Processing Direct Loans

This chapter provides the required information for direct lending mandated by the Department of Education. This chapter provides an overview of direct lending and discusses how to:

See Also

Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Direct Lending

The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program was established to provide long-term academic loans to qualified students who are enrolled in facilities of higher education, vocational, technical, business and trade schools. The Federal Government provides the funds for direct loans directly to the student, bypassing an outside lender. Students who receive federal direct loan funds cannot receive FFEL (federal family education loan) funds during the same enrollment period. Schools participating in the Direct Loan program communicate direct loan origination and disbursement data using the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) process.

The Oracle Financial Aid system supports COD processing for the Direct Loan, Pell and ACG/SMART award programs. Once these award programs are awarded within the system, you run a process that creates distinct COD application records to support the maintenance and processing of COD data.

For each Common Record received and processed by the COD System, the COD System returns a Response document indicating the status of processing, including any rejected data elements and reasons. For Direct Loans, you must create the origination, change, and disbursement record so that the system can properly load and process corresponding inbound acknowledgement records (origination, change and disbursement). There must always be a one to one match between any Direct Loan outbound document and corresponding inbound response document.

Note. The system does not process COD web-initiated response files (document type WB) or the System-Generated PLUS Application Acknowledgment files (document type SP). The COD import process only loads the COD XML data from these document types into the COD staging tables to view and query.

System-Generated Entrance Counseling files (document type EC) are loaded into the COD staging tables. A separate process to evaluate and update the Loan Counseling application table (SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL) with the COD Entrance Counseling data is available.

See Managing Loan Counseling.

The three types of direct loans are:

Direct Loan Type

Loan Characteristics

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan

A student's eligibility for a Direct Subsidized Stafford loan is determined entirely on the student's ability to demonstrate financial need. The U.S. Department of Education subsidizes the interest; therefore, borrowers are not charged interest while they are enrolled in school at least half time, and during grace and deferment periods.

Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

A student is eligible for a Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loan regardless of their financial situation. Borrowers are responsible for paying the interest on these loans.

Direct PLUS Loan and Graduate PLUS Loan

Parents of dependent students may apply for a Direct PLUS loan to help pay for the student's educational expenses. Graduate and Professional students may apply for PLUS Loans for their own expenses. Dependent and Graduate/Professional students must be enrolled at least halftime. Applicant must not have adverse credit history.

The direct lending portion of the Financial Aid package is designed to help you process the Subsidized Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS, and Grad/PLUS loans awarded to students attending your institution.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Packaging Results Before Origination

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Update School Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



School Code Update


Financial Aid, Awards, Award Processing, Update School Code

Use this page to change school code values on STDNT_AWRD_DISB and STDNT_AGGR_SCHL.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicView Packaging Results

You should include a preliminary and periodic review of your packaging results, your loan amount, loan fees, and rebate information for each loan record. This minimizes the potential for incorrect information being originated and submitted to the common origination and disbursement processing center.

Note. Refer to financial aid packaging chapters for special setup of financial aid item types, disbursement plans and split codes for Direct Loan types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdate School Codes

This section discusses how to update school codes for award disbursements and aggregate areas.

Access the School Code Update page (Financial Aid, Awards, Award Processing, Update School Code).

Use this page to update school code values on STDNT_AWRD_DISB and, for awards with an associated aggregate area defined on the financial aid item type setup, to also update the school code values on STDNT_AGGR_SCHL.


Enter the academic career to process. Awards are keyed by academic career.

From School Cd

Enter the school code that you want to be updated from for this selection and parameters. Valid values are retrieved from the Careers for School Code setup.

To School Cd

Enter the school code that you want award records to be updated to for this selection and parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicRe-awarding Direct Loans with New Disbursement Plans

The Packaging process does not allow you to change the disbursement plan for direct lending loans, even if the loan has not been originated. If you award a direct lending loan for two terms and then find that the student should only be awarded for one term, you must change disbursement plans. There are two ways to change disbursement plans for non-originated direct lending loans:

Option 1

  1. Cancel the original loan (with the original disbursement plan and split code) on the Student Aid Package page.

  2. Insert a row on the Student Aid Package page below the row for the canceled loan in Step 1.

  3. Using the same financial aid item type as the original loan, award the loan with the new disbursement plan and split code.

Note. If you use professional judgement to override an award amount, ensure that your loan disbursements (amounts, fees, and rebates) are split correctly among your item types. Refer to the common origination and disbursement technical data for details.

Option 2

  1. Using the original loan that you awarded (with the original disbursement plan), create a custom split so the money is allocated only to the new terms.

  2. Originate the loan.

  3. Access the Application Financial page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application) and select the Override Loan Dates check box. Change the Loan Period Start, Loan Period End, and Antc Date (anticipated disbursement date) to match the new period for which the loan is awarded.

Click to jump to parent topicOriginating Direct Loans and Viewing Loan Status Summary Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Originate Direct Loans and Display Loan Status Summary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Loan Origination


Financial Aid, Loans, Process Loans, Loan Origination

Originate any Stafford or PLUS loans that have been awarded and have an award status of Accepted. The Stafford or PLUS loans must have the loan program indicated as Direct.

Loan Status Summary Information


Click the Loan Status Summary link on any Direct Lending processing page that has the link available.

View current loan summary information and quickly check the status of the loan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOriginating Direct Loans

This section discusses how to originate any Stafford or PLUS loans that have been awarded and have an award status of Accepted.

Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid, Loans, Process Loans, Loan Origination).

Control Information

Use this page to run the Loan Origination process (FAPLBOG1). You can add additional rows to include different institution, aid year, and career combinations for originating loans.

CL Orig Options (CommonLine origination options)

This field is used for CommonLine loans only.


Select to include origination adjustments when you run the origination process. When this check box is selected, origination adjustments are processed for loans in which the overall amount and/or disbursement amount has changed. Students who have origination adjustments are not included in the values for the ID field in the Student Override group box unless this check box is selected.

Selection Criteria

Use the fields in the Selection Criteria group box to originate loans for a group of students selected by last name. Only students with the selected Institution, Aid Year, and Career are selected. You can enter names in the Selection Criteria only if the Student Override check box is not selected.

Last Name FROM

Enter the beginning last name of the group of students to originate. Enter the names in alphabetical order. For example, Last Name FROM Atkins and Last Name TO McMurphy.

Last Name TO

Enter the ending last name of the group of students to originate. Enter the names in alphabetical order.

Student Override

The Student Override group box is used to originate loans for a single student or a group of specific students within the selected Institution, Aid Year, and Career.

Student Override

Select this check box to originate specific students. When you select this check box, the ID field becomes available.


Enter the unique ID of the student to originate. Only students with loans that have a loan award in the Accepted status are available. You can insert rows to originate multiple students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Loan Status Summary Information

Access the Loan Status Summary Information page (click the Loan Status Summary link on any page with an available link).

Student Eligibility

DL Pnote Unique ID (direct lending promissory note unique ID)

Displays the promissory note identifier assigned to this loan.

Loan Orig Ack Pnote Stat (loan origination acknowledgement promissory note status)

Displays the current status of the promissory note.

  • (blank) – Value initially established when Stafford loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) origination record is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory note' available.

  • Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD or may indicate that a promissory note has been created internally by the system. System internally recognizes this value as 'promissory note pending'.

  • Accepted – COD has successfully linked a valid MPN to this loan application ID. Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files.

  • Closed – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files.

  • Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with the 2012–2013 aid year.

  • Inactive – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files. This status is used for the 2011–2012 and prior aid years.

  • Print – Value initially established when Direct PLUS loans (parent or graduate professional) origination record is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory note' available.

  • Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system.

Note. Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Origination Detail

Item Type

Displays the financial aid item type associated with this loan.

Loan Action Code

Displays the most recent loan origination action for the loan. For example, Loan Origination, Loan Origination Change, and so on.

Loan Application ID

Displays the unique ID that the Origination process generated for this loan. The loan application ID is comprised of the following elements:

  • Student's social security number.

  • A single-character code identifying the type of loan (Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS).

  • A two-character code identifying the aid year.

  • Direct Loan school code.

  • A 3-digit sequence number, which is incremented by one each time the student receives an additional loan of the same type.

DL Booked Status (direct lending booked status)

Displays Booked if the origination, first disbursement, and promissory notes are accepted and acknowledged by the COD. Until this occurs, the status is Unbooked.

Action Status

Displays the current status of the action. The values are: Accepted, Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied), Authorized, Failed, Invalid, Pending, Received, Rejected, and Transmitted. The Action Status for an Acknowledgement is always Received. If an origination or origination change is rejected, the system creates a new loan originated row to track the re-submission of the failed/rejected action.

Request Amount

Displays the amount derived from the accepted amount on the award and is equal to the scheduled disbursement amount.

Certified Amount

Displays the amount approved for the loan. This value is derived from the offer amount on the award.

Actions Tab

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Displays the Disbursement ID defined within the Disbursement Plan and Split Code assigned to the Direct Loan Award from Packaging.

LOC Antic ID (loan origination center replaced by common origination and disbursement anticipated [disbursement] ID)

Displays the sequentially ordered ID for the anticipated disbursement. The system converts the Disbursement ID that comes from the award and the anticipated disbursement date defined in the Disbursement ID setup to assist in defining the disbursement sequencing requirements. The LOC Antic ID represents the Disbursement Number for anticipated disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'false). The LOC Antic ID may change if additional disbursements are added. However, once an associated LOC Actual ID has been assigned, the LOC Antic ID does not change.

LOC Actual ID

Displays the numerically ordered disbursement ID, without skipping numbers. The LOC Actual ID represents the Disbursement Number for actual disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'true').

Action Code

Describes the type of disbursement action for that row.

Action Status

Displays the status for this disbursement ID. See the description of the Action Status field above for more details.


Indicates the date of the disbursement action.

Amounts Tab

Select the Amounts tab.

Ln Dsb Amt (loan disbursement amount)

Displays the gross scheduled disbursement amount. This value is derived from the accepted balance on the loan award.

Net Disb (net disbursement)

Displays the amount derived from the loan amount minus the loan fee amount plus the rebate amount.

Ln Fee Amt (loan fee amount)

Displays the calculated loan fee for this disbursement.

Rebate Amt (rebate amount)

Displays the calculated rebate amount for this disbursement.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Direct Lending Origination Information

Access to the Direct Loan Application component should be restricted to key personnel who are actively involved with the Direct Lending process. The information in this component is eventually transmitted to the common origination and disbursement processing center (COD) in the origination outbound file.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Loan Change Transmission Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Application Bio/Demo


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Bio/Demo

Review and correct borrower information, student information, and parent information for PLUS loans. This information comes from Campus Community as well from ISIR load information that the system populates on the Institutional Application pages.

Application Misc Data (application miscellaneous data)


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Misc Data

Process and review information about student eligibility, promissory note printing, and loan credit.

