(CAN) Setting Up Government Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of the PeopleSoft Canadian Government Reporting process and discusses how to:

See Also

(CAN) Generating Canadian Government Reports

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Canadian Government Reporting Process

All postsecondary schools in Canada are required to report specific information to the federal and provincial governments. The PeopleSoft Canadian Government Reporting feature enables users to generate files in formats specified by the government. Using the PeopleSoft Canadian Government Reporting feature, you can extract reports in the following file formats:

You must complete a series of setup steps for each of the reports. Some of the steps include setting up very basic data (for example, country codes), and the system provides the data for you. Other steps are user defined, and you must closely follow the setup steps to ensure that your system is ready for reporting.

After you complete the setup steps, you can populate a table with students who are eligible for reporting.

The flat file generation process is a separate step that you can initiate after you run the extract program. You are then responsible for running the flat file through the government edits. If you find any errors and would like to make edits, you can do so without overwriting source data.

In addition, you can freeze a reporting period so that the system does not add students or modify them as of a specified date. The reporting extract process can be rerun as often as you require. When the data in the flat file is correct, you can archive the report extract tables.

Finally, all government elements are defined by element class and mapping classes. The element class determines what type of calculation or conversion needs to take place in order for the system to report the information in a code the government specifies. The five element classifications are listed in the following table:

Element Classification Type


Classification Mapping (CM)

Use when there is a direct mapping of the data, but you would only report this element in certain circumstances. For example, you may have to report the student's maiden name. You would specify the mapping field of Maiden_Name on the Names table where the Name_type is equal to a particular value (in this case it would be 'MDN' for maiden). Note that the selection criteria field must be on the same record as the mapped field.

Direct Mapping (DM)

Use when there is a direct mapping of the data. Conversion from application values to government code is not required. The application record and field names are entered in the Direct Mapping table for these elements.

Master Mapping (MM)

Use when there is a direct mapping of the data, but you must convert the application value to the Government Reporting Value. You must enter conversion codes in the Master Mapping Table in order for the system to report the government values.

Separate Mapping (SM)

Similar to Master Mapping, except the number of values to be mapped is greater than 15. The application provides a separate conversion table that holds the converted values.

Rules Based Mapping (RB)

This classification applies to elements that:

  • Cannot be derived directly from the database.

  • Require a separate mapping for each government code value.

  • Require complex institution-specific calculations.

All rules based elements are identified by report type with a unique procedure number. The reports extract program uses this number to execute the associated logic. Each report type procedure number starts at 1, except MET reporting, which starts at 201. You cannot duplicate procedure numbers within a report type. Any changes to the rule based mapping procedure values require a modification of the reports.

Note. If you decide that a mapping change is required, you must ensure that the key structure of the new table allows the retrieval of a unique record. If a key field is required, then you must provide the field name and value for every student on the Student List page.

See Also

Loading the Student ID Table

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Canadian Reporting Business Units

To set up Canadian reporting business units, use the Business Unit Table component (BUS_UNIT_TBL_RP).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Canadian Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name





Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, General

PSIS: Define business unit descriptions.

Unit Defaults


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, Unit Defaults

PSIS: Define business unit defaults.

Career Usage


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, Career Usage

PSIS: Define career usage values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canadian Reporting Business Unit Descriptions

Access the General page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, General).


Enter the institution for which you want to define the reporting business unit.

Institution Cd (institution code)

Enter the institution's reporting code.


Enter the province in which the reporting institution is located. This entry controls the view of the provincial codes on all of the pages (for this business unit) that are keyed by province.

Type of Student ID

Enter the type of ID that the reporting institution uses to identify students.

Sending Inst Type of Code (sending institution type of code)

Enter the sending institution's type of program or course code that it uses to identify transfer credits.

Receiving Inst Type of Code (receiving institution type of code)

Enter the receiving institution's type of program or course code that it uses to identify transfer credits.

Institution has Honour Roll

Select to indicate that the institution tracks academic excellence. You must select this check box in order for the extract program to generate a value other than the default value for Element 5140.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canadian Reporting Business Unit Defaults

Access the Unit Defaults page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, Unit Defaults).

Program Duration Units

Enter the unit of measure that defines the normal time that a full-time student requires to complete the program.

Program Credit Units

Enter the unit of measure that defines the number of credits or units of academic achievement that a full-time student requires to graduate from or complete the program.

Man. Paid OJT Duration Units (mandatory paid on the job training duration units)

Enter the unit of measure that defines the duration of mandatory paid on-the-job training.

Opt. Paid OJT Duration Units (optional paid on the job training duration units)

Enter the unit of measure that defines the duration of optional paid on-the-job training.

Man. Unpaid OJT Duration Units (mandatory unpaid on the job training duration units)

Enter the unit of measure that defines the duration of mandatory unpaid on-the-job training.

Optional Unpaid OJT Dur Units (optional unpaid on the job training duration units)

Enter the unit of measure that defines the duration of optional unpaid on-the-job training.

Course Duration Units

Enter the unit of measure that defines the normal time a full-time student requires to complete the course by way of traditional course delivery.

Course Credit Units

Enter the unit of measure that defines the number of credits or units typically awarded for successful completion of the course.

Lab Duration Units

Enter the unit of measure that defines the number of credits or units a full-time student requires to complete the laboratory or shop training included in the course.

Course OJT Duration Units (course on the job training duration units)

Enter the unit of measure that defines the duration of on the job training activities that are a regular part of the course.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canadian Reporting Business Unit Career Usage Values

Access the Career Usage page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Business Unit Table, Career Usage).

Career Order No (career order number)

Enter a career order number for the corresponding academic career. This number determines the order in which the system processes careers when it looks to report start and end dates on the Institution Description file. The Institution Description file is an PSIS report.

