(NLD) Managing the BRON Interface

This chapter provides an overview of BRON and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BRON

Regional Education Centre (Regionaal Opleidings Centrum or ROC) institutions must exchange data regarding students and their enrollment and exams in an electronic format with Base Register Education (Basis Register Onderwijs or BRON), a data register managed by Information Maintenance Group (Informatie Beheer Groep or IBG). Once you have set up the interface, the Dutch as a second language course (Nederlands als tweede taal or NT2) and prior education for BRON, perform the following steps to fulfill BRON requirements:

  1. Create the BRON export file.

  2. Review the export file before sending.

  3. Send the batch file to BRON.

  4. Import the BRON return file and update the export holding table.

  5. Make changes to data regarding students and their enrollment and exams in your system and resend the changes to BRON.

  6. Compare GBA data with data in the application and update tables if necessary.

  7. Import and review snapshot files to determine whether BRON is sending the Dutch funding council (Centrale Financien Instellingen or CFI) accurate, up-to-date data.

  8. After you update the export holding table based on the snapshot file, resend the export files to BRON, if necessary.

See Also

(NLD) Indicating Student Paper Information

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the BRON Interface

To set up the BRON interface, use the BRON Setup component (SAD_BR_INST_NLD).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the BRON Interface

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Setup


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup

Define BRON values for an institution and BRINcode.

Install Options BRON


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, Install Options BRON

Define additional BRON values for an institution and BRINcode.

BRON Setup by Sector


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup by Sector

Define BRON setup by educational sector.

Match Career to BRON Career


Select the Acad Career option and click the Show career panel button in the BRON career selection group box on the BRON Setup by Sector page.

Link your institution's academic careers to BRON career codes.

Match Academic Load to BRON Career


Select the Acad Load option and click the Show career panel button in the BRON career selection group box on the BRON Setup by Sector page.

Link your institution's academic loads to BRON career codes.

Match Academic Load to BRON Intensity


Select the Acad Load option and click the Show Ld Pan button in the BRON Load Selection group box on the BRON Setup by Sector page.

Link your institution's academic loads to BRON intensity codes.

BRON Setup Program


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup Program

Define the programs that you do not want to send to BRON and select LNV programs for this institution and BRINcode.

BRON Include Students


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Include Students

Use to create BRON Batch for only a selection of students.

BRON Exclude Students


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Exclude Students

Use to create BRON batch, which excludes selected students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining BRON Setup

Access the BRON Setup page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup).


Enter the institution for which you want to set up BRON.


Select a BRINcode for this institution. Define BRINcodes on the BRINcode Table page. BRINcodes are allocated by the IBG. They identify schools or locations within an institution.


Enter a code for this location and BRINcode. The location code is a code that has been set up by the institution to identify the delivery point. You assign the code yourself and then provide this information to BRON so that BRON can recognize the delivery source within the institution.

Note. An institution can have more than one delivery location.

Int Org Nbr (internal organization number)

Enter an internal organization number to identify the organization that is responsible for the delivery to BRON. This information is sent in the BRON interface, but it is not used by BRON. This is for informational purposes only.

PVE Version

Enter the PVE version of the IBG requirement document used.

Name Type

Enter the name type for the data that is delivered to BRON.

Address Type

Enter the address type for the data that is delivered to BRON.

Name Type GBA

Enter the name type for the automatic update of GBA data.

Address Type GBA

Enter the address type for the automatic update of GBA data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Additional BRON Values

Access the Install Options BRON page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, Install Options BRON).

Start Accountant Audit

Enter the start date for the accountancy period. From this date onwards, not all mutations can be sent to BRON without accountant approval and an indication of Accountant for the BRON delivery file.

First Date Accountancy Audit

Enter the first funding tally date (October 1st of the academic year).

Last Date Accountancy Audit

Enter the second funding tally date (February 1st of the academic year).

Addresstype BRON BPV

Select the address type for selection of BRON BPV information in the send file.

Record BPV Description BRON

Select to indicate which record will be used to select BPV description. Select EXT_ORG_TBL or ORG_LOCATION. Other options require adjustment of the BPV process, which is a customization.

Field BPV Descr BRON

Select the field from Record BPV Description BRON that will be used to select BPV description.

Exclude/Include Students

If you select this check box, you can send a select student group to BRON or exclude a select group from being sent to BRON.

