on the Rating Indicators page. If the code requires additional values, the Value field appears.


Select a value that refines the indicator code to a more specific rating if the rating indicator requires it.

Rating Date

Enter the date on which rating information is provided. The default is today's date.

Potential Date

Enter the date on which a prospect may be qualified to give to your institution at a specified level.

From Amount and To Amount

Enter the minimum (from) and maximum (to) monetary ranges that specify a prospect's giving capacity or other rating that is measured in ranges of monetary amounts, like household income. A to amount is not required.

The monetary values in the From Amount and To Amount fields appear here in base currency if you entered them in a currency other than your institution's base currency.

Initiative Code

The campaign initiative to which the rating applies. This code allows ratings to be created independently for separate campaigns for the same prospect, for example.


Enter the name of the person, vendor, or publication providing rating information to your institution. This field can be 60 characters long.

Click to spell check any comments you add to this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Ratings

Access the Rating Filter page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Rating Summary, Ratings Filter).

Note. The prompts on this page return only those values from existing ratings for this constituent.

Rating Type

This field returns the value All or any ratings types that occur on a rating for this prospect. Examples of rating types are Peer, Staff, and Vendor.

Rating Indicators

If you select Specific, the fields in the Indicators region appear, allowing you to select ratings indicators for the filter. If you select All, the region is hidden and all ratings indicators appear in the results.

Rating Category

Rating categories that apply to this constituent may be used as filter criteria. Examples of rating categories include charitable, academic, or survey.


To limit the ratings listed in the Ratings Summary, you can filter by specific ratings indicators. Only those ratings indicators that have been applied to the prospect appear in the prompt. If you do not select a value, all ratings indicators that meet the remainder of the filter criteria appear in the results.

Rating Date and Potential Date

Enter dates to narrow the search results that the system retrieves.


Enter values in the From and To fields to narrow the search results that the system retrieves.

Ratings Source

Enter values in the Begins With, Contains, Ends With, or Exact Match fields to search for ratings source information.

Current, Historical, and All

The system retrieves results that meet the effective date criteria you select.

Current: Only current effective-dated rows appear.

Historical: Only rows with an effective date less than today appear.

All: All rows, regardless of date, appear.


Click to return results that meet your criteria. You can view these results on the Rating Summary page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Ratings

Access the Rating Summary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Giving Capacity, Rating Summary).

The Ratings Information 1 tab displays summarized ratings information such as rating date, type, category, and indicator.

The Ratings Information 2 tab displays ratings information such as potential date and source. The rating date and rating indicator carry over from the Ratings Information 1 tab. Click the Comments link to view comments related to the rating.

See Also

Maintaining Ratings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Prospect's Philanthropic Interests

The Philanthropic Interests page gives a historical view of a constituent's past philanthropy (whether or not it is with your institution). This view helps your institution view patterns of philanthropy for this constituent in the past to better target this person in the future.

Philanthropic interests are derived from the charitable involvement and institutional giving that are recorded for a prospect. Involvement records with a category of Charitable appear in the Charitable Involvement area, and a summary of all the gifts made by the prospect appear in the Designation group box of this page.


This group box lists each designation, its business unit, and the total giving credits or hard credit gifts associated with it. The Recognition Credits column lists all soft credits for the designation. The system lists the dates of the first and most recent gifts to the designation, as well as the number of gifts that the prospect has made to the designation.

See Also

Adding Involvement Records

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing and Generating a Biographic Profile Report

Access the Biographic Profile page (Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Biographic Profile).

Report Type

Bio Bit

Select to generate a standard bio bit report as defined by your institution.

Bio Brief

Select to generate a standard bio brief report as defined by your institution.


Select to use one of the customized reports defined for your user ID on the Operator Defaults page.


If you are preparing a bio bit, enter a report summary. The information that you enter in this field appears on all printed bio bit reports for all users if they include a summary in the report.

See Also

Contributor Relations Reports: Selected Reports

Click to jump to parent topicImplementing a Prospect Plan

This section provides an overview of prospect plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Prospect Plans

After you create an overall strategy, you can determine the steps or actions that you plan to take to complete the strategy. You can create multiple actions, such as dinners, phone calls, and solicitations, for a prospect.

You can create actions in two ways: mass actions, for which you create one action and assign it to multiple prospects, or individual actions, for which you create an action that is associated with only one prospect.

If you bestow a gift on a prospect, use the application to track the gift, its value, and the date that it was given.

After a step in the cultivation process is complete, it is important to document the action taken and its result in a contact report, which is a written report that details an action and its result.