Academic Career

Enter rows for all careers that you want to report.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Report Types and Element Numbers

To set up report types, use the Define Report Type component (CAN_RPT_TYPE) and the Define Govt Element component (CAN_GOV_ELEM).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Delivered Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Type


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Report Type, Report Type

All (Delivered by PeopleSoft): Review report type values.

Government Element


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Govt Element, Government Element

All (Delivered by PeopleSoft): Review government element values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Government Report Types

Access the Report Type page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Report Type, Report Type).


The report type description.

Short Description

The report type short description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Government Elements

Access the Government Element page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Govt Element, Government Element).

Element Number

The element number specified in the government documentation.

Element Default

The element default value specified in the government documentation.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Element Classifications

To set up element classifications, use the Define Element Class component (CAN_RPT_ELEM_CL).

This section discusses how to define element classification types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Element Classification Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Element Class


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Element Class, Element Class

All (Delivered by PeopleSoft for PSUNV): Define element classification types for your institution. Copy the values delivered with the PeopleSoft system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Element Classification Types

Access the Element Class page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Element Class, Element Class).

Element Classification

Copying the values delivered for PSUNV, enter the reporting classification for the element. Values are CM (classification mapping), DM (direct mapping), MM (master mapping), RB (rules based), and SM (separate mapping).

RB Procedure Nbr (rules based procedure number)

Copying the values delivered for PSUNV, for rules based elements only, enter a procedure number. This number defines the procedure number that the extract program executes. You cannot create duplicate procedure numbers within a report type. MET procedure numbers must be numbered in the 200 series. Changes and additions to the values delivered for PSUNV require modification.

Panel Navigation

Enter the panel navigation to define the location where users enter the data. This field is informational only and has no programming tied to it.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Report Periods

To set up report periods, use the Define Report Period component (CAN_RPT_PERIOD).

This section discusses how to define report periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Report Periods

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Period


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Report Period, Report Period

All: Define reporting periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Report Periods

Access the Report Period page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Report Period, Report Period).


Enter the institution for which you will run the report.

Report Type

Enter the report type to which the reporting period pertains.

Report Period

Enter a unique reporting submission period for your report type.

Report Due Date

Enter the date upon which you must report data. The system uses this date to perform effective date checking. This enables you to process data after the report date, and as long as the changes have an effective date, the system does not pick them up for reporting. If you need to make corrections to reporting data, you must ensure that the data has an effective date that is less than or equal to this report due date.

Student ID Freeze Date

The date that the student list, for the selected reporting period, is frozen.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of PSIS.

PSIS Report Type

Enter the type of report to be run.

PSIS Start Year

Enter the year in which the current reporting period begins.

PSIS Period Start

Enter the start date of the reporting period.

PSIS Period End

Enter the end date of the report period.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of USISE.

REPDAY (report day)

Enter a value for the report date.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of CIS.

Submission Type

Enter the reporting submission type.

Academic Year

Enter the academic year for the reporting type.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of MET.

REPDAY (report day)

Enter a value for the report date.

Term Enroll Prd (term enrollment period)

Select Fall to report the QUALIF value mapped from the plan mapping table or the program mapping table. If you select Winter, Spring, or Summer, the system reports the FIN_QUALIF value.

Note. For Ontario schools that report OUAC elements in the Fall, ensure that the Fall reporting period that you set up for MET reporting is identical to the reporting period for OUAC. If the reporting period for MET and OUAC differ, the flat file process cannot combine the reporting files.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Government Element Codes

To set up government element codes, use the Define Forpos Code component (CAN_RPT_FORPOS), Define Quacod Code component (CAN_RPT_QUACOD), Define Qualif Code component (CAN_RPT_QUALIF), Define Seshun Code component (CAN_RPT_SESHUN), and the Define Spemaj Code component (CAN_RPT_SPEMAJ).

This section lists the pages used to review delivered government element codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Delivered Government Element Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Forpos Code (formula program of study code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Forpos Code, Forpos code

USISE, MET: Review delivered FORPOS codes.

Quacod Code (coded title of qualification code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Quacod Code, Quacod Code

USISE, MET: Review delivered QUACOD codes.

Qualif Code (qualification code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Qualif Code, Qualif Code

USISE, MET: Review delivered QUALIF codes.

Seshun Code (session code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Seshun Code, Seshun Code

USISE, MET: Review delivered SESHUN codes.

Spemaj Code (specialization of major field of study code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Spemaj Code, Spemaj Code

USISE, MET: Review delivered SPEMAJ codes.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered County and Country Codes

To set up county and country codes, use the Define Country Codes component (CAN_GOV_COUNTY).

This section lists the pages used to review delivered county and country codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Delivered County and Country Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



County Code


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define County Codes, Country Code

PSIS, USISE, MET: Review delivered county codes.

Country Code


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Country Codes, Country Code

PSIS, USISE, MET: Review delivered country codes.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Language, School, and CIS Language Codes

To set up language, school, and CIS language codes, use the Define Language Codes component (CAN_GOV_LANG), Define School Codes component (CAN_GOV_SCHOOL), and the Define CIS Language Code component (CAN_CIS_LANGUAGE).

This section lists the pages used to review delivered language, school, and CIS language codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Delivered Language, School, and CIS Language Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Language Code


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define Language Codes, Language Code

PSIS, USISE, MET: Review delivered language codes.

School Code


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define School Codes, School Code

PSIS, CIS: Review delivered school codes.