Update SSN/OND numbers

If you select this check box, the BRON return process automatically updates SSN or OND numbers. If you clear this check box, they are not updated automatically.

Read/Update CREBO codes

If you select this check box, the BRON return process automatically updates missing BPV accreditation CREBO codes. If you clear the check box, they will not be updated/inserted automatically.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up BRON by Sector

Access the BRON Setup by Sector page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup by Sector).

Educational Sector

Enter an educational sector. Three educational sectors exist: Education, Professional Education, and VAVO. You must set up each sector. You run the BRON Delivery process for each education sector.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start and end dates for this education sector within this institution and BRINcode. When you run the BRON Delivery process, the process finds only students who were matriculated during the dates that you enter here.

Hand Sel (handicap select)

Select how you want the BRON Delivery process to determine whether students are handicapped. Select one of the following values:

Attribute: Select if you want the BRON Delivery process to determine whether students are handicapped by using attributes. Enter the student attribute that is used to indicate handicapped students in the Student Attribute field.

Disability: Select if you want the BRON Delivery process to determine whether students are handicapped by a check box on the Disability page at Workforce Administration, Personal Info, Disability, Disabilities.

Studentgrp (student group): Select if you want the BRON Delivery process to determine whether students are handicapped by using student groups.

Student Attribute

If you select Attribute in the Hand Sel field, enter the student attribute that is used to indicate handicapped students here.

Risk student value

Select the student attribute that you want to use to indicate when a student is at risk of being turned down for funding for a program.

Careers by Sector - Academic Career

Select the academic careers that are within this educational sector. The BRON Delivery process sends information only about students who are in the careers that you enter here.

BRON Career Selection - Acad Career

Select to link your institution's academic careers to BRON career codes. Because you can define your academic careers however you want, you must link your careers to BRON careers to share data.

BRON Career Selection - Acad Load

If you use academic load instead of career, select this option to link your institution's academic loads to BRON career codes.

BRON Load Selection - Acad Load

Link your institution's academic loads to BRON intensity values. Because you can define your academic loads however you want, you must link your loads to BRON load values to share data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up BRON Programs

Access the BRON Setup Program page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Setup Program).

Programs not to BRON

Academic Program

Select the academic programs that you do not want to send to BRON. The BRON Delivery process does not send data about students in this academic program.

Select LNV Programs

Academic Program

Select the agricultural (LNV) academic programs for which you must send partial qualifications to BRON.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncluding and Excluding Students in BRON Batch

Access the BRON Include Students page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup, BRON Include Students).

The Bron Exclude Students page is similar to the BRON Include Students page. The following descriptions apply to both pages.


Enter or remove one or more student IDs to include or exclude the records from batch.


Click this button to clear the Participants Included for BRON or Participants Excluded for BRON group boxes.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up NT2 for BRON

To set up NT2 for BRON, use the BRON Setup NT2 component (SAD_BR_TEST_NLD).

This section discusses how to define NT2 setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up NT2 for BRON

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Setup NT2


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup NT2 Test, BRON Setup NT2

Define NT2 result ranges by academic level. NT2 courses are courses that are specifically designed for foreign students. You must record entry levels and progress of students. Registration of NT2 is mandatory and required by BRON.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining NT2 Setup

Access the BRON Setup NT2 page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup NT2 Test, BRON Setup NT2).


Enter the HEGIS code for this test.

Academic Level

Enter the academic levels for which you want to define result ranges.

NT2 Result from and NT2 Result to

Enter the grade range for each possible academic level. For example, if you select Basic User/Breakthrough (NLD) in the Academic Level field, and defined the range of 1 to 2 in these fields, then students who score a 1 or 2 in the NT2 course will be given the Basic User/Breakthrough academic level.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up BRON Prior Education

To set up BRON prior education, use the BRON Setup Prior Education component (SAD_BR_XLPE_NLD).

This chapter discusses how to define BRON prior education setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up BRON Prior Education

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Setup Prior Education


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup Prior Education, BRON Setup Prior Education

Map your institution's prior education codes to BRON prior education codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining BRON Prior Education Setup

Access the BRON Setup Prior Education page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Setup Prior Education, BRON Setup Prior Education).

Prior Education

Select your institution's prior education codes that you want to map to BRON prior education codes.

Program Status

Select a program status for this prior education code. Values are Completed, Failed, and Running. The system uses both the prior education code and the program status to determine the BRON prior education code.