Because most of your staff members deal with actions for many prospects at one time, they need to track all the actions they're handling. The system provides a personalized to do list that lists all the actions on which you are working.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Implement a Prospect Plan

Page Name

Definition Name






  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, Clearance

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, Clearance - Organization

Approve a prospect for cultivation related to an initiative or prospect strategy.

Mass Actions


  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Mass Actions

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Mass Actions - Workset

Create an action for multiple prospects at one time.

Mass Action Completion


Click the Complete action link on the Mass Actions page.

Complete a mass action.

Prospect Action



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Person, Prospect Action

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Org, Prospect Action

Enter information about the action that you are creating.

Action Results



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Person, Action Results

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Org, Action Results

Complete an action and record its results, including a contact report or a report detailing the results of a particular action.

Donor Appreciation




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation - Workset

Maintain information about the gifts that you bestow on prospects throughout the cultivation process.

Donor Appreciation Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation Summ - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation Summ - WS

View a list of the items that have been given to a prospect as tokens of appreciation.

Donor Appreciation Detail


Click the Details link on the Donor Appreciation Summary page.

View additional information about a specific token of appreciation.




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, View Clearances

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, View Clearance - Organization

View information about the clearances for a prospect. Determine whether clearance is required and examine a constituent's involvement to prevent staff from overloading the constituent with demands.

Action Filter




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Person, Action Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Org, Action Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Workset, Action Filter

Search for specific actions pertinent to the constituent in context based on selection criteria.

Action List


  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action List - Person

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action List - Organization

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action List - Worklist

Add, edit, and delete constituent actions, regardless of their status.

Action Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Person, Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Org, Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Workset, Action Summary

View lists of actions for a prospect.

Action Detail




  • You can access the Action Detail page through multiple navigation paths. This one is used frequently:

  • Select an Action link on the Action Summary page.

View additional information about an action.

Ask Detail


Click the Ask Information button on the Action Detail page.

View specific details about the ask.

Resource Assignment Detail


Click the Resource Assignments button on the Action Detail page.

View information about the resources assigned to this action.

Initiative Detail


Click the Initiatives button on the Action Detail page.

View information about the initiatives linked to this action.

Contact Report Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Contact Reports - Person

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Contact Reports - Organization

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Contact Report Summ - Workset

View lists of contact reports for a prospect, and view contact reports for other prospects that link to this prospect.

Contact Report Detail



Click the Contact Report button on the Contact Report Summary page.

View additional information about a specific contact report.

To Do List - Staff, To Do List - Volunteer, To Do List - Unit



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, To Do Lists, To Do List - Staff or To Do List - Volunteer or To Do List - Unit

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Initiative Actions, To Do List - Staff or To Do List - Volunteer or To Do List - Unit

View lists of the actions for which a resource is responsible during a particular time frame or for a particular prospect initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClearing a Prospect for Cultivation

Access the Clearance page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, Clearance).

Clearance Required

Select to indicate that the constituent must be cleared before he or she can be selected as a volunteer or prospect for an initiative.

Prospect Manager

Displays the name of the person who is responsible for managing the institution contacts with this prospect. Contact this person if clearance is required.

Intv Type (initiative type)

If clearance is approved, enter the initiative type for which clearance is requested. Initiative types are Campaign, Volunteer, Membership, Event, and Other.


Enter the initiative for which clearance is approved. This field displays the initiatives that match the initiative type that you selected.

Course of Action

Enter a description (up to 30 characters) of the course of action that you plan to take with the constituent.


If the clearance is related to a prospect strategy, select the appropriate strategy from the list of strategies for that constituent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Mass Actions

Access the Mass Actions page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Mass Actions).

After entering all of the mass action information, click the Process Actions button at the bottom of the page to apply the action. The system displays a Message Catalog message (14300,100) that identifies how many people and organization constituent action records were added.


Enter an institution.

Note. If your security access limits you to one academic institution, this field does not appear.


Enter a descriptive title (up to 100 characters) for the action.


Enter a description for the action.

Planned Date

Enter the date when the action is planned to occur. The default is today's date.

Expiration Date

Enter the date after which the action is considered to be expired.

Action Type

Select a classification for the action. Action types are defined on the Action Types page.

Contact Type

Enter the method of contact for the action.

Ask From and Ask To

If the action type that you selected is Ask, you are required to enter an amount in the Ask From field.


Select the overall state of an action at a particular time. Action status codes are defined on the Action Status page.

Complete action

Click this link to access the Mass Action Completion page, where you can create and complete actions at one time.

Solicitor and Solicitor ID

If the action type you selected is Ask, you must select the type of resource that carries out the task and then select the solicitor's ID. Options include all the resources that are assigned the role of solicitor.