CIS Language Code


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Define CIS Language Code, CIS Language code

CIS: Review delivered CIS language codes.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Codes

To set up provincial codes, use the Prov Approval Codes component (CAN_PROV_APPR_TBL), Prov Course Funding Codes component (CAN_PROV_FNDCRS), Prov Funding by Citizen component (CAN_PROV_CITZ), Prov Major Field of Study component (CAN_PROV_MAJOR), Prov Program Codes component (CAN_PROV_PROG), and the Prov Prog Funding Codes component (CAN_PROV_FUND).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Provincial Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Prov Approval Codes (provincial approval codes)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Approval Codes, Prov Approval Codes

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The Program and Plan Mapping tables prompt against the approval codes you define.

Prov Course Fund Code (provincial course funding code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Course Funding Codes, Prov Course Fund Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The Cdn PSIS Course Data table prompts against the course funding codes you define.

Prov Citizenship Fund Class (provincial citizenship funding classification)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Funding by Citizen, Prov Citizenship Fund Class

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The PSIS Student Data table prompts against the classification funding codes you define.

Prov Major Code (provincial major code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Major Field of Study, Prov Major Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the major codes you define.

Prov Program Code (provincial program code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Program Codes, Prov Program Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the program codes you define.

Prov Prog Funding Code (provincial program funding code)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Prog Funding Codes, Prov Prog Funding code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the province program funding code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Program Funding Approval Codes

Access the Prov Approval Codes page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Approval Codes, Prov Approval Codes).


The system populates the province field to the value defined for your business unit.

Approval Code

Enter the provincial code that defines whether the student is approved for funding in the program.

Description and Short Description

Enter the descriptions for the code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Course Funding Codes

Access the Prov Course Fund Code page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Course Funding Codes, Prov Course Fund Code).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Crse Fund Cd (course funding code)

Enter the provincial code that defines the course funding code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Citizen Funding Codes

Access the Prov Citizenship Fund Class page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Funding by Citizen, Prov Citizenship Fund Class).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Funding Class by Citz (funding classification by citizen)

Enter the provincial code that classifies the student for grant purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Major Field of Study Codes

Access the Prov Major Code page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Major Field of Study, Prov Major Code).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prov Major (province major)

Enter the provincial code that classifies students' major field of study.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Program Codes

Access the Prov Program Code page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Program Codes, Prov Program Code).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prog Category (program category)

Enter the provincial code that defines the program category.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Program Funding Codes

Access the Prov Prog Funding Code page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Prog Funding Codes, Prov Prog Funding code).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prov Fund Cd (province funding code)

Enter the provincial code that classifies whether the student has been approved for funding in the program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Provincial Special Initiative Codes

Access the Prov Special Initiative Code page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, Prov Special Initiative Code).


The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Special Init Cd (special initiative code page)

Enter the provincial special initiative code that associates with students in the program.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining General Mapping Tables

To set up general mapping tables, use the Language Mapping component (CAN_RPT_TONGUE), Province Mapping component (CAN_RPT_PROV), Reporting Sequence Mapping component (CAN_RPT_SEQ), Term Group Mapping component (CAN_RPT_TERM_GRP), OUAC Applno Mapping component (CAN_RPT_APPLNO), Classification Mapping component (CAN_RPT_CM), Direct Mapping component (CAN_RPT_DM), Master Mapping component (CAN_RPT_MM), and the Separate Mapping component (CAN_RPT_SM).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define General Mapping Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Language Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Language Mapping, Language Mapping

CIS, PSIS, MET, USISE: Map language codes.

Province Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Province Mapping, Province Mapping

CIS, MET, USISE: Review PeopleSoft delivered province codes.

Reporting Sequence Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Reporting Sequence Mapping, Reporting Sequence Mapping

USISE (Optional): Define a record and reporting sequence for the USISE report type. Populate this page to limit your USIS Enrollment file to only one record per student from the CAN_STDNT_LST table.

Term Group Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Term Group Mapping, Term Group Mapping

ALL: For each report type, report period, and career, map the applicable terms and sessions that you want to report.

OUAC Applno Mapping (OUAC application number mapping)


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, OUAC Applno Mapping, OUAC Applno Mapping

OUAC: Review delivered OUAC application numbers.

Classification Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Classification Mapping Table, Classification Mapping

PSIS: Define classification mapping values.

Direct Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Direct Mapping Table, Direct Mapping

CIS, PSIS, USISE: Define direct mapping values.

Master Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Master Mapping Table, Master Mapping

CIS, PSIS, USISE, OUAC: Define master mapping values.

Separate Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Separate Mapping Table, Separate Mapping

CIS, PSIS, OUAC, USISE: Define separate mapping values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Mapping Language Codes

Access the Language Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Language Mapping, Language Mapping).

Language Code

Enter the PeopleSoft language code that you want to map.

CIS Tongue

Enter the corresponding CIS value for the language code. Map this field if your institution performs CIS reporting. This field prompts against the CAN_CIS_LANG record.


Enter the corresponding USISE value for the language code. Map this field if your institution performs USISE or MET reporting.

PSIS Language

Enter the corresponding PSIS value for the language code. Map this field if your institution performs PSIS reporting. This field prompts against the CAN_GOV_LANG record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Province Codes

Access the Province Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Province Mapping, Province Mapping).


The PeopleSoft province value that you want to map.

Province Number

The province code as defined by Statistics Canada.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Canadian Reporting Sequence

Access the Reporting Sequence Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Reporting Sequence Mapping, Reporting Sequence Mapping).


Enter the PeopleSoft record name that determines reporting sequence for this report type. For example, STDNT_CAR_TERM.

Field Name

Enter the PeopleSoft field name that determines reporting sequence for this report type. For example, ACAD_CAREER.

Reporting Sequence

Enter the sequence or priority number that relates to the PeopleSoft value for the field you specify. At runtime, you specify which value that you want the system to select for processing in the event that the selection process finds multiple records for a student. For example, 05.

PeopleSoft Value

Enter the codes for the field name you specify. For example, GRAD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Terms and Sessions to Reporting Periods

Access the Term Group Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Term Group Mapping, Term Group Mapping).