BRON Prior Education

Select the BRON prior education code that corresponds to your institution's prior education code and program status.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Sending the BRON File

This section provides and overview of the BRON Delivery process and discusses how to create and send BRON files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the BRON Delivery Process

You first run the BRON Delivery process (SRBRONNL) to create records in the BRON Export Holding table by selecting the BRON Create File check box. The records in the BRON export holding table are grouped by a unique batch number for every educational sector within an institution. After you have reviewed the file to be sent on the BRON Maintain Before Send page, you send the file by running the BRON Delivery process again and selecting the BRON Send File check box. When you send the file, the batch group is frozen. Then, the next time you run the creation process, the process compares the data in your system with the data that you sent in the last batch to BRON. Only changes are sent in subsequent files. Each subsequent file has a higher batch number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create and Send the BRON File

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Delivery Process


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Delivery Process, BRON Delivery Process

Create and send the BRON file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Sending the BRON File

Access the BRON Delivery Process page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Delivery Process, BRON Delivery Process).


Enter a BRINcode with which to create or send the BRON file. Define BRINcode values on the BRON Setup page.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which to create or send the BRON file.

BRON Create File

Select to create records in the BRON export holding table.

BRON Send File

Select to send the BRON file. The File Path and Last Send fields appear.

File Path

If you selected the BRON Send File check box, enter the file path of the file that you want to send.

Last Send

Select this check box if this is the last file that you are sending for the year.


Select the responsible party for this file. Values are Accountant, CFI, and Institution.

Override Accountancy Mutation

Select this check box to override Accountancy Mutation Stop settings. If you select this check box, the batch process sends mutations that are usually not allowed during the accountancy stop period.

Selected Students Only

This check box is available only if the Exclude/Include Students check box is selected on the Install Options BRON page. Select the check box to activate settings from BRON set up for this Batch file creation run.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the BRON File Before Sending

This section discusses how to view the outgoing file data. before sending it to BRON.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review the BRON File Before Sending

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Maintain Before Send


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Maintain Before Send, BRON Maintain Before Send

View the outgoing file data before sending to BRON.

View/Maintain Key Data


Click the Key link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View key data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Key Change Data


Click the Key Ch (key change) link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View key change data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Personal Data


Click the Pers (personal) link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View personal data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Enrollment Data


Click the Enroll (enrollment) link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View enrollment data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Period Data


Click the Period link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View period data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain BPV Data


Click the BPV link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View BPV data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Result Data


Click the Result link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View result data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Enrollment Data


Click the Enroll (enrollment) link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View enrollment data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Result Data


Click the Result link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View result data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Subject Data


Click the Subject link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View subject data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain NT2 Data


Click the NT2 link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View NT2 data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Exam Period Data


Click the Exam link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View exam period data from the outgoing data file.

View/Maintain Exam Subjects Data


Click the Exam Subjects link on the BRON Maintain Before Send page.

View exam subject data from the outgoing data file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Outgoing File Data

Access the Maintain BRONBatch before send page.


Click to view general identification data of a BRON mutation and student. This relates to the record type 305 in the BRON delivery file.

Key Ch (key change)

Click to view the key change information (changes in SOFI number, address, birth date, and gender). This relates to the record type 306 in the BRON delivery file.

Pers (personal)

Click to view the student's personal data. This relates to record type 310 in the BRON delivery file. This data is created only when no SOFI number or Educational number is known to identify the student. BRON uses this information to track down the person in GBA.

Enroll (enrollment)

Click to view general information about a specific enrollment. This relates to record types 320, 325, and 330 of the BRON delivery file.


Click to view funding codes by BRON period. This relates to record type 321 of the BRON delivery file. This is used only for BRON sector Professional Education.


Click to view the BPV (internship training at external organizations) data for this enrollment. This relates to record type 322 of the BRON delivery file. This is used only for BRON sector Professional Education.


Click to view result data belonging to the enrollment. This relates to record types 323, 326, and 331 of the BRON delivery file.


Click to view course data belonging to this enrollment. This relates to record types 327 and 332 of the BRON delivery file. This does not apply to the BRON sector Professional Education.


Click to view NT2 data that is related to the enrollment. This relates to record type 328. This is used only for BRON sector Education.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing BRON History by Student

This section discusses how to view BRON history by student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used To View BRON History by Student

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON History per Student


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON History per student, BRON History per student

Review data sent to BRON and received from BRON per student. You can create subsets of information—for example, specify a record type, file record status, and narrow the selection of fields that appear.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing BRON History by Student

Access the BRON history per student page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON History per student, BRON History per student).

