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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
12c Release 2 (

Part Number E24089-16
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3 Installing Enterprise Manager System in Silent Mode

This chapter describes how you can install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control while utilizing an existing, certified Oracle Database, in silent mode. In particular, this section covers the following:


All general purpose file systems, including OCFS2 and ACFS, are acceptable for storing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c software binaries and OMS instance home files (configuration files in gc_inst). However, OCFS is not considered a general purpose file system, and therefore is not considered acceptable for this use.


If you are familiar with the way Enterprise Manager is installed, and if you want to install it without facing any interview screens of the installation wizard, then the best option is to install it in silent mode.

In silent mode, you use a response file that captures all the information you need to successfully complete an installation. This saves time and effort in one way because the installation details are captured just once, and in a single file that can be circulated and reused for installation on other hosts.

However, whether you install Enterprise Manager in graphical mode or silent mode, the installation process, the installed components, and the configuration process remain the same. Therefore, silent mode of installing Enterprise Manager is only an option offered to you.

To understand what components are installed, what configuration assistants are run, and how the directory structure will look after installation, see the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Before You Begin

Before you begin, keep these points in mind:


Meet the prerequisites described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Installation Procedure

This section covers the following:

Installing Enterprise Manager

To install a complete Enterprise Manager system in silent mode, follow these steps:


Oracle recommends you to run the EM Prerequisite Kit before invoking the installer to ensure that you meet all the repository requirements beforehand. Even if you do not run it manually, the installer anyway runs it in the background while installing the product. However, running it manually beforehand sets up your Management Repository even before you can start the installation or upgrade process. For information on the kit, to understand how to run it, and to know about the prerequisite checks it runs, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
  1. Copy the following response file to an accessible location on your local host:


    In this command, <Software_Location> is either the DVD location or the location where you have downloaded the software kit.

  2. Edit the response file and enter appropriate values for the variables described in Table 3-2.

  3. Invoke the installer as a user who belongs to the oinstall group you created. For information about creating operating system groups and users, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

    • If this is the first Oracle product you are installing on the host, then run the following command:

      ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <absolute_path>/new_install.rsp [-invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>]


      The central inventory location you enter must NOT be on a shared file system. The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.
    • Otherwise, run the following command:

      ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <absolute_path>/new_install.rsp


    To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run runInstaller. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup.exe.


    For information about the additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer, refer to Using Advanced Installer Options.


    • To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run runInstaller. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup.exe.

    • Ensure that there are no white spaces in the name of the directory where you download and run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from. For example, do not download and run the software from a directory titled EM Software because there is a white space between the two words of the directory name.

    • When you invoke runInstaller or setup.exe, if the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard does not appear, then it is possible that you do not have read and write access to the /stage subdirectory, which a subdirectory in the Disk1 directory of the Enterprise Manager software.

      There is a classpath variable that the installation wizard computes for OPatch as ../stage/Components/, and when the TEMP variable is set to /tmp, the installation wizard tries to look for the opatch JAR file in the /tmp/../stage directory, which is equivalent to /stage. However, if you do not have read and write permission on /stage, then the installation wizard can hang. Under such circumstances, verify if you have read and write access to the /stage directory. If you do not have, then set the TEMP variable to a location where the install user has access to, and then relaunch the installation wizard.

    • If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then you will be prompted that the database parameters need to be modified to suit the deployment size you selected. This is because the templates are essentially designed for simple installation, and the database parameters are set as required for simple installation. Since it is used for advanced installation, the parameters must be set to different values. You can confirm the message to proceed further. The installation wizard will automatically set the parameters to the required values.


  • If any repository-related prerequisite check fails, then run the check manually. For instructions, see the appendix on EM Prerequisite Kit in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  • If a configuration assistant fails, the installer stops and none of the subsequent configuration assistants are run. Resolve the issue and retry the configuration assistant. For more information, see Appendix F.

Using Advanced Installer Options

The following are some additional, advanced options you can pass while invoking the installer:

  • By default, a Provisioning Advisor Framework (PAF) staging directory is created for copying the Software Library entities related to the deployment procedures. By default, this location is the scratch path location (/tmp). The location is used only for provisioning activities—entities are copied for a deployment procedure, and then, deleted once the deployment procedure ends.

    If you want to override this location with a custom location, then invoke the installer with the EM_STAGE_DIR option, and enter a unique custom location.

