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Package com.fatwire.cs.core.uri

Interface Summary
Assembler This interface defines the component that converts a Definition to a URI, and converts a URI back into a Definition.
Definition This class is a data object which contains all of the data required to create a URI for a Content Server system.


Class Summary
AbstractAssembler Base implementation of an Assembler.
AbstractAssembler.AssemblyContext This class is a wrapper over the Definition object.
AbstractAssembler.DisassemblyContext This class is a wrapper over the incoming URI that contains an accessor to arbitrary context parameters that extending classes can specify.
AssemblerEngine This class is a utility that manages the invocation of the Assembler interface.
Definition.AppType This object defines the Content Server app type for which the URI should be constructed.
Definition.ContainerType This object defines the containers for which a URI can be defined.
Definition.SatelliteContext Class to define the satellite context of the URI.
LogPropertyDescriptions This class defines logger configuration properties for the uri assembly component.
QueryAsPathInfoAssembler This assembler creates a URL without a query string.
QueryAsPathInfoAssembler.PathInfo Simple class containing information embedded in the pathinfo.
QueryAssembler This class is capable of assembling and disassembling a standard URL for Content Server.
SatelliteTokenAssembler This class assembles URIs that are destined for Satellite Server's translation.
SatelliteTokenAssembler.STADefinition This class constructs a special Definition that is designed for use with the SatelliteTokenAssembler.
Simple Simple implementation of the Definition interface.


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