Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ECSFSearchResultAdapter

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.AbstractSearchResult
      extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf.ECSFSearchResultAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:, SearchResult

public class ECSFSearchResultAdapter
extends AbstractSearchResult

ECSF specific Search Results.

David Groves <>
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.AbstractSearchResult
_allSearchableCategories, _attributeTreeItems, _attributeTreeModel, _callerContext, _commonTreeItems, _commonTreeModel, _errorMessageName, _inError, _locale, _orderingAttributes, _rtl, _searched, _searchedCategories, _searchExhausted, _searchFilterItems, _searchString
Fields inherited from interface oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.SearchResult
Constructor Summary
ECSFSearchResultAdapter(AbstractSearchResult base)
          Copy constructor that will duplicate the search structure, but not do a search.
ECSFSearchResultAdapter(ECSFRecentSearch rs, java.lang.String searchTabName, java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories, java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch, boolean usesFilters)
          Run a recent Search.
ECSFSearchResultAdapter(ECSFSavedSearch ss, java.lang.String searchTabName, java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories, java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch, boolean usesFilters)
          Run a saved Search.
ECSFSearchResultAdapter(java.lang.String searchTabName, java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories, java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch, boolean usesFilters)
          Run a brand new Search.
Method Summary
static void addBIItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext context, java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> fields, oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument, ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
          add a Business Intelligence result item.
static void addItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext searchContext, java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems, oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument, ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
          Add ecsfDocument to the result list.
static void addWCItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext context, java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> fields, oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument, ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
          Add a Web Center Item.
 boolean allResultsRetrieved()
          Have all results been obtained from the search engine?
 void backgroundSearch(GlobalSearchSessionBean gssb)
          Run a background search given the existing set of criteria, that is categories, search string and filters.
 SearchResult copySearch()
          Copy the search criteria, but do not perform a search.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
 boolean extendSearchResults()
          Extend the search results.
 int getApproxNumResults()
          Get the heuristic number of results the searh engine estimates it can return.
 org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel getAttributeTreeModel()
          Get the attribute Tree Model.
static java.lang.String getPreferencesURLParams()
          Returns an ampersand delimited string which contains ApplSession preferences name value pairs.
 int hashCode()
 void search()
          Run a search given the existing set of criteria, that is categories, search string and filters.
Methods inherited from class oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.AbstractSearchResult
addAlternateWords, addWarning, containsAllSearchableCategories, generatePersistentFilters, getAllSearchableCategories, getAlternateWords, getApproxNumResultsStr, getAttributeTreeItems, getCallerContext, getCategoriesUsedInSearchQuery, getCategoryTreeItem, getCommonTreeDisclosedRowKeys, getCommonTreeItems, getCommonTreeModel, getCurrentNumberOfResults, getDisclosedRowKeys, getErrorMessageName, getItem, getItemsCM, getLocale, getOrderingAttribute, getOrderingAttributes, getResultItems, getSearchCreationTime, getSearchedCategories, getSearchFilterItems, getSearchString, getSearchTabName, getWarningsList, isBackgroundSearched, isBackgroundSearchPollCountExceeded, isInError, isOrderingAsc, isRtl, isSaved, isSearched, isSearchExhausted, isUsesFilters, isWarnings, onBackgroundSearchPoll, reOrder, setBackgroundSearched, setDisclosedRowKeys, setOrderingAsc, setOrderingAttribute, setSaved
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ECSFSearchResultAdapter(java.lang.String searchTabName,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories,
                               java.lang.String searchString,
                               java.lang.String callerContext,
                               boolean performInitialSearch,
                               boolean usesFilters)
Run a brand new Search.

searchTabName - Search Tab name.
searchCategories - user selected categories.
allSearchableCategories - list of allowed categories to search on. A superset of searchCategories.
searchString - user entered search string.
callerContext - a String which represents to the caller, the context in which the search result will be called. This primarily relates to saved searches, which will be saved with this context, and only saved searches with this context shown to the user.
performInitialSearch - do we perform an initial search.
usesFilters - does this search use filters.


