Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class FndUIShellController

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.patterns.uishell.ui.controller.FndUIShellController

public class FndUIShellController
extends java.lang.Object

A public data control to provide methods for public use.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String checkDataDirty()
          This api is required for save warning and teams should add this api to their pageDef and should not be invoked in any case.
 FndMethodParameters closeMainTask(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Closes the currently focused task flow.
 FndMethodParameters closeSubTask(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Closes the currently focused sub task and the focuse moves to the task from which this sub task was launched.
 FndMethodParameters collapseContextualArea(boolean contextualAreaCollapsed)
 FndMethodParameters collapseRegionalArea(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Collapse the Regional Area by setting the Regional Area splitter's collapsed property to true.
 FndMethodParameters collapseRegionalTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.lang.String keyList, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Collapses a Regional Area task.
 FndMethodParameters contextualAreaWidthSelection(int contextualAreaWidth)
 void customizeUIShellTemplate(java.lang.String custClasses)
          Navigates to the UIShell Template Customizing Page and invokes edit mode.
 FndMethodParameters discloseRegionalArea(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Disclose the Regional Area by setting the Regional Area splitter's collapsed property to false.
 FndMethodParameters discloseRegionalTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.lang.String keyList, java.lang.String parametersList, java.lang.String label, java.lang.Boolean forceRefresh, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Discloses a Regional Area task. getMainAreaShowDetailItem(int index)
 java.lang.String loadGlobalPopupTaskFlow(java.lang.String globalLinkId)
          Load Task Flow into Global Popup
 FndMethodParameters navigate(java.lang.String viewId, java.lang.String webApp, java.lang.String pageParametersList, java.lang.String navTaskFlowId, java.lang.String navTaskKeyList, java.lang.String navTaskParametersList, java.lang.String navTaskLabel, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Navigate from one work space to another.
 FndMethodParameters openMainTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.lang.String keyList, java.lang.String parametersList, java.lang.String label, java.lang.Boolean reuseInstance, java.lang.Boolean forceRefresh, java.lang.Boolean loadDependentFlow, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Opens a Main Area task.
 FndMethodParameters openSubTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.lang.String parametersList, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String keyList, java.lang.String taskParametersList, java.lang.String viewId, java.lang.String webApp, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Open Sub task in Main Area.
 FndMethodParameters setRegionalAreaWidth(int width, FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
          Change the splitterPosition of the panel splitter between regional and main areas in the UI Shell page
 void swapEmptyTaskFlow()
          Load Empty Task Flow into Global Popup.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FndUIShellController()
Method Detail


public FndMethodParameters openMainTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                        java.lang.String keyList,
                                        java.lang.String parametersList,
                                        java.lang.String label,
                                        java.lang.Boolean reuseInstance,
                                        java.lang.Boolean forceRefresh,
                                        java.lang.Boolean loadDependentFlow,
                                        FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Opens a Main Area task.

taskFlowId - Task flow to open
keyList - Key list to locate the task flow instance. This is a semicolon delimited keys or key-value pairs. For example, "key1;key2=value2". If only the key is specified, the value is picked up from parametersList with the same name as the key.
parametersList - Parameters list for the task flow. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2".
label - Label for the task flow
reuseInstance - Default true. If true, refocus an existing instance of the task flow, if such a one exists, without opening a new instance of the task flow. If false, always open a new instance of the task flow.
forceRefresh - Default false. If false, task flow reinitialization depends on whether some parameters are passed into parametersList, where the presence of parameter values causes reinitializaiton and the absence of parameter values does not. forceRefresh true always causes reinitialization of the task flow regardless of the value for parametersList.
loadDependentFlow - Effective only in No-Tab navigation model. Defaults to false. When set to true, the specified Task Flow is loaded into the dependent region of the No-Tab navigation model, preserving the state of the main flow.
methodParameters - From Drop 6 Build 7, this can be used for passing java object into the task flow that's specified in taskFlowId parameter. Use setCustomObject() API in FndMethodParameters for setting the java object.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters closeMainTask(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Closes the currently focused task flow. In Dynamic Tab navigation model, the current tab is closed, and the focuse moves to the tab that was previously in focus. In No-Tab navigation model, if only the main flow is currently loaded, it is replaced by the Task Flow that was previously loaded. If both the main flow and the dependent flow are loaded, the dependent flow is closed, and the main flow is redisplayed.

methodParameters - For future implementation. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters discloseRegionalTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                                java.lang.String keyList,
                                                java.lang.String parametersList,
                                                java.lang.String label,
                                                java.lang.Boolean forceRefresh,
                                                FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Discloses a Regional Area task.

taskFlowId - Task flow to disclose
keyList - Key list to locate the task flow instance. This is a semicolon delimited keys or key-value pairs. For example, "key1;key2=value2". If only the key is specified, the value is picked up from parametersList with the same name as the key.
parametersList - Parameters list for the task flow. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2".
label - Label for the task flow*
forceRefresh - Default false. If false, task flow reinitialization depends on whether some parameters are passed into parametersList, where the presence of parameter values causes reinitializaiton and the absence of parameter values does not. forceRefresh true always causes reinitialization of the task flow regardless of the value for parametersList.
methodParameters - For future implementation. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters collapseRegionalTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                                java.lang.String keyList,
                                                FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Collapses a Regional Area task.

taskFlowId - Task flow to collapse
keyList - Key list to locate the task flow instance. This is a semicolon delimited key-value pairs. For example, "key1=value1;key2=value2".
methodParameters - For future implementation. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters discloseRegionalArea(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Disclose the Regional Area by setting the Regional Area splitter's collapsed property to false.

