Evaluating Applicants Using Automatic Processing

This chapter provides an overview of evaluating applicants using automatic processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Evaluate Applicants Using Automatic Processing

Recruiting and Admissions provides the following automatic processes to aid in evaluating applicants:

Note. PeopleSoft delivers sample SQRs to help you with a variety of tasks. However, your institution can modify these SQRs to fit their specific needs. For this reason, your SQRs might be named differently, and they might behave slightly differently than described.

See Also

Evaluating Applicants

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Evaluation Codes to Applications in Batch

Before you can run the application materials extract process or an evaluation calculation for a group of applications, you must assign them an evaluation code. Evaluation codes contain important default information and helps with selecting the appropriate group for extract and evaluation processing.

First you must select the applications that you want to assign the evaluation codes to. Use the Mass Change feature to do this. Then run the Assign Evaluation Codes process to assign the evaluation codes to the applications that the mass change process selected.

To access the Mass Change Definition component, select Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Data Management

To assign evaluation codes with mass change:

  1. Select the appropriate mass change definition to define which applications need to be assigned which evaluation code.

    Use the Mass Change Definition - Description page to enter the mass change definition that defines the criteria by which you select applications. The delivered mass change definition for assigning evaluation codes is Evaluation Assignment Select. However, your institution can define its own mass change definition for assigning evaluation codes, but use the delivered mass change definition as a template.

  2. Enter criteria for determining which applications to assign the evaluation code, and enter the evaluation code you want assigned to those applications.

    Use the Criteria and Defaults page to enter criteria for determining which applications to assign the evaluation code, and to enter the evaluation code you want assigned to those applications.

    The first execution sequence of the SQL statement in the delivered mass change definition is Delete Tmp5 Table. This program clears the temporary table that stores the records of those applications selected the last time you ran this process.

    The second execution sequence of the SQL statement in the delivered mass change definition is Select Applicant Criteria. The following page shot shows an example of the criteria that can be used in the selection process.

Use the Criteria group box to enter the criteria by which the mass change process will select applications to assign the evaluation code you select. In the delivered Evaluation Assignment Select mass change definition, there are 27 fields you can use to select applicants (such as academic level, academic career, program status, recruiter ID, and many others). In our example in the previous page shot, the applicant must have an academic level of 10 and must be an undergraduate. However, there could be many more fields selected as search criteria in subsequent rows.

Use the Defaults group box to select the evaluation code that you want the mass change process to assign to the applications that you selected. In the example in the previous page shot, the evaluation code the mass change process will assign is UGAPPLFYR (first year undergraduate applicants).

  1. Generate the SQL for this mass change definition.

    Use the Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page to generate the SQL statement for this mass change definition.

    Remember to click the Clear SQL button if an SQL statement already exists in the text box.

  2. Set up a mass change group to define in what order you want the mass change definitions to run.

    Use the Mass Change Group component to set up mass change groups. To access the Mass Change Group component select Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Group. Create a mass change group to group the steps that it takes to process the applications you selected. Create a group by entering related mass change definitions that you must run to complete a particular task (such as assigning evaluation codes), and the order in which they should be run.

    On the Mass Change Group page, select SA (student administration) in the PS Owner field.

    Next, select the mass change definitions. In the previous example, you would run the Evaluation Assignment Select mass change definition first. This definition selects all the records chosen by the SQL statement that you generated earlier. Second, you would run the Evaluation Duplicate Check mass change definition, which removes any applicants who matched your selection criteria, but were already assigned the evaluation code.

  3. Process the mass change group to select the applications to be assigned the evaluation code.

    Use the Run Mass Change page to execute the mass change definitions in the mass change group. The mass change definitions in this group choose your final list of applications that should be assigned a code during the evaluation code assignment process. To access this page select Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Run Mass Change.

    On the Run Mass Change page, select the Execute Mass Change Group option. Then select the mass change group ID that you defined on the Mass Change Group page.

  4. Run the Evaluation Code Assignment process (discussed in the following section).

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Definition Name



Evaluation Code Assignment


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Evaluations, Assign Evaluation Codes

Assign the evaluation code to the applications that you selected through the mass change process.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers a sample SQR for assigning evaluation codes, ADEVALCD.SQR. Your institution can modify this SQR to fit its specific needs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Evaluation Code Assignment Process

Access the Evaluation Code Assignment page (Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Evaluations, Assign Evaluation Codes).

Program Evaluation Status

Evaluation Status and Evaluation Date

Enter the evaluation status and date that you want entered on the Evaluation subpage of the Application Program Data page. Define evaluation statuses on the Evaluation Status Table page.

