Deleting Prospect and Applicant Information

This chapter provides an overview of the prospect and application deletion processes, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Prospect Delete and Application Delete Processes

You can only delete prospect records and applications for which you have appropriate recruiting center and application center security.

See Securing Recruiting and Admissions.

You can delete prospect records and applications:

Use the group delete process to delete groups of prospect records or applications that you no longer want to keep in your database—for example, once a semester, you might delete all prospect records that are five years old and for which no application exists. You might use the individual delete process at the end of each day, to delete prospect records or applications entered in error.

You can delete all academic career information for prospects or applicants or only information for a specific academic career, when multiple careers exist. In either case, the processes delete prospect or applicant data from all tables in which the data resides.

You also have the option to delete the communications, checklists, and comments (3Cs) associated with the prospect record or application.

Before running the delete process, you can access the holding table to remove records that you no longer want to delete or to change the 3Cs that you want to delete.

Important! The Prospect Delete and Application Delete processes are designed strictly as cleanup tools. They are not to be used to delete an ID from the database. PeopleSoft Campus Community has the ID Delete function for that task.

How Prospect Delete and Application Delete Relate to ID Delete

Although the Prospect Delete and Application Delete processes remove prospect records and applications from database tables, the identification number and personal data still remain in the system. If you need to delete this information, use the ID Delete functionality.

The ID Delete process, because of its primary objective to maintain referential integrity, searches for the presence of critical data in high-level tables before it deletes individual identification numbers. If it finds no data for the identification number, it proceeds with the deletion. However, if it does find data, it cancels the deletion and displays a message of explanation.

The Prospect Delete and Application Delete processes prepare records for ID Delete when:

When you create prospect records and applications, the system writes a corresponding row to the STDNT_CAREER table for each career of the prospect or applicant. The STDNT_CAREER table is one of the control tables that the ID Delete process searches before it deletes an identification number. To ensure that you can delete an identification number after a corresponding prospect record or application is deleted, the Prospect Delete and Application Delete processes check for critical data elements to determine if the identification number for the prospect or applicant meets certain conditions. If the identification number meets those conditions and if it meets all the requirements of the ID Delete feature, then the processes delete the identification number from the STDNT_CAREER table and the identification number becomes eligible for ID delete.

Likewise, when your institution processes application fees and enrollment deposits, the system writes a corresponding row to the ITEM_SF table, and this data flows up to the ACCOUNT_SF table (one of the four control tables in the ID Delete feature). In the ITEM_SF table, the Applicant Delete process changes the Application Number Deleted field from No, the default, to Yes.

The Prospect Delete and Application Delete processes remove data from the ID Delete control tables only if the data came from Recruiting and Admissions processes. They do not remove data that originated from other applications in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

See Also

Deleting Individual IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

This section lists common elements.


You can delete the 3C information that is associated with prospect and application records.

Delete Communications, Delete Checklists, and Delete Comments

Select the appropriate check boxes to delete any associated 3Cs that are assigned to prospect or application records.

Only 3Cs with the administrative functions PSSV, PROS, or PROP for prospect records and ADMA or ADMP for applications, where the variable data matches the prospect or application record, will be deleted.

By Population

The By Population group box appears when the Population Selection process is selected. The population selection process is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The By Population group box functions in the same way as the Population Selection group box, which is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction.

Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process, and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes.

If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Selection Tool

Select a tool to create the group of prospect records that you want to delete. Values are: Equation Engine, External File, and PS Query. The fields in this group box change depending on your selection.

Query Name

A number of queries are delivered with the PS Query tool. If you run queries other than those that are delivered, you must include the appropriate bind record in your query or it will not appear when you select the prompt to view the available queries.

The bind record for prospect delete is SAD_PRS_DEL_BND. Your query must also contain the following values: EMPLID, INSTITUTION and ACAD_CAREER.

The bind record for application delete is SAD_APP_DEL_BND. Your query must also contain the following values: EMPLID and ADM_APPL_NBR.

Click the Preview Selection Results link to verify that the records that you selected are the ones that you want to delete. Click the Run button to insert the records into the Prospect Delete Holding table or into the Application Delete Holding table.

Adding Multiple Rows

Save data entry time by adding multiple rows.

Click to add multiple rows. Unused rows are deleted when you save.

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Prospect Records

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Delete Prospect Records

Page Name

Definition Name



Delete Prospect Record


Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Delete Prospect Record

Select individual prospect records for deletion.

Prospect Delete by Batch


Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete by Batch

Select a group of prospect records for deletion.

Prospect Delete Holding


Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete Holding

Review the prospect records that you selected for deletion and remove any that you no longer want to delete.

Prospect Delete Process


Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete Process

Run the Prospect Delete process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Individual Prospect Records to Delete

Access the Delete Prospect Record page (Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Delete Prospect Record).

Enter a value in the ID field. If only one prospect record exists, the institution and career will appear automatically. If a prospect has multiple institution or career records, you must enter a row for each record that you want to delete.

For each prospect record, select the 3Cs, if any, that you want to delete.

Prospect Details

Select the Prospect Details tab.

