Setting Up Checklists

This chapter provides and overview of setting up checklists, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding the 3Cs — Communications, Checklists, and Comments

Using the 3C Engine

Managing Checklists

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Checklist Setup

To create checklists, you must set up checklist items. You can assign a responsible person, a status, and a due date to each checklist item. You can then relate multiple checklist items to a specific checklist and assign a due date for the overall checklist. You can also associate checklist items with an administrative function and use that function to enter some or all of the items as a subset of items on a larger, more comprehensive checklist with its own overall due date. In addition, you can combine several checklists into one monitoring unit called a tracking group.

You can make the checklist items as general or as specific as you want. For example, checklist items might include an admission application that a student needs to submit, a letter that a member of your staff needs to write, or a phone call that a staff member needs to make.

You can associate a checklist item with multiple administrative functions. However, when you use an administrative function to create a checklist, you can enter only the checklist items associated with that administrative function.

You can combine several checklists within the same administrative function into one unit for fast, organized monitoring. For example, if you were to create a checklist of items typically required for an admissions application, you might begin by creating a checklist item for receiving the individual's ACT or SAT 1 test scores. You might also set checklist item codes for the application fee, references checked, a meeting arranged with a mentor, and career and placement discussion held.

To set up the checklist item code for receiving ACT or SAT 1 test scores:

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Item Table.

  2. Enter a checklist item code, such as ACTSAT.

  3. Enter a description to identify the checklist item.

    In this case, you might enter ACT or SAT 1 Test Scores.

  4. Enter a short description.

    If you do not enter a short description, the system enters one based on the description.

  5. Enter a long description to provide more information about the checklist item or to enter a comment.

    If you use this checklist item as part of generating a letter, the data in the long description is included in the letter generation output data. You can specify whether to print it in the letter.

    See Managing Communications.

After you create the checklist item code for the offer letter, you can continue creating checklist item codes for each item that you want on your checklist. When you are finished setting up checklist items, you can set up checklist function items.

You can associate a set of checklist items with a particular administrative function. You can then use that administrative function to indicate a subset of checklist items that you want to include in a larger checklist.

For example, you could associate a set of checklist items with the function of Admissions Application. These checklist items might include the ACT or SAT 1 test scores, application fee, references checked, a meeting arranged with a mentor, and career and placement discussion held.

To associate the ACT or SAT 1 test scores checklist item with the administrative function of Admissions Application:

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Function Item Table.

  2. Enter the administrative function, such as ADMA.

  3. Enter the item code of the first checklist item that you want to associate with this function, in this case, ACT/SAT.

    Continue to associate relevant checklist items with this function. You can associate many checklist items with a function. You can also choose other functions, and associate checklist items with each of them.

After all checklist items are associated with an administrative function, you must group the checklist items into checklists, which you can then assign to individuals or organizations. When you assign a checklist code to an individual or organization, the system assigns each of the checklists items in that code to that individual or organization.

In our example, you want to create a checklist code of UGALL for all undergraduate requirements, and include the checklist items ACT and SAT 1.

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Table.

  2. Enter the checklist code that you want to create and the function from which you want to select checklist items.

    For this example, the checklist code is UGALL and the function is ADMA.

  3. Define what type of checklist this will be, such as Requirement List.

Additionally you can set up tracking groups. A tracking group provides a logical connection between the checklists that are associated with an individual. For example, you may have several checklists for the same student in the undergraduate applications function, but only some of those checklists are related to the student's loan requirements. You might want to monitor the status of the student's loan documents to determine when the loan document requirements are complete. When you create the checklist and assign a checklist code, you could also assign the checklist to a loan documents tracking group.

Users can access checklists only in the checklist categories to which you grant them 3C group security access.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before defining checklist items and associating them with functions, become familiar with administrative functions. Before using communication speed keys to create a checklist template, set up communication speed keys in your system.

See Also

Setting Up Administrative Functions

Defining Communication Speed Keys

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Checklist Items

To set up checklist items, use the Checklist Item Table component (CS_CHK_ITEM_TBL).

This section discusses how to define checklist items.

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Definition Name



Checklist Item Table


  • Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Item Table

  • Campus Community, Checklists, Set Up Checklists, Checklist Item Table

Define items to make available for checklists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Checklist Items

Access the Checklist Item Table page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Item Table).

Item Association

If the item is associated with a particular person or organization in any way, you can select either Name or Organization to indicate that.

The item association that you select here is used on checklist management pages when you assign checklists to IDs. Although you assign the checklist to the ID, you might want to know that an item must come from, or is in some other way associated with, another individual or organization. For example, you might assign a checklist item called Transcript to an individual, and that item might be created with an item association of Organization. On the checklist management page where you assign the checklist to the ID, you can identify the organization (for example, PeopleSoft University) from which that transcript is needed for the applicant to be admitted. This is especially helpful if you need to receive multiple transcripts for an applicant.

The Item Update - Automated process, which links checklist items with transcripts with general materials, such as recommendation letters, and with tests scores in PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions, also uses this.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You should not modify these translate values.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating Checklist Items with Administrative Functions

To associate checklist items with administrative functions, use the Checklist Function Item Table component (CHK_FUNCTION_TABLE).

This section discusses how to associate items with a function.

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Checklist Item Functions Table


  • Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Function Item Table

  • Campus Community, Checklists, Set Up Checklists, Checklist Function Item Table

Associate checklist items with an administrative function.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Items with a Function

Access the Checklist Item Functions Table page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Function Item Table).

