Tracking General and Application Materials for Prospects and Applicants

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEntering General Materials for Prospects and Applicants

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter General Materials for Prospects and Applicants

Page Name

Definition Name



General Materials


  • Student Admissions, Application Evaluation, Evaluate Application Materials, General Materials

  • Student Recruiting, Evaluate Prospects, General Materials

Enter supporting information for prospects and applications. The type of information you record here is the information that you defined as a general material type. For example, PeopleSoft considers essays, portfolios, recommendations and interviews as general materials.

General material data is linked to a person, so anything that you enter on this page can be used to evaluate any applications for this person. After you have identified the general materials, you can link them to applications and evaluations.

Recommender Information


Click the Recommender Information link on the General Materials page.

Add details about the recommender.

Address Information


Click the Address Information link on the General Materials page.

View, add, or edit a recommender's mailing address. If you select an address location on the Recommender Information page, the system automatically populates the address on this page. Conversely, you can manually enter the mailing address information you have for this recommender. Note that if this is an address of an organization, any changes you enter do not affect the addresses that are stored elsewhere in the system for the school or organization with which this recommender is affiliated.

General Materials Summary


  • Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, General Materials Summary

  • Student Recruiting, Evaluate Prospects, General Materials Summary

View any general materials stored for a person. You can display the information by material group or material type.



Click the Recommender link on the General Materials Summary page.

View further details about general materials summary information. This Recommender Detail page is available with a Recommendation material type entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering General Materials

Access the General Materials page (Student Admissions, Application Evaluation, Evaluate Application Materials, General Materials or Student Recruiting, Evaluate Prospects, General Materials).

Note. The fields on this page vary depending on the material group type you select. The material data that is attached to this type dictates what fields are available. For example, the Recommender Information and Address Information links enable you to enter information and addresses about recommenders. However, these links appear on the page only when the material type is REC (recommendation).

Material Group

Enter the material group to which you are associating this applicant. Only material groups that include a material type that is marked General Material are available to select. Define material groups on the Material Group Table page.

Material Type

Enter a material type. Only general material types from this material group are available. Material types are associated with groups on the Material Group Table page.

Material Nbr (material number)

This display-only field shows which general material entry you are viewing for this person. For example, the first general material entry is number 1, and the second is number 2.

Checklist Item Update

When you add a new material group row, the system automatically selects this check box. The check box indicates that the checklist related to this row of general material data is updated when you run the Checklist Item Update Automated process.

Date Received

The system uses the system date as the default date on which materials were received. You can edit this field.

Date Recorded

The system uses the system date as the default date on which materials were recorded. You can edit this field.

Rcmd Type (recommender type)

Which remaining fields are available to you depends on the variable data that is associated with the material type that you select. In the example, you enter the recommender type. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter any notes or text for this general materials entry.

Recommender Information

This link appears when you select the REC (recommendation) material type. Click this link to add details about the recommender. The Recommender Information page appears.

Address Information

This link appears when you select the REC (recommendation) material type. Click this link to view, add, or edit the mailing address for this recommender. The Address Information page appears.

See Also

"Research Tracking Additions to Admissions Functionality" document in the Recruiting and Admissions documentation package for Bundle 24 (CS_Bundle_24_Recruiting_and_Admissions _9_0.pdf). This package is available on My Oracle Support (CS 9.0 Bundle #24 Functional Documentation and Additional Features January 2012 - Doc ID 1400708.1).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Details About the Recommender

Access the Recommender Information page (Click the Recommender Information link on the General Materials page).


If this recommender is in your database, enter the person's ID.


If you enter an ID, the recommender's name automatically appears. If you do not enter an ID because this recommender is not in your database, type in the recommender's name.


Enter the recommender's title.

Org ID (organization identification)

If the recommender is affiliated with a school or organization in your database, enter the organization ID. The name of the organization automatically appears. Leave this field blank if the recommender is not associated with a school or organization in your database and type in the name of the organization.


If you enter an organization ID, you can choose any defined address for the organization or school that you want to use as a mailing address for the recommender.

