You can store user security credentials in a repository other than Oracle Internet Directory—for example, a database or another LDAP directory—and use these credentials for user authentication to Oracle components. You do not need to store the credentials in Oracle Internet Directory and then worry about keeping them synchronized. Authenticating a user by way of credentials stored in an external repository is called external authentication.
This chapter contains these topics:
Section 46.1, "Introduction to Configuring a Customized External Authentication Plug-in"
Section 46.2, "Installing, Configuring, and Enabling the External Authentication Plug-in"
Section 46.3, "Debugging the External Authentication Plug-in"
All references to Oracle Single Sign-On in this chapter refer to Oracle Single Sign-On 10g ( or later.
Authentication that relies on security credentials stored in Oracle Internet Directory is called native authentication. When a user enters her security credentials, the directory server compares them with the credentials stored in Oracle Internet Directory. If the credentials match, then the directory server authenticates the user.
By contrast, authentication that relies on security credentials stored in a directory other than Oracle Internet Directory is called external authentication. When a user enters her security credentials, the directory server compares them with the credentials stored in the other directory. This is done by using:
This example uses the PL/SQL program, oidexaup.sql
. Section 46.4, "Creating the PL/SQL Package oidexaup.sql" describes this program. This package is used for installing the external authentication plug-in PL/SQL package. It contains:
Two plug-ins: namely, when_compare_replace
and when_modify_replace
One utility function: namely, get_nickname
The integrated package is the plug-in package, OIDEXTAUTH
. It can also serve as a template to modify according to the requirements of your deployment.
To install, configure, and enable the external authentication plug-in, follow these steps:
Implement your standalone external authentication PL/SQL program. For example, if you want to authenticate users by using user names and passwords, then you should have a PL/SQL program which takes these two parameters.
In our sample code, oidexaup.sql
, auth_external
is the program package name, and authenticate_user
is the function that does the authentication. you must make sure that this standalone program is working properly before you move on to next steps.
Integrate this standalone program into the plug-in modules.
Load the plug-in package into database. In this example, we enter:
sqlplus ods/odspwd @oidexaup.sql
Register the plug-ins. Do this by creating and uploading an LDIF file that provides the directory server with the necessary information to invoke the plug-in.
This example uses a file named oidexauth.ldif, which contains the following:
dn: cn=whencompare,cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry objectclass:orclPluginConfig objectclass:top orclpluginname:oidextauth orclplugintype:configuration orclplugintiming:when orclpluginldapoperation:ldapcompare orclpluginenable:1 orclpluginversion:1.0.1 orclPluginIsReplace:1 cn:whencompare orclpluginsubscriberdnlist:dc=com;o=IMC,c=US orclpluginattributelist:userpassword orclpluginrequestgroup:$prgdn dn: cn=whenmodify,cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry objectclass:orclPluginConfig objectclass:top orclpluginname:oidextauth orclplugintype:configuration orclplugintiming:when orclpluginldapoperation:ldapmodify orclpluginenable:1 orclpluginversion:1.0.1 orclPluginIsReplace:1 cn:whenmodify orclpluginsubscriberdnlist:dc=com;o=IMC,c=US orclpluginattributelist:userpassword orclpluginrequestgroup:$prgdn
In this file, we notify the directory server that, whenever there is an ldapcompare or ldapmodify request, there are two plug-ins to be invoked.
We use orclpluginsubscriberdnlist:dc=com;o=IMC,c=US
so that plug-ins are ONLY invoked if the target entry is under dc=com
or o=IMC,c=US
Replace $prgdn
with the plug-in request group DN. This is an optional, recommended security feature. For integrating with Oracle Single Sign-On, this value is a required field. Only members of the group entered can invoke the plug-ins. You may enter multiple groups. Use a semicolon to separate entries.
The recommended defaults are: cn=OracleUserSecurityAdmins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext
and cn=OracleDASAdminGroup,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,o=default_subscriber,dc=com
. Note that the Oracle Single Sign-On server is a member of the first group. Also, be sure to replace o=default_subscriber
with the correct value for your deployment environment.
To add this file to the directory, enter the following:
ldapadd -p portnum -h hostname -D cn=orcladmin -q -v \ -f oidexauth.ldif
Now, everything should be ready. Use the ldapcompare command-line tool to verify that the plug-in and authentication program are working properly before you try to authenticate the user from Oracle Single Sign-On.
In our example, we also provide the plug-in code for externally modifying user password.
Turn on directory server plug-in to help you to examine the process and content of plug-ins.