Enter the reporting institution.

Report Type

Enter the report type.

Report Period

Enter a reporting period for the report type.

Academic Career

Enter the academic career that you want to include for the reporting period.


Enter the term for the career and report period.


Enter the institution session for the term and report period.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of CIS.

CIS Session

Enter the appropriate CIS session value for the term and session you specify.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of PSIS.

Report Type

Select the report in which you want to include the term and session data. Values are:

Prelim Report (preliminary report): Select to include the term and session data in the Preliminary Report and the Final Report.

Final Report: Select to include the term and session data in the Final Report only.

Withdrawal Date

Enter the last date in the term and session that a student can withdraw from a course without academic penalty.

The following fields are available for entry if you specify a report type of USISE or MET.

Seshun Value (session value)

Enter the appropriate USIS Enrolment Seshun value for the term and session specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered OUAC Application Numbers

Access the OUAC Applno page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, OUAC Applno Mapping, OUAC Applno Mapping).

OUAC Appl Nbr (OUAC application number)

Enter the two-digit OUAC application number (APPLNO).

OUAC APPLN (OUAC application number)

Enter the converted one digit application number (CNVAPL).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Classification Mapping Table

Access the Classification Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Classification Mapping Table, Classification Mapping).

Values for the Record, Field Name, and Selection Field fields are delivered and defined for all applicable elements for PSUNV. Set up the same values for your institution if you perform PSIS reporting.


Enter the PeopleSoft record name that the system uses to report the specified element.

Field Name

Enter the PeopleSoft field name that the system uses to report the specified element. The system prompt table displays all valid fields for the record, but does not edit your input against the list. This enables you to enter a field name that is in a subrecord.

Selection Field

Enter the PeopleSoft selection field that applies to the element. This field must be on the record you specify. This field may be the same as or different from the Field Name value.

Selection Field Value

Enter the PeopleSoft selection field values that relate to the selection field that you want to report. You can enter more than one value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Direct Mapping Table

Access the Direct Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Direct Mapping Table, Direct Mapping).

Values for the Record, Field Name, and Selection Field fields are delivered and defined for all applicable elements for PSUNV. Set up the same values for your institution if you perform PSIS reporting.


Enter the PeopleSoft record name that the system uses to report the specified element.

Field Name

Enter the PeopleSoft field name that the system uses to report the specified element. The prompt table displays all valid fields for the record, but will not edit your input against the list. This enables you to enter a field name that is in a subrecord.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Master Mapping Table

Access the Master Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Master Mapping Table, Master Mapping).

Values for the Record, Field Name, and Selection Field fields are delivered and defined for all applicable elements for PSUNV. Set up the same values for the report types that are applicable to your institution.


Enter the PeopleSoft record name that the system uses to report the specified element.

Field Name

Enter the PeopleSoft field name that the system uses to report the specified element. The prompt table displays all valid fields for the record, but will not edit your input against the list. This enables you to enter a field name that is in a subrecord.

PeopleSoft Value

Enter the delivered or user-defined values for the field name.

Government Value

Enter the government code that corresponds to the PeopleSoft value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Separate Mapping Table

Access the Separate Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Mapping, Separate Mapping Table, Separate Mapping).

Values for the Record, Field Name, and Selection Field fields are delivered and defined for all applicable elements for PSUNV. Set up the same values for the report types that are applicable to your institution.


Enter the PeopleSoft record name that the system uses to report the specified element.

Field Name

Enter the PeopleSoft field name that the system uses to report the specified element. The prompt table displays all valid fields for the record, but will not edit your input against the list. This enables you to enter a field name that is in a subrecord.

Gov't Record (government record)

Enter the PeopleSoft record that houses the translate codes.

Gov't Field Name (government field name)

Enter the PeopleSoft field that contains the government codes that correspond to the values in the field name.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining School Reporting Classifications

To set up school reporting classifications, use the School Type Table component (LS_SCHL_TYPE_TABLE).

This section discusses how to define school reporting classifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To see the Canadian field on the School Type table you must select the Government Reporting check box on the SA Features page.

See Also

Selecting Country-Specific Features and Enabling CRM for Higher Education Feature

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define School Reporting Classifications

Page Name

Definition Name



School Type Table


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Type Table, School Type Table

CIS, PSIS, MET, USISE: Define school reporting classifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining School Reporting Classifications

Access the School Type Table page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Type Table, School Type Table).

See Setting Up School Types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Address and Phone Usage Values for Canadian Government Reporting

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Establishing Address Usages

Establishing Phone Usages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Address and Phone Usage Table Entries for Canadian Government Reporting

Page Name

Definition Name



Address Usage


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Establish People Processing, Setup, Address Usage Table, Address Usage

PSIS: Define Canadian reporting address usage values.

Phone Usage


Set Up SACR, Product Related , Campus Community , Establish People Processing , Setup, Phone Usage Table, Phone Usage

PSIS: Define Canadian reporting phone usage values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Address Usage Values

Access the Address Usage page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Establish People Processing, Setup, Address Usage Table, Address Usage).

To create an address usage for PSIS Current address reporting:

  1. Access the Address Usage Table page.

  2. Add an address usage of RPT_ADDR.

  3. In the Description field, enter Address Priority for Cdn Rpts.

  4. In the Short Description field, enter Cdn Reports.

  5. Using the Usage Order, Usage Type, and Address Type fields, insert rows for all of your address types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Email Address Usage Values

Access the Address Usage page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Establish People Processing, Setup, Address Usage Table, Address Usage).

