Updating Application Program Actions and Statuses

This chapter provides an overview of admissions program actions and statuses and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Admissions Program Actions and Statuses

As applicants move through the admissions process, you must take action on their academic program and update their program status. You can update a single application, a group of applications, or you can use a mass change definition to update a large number of applications. When you enter new program actions, you will enter new effective dates. Thus, you can maintain a history of previous actions.

As you begin using program actions and statuses provided with Recruiting and Admissions, start with the most straightforward cases to become accustomed to the process. Then begin to work on the special cases, such as deferrals and reconsiderations.

Program status is the high level relationship a person has with an academic program. When you select a program action to change an applicant's program data, the program status often changes. Thus, the Program Action field on the Application Program Data page contains different rows of program data for a student. For example, a student goes from being an applicant to being admitted.

A program action is a change to a person's program data. An action reason indicates why a particular program action was taken, or offers a further description of the program action. For example, you can record that an applicant has withdrawn an application for an academic program. The reason you enter could be After Decision or Before Decision.

For your reference, the program actions and program statuses relevant to admissions are explained in the following table:

If you Select this Program Action:

The System Updates the Program Status to:


Readmit Application




Waitlist Offer



Conditional Admit


Admission Revocation


Administrative Withdrawal

Applicant Withdrawal


Intention to Matriculate




Data Change

Defer Decision

Defer Enrollment

Plan Change

Program Change

The same Program Status as the previous row.

Program Status values are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values require a substantial programming effort. You can, however, modify the descriptions of these values. Remember, however, that the altered description needs to retain its original meaning to avoid confusion.

The Program Status values delivered with your system that are relevant to admissions, along with their original descriptions, are:

Reviewing Admissions Program Action Definitions

The previous section details which admissions program actions set which program statuses. The chart below lists Program Action definitions and provides additional information about what happens when you choose a Program Action. Also, if any action triggers or requires an additional step, those requirements are described here.

Admissions Program Action


Additional Steps or Requirements Caused by this Action


A person has an application that is under consideration by an academic program.


Readmit Application

A person has applied to reenter a student career and academic program for which he or she already has a student record.

When you choose this action, the Career Number field becomes available for input. You must select which student record should be populated with the readmit information if the student ends up enrolling again. Additionally, if you enter this action, the admit type you enter on the Application Data page must be one associated with readmit processing.


A person who has a cancelled status for the academic program, but is being reconsidered for admission in the same applicant pool.

After an action of reconsideration is taken, you can admit the applicant. You cannot take an action of Admit if the program status is Cancelled. You must first select a Reconsideration action.


A person has been evaluated and may be eligible for admission, but you do not want to offer them admission at this time. For example, there may not be enough space in the class. The candidate is currently active on the waitlist.


Waitlist Offer

A person has been evaluated and may be eligible for admission, but you do not want to offer them admission at this time. The candidate has been offered a place on a waitlist, but has not accepted that offer.



A person has been evaluated and admitted into an academic program.

When a person has a status of admitted or higher, depending on your application center setup, the Deposits link becomes available for input. If, in your application center, you use a deposit fee code that requires you to calculate a deposit, you must calculate an enrollment deposit before you can save the page. If your application's deposit fee code does not require you to calculate a deposit, or if you do not have a deposit fee code associated with your application center, you are not required to calculate a deposit. If an application was given a status of admit through the Application Status Update process, you can run the Calculate Deposits process to calculate an enrollment deposit for those applications.

Conditional Admit

A person has been evaluated and accepted into an academic program on a conditional basis. Along with a Conditional Admit action you can assign a checklist code to help track the outstanding requirements for the conditions of admission.

Same as for Admit.

Admission Revocation

A person was admitted into an academic program, but it was later determined that the person did not qualify for admission. The individual was assigned a Cancelled status from an Admitted or Active status.

When revoking admission for a person who has a current action of Matriculation, and therefore an Active status, you must go to Records and Enrollment to take this action on the Student Program/Plan component. When you revoke admission from Records and Enrollment, the Student program information is deleted and your application information is updated as Cancelled Due to Admission Revocation. If the person never had an action of matriculation, you can add an Admission Revocation action directly in PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions.


A person has been denied admission to an academic program.


Administrative Withdrawal

A person's application to an academic program has been withdrawn from consideration for admission or from enrollment in a class. This can be done before or after an action of admit has been taken or after the applicant has achieved active status. In addition, reasons can be created to clarify when or why the application was withdrawn.


Applicant Withdrawal

A person has withdrawn from consideration for admission or from the entering class. Reasons can be created to clarify when or why the withdrawal occurred. For example, an action of applicant withdrawal with Before Decision as the reason indicates the individual withdrew early enough in the process that no admission decision had been made. A Waitlist Withdrawal reason indicates someone who did not want to accept a place on the waitlist.


Intention to Matriculate

A person has indicated intent to matriculate, but has not completed all the steps to become an active student. Reasons can be defined to clarify why the candidate is changed from an admitted status to a Prematriculant status. For example, if you require that an admitted student submit multiple deposits to secure a place in the class, after the first deposit is received, you might indicate an intention to matriculate action with a reason of First Deposit.



A person has completed all necessary steps to become an active student in an academic program.

When you enter an action of Matriculation, you must click the Create Program button that creates a record for this person in PeopleSoft Student Records. You can not save the page until you click this button. After you matriculate the applicant, the component is saved. Also, all fields become unavailable for input because this person now belongs to PeopleSoft Student Records.

Data Change

Data relative to an applicant's academic program was changed. This action records the fact that a change was made.


Defer Decision

An evaluation was performed on an application, but a decision was not made. This action records the fact that an application has been evaluated. For example, a person applies under an early notification plan. The person is evaluated but does not meet the early decision criteria. The final decision is deferred until the regular decision deadline.


Defer Enrollment

A person has been admitted and may be active for one admit term but will actually enroll in a later admit term. This action enables you to change the admit term for the applicant and record that he or she is deferring enrollment.


Plan Change

The academic plan to which an applicant is applying was changed.


Program Change

The academic program to which an applicant is applying was changed.


Click to jump to parent topicUpdating the Program Action and Status of One Application

Use the Application Program Data page to update the program action and status of one application. If you only have one application to update, do so through the Maintain Applications component.

See Also

Entering Application Program Data

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Program Actions and Statuses of Multiple Applications

This section discusses how to update program actions and statuses of multiple applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Update Program Actions and Statuses of Multiple Applications

Page Name

Definition Name



Action/Reason Entry


  • Student Admissions, Application Evaluation, Application Decisions, Action/Reason Entry

  • Student Admissions, Application Maintenance, Action/Reason Entry

Update multiple applications to an identical program action and status. If you must update a group of applications which are for the same academic program and admit term with the same program action, it is faster to do so through this page, as opposed to one at a time on the Application Program Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Program Action and Status of Multiple Applications

Access the Action/Reason Entry page (Student Admissions, Application Evaluation, Application Decisions, Action/Reason Entry or Student Admissions, Application Maintenance, Action/Reason Entry).

Note. Admissions application records use the Last Admit Term value to determine if the program should appear in the prompt. If the Last Admit Term field is populated on the Academic Program Table (ACAD_PROG_TBL), and the term is less than or equal to the term selected for the ID, the system does not display the value in the prompt.

Admit Term

Enter an admit term. Admit terms are defined on the Term Values Table page.

Program Action

Enter the program action to be entered on the applications you are updating. Field values are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Action Reason

Enter an action reason to be entered on the applications if you have defined any reasons for this program action. Values for this field are defined in the Action Reason Table page.

Action Date

The default for the action date is your system date.

Seq (sequence)

If the action you are taking has the same date as the current action, enter a 1. Enter a 2 for another action on the same date. The default sequence is 0.

Application Number and ID

Enter the first application number to be processed. The ID displays. If you do not know the application number, prompt on the ID field.

Program Number

Enter the program number if the application has multiple program numbers. When you navigate out of this page or click the Refresh button, you can verify that you have the correct person and application by reviewing the information displayed in the Program Data and Program Status group boxes.

Create Program

After entering an application number, click this button to update the program data for the application number that you enter. This button is only available to click if you entered a program action of MATR.

Calculate Deposits

Click this link to calculate deposits. The Calculate Deposits page appears. This link appears if you have entered a program action of ADMT and you have set up deposits for the application center.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Program Actions and Statuses Using Mass Change

This section provides an overview of how to update program actions and statuses using mass change and discusses how to run the Application Program Update process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Application Program Action and Status Updates

If you have a large number of applications you want to update with the same program action, action reason, and academic program status, you can use a background process.

To update program actions and statuses of multiple applications:

  1. Set up your Mass Change Definition.

    Use the Mass Change Definition - Description page to enter your mass change definition. The mass change definition defines the criteria for selecting which applications should be updated. PeopleSoft provides a sample mass change definition called Application Program Update Select. However, your institution might have defined its own mass change definition for updating program information, or your institution might have changed the shipped sample.

    See PeopleTools PeopleBook

  2. Specify your Mass Change Criteria and Defaults.

    Use the Mass Change Definition - Criteria and Defaults page to set up your mass change criteria. You also choose the program action and action reason codes to be added to the selected application records. The system automatically updates the program status according to the action taken.

    There is one SQL statement execution sequence for this Mass Change Definition: Select Applicant Criteria.

    In the Defaults group box, select the codes you want added to the new program row for the selected applications. You may select values for program action and action reason. For example, you might be updating these applications with a program action of DENY, and an action reason of AUTO. These two fields are stored on the Application Program Data page.

  3. Generate your SQL Statement to select the applications to be updated.

    Use the Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page to generate the SQL statement for this mass change definition. Click the Clear Sw button then the Generate SQL button so do this. After generating the SQL, select Save. After setting up your mass change definition and generating your SQL statement, you are ready to process your mass change.

  4. Run a Mass Change Group to select the applications to be updated.

    Use the Run Mass Change page to process your mass change and select the actual applications to be updated during the Application Program Update process. This process selects the actual applications to be updated.

    Because you want to delete any data in the temp file before running this process, you can use a mass change group that PeopleSoft provides, which deletes the temp using the delivered Communication - Delete Temp mass change definition and runs your Application Prog Update Select mass change definition.

    Select Application Prog Update Base in the Mass Change Group ID field. If you want to create a different Mass Change Group or modify Application Prog Update Base, use the Mass Change Group component before running the mass change group on Run Mass Change. On Run Mass Change, click the Execute Mass Change Group radio button to make the Mass Change Group ID field available for selection.

  5. Run the Application Program Update process to do the actual updating of applications.

    Use the Application Program Update page to update the program data of the selected applications. A new row of program data is added to the selected applications on the Application Program Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Application Program Update Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Application Program Update


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Update Applications, Application Program Update

Update the program data of the selected applications.

This process uses the applicants selected when running the mass change group to insert the program action and program reason defined on the Criteria and Defaults page of the Mass Change Definition component. You must first process your mass change group before running the application program update process.

Mass Change Definition


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition

Define criteria for applications to be updated.

Mass Change Group


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Group

Define the execution sequence for the mass change definitions.

Run Mass Change


Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Run Mass Change

Run the mass change group to select the application to be updated via the application program update process.