Responsible Person

Select the type of resource and ID of the person who is overseeing the action. The values for ID types are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Others Assigned

Assignment Type

Select the resource type from the values Staff, Unit, and Volunteer that is being assigned to the action. The values in this field are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

The resource type you select determines the list of available options that appears in the Resource Assigned field.

Resource Assigned

Enter the ID number of the resource that is assigned to carry out an assignment. When you select an ID or unit code, the person or unit's name appears to the right of this field.


Specify a role for other resources assigned to a mass action. When you select this role, the system populates the Role field on the Action Info page of the constituent action.


Enter Initiative Type and Initiative Code information associated with the action. The Initiatives group box behaves the same as constituent actions. Separate grids enable you to assign people and organizations to an action. Click the Add button to indicate how many new ID rows you want to add to the grid at one time, which facilitates quicker data entry.

Linked Constituents

In Mass Actions – Workset, you can select a Workset Code and selectively delete members of that workset if the action to be created does not apply.

Completing a Mass Action

Development officers and other users can use the functionality of the Mass Actions component (AV_MASS_ACTN) to capture unscheduled actions or enter and complete an action for a group of constituents.

To create a completed mass action:

  1. Set the Status field to Complete.

  2. Click the Complete action link.

    Note. If you attempt to save the page before you click the link, the system displays a reminder message.

    The Mass Action Completion page appears.

To complete a mass action:

  1. Enter any information that you want to capture about the completed action.

    The result code is a required field. The user's ID is the default for the Author ID field. Today's date is the default for the Complete Date and Report Date fields.

    The common contact report information that you enter appears on all of the selected donors' records. If the Require Contact Report check box is selected on the CR Installation page, the system notifies you that you must enter some information in the Contact Report field.

  2. Click OK.

  3. Save the page.

  4. On the Mass Actions page, assign the action to a list of constituents or to a workset.

Completed actions that you create here appear on the To Do List page. However, since they are complete, you can only view them in the All or Historical time frames. You can add or personalize donor-specific contact report information individually through your To Do List (To Do List, Details, Edit Action) or through the constituent's action summary (in Contributor Relations or in PeopleSoft Outreach).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Actions for Individual Prospects

Access the Prospect Action page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Person, Prospect Action).

Actions are the individual contacts that you have with a prospect throughout the cultivation process.

Prospect Manager

When using mass actions, the system displays the constituent's prospect manager, if one is assigned to the prospect in the system, at the time the action is created. This information appears on the Prospect Action page of the Actions and Actions-Org components.


Select the overall state, such as Scheduled, In Process, or Complete, of an action at a particular time. Status values are defined on the Action Status page.


Enter a description (up to 100 characters) of the action.


Enter descriptive information (up to 254 characters) about the purpose and goal of the action.


Select a prospect strategy to associate with the action. Selecting a strategy ties this action to a particular prospect strategy.

Planned Date

Enter the date on which the action is scheduled to occur. Today's date is the default.

Complete Date

If the action is complete, enter the completion date or the date on which the action occurred. Setting an action to Complete requires that you enter an action result code before the action can be saved.

If the Require Contact Report check box is selected on the CR Installation page, then you are required to enter this information for the Contact Report when an action is complete.

Action Type

Select the classification, such as Ask, Dinner, or Phone Call, for the action. Action types are defined on the Action Types page.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which the action is no longer valid, regardless of whether it is complete. If the expiration date has passed, the action does not appear in the current view of the To Do list.

Contact Type

Select the value that determines how the action is made, for example, by Telephone Call, Letter, Email, or Personal Visit. Contact types are defined on the Action Contact Type page.

Assignment Type and Responsible

Select the type of resource that carries out the task, and then enter the ID of the person who is overseeing the action. When you select an ID, the person's name appears to the right of this field.

Others Assigned

If you assign a staff resource in this area, the system adds the action to the staff member's to do list. If a person is assigned to this action through mass actions, the system populates that information here, along with the person's role.

Type and Resource Assigned

Select the type of resource that is assigned to the action and enter the ID of the resource assigned.

The values for resource types are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.


Select the role or capacity of the resource that is assigned to the prospect for this action.


Initiative Type and Initiative Code

Enter the initiative type and the initiative code to relate to the action.

Ask Information

Ask From and Ask To

If the action type that you selected on the Prospect Action page is Ask, enter an ask amount range in these fields. The currency for these fields appears in the default currency for the institution. If the ask amount is not a range, enter only the ask from amount.


If the action type that you selected on the Prospect Action page is Ask, you must select the type of resource that carries out the task and then enter the solicitor's ID. Values include the resources that are assigned to the role of solicitor.