To create an address usage for PSIS Current email address reporting:

  1. Access the Address Usage Table page.

  2. Add an address usage of RPT_EMAIL.

  3. In the Description field, enter E-mail Priority for Cdn Rpts.

  4. In the Short Description field, enter Cdn Reports.

  5. Using the Usage Order, Usage Type, and Email Type fields, insert rows for all of your email address types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Phone Usage Values

Access the Phone Usage page (Set Up SACR, Product Related , Campus Community , Establish People Processing , Setup, Phone Usage Table, Phone Usage).

To create a phone usage for PSIS Current phone reporting:

  1. Access the Phone Usage page.

  2. Add a phone usage of RPT_PHONE.

  3. In the Description field, enter Phone Priority for Cdn Rpts.

  4. In the Short Description field, enter Cdn Reports.

  5. Using the Usage Order and Phone Type fields, insert rows for all of your phone usage types.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Program Values for PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC

To set up program values for PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC, use the PSIS Program Table component (CAN_ESIS_PROG), and the Academic Program Table CDN component (CAN_RPT_PROG).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC Program Mapping Values

Page Name

Definition Name



PSIS Program Mapping 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 1

PSIS: Define PSIS program mapping values.

PSIS Program Mapping 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 2

PSIS: Define additional PSIS program mapping values.

PSIS Program Mapping 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 3

PSIS: Define additional PSIS program mapping values.

PSIS Program Mapping 4


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 4

PSIS: Define additional PSIS program mapping values.

USISE Program Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Program Table CDN, USISE Program Mapping

USISE: Define USISE program mapping values.

MET/OUAC Program Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Program Table CDN, MET/OUAC Program Mapping

MET, OUAC: Define MET and OUAC program mapping values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Program Mapping 1 Values

Access the PSIS Program Mapping 1 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 1).

Credential Type

Enter the type of credential awarded to students for successful completion of the program.

Joint Credential Type

Enter the joint or second credential for joint program in which a student typically receives two credentials.

Program Type

Enter the program type.

Joint Program Type

Enter the type of joint credential awarded to students for successful completion of the program.

Prog Duration (program duration)

Enter the normal time to complete the program for a full-time student who takes courses through traditional delivery.

Duration Units

Enter the unit of measure for the program duration. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit Table page.

Duration in Hrs (duration in hours)

Enter the sum of the hours of instruction to complete the program for a full-time student who takes courses through traditional delivery.

Prov Prog Cat (province program category)

Enter the program category as defined by the Provincial Ministry. This field prompts against the CAN_PROV_PROG record.

Prov Fund Cd (province funding code)

Enter the provincial funding code as defined by the Provincial Ministry. This field prompts against the CAN_PROV_FUND record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Program Mapping 2 Values

Access the PSIS Program Mapping 2 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 2).

Credits Needed

Enter the number of credits or units of academic achievement required to complete the program.

Credit Units

Enter the type of units used in the Credits Needed field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit Table.

Full/Part Time

Indicate the way in which the program is offered.

Delivered Under Contract

Indicate whether the program is delivered under contract by the institution to an outside party. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Enrollment Limit

Indicate whether the program is limited, either by an internally or externally imposed quota.


If the program has limited enrollment, enter the maximum number of new students that can be admitted to the program during a report period.

Entrance Rqmt (entrance requirement)

Enter the educational entrance requirements to begin the program.

Legal Reqmt (legal requirement)

Indicate whether any legal requirements exist for the program. You choices are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Medical Rqmt (medical requirement)

Indicate whether any medical or psychological entrance requirements exist for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Aptitude Rqmt (aptitude requirement)

Indicate whether successful completion of an aptitude and proficiency test (or interview) is an entrance requirement for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Experience Rqmt (experience requirement)

Indicate whether previous related experience is an entrance requirement for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Other Rqmt (other requirement)

Indicate whether any other entrance requirements are required for entry into the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Program Mapping 3 Values

Access the PSIS Program Mapping 3 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 3).

Mandatory Paid OJT Duration (mandatory paid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of mandatory paid on the job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the program.

Man Paid Units (mandatory paid units)

Enter the unit type for the Man Paid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Optional Paid OJT Duration (optional paid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of optional paid on the job training activities that are a regular part of the program.

Opt Paid Units (optional paid units)

Enter the unit type for the Optional Paid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Mandatory Unpaid OJT Duration (mandatory unpaid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of mandatory unpaid on the job training activities that are a regular part of the program.

Man Unpaid OJT Units (mandatory unpaid on the job training units)

Enter the unit type for the Mandatory Unpaid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Optional Unpaid OJT Duration (optional unpaid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of optional unpaid on the job training activities that are a regular part of the program.

Opt Unpaid OJT Units (optional unpaid on the job training units)

Enter the unit type for the Optional Unpaid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Program Mapping 4 Values

Access the PSIS Program Mapping 4 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Program Table, PSIS Program Mapping 4).

Cost Recovery Program

Indicate whether the program is a cost recovery program.

Articulated Program

Indicate whether, on completion of the credits for the program, the student is entitled to advanced standing in a target program in another institution with which the reporting institution has an articulation agreement.

Co-op Program

Indicate whether this is a co-op program.

Brokered Program

Indicate whether this is a brokered program.

Collaborative Program

Indicate whether the program is offered under a collaborative agreement, whereby two or more institutions share ownership or responsibility for the program and each delivers part of the program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining USISE Program Mapping Values

Access the USISE Program Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Program Table CDN, USISE Program Mapping).


Enter the government code for qualification being sought. This field prompts against the Can Report QUALIF table. The system reports this value in the Fall submission.


Enter the government code for qualification being sought. This field prompts against the Can Report QUALIF table. FIN QUALIF values are reported in all submissions excluding the one in the Fall.


Enter the government code that represents the body awarding the diploma or certificate.


Enter the government code that represents the honors program indicator.


Enter the government code for coded title of qualification. This field prompts against the Can Report QUACOD table.


Enter the government code that represents the type of session.


