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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface ObjectDetailsManager

public interface ObjectDetailsManager

Represents the access point for retrieving detail information about objects in WebCenter.

An instance of this can be retrieved via a call to ActivityStreamingService.getObjectDetailsManager().

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Method Summary
 ActivityObject getObjectDetail(ActivityObject objId)
          Returns detail information about a specified WebCenter object.
 java.util.List<ActivityObject> getObjectDetails(java.util.Collection<ActivityObject> objIds)
          Returns detail information about a specified (arbitrary) collection of WebCenter objects.


Method Detail


ActivityObject getObjectDetail(ActivityObject objId)
                               throws ActivityException
Returns detail information about a specified WebCenter object.
objId - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which detail information is to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
Object carrying detail information about the specified WebCenter object (in addition to the identification information provided in the objId argument), or null if no details could be found for the specified object.
ActivityException - If any error occurs retrieving information.


java.util.List<ActivityObject> getObjectDetails(java.util.Collection<ActivityObject> objIds)
                                                throws ActivityException
Returns detail information about a specified (arbitrary) collection of WebCenter objects.
objIds - Collection of objects each identifying a WebCenter object for which detail information is to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on each element of the collection are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. An element can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
List of objects carrying detail information about the specified WebCenter objects, such that, for each object o in the objIds collection for which details could be found, there will be a corresponding object in the resulting list containing detail information about the WebCenter object it identifies (in addition to the identification information provided in o). The sequence of elements in the returned list is not guaranteed to correspond to the sequence of elements in objIds. So to identify which detail corresponds to which object, one needs to examine the identification properties (service ID, object type, object ID) in the elements of the returned list.
ActivityException - If any error occurs retrieving information.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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