Working with Student Budgets

This chapter provides an overview of student budgets, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Budgets

At the beginning of the processing year, you create budgets detailing the cost of attendance (COA) for each term a student is enrolled. The COA is an estimate of a student's educational expenses for the period of enrollment. The budget helps establish a student's need COA minus the student's expected family contribution, which permits the financial aid office to award need-based aid.

This section discusses budget calculations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Calculations

After you complete budget setup, you calculate student budgets, either in batch, online, for an individual using batch rules, or manually. Use batch background budget assignment when you have large numbers of students to process. You can run this process overnight. For a small number of students, create a budget online using the Create Student Budgets page and use the same rules as batch background budget assignment. To skip budget rules, use the Student Budget Maintenance page to build budgets manually or to override an existing budget.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Inst COA (institutional cost of attendance)

Indicates the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget group that have an item class of federal or institutional. The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if you designate institutional methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Fed COA (federal cost of attendance)

Indicates the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget group that have an item class of federal. The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if you designate federal methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance)

Indicates the sum of Pell amounts from the budget items assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Pell LTHT COA (Pell less than half-time cost of attendance)

Indicates the sum of Pell less than half-time amounts from the budget items assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Item Class

Indicates whether you use the budget item for calculating federal or institutional budgets.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Budgets in Batch

Use batch budget assignment to create student budgets using defined budget assignment rules. Batch budget assignment builds budgets term by term because certain budget categories, such as fees, do not apply to all terms. Budgets are only built for students who have Financial Aid Terms built, and only for those terms for which the Budget Required field is set to Assgn Bdgt (assign budget).

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To use batch budget assignment, you must first create a budget run control for the combination of institution and aid year that you want to process.

See Also

Creating Budget Assignment Run Controls

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Budgets in Batch

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students


Financial Aid, Assign Budgets, Select Students, Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students

Select students for whom the Budget Required field is set to Assgn Bdgt on the Financial Aid Info page for the careers and terms you selected on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

Batch Student Budget Review


Financial Aid, Budgets, View Batch Budget Details, Batch Student Budget Review

View the results of the Student Budget Assign processes (FAPBDGTS, FAPBDGTF, FAPBDGTT, and FAPBDGTM).

Budget Term Detail


Click the Term Detail link on the Batch Student Budget Review page or the View Term Detail page.

View additional information from the student's Financial Aid Term record.

Student Budget Messages


Click the Message link on the Batch Student Budget Review page or the Create Student Budget page.

View messages generated during the budget assignment process.

Student Budget Message Detail


Click the Detail link on the Student Budget Messages page.

View the message number and additional explanation of a student budget message.

Budget Enrollment Detail


Click the Enrollment Detail link on the Batch Student Budget Review page.

View student enrollment plans and sports participation information for the aid year.

Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas


Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Process Formula, Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas

Assign budget items and amounts for the budget categories assigned to students by the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select process (FAPBDGTS). Only used for budget categories that have a processing rule of Formula.

Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs (batch budget assignment - process trees and tuition calculations)


Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Process Tuition, Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs

Assign budget items and amounts for the budget categories assigned to students by the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select process (FAPBDGTS). Only used for budget categories that have a processing rule of Tuition or Tree.

Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets


Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Move Budget to Students, Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets

Move budget results to the student's budget record with an effective-dated row.

Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance


Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Maintain Budget Work Table, Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance

Delete students from the budget work table and reset the Budget Required flag on the Financial Aid Info page in the Financial Aid Term component.

Pell Budget Adjustment


Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Adjust Pell Budgets in Batch, Pell Budget Adjustment

Calculate the annual Pell budget for budget categories that count towards the Pell COA.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Students for Batch Budget Assignment

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students page (Financial Aid, Assign Budgets, Select Students, Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students).

Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budgets. When you move out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select (student budget assignment - select) process (FAPBDGTS) when you are ready to select students.

After running the process, use the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the correct budget categories were selected for the student and that the correct student population was selected during the batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Batch Student Budget Review

Access the Batch Student Budget Review page (Financial Aid, Budgets, View Batch Budget Details, Batch Student Budget Review).

Use this page to view and confirm information after running these budget batch processes:

Note. The information that you view here is in a work table, so, after you run a process, this page may be blank depending on the Table Maintenance options that you set.

Budget Term Information

Acad Plan Type (academic plan type)

Displays the type of the academic plan. Values include: Honors, Major, ROTC, and Concentration.

FA Term Effdt (financial aid term effective date)

Displays the effective date and effective sequence of the Financial Aid Term information used to build the budget.

Financial Aid Load

Displays the student's load, determined using the number of financial aid eligible units and level/load rules.

Study Form

Displays the type of study the student is engaged in. Values include: Detached, Enrollment, Abroad, and Candidacy.

Term Detail

Click to access the Budget Term Detail page and view additional information from the student's Financial Aid Term record. You can check for information that can cause errors using this page.


Click to access the Student Budget Messages page and view error messages generated during budget assignment.

Budget Demographic Information

Family Members

Displays the number of people in the student's family, as reported on the student's application (ISIR, Profile, Institutional Application).

Housing Status

Displays the student's housing type: on campus, off campus, with relatives, or with parents.

App State Res (application state of residence)

Displays the student's state of residence, as reported on the student's application.

Enrollment Detail

Click to access the Budget Enrollment Detail page and view the student's enrollment plans and sports participation information for the aid year. You can check for information that can cause errors using this page.

Budget Item Information

The amount of budget information that appears on this page depends on the number of budget assignment processes you have run. This table lists the processes:


Fields With Data

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select process (FAPBDGTS)

Category, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF)

For budget categories with a formula processing rule: Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status

For budget categories with a tuition or tree processing rule: Category, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT)

Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Move process (FAPBDGTM)

Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status


Budget Group

Identifies the generic budget group used for the batch.


Indicates whether the budget assignment process uses a formula, tree, or other assigned possibilities—such as tuition calculations—to determine the amount assigned to the student for this budget category.

Item Stat (item status)

Select one of these values:

Found: The budget assignment process was able to use the indicated rule to assign a budget item and amount to the student for the budget category.

Moved: The budget amount has been moved to the student's record.

Selected: This budget category has been selected for processing during the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF) or the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT).

Warning: The Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF) or the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT) could not assign a budget item and amount for this budget category to the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Formulas to Determine Budget Amounts

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Process Formula, Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas).

  1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budget items and amounts.

    When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

  2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas (student budget assignment - formulas) process (FAPBDGTF) when you are ready to assign budget items and amounts.

  3. After the process runs, view the information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the budget item amount is accurate based on the budget formula assigned.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Trees and Tuition

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Process Tuition, Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs).

  1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budget items and amounts.

    When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

  2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree (student budget assignment - tuition/tree) process (FAPBDGTT) when you are ready to assign budget items and amounts.

  3. After the process runs, view information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the budget item amount is accurate for those budget items determined by either tuition calculation or budget trees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Student Budgets

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Move Budget to Students, Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets).

  1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to move budgets.

    When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

  2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Move (student budget assignment - move) process (FAPBDGTM) when you are ready to move student budgets.

  3. After the process runs, view information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the budget item amount moved successfully during the batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Budget Tables

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Maintain Budget Work Table, Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance).

  1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to maintain tables.

    When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page. The process run from this page uses the specified delete and reset options to clean up the budget work table.

  2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Delete (student budget assignment - delete) process (FAPBDGTD) when you are ready to clean up the work table. Although this process is usually run after you have moved student budgets, you can run it whenever you need to update the work table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying Pell Adjustments

Access the Pell Budget Adjustments page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Assign Budgets, Adjust Pell Budgets in Batch, Pell Budget Adjustments).

Use this page to calculate the annual Pell budget for budget categories that count towards the Pell cost of attendance (COA). The Pell Budget Adjustments process (FAPPBGTB) uses the student's FA Load value from the student's Financial Aid Term record and the proration scheme that you define on the Pell Adjustments page for each budget item to determine the annual Pell budget amount for each Pell COA budget item.

You should run this process at the end of the add/drop period, because the student's term schedule (and therefore FA Load value) is stable at this point.

You must run the Student Budget Assign process before you run the Pell Budget Adjustments process.

  1. Enter the institution, aid year and career for which you want to calculate the annual Pell budget based on a student's FA Load value.

    Because Pell grants are available for undergraduate students only, you should select undergraduate careers only for this process.

  2. Run the Pell Budget Adjustments process.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Budgets Online

Use online background budget assignment to generate budgets for individual students, using the same rules as batch background budget assignment.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Create Student Budget


Financial Aid, Budgets, Create Student Budget, Create Student Budget

Generate a budget online for a single student.

Student Budget Messages


Click the Messages link on the Create Student Budget page.

View student budget messages.

Student Budget Message Detail


Click the Detail link on the Student Budget Messages page.

View detailed student budget messages.

Budget Term Summary Detail


Click the Detail link on the Create Student Budget page.

Review and make changes to a student's term budget details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Budgets Online

Access the Create Student Budget page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Create Student Budget, Create Student Budget).

Budget Terms To Be Built


Select the terms for which to build a budget. You must build a budget for each term in which the student enrolls. You can only select terms created for that student for the displayed aid year.


Displays the career associated with the selected term.


Click to access the Student Budget Message page, where you can view any messages generated during the budget assignment process.

Build Budget

After selecting the terms to build, click this button to launch the process that performs all the activities that the batch Student Budget Assignment processes performs. The process selects budget categories, uses budget formulas to determine budget items and amounts, uses trees and tuition calculation to determine budget items and amounts, and calculates the annual Pell budget based on the student's FA Load value.

Move Budget

After you verify that the budget information that appears is correct, click this button to move budget information from the budget work table to the student's budget record. This button is not available until you click the Build Budget button.

Budget Term Summary

Displays the term, career, and budget group used (if any) to build the student's budget for each term selected in the Budget Terms To Be Built group box. Use the scroll arrows to view additional terms. If you have not clicked the Build Budget button, this group box does not display any information.


Click to access the Budget Term Summary Detail page and view or update term detail information for the student after you build the budget.

See Also

Understanding Financial Aid Terms

Creating Budget Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Term Budget Information

Access the Budget Term Summary Detail page (click the Detail link on the Create Student Budget page).

Use this page to review and make changes to a student's term budget details.

You can specify cents for budget item amounts on this page. For example, you might enter or update loan fees calculated by the guarantee agency. You cannot specify cents on the Create Budget Items setup page.

Note. You cannot change a budget amount if the budget item was already moved to the student's budget record.

See Also

Viewing Batch Student Budget Review

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining a Term Budget

This section discusses how to maintain an existing term budget or create a term budget on an exception basis.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Student Budget Maintenance


Financial Aid, Budgets, Maintain Term Budgets, Student Budget Maintenance

Maintain an existing term budget or create a term budget on an exception basis.

Financial Aid Term


Click the FA Term link on the Student Budget Maintenance page.

View the student's financial aid term information.

Student Budget Maintenance - Need Summary


Click the Need Summary link on the Student Budget Maintenance page.

View a student's federal and institutional need for the aid year.

Student Detail


Click the Student Detail link on the Student Budget Maintenance page.

View student information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining an Existing Term Budget or Creating a Term Budget

Access the Student Budget Maintenance page (Financial Aid, Budgets, Maintain Term Budgets, Student Budget Maintenance).

To build terms on this page, you can either add budget categories manually or use a budget group. You can also use this page to view any budget by term, regardless of how it was calculated. The additions and changes made to this page go directly into the student's budget record, not a worktable.

You can specify cents for the budget item amounts on this page. For example, you might enter or update loan fees calculated by the guarantee agency. You cannot specify cents on the Create Budget Items setup page.

Update Need Summary

Click this button to recalculate the Need Summary totals. The Need Summary Validation process updates the Unmet Need, Overaward Need, Unmet COA, and Overaward COA (FM and IM) totals to reflect this change in Budgets.


Select the student's career during the term for which you are building or viewing a budget.


Select the term to which the budget belongs. To view additional terms in the displayed aid year, use the scroll arrows.

Awd Period (award period)

The system automatically populates this field with the default award period designation assigned to the term on the Valid Terms for Career page. You can change this value.

Instr Week (instruction weeks)

Displays the weeks of instruction for the selected term as defined on the Records/Term Info page in the Financial Aid Term component.

FA Term

Click to access the Financial Aid Term page and view information entered for the student in the Financial Aid Term component.

Need Summary

Click to access the Student Budget Maintenance - Need Summary page and view the student's federal and institutional need for the aid year.

Student Detail

Click to access the Student Detail page and view student information.

Eff Date (effective date)

To modify an existing budget, add a new effective-dated row for each term you want to change. This functionality enables you to change the student's entire budget group or individual budget item amounts.


Displays a system-generated number assigned to distinguish between effective-dated rows entered on the same date. You can have up to 10 effective-dated rows per day.

User ID

If the budget is calculated online, the system displays the user ID of the individual creating the budget; if it is calculated through the batch budget assignment process, the system displays the background process name.

Budget Group

(Optional) Enter a budget group to build a budget for the student. When you select a budget group and tab out of this field, the system displays the associated categories, item codes, amount, item class, and Pell amount.

Inst COA (institutional cost of attendance), Fed COA (federal cost of attendance), and Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance)

These fields are blank until you build a budget.

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time)

Displays the Pell amount for less than half-time.

User ID

If the budget item is assigned manually, the system displays the user ID of the individual assigning the budget item; if the budget item is assigned through the online or batch budget assignment process, the system displays the process name. This field cannot be changed.


Displays the per term budgeted amount associated with the budget item code. You can change this amount.

Pell Amt (Pell amount)

Displays the term budgeted amount for the Pell budget associated with the budget item code. You can change this amount.

LHT Pell Amount (less than half-time Pell amount)

Displays the term budgeted amount for the Pell LTHT budget associated with the budget item code. You can change this amount.

Note. To adjust the student's Pell budget amounts if the student's FA Load value has changed after the budget is generated, access the Student Budget Adjustments page and click the Adjust Pell button.

See Also

Reviewing Student Packaging Status by Date

Viewing Need Summary Information

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Students' Budget Information

This section discusses how to review student budget information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Student's Budget Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Budget Summary


Financial Aid, Budgets, View Student Budget Summary, Student Budget Summary

Review students' budget information, including categories and amounts that comprise a student's budget, by award period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Students' Budget Information

Access the Student Budget Summary page (Financial Aid, Budgets, View Student Budget Summary, Student Budget Summary).

This page displays information by award period.

Alt Pell COA (alternate Pell cost of attendance)

Displays the sum of child care, disability, and tuition Pell amounts from the budget items assigned to the student. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants using the Alternate Pell Grant Schedule.

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time)

Displays the Pell less than half-time amount. The Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants for students who are enrolled less than half-time.

Inst Total (institutional total)

Displays the amount for this budget category used when the system calculates the institutional COA. Categories that have nonzero amounts in this field are institutional budget categories.

LHT Pell Total (less than half-time Pell total)

Displays the amount for this budget category used when the system calculates the Pell LTHT budget.

Pell Total

Displays the amount for this budget category used when the system calculates the Pell budget. The Alternate Pell budget consists of child care, disability, and tuition Pell amounts only.

Fed Total (federal total)

Displays the amount for this budget category used when the system calculates the federal COA. Categories that have nonzero amounts in this field can be either institutional or federal budget categories.