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Class AssetDataManagerImpl

  extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AssetDataManagerImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements AssetDataManager

AssetDataManager implementation class

The class has two variant of read methods: 1. read with a set of attribute names to retrieve specified - in this case, attribute names are specified either directly in the method signature, for example readAttributes (AssetId id, List<String> attributeNames) or in the query read(Query query). We consider the user is intending to read only the attribute specified (immediateonly) and do not want to retrieve the inherited data from parent

2. read with only id specified but no attribute names - in this case, we assume that user wants all the attributes with inherited values

AssetDataManagerImpl is the entry point for retrieving Content Server asset data and it defaults the actual operatoin of reading the data to the specific strategies for each different asset types. Each asset read strategy is an implementation of AssetDataReadStrategy interface and deal with a special type of asset.

At the heart of all the read strategies is BasicAssetDataReadStrategy, which reads all the basic asset types including some system asset types like Page, Collection, Query, Link, DimensionSet, and Dimension, sample asset types including Article, Linkset , and Image, Asset Maker asset types, Flex Attributes, Flex Parent definitions, Flex Definitions, Flex Filters, and the basic values of other asset types.

On top of BasicAssetReadStrategy, we have FlexAssetDataReadStrategy and several other asset data read strategies to read other special asset types like Template, CSElement, AdvCols(Recommendation), Promotions, HField, HistoryVals, ScalarVals

Constructor Summary
AssetDataManagerImpl(ICS ics)


Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Iterable _getAssets(Query query)
          Get a Iterator of asset data, this method is common for both readonly load and mutuable load of assets In this case, we only return a Iterable and cast the returned data according to the usage
 MutableAssetData deepCopy(AssetData example)
          Create a deep copy of an AssetData, all the data will be copied
 void delete(java.util.List<AssetId> data)
          Deletes a given list of AssetIds from database.
 void insert(java.util.List<AssetData> data)
          Inserts a given List of AssetData instances in the database and new assets will be created with the data from the list After the operation complete, the passed in AssetData in the list will be populated with the newly created Asset id
 AssetData newAssetData(java.lang.String assetTypeName, AssetData example)
          Creates an instance of AssetData (with copied instances of AttributeData from the example AssetData)
 MutableAssetData newAssetData(java.lang.String assetTypeName, java.lang.String subtype)
          Create an empty instance of AssetData with empty instance of AttributeData
 AttributeData newAttribiteData(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String assetTypeName, java.lang.String subtype)
          Creates an empty instance of AttributeData (of appropriate type and default)
 AttributeData newAttributeData(AttributeDef attributeDef)
          Create an attributeData with an attribute definition specified
 AttributeData newAttributeData(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String assetTypeName, java.lang.String subtype)
          Creates an empty instance of AttributeData (of appropriate type and default)
 java.lang.Iterable<AssetData> read(java.util.List<AssetId> ids)
          Reads asset data for all given AssetIds.
 java.lang.Iterable<AssetData> read(Query query)
          read a list of Asset Data that satisfy the query.
 AssetData readAttributes(AssetId id, java.util.List<java.lang.String> attributeNames)
          Reads given set attribute data and returns an AssetData instance containing them.
 java.lang.Iterable<MutableAssetData> readForUpdate(java.util.List<AssetId> ids)
          read a list of asset data to update
 java.lang.Iterable<MutableAssetData> readForUpdate(Query query)
          Reads all asset data that satisfies a given Query and results in mutable results.
 void update(java.util.List<AssetData> data)
          Updates a given list of AssetData in the database.
 void update(java.util.List<AssetData> data, boolean keepCheckedOut)
          Updates a given list of AssetData in the database.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AssetDataManagerImpl(ICS ics)

Method Detail


public java.lang.Iterable<AssetData> read(Query query)
                                   throws AssetAccessException
read a list of Asset Data that satisfy the query. The query against flex assets is considered to only to retrieve immediately only attributes it will not retrieve the parent inherited attributes
Specified by:
read in interface AssetDataManager
query - the Query object
Iterable of asset data


protected java.lang.Iterable _getAssets(Query query)
                                 throws AssetAccessException
Get a Iterator of asset data, this method is common for both readonly load and mutuable load of assets In this case, we only return a Iterable and cast the returned data according to the usage
query - - the query passed in
the Iterable of returned assets
AssetAccessException - - in case of errros, exception is thrown


public java.lang.Iterable<MutableAssetData> readForUpdate(Query query)
                                                   throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Reads all asset data that satisfies a given Query and results in mutable results.
Specified by:
readForUpdate in interface AssetDataManager
query - Query to be satisfied.
Iterator of MutableAssetData instances.
AssetAccessException - is the layer specific failures and wraps other internal exceptions.