Selection Criteria

You can alter the subset of information that appears by toggling the Selection Criteria fields as well as specify which particular fields from the subset appear on the page.

Fetch Data

Click this button to refresh the page data after the selection criteria have been changed.

Last Sequence Nbr

Enter the last sequence number to view data from this batch number only.

Record Type

Select a record type. Only data from the specified record type appears.

Record Status

Select a record status. Only data with this status appears. Select from: Approved, Created, Rejected, and Sent.

Enrollment Sequence number

Use in combination with the Enrollments check box to show enrollments records fields with specified enrollment sequence number only.

Academic Career and Student Career Nbr

Enter values here to select data for only the academic career and career number that you specify.


Toggle one or more of the fields in the Show group box to affect the fields that appear in the BRON Delivery History Grid.

Returnfile Information

If you select this check box, the grid fields BRON-signals and Message appear.


If you select this check box, the grid fields NID (Social Security Number), Educ Number (Education Number), Date of Birth, Sex (Gender) and Postal Code appear.

Key Change

If you select this check box, the grid fields Mod SOFI nr. (changed Social Security Number), Mod Birthdt (changed Date of Birth), Mod Sex (changed Gender), Mod. Postal (changed Postal Code) and Mod Ctry Cd (changed Country Code from Address) appear.

Personal Data

If you select this check box, the grid fields Last Name, Name Royal Prefix and First Name appear.

Key Values PS

If you select this check box, the grid fields Academic Career, Career Number, Effective date, Seq (Effective Sequence), Acad Prog (Academic Program), Approved Academic Load, and Form of Study appear.


If you select this check box, the grid fields Enrollment Seq Num (Enrollment sequence number), HEGIS Code, BRON Car (BRON Career), BRON Intensity, Original Enrollment Date, Leave Date (OWO contract date), Real Lv Dt (Real Leave Date from academic program) appear.

Period Data

If you select this check box, the grid fields Term Begin Date and Funding appear.


If you select this check box, the grid fields BPV Sequence Number, Contract date BPV, Planned end date BPV, Real End date BPV, BRON Internship Company, Knowledge Centre ID BRON BPV, LOB Code, External Organization ID BRON, Organization Location BRON, Name Organization BRON BPV, Postal code Organization BPV, Nbr Organization BPV, CREBO code BRON BPV appear.

Exam Results

If you select this check box, the grid fields Exam date and Indication Diploma appear.

VAVO Examination Information

If you select this check box, the grid fields Academic Year, BRON Exam Result, Title Paper, Result Paper, Internship Grade, and Applied Paper appear.

VAVO Exam Course

If you select this field, the grid fields Exam Subject, Higher Level Exam Subjects, Program level, Indication Diploma Subject, Indication paper, Result school exam, Result Exam, Result Central Exam 1, Result Central Exam 2, Result Central Exam 3, Grade 1 through Grade 3, Grade in Grade list, Indication next term, Indication certificate, Indication combination grade appear.

Education Information

If you select this check box, the grid fields subject sequence number, HEGIS Code, progress Units, Grade Date, NT2 Ability, NT2 start level, NT2 end level and Indication New arrival appear.

BRON Current Situation

This grid shows a summary of Student Academic Program status from Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging BRON Return File Processing

This section provides an overview of BRON Return File processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BRON Return File Processing

When you send mutations to BRON, BRON performs a detailed functional check to ensure that the mutations are complete and valid. BRON can approve, approve with signal, or reject mutations. Every week, normally BRON sends institutions a file showing the data it has received and whether the mutations were accepted or rejected.

You send mutations to BRON in batch. Because BRON processes these mutations separately, some mutations take longer than others. Consequently, BRON sends return files that contain individual mutations that then must be matched to the batch file in the export holding table. So the BRON Return process (SRBRONNL.sqr) imports the data return files into a return holding table and then matches the individual mutation records to the existing records in the export holding table. The process then updates the export holding table with data from the return file. The process updates the status of the mutation to accepted or rejected, and populates any signals that are attached to the file and the rejection reason, if applicable.

After you run the BRON Return process, use the BRON Return File Inq page to view rejected mutations. Correct the data in your system and create a new delivery file.