    For example,

    ./runInstaller EM_STAGE_DIR=/home/john/software/oracle/pafdir -silent -responseFile <absolute_path>/new_install.rsp

  • After the installation ends successfully, the OMS and the Management Agent start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the installer with START_OMS and b_startAgent options, and set them to true or false depending on what you want to control.

    For example, if you do not want the Management Agent to start automatically, then run the following command:

    ./runInstaller START_OMS=true b_startAgent=false -silent -responseFile <absolute_path>/new_install.rsp

    To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Understanding the Limitations.

Understanding the Limitations

When you use START_OMS and b_startAgent as advanced options to control the way the OMS and the Management Agent start up automatically, sometimes the Management Agent and the host on which it was installed do not appear as targets in the Cloud Control console.

Table 3-1 lists the different combinations of these advanced options, and describes the workaround to be followed for each combination:

Table 3-1 Advanced Options and Workarounds

Advanced Option Workaround



  1. Start the OMS:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms

  2. Secure the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl secure agent

  3. Start the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent

  4. Add the targets:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl config agent addinternaltargets

  5. Upload the targets:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl upload agent



Start the Management Agent:

$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent



  1. Start the OMS:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms

  2. Secure the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl secure agent

  3. Add the targets:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl config agent addinternaltargets

  4. Upload the targets:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl upload agent

Editing Response File for Installing Software

Table 3-2 describes what variables you must edit and how you must edit them in the new_install.rsp response file for installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in silent mode.

Table 3-2 Editing Response File for Installing Enterprise Manager System

Parameter Description


(Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the name of the UNIX group you belong to.

For example, "dba"

Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.


(Required only when central inventory does not exist) Enter the absolute path to the Central Inventory.

For example, /scratch/oracle/oraInventory

Note: This parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.


  • Enter TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, enter the credentials for the following variables:



  • Enter FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates:


  • Enter TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered False for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.

  • Enter FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have entered TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.


By default, this variable is set to "skip" indicating that the software updates will not be installed during installation.

  • If you want to install the software updates from My Oracle Support, then set this variable to "download". Then, enter the credentials for the following parameters:



  • If you want to install the software updates from a staged location, then set this variable to "staged". Then, for the STAGE_LOCATION parameter, enter the absolute path, which leads to the Updates directory, where the software updates are available.


Enter the user name that can be used to access the proxy server.

Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION variable to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy.


Enter the password that can be used to access the proxy server.

Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy.


Enter the name of the proxy host.

Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy.


Enter the port used by the proxy server.

Note: Applies only if you have set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT variable to TRUE and/or the INSTALL_UPDATES_SELECTION parameter to "download", and only if your connection to the Internet requires you to connect through a proxy.


Enter the location where you want the installer to install Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.5) and Java Development Kit 1.6 v24.

For example, /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware.

Ensure that the middleware location has write permission. And that this is not an NFS-mounted location.

If you have already installed them manually, then enter the location where you have installed them.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Middleware Home?.

Note: Ensure that the Middleware home you enter here is used only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Ensure that no other Oracle Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same Middleware home.


Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the Oracle Middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed.

For example, /oracle/agent.

Ensure that this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always maintained outside the Oracle Middleware home.


Enter the fully qualified name of the host where you want to configure the OMS. The host name can also be a virtual host name if your host is configured with virtual machine. Ensure that the host name you enter is accessible from other hosts in the network (other hosts must be able to ping this host).

If you do not mention the host name, the installation wizard will proceed further, honoring the host name it automatically detects for that host.


By default, weblogic is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the Oracle WebLogic Domain. If you want to accept the default name, then skip this variable. However, if you want to have a custom name, then enter the name of your choice.


Enter a password for the WebLogic user account.

Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value.


Confirm the password for the WebLogic user account.


By default, nodemanager is the name assigned to the default user account that is created for the node manager. Enter a password for this node manager user account.

Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value.


Confirm the password for the node manager user account.


By default, gc_inst is considered as the OMS Instance Base directory for storing all OMS-related configuration files, and it is created in the Middleware home. If you want to accept the default location and the directory name, then skip this variable. However, if you want to have a custom location and a custom directory name, then enter the absolute path to the custom location leading up to the custom directory name.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location?.

Note: If you have entered an NFS-mounted drive for the ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_HOME_LOCATION parameter, then ensure that the location you enter for this parameter is a non-NFS-mounted location.


Enter the fully qualified name of the host where the existing database resides. Ensure that the host name does not have underscores.

For example,

If you have already created a database instance with a preconfigured Management Repository using the database templates offered by Oracle, then provide details about that database instance.