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

See Also

Creating Prospect Strategies

Implementing a Prospect Plan

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Action Results

Access the Action Results page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Actions - Person, Action Results).

Before you can access the fields on this page, you must change the status of the action to Complete on the Prospect Action page.

Result Code

Select the result of the action from these values: Gift, Pledge, Ask Again, Accepted, and Negotiate. These codes are defined on the Action Results page.

Note. This field is required for a Complete action.

Expected Commitment

If the ask resulted in a commitment, enter the monetary amount, if known, that you expect to receive from the donor because of this action.

Actual Commitment

Displays the sum of gifts and pledges resulting from this action. If a gift is a pledge payment toward a pledge that is associated with the ask, it is not included in this total because that would count it twice.

Pledge Number

If the action that you are completing resulted in a pledge, enter the pledge number associated with the pledge that the prospect made. If you enter a pledge number, the amount that is associated with the commitment appears in the Commitment Amount field. This amount is derived from the gift entry component in the system.

Important! You can retrieve information about pledges that were made and recorded in the past 60 days.

Action Commitments

Use this group box to associate gifts or pledges with a single action; you can specify more than one.

Action Gifts

The Result Code field value activates the prompt that creates the list of gifts that appear here, based on the Gift Days value on the Institution Installation 2 page.

Similarly, the Pledge Number field value activates the prompt that creates the list of pledges that appear here, based on the Pledge Days value on the Institution Installation 2 page.

Gift Number

Enter the gift number for any gifts the prospect made that are associated with the action.

Important! The Gift Amount field displays the entire amount of the gift, regardless of recognition or soft credit allocations. In the Gift Nbr field, you can retrieve information about all gifts that were given and recorded in the past 60 days.


If you selected a pledge, click to view detailed information about the pledge on the Pledge Detail page. If you selected a gift, click to view detailed information about the gift on the Gift Detail page.

Author ID

Enter the name of the contact report author. This field populates by default to your user ID.

Report Date

Enter the date on which the contact report is created. This field populates by default to today's date.


Describe the outcome of the action, including any biographic or demographic changes that you have learned about the action. This free-text field is required.

Link Report

ID Type

Select ID types of any additional prospects to link to this contact report.


Enter the IDs of any additional prospects to link to this contact report. When a contact report is linked to a prospect, it appears in the Linked Reports group box on the Contact Report Summary page for that prospect.


Click this button to link the contact report to the prospect's spouse. The system adds a record in the Link Report group box with the spouse's ID.

Technical Information

If your institution requires a contact report and the Require Contact Report check box is selected on the CR Installation page, then you cannot save a completed action without at least beginning a contact report. However, contact reports can be entered any time after an action is created; an action does not need to be complete in order to enter a report.

See Also

Viewing Pledge Details

Viewing Gift Details

Implementing a Prospect Plan

Viewing Contact Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Donor Appreciation Items

Access the Donor Appreciation page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation).

Appreciation Item Detail

Business Unit

Enter the business unit bestowing the item that you are giving the donor. The items that are associated with the setID for the business unit that you select appear in the Item field.


Describe the item that you're giving to the prospect. Appreciation items are defined on the Appreciation Items page. Donor appreciation gifts might include items such as pens, artwork, and books.

Date Given

Enter the date on which you gave the appreciation item. The default is today's date.

Given By


Select the type of resource—Staff, Volunteer, or Unit—that is giving the gift.

The values in this field are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

The resource type that you select determines which choices are available in the Resource field.


Enter the ID of the resource that is giving the gift.


Enter any descriptive text about the token of appreciation or the reason for giving it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Appreciation Items Given

Access the Donor Appreciation Summary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Donor Appreciation, Donor Appreciation Summary).

See Also

Maintaining Donor Appreciation Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Donor Appreciation Details

Access the Donor Appreciation Detail page (Click the Details link on the Donor Appreciation Summary page).

See Also

Maintaining Donor Appreciation Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Clearances for a Prospect

Access the Clearance inquiry page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Clearances, View Clearances).

See Also

Clearing a Prospect for Cultivation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Prospect Actions

Access the Action Filter page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Person, Action Filter).

Enter any combination of search criteria to narrow the list of actions that appear for the constituent. Click the Search button to display the search results on the Action List page. Selection of multiple criteria implies an AND, requiring the action to meet all criteria that is selected.

Note. The fields on this page are the same ones used to filter actions in the Action Summary – Person component.

Action Type Code

Enter an action type code. The action type is a classification for the action. Values include ASK, INVIT (invitation), and Phone Call.

