(CAN) Generating Canadian Government Reports

This chapter provides an overview of Canadian Government report generation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

See Also

(CAN) Setting Up Government Reporting

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Canadian Government Report Generation

Generating Canadian government reports is a multiple step process. An overview of the process is as follows:

  1. Set up all of your government reporting data and populate the Student List table.

  2. (Optional) Generate a report of students.

  3. (Optional) Freeze the student list.

  4. Run the extract process.

  5. Review the report data.

  6. (Optional) Correct the source pages or online pages and rerun the extract process.

    Or, correct the data directly in the extract table.

  7. Generate the flat file.

  8. Deliver the flat file to the federal or provincial government.

  9. Archive the extract data table file.

These steps are discussed in the following sections.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can generate extract reports and flat files you must:

See Also

(CAN) Setting Up Government Reporting

Loading the Student ID Table

Click to jump to parent topic(Optional) Generating a Report of Selected Students

The Student Selection report contains a list of students that correspond to those on the Student List page. You can generate the report before you run the reports extract program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate the Student Selection Report

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Definition Name



Selected Student Report


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Selected Student Report, Selected Student Report

Define run parameters for the Student Selection report (SRSTSEL).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating a Student List Report

Access the Selected Student Report page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Selected Student Report, Selected Student Report).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to generate a student selection report.

Report Type

Select the report type for which you want to generate a student selection report.

Report Period

Enter the report period for which you want to generate a student selection report. This field prompts against the report period table.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the SRSTSEL process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topic(Optional) Freezing a Student List

The PeopleSoft system provides you with the ability to "freeze" the student list.

Running the freeze process is optional. As a result of running the freeze process, the system prevents you from making changes or additions to the CAN_STDNT_LST table after the freeze date you specify. You can change key information after you run the freeze process. The business processes of your institution determine the timing of this process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Freeze a Student List

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Definition Name



Freeze Student List


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, Freeze Student List, Freeze Student List

Define run parameters for the Student ID Freeze report (SRFREEZE).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student List Freeze Process

Access the Freeze Student List page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, Freeze Student List, Freeze Student List).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to freeze a student list.

Report Type

Select the report type for which you want to freeze a student list.

Report Period

Enter the report period for which you want to freeze a student list. This field prompts against the report period table.

Student ID Freeze Date

Enter the date on which you want to freeze student list records.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the SRFREEZE process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the PSIS Extract Process

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the PSIS Extract Process

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Definition Name



PSIS Institution Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, PSIS Institution Process, PSIS Institution Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for PSIS Instit process (SRXTRESI) and the Create Flat file for PSIS Inst process (SRCRFESI).

PSIS Student Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, PSIS Student Process, PSIS Student Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for PSIS Stdnt process (SRXTRESS) and the Create Flat file for PSIS Std process (SRCRFESS).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PSIS Institution Process

Access the PSIS Institution Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, PSIS Institution Process, PSIS Institution Process).

The PSIS Institution flat file process generates the following three flat files:

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (backslash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for PSIS Instit. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for PSIS Inst. Click OK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PSIS Student Process

Access the PSIS Student Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, PSIS Student Process, PSIS Student Process).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for PSIS Std. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for PSIS Stdnt. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the USISE Extract Process

This section discusses how to run the USISE extract process and generate a corresponding flat file. Run the USISE extract process if you submit your reporting file directly to the federal government.

Follow these steps to run the USISE extract process and flat file generation for all provinces except Ontario:

  1. Access the USISE Extract Process page and run the USISE extract process.

  2. Access the USISE Extract Process page and run the USISE flat file process.

Note. For Ontario Fall USISE reporting, where the FALL USIS Enrollment reporting submission includes the OUAC elements, running the extract process is a two-step process.

Follow these steps to run the USISE extract process for Ontario Fall USISE reporting:

  1. Access the MET Extract Process page and run the MET extract process.

  2. Access the OUAC Extract Process page and run the OUAC extract process.

  3. Access the OUAC Extract Process page and run the OUAC flat file process.

    When you run the OUAC flat file generation process, the system generates two files. One file contains only OUAC elements. The second file is a combined file that contains the USISE, MET, and OUAC elements.

To run the USISE extract process for Ontario USISE reporting not in Fall:

  1. Access the MET Extract Process page and run the MET extract process.

  2. Access the MET Extract Process page and run the MET flat file process.

See Also

Running the MET Extract Process

Running the OUAC Extract Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the USISE Extract Process

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Definition Name



USISE Extract Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, USISE Report Process, USISE Report Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for USISE process (SRXTRUSE) and the Create Flat file for USISE process (SRCRFUSE).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering USISE Extract Process Parameters

Access the USISE Extract Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, USISE Report Process, USISE Report Process).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Data Type

Enter the DATYPE element.