You can also generate a report to view the number of BRON file mutations that BRON received from your institution sorted by status and showing rejection reasons, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage BRON Return File Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



BRON Return Process


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Return Process, BRON Return Process

Run the BRON Return Process (SRBRONNL) to import data return files from BRON into a holding table.

BRON Return File Inquiry


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Return File Inquiry, BRON Return File Inquiry

View the BRON return files.

Display Return Key Data


Click the Key link on the BRON Return File Inq page.

View key information from the return file.

Display Return Key Change


Click the Key Ch (key change) link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View key changes from the return file.

Display Return Pers Data (display return personal data)


Click the Pers (personal) link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View personal data from the return file.

Display Return GPA Data


Click the GBA link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View GBA data from the return file.

Display Return Enrollment


Click the Enroll (enrollment) link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View enrollment information from the return file.

Display Return Period


Click the Period link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View period information from the return file.

Display Return BPV


Click the BPV link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View BPV information from the return file.

Display Return Results


Click the Exam link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View exam result information from the return file.

Display Return Errors


Click the Errors link on the BRON Return File Inquiry page.

View return file errors.

BRON Report


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Report, BRON Report

Generate the BRON Error Messages, BRON Status, and BRON Delivery Summary reports to view the number of BRON file mutations that BRON received from your institution sorted by status and showing rejection reasons, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting the BRON Return File

Access the BRON Return Process page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Return Process, BRON Return Process).


Enter the BRINcode for which you want to import return files. Define BRINcode values on the BRON Setup page.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which you want to import return files.

File Path

Enter the file path of the return file. A file path is required.

File Name

Enter the file name of the return file. A file name is required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the BRON Return File

Access the BRON Return File Inquiry page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Return File Inquiry, BRON Return File Inquiry).


Click to view general identification data of a BRON mutation and student. This relates to the record type 405 in the BRON return file. The record is identical to the send 305 record.

Key Ch (key change)

Click to view key changes (SOFInumber, address, birth date, gender). This relates to the record type 406 in the BRON return file

Pers (personal)

Click to view personal data of a student as found in GBA. This relates to record type 410 in the BRON return file. If the mutation is rejected by BRON, the content of this record is the same as in the 310 record of the delivery.


Click to view additional GBA information. This record appears when a student is found in the GBA system. This relates to the record type 411 in the BRON return file.

Enroll (enrollment)

Click to view general information about a specific enrollment. This relates to record types 420, 425, and 430 of the BRON return file.


Click to view funding code information by BRON period. This relates to record type 421 of the BRON return file. This is used only for BRON sector Professional Education.


Click to view BPV information data for this enrollment. This relates to record type 422 of the BRON return file. This applies only to the BRON sector professional education.


Click to view result data belonging to the enrollment. This relates to record types 423, 426, and 431 of the BRON return file.


Click to view course data belonging to this enrollment. This relates to record types 427 and 432 of the BRON return file. This does not apply to the BRON sector Professional Education.


Click to view NT2 data related to the enrollment. This relates to record type 428.


Click to view BRON errors and signals belonging to this mutation. This relates to record type 499.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the BRON Report

Access the BRON Report page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Report, BRON Report).


Enter the BRINcode for which you want to run the reports. The reports display information for this BRINcode only. Define BRINcode values on the BRON Setup page.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which you want to run the reports. The reports display information for this educational sector only.

Creation Date From

Enter the date from which you want to run the report. For example, if you enter 09/01/2004, only files that were created on or after that date will be included in the report.

Last Sequence Nbr (last sequence number)

Enter the last sequence number to narrow the report by sequence number.

Record Status

Select a record status to narrow the report by status. Values are: Approved, Created, Rejected, and Sent. For example, if you select Rejected, the report will list only files that were marked as rejected.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging GBA Data

This section provides an overview of GBA data and discusses how to process GBA data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding GBA Data

BRON compares the personal data that your institution sends to them with the data in the municipal basis administration (Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie or GBA). If the data that BRON has is different from the data that GBA has, BRON updates their records with the GBA data. The updated personal data from GBA is included in the return file that BRON sends to you. You must run the Process GBA Data process to compare the personal data in the return holding table to the personal data in application tables. The Process GBA Data process stores differences in the Maintain GBA Data table. Use the Maintain GBA Data page to accept or reject the GBA data. Data that has been accepted can then be posted to application tables.