Application Financial


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Financial

Review financial data and adjust the loan start, end, and certification dates. Use an override check box to change any of these dates.

Application Acknowledgement


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Acknowledgement

Review loan process status, loan origination outbound, acknowledgement information, an data elements that go to the Origination files. Set and remove loans from Hold status. When the inbound files return from COD, the system acknowledges the data and populates the fields on this page.

Miscellaneous Loan Detail


Click the Misc Loan Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View additional direct lending origination and acknowledgement information regarding the disclosure print option for the loan. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Loan Eligibility Detail


Click the Eligibility Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View origination and acknowledged direct lending eligibility detail information. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Borrower Detail


Click the Borrower Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View origination and acknowledged detail information for the borrower. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Student Detail


Click the Student Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View origination and acknowledged detail information for the student. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Name Detail


Click the Name Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View the origination and acknowledged name information for this loan. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Address Detail


Click the Address Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page.

View origination and acknowledged address information for the borrower. The information displayed in this page represents an example of detail on an outbound file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Borrower Bio/Demo Data

Access the Application Bio/Demo page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Bio/Demo).

The Appl Seq (application sequence) number increases each time a new loan origination record is created for the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, and Aid Year combination.

Borrower Information

The fields in the Borrower Information group box contain information regarding the borrower of the loan. The borrower information for Stafford loans and PLUS loans for Graduate and Professional students automatically display the student's information. Information is display only.

When a PLUS for parent loan application is created, the Borrower Information is empty. Valid Borrower Information must be entered before the loan application can be communicated to COD.

Borrower ID

For Stafford loans and PLUS loans for Graduate and Professional students, the Borrower ID is automatically populated with the student's ID. For PLUS loans for parents, if blank, select the 'Look Up' icon to view valid Borrower IDs already established as a valid Relationship to the student's ID. Only Relationship IDs defined with the Guardian attribute of Parent or Guardian appear in the Look Up results.

Related ID

Hyperlink to open the Campus Community Relationship component. Use this link to directly create a valid relationship ID, that can then be available to be entered in the Borrower ID field. When creating a relationship, the Guardian attribute must either defined as 'Parent' or 'Guardian'.

SSN (social security number)

Displays the social security number for the borrower.

DOB (date of birth)

Displays the date of birth for the borrower.

Loan Refund Indicator

Select a value if loan refunds go to the Borrower – the parent or guardian in the case of PLUS loan or to the Student.


Displays the Citizenship value applied to the loan application. Valid values are: 1 – Native, 2 – Naturalized,and 3 – Alien Permanent.

For DL Stafford loans, the field is initially 'blank'. If the borrower's Citizenship is updated via the Override Loan Application Data component, the field displays any overridden Citizenship value. The field can also be updated for the loan application using the Population Update process.

For DL PLUS for Graduate and Professional loans, the field displays the student's Citizenship defined in Campus Community. If the borrower's Citizenship is updated via the Override Loan Application Data component, the field displays any overridden Citizenship value. The field can also be updated for the loan application using the Population Update process.

For DL PLUS for parent loan applications, the field displays the borrower's Citizenship defined in Campus Community. If the borrower's Citizenship is updated via the Override Loan Application Data component, the field displays any overridden Citizenship value.

See Overriding Direct Loan Application Information.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Visa/Alien Permit

Displays whether a borrower who is not a U.S. citizen holds a valid Visa or Alien Permit. Field can be updated via the Override Loan Application Data component.

See Overriding Direct Loan Application Information.

Override Phone # (override phone number)

Select this check box to activate the Telephone field and override the current information. If you select this check box and override the phone number, the new value remains regardless of changes made to Campus Community records. If you clear the check box, the system populates the Telephone field with the current Campus Community values and makes the field inaccessible.

Borr Default / Owes Refund (borrower default/owes refund)

Indicates whether a borrower is in default on a student loan or owes a refund to the federal government. Values are: No, Overridden, or Yes.

For Stafford loans, this value is derived from the NSLDS Match field on the Packaging Status Summary page.

Note. Overridden applies to PLUS origination files only. Overridden is not an acceptable value for Direct Stafford loan origination files.

The values from the NSLDS Match field are translated to this field as shown in the following table.


Original Match Field Value

Default/Refund Value

2. Default

3. Overpayment

4. Default and Overpayment


5. Eligible Partial Title IV Aid


All other values


Student Information

SSN, Birthdate, Status, and Visa/Alien Permit

The values that appear are for the student associated with this loan. If the borrower is the student, this information is the same as the information in the Borrower Information group box.

Default / Refund

This is the same field as the Borr Default / Owes Refund field in the Borrower Information group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Miscellaneous Borrower Data

Access the Application Misc Data page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Misc Data).

Student Eligibility

Direct Lending Year

Contains the direct lending grade level for this student, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education's COD Technical Reference.

The term in the Direct Lending Year field in FA Term on the FA Info page is related to the first distribution used in the award for this student. That term is used to derive this Direct Lending Year value.

Depend Stat (Fed) (dependency status, federal)

Displays the federal dependency status for the student. The status is derived from the FA Term table and is required on all established Direct Loans.

HEAL Eligible (Health Education Assistance Loan eligible)

Indicates whether the student is eligible for a HEAL loan, as determined on the Packaging Status Summary page and is valid only on Unsubsidized loans. HEAL loans are for health profession students who meet the HEAL program requirements.

HPPA indicator tag reports a true value.

PreProfessional Coursework Eligible

Indicates whether the student is eligible for additional Unsubsidized Stafford due to participation in eligible undergraduate or graduate preparatory coursework. This value is derived from the Packaging Status Summary page. The student must have a Direct Lending Year of Fifth Year and above.

Preprofessional Coursework indicator tag reports a true value.

Additional Unsub Eligible (additional unsubsidized eligible)

Indicates whether the student is eligible for the additional Unsubsidized loan amount. This value is derived from the Plus Override check box on the Database Matches page accessed from the Packaging Status Summary page. A student is eligible for the additional Unsubsidized loan if the student is a dependent and the parent or guardian is denied a PLUS loan. This field is valid only on Unsubsidized loans.

This check box is selected if the student is a dependent and the PreProfessional Coursewrk check box on the Packaging Status Summary page is checked.

Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility indicator tag reports a true value.

PNote Print Information

Loan Destination Nbr (loan destination number)

Represents the EDI destination. Select the number that corresponds to direct loan COD.

Loan Print Option

Determines where the promissory note is printed. Select one of the following values:

Dest Prints (return to school): Select this option to specify that the COD (the destination) prints the promissory note and sends it to the school. The school then sends the promissory note to the borrower.

Dest Prints (send to Borr): Select this option to specify that the COD (the destination) prints the promissory note and sends it to the borrower.

Dest Reprint: Select this option to specify that the COD (the destination) is reprinting a promissory note that was printed previously.

School Prints: Select this option to specify that the school prints the promissory note and sends it to the borrower.

Loan Orig Ack Pnote Status (loan origination acknowledgement promissory note status)

Displays the current status of the promissory note.

  • (blank) – Value initially established when Stafford loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) origination record is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory note' available.

  • Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD or may indicate that a promissory note has been created internally by the system. System internally recognizes this value as 'promissory note pending'.

  • Accepted – COD has successfully linked a valid MPN to this loan application ID. Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files.

  • Closed – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files.


  • Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with the 2012–2013 aid year.

  • Inactive – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files. This status is used for the 2011–2012 and prior aid years.

  • Print – Value initially established when Direct PLUS loans (parent or graduate professional) origination record is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory note' available.

  • Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system.

Note. Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

DL Disclosure Print (direct loan disclosure print)

Specifies whether the COD or School prints the disclosure. You can also select Reprint to indicate the disclosure was reprinted. Select COD unless the school has a custom print solution. Financial Aid does not support disclosure printing.

DL Pnote Unique ID (direct loan promissory note unique ID)

Displays the unique identifier assigned to the promissory note that is attached to the loan. The loan origination acknowledgement and the PNote acknowledgement files update this value.

Beginning with 2003-2004, the direct loan application processing supports master promissory note requirements for the PLUS loan types. The system adds the letter "N" to the ID to indicate that the loan is PLUS Loan MPN. The system adds the letter "M" to indicate that the loan is a Stafford (subsidized or Unsubsidized) Loan MPN.

Loan Credit Information

These fields are used when a credit check is necessary for loan approval. This occurs with PLUS loans.

Loan Credit Eligibility

Displays the current status of the credit check. Values are A-Credit Approved, D-Credit Denied, or X-Credit Pending.

Loan Credit Decision Dt (loan credit decision date)

Displays the date that the Loan Credit Eligibility decision occurs.

Loan Credit Override

Use to override the Loan Credit Eligibility status received from the lender. If you use this field to override a credit value, you must then update the DL Disbursement Status on the Direct Loan Override page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Processing Status).

The following table explains loan credit values.

Ln Endorser Amount

Represents the approved Endorser Amount from COD. Field can be edited when Loan Credit Override value equals 'L - Lower Endorser Amount'. Extreme caution should be made if Endorser Amount is overridden. Value should only be changed manually if COD is unable to provide school a Credit Override acknowledgement file with approved Endorser Amount.


Loan Credit Value


C – C O New Info (credit override, new information)

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Approved.

D – Credit Denied

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

E – CO Endorser OK (credit override, OK by endorser)

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Approved.

L – Lower Endorser Amount

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

Value represents a credit check where endorser is approved, but the endorsed amount is less than the award amount requested by the borrower. Credit eligibility remains denied with COD. School's action is to resubmit an award record with the award amount less than or equal to the endorser amount. COD requires an entire award record to be submitted.

The Loan Origination Change process generates the appropriate award record. Schools should: 1) Reduce award amount in packaging; 2) Run Process Loans with adjustments (FAPLBOG1) to carry forward the new award amount to the loan application; 3) Generate an Origination Change. A entire award record is created only if the loan award amount is less than or equal to the endorser amount.

All subsequent origination changes (except if the amount is set to zero) are held until the loan application has been updated with an accepted award adjustment by COD and response has been loaded into the system.

N – Denied after Pending

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

X – Credit Pending

Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Pending.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Financial Data

Access the Application Financial page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Financial).

Loan Application Data

Acad Year Start (academic year start) and Academic Year End Date

These fields display the start and end dates for the academic year. These values are derived from the Aid Year table and can only be changed there.

Loan Period Start

Displays the start date for the loan period. This date is generated from the Valid Careers for Terms table. This date is derived using the first day of the first term in which the anticipated distribution of the student's award is to be made.

Loan Period End

Displays the end date for the loan period. This date is generated from the Valid Careers for Terms table. This date is derived using the last day of the final term in which the anticipated distribution of the student's award can be made.

Override Loan Dates

Select to override and edit the loan dates. The dates are for this loan record only. When you select the check box, the date fields become available. After you edit the date fields, you must save the record.