Enter the government code for specialization or major field of study. This field prompts against the Can Report SPEMAJ table.


Enter the government code that represents the total number of sessions required to compete the program.


Enter the government code that represents the normal credit/course/unit requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining MET and OUAC Program Mapping Values

Access the MET/OUAC Program Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Program Table CDN, MET/OUAC Program Mapping).

FORPOS (formula program of study)

Enter the government code that represents the formula program of study.

UPREG (university and program registration)

Enter the government code that represent the university and program in which applicants register.

FT Load

Enter the full time load for an academic program and plan as the institution defines it.

Annual Weight

Established by MET and based on the FORPOS code. Weight varies for diploma and degree programs. Weights also differ from one institution to another for institution specific FORPOS codes.

Term Weight

Enter a value that the system uses when calculating the annual business income unit (BIU) for graduate levels.

MET Form Fee

Established by MET, based on the FORPOS code.

Min BIU (minimum business income unit)

Enter the minimum BIU that a graduate student can generate for an institution. This is independent of the actual number of years that the individual requires to complete his or her program of study.

Max BIU (maximum business income unit)

Enter the maximum BIU that a graduate student can generate for an institution. This is independent of the actual number of years that the individual requires to complete his or her program of study.

Ineligible BIU (ineligible business income unit)

Select this check box to indicate the academic program and plan is ineligible and the system should therefore not include it in the calculation of FTE (full time equivalency).

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Plan Values for PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC

To set up plan values for PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC, use the PSIS Plan Table component (CAN_ESIS_PLAN) and the Academic Plan Table CDN component (CAN_RPT_PLAN).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Map PSIS, USISE, MET, and OUAC Plan Values

Page Name

Definition Name



PSIS Plan Mapping 1


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 1

PSIS: Define PSIS plan mapping values.

PSIS Plan Mapping 2


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 2

PSIS: Define additional PSIS plan mapping values.

PSIS Plan Mapping 3


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 3

PSIS: Define additional PSIS plan mapping values.

PSIS Plan Mapping 4


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 4

PSIS: Define additional PSIS plan mapping values.

USISE Plan Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Plan Table CDN, USISE Plan Mapping

USISE: Define USISE plan mapping values.

MET/OUAC Plan Mapping


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Plan Table CDN, MET/OUAC Plan Mapping

MET/OUAC: Define MET and OUAC plan mapping values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Plan Mapping 1 Values

Access the PSIS Plan Mapping 1 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 1).

Credential Type

Enter the type of credential the institution awards for successful completion of the program.

Joint Credential Type

Enter the joint or second credential for joint programs in which a student typically receives two credentials.

Program Type

Enter the program type.

Joint Program Type

Enter the type of joint credential the institution awards for successful completion of the program.

Program Duration

Enter the normal time to complete the entire program for a full-time student through traditional program delivery.

Duration Units

Enter the type of time unit you used to calculate program duration. Values are Acad Years, Half - Semes, Months, NA, Semesters, Weeks, and Years.

Duration in Hrs (duration in hours)

Enter the sum of the hours of instruction of courses normally required to complete the entire program through traditional delivery.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Plan Mapping 2 Values

Access the PSIS Plan Mapping 2 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 2).

Credits Needed

Enter the number of credits or units of academic achievement required to complete the program.

Credit Units

Enter the type of units used in the Credits Needed field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table.

Full/Part Time

Indicate whether the program is offered on a full-time basis (FT), part-time basis (PT), or at the student's option (FT/PT).

Delivered Under Contract

Indicate whether the program is delivered under contract by the institution to an outside party. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Enrollment Limit

Indicate whether the program is limited, either by an internally or externally imposed quota. Values are Govt Limit, Instit Lim, N/A, No, Prof Org, and Unknown.


If the program has limited enrollment, enter the maximum number of new students that can be admitted to the program during a report period.

Entrance Rqmt (entrance requirement)

Enter the educational entrance requirements to begin the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Legal Rqmt (legal requirement)

Indicate whether any legal requirements exist for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Medical Rqmt (medical requirement)

Indicate whether any medical or psychological entrance requirements exist for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Aptitude Rqmt (aptitude requirement)

Indicate whether successful completion of an aptitude and proficiency test (or interview) is an entrance requirement for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Experience Rqmt (experience requirement)

Indicate whether previous related experience is an entrance requirement for the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Other Rqmt (other requirement)

Indicate whether any other entrance requirements are required for entry into the program. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Plan Mapping 3 Values

Access the PSIS Plan Mapping 3 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 3).

Mandatory Paid OJT Duration (mandatory paid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of mandatory paid on the job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the program.

Man Paid Units (mandatory paid units)

Enter the unit type for the Man Paid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Optional Paid OJT Duration (optional paid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of optional paid on the job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the program.

Opt Paid Units (optional paid units)

Enter the unit type for the Optional Paid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Mandatory Unpaid OJT Duration (mandatory unpaid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of mandatory unpaid on the job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the program.

Man Unpaid OJT Units (mandatory unpaid on the job training units)

Enter the unit type for the Mandatory Unpaid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Optional Unpaid OJT Duration (optional unpaid on the job training duration)

Enter the duration of optional unpaid on the job training (OJT) activities that are a regular part of the program.

Opt Unpaid OJT Units (optional unpaid on the job training units)

Enter the unit type for the Optional Unpaid OJT Duration field. The system populates this field by default from the Business Unit table. The system populates a value of N/A if you do not enter a duration value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Plan Mapping 4 Values

Access the PSIS Plan Mapping 4 page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Plan Table, PSIS Plan Mapping 4).

Cost Recovery Program

Indicate whether the program is a cost recovery program.

Articulated Program

Indicate whether, on completion of the credits for the program, the student is entitled to advanced standing in a target program in another institution with which the reporting institution has an articulation agreement.

