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Interface QueryExpression

public interface QueryExpression

QueryExpression represents a query that could be performed in Search Engine.

Method Summary
 QueryExpression and(QueryExpression q)
          Combine the two QueryExpression with an "and" operation
 QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.util.List values)
          The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.util.List values, boolean negate)
          The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.lang.Object value)
          The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.lang.Object value, boolean negate)
          The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 com.fatwire.cs.core.util.BinaryTree<java.lang.Object> getBinaryTree()
          Gets the binary tree representation of all the query conditions specified in this QueryExpression
 int getMaxResults()
          Gets the max number of results that the search engine would return from this query
 java.util.List<SortOrder> getSortOrder()
          Gets the list of SortOrder that search engine would use when runs this query
 int getStartIndex()
          Gets the starting index of which we want the query results to be returned from
 java.lang.String getStringFormat()
          Gets a String representation of the QueryExpression
 QueryExpression or(QueryExpression q)
          Combine the two QueryExpression with an "or" operation
 QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.util.List values)
          The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.util.List values, boolean negate)
          The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.lang.Object value)
          The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname, Operation op, java.lang.Object value, boolean negate)
          The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
 void setMaxResults(int max)
          Sets the max number of results that the search engine would return from this query
 void setSortOrder(java.util.List<SortOrder> so)
          Sets the list of SortOrder that search engine would use when runs this query
 void setStartIndex(int start)
          Sets the starting index of which we want the query results to be returned from


Method Detail


java.lang.String getStringFormat()
Gets a String representation of the QueryExpression
the String representation of the QueryExpression


QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname,
                    Operation op,
                    java.lang.Object value)
The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
value - the value of the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "and" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname,
                    Operation op,
                    java.lang.Object value,
                    boolean negate)
The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
value - the value of the additional query
negate - whether the new Query is a negative condition which indicates "not" true for the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "and" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname,
                    Operation op,
                    java.util.List values)
The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
values - the values of the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "and" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression and(java.lang.String fieldname,
                    Operation op,
                    java.util.List values,
                    boolean negate)
The method does an and operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
values - the values of the additional query
negate - whether the new Query is a negative condition which indicates "not" true for the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "and" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname,
                   Operation op,
                   java.lang.Object value)
The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
value - the value of the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "or" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname,
                   Operation op,
                   java.lang.Object value,
                   boolean negate)
The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
value - the value of the additional query
negate - whether the new Query is a negative condition which indicates "not" true for the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "or" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname,
                   Operation op,
                   java.util.List values)
The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
values - the values of the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "or" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression or(java.lang.String fieldname,
                   Operation op,
                   java.util.List values,
                   boolean negate)
The method does an or operation between this QueryExpression and the query specified by fieldname, op and value and returns a new QueryExpression that represents the result of the and operation
fieldname - the name of the field of the additional query
op - the query operation of the additional query
values - the values of the additional query
negate - whether the new Query is a negative condition which indicates "not" true for the additional query
a new QueryExpression that represents "or" between the current QueryExpression and the condition passed in


QueryExpression and(QueryExpression q)
Combine the two QueryExpression with an "and" operation
q - the QueryExpression to combine with the current one
the QueryExpression resulted from the "and" operation of the two QueryExpressions


QueryExpression or(QueryExpression q)
Combine the two QueryExpression with an "or" operation
q - the QueryExpression to combine with the current one
the QueryExpression resulted from the "or" operation of the two QueryExpressions


int getStartIndex()
Gets the starting index of which we want the query results to be returned from
the starting index


void setStartIndex(int start)
Sets the starting index of which we want the query results to be returned from
start - the starting index


int getMaxResults()
Gets the max number of results that the search engine would return from this query
the int number of max results


void setMaxResults(int max)
Sets the max number of results that the search engine would return from this query
max - the int number of max results


void setSortOrder(java.util.List<SortOrder> so)
Sets the list of SortOrder that search engine would use when runs this query
so - the list of SortOrder


java.util.List<SortOrder> getSortOrder()
Gets the list of SortOrder that search engine would use when runs this query
the list of SortOrder


com.fatwire.cs.core.util.BinaryTree<java.lang.Object> getBinaryTree()
Gets the binary tree representation of all the query conditions specified in this QueryExpression
the BinaryTree representation of all the conditions in this QueryExpression

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