4 Working with Projects, Folders, and Resources

This chapter contains procedures for working with Oracle Service Bus (OSB) projects, folders, and resources using the OSB Administration Console, including importing resources from ZIPs, JARs, and URLs.

The Project Explorer organizes configurations and resources into projects and folders. In the Project Explorer, you can display the Projects View Page, which lists all projects in the domain, and Project/Folder View Pages, which list folders and resources in each project.

Projects are non-hierarchical, non-overlapping, top-level grouping constructs.

All Oracle Service Bus resources (for example, services, WS-Policies, WSDLs, XQuery transformations, and so on) reside in exactly one project. Projects do not overlap. Resources can be created directly under a project, or they can be further organized into folders. However, you can reference any resource regardless of the project in which it resides.

When you create a domain in Oracle Service Bus, a default project is created.

4.1 Naming Projects and Folders

Project names and folder names are limited to 64 characters and must follow the Section 2.3, "Resource Naming Restrictions."

The names, length, and levels of nesting of projects and folders are ultimately affected by the limits of your operating system. Creating folders or projects with very long names or deeply nesting folders can fail due to the limitations of the operating system.

4.1.1 Qualifying Resource Names Using Projects and Folders

Projects and folders qualify the names of Oracle Service Bus resources. A reference to a resource is constructed as follows:


If a resource is located directly under a project, the reference is constructed as follows:


4.2 Projects View Page

The Projects View page lists the projects defined in the current domain. Table 4-1 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-1 Projects View Page - Options and Controls

Option or Control Description

Enter New Project Name

To create a new project, enter a name in the text field and click Add Project. See Section 4.4, "Adding Projects."

See also Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."


Click a project name to display the Project/Folder View Page for that project.


For any project listed, you can do any of the following:

When you perform any of these actions, the result is saved in the current session. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.3 Project/Folder View Page

The Project/Folder View page displays details of a single project. Table 4-2 describe the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-2 Project/Folder View Page - Options and Controls

Option or Control Description


Click the number in this field (if greater than 0) to display a list of the resources outside of this project on which resources inside this project depend.

Referenced By

Click the number in this field (if greater than 0) to display a list of the resources outside of this project that are dependent on resources inside this project.


Click Edit Description to add or edit a description of this project, then click Submit Description to update it.

Enter a New Folder Name

To create a new folder in this project, enter a name in the text field and click Add Folder. See Section 4.9, "Adding Folders."

See also Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."


Click a folder name to display the Project/Folder View Page for that folder.


For any folder listed, you can do any of the following:

When you perform any of these actions, the result is saved in the current session. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.


To delete folders, select the check boxes next to the names of the folders to delete, then click Delete.

Create Resource

To create a new resource for this project, select a resource type from the Create Resource list. See Section 4.14, "Creating Resources."


Click a resource name to display details about the resource.

Resource Type

The type of this resource.


The actions available for a resource depend on the type of resource:

  • The Edit Message Flow icon appears for proxy services. Click this icon to edit the message of a proxy service. See Section 22.1, "Viewing and Editing Message Flows."

  • The Launch Test Console icon appears for business services, proxy services, XQuery transformations, XSL transformations, and MFL files. Click this icon to invoke the Test Console, which you use to validate and test the design of services and transformations. For services, you can only use the Test Console at runtime; that is, when the session is activated. For transformations, you can use the Test Console whether you are inside or outside a session. See Section 33.1, "Testing Services" and Section 33.2, "Testing Transformations."

  • The Export WSDL icon appears for WSDL-based proxy services. Click this icon to export a WSDL, which you can then view or modify in an external tools such as an IDE.

    This is different than the Export Resources functionality in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains. See Section 4.28, "Exporting a WSDL."

  • The Generate WSDL icon appears for transport-typed business services, such as EJB and Flow. Click this icon to generate a WSDL, which you can then view or modify. See Section 4.29, "Generating a WSDL."


The Options column displays the following icons:

  • Click the Rename Resource icon to rename the resource. See Section 4.25, "Renaming Resources."

  • Click the Move Resource icon to move the resource. See Section 4.26, "Moving Resources."

  • Click the Clone Resource icon to clone the resource. See Section 4.27, "Cloning Resources."

  • Click the Delete icon to delete the resource. A Deletion Warning icon appears when other resources reference this resource. You can delete this resource with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

When you perform any of these actions, the result is saved in the current session. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.4 Adding Projects

To add a project:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. In the Enter New Project Name field, enter a unique name for the project, then click Add Project. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders." The new project is saved in the current session.

