6 Alert Destinations

This chapter describes how to create, locate, edit, and delete Alert Destination resources using the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console.

An alert destination resource captures a list of recipients that can receive alert notifications from the Oracle Service Bus. In typical system monitoring contexts, alerts generated by Oracle Service Bus bear significance to a finite set of users.

In Oracle Service Bus, you can configure each alert destination resource to include a set of recipients according to a given context. Alert destinations are used by Alert actions configured in the message flow, and also by SLA alert rules. An alert destination can include one or more of the following types of destinations: Administration Console (default), Reporting Data stream, SNMP trap, email, JMS queue, or JMS topic.

In the case of email and JMS destinations, a destination resource can include a list of email addresses or JMS URIs, respectively.

You can re-use alert destinations across alert configurations for services. See Section 21.25, "Adding Alert Actions."

6.1 Locating Alert Destinations

You can view a list of alert destinations in the Summary of Alert Destinations page. If you have not yet created an alert destination, and want to do so, create a new alert Destination resource from the Project Explorer. To learn how, see Section 6.2, "Adding Alert Destinations."

  1. Do either of the following:

    • Select Project Explorer to display the Projects View page or the Project/Folder View page. Then navigate through projects and folders to find the alert destination.

    • Select Resource Browser > Alert Destinations. The Summary of Alert Destinations page displays the information shown in Table 6-1.

  2. To restrict the number of items in the list, you can filter by name, path, or both. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target(s), then click Search.

    The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the alert destination resides.

    Click View All to remove the search filters and display all alert destinations.

Table 6-1 Alert Destination Details

Property Description


The name of the alert destination resource. The name is a link to the View an Alert Destination - Configuration page. See Section 6.4, "Editing Alert Destinations."


The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the alert destination resides. It is a link to the project or folder that contains this resource. See Section 4.1.1, "Qualifying Resource Names Using Projects and Folders."


Click the Delete icon to delete a specific Alert Destination. See Section 6.5, "Deleting Alert Destinations."

6.2 Adding Alert Destinations

An alert destination is a destination address for alert notifications in Oracle Service Bus. You can create alert destination resources in the Create Alert Destination page.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select a project or folder in which to add the alert destination. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. From the Create Resource list, select Alert Destination to display the Create Alert Destination page.

  4. In the Resource Name field, enter a unique name for this alert destination. This is a required field.

    Follow the Section 2.3, "Resource Naming Restrictions" for naming guidance.

  5. In the Resource Description field, enter a description for the alert destination.

  6. Select any or all of the following destinations to be included in this alert destination resource.


    Alerts are aggregated in the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console at runtime, where you can view them under Operations > Dashboard.

    • SNMP Trap: If you specify SNMP Trap, alerts are sent as SNMP traps, and can be processed by any third-party enterprise monitoring systems (ESM).

    • Reporting: If you specify Reporting, alerts are sent to the Oracle Service Bus Reporting module and can be captured using a custom Reporting Provider that can developed using the Reporting APIs provider by Oracle Service Bus. This allows third-parties to receive and process alerts in custom Java code.

    • Alert Logging: If you select Yes, alerts sent to this alert destination are logged to the alert log.

  7. Add an email recipient to the alert destination resource definition. See Section 6.3.1, "Adding Email Recipients."

  8. Add a JMS Destination to the alert destination resource definition. See Section 6.3.2, "Adding JMS Destinations."

  9. Click Save. The new alert destination is saved in the current session.

  10. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

6.3 Adding Email and JMS Recipients

You can add multiple email and JMS recipients to an alert destination.

This section includes the following tasks:

6.3.1 Adding Email Recipients

Before you add an email destination, you must configure an SMTP Server (see Section 31.7, "Adding SMTP Servers"), or a JavaMail session in WebLogic Server (see "Configure access to JavaMail" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help. If there are no SMTP Server resources or JavaMail sessions available, configured, you cannot configure an email recipient.

  1. Select Send an alert via email from the list and click Add to display the Add Email Recipient page.

  2. In the Mail Recipients field, enter an email recipient in the format: mailto:username@hostname

    This is a required field.

    You can specify multiple email recipients by entering the user names and hostnames in a comma-separated list. For example, mailto:username@hostname [,username_1@hostname_1]...[,username_n@hostname_n]

    Only the first mail recipient must be prefixed with the text "mailto:".

  3. In the SMTP Server field, select the name of the SMTP Server for the outgoing email. This field is not required if a mail session is selected in the next step.

  4. In the Mail Session field, select an available mail session. This field is not required if an SMTP Server is selected in the previous step.

  5. In the From Name field, provide a sender's name for the alert notification. This field is optional.

  6. In the From Address field, provide a valid email address. This field is required if a value for "From Name" field is specified.

  7. In the Reply To Name field, provide a name to which a reply may be addressed. This field is optional.

  8. In the Reply To Address field, provide an email address to which a reply may be sent. This field is required if a value for "Reply To Name" field is specified.

  9. In the Connection Timeout field, enter the number of seconds a connection must wait for a response from the server before timing out. The default value is 0.

  10. In the Request Encoding field, enter a character set encoding value. The default encoding value is iso-8859-1.

  11. Click Save. The email recipient is added to the list of email recipients for this alert destination and saved in the current session.

6.3.2 Adding JMS Destinations

To add JMS destinations:

  1. Select Send an alert to a JMS Destination from the list and click Add to display the Add JMS Destination page.

  2. In the destination URI field, enter a JMS destination URI in the format: jms://host:port/factoryJndiName/destJndiName

    This is a required field.


    While Oracle WebLogic Server allows forward slashes in JNDI names, such as "myqueues/myqueue", JNDI names with forward slashes interfere with the URI format required by Oracle Service Bus, and you cannot use those names. To work around this issue, define a JMS foreign server and reference that foreign server in the URI. For more information, see "Configure foreign servers" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

  3. In the Destination Type field, select Queue or Topic.

  4. In the Message Type field, select Bytes or Text.

  5. In the Request Encoding field, enter a character set encoding value. The default encoding value is UTF-8.

  6. Click Save. The JMS destination is added to the list of JMS destinations to be included for this alert destination and saved in the current session.

6.4 Editing Alert Destinations

To edit alert destinations:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Locate the alert destination, as described in Section 6.1, "Locating Alert Destinations" or Section 27.1.5, "Finding Alert Destinations."

  3. Click the alert destination name. The View Alert Destination - Configuration page displays the information shown in Table 6-2.

    Table 6-2 Alert Destination Configuration Details

    Property Description

    Last Modified By

    The user who created or edited this alert destination.

    Last Modified On

    The date and time that the user created or edited this alert destination. Click the date and time link to view the change history of this resource. See Section 4.23, "View Change History Page."


    The number of objects that this alert destination references. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. See Section 4.22, "Viewing References to Resources."

    Referenced by

    The number of objects that reference this alert destination. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. See Section 4.22, "Viewing References to Resources."


    A description of this alert destination, if one exists.

    SNMP Trap

    Yes or No, to indicate whether the SNMP Trap option was specified as a destination for this alert when it was configured.


    Yes or No, to indicate whether the Reporting option was specified as a destination for this alert when it was configured.

    Alert Logging

    Yes or No, to indicate whether Alert Logging is enabled.

    Email & JMS

    Displays a list of email recipients or JMS destinations, or both, if they were configured.

  4. You can change your selection of the SNMP Trap, Reporting, or Alert Logging setting.

  5. To edit or delete an email recipient or JMS destination, click Edit at the bottom of the page.

    1. To edit the email recipient, in Email click the Edit icon under Options, for the email recipient you want to edit. Use the Edit Email Recipient page to make changes to the email recipient information. See Section 6.3.1, "Adding Email Recipients."

    2. To edit the JMS destination, in JMS click the Edit icon under Options, for the JMS destination you want to edit. Use the Edit JMS Destination page to make changes to the JMS destination information. See Section 6.3.2, "Adding JMS Destinations."

    3. To delete one or all email recipients or JMS destinations, click the Delete icon under Options, for the email recipients or JMS destinations you want to delete.

  6. Click Save to commit the updates in the current session.

  7. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

6.5 Deleting Alert Destinations

To delete an alert destination:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Resource Browser > Alert Destinations to display the Summary of Alert Destinations page.

  3. Click the Delete icon in the Options field of the alert destination you want to delete. The alert destination is deleted in the current session. A Deletion Warning icon is displayed when other resources reference this resource. You can delete the resource with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

    To delete particular email recipients or JMS destinations configured within an alert destination, see Section 6.4, "Editing Alert Destinations."

  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.