View additional information about the records that you have selected on this page.

When you save this page, the selected records are inserted into the Prospect Delete Holding table, where they are stored until you run the Prospect Delete process. If you enter an ID for a prospect for which a record already exists in the holding table, you will receive an error message and will not be able to add the prospect.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Group of Prospect Records to Delete

Access the Prospect Delete by Batch page (Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete by Batch).

3C PROS/PROP/PSSV Delete Optns (3C PROS/PROP/PSSV delete options)

Select the 3Cs, if any, that you want to delete. Your selection will apply to all prospect records in the group. You can update the 3C information for individual records in the group by accessing the Prospect Delete Holding table after you run the process.

Running the Process

Click Run to run the Prospect Delete by Batch Application Engine (SAD_PRS_DEL) process using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. This process inserts all the selected records into the Prospect Delete Holding table if they do not already exist there.

Once the process runs successfully, view the message log to confirm how many records were selected (SAD_PRS_DEL_TGT) and how many records were inserted into the holding table (ADM_PRS_DELC).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Prospect Delete Holding Table

Access the Prospect Delete Holding page (Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete Holding).

The Prospect Delete Holding table contains all the records that you have selected for deletion, whether individually or in a group. Review these records before you run the Prospect Delete process.

You can:

Click the Prospect Data link to access the Create/Update Prospects component, where you can view additional prospect information and determine whether to remove a record from the holding table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Prospect Delete Process

Access the Prospect Delete Process page (Student Recruiting, Delete Prospects, Prospect Delete Process).

Click Run to run the Prospect Delete process using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. This process deletes all the records in the Prospect Delete Holding table.

Technical Information

To prepare records for the optional ID Delete process, the Prospect Delete process analyzes whether data should be deleted from the STDNT_CAREER table as follows:

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Applications

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can delete an application:

  1. Select Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan.

  2. On the Student Program page, make sure that the applicant is not an active student in the academic career corresponding to the application.

    If the applicant has matriculated, delete the student records for the academic career and academic program corresponding to the application. Scroll to find and delete only the rows that correspond to the same academic career and academic program as the current application.

    If the applicant matriculated in multiple academic programs in the same academic career and one of them is valid, you can still run the Application Delete process. However, the applicant does not qualify for subsequent ID deletion because the applicant still has a relationship, as a student, in another academic program within the institution.

  3. Select Student Admissions, Application Maintenance, Maintain Applications, Application Program Data.

  4. On the Application Program Data page, determine whether the applicant has another application in the same academic career corresponding to this application but in a different academic program.

    If the applicant has another application in the academic career, you can still run the Application Delete process. However, the applicant does not qualify for subsequent ID deletion because the applicant still has a relationship, as an applicant, in another academic program within the institution.

Note. If a prospect record exists for the applicant, the applicant does not qualify for subsequent ID deletion because the applicant has a relationship, as a prospect, with the institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Delete Applications

Page Name

Definition Name



Delete an Application


Student Admissions, Application Delete, Delete an Application

Select individual applications for deletion.

Application Delete by Batch


Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete by Batch

Select a group of applications for deletion.

Application Delete Holding


Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete Holding

Review the application records that you selected for deletion and remove any that you no longer want to delete.

Application Delete Process


Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete Process

Run the Application Delete process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Individual Applications to Delete

Access the Delete an Application page (Student Admissions, Application Delete, Delete an Application).

You can search by ID to find the application number of the record that you want to delete.

For each application, select the 3Cs, if any, that you want to delete.

Application Details

Select the Application Details tab.

View further information about the records that you have selected.

When you save the page, the selected records are inserted into the Application Delete Holding table, where they are stored until you run the Application Delete process. If you enter an ID for an application for which a record already exists in the holding table, you will receive an error message and you will not be able to add the application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Group of Applications to Delete

Access the Application Delete by Batch page (Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete by Batch).

3C ADMA/ADMP Delete Options

Select the 3Cs, if any, that you want to delete. Your selection will apply to all application records in the group. You can update 3C information for individual records in the group by accessing the Application Delete Holding table after you run the process.

Running the Process

Click Run to run the Application Delete by Batch Application Engine (SAD_APP_DEL) process using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. This process inserts all the selected records into the Application Delete Holding table if they do not already exist there.

Once the process runs successfully, view the message log to confirm how many records were selected (SAD_APP_DEL_TGT ) and how many records were inserted into the holding table (ADM_APP_DELC).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Application Delete Holding Table

Access the Application Delete Holding page (Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete Holding).

The Application Delete Holding table contains all the records that you have selected for deletion, whether individually or in a group. Review these records before you run the Application Delete process.

You can:

Click the Application Data link to access the Maintain Applications component, where you can view additional applicant information and determine whether to remove a record from the holding table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Application Delete Process

Access the Application Delete Process page (Student Admissions, Application Delete, Application Delete Process).

Click Run to run the Application Delete process using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. All application records will be deleted from the holding table.

Technical Information

To prepare records for the optional ID Delete process, the Application Delete process analyzes whether data should be deleted from the ID Delete control tables: