Setting Up Student Budgets

This chapter provides an overview of student budgets setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Budgets Setup

At the beginning of the aid-processing year, you create budgets that detail the cost of attendance (COA) for each term a student is enrolled. The COA is an estimate of a student's educational expenses for the period of enrollment. The budget helps establish a student's need (COA minus the student's expected family contribution), which permits the financial aid office to award need-based aid.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Components

To create budgets, you first create budget categories—budget components such as tuition, housing, books, transportation, and fees. Then you create individual budget items within each category. Budget items have different budget amounts to account for different student needs. For example, within the housing budget category, you might have budget items for students living with parents or relatives, living on campus, and living off campus. The amount for each item might differ depending on whether the student is enrolled part time or full time. After you define budget items, you define criteria for determining which budget item within a budget category a student is assigned using budget formulas and budget trees.

After defining budget components, you can create predefined budgets to suit groups of similar students, such as undergraduate freshmen or married graduate students. These predefined budgets are budget groups and they can be detailed or generic. Detailed budget groups permit you to assign budgets to students by using predefined budget categories, budget items, and budget amounts. Alternatively, generic budget groups permit you to have the system determine the student's budget by using predefined budget categories along with budget formulas and budget assignment controls. When you use generic budget groups, the system assigns budget amounts to the student by invoking budget formulas tied to budget categories and determining which criteria the student meets. You can use generic budget groups when creating students' budgets either in batch or online.

To create student budgets in batch or online for an individual student, the system can use either the same rules as in batch or the predefined budget groups. In the Assign Budgets component (BUDGET_ASSIGNMENT), establish the career and term of a budget, and then list the budget categories that should be assigned to students for each term. If you define generic budget groups, you can use a generic budget group to assign categories instead of adding budget categories individually. For background processing only, define the budget run control, which selects the careers and terms for which to assign budgets, as well as work table maintenance options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Assignment Formulas

Budget formulas and trees provide criteria for selecting which students receive a particular budget item. If you do not define a budget formula or tree for a budget item, students do not receive that budget item unless you assign it manually. Budget formula selection criteria are based on the values from selected database fields. Housing formulas, for example, could calculate various housing amounts for on-campus, off-campus, parent-supplied, and married housing.

Define a budget formula for all budget items that do not vary based on postal code (distance). To select budget items based on distance (such as transportation costs), use a budget tree.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Components

To set up budget components, use the Budget Categories (BUDGET_CATG_TBL), Budget Items (BUDGET_ITEM_TABLE), Budget Formulas (BUDGET_FORMULA), and Budget Trees (BUDGET_TREE_TBL) components. Use the BUDGET_ITEM_TABLE component interface to load the data into the tables for this component interface.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Formula Number

Displays a system-generated number assigned to each formula that you add. Each effective-dated row has a separate sequence of formula numbers.

Processing Order

This order ranks each budget item relative to the other items within the budget category. The system evaluates the budget items against the student's record and assigns budget items in the order defined by this rank.


Displays the budget amount for the selected budget item code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Budget Components

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Budget Categories


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Categories

Define the various components of your institutional budget, such as tuition, books, and transportation.

Copy Budget Category Data


Click the Copy Setup Data button on the Create Budget Categories page.

Copy setup data on the Create Budget Categories page from one combination of academic institution and aid year to another.

Create Budget Items


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Items, Create Budget Items

Define budget items, term amounts, and Pell annual amounts assigned to a student for each budget category.

Pell Adjustments


Click the Pell Adjustments link on the Create Budget Items page.

Adjust the Pell budget using percentages based on the student's financial aid load value.

Copy Budget Item Data


Click the Copy Setup Data button on the Create Budget Items page.

Copy information on the Create Budget Items page from one combination of academic institution, aid year, and budget item category to another.

Budget Formula


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Formulas, Budget Formula

Create formulas that define eligible students for a budget item.

Copy Budget Formula Data


Click the Copy Setup Data button on the Budget Formula page.

Copy setup data on the Budget Formula page from one academic institution, aid year, and budget category combination to another.

Budget Formula Groups


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Formulas, Budget Formula Groups

Designate the student groups applicable to the formula in progress. For example, you can have special awarding considerations for your student athletes who are also honor students.

Create Budget Trees


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Trees, Create Budget Trees

Assign a particular detailed value, or tree node, to a budget item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Categories

Access the Create Budget Categories page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Categories).


Enter a four-character code for each budget component. All academic careers share budget categories.

You must create a tuition budget category called TUIT to select the Match Fees check box on the Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page. When you select this check box, the authorization process automatically checks for the amount of tuition using the TUIT budget category.

Item Class

The system calculates the federal COA and institutional COA (optional) by totaling the budget categories—and, therefore, budget items—designated for each COA. A budget category's item class designates whether the budget category contributes to the federal and institutional COA or contributes only to the institutional COA. The federal COA is the sum of budget amounts for budget categories designated as Federal. The institutional COA is the sum of budget amounts for budget categories designated as either Federal or Institutional. For example, books are a federal budget category and count towards both the federal COA and institutional COA, while a computer is an institutional budget category and counts only towards the institutional COA. Leave this field blank if the budget category does not contribute to either the federal or institutional COA.

Pell Category

This field is available only for budget categories with an item class of Federal. The Pell category associates this budget category (and the category's budget items) with the Pell budget (Pell Annual COA), the Pell Less Than Half-Time budget (Pell LTHT Annual COA), and Alternate Pell budget (Alternate Pell Annual COA). If a budget category does not count toward the Pell budget, Pell LTHT budget, or Alternate Pell budget, leave this field blank. Otherwise, select from the following:

Books: Designates the cost of books. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA calculation.

Child Care: Designates dependent child care costs. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA (if allowed), and the Alternate Pell COA calculation.

Disability: Designates disability-related costs for a student. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA calculation and Alternate Pell COA calculation.

Fees: Designates a fee charged by the institution. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA calculation.

Housing: Designates housing costs. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA calculation.

Loan Fees: Designates estimated loan fee costs if the student receives loans. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA calculation.

Personal: Designates an estimated amount for miscellaneous personal costs. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA calculation.

Transport: Designates transport costs. Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA calculation.

Tuition: Designates tuition costs only (does not include student activity fees and other types of fees). Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA calculation and the Alternate Pell COA calculation.

Note. If your institution charges fees in lieu of tuition or charges enrollment-based fees in addition to tuition charges, assign these tuition fees a Pell category of Tuition. The alternate Pell cost of attendance is calculated by summing the budget items with Pell categories of Tuition, Child Care, and Disability.

Copy Setup Data

Click to access the Copy Budget Category Data page, from which you can copy the information from one combination of academic institution and aid year to another.

See Also

Awarding Pell Grants

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Items

Access the Create Budget Items page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Items, Create Budget Items).

You can have multiple budget items for each category. If the budget amounts within a category differ depending on the type of term, you must create a separate budget item for each term.

Budget Item Code

Enter a code to identify budget items within a category. For example, the Housing budget category could have separate budget items for students living on campus, off campus, with parents, and in married student housing.

Budget Item Amount

Enter the amount per term for this budget item. Financial aid budgets, except for Pell budgets, are term-specific, so each budget item should reflect the term amount for that budget item.

Budget Multiplier

Select to multiply the budget item amount by a student's value for a particular field. Then select a field from the available list. The system takes the budget item amount and multiplies it by the value of the budget multiplier field. The available budget multiplier fields are:












Use the budget multiplier to build budget items on a per unit or per week basis. For example, if you charge tuition based on the number of units that a student takes, you can enter the per unit amount as the budget item amount. Then select the Budget Multiplier check box and select a field that represents units (options include FA units taken, units anticipated, units in progress, and current units).

The budget multiplier can also reduce the budget item amount for students who are not taking a full load or who receive a refund. Because these field values are a percentage, they can reduce the budget item amount. For example, to adjust a books budget item based on the student's course load, you select the Budget Multiplier check box and select COURSE_LD_PCT as the multiplier. Full-time students would receive 100 percent of the budget item amount, three-quarter-time students would receive 75 percent, and so on.

Pell Annual Amount

Available only for budget categories assigned to a Pell category on the Create Budget Categories page. Enter the annual—not term—Pell budget for this item.

The budget multiplier does not affect the Pell annual amount.

Note. Because graduate students are not eligible for Pell Grants, leave this field blank for graduate students.

Pell Less Half Annual Amount

Available only for budget categories assigned to a Pell category on the Create Budget Categories page. Enter the annual—not term—Pell budget for this item. Displays the Pell amount for less than half-time enrollment.

Copy Setup Data

Click to access the Copy Budget Item Data page and copy the information on this page from one combination of academic institution, aid year, and budget item category to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Formulas

Access the Budget Formula page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Formulas, Budget Formula).

Effective Date

The Effective Date field on this page dictates which effective-dated translate table to use when retrieving valid values for each Field Name used in the Formula Definition. For example, the U.S. Department of Education changed the Housing Code value for the 2009-2010 aid year as follows: 2 is With Parent and 3 is Off Campus. To accommodate this change, the Effective Date field on the Housing Type translate table was changed to 31–Oct-2009.

Note. Always review Budget formulas when valid field values are updated. A new effective-dated row may be necessary to use the proper field values.

Formula Detail

Budget Item Code

Select the budget item for which you are defining a formula.

Budget Multiplier

Selected if you selected it on the Create Budget Items page. The multiplier field that you selected also appears.

Copy Setup Data

Click to access the Copy Budget Formula Data page and copy setup data on the Budget Formula page from one academic institution, aid year, and budget category combination to another.

Formula Definition

Create a budget formula to define a student's eligibility for this item. For example, if the student must be an undergraduate, the field name would be ACAD_CAREER, the operation would be = (equals), and the field value would be UGRD.

Field Name

A set of predefined fields that enable you to compose selection criteria to assign budget items. The Values for Field Name subtopic lists the available values.

Note. If you select STDNT_GROUP as the field name, use the Budget Formula Groups page to specify field values and operations for the STDNT_GROUP criteria.


Indicates the relationship between the field name and its field value used to select students. The Available Operations subtopic describes the functions of the available values.

Field Value

Select a field value that indicates the required value of the field from Field Name. The system displays only field values related to the selected field name.


Select an AND/OR connector to indicate that other field names, statements, or criteria must be included in this formula. For example, a student must be an undergraduate AND have full time enrollment for a book allowance; the graduate student must be a graduate AND be enrolled in fall OR spring terms to be eligible for a study trip allowance. If you create conditional statements, the system processes only simple OR statements. Each conditional statement must be mutually exclusive.

Note. Do not select an AND/OR connector in the last row of your formula.

Values for Field Name

This table lists all available field names from which you compose selection criteria to assign budget items.

Select only field names that are valid for the particular aid year.

Budget Formula Field Names


















































































Available Operations

This table describes the operations that are available to establish the relationship between the field name and its field value used to select students.




Less than


Less than or equal to


Not equal to




Greater than


Greater than or equal to


Is blank



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Formula Groups

Access the Budget Formula Groups page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Formulas, Budget Formula Groups).

Use this page only if you indicate the field name STDNT_GROUP within the Formula Definition group box on the Budget Formula page.


Enter the relationship between the student group and its value.

Field Value

Enter the value for the student group.


Select an AND/OR connector to include more than one student group in the criteria statement. For example, the student must be an athlete AND an honor student. Do not select an AND/OR connector in the last row of your formula.

See Also

Managing Student Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Assignment Trees

Access the Create Budget Trees page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Trees, Create Budget Trees).

Financial Aid delivers a tree that contains all of the postal codes in the United States, which you can use to assign budget amounts based on geographic distance to your institution.

Important! The FA_ZIPCODE_REGION Budget Tree is delivered with the system. Changing the delivered tree or adding a budget tree requires code changes to accommodate a new tree name and ongoing system support. To create an institution-specific tree without making coding changes, use the same name as the delivered tree.

Budget Item Code

Select the budget item for which you are using a tree to determine the student's eligibility.

Field Name

Enter the field name against which to compare tree values. The default value is Postal, which indicates that postal codes in the tree should be compared against the student's postal code.


Select Within or Not Within to have the system look within or outside of the field name, in or out of the postal code in this example. For example, you assign 400.00 USD to students whose postal region is within Region 2. Then, you assign 600.00 USD to all students whose postal region is not within Region 2.

Tree Name and Tree Node

Displays the name and node of the tree being used to determine whether the student should be assigned this budget amount. The default tree is FA_ZIPCODE_REGION.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Budget Groups

To set up budget groups, use the Budget Groups component (BUDGET_GROUP_TABLE). Use the BUDGET_GROUP_TABLE_CI component interface to load the data into the tables for these component interfaces.

Budget groups define a budget for groups of similar students, such as undergraduate freshmen, out-of-state residents, or married graduate students. You can use a budget group to assign a term budget online to a single student quickly. For example, you can create a budget group for undergraduate in-state residents for the 2005 spring term. Then you can create a term budget for spring 2005 using this budget group for a resident undergraduate student on the Student Budget Maintenance page.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Budget Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Budget Group


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Groups, Create Budget Group

Group budget items and associate the budget group with selected students within a specific aid year, career, and term.