Override Loan Period

This check box is accessible only after you select the Override Loan Dates check box. Select to change the start and end dates for the loan period. In addition, when you select this check box you prevent loan adjustments from updating the changes you made to the loan period start and end dates.

Loan Certification Date

Indicates the date that the loan is originated.

Origination Detail

Item Type

Displays the financial aid item type and description for the loan. If available, click the link next to this field to access the Award Entry and the Award Activity pages.

Ln App ID (loan application ID)

Displays the unique identifier that the Loan Origination process generated for this loan.

DL Orig Fee (direct lending origination fee)

Displays the fee charged to the borrower to originate the loan.

Loan Certified Amount

Displays the amount approved for the loan. This value is derived from the offer/accept amount for the award.

Request Amount

Displays the Accepted amount for the award and represents the Scheduled Disbursement Amount.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Displays the disbursement ID given to this disbursement in awarding.

LOC Antic ID (common origination and disbursement anticipated ID)

Displays the sequentially ordered ID for the anticipated disbursement. The system converts the Disbursement ID that comes from the award and the anticipated disbursement date defined in the Disbursement ID setup to assist in defining the disbursement sequencing requirements. The LOC Antic ID represents the Disbursement Number for anticipated disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'false). The LOC Antic ID may change if additional disbursements are added. However, once an associated LOC Actual ID has been assigned, the LOC Antic ID does not change.

LOC Actual ID (common origination and disbursement actual ID)

Displays the numerically ordered disbursement ID, without skipping numbers. The LOC Actual ID represents the Disbursement Number for actual disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'true'). This field is empty until the loan is disbursed to Student Financials. This field is populated when the authorization and disbursement processes are completed and the Direct Loan Out for the Disbursement Process has been run. The COD Actual ID is what is sent to the COD with the Disbursement file.

Ovrd Disb Dt (override disbursement date)

Select to override and change the current requested disbursement date. If you select this check box and edit the field, the new value remains in effect regardless of future adjustments.

Antc Date (anticipated date)

Displays the anticipated date for this loan disbursement. This date is derived from the disbursement date specified in the Disbursement ID table.

Ln Dsb Amt (loan disbursement amount)

Displays the gross scheduled disbursement amount. This value is derived from the Accepted balance on the award disbursement.

Ln Fee Amt (loan fee amount)

Displays the fee amount associated with the scheduled disbursement. This amount is derived from the Accepted fee balance.

Rebate Amt (amount)

Displays the interest rebate fee amount. The system populates this field from packaging fee information.

Net Disb (net disbursement)

Displays the amount scheduled for disbursement to the student. This value equals the loan disbursement amount minus the loan fee amount plus any rebate amount.

Loan Paid

This check box is selected when the loan funds are disbursed to the student's account.

Enroll School Cd (enrollment school code)

The Enrollment School Code represents the physical location of the student at the disbursement level. The Enrollment School Code reported is the OPEID of the Campus of the Financial Aid Term associated with the disbursement ID.

  • When the award is originated this field is blank and editable by default.

  • The Enrollment School Code can be overridden on the page or by Population Update for disbursements not yet reported to COD.

  • When a disbursement is transmitted to COD, the field becomes display only and is either blank to indicate that the setup value was used or displays the override value.

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Loan Application Acknowledgement Data

Access the Application Acknowledgement page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Acknowledgement).

To perform one of the following actions, select the appropriate option and click the Update Origination button.

Hold Loan

Select this option to manually change the loan processing status to Hold. Selecting this option suspends processing for this loan record. If you set a loan on hold, the system generates an exception message for this activity on the Loan Exception Messages page. After the exception message is generated, you can enter a comment for audit purposes.

Remove Hold

Select this option to manually remove a hold from a student's loan and permit loan processing to continue. If you remove a loan from hold, the system generates an exception message for this activity on the Loan Exception Messages page. After the exception message is generated, you can enter a comment for audit purposes.

Note. Hold Loan and Remove Hold can be updated using Population Update.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Origination Detail

Activate Change

Click this button to have the Loan Adjustment process review the student for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct Loan Application component or the Award Entry page do not require you to manually start the Loan Adjustment process here. Click the Activate Change button to start the Loan Adjustment process for other data changes (for example, the student or borrower name).

Loan Process Status

Displays the current status of the loan. Values are:

Cancelled: Not used for Direct Lending.

Hold: Indicates the COD rejected an activity or a user manually set the loan status to Hold. The system suspends all loan processing until the hold is removed.

Offered and Not Accepted: Indicates that a loan transmission based on an offer is not transmitted until the award is accepted.

Origination Pending: Indicates a pending origination that has not been transmitted to the COD.

In Service: Indicates the loan has been transmitted to the COD.

Terminated: Indicates the award is cancelled and the Offer amount is set to zero prior to transmission to the COD.

Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transmission status)

Indicates the current status of the loan origination. Values are:

Accepted: Indicates the COD has accepted the loan.

Change Pending Transmission: Indicates an adjustment generated a change transaction that has not been sent to the COD. Any further changes entered alter the change record until the transmission occurs.

Error: Represents an acknowledgement from the COD indicating a rejection of an origination or origination change record.

Origination Pending Transmission: Indicates an Origination that has not been transmitted to the COD.

Transmitted: Indicates that an acknowledgement from the COD is due regarding an origination or an origination change record. All loan change activity is suspended until the acknowledgement arrives.

Misc Loan Detail (miscellaneous loan detail)

Click to access the Miscellaneous Loan Detail page, where you can review printing information, origination fees, and academic year start/end dates.

Eligibility Detail

Click to access the Loan Eligibility Detail page, where you can review information on the student's loan eligibility.

Borrower Detail

Click to access the Borrower Detail page, where you can review the borrower's demographic information.

Student Detail

Click to access the Student Detail page, where you can review the student's demographic information.

Name Detail

Click to access the Name Detail page, where you can review the name on the loan.

Address Detail

Click to access the Address Detail page, where you can review or override the address for the loan.

ATB Detail (ability to benefit detail)

Displays a link to Ability to Benefit information if present. Click the link to view Ability to Benefit data.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Anticipated Tab

For definitions of the fields that appear on this tab:

See Processing and Reviewing Financial Data.

Acknowledged Tab

Select the Acknowledged tab.

Ack Antc Gr (acknowledged anticipated gross)

Displays the acknowledged anticipated gross disbursement amount, as acknowledged by the COD. This amount is derived from the offer balance on the award. The sum of the anticipated gross amounts for this loan equals the loan certified amount.

Ack Antc Net (acknowledged anticipated net)

Displays the acknowledged anticipated net amount, which represents the maximum disbursement for the student, as acknowledged by the COD. This amount is equal to the difference between the anticipated gross and the anticipated fee amounts.

Ack Dsb Date (acknowledged disbursement date)

Displays the acknowledged disbursement date, which is the expected disbursement date, as specified on the acknowledgment record.

Ln Paid Dt (loan paid date)

Displays the actual date of the disbursement after the loan funds are disbursed to the student's account and the Loan Paid check box is selected.

Viewing Miscellaneous Loan Details

Access the Miscellaneous Loan Detail page (click the Misc Loan Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the Origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the Origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Loan Eligibility Details

Access the Loan Eligibility Detail page (click the Eligibility Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If an acknowledgement has not been received or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Borrower Details

Access the Borrower Detail page (click the Borrower Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Student Details

Access the Student Detail page (click the Student Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Name Details

Access the Name Detail page (click the Name Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Address Details

Access the Address Detail page (click the Address Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing ATB Details

Access the Address Detail page (click the ATB Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values display the most current sequence row captured on the Manage Ability to Benefit component. The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are both populated. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is populated.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Overriding Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending

This section discusses how to:

Changes you make here do not change the Campus Community data. You must save changes to data made on these pages. To commit the data you override to the Origination file and application pages, go to Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, App Acknowledgement and click the Activate Change button. Then re-run Origination with adjustments.

Note. The system sends Bio/Demo data to the COD. If you choose to override data on any of these pages, ensure the changes are accurate. If the student has more than one Stafford loan type such as a subsidized and unsubsidized loan and if both loans have been created and originated, you must ensure that changes are reflected on each loan type for the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Override Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Loan Name


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Name

View the current name information on a direct loan record. This is a view only page.

Direct Loan Phone


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Phone

Override telephone information on the direct loan record.

Direct Loan Address


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Address

View address information on the direct loan record.

Direct Loan Email


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Email

Override email information on the direct loan record. For direct lending, the email address is restricted to 50 characters and must follow email address identification protocol.

Direct Loan Demo Ovrd


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Demo Ovrd

Override Campus Community or institutional application information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Direct Loan Name Information

Access the Direct Loan Name page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Name).

The system displays the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, Aid Year, and Appl Seq (application sequence).

The Loan Name Type and the full name of the borrower are displayed. If multiple name types are associated with the loan, all are displayed. These fields are display only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Direct Loan Phone Information

Access the Direct Loan Phone page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Phone).


Displays the current telephone number for the borrower. This phone number originates from Campus Community. This field is display only until you select the Override Phone check box.

Override Phone

Select to override the current phone number on the loan record only. Selecting the check box activates the Telephone field. If you override this phone number, future adjustments to Campus Community information do not update this field. If you clear this check box, the system reinserts the telephone number originating from Campus Community.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Direct Loan Address Information

Access the Direct Loan Address page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Address).

Loan Address Type

Specifies the type of address displayed.


The address fields change depending on the country you select. You can only select a country if you select the Override Address check box.

Note. To make address changes, use the Addresses page in Campus Community (Managing Biographical Information, Managing Addresses and Phone, Addresses).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Direct Loan Email Information

Access the Direct Loan Email page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Email).

Override Email Address

Select to override the student's email address. Enter the updated or changed email address in the field. If you override the student's email address, future adjustments to Campus Community information do not update this field. If you clear this check box, the system reinserts the email information originating from Campus Community.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Direct Loan Application Information

Access the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Loan Application Data, Direct Loan Demo Ovrd).

Override Borrower SSN

Select to change the borrower's social security number or date for the SSN.

Override Academic Year Start

Select to change the start date of the academic year for this borrower.

Override Academic Year End

Select to change the end date of the academic year for this borrower.

Override Dependency Status

Select to change the borrower's federal dependency status.

Override Student Citizenship

Field option will only appear for parent PLUS loans. Select to change the student's citizenship status.

The values acceptable to COD for Student Citizenship Stat are:

  • 1- Native

  • 2 - Naturalized

  • 3 - Alien Permanent

Override Borrower BirthDate

Select to change the borrower's date of birth and to enter the date you changed the date of birth.