Action Status

Enter an action status for the overall state of an action. Values are Scheduled, In Process, or Complete.

Responsible Person

Enter the person who is overseeing the action to see only actions involving this resource.

Solicitor and Solicitor ID

Select a solicitor type and enter an ID to see actions for a particular solicitor. The solicitor type indicates whether the resource is a staff member, a unit, or a volunteer. The solicitor is the resource who makes the actual ask to the prospect.

Important! Solicitors apply only to actions with the type Ask. If you select a solicitor, the Action Type Code field changes to Ask.


Click to retrieve a list of the actions matching the criteria that you selected. The Action List page displays the list of actions meeting your criteria.


Ask Amount From and Ask Amount To

Enter a range for the ask amount. The Ask Amount From field contains the lowest amount in the range of actions to view; and the Ask Amount To field contains the highest amount. Ask amounts apply only to actions with the type Ask. If you enter an ask amount range, the value in the Action Type Code field changes to Ask.

Commitment Amount From and Commitment Amount To

Enter a range for the commitment amount. The Commitment Amount From field contains the lowest amount in the range of actions to view, and the Commitment Amount To field contains the highest amount. Commitment amounts apply only to actions that have the type Ask. If you enter a commitment amount range, the value in the Action Type Code field changes to Ask.

This filter value returns only actions that have commitment information on the Results page and that fall into the range that you entered.

Planned Date From and Planned Date To

Enter a planned from and to date range. The planned date is the date on which the action is tentatively scheduled to occur.

Complete Date From and Complete Date To

Enter a complete from and to date range. The complete date is the date on which the action is actually complete.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Existing Actions for a Prospect

Access the Action Summary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action Summary - Person, Action Summary).

The fields on this page also appear on the Prospect Action page.

See Also

Creating Actions for Individual Prospects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging an Action List

Access the Action List page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Action List - Person).

Note. You can control access to this component through PeopleTools menu security.

Click the spouse rings icon to access an action list for the prospect's linked spouse, if one exists in the system.

Action Description

Click a linked action description to access the Prospect Action page, where you can update the constituent's action. When you are finished, the system returns you to the action list.


Click this button to remove the constituent's action from the system. You can only delete an action after all related data, such as assignments, strategies, and initiatives, have been removed from the action.

Add an Action

Click this button to access the Prospect Action page, where you can create a new action for the constituent. When you are finished, the system returns you to the action list.

To delete a constituent action:

  1. Click the Select check box next to the action to be removed.

  2. Click the Delete button.

    If the action has any related attributes, you receive an error message. The system dynamically creates the error message text to advise you of exactly what else must be removed from the action before the action itself can be removed. These error messages prevent orphan data from remaining in the system after the action has been removed.

    If the action has no related attributes, you receive a warning message. Click OK to continue and completely remove the action from the system.

  3. If you must remove related attributes before deleting the action, click the Action Description link and edit the action as appropriate on the pages of the Constituent Action component.

  4. Click OK to return to the Action List page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Action Details

Access the Action Detail page (Click the Detail link on the Action Summary page).

This page displays all fields related to an action. All group boxes are collapsible and expandable. If a group box is collapsed upon entering the page, it has no data. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality.

The fields on this page are the same as those on the pages of the Prospect Action component. Click the Edit Action button to access the Prospect Action pages and update any part of the action. When finished, click the OK button to return to the summary page that launched the Action Detail page to select Details, which the system displays with the updated action data.

See Also

Creating Actions for Individual Prospects

Entering Action Results

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Contact Reports

Access the Contact Report Summary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Stewardship Plans, Constituent Actions, Contact Reports - Person).

Constituent Contact Reports


Click to view detailed information about a specific contact report on the Contact Report Detail page.

Linked Contact Reports

This section of the page includes contact reports that contain further information about the prospect.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Contact Report Details

The Link Report group box displays the ID and name of other prospects to whom this contact report pertains. These prospects are linked to the contact report for the original prospect.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing To Do Lists

Access the To Do List - Staff page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, To Do Lists, To Do List - Staff or To Do List - Volunteer or To Do List - Unit).

The actions that appear on this page are either manually generated as prospect or initiative actions or generated by running the Build Actions process when defining a public relations plan for an initiative.


Enter a code for the institution name.

Note. If your security access limits you to one academic institution, this field does not appear.

Resource Assigned

Enter the resource for which to view actions.

Designee Type

Select the category of constituents or initiatives that is affected by the action. Values are Constituents Only, Initiatives Only, and All.

The values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.


Click to retrieve a new list of actions meeting the criteria that you selected earlier on this page.