Copy Budget Group Data


Click the Copy Setup Data button on the Create Budget Group page.

Copy setup data on the Create Budget Group page from one budget group code, academic institution, aid year, academic career, and term combination to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Detailed Budget Groups

Access the Create Budget Group page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Groups, Create Budget Group).

Cost of Attendance (Term)

The values in this group box change when you add or subtract budget items or alter budget item amounts.

Inst COA (institutional cost of attendance)

Displays the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget group that have an item class of Federal or Institutional. The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if you designate institutional methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Fed COA (federal cost of attendance)

Displays the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget group that have an item class of Federal. The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if you designate federal methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance)

Displays the sum of all Pell amounts from the budget items assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time)

Displays the sum of all Pell amounts from the budget items assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants for students enrolled less than half-time.

Other Page Elements

Category and Item Code

Select the budget category and item code to assign to this group.


Displays the appropriate budget item amount. You can override this amount for this budget group only. This is a per term amount.

Pell Amount

Displays the appropriate budget item amount for the Pell budget. You can override this amount for this budget group only. This is an annual amount.

LHT Pell Amount (less than half-time Pell amount)

Displays the less than half-time Pell amount.


Displays the correct currency type for the Amount and Pell Amount fields. You can change the currency.

Item Class

Indicates whether the budget category contributes to the federal and institutional COA or contributes only to the institutional COA.

Copy Setup Data

Click to access the Copy Budget Group Data page, and copy the setup data on this page from one budget group code, academic institution, aid year, academic career, and term combination to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Generic Budget Groups

Access the Create Budget Group page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Groups, Create Budget Group).

If you plan to use background budget assignment, you can create a generic budget group code without specifying categories, item types, or amounts. This budget group code acts as a template during background budget assignment. Based on the budget formulas for which the student qualifies and the budget assignment table, the system automatically builds a budget for the student.

To create a generic budget group:

  1. Add a new budget group code.

  2. Enter a description and short description.

You do not have to populate the fields in the grid. You can leave them blank and save the record.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Background Budget Assignment

After you establish your institution's budget categories, budget items, budget formulas and trees, and budget groups, you must complete three more steps before you can use online or batch background budget assignment. If you are not going to assign budgets in batch, you do not have to complete these three steps.

To set up background budget assignment, use the Budget Assignment (BUDGET_ASSIGNMENT) and Budget Assignment Run Control (BUDGET_ASGN_RUNCTL) components.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Specify careers.

    Specify the careers for which you want to assign budgets.

  2. Assign automated budget categories.

    List the budget categories that should be used to create a term budget for each term.

  3. Create budget assignment run controls.

    Specify the academic careers and terms to which you want to assign budgets during background budget assignment.

See Also

Working with Student Budgets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Prepare for Background Budget Assignment

Page Name

Definition Name



Assign Career


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment, Assign Career

Specify a career for which you want to assign budgets during background budget assignment by establishing an effective-dated row for the career. You must add additional careers from the search page.

Assign Budget Category


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment, Assign Budget Category

Assign budget categories to each term that is valid for the combination of career, aid year, and academic institution.

Create Budget Run Controls


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment Run Control, Create Budget Run Controls

Select which careers and terms to use when running background budget assignment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Careers

Access the Assign Career page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment, Assign Career).

Establish an effective-dated row for each combination of career, aid year, and academic institution to which you want to assign budgets using the Student Budget Assign process (FAPBDGTS).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Automated Budget Categories

Access the Assign Budget Category page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment, Assign Budget Category).

If you have not set up generic budget groups to use with background processing, you must list each budget category individually. During background budget assignment, the system assigns the appropriate budget item and amount to each student using the budget formulas or trees that you set up for each budget item.

Bdgt Group (budget group)

If you have established generic budget groups for batch budget processing, enter the budget group code. The page automatically displays the budget categories that you assigned to this budget group.


Enter the budget category to assign to the selected term's budget. Make sure that the category is valid for the selected term. For example, a summer term might not include housing costs, while a fall term includes housing costs.

Error Type

Select the action to take when the system encounters an error in assigning a value to a student for this budget category. Values are:

None: The system does not take any action when it encounters an error.

Skip: The system skips the record for which it encountered the error and does not assign a value to that record.

Stop: The system stops all processing when it encounters an error.

Warning: The system warns you of the error but continues processing. No budget item is assigned to the student for the budget category for which the system encountered the error. The student receives a zero dollar amount for that budget category and a warning that the student failed the budget assignment criteria for that budget category.

For example, you might assign the child care budget category a skip error type because not all students are parents and, therefore, would not be eligible for a dependent child care allowance. You might assign the fees budget category a stop type because all students need to have a particular fee amount in their budgets. You might assign a warning for the books budget category based on the student's career. If the career does not match the book criteria defined in the budget assignment setup, the system does not assign a book budget item and displays a warning. You can then reevaluate the assignment criteria to ensure correct definition.

Processing Rule

Select whether a formula, tree, or other assigned possibilities—such as tuition calculations—determine the amount assigned to the student for this budget category. Values are:

Formula: The system uses a budget formula to determine the budget item amount assigned to the student.

Tree: The system uses a budget tree to determine the budget item amount assigned to the student. When you select this option, a Name field appears and displays the name of the tree used to define the budget category.

Tuition: The system calculates the student's tuition budget item amount by running the Tuition Calculation routine. The Tuition Calculation routine can be run either by Student Financials or Financial Aid; the Use Actual/Projected Tuition check box on the Create Budget Run Controls page specifies which Tuition Calculation routine to use.


Displays the name of the tree used to determine which budget item is assigned to a student. This field appears only when you select Tree as the processing rule.


You can edit the default description to specify how the rule is used. This can be different from the description on the Create Budget Categories page. For example, the book budget category might have a description of Books on the Create Budget Categories page, but be listed as Book Allowance Fall 2002 on this page.


The default value is the budget category description, but you can edit the description to provide more information about the processing of this budget category.

Use the top set of scroll arrows to view rows with different effective dates. Use the middle set of scroll arrows to view different terms. Use the bottom set of scroll arrows to view additional budget categories for a specific term and budget group combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Budget Assignment Run Controls

Access the Create Budget Run Controls page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Budgets, Budget Assignment Run Control, Create Budget Run Controls).

Define each combination of career and term in its own row.


Select the career of the students for which the system assigns budgets when you run the Student Budget Assign process (FAPBDGTS). To include another career, insert another row.


Select the term for which the system assigns budgets when you run the Student Budget Assign (FAPBDGTS) process. To run the process for multiple terms for a career, insert another row.

Use Actual/Projected Tuition

Select to use the tuition value that the tuition calculation in Student Financials generates based on tuition group rules that incorporate Student Records data. If Student Financials has not yet calculated tuition for this term and this check box is selected, the tuition returned is 0.00 USD.

If the check box is cleared, then Financial Aid calculates the student's tuition based on rules established in Student Financials for financial aid tuition groups. The tuition amount calculated by Financial Aid is only an estimated tuition amount.

Delete and Status

Select to have the system delete records in the work table according to the status that you select. The Status field appears when you select this check box. Values for the Status field are:

A—Delete All: The system deletes all records in the work table.

E—Those with Errors: The system deletes only the records in the work table that have errors.

I—Those in Progress: The system deletes the records in the work table that are still in progress. These are records that the system has not moved to the student's budget tables and is still processing.

Reset and Status

Select to have the system reset the Budget Required field on the Financial Aid Info page. The Status and Value fields appear when you select this check box. Values for the Status field are:

A—Reset All: The system resets the Budget Required field for all records in the work table.

E—Those with Errors: The system resets the Budget Required field only for the records in the work table that have errors.

I—Those in Progress: The system resets the Budget Required field on FA Term for the records in the work table that are still in progress. These are records that the system has not moved to the student's budget tables and is still processing.


Appears when you select the Reset check box. Specify the value to set the Budget Required field to on the student's Financial Aid Term record for each processed term. Values include:

E—Error During Budget Assignment: An error occurred during the Budget Assignment process.

I—In Progress: Budget assignment is currently in progress for this student for the given terms.

N—No Budget Assignment: The system sets the student's Financial Aid Term Budget Required field to this value, and selects the student the next time that you generate batch budgets.

Y—Yes Assign Budget: The system sets the student's Financial Aid Term Budget Required field to this value, and selects the student the next time that you generate batch budgets.

Note. The Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Delete (student budget assignment - delete) process (FAPBDGTD) uses the options that you define in the Table Maintenance Options group box.

See Also

Managing Financial Aid Terms