The following data is updated automatically:

Note. The system overwrites existing data if the Gender, SOFI-Number, Education Number, or Birthdate field is updated. For effective-dated tables, the system inserts a new row with the current date as the effective date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage GBA Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Process GBA Data


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Update GBA Process, Process GBA Data

Compare the personal data in the return loading table with the personal data in the export loading table to populate the Maintain GBA Data page with updated personal data from GBA. Also, post the accepted updated personal data to application tables.

Maintain GBA Data


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Maintain GBA Data, Maintain GBA Data

Review and accept or reject updated personal data from GBA. You must then use the Process GBA Data page to post the accepted updated personal data to application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing GBA Data

Access the Process GBA Data page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Update GBA Process, Process GBA Data).


Enter the BRINcode for which you want to process GBA data. The system will process GBA data for this BRINcode only. Define BRINcode values on the BRON Setup page.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which you want to process GBA data.

BRON Batchnumber

Enter the batch number that you want to process. This is the batch number assigned by BRON that uniquely identifies a specific BRON return file.


Select the action that you want the Process GBA Data process to perform. Select Fill GBA Interim Table to populate an interim table so that you can accept or reject the personal data sent by BRON. Select Update GBA Data in PeopleSoft to post the accepted personal data to permanent application tables.

Update All

This field appears when you select Update GBA Data in PeopleSoft in the Action field. When you select this check box, the GBA Data update process selects the records with status accepted or the status field empty. You might leave the status field blank if you want to process all data.

Delete Not Accepted Data

This field appears when you select Update GBA Data in PeopleSoft in the Action field. Select this check box to delete all data that is marked rejected. You can accept or reject data on the Maintain GBA Data page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging BRON Snapshot Files

This section provides an overview of BRON snapshot files and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BRON Snapshot Files

BRON provides a snapshot file to CFI, who uses it to determine funding amounts for your institution. As a service, BRON also provides you the snapshot file that they send to CFI so that you can review it for accuracy and correct discrepancies.

A BRON snapshot file is a point-in-time view of:

To review and correct BRON snapshot files:

  1. Run the BRON Import Snapshot process (SAD_BR_SNAP) to import the snapshot file that BRON provides into a holding table.

  2. Run the Snapshot Compare process (SRSNCPNL) to compare the data in the snapshot holding table with the data in the export holding table.

  3. Review the Snapshot Compare report to determine whether any discrepancies exist.

  4. If you find discrepancies in the data between the snapshot and the export holding table, send a new mutation to BRON.

    At this stage, the new mutation should be accompanied by the signature of an accountant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage BRON Snapshot Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Import BRON Snapshot


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Snapshot Import, Import BRON Snapshot

Import the BRON snapshot file.

BRON Compare Snapshot


Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Snapshot Compare, BRON Compare Snapshot

Compare the data in the BRON snapshot holding table to the data in the export holding table. Use the Process Monitor to view the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting BRON Snapshot Files

Access the Import BRON Snapshot page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Snapshot Import, Import BRON Snapshot).


Enter the BRINcode for which you want to import the snapshot file. Define BRINcode values on the BRON Setup page.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which you want to import the snapshot file.

File Path

Enter the file path where the snapshot file is located.

File Name

Enter the name of the snapshot file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing the BRON Snapshot

Access the BRON Compare Snapshot page (Student Admissions, Base Register NLD, BRON Snapshot Compare, BRON Compare Snapshot).


Enter the BRINcode for which you want to compare the snapshot file.

Educational Sector

Enter the educational sector for which you want to compare the snapshot file.

Creation Date

Enter the creation date. The creation date is part of the key in the snapshot file. On certain fixed dates, a snapshot file is sent to the institution. The creation date is part of the identification of the snapshot file. You must enter the creation date here so that the correct snapshot file can be selected for the comparison.

Status Snapshot

Enter a snapshot status. This is also part of the key in the snapshot file and is used for identification of the snapshot file. During different moments in time, several snapshot file types are sent to the institution. This status defines which snapshot file type is meant. For example, after a correction, a certain snapshot file, such as the 1st snapshot, may be sent again to the institution. Because this snapshot file has a different creation date, the identification stays unique.

Rebuild Compare Table

Select to rebuild the entire compare table. Clear this check box to only produce a snapshot compare report. You would clear this check box when you have already created a compare table and only want to produce the snapshot compare report.