methodParameters - For future use. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters collapseRegionalArea(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Collapse the Regional Area by setting the Regional Area splitter's collapsed property to true.

methodParameters - For future use. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters setRegionalAreaWidth(int width,
                                                FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Change the splitterPosition of the panel splitter between regional and main areas in the UI Shell page

width - to specify the initial position of the repositionable divider. As positionFromEnd property is set to false for this panelSplitter, the initial position of the repositionable divider is measured from the start side (the top or start). Refer to the tag doc for af:panelSplitter for more information on this attribute.
methodParameters - For future use. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters navigate(java.lang.String viewId,
                                    java.lang.String webApp,
                                    java.lang.String pageParametersList,
                                    java.lang.String navTaskFlowId,
                                    java.lang.String navTaskKeyList,
                                    java.lang.String navTaskParametersList,
                                    java.lang.String navTaskLabel,
                                    FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Navigate from one work space to another. If the current view id is the same as the viewId parameter and if navTaskFlow is null, the current page will be refreshed. If the current view id is the same as the viewId parameter and if navTaskFlowId is not null, then the current page will not be refreshed, navigate API will deligate to openMainTask API to open the task flow in the Main Area. This can be override by passing in forcePageRefresh=true in pageParametersList to force the page refresh so that openMainTask would not be used.

viewId - viewId of the target workspace
webApp - Deployed Module Name of the target workspace. It only needs to be set when the target workspace is in a different deployed module than the origin workspace. When this is null, it means the target workspace is in the same deployed module of the origin workspace. The webApp attribute is used to look up the host and port of the associated Workarea or Dashboard from the ASK deployment tables. These tables are populated at deployment time through Oracle Funcional Setup Manager tasks.
pageParametersList - Parameters list for the page. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2" If the EL evaluates to an Object, toString value of that Object will be passed as the value of the parameter. When forcePageRefresh=true is added to the pageParametersList, the current page will be refreshed even if navTaskFlowId is not null and current view id is the same as viewId parameter value.
navTaskFlowId - ID of the taskFlow to open in the target workspace.
navTaskKeyList - Key list to pass into the task flow to open in the target workspace. This is a semicolon delimited keys or key-value pairs. For example, "key1;key2=value2"
navTaskParametersList - Parameters list to pass in to the task flow to open in the target workspace. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2." When loadDependentFlow=true is added to the navTaskParametersList, the task flow specified in navTaskFlowId will be loaded as depdendent floow.
navTaskLabel - Label for the task flow to open in the target workspace.
methodParameters - Construct FndMethodParameters object for setting the width of contextual area, and/or setting the disclosed state of the contextual area.


public FndMethodParameters collapseContextualArea(boolean contextualAreaCollapsed)


public FndMethodParameters contextualAreaWidthSelection(int contextualAreaWidth)


public FndMethodParameters openSubTask(java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                       java.lang.String parametersList,
                                       java.lang.String label,
                                       java.lang.String keyList,
                                       java.lang.String taskParametersList,
                                       java.lang.String viewId,
                                       java.lang.String webApp,
                                       FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Open Sub task in Main Area. Helper method to handle sub flows opened in Main Area so as to make them available to the recent items.

taskFlowId - Task flow to open
parametersList - Parameters list for the task flow. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2".
label - Label for the task flow.
keyList - Key list to locate the task flow instance. This is a semicolon delimited keys or key-value pairs. For example, "key1;key2=value2". If only the key is specified, the value is picked up from parametersList with the same name as the key.
taskParametersList - Parameters list to pass in to the task flow to open in the target workspace. This is a semicolon delimited String of name value pairs. For example, "param1=value1;param2=value2."
methodParameters - From Drop 6 Build 7, this can be used for passing java object into the task flow that's specified in taskFlowId parameter. Use setCustomObject() API in FndMethodParameters for setting the java object.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public FndMethodParameters closeSubTask(FndMethodParameters methodParameters)
Closes the currently focused sub task and the focuse moves to the task from which this sub task was launched.

methodParameters - For future implementation. No-op for now.
For internal Contextual Event processing


public void swapEmptyTaskFlow()
Load Empty Task Flow into Global Popup. This should be used when dismissing the popup.


public java.lang.String loadGlobalPopupTaskFlow(java.lang.String globalLinkId)
Load Task Flow into Global Popup

For internal Contextual Event processing


public getMainAreaShowDetailItem(int index)


public java.lang.String checkDataDirty()
This api is required for save warning and teams should add this api to their pageDef and should not be invoked in any case. This api will be invoked by the uishell team when developer pass a parameter name/valye pair fndCheckDataDirty="true" via parameterList or navTaskParameterList. This will help the uishell team to check for data dirty by being inside the product team's taskflow context.

string value.


public void customizeUIShellTemplate(java.lang.String custClasses)
Navigates to the UIShell Template Customizing Page and invokes edit mode. This method will only succeed if both the navigation is successful and the supplied Customization Classes are valid. The Customization Classes provided will be used to get a mutable UIShell with any customizations already present applied in the order in which they are listed. The last Customization Class supplied is the tip layer that will be used to save any new customizations created as a result of this operation. This method is a replacement of CustomizeUIShellBean.customize(String custClasses) as per bug 10129877

custClasses - A comma delimied list of customization classes all of which must be valid and be configured in the adf-config. For example, ",". Where both SiteCC and ProductCC are pre-configured in the adf-config. Any invalid CustClasses in the list will result in a RuntimeException.
Throws: - if navigation to the UIShell page fails and an additional failure prevents navigation back to the calling page.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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