Evaluation Code Status

Evaluation Status and Evaluation Date

Enter the evaluation status and date that you want entered on the Application Evaluation page. Define evaluation statuses on the Evaluation Status Table page.

Committee Evaluation Status

Evaluation Status and Evaluation Date

Enter the evaluation status and date that you want entered on the Committee Rating and Evaluator Rating pages. Define evaluation statuses on the Evaluation Status Table page.

Click the Run button to run the Assign Evaluation Codes process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Application Materials to Applications in Batch

This section discusses how to link application materials to applications in batch.

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Application Materials Extract


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Evaluations, Application Materials Extract

Assign application materials to applications in batch. Application materials are used to evaluate applicants.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers a sample SQR for extracting application materials, ADMTLEXT. Your institution can add to or edit the SQCs for this SQR.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Application Materials to Applications in Batch

For an application to be considered during the application materials extract process, the application must have an evaluation code assigned on the Application Evaluation page, and the Automatic Update Process check box must be selected on the Overall Rating page. In addition, the evaluation code you are using must include a rating scheme that has a type of Overall, which must have material extract SQCs defined for it. The Application Materials Extract process uses those SQCs to assign the appropriate materials to the selected applications. Define rating schemes and their material extracts on the Rating Scheme Table page.

Evaluation Code

Select an evaluation code. The process only extracts application materials for applications that have been assigned the evaluation code you select. Define evaluation codes on the Evaluation Table page.

Admit Term

Select an admit term. The process only extracts application materials for applications with the admit term that you select. Define admit terms on the Term Values Table page.

Evaluation Status

Select an evaluation status. The process only extracts application materials for applications with the evaluation status that you select. The process looks at the Evaluation Status field on the Application Program Data page.


Select an Academic Institution. The process only extracts application materials for applications for the institution you select.

Click the Run button to run the Extract data for Adm Appl Matl (extract data for admissions application materials) process at user-defined intervals.

To view the results of this extract process, use the Application Materials Summary pages under Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Rating Values Through an Automatic Process

The section discusses how to calculate rating values through an automatic process.

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Evaluation Calculation


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Evaluations, Evaluation Calculation

Run the evaluation calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Rating Values Through an Automatic Process

Access the Evaluation Calculation page (Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Evaluations, Evaluation Calculation).

The application must first be assigned an evaluation code on the Application Evaluation page. In addition, the evaluation code you are using must include a rating scheme that has a type of Overall, and the rating scheme must have rating components assigned to it. Each rating component in the rating scheme has a defined sequence and formula ID. The formula ID defines which SQC should be run for the rating component. The evaluation calculation looks to those components to come up with rating values that will be inserted on the Overall Rating page for the application. Application materials must have been assigned manually or automatically.

The Evaluation Calculation process looks for applications that meet the criteria you enter here which have never been calculated or which were previously calculated, but have had materials linked to the application after the last calculation was run. If new materials have been added since the last calculation, the system selects the Recalculate Evaluation check box on the Application Evaluation page.

When the Evaluation Calculation process finds an application that meets its criteria, it retrieves the values that your SQCs tell it to retrieve, evaluates the values based on the rules in your SQC, and populates the result on the Overall Rating page in the Application Evaluation component. For example, suppose you determine that an SAT score of over 1450 is worth a rating value of 10. Suppose further that you run the process and it retrieves an SAT score of 1462. The process would evaluate based on your rules and populate the rating value 10 in the Rating Value field for the test score component.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers a sample SQR for evaluating applications, ADMTLRTG. Your institution must define its own SQCs for this SQR, which define the rules by which applications should be evaluated.

Evaluation Code

Select an evaluation code. The process only evaluates applications that have been assigned the evaluation code you select. Define evaluation codes on the Evaluation Table page.

Admit Term

Enter an admit term. The process only evaluates applications that have the admit term you select. Define admit terms on the Term Values Table page.


Enter an institution. The process only evaluates applications for this institution.


The process only evaluates applications that have the evaluation status you select. This is the evaluation status listed on the Application Evaluation page.


Enter the evaluation status that you want the process to add to the application evaluations.

Click the Run button to run the Assign Adm Applicant Rating (assign admissions applicant rating) process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicAutomatically Updating Application Program Evaluation Statuses

Use the Application Status Update process to automatically update the program evaluation status of multiple applications.

This process looks to the parameters you define to choose the applications to be considered for the status update. The program looks to the Overall Rating page to verify that all rating components designated as final value have been evaluated. The program then determines if any of these applications have a future dated row on the Application Program Data page. Any records with a future dated row are not included in this process.

The next step in the process is to sum all of the final value components on the Overall Rating page for an application. An SQC defined by your institution determines the status of the application according to the sum of the final values.