Item Code

Enter the code for the checklist item associated with this administrative function.

Available item codes are from the Checklist Items page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Checklist Tracking Groups

To set up tracking groups, use the Tracking Group Table component (TRACK_GRP_TBL).

This section discusses how to create a tracking group.

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Tracking Groups


  • Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Tracking Group Table

  • Campus Community, Checklist, Set Up Checklists, Tracking Group Table

Optionally create tracking groups by combining two or more checklists with the same administrative function into one monitoring unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Tracking Group

Access the Tracking Groups page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Tracking Group Table).

Tracking groups are optional, but helpful for monitoring a group of checklists at the same time.

Note. You can assign only one tracking group per checklist, so you might not want to make your tracking groups too broad.

Administrative Function

Enter the code for the administrative area with which this tracking group is associated.

Checklists associated with the administrative functions that you select here are the only checklists that will be available in this tracking group.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Checklist Templates

To set up checklist templates, use the Checklist Table component (CS_CHKLST_TBL).

This section discusses how to create a checklist template.

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Checklist Table


  • Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Table

  • Campus Community, Checklists, Set Up Checklists, Checklist Table

Create checklist templates and assign codes to them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Checklist Template

Access the Checklist Table page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist Table).



Enter the code for the administrative area with which the items for this checklist are associated. The function code controls the item codes that you will be able to select.

Checklist Type

Select the type that best describes this checklist.

The following checklist types are delivered with your system as translate values:

(ADC) Condition List

(CML) Communication List

(HIR) Hiring

(MED) Medical

(PRM) Promise

(RQL) Requirements List

(SAL) Staff Assignment List

(TER) Termination

(TRN) Training

(XFR) Transfer

(OTH) Other

You can modify these translate values.

Of the delivered checklists types, the ones most relevant to the management of student administration and contributor relations are:

(CML) Communication List: A list of the communications (for example, letters, brochures, and phone calls) that have occurred with a person over a period of time.

(PRM) Promise: Records the amount and due dates of a person's promise-to-pay.

(RQL) Requirements List: A list of items that a student must accomplish or submit to move to the next step of a process. For example, the list might specify the materials required to complete an application to your institution. You can also use items from a requirements list in the letter generation process to notify students of missing application items.

(SAL) Staff Assignment List: A list of items that a staff member needs to accomplish relative to a particular student.

Display in Self Service

Select to display the checklist as a To Do item on PeopleSoft Campus Self Service pages.

Clear to prevent the checklist from appearing as a self-service To Do item.

Due Days

Enter the number of days, calculated from the assign date, by which all items on this checklist must be completed.

Due Date

The date by which all items on this checklist must be completed.

Tracking Group

(Optional) Enter the group to which this checklist should be assigned for monitoring.

Available group codes are from the Tracking Groups page.

Item List


The number of this item in the list of items for this checklist.

The system automatically enters the next sequential number for each checklist item that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of checklist items.

Item Code

Enter the item code for this checklist item.

The item codes available are those associated with the selected administrative function on the Checklist Item Functions page.

Default Due Date

If you know the exact date when the checklist item is due, enter it here.

You can leave the field blank. If the field is blank when you save the record, the system displays the due date from the Detail area of the page as the default due date for each checklist item. You can override this date, but it must be with an earlier date so that the item due date does not exceed the overall due date of the checklist.

Due Days

If an item is due within a specific number of days rather than on a specific date, enter the number of days here.

You can leave the field blank. If the field is blank when you save the record, the system displays the number of due days from the Detail area of the page as the default due days value for each checklist item. You can override this number, but it must be with a smaller number so that the item does not become due after the overall due date of the checklist.

Comm Key

When you create a checklist of the default type that is set on the Installation Default - CC page, the Comm Key field becomes available.

Select a Comm Key to assign the specified communications to the individual or organization to which you are also assigning the checklist. When you run the process to generate the letter whose letter code is associated with the Comm Key selected, the process extracts the checklist items listed on the checklist tied to the Comm Key. This enables you to print a list of the items not yet completed. For example, you could list in a letter the remaining items that an applicant needs to submit to complete the application.

See Managing Communications.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining 3C Update/Inquiry Groups

To define 3C Update/Inquiry Groups, use the 3C Update/Inquiry Groups component (GROUP_3C_TBL).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define 3C Update/Inquiry Groups

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Definition Name



3C Update/Inquiry Group


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, 3C Update/Inquiry Group Table

Define a group of IDs who have similar interests and needs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a 3C Update/Inquiry Group

Access the 3C Update/Inquiry Groups page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, 3C Update/Inquiry Group Table).

Define a group of users who have similar needs and interests. You can then associate one or more 3C Update/Inquiry Groups with a checklist code to create a Checklist 3C Group.

Security Administrators give users security access based on 3C update/inquiry groups.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Checklist 3C Groups

To set up checklist 3C groups, use the Checklist 3C Groups component (CS_CHKLST_3CGRP).

This section discusses how to create a checklist 3C group.

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Checklist 3C Groups


  • Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist 3C Groups

  • Campus Community, Checklists, Set Up Checklists, Checklist 3C Groups

Create checklist 3C groups to grant security access to checklists in your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Checklist 3C Group

Access the Checklist 3C Groups page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Checklists, Checklist 3C Groups).

See Also

Setting Up 3C Group Security