Org Name (organization name)

The system automatically populates the organization name if you enter an organization ID. Type in the organization name if the organization does not already exist in your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing General Materials Summary Information for Prospects and Applicants

Access the General Materials Summary page (Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, General Materials Summary or Student Recruiting, Evaluate Prospects, General Materials Summary).

You must first enter general material information for this person in the General Materials page.

Select Materials By

Material Group

Enter a material group to search for a summary of general materials for this person based on material group.

Material Type

Enter a material type to search for a summary of general materials for this person based on material type.

Sort Materials By

Material Group

Enter a material group to sort the findings by material group.

Material Type

Enter a material type to sort the findings by material type.


Click the Search button to locate information that matches your search criteria.

Other Page Elements


Click to view additional details about general materials summary information for a particular row.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Associating Supporting Materials to an Application

Access the Application Materials page (Student Admissions, Application Entry, Application Materials, Application Materials).

An application for this person must already exist.

Test Scores

To link a test score group to this application, enter a material group for the test scores material type. Only groups that include a test scores material type are available. Define material groups on the Material Group Table page.

After you enter a test score material group, click the Test Scores link to view a list of test scores that are associated with this applicant. The Select Test Scores page appears.

Academic Summary

To link an academic summary group to this application, enter a material group for the academic summary material type. Only those groups that include an academic summary material type are available.

After you enter an academic summary material group, click the Academic Summary link to view a list of academic summaries that are associated with this applicant. The Select Academic Summary Data page appears.

External Courses

To link an external course group to this application, enter a material group for the external courses material type. Only those groups that include an external courses material type are available.

After you enter an external course material group, click the External Courses link to view a list of external courses that are associated with this applicant. The Select External Courses page appears.

External Subjects

To link an external subject group to this application, enter a material group for the external subjects material type. Only those groups that include an external subjects material type are available.

After you enter an external subjects material group, click the External Subjects link to view a list of external courses that are associated with this applicant. The Select External Subjects page appears.


To link transcripts to this application, enter a material group for the transcripts material type. Only those groups that include a transcripts material type are available.

After you enter a transcripts material group, click the Transcripts link to view a list of transcripts that are associated with this applicant. The Select Transcripts page appears.

General Materials

Click to link general materials to this application. The Select General Materials page appears, where you can view a list of general materials that are associated with this applicant.


Click this button to go to another component.

See Also

Assigning Evaluation Codes to Applications in Batch

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking General Materials to Applications

Access the Select General Materials page (Click the General Materials link on the Application Materials page).

Recommender Detail

If an interviewer or recommended is linked to a general material entry, click the Recommender Detail link to view information about that person.

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Materials to an Application

This section discusses how to link materials to an application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Link Materials to an Applications

Page Name

Definition Name



Application Materials


Student Admissions, Application Entry, Application Materials, Application Materials

Manually associate application materials to an application. If the information for this person is stored elsewhere in the database, you can link the relevant data to an application on this page.

Select Test Scores


After choosing a test score material group, click the Test Scores link on the Application Materials page.

View test scores that are associated with this applicant. Select the test IDs that you want to link to this application. All tests for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. Select only those tests that are relevant to this material group and application. You can enter tests for a applicant on the Test Results page.

Select Academic Summary Data


After choosing an academic summary material group, click the Academic Summary link on the Application Materials page.

Link an academic summary group to this application. the system stores all academic summaries for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. Select only those academic summaries that are relevant to this material group and application. You can enter academic summaries for an applicant on the External Education page.

Select External Courses


After you choose an external course material group, click the External Courses link on the Application Materials page.

Link external courses to this application. Select the external courses that you want to link to this application. All external courses for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. Select only those external courses that are relevant to this material group and application. You can enter external courses for an applicant on the Courses and Degrees page .

Select External Subject


After you choose an external subjects material group, click the External Subjects link on the Application Materials page.

Link external subjects to this application. Select the external subjects that you want to link to this application. All external subjects for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. Select only those external subjects that are relevant to this material group and application. You can enter external subjects for an applicant on the External Education page.

Select Transcripts


After you choose a transcripts material group, click the Transcripts link on the Application Materials page.

