Setting Up Academic Advisement Self-Service

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Selecting Student Administration Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Self-Service Features for Academic Advisement

To set up self-service Academic Advisement features, use the Academic Advising setup (SAA_SS_RPT_OPT) component.

This section discusses how to define Academic Advisement setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Self-Service Features for Academic Advisement

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Advising Setup


Set up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Academic Advising

Enable self-service features and define behavior for self-service Academic Advisement functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Academic Advisement Setup

Access the Academic Advising setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Academic Advising).

Enable real-time processing

Select to instruct the system to automatically generate an advisement report when students access the My Academic Requirements page.

Use the two radio buttons to indicate that your institution wants to use real-time processing with or without synchronization options (also referred to as triggers).

If you enable real-time processing and select Always refresh, then the system will regenerate a report when the student accesses My Academic Requirements, Search by My Requirements, or Plan by My Requirements. That is, the report is regenerated regardless of whether anything changed on the student's record.

Note. On the administrative side, the system will also regenerate the report if the user accesses a previously run report and, from the Report Request page, clicks the View Report link.

Enable the course what-if option

Select to enable students to run a course what-if scenario in self service using the Create What-if Scenario page. Clear the check box to disable this ability.

Advisor access obeys security

Select to use the Advisement Report Security component to manage advisors' ability to view the advisement reports of their advisees in self service. By default, this check box is cleared, and advisors may view all advisement reports that have been generated for their advisees, regardless of their institution. Remember that the advisement reports that advisors access from My Advisees are those defined in the Student Academic Requirement Report field on the Academic Institution 7 page.

See Also

Using Academic Advisement Self Service

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Self-Service Installation Settings

To define conditions under which an advisement report is generated for self service, use the Academic Advisement installation component (SAA_INSTALL_AA).

This section discusses how to define installation settings for Academic Advisement.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Academic Advisement


Set Up SACR, Install, Academic Advising Installation, Installation Academic Advisement

Disable on-demand report processing and enable the system to track which students need to have new reports generated, based on changes made to their academic history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInstalling Self-Service Academic Advisement

Access the Installation Academic Advisement page (Set Up SACR, Install, Academic Advising Installation).

The check boxes on this page determine under which conditions a student's academic history will cause the system to generate an advisement report for a student. If the institution has enabled real-time processing (on the Academic Advising Setup page) and selected check boxes on this page, a new advisement report will be generated when a student accesses the My Academic Requirements page. If the institution has not enabled real-time processing, the institution can use the conditions to "trigger" a batch process to run and generate advisement reports at predefined intervals. To run the advisement reports in batch based on these synchronization options, your institution will use the Generate Report Requests (SAA_RC_RPTRQST) and Generate Advisement Reports (SAA_RC_RPTGEN) components.

Selecting a check box causes the system to set a synchronization (sync) flag for that change. In turn, the flag cues the institution to rerun the advisement report. Here are the actions for each check box that set a sync flag:

Enrollment Records

Adding, deleting, or modifying any enrollment records through Enrollment, Enrollment Requests, Quick Enrollment, or Grading.

Transfer Credit Records

Posting or unposting any transfer credit.

Internal Degree Records

Awarding, revoking, or modifying any degree record through the Student Program/Plan, Degree Maintenance, or Batch Graduation Processing pages.

External Degree Records

Adding, modifying, or removing any externally awarded degrees through the External Education pages.

Student Planner Records

Adding, modifying, or removing any records from the student's planner.

Academic Structure Records

Adding, modifying, or removing any values from the student's Records Program stack. This also includes admissions matriculation.

Student Group Record

Adding, modifying, or removing any advisement student group values for a student.

Academic Level Records

Making any changes to a student's academic level, either by automated processes from grading and enrollment or through manual override in term processing.

Milestone Records

Adding, modifying, or removing any milestone values for a student.

Shopping Cart Records

Adding, modifying, or removing any records in the student's Shopping Cart.

Student Exception Records

Reprocessing when a student override is made.

Specifically, the flag is set when any of the following types of student-based exceptions are created: course directive, requirement change, waiver, or override. The flag is also set when there is any change made to such an exception, whether it is a change to the description or to the override detail itself.

Course Substitution Records

Reprocessing when a course substitution is made using the Create Course Substitution component (STDNT_CRS_SUBS).

The flag is also set when there is any change made to the component, whether it is a change to the long description or to the substitution detail itself.


An institution selects the Enrollment Records check box. A student has an advisement report dated May 10, 2006. The current date is July 18, 2006 and the student has just enrolled in a summer school class. The change to the student's enrollment record sets a synchronization flag. The institution nightly runs a batch process to generate new advisement reports for students for whom the synchronization flag is set to "Y." On the following day, the student looks at his My Academic Requirements page. The advisement report that appears there will be up to date (with a date and time stamp as of the previous night's batch process).

Alternatively, if the institution has selected the Enable real-time processing check box on the Academic Advising Setup page, then when student enrolls in a class then the system automatically generates the report to automatically (in real time) when the student next accesses the My Academic Requirements page. The student will immediately see the course he's just enrolled in.