Co-op Program

Indicate whether this is a co-op program.

Brokered Program

Indicate whether the program is a brokered program.

Collaborative Program

Indicate whether the program is offered under a collaborative agreement, whereby two or more institutions share ownership or responsibility for the program and each delivers part of the program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining USISE Plan Mapping Values

Access the USISE Plan Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Plan Table CDN, USISE Plan Mapping).


Enter the government code for qualification being sought. This field prompts against the Can Report QUALIF table. The system reports this value in the Fall submission.


Enter the government code for qualification being sought. This field prompts against the Can Report QUALIF table. FIN QUALIF values are reported in all submissions excluding the one in the Fall.


Enter the government code that represents the body awarding diploma or certificate.


Enter the government code that represents the honors program indicator.


Enter the government code for coded title of qualification. This field prompts against the Can Report QUACOD table.


Enter the government code that represents the type of session.


Enter the government code for specialization or major field of study. This field prompts against the Can Report SPEMAJ table.


Enter the government code that represents the total number of sessions required to compete the program.


Enter the government code that represents the normal credit/course/unit requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining MET/OUAC Plan Mapping Values

Access the MET/OUAC Plan Mapping page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, Academic Plan Table CDN, MET/OUAC Plan Mapping).

FORPOS (formula program of study)

Enter the government code that represents the formula program of study.

UPREG (university and program registration)

Enter the government code that represents the university and program in which the applicant registers.

FT Load

Enter the full time load for an academic program and plan as the institution defines it.

Annual Weight

Established by MET and based on the FORPOS code. Weight varies for diploma and degree programs. Weights also differ from one institution to another for institution specific FORPOS codes.

Term Weight

Enter a value that the system uses when calculating the annual business income unit (BIU) for graduate levels.

Met Form Fee

Established by MET, based on the FORPOS code.

Min BIU (minimum business income unit)

Enter the minimum BIU that a graduate student can generate for an institution. This is independent of the actual number of years that the individual requires to complete his or her program of study.

Max BIU (maximum business income unit)

Enter the maximum BIU that a graduate student can generate for an institution. This is independent of the actual number of years that the individual requires to complete his or her program of study.

Ineligible BIU (ineligible business income unit)

Select this check box to indicate the academic program and plan is ineligible and the system should therefore not include it in the calculation of FTE (full time equivalency).

Click to jump to parent topicDefining CIS Program, Plan, and Subplan Tables

To set up CIS program, plan, and subplan tables, use the CIS Program Table component (CAN_CIS_PROG), CIS Plan Table component (CAN_CIS_PLAN), and the CIS Subplan Table component (CAN_CIS_SUBPLAN).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define CIS Program, Plan and Subplan Values

Page Name

Definition Name



CIS Program Table


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Program Table, CIS Program Table

CIS: Define the CIS program table.

CIS Plan Table


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Plan Table, CIS Plan Table

CIS: Define the CIS plan table.

CIS Subplan Table


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Subplan Table, CIS Subplan Table

CIS: Define the CIS subplan table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the CIS Program Table

Access the CIS Program Table page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Program Table, CIS Program Table).

CIS Program ID

Enter the nine-digit CIS program ID. This is a unique and permanent identifier for the specified institution and program.

Major Field 1

Enter the description of the major field of study.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the CIS Plan Table

Access the CIS Plan Table page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Plan Table, CIS Plan Table).

CIS Program ID

Enter the nine-digit CIS program ID. This is a unique and permanent identifier for the specified institution, program and plan.

Major Field 1

Enter the description of the major field of study.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the CIS Subplan Table

Access the CIS Subplan Table page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, CIS Subplan Table, CIS Subplan Table).

CIS Program ID

Enter the nine-digit CIS Program ID. This is a unique and permanent identifier for the specified institution, program, plan, and subplan.

Major Field 2

Enter the description of the minor field of study.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Course Data

To set up PSIS course data, use the PSIS Course Data component (CAN_RPT_CRSE).

This section discusses how to define PSIS course data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define PSIS Course Data

Page Name

Definition Name



PSIS Course Data


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Course Data, PSIS Course Data

PSIS: Define PSIS course data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Course Data

Access the PSIS Course Data page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Academic Structure Tables, PSIS Course Data, PSIS Course Data).

Delivered Under Contract

Indicate whether the course is created and delivered under contract by the institution to an outside party. Values are N/A, No, Unknown, and Yes.

Brokered Course

Indicate whether the course is brokered.

Retraining/Skills Upgrade

Indicate whether the course is for workplace retraining or skills upgrade.

Cost Recovery

Indicate whether this is a cost recovery course.


Enter the province that corresponds to the province course funding code. This field controls the view of the CAN_PROV_FNDCRS record.

Prov Fund Cd (province funding code)

Enter the provincial code that indicates the course funding code.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Canadian School Codes to External Organizations

To set up Canadian school code mapping, use the External School Table component (CAN_GOV_SCHOOL).

This section discusses how to map Canadian school codes to external organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Map Canadian School Codes to External Organizations

Page Name

Definition Name



Canadian External School


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, External School Table, Canadian External School

CIS, PSIS: Map Canadian school codes to external organizations.

In add mode, specify an External Org ID and Report Type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Canadian School Codes to External Organizations

Access the Canadian External School page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Definitions, External School Table, Canadian External School).

Institution Code

Enter the institution code to which you want to map the external organization ID and school type.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Student Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define PSIS Data for Students

Page Name

Definition Name





Campus Community, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Regional

PSIS: Define Canadian Bio/Demo data.

Courses and Degrees


Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Education, Courses and Degrees

PSIS: Define transfer credit data.



Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, External Education, Regional

PSIS: Define previous education information.

