Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AttachmentRequestBean

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.attachments.ui.managed.AttachmentBean
      extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.attachments.ui.managed.AttachmentRequestBean

public class AttachmentRequestBean
extends AttachmentBean

Request bean to support the column link attachments mode. This bean will conatin the static method that can be called from the jsff to retrieve column link values to be displayed. Note: Always call reset method when finished with attachment request bean.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.attachments.ui.managed.AttachmentBean
Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor.
Method Summary
 oracle.jbo.RowSet _getAttachmentsRowSet( attachmentDC)
          Retrieve the row set that is used to power the AttachmentsPopup
protected  oracle.jbo.ViewObject _getAttachmentsVOImpl( attachmentDC)
          Get a handle to the attachments VO that is associated with the DC.
static java.lang.Object attachmentsValue(java.lang.String dcId, java.lang.String valueName)
          Stubbed out.
static java.lang.Object attachmentValue(java.lang.Object attachmentCMObj, java.lang.Object columnModelObj, java.lang.Object parentCMObj, java.lang.String valueName, java.lang.Integer numAttachmentsDisplayed)
          Retrieve a value from attachments for the current row in the parent VO for the attachments declarative component.
static void clearAttachmentCache()
          Clears the attachment row cache so that next time the row is loaded correctly.
 void reset()
          Always call reset when finished with an attachment request bean to allow for modified values to be reset to their original values.
Methods inherited from class oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.attachments.ui.managed.AttachmentBean
_doMethodCall, _findAttachmentDC, _findAttachmentDCRoot, _findComponentById, _findComponentById, _findComponentById, _findComponentById, _findPopupById, _getAttachmentModel, _getAttachmentsDC, _getAttachmentsDC, _getAttachmentsDC, _getAttachmentsDCAttribute, _getAttachmentsIterator, _getEventSource, _getParentVO, addPopupCanceledListener, addPopupCanceledListener, addPopupFetchListener, attachmentTableSelection, cancelSingleAttachment, categoryRequest, categoryRequestValue, checkEmptyRows, checkinDialogListener, confDelDialogListener, confirmDeletePopupDialogListener, confirmProcessDelete, dCode_ValueChangeListener, deleteSingleAttachment, docTypeId_ValueChangeListener, get_singlePopup, getAttachmentTable, getCategories, getCategoriesList, getCategoriesList, getCategoryUpdateAllowed, getCategoryUpdateAllowedValue, getColLinkPanelGroupLayout, getColumnCollectionModel, getConfirmDeletePopup, getDatatypeCodes, getDatatypeCodesList, getDocumentTypes, getDocumentTypesList, getLinkPanelGroupLayout, getModelLookupList, getPopupApplicationsTable, getPopupAttachmentTable, getSingleCategory, getSingleCategoryValue, getSizeOf, getStatuses, getStatusesList, getTableModeApplicationsTable, getTaskFlowId, getUnselectedCategoryValue, getViewLink, isAttachmentsVO, isCancelCheckOutDisabled, isCheckInDisabled, isCheckOutDisabled, isDeleteDisabled, popupDialogListener, popupFetchListener, popupOkActionListener, processAdd, processAddNewRow, processAddNewSingleRow, processAttachRepositoryFile, processCancelCheckOut, processCheckIn, processCheckOut, processDelete, processSingleAttachment, processSingleAttachRepositoryFile, processSingleCanceledListener, set_singlePopup, setAttachmentTable, setColLinkPanelGroupLayout, setConfirmDeletePopup, setLinkPanelGroupLayout, setPopupApplicationsTable, setPopupAttachmentTable, setTableModeApplicationsTable, sharedValidator, showPopupAndAdd, singleDialogListener, toPortletURL, uploadedFileListener, URLValidator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AttachmentRequestBean()
Default Constructor.

Method Detail


public static java.lang.Object attachmentsValue(java.lang.String dcId,
                                                java.lang.String valueName)
Stubbed out. All new calls should be through attachmentValue.


public static java.lang.Object attachmentValue(java.lang.Object attachmentCMObj,
                                               java.lang.Object columnModelObj,
                                               java.lang.Object parentCMObj,
                                               java.lang.String valueName,
                                               java.lang.Integer numAttachmentsDisplayed)
Retrieve a value from attachments for the current row in the parent VO for the attachments declarative component. The list of value values to be retrieved are: HoverCM - Collection model containing values for the hover link. AttachmentsCount - the total number of attachments LastCategoryName, LastDatatypeCode, LastDownloadStatus, LastErrorStatusCode, LastErrorStatusMessage, LastTitleOrFileName, LastFileURL, LastInputDatatypeCode, LastLastUpdateDate, LastLastUpdatedBy, LastNewRow, LastTitle, LastUrl - the field values for the last attachment.

attachmentCMObj - the attachments collection model from the DC
columnModelObj - the column model from the DC
parentCMObj - the collection model of the parent from the Dc
valueName - the name of the attachment value to retrieve.
numAttachmentsDisplayed - the number of attachments to display
the looked up attachments value. null if value does not exist


protected oracle.jbo.ViewObject _getAttachmentsVOImpl( attachmentDC)
Get a handle to the attachments VO that is associated with the DC. This works for DCs that are setup in column Link mode.

_getAttachmentsVOImpl in class AttachmentBean
attachmentDC - the attachments DC retrieve the VO for.


public oracle.jbo.RowSet _getAttachmentsRowSet( attachmentDC)
Retrieve the row set that is used to power the AttachmentsPopup

attachmentDC - the Attachments DC in which the popup exists.
the rowset for the attachments popup


public void reset()
Always call reset when finished with an attachment request bean to allow for modified values to be reset to their original values.


public static void clearAttachmentCache()
Clears the attachment row cache so that next time the row is loaded correctly.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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