Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class LevelPickerUtils

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.utils.LevelPickerUtils

public class LevelPickerUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Utility Class providing the customization layers either from the LevelPicker or the CustomizeUIShell Task-flow for the ApplCoreSessionOptionsFactoryImpl.

drop8 build 4.

Method Summary
static oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList getCustClassList(oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
          This method returns the applcore cust class list from the mds instance by checking for "/" name pattern in the adf-config.xml.
static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getCustomizationClassList()
          This method is used to return a list of cc's for customizations by the LevelPickerDialog.
static java.lang.String getTipName()
          This method is used to return the current tip name or null if there is no current tip.
static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getUIShellCustLayers()
          Get the array of CustomizationClasses required for UIShell customization.
static java.lang.String getUIShellCustPolicy()
          Get the CustomizationPolicy String required for UIShell Customization.
static oracle.mds.versioning.VersionContext getVersionContext(oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions sessionOptions)
          This method is used to return a long running sandbox version to an SOF.
static boolean isPersonalizationFlag()
          This method returns a boolean flag indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.
static void setPersonalizationFlag(boolean flag)
          This method returns a boolean indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getCustomizationClassList()
This method is used to return a list of cc's for customizations by the LevelPickerDialog. The method would be used by teams creating their own session options factory for use with customization.



public static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getUIShellCustLayers()
Get the array of CustomizationClasses required for UIShell customization. The customization classes will be set in the ApplSession via a call to the CustomizeUIShellFlow task-flow.

A list of customization classes required for UIShell customization


public static java.lang.String getUIShellCustPolicy()
Get the CustomizationPolicy String required for UIShell Customization.

The String which if set as a CustomizationPolicy on MDSSession will allow customization of the UIShell template


public static oracle.mds.versioning.VersionContext getVersionContext(oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions sessionOptions)
This method is used to return a long running sandbox version to an SOF. Teams implementing their own SOF would use this method if they applcore sandboxLabel support.



public static void setPersonalizationFlag(boolean flag)
This method returns a boolean indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.

flag -


public static boolean isPersonalizationFlag()
This method returns a boolean flag indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.

boolean flag


public static oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList getCustClassList(oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
This method returns the applcore cust class list from the mds instance by checking for "/" name pattern in the adf-config.xml.

boolean flag


public static java.lang.String getTipName()
This method is used to return the current tip name or null if there is no current tip.

String tipName

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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