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Class AttributeDataImpl

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public class AttributeDataImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements AttributeData

Default implementation of AttributeData interface

Constructor Summary
AttributeDataImpl(AttributeDef def, java.lang.String attributeName, AttributeTypeEnum type, java.util.List data)
          Constructs an AttributeData with attribute def, name, type and a list of data
AttributeDataImpl(AttributeDef def, java.lang.String attributeName, AttributeTypeEnum type, java.lang.Object data)
          Constructs an AttributeData with attribute def, name, type and data
AttributeDataImpl(java.lang.String assettype, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String attributeName, AttributeTypeEnum type, java.util.List data)
          Constructs an AttributeData with assettype, subtype, name, type and a list of data
AttributeDataImpl(java.lang.String assettype, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String attributeName, AttributeTypeEnum type, java.lang.Object data)
          Constructs an AttributeData with assettype, subtype, name, type and data


Method Summary
 void addData(java.lang.Object data)
          append a data to the AttributeData list if the attribute is multi-valued.
 AttributeDef getAttributeDef()
          Returns attribute definition for this attribute.
 java.lang.String getAttributeName()
          Returns name of the attribute for which this instance represents data
 java.lang.Object getData()
          Returns handle to the raw data.
 java.util.List getDataAsList()
          Returns handle to data when data is multi valued.
 AttributeTypeEnum getType()
          Indicates the type of data contained.
 void removeData(java.lang.Object data)
          remove a data from the attribute
 void setAttributeDef(AttributeDef attributeDef)
          Sets the AttributeDef for this AttributeData
 void setData(java.lang.Object data)
          sets data to the AttributeData
 void setDataAsList(java.util.List data)
          sets data aslist to the AttributeData


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AttributeDataImpl(AttributeDef def,
                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                         AttributeTypeEnum type,
                         java.lang.Object data)
Constructs an AttributeData with attribute def, name, type and data
def - the Attribute Definition
attributeName - the name of the attribute
type - the type of the attribute
data - the data for the attribute


public AttributeDataImpl(AttributeDef def,
                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                         AttributeTypeEnum type,
                         java.util.List data)
Constructs an AttributeData with attribute def, name, type and a list of data
def - the Attribute Definition
attributeName - the name of the attribute
type - the type of the attribute
data - the data for the attribute


public AttributeDataImpl(java.lang.String assettype,
                         java.lang.String subtype,
                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                         AttributeTypeEnum type,
                         java.lang.Object data)
Constructs an AttributeData with assettype, subtype, name, type and data
assettype - the asset type
subtype - the asset subtype
attributeName - the name of the attribute
type - the type of the attribute
data - the data for the attribute


public AttributeDataImpl(java.lang.String assettype,
                         java.lang.String subtype,
                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                         AttributeTypeEnum type,
                         java.util.List data)
Constructs an AttributeData with assettype, subtype, name, type and a list of data
assettype - the asset type
subtype - the asset subtype
attributeName - the name of the attribute
type - the type of the attribute
data - the data for the attribute

Method Detail


public void setAttributeDef(AttributeDef attributeDef)
Sets the AttributeDef for this AttributeData
attributeDef - the AttributeDef


public java.lang.String getAttributeName()
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
Returns name of the attribute for which this instance represents data
Specified by:
getAttributeName in interface AttributeData
name of the attribute


public AttributeTypeEnum getType()
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
Indicates the type of data contained.
Specified by:
getType in interface AttributeData
corresponding type as AttributeTypeEnum


public java.lang.Object getData()
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
Returns handle to the raw data.
Specified by:
getData in interface AttributeData


public AttributeDef getAttributeDef()
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
Returns attribute definition for this attribute.
Specified by:
getAttributeDef in interface AttributeData
Attribute definition for which this instance is data for.


public java.util.List getDataAsList()
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
Returns handle to data when data is multi valued.
Specified by:
getDataAsList in interface AttributeData
list of data (for multi valued attributes)


public void setData(java.lang.Object data)
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
sets data to the AttributeData
Specified by:
setData in interface AttributeData
data - data to add


public void setDataAsList(java.util.List data)
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
sets data aslist to the AttributeData
Specified by:
setDataAsList in interface AttributeData
data - data to add


public void addData(java.lang.Object data)
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
append a data to the AttributeData list if the attribute is multi-valued. Else it will replace the exisiting data
Specified by:
addData in interface AttributeData
data - data to add


public void removeData(java.lang.Object data)
Description copied from interface: AttributeData
remove a data from the attribute
Specified by:
removeData in interface AttributeData
data - the data to remove

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