Cdn Student Program (Canadian student program)


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan, Cdn Student Program

PSIS: Define student program data.

Cdn Student Enrollment (Canadian student enrollment)


Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Enrollment, Cdn Student Enrollment

PSIS: Define student enrollment data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canadian Biographical Details

Access the Regional page (Campus Community, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Regional).

See Also

Adding or Updating Biographical Details Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Transfer Credit Type Data

Access the Courses and Degrees page (Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Education, Courses and Degrees).

Specify a transfer credit type value.

See Also

Entering External Courses and Degrees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Previous Education External Data

Access the Regional page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, External Education, Regional).

Specify previous educational activities and postsecondary credential information.

See Also

(CAN) Entering Regional Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Student Program Data

Access the Cdn Student Program page (Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan, Cdn Student Program).

Cost Recovery Prog (cost recovery program)

Indicate whether the student is taking the program on a cost recovery basis.

Brokered Program

Indicate whether the student is taking the program under a brokering agreement or study agreement whereby the institution that owns the program contracts the delivery of all or part of the program to a host institution.

Co-op Program

Indicate whether the student is classified as a co-op student in this program.

Collaborative Program

Indicate whether the student is taking the program under a collaborative agreement, whereby two or more institutions share ownership or responsibility for the program and each delivers parts of the program.

Articulated Program

Indicate whether, on completion of the credits for the program, the student is entitled to advanced standing in a target program in another institution with which the reporting institution has an articulated transfer agreement.

Comp. Opt. Paid OJT (completed optional paid on the job training)

Indicate whether the student has completed the optional paid OJT requirements for the program.

Comp. Man. Paid OJT (completed mandatory paid on the job training)

Indicate whether the student has completed the mandatory paid OJT requirements for the program.

Comp. Opt. Unpaid OJT (completed optional unpaid on the job training)

Indicate whether the student has completed the optional unpaid OJT requirements for the program.

Comp. Man. Unpaid OJT (completed mandatory unpaid on the job training)

Indicate whether the student has completed the mandatory unpaid OJT requirements for the program.

Met Norm Entrance Reqmt (met normal entrance requirement)

Indicate whether the student met the normal entrance requirements of the program.

Special Initiative Code

Indicate the special initiative code associated with the student in the program as specified by the provincial ministry, institution, or other agency. This field prompts against the CAN_PROV_SP_INT record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PSIS Student Enrollment Data

Access the Cdn Student Enrollment page (Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Enrollment, Cdn Student Enrollment).

Cost Recovery Course

Indicate whether the student took the course on a cost recovery basis. The system populates this field by default to the CAN_RPT_CRSE record.

Brokered Course

Indicate whether the student is taking the course under a brokering agreement, whereby the institution that owns the course contracts the delivery of the course to a host institution. The system populates this field by default to the CAN_RPT_CRSE record.

Dist. Ed. (distance education)

Indicate whether the student's course section or class is considered by the institution to be a distance education course. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.


Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by classroom instruction (including labs), in which the instructor was physically located in the same room or lecture hall as the student. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.

TV (television)

Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by television. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.


Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part on the internet, including email and internet conferencing. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.


Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by postal correspondence, including tapes and CDs sent by mail. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.


Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by radio. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.

Video Conf. (video conference)

Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by video conferencing, excluding conferencing on the internet. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.

Audio Conf. (audio conference)

Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by audio conferencing. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.


Indicate whether the student received instruction in this course in whole or in part by some other method of instruction. Mapping needs to be completed at this level only if the student received instruction for the course in a manner different from the course delivery mode.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading the Student ID Table

This section discusses how to load the student data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load the Student ID Table

Page Name

Definition Name



Student List


Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, Student List, Student List

All: Load student data to prepare for the extract process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Student Data

Access the Student List page (Records and Enrollment, Government Reporting Canada, Suspense Tables, Student List, Student List).

Each institution's business practices and interpretation of the published government rules result in different criteria for selecting students for reporting. To initiate the reporting process, you must populate (either manually or through a user-defined process) the PeopleSoft provided Student List component with the eligible students you want to report. The Student List component contains the fields listed below. You must populate each field for every row in this component; otherwise the reports extract process will exclude the row and the process may fail.


Enter the institution for which you want to report.

Report Type

Enter the report type you want to use.

Report Period

Enter the report period.

Student ID

Enter the student ID for the student you want to report.

Acad Career (academic career)

Enter the academic career you want to report for the student. You can insert an additional row to report multiple careers, programs, or plans.

Acad Program (academic program)

Enter the academic program you want to report for the student.

Acad Plan (academic plan)

Enter the academic plan you want to report for the student.


Select this check box to identify a subset of students for whom you want to run the extract and flat file process. The extract process adds or replaces reporting data for these students. The system clears this check box after you run the extract process for this report. At runtime, you can specify to run the process for only those students who have the Select option selected.

Field Name

Enter a row for each field name that you need for this report. For example, STDNT_CAR_NBR. This is the key data referred to in the following Loading the Student Key Data subtopic.

Field Value

Enter a field value that corresponds to each field name value. The report extract process uses this data. For example, 0.

The system calculates elements for each row of the table. There is a one to one relationship between a row on the Student List page and a row on any one of the tables that enable you to view the information calculated by the extract program. If a student has more than one row on the Student List page, the system treats each row as if it is for a new student when retrieving the element values for the row.

Loading the Student Key Data

In addition to entering data in all of the header fields, different government reports require that you also enter various types of key data. Use the following table to determine which fields and corresponding field values you must populate before you run the extract process:

Field Name

Required by Report Type

























Note. Enter the latest STRM value for the student for the applicable report type and report period. For example, if the report includes terms for Spring 99 and Fall 99, enter the term representing Fall 99 as the STRM value, assuming that the student was enrolled in both terms.