For each application evaluated, the Application Program Data page is updated as follows:

The values the process inserts are determined by the rules of the SQCs that your institution defines.

When you update application program data via the Application Status Update process, you're unable to manually calculate enrollment deposits or activate applicants as students. Therefore, you must calculate enrollment deposits and activate applicants as students via two COBOL processes: the Calculate Deposits process and the Activating Applications process.

This section discusses how to:

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Application Status Update


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Update Applications, Application Status Update

Perform a background process to update the program evaluation status and program actions of applications that have been evaluated.

See Evaluating Applicants Using Automatic Processing.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers a sample SQR, ADMTLPGS.SQR. Your institution can add to or edit the SQCs for this SQR.

Calculate Deposits


Student Admissions, Application Fees and Deposits, App Deposit Fees Process

Calculate enrollment deposits for applicants who were admitted via the Application Status Update process. You must calculate an enrollment deposit before activating the applicant as a student if you have a deposit fee code assigned to your application center (on the Application Center Table page).

You must first admit applicants through the Program Stack Update process.

Activate Application


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Update Applications, Activate Applicants

Activate applicants as students. This process inserts a program action of Matriculate (MATR) on the Application Program Data page and creates the student program and plan records. Use the Activate Applications process if you admitted an applicant through the Program Stack Update process, and therefore could not manually matriculate the applicant.

If your institution requires an enrollment deposit prior to matriculation, you must calculate a deposit prior to running this process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Application Program Evaluation Status Using the Program Stack Update Process

Access the Application Status Update page (Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Update Applications, Application Status Update).

Evaluation Code

Enter an evaluation code. The process only processes the applications that have the evaluation code that you select. Define evaluation codes on the Evaluation Table page.

Academic Career

Enter an academic career. The process only processes the applications that have the academic career that you select. This is the academic career to which that the applicant is applying.

Academic Program

Enter an academic program. The process only processes the applications that have the academic program that you select.

Admit Type

Enter an admit type. The process only processes applications that have the admit type that you select. Define admit types on the Admit Type Table.

Admit Term

Enter an admit term. The process only processes the applications that have the admit term that you select. Define admit terms on the Term Values Table page.

Action Date

The default for the action date is your system date. Edit this date to reflect the date you want to appear as the action date on the Application Program Data page.


The process only process applications that have the evaluation status you select.


Enter the program evaluation status that you want the process to add to the applications on the Application Program Data page.

Click the Run button to run the Program Stack Update process at user-defined intervals.

To view the results of this application program evaluation status update process, you can use the Applicant Progression page, or you can go to an individual's Application Program Data page in the Application Maintenance component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Enrollment Deposits Using the Deposit Fees Calc (Batch) Process

Access the Calculate Deposits page (Student Admissions, Application Fees and Deposits, App Deposit Fees Process).

Academic Career

Enter an academic career. The process only calculates enrollment deposits for applications that have the academic career that you select.

Admit Term

Enter an admit term. The process only calculates enrollment deposits for applications that have the admit term that you select. Define admit terms on the Term Values Table page.

Admit Type

Enter an admit type. The process only calculates enrollment deposits for applications that have the admit type that you select. Define admit types on the Admit Type Table page.

You can add additional rows as needed for selecting additional careers, admit terms etc. to calculate deposits for multiple groups of applicants. Click the Run button to run the Deposit Fees Calc (Batch) [deposit fees calculation (batch)] process at user-defined intervals.

To view the results of the Deposit Fees Calc (Batch) process for an applicant, use the Customer Accounts page in the PeopleSoft Student Financials application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Applicants as Students Using the Activate Applications Process

Access the Activate Application page (Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Update Applications, Activate Applicants).

Note. Admissions application records use the Last Admit Term to determine if the program, plan, or subplan should appear in the prompt. If the Last Admit Term is populated on the Academic Program Table (ACAD_PROG_TBL), Academic Plan Table (ACAD_PLAN_TBL), or Academic SubPlan Table (ACAD_SBPLN_TBL) and the term is less than or equal to the term selected for the ID, the system does not display the value in the prompt.


Enter an academic career. The process only matriculates applicants who have the academic career that you select.

Acad Program (academic program)

Enter an academic program. The process only matriculates applicants who have the academic program that you select.

Admit Term

Enter an admit term. The process only matriculates applicants who have the admit term that you select. Define admit terms on the Term Values Table page.

Admit Type

Enter an admit type. The process only matriculates applicants who have the admit type that you select. Define admit types on the Admit Type Table page.

As of Date

The default for the as of date is your system date. This is the date you ran this process.

Add additional rows as needed to define additional selection criteria. Click the Run button to run the Activate Applications process at user-defined intervals.