Reporting Type

Enter the INSTYP element.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for USISE. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for USISE. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the CIS Extract Process

This section discusses how to run the CIS extract process and generate a corresponding flat file. Run the CIS extract process if you submit your reporting file directly to the federal government.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the CIS Extract Process

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Definition Name



CIS Extract Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, CIS Report Process, CIS Extract Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for CIS process (SRXTRCIS) and the Create Flat file for CIS process (SRCRFCIS).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering CIS Extract Process Parameters

Access the CIS Extract Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, CIS Report Process, CIS Extract Process).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for CIS. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for CIS. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the MET Extract Process

This section discusses how to run the MET extract process and generate a corresponding flat file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the MET Extract Process

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Definition Name



MET Extract Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, MET Report Process, MET Extract Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for MET process (SRXTRMET) and the Create Flat file for MET process (SRCRFMET).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering MET Extract Process Parameters

Access the MET Extract Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, MET Report Process, MET Extract Process).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Data Type

Enter the DATYPE element.

Reporting Type

Enter the INSTYP element.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for MET. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for MET. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the OUAC Extract Process

In Ontario, running the MET extract process and generating the MET flat file will satisfy most of your reporting.

However, in Ontario, where the FALL USIS Enrollment reporting submission includes the OUAC elements, the process is more complex.

Follow these steps to generate the OUAC report for Ontario Fall USIS Enrollment reporting:

  1. Run the MET extract process.

  2. Run the OUAC extract process.

  3. Run the OUAC flat file generation process.

When you run the flat file process for OUAC, it generates two files. One file contains just the OUAC elements, and the second file is a combined file that contains the USISE, MET, and OUAC elements.

See Also

Running the MET Extract Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the OUAC Extract Process

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Definition Name



OUAC Extract Process


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, OUAC Report Process, OUAC Extract Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for OUAC process (SRXTROUC) and the Create Flat file for OUAC process (SRCRFOUC).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering OUAC Extract Process Parameters

Access the OUAC Extract Process page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, OUAC Report Process, OUAC Extract Process).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note. The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for OUAC. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for OUAC. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Report Results and Viewing the Audit Reports

After you run the extract process, you can run a number of audit reports to verify that the system generated reporting data for all students in the student list table. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Report Results

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Student Description Audit


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Description Audit, Student Description Audit

PSIS: Verify that the system reported all students in the student list table. This report compares the students reported in the SD file to each unique student ID in the CAN_STDNT_LST table and reports the differences.

Student Program Audit


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Program Audit, Student Program Audit

PSIS: Verify that there is a corresponding record in the CAN_RPT_ESIS_SP table for all entries in the CAN_STDNT_LST table. Specifically, verify that the career, program, and plan entered for the student in the student list table are valid. If they are not, then the extract program does not produce a record on the SP, SC, and ST files. Invalid students will also be included in the report if the career, program, or plan entered for the student is not valid.

CIS, MET, OUAC, USISE: Verify report discrepancies such as an invalid EMPLID, career, program, or plan.

Student Course Audit


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Course Audit, Student Course Audit

PSIS: Identify students who are enrolled in duplicate course IDs during the reporting period. If you find duplicate course IDs, you must manually delete one of the classes from the Student Course 1 page, as this condition will fail the Stats Canada audit.

See Reviewing Report Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student Description Audit

Access the Student Description Audit page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Description Audit, Student Description Audit).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to audit.

Report Period

Select the report period for which you want to audit.

Click Run to run the SRSDAUD report using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student Program Audit

Access the Student Program Audit page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Program Audit, Student Program Audit).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution that you want to audit.

Report Type

Select the report type that you want to audit.

Report Period

Select the report period that you want to audit.

Click Run to run the SRSPAUD report using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student Course Audit

Access the Student Course Audit page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Reports, Student Course Audit, Student Course Audit).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution that you want to audit.

Report Period

Select the report period that you want to audit.

Click Run to run the SRSCAUD report using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Report Data

After you run the extract process, you can view and edit the results by navigating to online pages that display the extract report results. However, you cannot add a new row of information for a student. If you need to add a row of data, you must add another line in the CAN_STDNT_LST table with its associated key field values and rerun the extract report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Report Data

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PSIS Institution Description


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Institution Description, PSIS Institution Description

PSIS: Review institution term data.

Institution Program 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Institution Program, Institution Program 1

PSIS: Review institution and program code data.

Institution Program 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Institution Program, Institution Program 2

PSIS: Review additional institution and program code data.

PSIS Institution Course


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Institution Course, PSIS Institution Course

PSIS: Review additional institution and program code data.

Student Descr 1 (student description 1)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Description, Student Descr 1

PSIS: Review descriptive data for a student.

Student Descr 2 (student description 2)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Description, Student Descr 2

PSIS: Review additional descriptive data for a student.

Student Descr 3 (student description 3)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Description, Student Descr 3

PSIS: Review additional descriptive data for a student.

Student Descr 4 (student description 4)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Description, Student Descr 4

PSIS: Review additional descriptive data for a student.

Student Descr 5 (student description 5)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Description, Student Descr 5

PSIS: Review additional descriptive data for a student.

Student Program 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Program, Student Program 1

PSIS: Review program related data for a student.

Student Program 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Program, Student Program 2

PSIS: Review additional program related data for a student.

Student Program 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Program, Student Program 3

PSIS: Review additional program related data for a student.

Student Program 4


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Program, Student Program 4

PSIS: Review additional program related data for a student.

Student Course 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Course, Student Course 1

PSIS: Review course related data for a student.

Student Course 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Course, Student Course 2

PSIS: Review additional course related data for a student.

Student Course 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Course, Student Course 3

PSIS: Review additional course related data for a student.

Student Trans Cred 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Transfer Credits, Student Trans Cred 1

PSIS: Review receiving institution transfer coursework for a student.

Student Trans Cred 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, PSIS Student Transfer Credits, Student Trans Cred 2

PSIS: Review external institution transfer coursework for a student.

USISE Elements 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, USISE Elements, USISE Elements 1

USISE: Review USISE elements data for a student.

USISE Elements 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, USISE Elements, USISE Elements 2

USISE: Review additional USISE elements data for a student.

CIS Elements 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, CIS Elements, CIS Elements 1

CIS: Review CIS elements for a student.

CIS Elements 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, CIS Elements, CIS Elements 2

CIS: Review additional CIS elements for a student.

CIS Elements 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, CIS Elements, CIS Elements 3

CIS: Review additional CIS elements for a student.

MET Elements 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, MET Elements, MET Elements 1

MET: Review MET elements for a student.

MET Elements 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, MET Elements, MET Elements 2

MET: Review additional MET elements for a student.

MET Elements 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, MET Elements, MET Elements 3

MET: Review additional MET elements for a student.

OUAC Elements


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, OUAC Elements, OUAC Elements

OUAC: Review OUAC Elements for a student.

Click to jump to parent topic(Optional) Correcting Report Data

Before you send your report to the government, you may want to correct the reporting data. You can correct reporting data in one of two ways:

  1. PeopleSoft source pages (student data or setup data).

  2. Report data pages (for example, the Student Course 1 page).

When you rerun the report, the system reprocesses any changes that you make using method one, as long as the effective date of the change is less than or equal to the value in the Report Due Date field on the Can Report Period page. This implies that you must rerun the extract program. If you do not enter a date in the Report Due Date field, the system references the system date to determine what to include in the report.

Note. You will make most corrections using method number one. You should correct data using method two only if you are certain that you will not be required to rerun the reports extract program. The extract program will overwrite any corrections you make in method two when you rerun the process. Changes made through method two are best used for updating the flat file.

See Also

(CAN) Generating Canadian Government Reports

Click to jump to parent topicArchiving Extract Table Data

After you submit the flat files to the government, you can archive the data in the reports extract archive tables. This process takes the data in the extract tables and saves it to archive tables. The report date acts as an effective date; so you can store multiple report periods in the applicable archive tables. After you run the archive process for a particular report and report period, you cannot run the archive process again. If you attempt to do so, the archive program writes a message in the log file.

The system archives your data in the following tables:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Archive Extract Data

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Definition Name



Archive Extract File


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, Archive Extract File, Archive Extract File

All: Define run parameters for the Canada Report Archive process (SRARCH).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Archive Process

Access the Archive Extract File page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Processes, Archive Extract File, Archive Extract File).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution that you want to archive.

Report Type

Enter the report type that you want to archive.

Report Period

Enter the report period that you want to archive.

Click Run to run the SRARCH report using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.