public ECSFSearchResultAdapter(ECSFSavedSearch ss,
                               java.lang.String searchTabName,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories,
                               java.lang.String searchString,
                               java.lang.String callerContext,
                               boolean performInitialSearch,
                               boolean usesFilters)
Run a saved Search.

ss - the search to run.
searchTabName - name of tab to go in.
searchCategories - categories to search.
allSearchableCategories - all possible categories.
searchString - user-entered search String.
callerContext - caller context - global or user-defined.
performInitialSearch - do we do the search inline with this call, or will a separate search() all be required?
usesFilters - does this saved search use filters.


public ECSFSearchResultAdapter(ECSFRecentSearch rs,
                               java.lang.String searchTabName,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> searchCategories,
                               java.util.List<SearchCategory> allSearchableCategories,
                               java.lang.String searchString,
                               java.lang.String callerContext,
                               boolean performInitialSearch,
                               boolean usesFilters)
Run a recent Search.

rs - the search to run.
searchTabName - name of tab to go in.
searchCategories - categories to search.
allSearchableCategories - all possible categories.
searchString - user-entered search String.
callerContext - caller context - global or user-defined.
performInitialSearch - do we do the search inline with this call, or will a separate search() all be required?
usesFilters - does this saved search use filters.


public ECSFSearchResultAdapter(AbstractSearchResult base)
Copy constructor that will duplicate the search structure, but not do a search.

base - search to copy.
Method Detail


public SearchResult copySearch()
Copy the search criteria, but do not perform a search. It is expected that a search will be performed soon after this call.

Specified by:
copySearch in interface SearchResult
a copy of the search, containing the search string, categories, and any other filters, but no search results.


public void search()
Run a search given the existing set of criteria, that is categories, search string and filters.

Specified by:
search in interface SearchResult


public static void addItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext searchContext,
                           java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems,
                           oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument,
                           ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
Add ecsfDocument to the result list. This method will determin what sort of result it is (apps, BI, Web Center) and process accordingly.

searchContext - ecsf search context.
resultItems - array of items to add to.
ecsfDocument - search result document.
sra - contining search result class.


public static void addBIItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext context,
                             java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> fields,
                             oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument,
                             ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
add a Business Intelligence result item.

context - Search context.
resultItems - to add to.
fields - search attributes.
ecsfDocument - the indexed document
sra - this search result.


public static void addWCItem(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext context,
                             java.util.List<SearchResultItem> resultItems,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> fields,
                             oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument ecsfDocument,
                             ECSFSearchResultAdapter sra)
Add a Web Center Item. This item should come through as an External object with 1 action of type URL.

context - search context.
resultItems - collection to add result to.
fields - fields from SES.
ecsfDocument - doc.
sra - current search result adapter, primarily for adding counts to.


public static java.lang.String getPreferencesURLParams()
Returns an ampersand delimited string which contains ApplSession preferences name value pairs.

URL String


public boolean extendSearchResults()
Extend the search results. This method adds up to BLOCK_SIZE results to our current result set up to the getApproxNumResults().

Specified by:
extendSearchResults in interface SearchResult
true is result extended, false otherwise.


public boolean allResultsRetrieved()
Have all results been obtained from the search engine?

Specified by:
allResultsRetrieved in interface SearchResult
true iff all results retrieved, false otherwise.


public int getApproxNumResults()
Get the heuristic number of results the searh engine estimates it can return. This number is likely to be accurate for small numbers of results, but an estimate only for large results.

Specified by:
getApproxNumResults in interface SearchResult
estimated number of results it is possible to search.


public org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel getAttributeTreeModel()
Get the attribute Tree Model.

Specified by:
getAttributeTreeModel in interface SearchResult
getAttributeTreeModel in class AbstractSearchResult
attribute Tree Model.


public void backgroundSearch(GlobalSearchSessionBean gssb)
Run a background search given the existing set of criteria, that is categories, search string and filters. This is used to append to the small set of originally obtained results for grouping and filtering.

Specified by:
backgroundSearch in interface SearchResult
backgroundSearch in class AbstractSearchResult
gssb - search session bean, passed as not available from session in separate thread.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)

equals in class AbstractSearchResult


public int hashCode()

hashCode in class AbstractSearchResult

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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