To setup directory server plug-in debugging, execute the following command:
sqlplus ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdsu.sql
To enable directory server plug-in debugging, execute the following command:
sqlplus ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdon.sql
To disable directory server plug-in debugging, execute the following command:
sqlplus ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdof.sql
To show directory server plug-in debugging messages, execute the following command:
sqlplus ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdsh.sql
To delete directory server plug-in debugging messages, please execute the following command:
sqlplus ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdde.sql
The script oidexaup.sql, as used in this example, contains the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE OIDEXTAUTH AS PROCEDURE when_compare_replace (ldapplugincontext IN ODS.plugincontext, result OUT INTEGER, dn IN VARCHAR2, attrname IN VARCHAR2, attrval IN VARCHAR2, rc OUT INTEGER, errormsg OUT VARCHAR2 ); PROCEDURE when_modify_replace (ldapplugincontext IN ODS.plugincontext, dn IN VARCHAR2, mods IN ODS.modlist, rc OUT INTEGER, errormsg OUT VARCHAR2 ); FUNCTION get_nickname (dn IN VARCHAR2, my_session IN DBMS_LDAP.session) RETURN VARCHAR2; END OIDEXTAUTH; / SHOW ERROR CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY OIDEXTAUTH AS -- We use this function to convert the dn to nickname. -- When OID server receives the ldapcompare request, it -- only has the dn information. We need to use DBMS_LDAP_UTL -- package to find out the nickname attribute value of -- the entry. FUNCTION get_nickname (dn IN VARCHAR2, my_session IN DBMS_LDAP.session) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS my_pset_coll DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION; my_property_names DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_property_values DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; user_handle DBMS_LDAP_UTL.HANDLE; user_id VARCHAR2(2000); user_type PLS_INTEGER; user_nickname VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL; my_attrs DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; retval PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN plg_debug( '=== Beginning of get_nickname() === '); user_type := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN; user_id := dn; retval := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(user_handle, user_type, user_id); plg_debug('create_user_handle() Returns ' || To_char(retval)); retval := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(my_session, user_handle, my_attrs, DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NICKNAME_PROPERTY, my_pset_coll); plg_debug( 'get_user_properties() Returns ' || To_char(retval)); IF my_pset_coll.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN my_pset_coll.first .. my_pset_coll.last LOOP retval := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_names(my_pset_coll(i), my_property_names); IF my_property_names.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR j IN my_property_names.first .. my_property_names.last LOOP retval := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values(my_pset_coll(i), my_property_names(j), my_property_values); IF my_property_values.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR k IN my_property_values.FIRST..my_property_values.LAST LOOP user_nickname := my_property_values(k); plg_debug( 'user nickname = ' || user_nickname); END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- IF my_property_names.count > 0 END LOOP; END IF; -- If my_pset_coll.count > 0 plg_debug( 'got user_nickname: ' || user_nickname); -- Free my_properties IF my_pset_coll.count > 0 then DBMS_LDAP_UTL.free_propertyset_collection(my_pset_coll); END IF; DBMS_LDAP_UTL.free_handle(user_handle); RETURN user_nickname; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN plg_debug('Exception in get_nickname. Error code is ' || to_char(sqlcode)); plg_debug(' ' || Sqlerrm); RETURN NULL; END; PROCEDURE when_compare_replace (ldapplugincontext IN ODS.plugincontext, result OUT INTEGER, dn IN VARCHAR2, attrname IN VARCHAR2, attrval IN VARCHAR2, rc OUT INTEGER, errormsg OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS retval pls_integer; lresult BOOLEAN; my_session DBMS_LDAP.session; my_property_names DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_property_values DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_attrs DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_pset_coll DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION; user_handle DBMS_LDAP_UTL.HANDLE; user_id VARCHAR2(2000); user_type PLS_INTEGER; user_nickname VARCHAR2(60); remote_dn VARCHAR2(256); i PLS_INTEGER; j PLS_INTEGER; k PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN plg_debug( '=== Begin of WHEN-COMPARE-REPLACE plug-in'); plg_debug( 'DN = ' || dn); plg_debug( 'Attr = ' || attrname); --plg_debug( 'Attrval = ' || attrval); DBMS_LDAP.USE_EXCEPTION := FALSE; errormsg := 'No error msg'; rc := 0; -- converting dn to nickname my_session := LDAP_PLUGIN.init(ldapplugincontext); plg_debug( 'ldap_session =' || RAWTOHEX(SUBSTR(my_session,1,8))); retval := LDAP_PLUGIN.simple_bind_s(ldapplugincontext, my_session); plg_debug( 'simple_bind_res =' || TO_CHAR(retval)); user_nickname := get_nickname(dn, my_session); plg_debug( 'user_nickname =' || user_nickname); -- unbind from the directory retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session); plg_debug( 'unbind_res Returns ' || To_char(retval)); IF (user_nickname IS NULL) THEN result := 32; errormsg := 'Can''t find the nickname'; plg_debug( 'Can''t find the nickname'); RETURN; END IF; plg_debug( '=== Now go to extauth '); BEGIN retval := auth_external.authenticate_user(user_nickname, attrval); plg_debug( 'auth_external.authenticate_user() returns = ' || 'True'); result := 6; -- compare result is TRUE EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN result := 5; -- compare result is FALSE plg_debug( 'auth_external.authenticate_user() returns = ' || 'False'); RETURN; END; plg_debug( '=== End of WHEN-COMPARE-REPLACE plug-in'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN rc := 1; errormsg := 'Exception: when_compare_replace plugin'; plg_debug( 'EXCEPTION: ' || retval); plg_debug('Exception in when_compare. Error code is ' || to_char(sqlcode)); plg_debug(' ' || Sqlerrm); END; PROCEDURE when_modify_replace (ldapplugincontext IN ODS.plugincontext, dn IN VARCHAR2, mods IN ODS.modlist, rc OUT INTEGER, errormsg OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS retval pls_integer; lresult BOOLEAN; my_session DBMS_LDAP.SESSION; my_property_names DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_property_values DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_attrs DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; my_modval DBMS_LDAP.BERVAL_COLLECTION; my_pset_coll DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION; user_handle DBMS_LDAP_UTL.HANDLE; l_mod_array RAW(32); user_id VARCHAR2(2000); user_type PLS_INTEGER; user_nickname VARCHAR2(2000); old_passwd VARCHAR2(60) DEFAULT NULL; new_passwd VARCHAR2(60) DEFAULT NULL; remote_dn VARCHAR2(256); i PLS_INTEGER; j PLS_INTEGER; k PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN plg_debug( '=== Begin of WHEN-MODIFY-REPLACE plug-in'); DBMS_LDAP.USE_EXCEPTION := FALSE; user_type := DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN; user_id := dn; -- converting dn to nickname my_session := LDAP_PLUGIN.init(ldapplugincontext); plg_debug( 'ldap_session =' || RAWTOHEX(SUBSTR(my_session,1,8))); retval := LDAP_PLUGIN.simple_bind_s(ldapplugincontext, my_session); plg_debug( 'simple_bind_res =' || TO_CHAR(retval)); user_nickname := get_nickname(dn, my_session); plg_debug( 'user_nickname =' || user_nickname); -- unbind from the directory retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session); FOR l_counter1 IN 1..mods.COUNT LOOP IF (mods(l_counter1).operation = 2) AND (mods(l_counter1).type = 'userpassword') THEN FOR l_counter2 IN 1..mods(l_counter1).vals.COUNT LOOP new_passwd := mods(l_counter1).vals(l_counter2).val; END LOOP; END IF; IF (mods(l_counter1).operation = 0) AND (mods(l_counter1).type = 'userpassword') THEN FOR l_counter2 IN 1..mods(l_counter1).vals.COUNT LOOP new_passwd := mods(l_counter1).vals(l_counter2).val; END LOOP; END IF; IF (mods(l_counter1).operation = 1) AND (mods(l_counter1).type = 'userpassword') THEN FOR l_counter2 IN 1..mods(l_counter1).vals.COUNT LOOP old_passwd := mods(l_counter1).vals(l_counter2).val; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; IF new_passwd IS NOT NULL AND old_passwd IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN auth_external.change_passwd(user_nickname, old_passwd, new_passwd); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN rc := 1; plg_debug( 'auth_external.change_passwd() raised exception.'); errormsg := 'auth_external.change_passwd() raised exception.'; RETURN; END; ELSIF new_passwd IS NOT NULL AND old_passwd IS NULL THEN BEGIN auth_external.reset_passwd(user_nickname, new_passwd); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN plg_debug( 'auth_external.reset_passwd() raised exception.'); rc := 1; errormsg := 'auth_external.reset_passwd() raised exception.'; RETURN; END; ELSE rc := 1; errormsg := 'PLG_Exception. Not enough info to change passwd.'; END IF; plg_debug( 'external change password succeed'); rc := 0; errormsg := 'No when_mod_replace plguin error msg'; retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session); plg_debug( 'End of WHEN-MODIFY-REPLACE'); --COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN rc := 1; errormsg := 'PLG_Exception: when_modify_replace plguin'; plg_debug('Exception in when_modify. Error code is ' || to_char(sqlcode)); plg_debug(' ' || Sqlerrm); END; END OIDEXTAUTH; / SHOW ERRORS --list EXIT;