Setting Up Student Groups

This section provides an overview of student groups and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Groups

Student groups enable you to define groups of similar students at a high level, such as athletes, student body officers, or honor students. Creating groups of students enables you to track and use the students within a group for campus-wide processing, such as billing, academic advising, or financial aid awarding.

Note. You can assign only students from the same institution to a student group.

Student group security enables you to assign student groups to a user ID. At least one user ID should have update access to a student group for assignment and processing purposes.

Mass assignment allows a user to create, or update multiple students using a single run control process. Mass assignment is now available for student groups. The process incorporates population selection along with the ability to assign individual ID's for student group assignment.

Users can also view the student groups to which they have access, either by student or by group.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Student Group

To set up a student group, use the Student Group Table component (STDNT_GROUP_TBL).

The system does not deliver any predefined student groups, so you need to define your own to meet your institution's needs. You can add one or multiple groups. Each group will need a enter a unique four-character letter identifier such as ATHL for Athletics, EXTL for external student, or ACDX for Academic Excellence.

This section discusses how to set up a student group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up a Student Group

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Group Table


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Student Group Table

Set up a new student group or view an existing student group definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Student Group

Access the Student Group Table page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Student Group Table).

Effective Date

Enter the date the student group is created.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Student Group Security

To set up security for a student group user ID, use the Student Group Security component (SCRTY_TBL_STGP).

This section discusses how to set up user ID security access for student groups.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Student Group Security


Set Up SACR, Security, Secure, Student Administration, User ID, Student Group Security

Set up the user ID security access for student groups. Modify a user ID's student group security access.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a User ID's Student Group Security

Access the Student Group Security page (Set Up SACR, Security, Secure, Student Administration, User ID, Student Group Security).

Security Settings

Student Group

Enter the student group to which the ID should have access.

Inquiry Indicator

Select to allow the user to view this student group.

Update Indicator

Select to allow the user to view and modify this student group.

The system automatically selects the Inquiry Indicator when you select the Update Indicator check box.

You can add an additional five user ID security access for student groups.

See Replacing User Security.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Student Group by Group

To view a student group by group, use the View Student Groups by Group component (STDNT_GROUPS_INQG).

This section discusses how to view a student group by group.

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Definition Name



View Student Groups by Group


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, View Student Groups by Group

Display student groups to which you have access, by group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Student Groups by Group

Access the View Student Groups by Group page (Set Up SACR, Common Definition, View Student Groups by Group).

Select Effective Dates

Enter the type of effective dates to view. Values are:

All: Returns all student groups and displays all effective-dated rows for each group.

Most Current (Any Status): Returns all student groups and displays only the most current effective-dated row, regardless of status.

Most Current Active: Displays the most current active student group row.

Most Current Inactive: Displays the most current inactive status student group row.

Get Results

Click to view the list of student groups that match the selected effective date search criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicManually Assigning a Student to Student Groups

To manually assign a student to a student group, use the Student Groups component (STDNT_GROUPS_PERS).

This section discusses how to manually assign a student to student groups.

You can access the Student Groups page through multiple navigation paths. The primary path appears first.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Student Groups


  • Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Groups

  • Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Student Groups

  • Student Admission, Application Entry, Academic Information, Student Groups

Activate, inactivate, or delete a student from a student group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Student to a Student Group

Access the Student Groups page (Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Groups).

Student Group

Enter the student group to which you want to assign the student.

Effective Date

Enter the date the assignment to the group takes effect.


Enter Active or Inactive.


Enter comments for your reference about the student group.

Last Update Date/Time

Displays the date and time the record was updated.

Updated By

Displays the user ID responsible for updating the student group.


Indicates whether the record was processed manually or by mass update. When updated through the mass process, the program name appears.

Click to jump to parent topic Assigning a Group of Students to a Student Group

To run the process to assign a group of students to a student group, use the Process Student Group component (RUNCTL_STD_GRPS).

The process for assigning a group of students to a student group can be run with or without Population Selection selected. If you use the Population Selection PS Query option, you must include the STDNT_GRP_BIND record in the query to place it in the list of eligible queries on the Process Student Group page.

This section discusses how to run the student group process.

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Process Student Groups


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Process Student Groups

Run the Student Group process to assign a group of students to a student group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student Group Process

Access the Process Student Groups page (Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Process Student Groups).

Population Selection

This group box appears when the Population Selection process is selected.

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tool that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes.

If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a student group transactions, you must use it.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Student Group Data

Academic Institution

Displays the user's default institution. You can change this value. The process selects IDs only from the institution specified in the Academic Institution field.

Student Group

Enter the student group for mass ID assignment.

Effective Date

Enter an effective date to use for all of the IDs assigned to the student group during this run of the process.

The default value is the current system date.

Effective Status

Select Active or Inactive.


Enter a comment that you want to assign to each student for the process.

Student Override

You can use the student override function to enter student IDs individually for assignment to a student group. You can use this function in conjunction with the Population Selection option. If you use both features, the student override function processes first. If duplicate IDs exist in the student override function and the population selection function and the effective dates are the same, only one row will be inserted using the student override status, regardless of status. If the effective dates differ, then a row will be inserted for each process instance.

Student Override

Select to enable overrides and to display fields where you can specify the IDs to override.

Empl ID

Enter the student's ID.

Effective Date

Enter an effective date for each ID for the process instance. The effective dates can be different for each ID.

The default value is the effective date that appears in the Student Group Data group box. If you enter a new date in this field, then this date will be provided by default to each record entered.

Effective Status

Enter the status for each ID for the process instance. The status can be different for each ID.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Student Groups by Student

To view a student group by student, use the View Student Groups by Student component (STDNT_GROUPS_INQS).

This section discusses how to view a student group by student.

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Page Name

Definition Name



View Student Groups by Student


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, View Student Groups by Student

Display student groups to which you have access, by student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Student Group by Student

Access the View Student Groups by Student page (Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, View Student Groups by Student).

Select Effective Dates

Enter the type of effective dates to view. Values are:

All: Returns all student groups and displays all effective-dated rows for each group.

Most Current (Any Status): Returns all student groups and displays only the most current effective-dated row, regardless of status.

Most Current Active: Displays the most current active student group row.

Most Current Inactive: Displays the most current inactive status student group row.

Range Selection

Enter a range of student groups to view. Values are:

No Range Selection: Displays the ID From and ID To fields. Unhide the Last Name From and Last Name To fields. Entering a Last Name From 'A' and Last Name To 'D' will return records with last names beginning with A to C and exclude D.

Select Emplid Range: Displays the ID From and ID To fields. Enter 0001 in the ID From field and 0010 in the ID To field to view records with IDs from 0001 through 0010.

Select Last Name Range: Displays the Last Name From and Last Name To fields. If you enter A in the Last Name From field and D in the Last Name To field, the system will return records with last names beginning with A through C but excluding D.

Get Results

Click to display the list of students in the specified student group that matches the search criteria you entered.


Click to view additional details about the ID. You will be transferred to a student group page view in correction mode. You can make changes in this view. If you make changes and click the Apply button so the View Student Groups by Student page appears. You must refresh the View Student Groups by Student page to view your changes. You can also click the OK or Cancel button to display the View Student Groups by Student page.