Override Borrower Citizenship

Select to change the borrower's citizenship status. The values acceptable to COD for Borrower Citizenship Stat are:

1: Native

2: Naturalized

3: Alien Permanent

Note. Override Borrower Citizenship can be updated using Population Update for Stafford and GRAD PLUS loans. Population Update can also update the 'student' citizenship field for a DL PLUS parent application.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Override Borrower Alien Reg (override borrower alien registration)

Select to change the borrower's alien registration or Visa/permit number.

Note. If you override these required fields, your institution must take full responsibility for the data you submit to the COD that may be in conflict with existing institutional records. Access to this page should be limited to key personnel.

Click to jump to parent topicOverriding and Viewing Direct Loan Origination Data and Action Messages

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Override and View Direct Loan Origination Data and Action Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Loan Override


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Processing Status, Direct Loan Override

Manually accept a loan origination, manually accept a promissory note, update the disbursement status, put the loan in hold or error status, and remove a hold from the loan.

Direct Loan Orig Actions (direct loan origination actions)


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions

Review actions and errors pertaining to origination, origination change, and validation.

Direct Loan Disb Actions (direct loan disbursement actions)


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Disb Actions

View the disbursement actions associated with the loan.

Loan Exception Messages


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Loan Exception Messages

View messages pertaining to loan processing, such as why a loan is on hold or explanations for manual overrides performed. The information contained in this page is cumulative for the particular loan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Direct Loan Origination Data

Access the Direct Loan Override page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Override Processing Status, Direct Loan Override).

Warning! Use extreme caution when updating loan records with this page. Future processing and dollar amounts are based on these loan amounts and loan statuses.

Note. If you override these required fields, your institution must take full responsibility for the data you submit to the COD that may be in conflict with existing institutional records. Access to this page should be limited to key personnel.

With the exception of the fields listed below, the fields on this page are the same as those on the Application Acknowledgement page.

To perform one of the following actions, select the appropriate option and click the Update Origination button.

Accept Orig (accept origination)

Perform this action only if you do not expect to receive an acknowledgement file from the COD. Selecting this option accepts the current originated loan amounts. The system populates the transmitted fields with the same amount as the originated fields. This is the same as receiving a Loan Origination Acknowledgment file. Selecting this option also manually releases a loan from Error status.

Update DL Disb Status (update direct lending disbursement status)

If you select this option, the system reevaluates the disbursement status for a student. Perform this action when you manually override the credit status for a PLUS loan type or you change the switches on the loan type.

Accept Promissory Note

Select this option to override a promissory note acknowledgement by manually accepting a promissory note. Use this option if you did not or do not expect to receive a promissory note acknowledgement from the COD or if the promissory note was rejected and you want to authorize a disbursement and report and transmit the disbursed award to the COD on behalf of the borrower.

When you click the Update Origination button, the system does the following:

  • The system checks the Loan Pnote Stat (promissory note status) field. If the status value is Accepted, no further processing occurs. If status is not Accepted, the system checks to see if a promissory note record has been created. If no promissory note record exists, the system creates an entry in the promissory note table for this loan.

  • The system updates the promissory note status on both the promissory note table and on the loan origination record to A - Accepted.

  • The system insets an entry into the promissory note action table to indicate that the promissory note was manually accepted. You can view this information on the Direct Loan PNote page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Review Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote)or on the (view only) Direct Loan PNote Action page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote Action).

  • The system inserts a message into the Loan Exception Messages page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Loan Exception Messages) indicating that the promissory note was manually accepted. You can make additional comments to explain why you manually accepted the promissory note.

  • The system reevaluates the disbursement status. If the promissory note was the only criteria keeping the loan from being disbursed, the system updates the appropriate fields to allow for the disbursement of the loan funds.

Important! Use the promissory note acknowledgement override with caution. If the COD rejects a promissory note after you have overridden the promissory note acknowledgement the loan's status is un-booked. To get the loan to a booked status and properly disburse the funds, this situation must be resolved directly with the COD.

Error Loan

Perform this action only if you do not expect to receive an acknowledgement file from the COD. Selecting this option changes the Orig Trans Stat (origination transmission status) to Error. This simulates receiving an COD Acknowledgement that rejects the origination or origination change record. This results in loan adjustments reevaluating the loan for changes based on the current acknowledgement values.

Note. When you perform any of the above actions, the system generates an exception message that you can review on the Loan Exception Messages page. You are encouraged to note exceptions by adding your own detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Direct Loan Origination Action Messages

The Direct Loan Actions Inquiry component is view only and is designed to provide status and processing information to staff who may or may not be directly involved with the processing of Direct Lending files, but may need access to direct lending information.

You use the DL Actions Inquiry component to view origination and disbursement action history and loan exception messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Loan Origination Action History

Access the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions).

The system displays the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, Aid Year, and Appl Seq (application sequence) values. The application sequence number increases each time the system creates a new loan origination record for each ID, career, loan type, institution, and aid year combination.

The following fields are derived from the Loan Origination record.

Item Type

Displays the financial aid item type associated with this loan.

Loan Process Status

Displays the current status of the loan. Values are:

Cancelled: Not used for direct lending.

Hold: Indicates the COD rejected an activity or a user manually set the loan to hold status. The system suspends all loan processing until the hold is removed.

Offered and Not Accepted: Indicates that a loan transmission based on an offer is not be transmitted until the award is accepted.

Origination Pending: Indicates a pending origination that has not been transmitted to the COD.

In Service: Indicates the loan has been transmitted to the COD.

Terminated: Indicates the award is cancelled and the Offer amount is set to zero prior to transmission to the COD.

Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status)

Indicates the current status of the loan origination. Values are:

Accepted: Indicates the COD has accepted the loan.

Change Pending Transmission: Indicates an adjustment generated a change transaction that has not been sent to the COD. Any further changes entered alter the change record until the transmission occurs.

Error: Represents an acknowledgement from the COD indicating a rejection of an origination or origination change record.

Origination Pending Transmission: Indicates an Origination that was not transmitted to the COD.

Transmitted: Indicates that an acknowledgement from the COD is due regarding an origination or an origination change record. The system suspends all loan change activity until the acknowledgement arrives.

Total Certified Loan Amt (total certified loan amount)

Indicates the amount approved for the loan. This value is derived from the offer amount on the Award.

Borrower Requested Amount

Derived from the Accepted Amount on the Award and represents the Certified Amount to be reported to the COD.

Actions Tab

Seq (sequence)

Displays the origination action sequence generated from the loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a loan, they display in reverse order; the most recent sequence displays at the top.


Displays the description of the action. Values are:

Accepted Orig

Rejected Orig

Accepted Orig/Credit Chk PLUS only

Acpt Orig/Credit Chk Denied PLUS only

Loan Originated

Lower Endr

Orig Change

Manually Accepted

Manually Rejected


Action Status

Displays the current status of the action. Values are:


Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied)








The action status for an acknowledgement is always Received. If the COD rejects an origination or origination change record, the system creates a new Loan Originated row to track the re-submission of the failed/rejected action.

Status Date

For actions representing received information, the action status date is the COD acknowledgement date. For actions representing transmitted information, this date is the date the action is created.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date/time)

For actions representing received information, the action date time field displays the date and time the acknowledgement is loaded to the system. For actions representing sent information, this field displays the date and time the transmission was sent.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.


Displays the unique identifier assigned to the particular process that created the action row.


Displays the user ID for the individual who processed the action.

Explaining Direct Loan Origination Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for origination. This includes the processes run and the actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the following table display on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Loan Processing Status

Loan Origination Transmission Status

Loan Origination Action

Loan Origination Action Status

Status/Action Explanation

Orig Pend

Orig Pend

Loan Originated


You have not transmitted the loan to the COD. Any changes that you make to the source data are applied to the loan record by the loan adjustments. The system does not create a change transaction.

In Service


Loan Originated


You have run the Direct Loan Outbound process and sent the loan origination or loan origination change records to the COD. The system suspends Loan Origination Change Processing until you receive the acknowledgement from the COD. The system updates the action status.

In Service


Accepted Orig, Accepted Orig/Credit Chk, Acpt Orig/Crdt Chk Denied, or Acpt Orig/Crdt Chk Pending


You received an origination acknowledgement and the COD accepted the loan origination. The system inserts a new origination action. If you change the origination data, the system generates an origination change record.


Orig Pend

Rejected Orig


You received an origination acknowledgement from the COD and ran COD Inbound. The COD rejected the origination. The system inserts two new actions (Rejected Orig and Loan Originated).


Orig Pend

Loan Originated


As a result of the previous action, the system inserts a new loan origination action to resubmit the origination.


Origination Pending


The award was cancelled/declined before transmitting the loan origination to the COD.

Explaining Direct Loan Origination Change Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for Origination Change. This includes the processes run and the actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the following table display on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Loan Processing Status

Loan Origination Transmission Status

Loan Origination Action

Loan Origination Action Status

Status/Action Explanation

In Service

Change Pend

Orig Change


You changed origination data after the COD accepted the origination; therefore, the Loan Adjustment process created an origination change record. The Origination program inserts a new origination action.

In Service


Orig Change


You have transmitted an origination change and the origination program inserts a new origination action.

In Service


Orig Change


You received an origination acknowledgment from the COD and the origination change is accepted. The Origination program inserts a new origination action.

In Service


Orig Change


Lower Endr

Lower Endr – You sent a loan application based on a Credit Override of – Accept Endorser with an Endorser amount lower than the original loan award amount. You received an origination acknowledgement, and COD accepted the updated loan origination. The system inserts this row of data and a Accepted Origination Change row. Therefore, two loan action rows are inserted when a response to Lower Award amount is loaded. This is done to show that the award amount was reduced as a result of lower Endorser amount.



Orig change


You received an origination change acknowledgement from the COD that rejects the origination change. The Origination program inserts a new origination action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Direct Loan Disbursement Actions

Access the Direct Loan Disb Actions page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Disb Actions).

The item type, status, and amount fields are the same as those on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Disbursement ID

Displays the ID number assigned to this particular disbursement.

Loan Disb Trans Stat (loan disbursement transaction status)

Indicates the status for this disbursement. Values are:


Chg Pend (change pending)

Actual (actual disbursement)


Disb Pend (disbursement pending) Trans (transmitted)

Actions Tab

Seq (sequence)

Displays the disbursement action sequence generated from the loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a loan, the most recent sequence appears at the top.


Displays the description of the disbursement action type. The values are:

Adjusted Disbursement

Canceled Disbursement

Actual Disbursement

Booking Disbursement

Booking Adjustment

Anticipated Disbursement

Servicer Refund

Disbursed to Student Account

Action Status

Displays the current status of the disbursement action. The values are:


Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied)








The action status for an Acknowledgement is always Received.

Loan Action Status Date

For actions representing received information, displays the COD acknowledgement date. For actions representing transmitted information, this is the date the action is created.

Details Tab

Select the Details tab.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date/time)

For actions representing received information, the action date time is the date/time the acknowledgement is loaded to the system. For actions representing sent information, this is the date and time the transmission is sent.