public java.lang.Iterable<AssetData> read(java.util.List<AssetId> ids)
                                   throws AssetAccessException,
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Reads asset data for all given AssetIds.
Specified by:
read in interface AssetDataManager
ids - the list of asset ids to read
Iterable of asset data
AssetAccessException - rethrown excetpion


public java.lang.Iterable<MutableAssetData> readForUpdate(java.util.List<AssetId> ids)
                                                   throws AssetAccessException,
read a list of asset data to update
Specified by:
readForUpdate in interface AssetDataManager
ids - the list of asset ids to read
Iterable of asset data


public AssetData readAttributes(AssetId id,
                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> attributeNames)
                         throws AssetAccessException,
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Reads given set attribute data and returns an AssetData instance containing them.
Specified by:
readAttributes in interface AssetDataManager
id - AssetId to read attributes for
attributeNames - names of the attributes
AssetData containing values for requested attributes.
AssetAccessException - if thrown if the AssetId does not exist or attribute names passed are incorrect for the asset. AssetAccessException also wraps any AssetExcptions thrown by the internal implementation.


public void insert(java.util.List<AssetData> data)
            throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Inserts a given List of AssetData instances in the database and new assets will be created with the data from the list After the operation complete, the passed in AssetData in the list will be populated with the newly created Asset id
Specified by:
insert in interface AssetDataManager
data - AssetData to be inserted.
AssetAccessException - captures layer specific failures and wraps other internal exceptions.


public void update(java.util.List<AssetData> data)
            throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Updates a given list of AssetData in the database. Content Server will use the AssetId in AssetData objects to determine which Asset in Content Server to update. An AssetAccessException will be thrown if the AssetData passed in does not exist in Content Server
Specified by:
update in interface AssetDataManager
data - AssetData to be updated.
AssetAccessException - captures layer specific failures and wraps other internal exceptions.


public void update(java.util.List<AssetData> data,
                   boolean keepCheckedOut)
            throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Updates a given list of AssetData in the database. Content Server will use the AssetId in AssetData objects to determine which Asset in Content Server to update. An AssetAccessException will be thrown if the AssetData passed in does not exist in Content Server
Specified by:
update in interface AssetDataManager
data - AssetData to be updated.
keepCheckedOut - do not checkin asset after save if revision tracked.
AssetAccessException - captures layer specific failures and wraps other internal exceptions.


public void delete(java.util.List<AssetId> data)
            throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Deletes a given list of AssetIds from database. No assets will be deleted if one of them is being referenced.
Specified by:
delete in interface AssetDataManager
data - AssetIds to be deleted.
AssetAccessException - captures layer specific failures and wraps other internal exceptions.


public AttributeData newAttribiteData(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                      java.lang.String assetTypeName,
                                      java.lang.String subtype)
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Creates an empty instance of AttributeData (of appropriate type and default)
Specified by:
newAttribiteData in interface AssetDataManager
attributeName - name of the attribute
assetTypeName - name of asset type
subtype - subtype of asset type.
empty AttributeData for a given attribute name and attribute type.


public AttributeData newAttributeData(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                      java.lang.String assetTypeName,
                                      java.lang.String subtype)
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Creates an empty instance of AttributeData (of appropriate type and default)
Specified by:
newAttributeData in interface AssetDataManager
attributeName - name of the attribute
assetTypeName - name of asset type
subtype - subtype of asset type.
empty AttributeData for a given attribute name and attribute type.


public AttributeData newAttributeData(AttributeDef attributeDef)
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Create an attributeData with an attribute definition specified
Specified by:
newAttributeData in interface AssetDataManager
attributeDef - the definition of the attribute
the attribute data with empty value


public MutableAssetData newAssetData(java.lang.String assetTypeName,
                                     java.lang.String subtype)
                              throws AssetAccessException
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Create an empty instance of AssetData with empty instance of AttributeData
Specified by:
newAssetData in interface AssetDataManager
assetTypeName - the name of the assettype
subtype - the name of the aset subtype
empty instance of AssetData


public AssetData newAssetData(java.lang.String assetTypeName,
                              AssetData example)
Description copied from interface: AssetDataManager
Creates an instance of AssetData (with copied instances of AttributeData from the example AssetData)
Specified by:
newAssetData in interface AssetDataManager
assetTypeName - name of the asset type
example - optional example AsetData the returned will be based on.
an instance of AssetData


public MutableAssetData deepCopy(AssetData example)
                          throws AssetAccessException
Create a deep copy of an AssetData, all the data will be copied
example - the asset data where to copy the data from
the deep copy of the asset data
AssetAccessException - throws exception if error met creating the copy

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