  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.5 Renaming Projects

To rename a project:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. Click the Rename Project icon in the row of the project you want to rename. The Rename Project page is displayed.

  4. In the New Project Name field enter the new name for the project. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

    If you use the name of an existing project, the resources of both projects are merged under that name. For example, consider project MyProject with resources A and B, and project ThisProject with resources C and D. If you rename MyProject as ThisProject, the new ThisProject will have resources A, B, C, and D.

  5. Click Rename. The project is renamed in the current session.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.6 Moving Projects (Converting to a Folder)

When you move a project, the project is converted to a folder in the new location.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. Click the Move Project icon in the row of the project you want to move. The Move Project page is displayed with the current location of the project highlighted.

  4. Under Location, select a project or folder to "move" the project into. The project is converted to a folder in the new location and is saved in the current session.

    If you move a project to a new location and a folder with the same name already exists in that location, the contents of the project are merged with the contents of the existing folder.

  5. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.7 Cloning Projects

Following are the ways to clone (copy) a project:

  • Clone the project with a new name at the root level. In this case, the original project and its clone exist as peer projects. The cloned project contains the same folders and resources as the original (at least until you modify the source or the clone). For instructions, see "Cloning a Project at the Root Level" in this section.

  • Clone the project using the name of an existing project (other than the source project). In this case, the folders and resources from the source project are merged with the folders and resources of the project whose the name was assigned to the clone. The original project remains unchanged. For instructions, see "Cloning a Project at the Root Level" in this section.

  • Clone the project in a new location, in an existing project or project folder. In this case, the cloned project is demoted to a folder in the new location. It contains the same folders and resources as the original project.

    If you clone a project with the same name and in the same location as an existing folder, the contents (subfolders and resources) of the project are merged with the contents of the target folder.

    In either case, the original project remains unchanged.

    For instructions, see "Cloning a Project and Demoting the Clone to a Folder" in this section.

Cloning a Project at the Root Level

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. Click the Clone Project icon in the row of the project you want to clone. The Clone Project page is displayed with the current location of the project highlighted.

  4. In the New Name field, enter a name for the clone. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

    Use a unique name to create the clone as a new project, or use the name of an existing project to merge the clone with that project.

  5. In the Location panel, keep the default Root location when cloning a project at the root level.

  6. Click Clone Project. The project is cloned in the current session.

  7. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

Cloning a Project and Demoting the Clone to a Folder

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. Click the Clone Project icon in the row of the project you want to clone. The Clone Project page is displayed with the current location of the project highlighted.

  4. In the New Name field, optionally enter a new name for the folder. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

    Use a unique name to create a new folder, or use the name of an existing folder to merge the clone with the existing folder (in the location you will select in the next step).

  5. In the Location panel, select a project or folder, then click Clone Project. The cloned project is converted to a folder in the new location and is saved in the current session.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.8 Deleting Projects

To delete a project:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer > Projects to display the Projects View page.

  3. Click the Delete Project icon in the row of the project you want to delete. The project is deleted in the current session.

    When you delete a project, all resources under the project are deleted. If any resources under this project are referenced by resources under a different project, you can delete the project but with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

    Instead of the Delete icon, a Deletion Warning icon is displayed for these resources.

  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.9 Adding Folders

To add a folder:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select a project or folder in which to add the new folder.

  3. In the Enter New Folder Name field of the Projects View page, enter a unique name for the folder. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

  4. Click Add Folder. The new folder is saved in the current session.

  5. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.10 Renaming Folders

To rename a folder:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder containing the folder whose name you want to change. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Rename Folder icon in the row of the folder you want to rename. The Rename Folder page is displayed.

  4. In the New Folder Name field, enter a new name for the folder. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

  5. Click Rename. The renamed folder is saved in the current session.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.11 Moving or Upgrading Folders

To move or upgrade a folder:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder that contains the folder that you want to move or upgrade. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Move Folder icon in the row of the folder you want to move or upgrade. The Move Folder page is displayed with the current location of the folder highlighted.

  4. Determine whether you will move the folder to a new location under a different project or upgrade the folder to a project:

    • To move it to a new location, in the Location panel, select a project or folder to move the folder into.

    • To upgrade the folder to a project, select the Root location.

  5. Click Submit. The folder (or project, if it was upgraded from a folder) is saved in its new location in the current session.

    When you move or upgrade a folder, if another folder already exists in that location with the same name, the contents of the moved or upgraded folder are merged with the contents of the existing folder or project.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.12 Cloning Folders

To clone a folder:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, navigate to the parent project or folder that contains the folder that you want to clone. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Clone Folder icon in the row of the folder you want to clone. The Clone Folder page is displayed with the current location of the folder highlighted.