If you are connecting to an Oracle RAC Database, and if the nodes have virtual host names, then enter the virtual host name of one of its nodes.

The connection to the database is established with a connect string that is formed using only this virtual host name, and the installation ends successfully.

However, if you want to update the connect string with other nodes of the cluster, then after the installation, run the following command:

$<OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl config oms -store_repos_details -repos_conndesc "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST=(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=EMREP)))" -repos_user sysman

If your Oracle RAC database is configured with Single Client Access Name (SCAN) listener, then you can enter a connection string using the SCAN listener.

Note: If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for the SYSMAN_PASSWORD parameter.


Enter the listener port to connect to the existing database.

For example, 1521


Enter the service name or the system ID (SID) of the existing database.

For example, orcl


Enter the SYS user account's password.


Set one of the following values to indicate the number of targets you plan to monitor, the number Management Agents you plan to have, and the number of concurrent user sessions you plan have.

  • Small, to monitor up to 999 targets, with up to 99 Management Agents and up to 10 concurrent user sessions

  • Medium, to monitor about 1000 to 9999 targets, with about 100 to 999 Management Agents and about 10 to 24 concurrent user sessions

  • Large, to monitor 10,000 or more targets, with 1000 or more Management Agents, and with about 25 to 50 concurrent user sessions

The prerequisite checks are run regardless of the selection you make, but the values to be set for the various parameters checked depend on the selection you make.

You can also modify the deployment size after the installation.

For more information on deployment sizes, the prerequisite checks that are run, the database parameters that are set, and how you can modify the deployment size after installation, refer to What is a Deployment Size?.


Enter a password for creating a SYSMAN user account. This password is used to create the SYSMAN user, which is the primary owner of the Management Repository schema.

Ensure that your password contains at least 8 characters without any spaces, begins with a letter, and includes at least one numeric value.

If you connect to a database instance that was created using the database template offered by Oracle, then note that the password assigned to the user accounts SYSMAN_MDS, SYSMAN_APM, and SYSMAN_OPSS, which were created while preconfiguring the Management Repository, are automatically reset with the SYSMAN password you enter for this parameter.


Confirm the SYSMAN user account's password.


Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file (mgmt.dbf) for management tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name.

For example:

  • If the database is on a file system, then the path must look like /u01/oracle/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf

  • If the database is on Automatic Storage Management (ASM), then the path must look like +<disk_group1>/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf, where disk_group1 is a diskgroup created on ASM and prod is the Service ID (SID).

  • If the database is on a raw device, then the path must look like </dev/raw1>/prod/oradata/mgmt.dbf, where /dev/raw1 is the raw device and prod is the SID.

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store information about the monitored targets, their metrics, and so on. Essentially, everything else other than configuration data, software library data, and audit data.


Enter the absolute path to the location where the data file (mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf) for configuration data tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name.

For example, /home/john/oradata/mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store configuration information collected from the monitored targets.


Enter the absolute path to a location where the data file (mgmt_ad4j.dbf) for JVM Diagnostics data tablespace can be stored. Ensure that the specified path leads up to the file name.

For example, /home/john/oradata/mgmt_ad4j.dbf

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control requires this data file to store monitoring data related to JVM Diagnostics and Application Dependency Performance (ADP).


Enter a password to secure the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents. Note that you have to provide the same registration password for securing your Management Agents.


Confirm the agent registration password.


By default, ports described in What Ports Are Used for Installation? are honored. If you want to accept the default ports, then leave this field blank.

If you want to use custom ports, then enter the absolute path to the staticports.ini file that lists the custom ports to be used for the installation.


By default, mandatory plug-ins such as Oracle Database Management Plug-In, Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Plug-In, Oracle My Oracle Support Management Plug-In, and Oracle Exadata Management Plug-In get automatically installed with the Enterprise Manager system.

However, if you want to install any of the other optional plug-ins that are available in the software kit (DVD or downloaded software), then enter the names of those plug-ins for this variable.

For example,


If you want to install any plug-in that is not available in the software kit, then do the following:

  1. Manually download the plug-ins from the Enterprise Manager download page on OTN, and store them in an accessible location:

  2. Update this variable (PLUGIN_SELECTION) to the names of those plug-ins you downloaded.

  3. Invoke the installer with the following option, and pass the location where you downloaded the plug-ins:

    ./runInstaller -pluginLocation <absolute_path_to_plugin_software_location>

After You Install

Perform the post-install steps as described in the chapter on installing Enterprise Manager system that is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.