Loan Disb Action Amt (loan disbursement action amount)

Displays the gross disbursement amount.

Loan Disb Action Fee (loan disbursement action fee)

Displays the loan fee amount for the disbursement.

Loan Disb Action Net (loan disbursement action net)

Displays the net disbursement amount, minus fees, plus rebate.

Loan Disb Action Adj (loan disbursement action adjustment)

Displays the adjusted disbursement amount reported.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.

Direct Lending Booked Status

Displays Booked if the COD has accepted and acknowledged the origination, first disbursement, and promissory notes. Until this occurs, the status is Unbooked.

Loan Disb Sequence Status (loan disbursement sequence status)

Displays one of the following values:


Invalid (invalid sequence number)

AlrdyRecv (already received)

Loan School Cd Status (loan school code status)

Displays one of the following values: blank if the school code is accepted and I - Invalid if the school code is invalid.

Loan Disbursement Status

Displays one of the following values:


Invalid (invalid disbursement)

AlrdyRecv (already received)


Loan ID Status

Displays one of the following values:

I - Invalid Loan Identifier

N - Loan Identifier Not on File

blank - Accepted


Displays the number used by the system to count the occurrences of the processes you run. Use this on the Messages page to select the particular instance of the process.

User ID

Displays the user ID for the individual who processed the action.

Explaining Direct Loan Disbursement Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for disbursements. This includes the processes run and actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the following table are located on the Direct Loan Disb Actions page.

The Loan Disbursement Transaction Status field appears opposite the Disbursement ID. The loan disbursement action status refers to the Action Status field on the page.

Loan Disbursement Transmission Status

Loan Disbursement Action

Loan Disbursement Action Status

Status/Action Explanation

Disb Pend

Anticipated Disbursement


You originated the loan. This record represents the anticipated disbursement data at the time of disbursement. The Origination program inserts a new disbursement action row.

Disb Pend

Disbursed to Student Account


You authorized and disbursed funds to the students account. The Disbursement program inserts a new disbursement action row.


Actual Disbursement


You transmitted an actual disbursement record to the COD. The Disbursement Outbound program inserts a new disbursement action.


Actual Disbursement


You received a disbursement acknowledgement from the COD that indicates the disbursement was accepted. The Disbursement Inbound program updates the disbursement action.


Actual Disbursement


You received a disbursement acknowledgement from the COD indicating the disbursement was rejected. The Disbursement program updates the disbursement action.


Adjusted Disbursement


You transmitted an adjusted disbursement record to the COD. The Disbursement Outbound program inserts a new disbursement action.


Adjusted Disbursement


You received a disbursement acknowledgement from the COD indicating the disbursement adjustment was accepted. The Disbursement Inbound program updates the disbursement action.


Adjusted Disbursement


You received a disbursement acknowledgement from the COD indicating the disbursement adjustment was rejected. The disbursement program updates the disbursement action.


Booking Disbursement


You received a booking notification from the COD. The booking notification indicates that the loan origination, promissory note and the first actual disbursement are accepted. The booking notification includes the Disbursement Activity Type L booking disbursement, the booked date and COD's total net booked amount.


Booking Adjustment


For each disbursement adjustment acknowledgement you receive from the COD, you also receive a booking notification. The booking notification includes the Disbursement Activity Type M booking adjustment, booked date and COD's total net booked amount.


Servicer Refund


You received a servicer refund acknowledgement from the COD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Loan Exception Messages

Access the Loan Exception Messages page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Loan Exception Messages).


Displays the date and time that the message was created.


Displays the exception message logged for each transaction listed. You can enter further information regarding the exception message using the Loan Message Comment page.


Click this link to view additional message information.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Using Promissory Notes

Multi-year Master Promissory Notes allow a student to sign and use one promissory note throughout multiple loan years and for multiple schools participating in the multi-year master promissory notes.

All existing 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 master promissory notes, are treated as multi-year promissory notes. Schools that are eligible for multi-year promissory note functionality can use these existing master promissory notes for 2001-2002 loans for the same student. Borrowers who attend a school that is eligible for multi-year functionality are required to have only one master promissory note on file at the COD for all subsidized and unsubsidized loans disbursed for the academic year 2000-2001 and forward. An open master promissory note on file at the COD is assigned to the borrower and can be used by any school eligible for multi-year functionality.

Note. The Social Security Number, date of birth, and first name on the Loan Origination Record must match the same values on the master promissory note, otherwise the COD cannot link the existing master promissory note to the Loan Origination Record.

An open master promissory note is valid for up to ten years from the date of the first anticipated disbursement, if an actual disbursement is made. Students can close open master promissory notes by calling a customer service representative at the COD. After a master promissory note is closed, no new loans can be disbursed without generating a new master promissory note. However, all disbursements and booking activity for the loans already attached to the closed master promissory notes are processed.

Single-year schools are not eligible to use multi-year master promissory notes. For these schools, a borrower must sign a new master promissory note for each academic year. Single-year schools must use a master promissory note generated specifically for that institution. For these schools, subsidized and unsubsidized loans for the same student and the same academic year can be linked to a single master promissory note.

This section discusses how to:

You use the same pages whether you are creating multi-year promissory notes or single year promissory notes.

For more information regarding the use of the Electronic Master Promissory Note and alternative print options to allow COD to print and communicate with borrowers regarding promissory note requirements,

See Also

U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Use Promissory Notes

Page Name

Definition Name



Create DL PNote Communication (create direct loan promissory note communication)


Financial Aid, Loans, Create PNote Communication, Create DL PNote Communication

Create promissory note communication records for the types of documents defined in the report package selected. The print process that produces the output for the promissory notes reads the communication record.

Print DL Promissory Note (print direct loan promissory note)


Financial Aid, Loans, Print Promissory Note, Print DL Promissory Note

Print promissory notes for direct lending.

Direct Loan Pnote (direct loan promissory note)


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Review Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote

For an originated loan, indicate when a promissory note has been signed, adjust the status of the promissory note for the loan manifest, reprint the promissory note, create another promissory note, and cancel the promissory note.

DL Batch Signature (direct loan batch signature)


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Create Signatures in Batch, DL Batch Signature

Record promissory note signatures in batch mode and remove signatures in batch. To record promissory note signatures, select the promissory note IDs and apply the signatures. You can sign a group of promissory notes or individual promissory notes. You can remove the signature from a promissory note.

Loan PNote Selection Criteria (loan promissory note selection criteria)


Click the Batch PNote Selection button from the DL Batch Signature page.

Enter criteria to be used to select the promissory notes to sign or un-sign.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Promissory Note Communication Record

Access the Create DL Pnote Communication page (Financial Aid, Loans, Create PNote Communication, Create DL PNote Communication).

Use this page to run the Create PNote Communication Rec process (FAPLDPN2). You can create direct lending (and non-Direct Lending) promissory note communication records that determine which promissory notes are printed, based on the criteria you enter. The fields in the Selection Criteria group box have a cumulative search effect. Each field that you enter narrows your search criteria.

The DL PNote Create program (FAPLDPN2.CBL) creates one VAR_DATA_LOAN record if it is assigning a Checklist and Communication at the same time and ensures consistent VAR_DATA_LOAN data. When you run the Loan Origination and the DL Pnote Create (FAPLDPN2.CBL) processes, the system populates the fields to be in sync. This accommodates users who run the CCLTRGEN routines. For loans other than direct loans, the system populates all fields except for LN_APPL_ID. As a result, the system only creates one VAR_DATA_LOAN record when the loan origination process is run along with the CCLTRGEN routine.

Selection Criteria

Select the institution, aid year, and academic career for which to create a promissory note communication record for loans originated for that group of students.

Ln Output Type (loan output type)

Select a value to set the output format for your documents from Delimited, External, Fixed, and Positional. For direct lending, PeopleSoft supports External (for institutions that use third-party software to generate documents) and Positional values.

Report Package

Specify your report package based on how you set up the Loan Report Packages page. The system evaluates the report package and assigns communications to any loan types the student may have that correspond to the document types defined in the package.

Document Type

Select from:

Hlth Pnote

Mstr Pnote: The system generates communications only for Subsidized Stafford or Unsubsidized Stafford loan types.

PNote: The system generates communications for PLUS and Graduate PLUS loans.

Perk PNote

Univ Pnote

All document types are linked to the loan category and loan program from the Loan Type Table.

If you leave this field blank, the system assigns communications to any loan types that the student has that correspond to the document types defined in the report package. If you enter a value, the system assigns communications only to the loan type that matches the selected document type. For example, if Pnote is selected, the system generates communications only for PLUS loans.

Note. Although Cover Ltr, TIL, and TIS are listed, they are not valid selections for Document Type for this process.

Print Option

Select which promissory notes to print. Values are:

Blank: This option prints promissory notes for all loan types that have not had a promissory note printed.

New: This option is similar to the Blank option processing promissory notes for all loan types, except when processing direct lending subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The New option only creates a master promissory note communication for students who do not have an accepted loan origination in a previous year and who do not have a MPN on file with the COD.

P Stat: This option prints all promissory notes that the COD origination acknowledgment file has flagged to print.

From Date and Thru Date

Select a range of dates. The system generates communications for loans with origination dates that start with the From Date and end with the Thru Date.

Student Override

Select this check box to allow you to print a promissory note for specific students. If an existing promissory note is lost, use this method to create new communications.


Select an ID for the students requiring their promissory note to be printed. Add a new row for each student for whom you want to create a promissory note communication.

Note. After you run the Create DL PNote Comm process once with the document type blank, you can create additional promissory notes and promissory note communications by running the process using singular document types or using the From Date and Thru Date. Otherwise, the communication continues to select all the promissory note types and populating the promissory note communication table with multiple rows.

Check the Batch Message Inquiry page in this component after you run the process to be sure it completed correctly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Direct Loan Master Promissory Notes

Access the Print DL Promissory Note page (Financial Aid, Loans, Print Promissory Note, Print DL Promissory Note).

Use this page to run the Print Packages/PNote Docs process (FALDPNT2).

You can use Master Promissory Notes (MPN) in making Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS, and Graduate PLUS loans in the Direct Loan (DL) program. One promissory note can be used to make one or more loans to a parent borrower to help pay for the educational costs of one dependent student for one or more academic years.

If your institution collects signed promissory notes for the Direct Lending program, you can produce a manifest to send with the signed promissory notes to the Direct Lending common origination and disbursement processing center (COD).

A loan origination record must exist before you can create a promissory note. Set up your Manage Communication Tables in Campus Community, set up Loan Report Packages and DL Serial Pnote Tables in Process Loans. To print a promissory note, first create a promissory note communication record for the types of documents defined in the report package selected. The print process that produces the output for the promissory notes reads the communication record.

Campus Solutions uses an unlabeled format for printing promissory notes and only supports a positional print process. There is also an extract process.