  4. Clone the folder in the same location or a different location, or upgrade the folder to a project:, as follows:

    • To clone the folder in the same location, enter a new name in the New Name field. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

      When cloning in the same location, either do not select any location at all in the Location panel (which is equivalent to selecting the current location), or explicitly select the current project and folder.

    • To clone the folder in a different location, optionally enter a new name in the New Name field, and select a project or folder from the Location area. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

      If you use the same name as an existing folder, the contents of the original folder are merged with the contents of the target folder.

    • To upgrade the folder to a project, select the Root location.

  5. Click Clone Folder. The folder is cloned in the current session.

    When you clone a folder, all folder and resources under the folder are cloned recursively

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.13 Deleting Folders

To delete a folder:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder that contains the folder that you want to delete.

  3. On the Project/Folder View page, Click the Delete Folder icon in the row of the folder you want to delete. The folder is deleted in the current session.

    When you delete a folder, all resources under the folder are deleted. If any resources under this folder are referenced by resources under a different folder, you can delete the folder but with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

    Instead of the Delete icon, a Deletion Warning icon is displayed for these resources.

  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.14 Creating Resources

To create a resource:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder in which you want to create the resource.

  3. From the Create Resource list on the Project/Folder View page, select the type of resource you want to create. Different pages are displayed, depending on the type of resource you select.

  4. Follow the prompts to add information to each page to create the resource. For more information about creating each kind of resource, see the appropriate topic, as listed in Table 4-3.

  5. When you create the resource, it is created in the current session.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.15 Loading Resources from a Zip File

You can select a Zip or JAR file that contains the resources you want to load; Oracle Service Bus locates and imports the resources from this Zip file.

Resources like WSDLs or XML Schemas can define full trees of dependent resources. The bulk load feature lets you upload a set of resources at once; you need not resolve the dependencies manually.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder to which you want to add resources. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. From the Create Resource list, select Zipped Resources. The Load Resources page is displayed.

  4. In the Select Zip File field, specify a Zip file to import. Enter the name of the file (qualified by its path); or, click Browse, locate the file, then click Open.

  5. Review the mapping of resource types to file extensions. Change or add extensions, according to your needs. Separate multiple extensions with commas.

    Each file in the Zip file is a possible resource, and the file extension is the commonly used way to identify the file type. Oracle Service Bus defines a default extension for each resource, but if you have additional extensions to describe those resources, this map enables you to declare those extensions to the loader.

    After you define the Zip file and extension map, the Oracle Service Bus loader scans the contents of the Zip file and tries to associate a resource type with each file. A file without an extension or one that does not have an extension defined in the map is considered unknown and is automatically excluded from the load.

    For known files, the name of the resource is the name of the file without its extension. The folder structure of the Zip file is recreated in the target Oracle Service Bus Administration Console folder.

    An extension can only be associated with one file type.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Load Resources - Review Loaded Resources page, review the resources you are importing. You can clear the check boxes next to any resources you do not want to include in this import.

  8. To import the selected resources, click Import.

  9. The Load Resources - Import Result page displays the imported resources. Click Load Another to import resources from another file, or proceed with other tasks by selecting a different page from the left navigation pane.

  10. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.16 Load Resources - Select Zip File and Review Type Extensions Page

Use the Load Resources - Select Zip File and Review Type Extensions page to import resources from a Zip file, as documented in Section 4.15, "Loading Resources from a Zip File."

Table 4-4 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-4 Load Resources: Select Zip File and Review Type Extensions Page - Options and Controls

Options and Controls Description

Select Zip File

Enter the fully qualified name of a Zip file to import, or click Browse to select it.

Resource Type and File Extension

Each file in the Zip file is a possible resource, and the file extension is the commonly used way to identify the file type. Oracle Service Bus defines a default extension for each resource, but if you have additional extensions to describe those resources, this map enables you to declare those extensions to the loader.

After you define the Zip file and extension map, the Oracle Service Bus loader scans the contents of the Zip file and tries to associate a resource type with each file. A file without an extension or one that does not have an extension defined in the map is considered unknown and is automatically excluded from the load.

For known files, the name of the resource is the name of the file without its extension. The folder structure of the Zip file is recreated in the target Oracle Service Bus Administration Console folder.

4.17 Loading Resources from a URL

You can perform a bulk import of resources available at a URL or on the file system. Bulk import lets you import a root resource, such as a WSDL, along with its dependents, such as other WSDLs and schemas. The dependency map is resolved automatically.