Link transcripts to this application. Select the transcripts that you want to link to this application. All transcripts for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. Select only those transcripts that are relevant to this material group and application. You can enter transcript information for an applicant on the External Education page.

Select General Materials


Click the General Materials link on the Application Materials page.

Link general materials to this application. Select only those general materials that you want to link to this application. All general materials for this applicant that are not already linked to this application are available on this page. You can enter general materials for an applicant on the General Materials page.

Recommender Detail


Click the Recommender Detail link on the Select General Materials page.

View information about an interviewer or a recommender.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Summary Application Materials Information

This section discusses how to:

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Summary Application Materials Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Materials Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Materials Summary

View summary information regarding materials assigned to a person, and associated with a particular application and academic program.

Interviewer Detail


Click the Interviewer Detail link on the Materials Summary page.

View additional interview information.

Recommender Detail


Click the Recommender Detail button on the Materials Summary page.

View additional recommender information.

Test Score Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Test Score Summary

View summary test scores information that is associated with a particular application and academic program.

Transcripts Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Transcripts Summary

View summary transcript information that is associated with a particular application and academic program.

Academic Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Academic Summary

View academic summary information that is associated with a particular application and academic program. You can view the data in a variety of formats, depending on your selection criteria.

Application Summary Detail


Click the App Summary Detail link on the Academic Summary page to view the Application Summary Detail page.

View application detail information.

Academic Subjects Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Academic Subjects Summary

View summary information about academic subjects that are associated with a particular application and academic program.

Academic Subject Detail


Click the Acad Subject Detail button on the Academic Subjects Summary page to view the Application Subject Detail page.

View application subject information.

Course Summary


Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Course Summary

View summary course information that is associated with a particular application and academic program.

Transcript Data


Click the Transcript Data link to open the Transcript Data page.

View transcript data.

Application Course Detail


Click the App Course Detail link to open the Application Course Detail page.

View an applicant's course detail information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Materials Summary Information

Access the Materials Summary page (Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Materials Summary).

You must first attach materials to the application on the Application Materials page.

Interviewer Detail

Click this link to view about interviewer information about this material type. The Interviewer Detail page appears.

Recommender Detail

Click this link to view recommender information about this material type. The Recommender Detail page appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Academic Summary Information

Access the Academic Summary page (Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Academic Summary).

Acad Level (academic level)

Select the academic level for which you want to search for academic summary information.

Org ID (organization ID)

Enter the organization ID for which you want to search for academic summary information.

Data Source

Select the data source for which you want to search for academic summary information.


Enter the academic institution for which you want to search for academic summary information.

Sum Type (summary type)

Enter the summary type for which you want to search for academic summary information.

Term Year

Enter the term year for which you want to search for academic summary information.


Click this button to view information matching your search criteria.

App Summary Detail (application summary detail)

Click this link to view application summary details. The Application Summary Detail page appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Academic Subjects Summary Information

Access the Academic Subjects Summary page (Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Academic Subjects Summary).

Acad Level (academic level)

Select the academic level for which you want to search for academic subjects summary information.

Org ID (organization ID)

Enter the organization ID for which you want to search for academic summary information.

Data Source

Select the data source for which you want to search for academic subjects summary information.

Course Level

Select the course level for which you want to search for academic subjects summary information.


Enter the subject for which you want to search for academic subjects summary information.

Term Year

Enter the term year for which you want to search for academic subjects summary information.


Click the Search button to view information matching your search criteria.

Acad Subject Detail (academic subject detail)

Click this link to view academic subject details. The Application Subject Detail page appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Course Summary Information

Access the Course Summary page (Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Application Materials Summary, Course Summary).

You must first attach course summaries to the application on the Application Materials page.

Acad Level (academic level)

Select the academic level for which you want to search for course summary information.

Org ID (organization ID)

Enter the organization ID for which you want to search for course summary information.

Data Source

Select the data source for which you want to search for course summary information.

Course Level

Select the course level for which you want to search for course summary information.


Enter the subject for which you want to search for course summary information.


Click the Search button to view information matching your search criteria.

Transcript Data

Click this link to view transcript data. The Transcript Data page appears.

App Course Detail (application course detail)

Click this link to view application course details. The Application Course Detail page appears.