Note. For details on how to set up a loan origination record, the Manage Communication Table, Loan Report Packages, and DL Serial Pnote Tables:

See Creating and Using Promissory Notes.

Selection Criteria

The following fields are the same as those on the Create DL PNote Comm page: Institution, Aid Year, Career, Ln Output Type, Student Override, and ID.

Ln Output Type (loan output type)

Select Positional. For Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford promissory notes, the system prints for unlabeled forms. For PLUS promissory notes, the system prints for labeled forms.

Report Package

Select Positional.

Document Type

If you leave this field blank, the system generates output for each type of document defined in the report package that has an unprocessed communication record. If a cover letter or truth-in-lending document(s) is defined in the package they are also produced.

If you enter a value, the system generates output only for the document type selected (where an unprocessed communication record exists).

If you select Mstr Pnote, the system generates output only for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Promissory Notes. If you select Pnote, the system generates output only for PLUS Promissory Notes.

From Date and Thru Date

Select the range of dates for the promissory note/package print process. The system processes communication records with dates that start with the date you enter in the From Date field and end with the date you enter in the Thru Date field.

If you select the Student Override check box, the date fields do not appear.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of promissory notes to print.

Note. The system manages positional printing differently. When you run the process to create the communication record, the system processes all loan types associated with the package. It creates all of the communication records. If you are using positional printing, you can only print one document at a time. When you select the package you want to use, you must also specify which document type you want to run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSigning and Reviewing Direct Loan Promissory Notes

Access the Direct Loan PNote page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Review Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote).

Note. The Direct Loan Pnote page can only be accessed if a Promissory Note Acknowledgement file is imported or if the school internally creates promissory notes to manage.

Note. Select the tabs on the page to access multiple views of this page. Fields common to all views are documented first.

Common Page Information

DL Pnote ID

Beginning with 2003-2004, direct loan application processing supports master promissory note requirements for the PLUS loan types. The system adds the letter N to the ID to indicate that the loan is PLUS Loan MPN. The system adds the letter M to indicate that the loan is a Stafford (subsidized or unsubsidized) Loan MPN.

Loan PNOTE Type (loan promissory note type)

Displays the type of promissory note used for this loan.

Loan PNote Status (loan promissory note status)

Displays the current status of the loan promissory note.

  • Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Status is set when the Promissory Note is created by the system.

  • Accepted – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system.

  • Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system.

  • Closed – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system. No additional loan awards can be associated with this promissory note, but disbursement and booking processing may continue with COD.

  • Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory note acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with the 2012–2013 aid year.

  • Inactive – Status is set when acknowledgment is received from COD and processed by the system. No additional loan awards can be associated with this promissory note, but disbursement and booking processing may continue with COD.

Note. Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Promissory Note Amount

Displays the amount of the promissory note.

Borrower Signature

Select this check box when the borrower has signed the promissory note. For a PLUS loan, the borrower is the parent or guardian. The system makes the Student Signature field unavailable.

Note. The Checklist associated with the loan type is inserted when the Promissory note Communication is assigned. In previous versions of Financial Aid, the Checklist associated with the loan was inserted at loan origination. Make sure you have assigned a 3Cs inquiry group to your communication category.

Student Signature

Select this check box when the student has signed the promissory note. The student signature is unavailable on the promissory note for PLUS loans only.

Signature Date

Displays today's date. You can edit the field if needed.


Select the status of this promissory note in regards to the Loan Manifest. Use this check box when your institution collects signed promissory notes and sends them with a manifest to a loan service provider or the direct lending common origination and disbursement processing center (COD). The values are:

Authorize: Indicates that the signature check boxes are selected.

Batch: Indicates that the Manifest Generation process is complete.

Pending: Indicates that the loan is originated.

Actions Tab


Displays the promissory note action sequence generated from the loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a promissory note, they display in reverse chronological order.


Displays a description for the displayed action code.

Loan Pnote Status (loan promissory note status)

Displays the current status of the promissory note. Values are Accepted, Pending, and Rejected.

Loan Action Status Dt (loan action status date)

Indicates the date when the loan action status activity occurred.

Details Tab

Select the Details tab.

Borrower Signature

Indicates whether the borrower has signed the promissory note.

Signature Date

Displays the date that the Borrower Signature check box was selected, or the actual date the borrower signed the promissory note if you edited the signature date.

Student Signature

This field is unavailable with PLUS loans when the borrower is not the student.

Signature Date

Displays the date that the Student Signature check box is selected, or the actual date the student signed the promissory note if you edited the signature date.

Promissory Note Amount

Displays the amount printed on the promissory note.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date and time)

Displays the date and time the loan promissory note status was posted.

Batch ID

Displays the direct lending batch ID.


Displays the number that the system assigns incrementally to count the occurrences of the processes you run. You can use this number to select the particular instance of the process for which you want to view the process results.

User ID

Displays the ID of the person who ran the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Batch Signatures for DL Promissory Notes

Access the DL Batch Signature page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Create Signatures in Batch, DL Batch Signature).

Use this page to sort based on aid year by selecting it on the Selection Criteria page.

Note. This page is designed to select a cumulative list of outstanding unsigned promissory notes. To select the promissory notes to be signed, review the aid year designation in the DL Pnote ID. The two-digit aid year designation is located after the Borrower's Social Security Number and the M for a Stafford loan and the P for a PLUS.


Enter a description for the current batch of signatures that you are creating.

Batch Pnote Action (batch promissory note action)

Choose the Select option to specify the promissory notes to sign.

Batch PNote Selection (batch promissory note selection)

Click this link to access the Loan Pnote Selection Criteria page, where you can specify which promissory notes to sign.

Click the lightening bolt to activate the selection.

The group box contains the promissory note ID numbers and names of the students you selected.

DL PNote ID (direct lending promissory note ID)

Select the unique ID assigned to the promissory note.


Displays the borrower name that is on the promissory note.

PNote Status

Displays the current status of the promissory note. Values are Accepted, Pending, and Rejected.

PNote Type

Specifies the type of promissory note. It displays either MPN for Stafford loans or PNOTE for PLUS loans.

Borrower Signature

Select this check box to indicate that the borrower signed the promissory note. The system automatically selects this check box when you sign a batch of promissory notes. Clearing the check box indicates that the borrower has not signed the promissory note. Use the date field to enter the date that the borrower signed the promissory note.

Student Signature

This check box is active for PLUS PNOTE types only.

The field that displays to the right of the student signature date field contains the status of the manifest. When you sign the promissory note, the status changes to Authorize. Prior to signing the promissory notes, the status is Pending. After the manifest generation process is complete, the status is Batch.

Signing or Un-signing a Group of Promissory Notes

To sign the entire group of promissory notes:

  1. Select the Sign option in the Batch PNote Action field.

  2. Click the lightening bolt to select all the active signature check boxes. For PLUS notes, both the Borrower Signature and Student Signature check boxes are active.

To un-sign the entire group of promissory notes:

  1. Select the Unsign option in the Batch PNote Action field.

  2. Click the lightening bolt to clear all the active signature check boxes.

The group box contains the promissory note ID numbers and names of the students you selected.

Entering Loan Pnote Selection Criteria

Access the Loan PNote Selection Criteria page (click the Batch PNote Selection button from the DL Batch Signature page).

You can select promissory notes by the borrower's name or National ID number. For U.S. citizens this is the social security number. You can also specify whether to select promissory notes of a specific type.

Aid Year

Select the aid year on which to sort the signature records.

Last Name FROM and Last Name TO

Use these fields to select a group of students by their last names. Enter the beginning name for the range in the FROM field and the ending name in the TO field.

National ID FROM and National ID TO

Use these fields to select a group of students by their national ID numbers. Enter the beginning national ID number for the range in the FROM field and the ending national ID in the TO field.

Loan PNOTE Type

Select the type of promissory note to sign. Select MPN for Stafford loans or PNOTE for PLUS loans. To include both types of promissory notes, select Both.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement Messages

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Loan PNote Action


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote Action

View promissory note action history. This is information the same information as on the Direct Loan PNote page, but this page cannot be updated. You can also review messages pertaining to rejected transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Promissory Note Action History

Access the Direct Loan PNote Action page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Promissory Note Actions, Direct Loan PNote Action).

Actions Tab

Click the Msg (message) link to access the Loan Disbursement Messages page, where you can view messages that explain the problem with the promissory note.

See Also

Signing and Reviewing Direct Loan Promissory Notes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Loan Disbursement Messages

Access the Loan Disbursement Messages page (click the Msg link on the Direct Loan PNote Action page).

PNt MsqSq (promissory note message sequence)

Displays the number generated from the promissory note record activity. Multiple sequences display , with the most recent sequence first.

Msg Code (message code)

Displays the code that the COD has assigned to this action message.

Msg (message)

Click this link to view the full text of the message.

Descr (description)

Displays the description of the action message.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Direct Loan Manifests

If your institution collects signed promissory notes for the direct lending program, you must produce a manifest to send with the signed promissory notes to the direct lending common origination and disbursement (COD) processing center. When you receive a signed promissory note, access the Direct Loan Pnote page and indicate that the promissory note is signed. The system sets the Manifest Status to Authorize and the promissory note is included the next time you create a loan manifest.

Next, create the data for the loan manifest by running the Populate Manifest process, which selects all students' promissory notes that have a manifest status of Authorize. You can review the selected promissory notes and delete any not to be included in the manifest before printing the manifest.

Then manually sort the signed promissory notes and attach the printed manifest to each group of fifty promissory notes. Financial Aid creates a manifest for every fifty promissory notes. Separate manifests are created for Stafford subsidized and unsubsidized and PLUS promissory notes as required by the COD.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Direct Loan Manifests

Page Name

Definition Name



Populate Manifest


Financial Aid, File Management, Direct Loans, Generate Direct Loans Manifest, Populate Manifest

Select the students whose promissory notes are signed and ready to be added to the loan manifest.

Direct Loan Manifest


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Review Manifest Batches, Direct Loan Manifest

View the list of students and their loan IDs that are in each manifest. There are separate manifests for Stafford and PLUS promissory notes. You can remove students that should not be included on the manifest.

DL Print PLUS Manifest


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Print Manifest Report PLUS, DL Print PLUS Manifest

Print PLUS loan manifests.

DL Print Stafford Manifest


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Print Manifest Report— Stafford, DL Print Stafford Manifest

Print subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loan manifests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Direct Loan Manifest

Access the Populate Manifest page (Financial Aid, File Management, Direct Loans, Generate Direct Loans Manifest, Populate Manifest).

Use this page to run the DL Manifest Generation process for subsidized and unsubsidized loans (FAMANF01). The DL Manifest Generation process for PLUS loans is FAMAN2.

Select the academic institution and aid year of the promissory notes to be included on the manifest.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing a Direct Loan Manifest

Access the Direct Loan Manifest page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Review Manifest Batches, Direct Loan Manifest).

School Code

Displays the Central Processing Center (CPS) code for your institution.

Loan Manifest Date

Displays the date you created the manifest.

Manifest Group Number

Indicates each manifest group. A new manifest group is created for each Stafford or PLUS group of fifty promissory notes. You can view the different manifest groups.

DL Batch ID (direct lending batch identifier)

Displays a batch ID comprised of alphanumeric characters representing batch type, cycle year, school code, date, and time. This batch ID is used to monitor and control the number of promissory notes accepted by the Department of Education COD.

Seq Number (sequence number)

Indicates the order that you should organize the signed promissory notes you include with the manifest.


Displays the student's ID.

Loan ID

Displays the identification number of the loan. The promissory note type is displayed next to this field.

Delete Row

Select this check box to remove a student from the manifest when it is printed. To include the student in future manifests, reset the manifest status to Authorize on the Direct Loan PNote page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting PLUS and Stafford Loan Manifests

Different run control pages are available for printing PLUS loan manifests and Stafford loan manifests. Use the Plus Manifest page to print PLUS loan manifests and the Stafford Manifest page to print Stafford loan manifests that you have created. You can print or reprint the manifests by date or by manifest group.

Printing a PLUS Loan Manifest

Access the DL Print PLUS Manifest page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Print Manifest Report PLUS, DL Print PLUS Manifest).

Use this page to run the Generate Manifest Report process for subsidized and unsubsidized (FAMANFS3). The process that runs the DL Manifest Generation for PLUS loans is FAMANFS2.

Loan Manifest Date

Select the manifests to print by entering a loan manifest date. If you enter a value in this field, the From Manifest Group Number and Thru Manifest Group Number fields are not available.

From Manifest Group Number

Select a group of manifests to print, from this manifest group number through the group number in the Thru Manifest Group Number field. The system prints the most current instance of each manifest for that date selected. All loan manifest groups are available, even if they have been printed.

Thru Manifest Group Number

Enter the ending manifest group number to specify the manifests to print.

Printing a Stafford Loan Manifest

Access the DL Print Stafford Manifest page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Print Manifest Report— Stafford, DL Print Stafford Manifest).

Use this page to run the Print Manifest Report Stafford process (FAMANFS3).

Click to jump to parent topicUsing EC Queue Status with Direct Loan Processing

This section discusses how to review the EC Queue status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review the EC Queue Status

Page Name

Definition Name



EC Queue Review (electronic commerce queue review)


Financial Aid, File Management, CommonLine Loans, Review CL 4 File Transactions, EC Queue Review

Review and edit the EC Queue Status for a file in the staging tables.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the EC Queue Status

Access the EC Queue Review page (Financial Aid, File Management, CommonLine Loans, Review CL 4 File Transactions, EC Queue Review).

Click the Update Status button to change the EC Queue Status field. The Override button toggles through the following values: P- processed, E- error, and L- loaded.

The EC Queue Status indicates the load status for the entire file. A file can contain one or many records. When the flat file is loaded into the EDI Manager staging tables, the EC Queue Status is set to Loaded. When the data in the file is moved from the staging tables to the database, the EC Queue Status is set to Processed. To prevent a specific file from being loaded to the database, set the EC Queue Status to Processed and the system ignores the file on subsequent loads to the database.

To reload a file to the database, set the EC Queue Status to Loaded.

A file with an EC Queue Status of Error is automatically recycled attempted to be loaded to the database the next time the inbound process is run.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Direct Loan EC History

You can access Direct Loan EC history for aid years that were removed from the menu; it retrieves Direct Loan data from 2004 and earlier.

This section discusses how to enter data to review DL EC history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Direct Loan EC History

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Loan EC History Information


Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Direct Loan Data, Direct Loan EC History Information

Access Direct Loan History.

Batch Header


Click the Originations link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Origination Export component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Borrower Export Information, Student Export Information, Financial Export Information, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Originations Acknowledgements link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Origination Acknowledgment Import component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Origination Acknowledgement, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Changes link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Change Export component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Change Information, and Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Change Acknowledgements link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Change Acknowledgment component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Change Acknowledgement, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Credit Decisions link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Credit Import 00/01 component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Credit Decision, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the PNote Acknowledgements link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Promissory Note Import component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Pnote Acknowledgement, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Disbursements link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Disbursement Export component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Disbursement Information, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header


Click the Disbursement Acknowledgements link on the Direct Loan EC History Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Direct Loan Disbursement Acknowledgement Import component for aid year 2001: Batch Header, Disbursement Acknowledgement, and Batch Header.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Data to Review DL EC History

Access the Direct Loan EC History Information page (Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Direct Loan Data, Direct Loan EC History Information).


Enter the student's ID.

Aid Year

Enter an aid year of 2004 or earlier.


Click to access the Direct Loan Origination Export component.

Origination Acknowledgements

Click to access the Direct Loan Origination Acknowledgement Import component.


Click to access the Direct Loan Change Export component.

Change Acknowledgements

Click to access the Direct Loan Change Acknowledgement component.

Credit Decisions

Click to access the Direct Loan Credit Import component.

Pnote Acknowledgements

Click to access the Direct Loan Promissory Note Import component.


Click to access the Direct Loan Disbursement Export component.

Disbursement Acknowledgements

Click to access the Direct Loan Disbursement Acknowledgement Import component.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Direct Lending Origination Changes

This section discusses how to process Direct Lending origination changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Direct Lending Origination Changes

Page Name

Definition Name



DL Student Change Information


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Hold/Suspend Change, DL Student Change Information

Set change parameters for a particular student. By setting change parameters for specific fields, you can determine how Direct Lending change processing handles the specified fields for the particular student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Change Parameters for Direct Loan Origination Changes

Access the DL Student Change Information page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Hold/Suspend Change, DL Student Change Information).

Specify any change processing requirements for the selected student by entering the fields in the DL Student Change Parameters group box. The fields are the same fields as on the Ln Dl Inst Parm page.

Note. The above change parameters affect those loans that have been transmitted to the COD. Prior to submitting loans to the COD, you can change the fields on the loan record without generating a change transaction. Change transactions occur when you make changes to loans you have transmitted to the COD.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Direct Lending Change Processing

This section discusses three examples of the Direct Loan Origination Change process. Each example addresses a different type of change. The processing examples are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing a Bio/Demo Change

The following steps represent the process for changing bio/demo data. For this example, the borrower's date of birth requires a change after you have originated the loan and transmitted it to the COD.

To change bio/demo data:

  1. Enter and save a new date in the Birth date field on the Bio/Demo Data page (SA_BIO_DEMO_DATA3).

  2. For the Loan Change process to recognize the changed field, you can flag the loan for change processing. Click the Activate Change button on the Application Acknowledgement page (LOAN_ORIG_STAT_DL0) (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Acknowledgment).

    Note. Click the Activate Change button to trigger the Loan Adjustment process to review the student for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct Loan Application component or the Award Entry page do not require you to manually start the Loan Change process here. Click the Activate Change button for any other data changes (for example, the student or borrower name) to start the Loan Change process.

  3. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process. Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid, Loans, Process Loans, Loan Origination, select the Adjustments check box, and run the Loan Origination process.

  4. Review the Application Acknowledgment page. At this point, the Loan Process Status is In Service and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

  5. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page(Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure that the change was processed The latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

  6. The change is complete and ready to send to the COD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing an Award Change

The following steps represent the process for changing an award. For this example, you are canceling the borrower's unsubsidized loan after the loan was originated, transmitted, and acknowledged by the COD.

To process an award change:

  1. Make the change to the award on the Student Aid Package page (STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY3). If you canceled the Unsubsidized loan, for example, the offered and accepted amounts are now zero.

  2. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process with the Adjustments check box selected.

  3. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to verify the Loan Change process completed successfully. See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change. At this point, the Loan Process Status is In Service and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

  4. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure the change was processed The latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

  5. At this point, the change is complete and you would create the Direct Loan Change Processing outbound file to send to the COD. View this file using the Direct Loan Change Export nn/nn component. The COD must acknowledge the change by sending a Direct Loan Change Acknowledgement file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing a Rejected Origination Change

The following steps represent the process when a change is sent to the COD and the COD rejects the change. In this example, you attempt to change the citizenship status of a student.

To process a rejected origination change:

  1. Change the value of the Citizenship Status field on the Citizenship Detail page from the Bio/Demo Data page (SA_BIO_DEMO_DATA3).

  2. For the Loan Change process to recognize the changed field, flag the loan for change processing. Click the Activate Change button on the Application Acknowledgement page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Acknowledgment).

    Note. Click the Activate Change button to trigger the Loan Adjustment process to review the student for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct Loan Application component or the Award Entry page do not require you to manually start the Loan Change process here. Click the Activate Change button for any other data changes (for example, the student or borrower name) to start the Loan Change process.

  3. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process with the Adjustments check box selected. Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid, Loans, Process Loans, Loan Origination). Select the Adjustments check box and run the Loan Origination process.

  4. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to verify that the Loan Change process completed successfully. See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change. At this point, the Loan Process Status is In Service and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

  5. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure the change was processed. The latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

  6. Run the Origination Change Outbound and Outbound EC Agent (EDI outbound) processes to export the file to the COD.

  7. The COD returns the acknowledgement file that includes the error code.

  8. Run the COD Inbound processes to import the COD data.

  9. Review the Exception Error, the DL Inbound Origination Acknowledgement Errors, and the DL Rejected Origination Changes reports to determine which records contain errors.

  10. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to view the inbound file you determined has an error. See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change.

  11. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (LN_DL_ORIG_INQ) to see details about the error. The latest sequence shows an origination change with an action status of Rejected.

  12. Fix the error and resubmit the change record to the COD.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Direct Lending Cash Transactions

This section provides an overview of direct lending cash management and discusses how to manage Direct Lending cash transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Direct Lending Cash Management

Managing your Direct Lending cash transactions entails entering information for cash receipts, cash draw-downs, and return of excess cash, and then reconciling that information with similar information from the COD. You also reconcile individual student disbursements using the data in your Loan Application tables and the disbursement information from the COD. Reconciliation ensures on a monthly basis that your institution reviews and compares its Direct Lending origination and disbursements to student accounts against the cash balance reported by the COD.

For each reconciliation period, a comparison is made among Financial Aid, PeopleSoft Student Financials, and COD data. Data from all three sources should match. The Student Financials data shows dollars actually disbursed to students and the amount of each cash receipt and return of excess cash.

Your institution receives cash receipts from Grants Administration and Payment System (GAPS) and returns excess cash to GAPS. Usually, the Bursar's Office interacts directly with GAPS to request funds for Direct Loan disbursements to students. Work with your Bursar's Office or other appropriate office when using the Cash Reconciliation pages.