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder to which you want to add resources. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. From the Create Resource list, select Resources from URL. The Load Resources - Load Resources from URL page is displayed.

  4. In the URL/Path field, enter the URL or path of the resource.

    To specify a local resource, you can use the file protocol with a file name fully qualified by its path, for example:


  5. In the Resource Name field, enter the resource's name.

  6. From the Resource Type list, select the type of the resource.

  7. Click Next to display the Load Resources - Review Loaded Resources Page. Clear the check boxes next to any resources you do not want to include in this import.

  8. To import the selected resources, click Import.

  9. The Load Resources - Import Result page displays the imported resources. Click Load Another to import resources from another file, or proceed with other tasks by selecting a different page from the left navigation pane.

  10. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.18 Load Resources - Load Resources from URL Page

Use the Load Resources - Load Resources from URL page to import resources from a file available on the Web, as documented in Section 4.17, "Loading Resources from a URL."

Table 4-5 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-5 Load Resources: Load Resources from URL Page - Options and Controls

Options and Controls Description


Enter the URL where the file is located.

To specify a local resource, you can use the file protocol with a file name fully qualified by its path, for example:


Resource Name

Enter a name for the resource.

Resource Type

Select the type of resource from the list.

4.19 Load Resources - Review Loaded Resources Page

The Load Resources - Review Loaded Resources page displays details about resources being imported from a Zip or other file, as documented in Section 4.15, "Loading Resources from a Zip File" or Section 4.17, "Loading Resources from a URL."

Table 4-6 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-6 Load Resources: Review Loaded Resources Page - Options and Controls

Options and Controls Description

File Name

The file name of the resource, including the file extension.


The name of the resource.


The path of the resource, which is the project and folder where the resource resides.

Resource Type

Lists the supported resource types.

A Warning icon next to file name indicates that the resource type is unknown. (A file without an extension or one that does not have an extension defined in the map is considered unknown.) Files of unknown file types cannot be imported.

4.20 Load Resources - Import Result Page

The Load Resources - Import Result page displays the results of loading resources from an imported Zip file or from a URL.

Depending on whether you have loaded resources from a Zip file or a URL, make sure you have completed the steps in either Section 4.15, "Loading Resources from a Zip File" or Section 4.17, "Loading Resources from a URL," and make sure you have completed the steps in Section 4.19, "Load Resources - Review Loaded Resources Page."

The Import Result page is displayed, which displays the following information.

Table 4-7 Project/Folder View Page - Options and Controls

Option or Control Description


The status of the resource; for example, whether or not it has been imported successfully.

A WSDL may be temporarily marked as invalid until all of its dependencies are imported. When the import action is completed, however, the configuration service re-validates the files marked invalid.


The name of the resource.


The path of the resource, which is the project and folder where the resource resides.

Resource Type

Displays the imported resource type.

Error Message

Displays the details of the error message if the resource has not been imported successfully.

4.21 View References Page

Depending on whether you clicked References or Referenced By on a Project/Folder View page, the View References page displays a list of:

  • Resources outside of the current project or folder that are referenced by resources inside the project or folder.

  • Resources outside of the current project or folder that reference resources inside the project or folder.

Table 4-8 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-8 Project References Page - Options and Controls

Option or Control Description


Click the name of the resource to display details of the resource.

Resource Type

Displays Project, Folder, or any of the supported Oracle Service Bus resource types.

4.22 Viewing References to Resources

You can view references to resources whether or not you are in a session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  1. Click References or Referenced By on a project, folder or resource details page in the Project Explorer or Resource Browser modules.

    • Click References to display resources outside of a project or folder that are referenced by resources inside the project or folder.

    • Click Referenced By to display resources outside of a project or folder that reference resources inside the project or folder.

    The View References page is displayed.

  2. Click a name of a resource to display details about it, or click Back to return to the previous page.

4.23 View Change History Page

The View Change History page displays the ten most recent changes to a resource, across all session activations.

Table 4-9 describes the options and controls on the page.

Table 4-9 Change History Page - Options and Controls

Option or Control Description


The type of task performed:

  • Create

  • Update

  • Clone

  • Rename

  • Move


The user who created or edited this resource.

Execution Time

The date and time that the user created or edited this resource.

4.24 Using the Resource Browser

The Resource Browser provides tools for locating resources and for performing simple actions on them, such as Display, Edit, Export, and Delete.

  1. To display the Resource Browser, select Resource Browser from the left navigation pane.

  2. On the left side of the page, click the name of the type of resource you want to locate. Table 4-10 shows the items you can select and the tasks associated with the page displayed for each one.

4.25 Renaming Resources

To rename a resource:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder containing the resource you want to rename. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Rename icon in the row of the resource you want to rename. The Rename page is displayed.

  4. In the New Resource Name field, enter a new name for the resource. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

  5. Click Rename.


    If you rename a business service imported from the UDDI registry, the service will become detached from the registry

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.26 Moving Resources

To move a resource:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder containing the resource you want to move. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Move icon in the row of the resource you want to move. The Move page is displayed with the current location of the resource highlighted.

  4. In the Location field, select the project and folder to which you want to move the file.

  5. Click Move File. The resource is moved to the new location in the current session.

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.27 Cloning Resources

To clone a resource:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder containing the resource you want to clone. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  3. Click the Clone Resource icon in the row of the resource you want to clone. The Clone Resource page is displayed with the current location of the resource highlighted.

  4. You can clone the resource in the same location or a different location:

    • To clone the resource in the same location, enter a new name in the New Resource Name field. See Section 4.1, "Naming Projects and Folders."

      To clone in the same location, either do not select any location at all in the Location panel (which is equivalent to selecting the current location), or explicitly select the current project and folder.

    • To clone the resource in a different location, optionally enter a new name in the New Resource Name field, and select a project, folder, or both from the Location area.

  5. Click Clone Resource. The resource is cloned in the current session.

    If you clone a business service imported from the UDDI registry, the cloned service will be detached from the registry

  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.

4.28 Exporting a WSDL

Use the Project/Folder View page to export a WSDL associated with a proxy service or a business. The WSDL is exported as a JAR file. You can export a WSDL only when you are outside a session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

Use the Export WSDL feature to make a WSDL available for consumption by external tools such as IDEs. This is different than the Export Resources feature in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains.

  1. From the left navigation pane, click a project or folder from under Project Explorer. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  2. Click the Export WSDL icon in the row of the proxy service whose WSDL you want to export. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the JAR file or click Save to save the JAR file to your desktop.

4.29 Generating a WSDL

A generated WSDL is a WSDL resource that Oracle Service Bus generates for a service that did not start with a WSDL resource but which can be described using a WSDL. For example, a WSDL created from an EJB-based service is a generated WSDL. For more information, see "How WSDL is Used in Oracle Service Bus" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Service Bus.

Use the Project/Folder View page to generate a WSDL associated with an EJB or Flow transport-typed business service.

  1. From the left navigation pane, click a project or folder from under Project Explorer. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.

  2. Click the Generate WSDL icon in the row of the business service whose WSDL you want to generate. The Generate WSDL Resource dialog box is displayed with the current location (project name and the name of the folder in which the business service resides) highlighted.

  3. In the Generate WSDL Resource dialog box, specify a New WSDL Resource Name and location for the WSDL, and click Generate WSDL.

    Follow the Section 2.3, "Resource Naming Restrictions" for naming guidance.

After you finish

Continue in Section 7.3, "Editing WSDLs" to view or modify the generated WSDL.

4.30 Viewing Resources in a Web Browser

You can view/access Oracle Service Bus resources in a standard Web browser using the following URLs:

  • Path for WSDL resources:



    http://host:port/proxy_service_endpoint_URI?WSDL (for WSDL-based HTTP proxy services)

  • Path for WSDL-based Proxy Service resources to display the WSDL:


    http://host:port/sbresource?ORAPROXY/project_path/proxyname (for proxy services with Oracle Web Services Manager policies attached)

  • Path for WSDL-based Business Service resources to display the WSDL:


    http://host:port/sbresource?ORABIZ/project_path/bizname (for business services with Oracle Web Services Manager policies attached)

  • Path for WSS resources:


  • Path for MFL resources:


  • Path for SCHEMA resources:



If you use special characters in your resource names, the URLs used to expose the resources in Oracle Service Bus must be encoded in UTF-8 in order to escape special characters.

You can also retrieve WSDLs containing Oracle Web Services Manager policies so that the policies conform to supported WS-Policy and WS-Security Policy standards. For more information, see "Advertising WSDLs to Support WS Standards" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Service Bus.

4.31 Deleting Resources

To delete a resource:

  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 3.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select Project Explorer, then select the project or folder containing the resources you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete icon in the row of the resource you want to delete. The resource is deleted in the current session. A Deletion Warning icon is displayed when other resources reference this resource. You can delete the resource with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the runtime, click Activate under Change Center.