Understanding the Direct Loan School Account Statement

The COD sends the Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) to schools that participate in the Direct Lending program. The U.S. Department of Education's COD Technical Reference states that schools must reconcile their Direct Loan records on file at the COD with their internal Direct Lending records. This School Reconciliation process should be performed on a monthly basis.

Each school is responsible for reviewing the monthly statement to ensure the accuracy of the data. This data must also be reconciled to the school's internal student account records and bank records.

See Also

U.S. Department of Education's Direct Loan School Guide.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Direct Lending Cash Transactions

The general steps used in the Direct Lending Cash Management process are:

  1. Set up your Cash Transaction page for the aid year.

  2. Receive cash receipts cash drawdowns and return excess cash.

  3. Enter your cash receipt and return of excess cash information on the Cash Transaction page.

  4. Enter your cash receipt and return of excess cash information on the Cash Detail page.

  5. Use the online and report information to reconcile your institutional data with the COD data.

  6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 for each Reconciliation Period.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Cash Summary Data

Before you receive the SAS file, you can manually enter cash transactions, including information about your cash receipts from GAPS, and your excess cash returned to GAPS. The DL-SAS reports use the data you enter manually to compare and match reported fund levels from the DL-SAS file.

This section discusses how to enter institutional data for cash transactions.

Note. This page is used for the DLSAS processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Cash Summary Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Loan Cash Transactions


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, Manage DL Cash Transactions, Direct Loan Cash Transactions

Enter your institutional data for cash transactions, including information about your cash receipts from GAPS and your excess cash returned to GAPS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Institutional Data for Cash Transactions

Access the Direct Loan Cash Transactions page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, Manage DL Cash Transactions, Direct Loan Cash Transactions).

To report your cash transactions, set up the Direct Loans Cash Transactions page for the new aid year.

Transaction Date

Enter the date on which the cash transaction occurred at your institution.

Transaction Type

Select the cash transaction that you are entering:

Cash Receipt: Your institution receives a cash draw down.

Return of Excess Cash: Your institution returns excess cash.

Check Number

Enter the number of the check sent to the U.S. Department of Education for returned funds. This information typically comes from your Bursar's Office. This field is only used with cash return transactions. You or the Bursar Office can enter the data in this field.

Transaction Amount

Enter the total amount of funds received from GAPS or returned to GAPS for this transaction. This information typically comes from your Bursar's Office. You or the Bursar Office can enter the data in this field.

GAPS Control Number (Grants Administration and Payment System control number)

Enter the GAPS Control Number received from GAPS. This information typically comes from your Bursar's Office. You or the Bursar Office can enter the data in this field.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting School Account Statement Data

Use the FA Inbound page to import the SAS file types (DSDFnnOP and/or DSLFnnOP, where nn is the processing year). The FA_INBOUND Application Engine process loads the data into staging tables.

This section discusses how to load the SAS file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load the SAS File

Page Name

Definition Name



FA Inbound


Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound

Load external financial aid electronic commerce files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading the SAS File

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound).

Use the Inbound File field to set the location and name of the file to be loaded. Make sure that your application server has access to the location of the file.

Note. The FA_INBOUND process automatically determines the file type by reading the header row of the file. It is important that the file be in its original, unaltered state. Opening the file with a text editor that automatically reformats the file—such as trimming blank spaces at the end of each row of data in the file—may cause the load to fail.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing School Account Statement Data

This section provides examples of pages to view School Account Statement data. It provides examples of how to:

For descriptions of the School Account Statement fields displayed in these pages, refer to the U.S. Department of Educations's COD Technical Reference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Data Import Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Header


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Batch Header

View header information from the SAS file.

Cash Summary


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 2006-2007, Cash Summary

View cash summary information from Sections I and II (Fixed Length)—Year-To-Date and Monthly Cash Summary (Record Type "T") of the SAS file.

Disbursement Summary


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Disbursement Summary

View disbursement summary information from Sections III and IV (Fixed Length)—Year-To-Date and Monthly Disbursement Summary by Loan Type (Record Types "Y" and "M") of the SAS file.

Cash Detail


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Cash Detail

View cash detail information from Section V (Fixed Length)—Cash Detail (Record Type "C") of the SAS file.

Loan Level Detail


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Loan Level Detail

View loan level detail information from Section VI (Fixed Length)—Loan Detail, Loan Level (Record Type "L") of the SAS file.

Disbursement Activity


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Disbursement Activity

View disbursement activity information from Section VII (Fixed Length)—Loan Detail, Disbursement Activity Level (Record Type "D") of the SAS file.

Batch Trailer


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Batch Trailer

View trailer information from the SAS file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Header Information

Access the Batch Header page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Batch Header).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Cash Summary Information

Access the Cash Summary page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Cash Summary).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Disbursement Summary Information

Access the Disbursement Summary page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Disbursement Summary).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Cash Detail Information

Access the Cash Detail page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Cash Detail).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Loan Level Detail Information

Access the Loan Level Detail page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Loan Level Detail).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Disbursement Activity Information

Access the Disbursement Activity page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Disbursement Activity).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Trailer Information

Access the Batch Trailer page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Summary, DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn, Batch Trailer).

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the DL School Account Statement and the DL Reconciliation Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate DL School Account Statement and Reconciliation Loan Destination Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



DL School Account Statement


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Statement, Generate DLSAS Report, DL School Account Statement

Generate the DL School Account Statement Report. This report prints the data in the DLSAS flat file from the EDI Manager staging tables.

DL Reconciliation Report


Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Statement, Generate Reconciliation Report, DL Reconciliation Report

Generate the DL Reconciliation Report, which compares cash detail, loan detail, and disbursement activity with institutionally-entered information in the database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the DL School Account Statement Report

Access the DL School Account Statement page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Statement, Generate DLSAS Report, DL School Account Statement).

Use this page to run the DL School Account Statement (FADLSAS) process to print both file types, DSDFnnOP DL-SAS Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Disbursement Level Loan Detail) and DSLFnnOP DL-SAS Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Loan Level Loan Detail). where nn is the aid year.

This report prints the data in the DLSAS flat file from the EDI Manager staging tables. The original data the COD provides does not identify students by name, but by Loan ID number. When you run this report, the system matches the Loan IDs in the Loan Detail Records section of the report with the student ID to identify each student by name.

DL Batch ID (direct lending batch ID)

Enter the direct lending batch ID that represents the DLSAS file to include on this report. This is the School Account Statement Batch ID defined in the U.S. Department of Education's COD Technical Reference.

Important! To maintain a historical archive of the DL School Account Statement Report, rename the files generated by the report. If you do not change the file names, the system writes over the existing files when you run subsequent reports.

Note. The School Account Statement (SAS) report options are year-specific; update your report options and preferences with the COD separately for each year to change the defaults. Ensure that you use the correct program year in the SAS Report Options page before updating your options.

See Also

U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference COD Reports, School Account Statement section

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the DL Reconciliation Report

Access the DL Reconciliation Report page (Financial Aid, Loans, DL School Account Statement, Generate Reconciliation Report, DL Reconciliation Report).

DL Batch ID

Enter the DL Batch ID of a previously loaded SAS file. You cannot run this report without first loading one or more SAS files.

Reviewing the DL Reconciliation Report

The three main sections in the report are:

Cash Summary Information

This section of the report contains:

Cash Detail

The content of this section of the report depends on the information in the SAS file.

If the file contains monthly cash detail (default), the system compares the data from the SAS file to data in PS_LN_DL_CASH_DTL for the month specified only.

This section reports any mismatches where:

The section reports any mismatches where:

Loan Detail

The content of this section of the report depends on the information in the SAS file.

If the file contains monthly disbursement detail without loan summary (default), the system compares the data from the SAS file to data in PS_LOAN_DISB_ACTION for the month specified only.

The section also reports any mismatches where:

The section reports any mismatches at the loan level where:

The section reports any mismatches where:

The format of the loan detail section of the report also depends on the data included in the SAS file.

Reviewing SAS Files with Monthly Disbursement Level Detail Only

For SAS files with monthly disbursement level detail only (no loan level detail), the section contains the following information for each loan ID:


Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4


From PeopleSoft data.


Student Name

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record)


Loan ID

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record


Disbursement Number


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Sequence Number


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Transaction Type


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Date


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Gross Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Loan Fee Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Interest Rebate Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Net Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from the Total fields provided on the disbursement detail record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Actual Net Adjustment Amount


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Transaction Date


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Note. Rows 3 and 4 repeat for each disbursement transaction associated with the loan ID.

For SAS files with year-to-date disbursement level detail and loan level summary, the section contains the following information for each loan ID:


Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4


From PeopleSoft loan data.


Student Name

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record


Loan ID

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record


Disbursement Number


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Sequence Number


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Transaction Type


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Date


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Gross Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Loan Fee Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Interest Rebate Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Net Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data (pulled from loan level summary record)

From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Disbursement Actual Net Adjustment Amount


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Transaction Date


From PeopleSoft disbursement transaction data.

From COD disbursement transaction data.

Note. Rows 3 and 4 repeat for each disbursement transaction associated with the loan ID.

For SAS files with year-to-date loan level detail (loan level detail only), the section contains the following information for each loan ID:


Row 1

Row 2


From PeopleSoft loan data.


Student Name

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data.

Disbursement Number


Disbursement Sequence Number


Transaction Type


Disbursement Date


Loan/Disbursement Actual Gross Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Loan Fee Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Interest Rebate Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Net Amount

From PeopleSoft loan data.

From COD loan data.

Disbursement Actual Net Adjustment Amount


Transaction Date


Click to jump to parent topicRunning Direct Loan Reports

Most Direct Lending reports are generated from a generic run control page, but some reports have their own run control pages. The run control pages for a few other reports appear within the business process discussion earlier in this chapter.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Pages Used to Run Direct Lending Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Financial Aid Reports


  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Disbursement Errors Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Accepted Originations Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Loans on Hold Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, PLUS Credit Decisions Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Rejected Originations Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Origination Export Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Change Pending Status Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Validation Errors Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Inbound Errors Report, Financial Aid Reports

  • You can access the Financial Aid Reports page through multiple navigation paths in addition to the paths listed above.

Generate many of the Direct Lending reports. The navigation path varies depending on the report that you generate.

DL Booking Status Report


Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Booking Status Report, DL Booking Status Report

Generate the Direct Lending Originations Booking report (FADLBOOK).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Generic Run Control Page for Direct Lending Reports

Access the Financial Aid Reports page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Disbursement Errors Report, Financial Aid Reports).

Select the Academic Institution and Aid Year for which to run the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Direct Lending Loan Booking Status Report

Access the DL Booking Status Report page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Reconciliation, Booking Status Report, DL Booking Status Report).

Select the Academic Institution and Aid Year for this report. For the Direct Lending Booked Status, select Booked or Unbooked loans.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Demographic Data Selection for Loan Origination

The loan processes use three types of demographic data, address, phone number, and name. The views used to access this data are: