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Interface TemplateService

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public interface TemplateService
extends Service

The Template Service is the interface providing template related services.

Method Summary
 TemplatesBean fetchTemplates(java.lang.Long site, TypeBean type, java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType, java.lang.String nameRegex, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer pageSize)
          Fetches the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria and returns paged results.
 TemplatesBean fetchTemplates(java.lang.Long site, TypeBean type, java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType, java.lang.String nameRegex, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer pageSize, java.lang.String deviceGroupSuffix)
          Fetches the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria and returns paged results.
 java.util.List<ArgumentBean> getArguments(AssetId assetId)
          Returns a list containing the arguments associated with a template for the specified asset type.
 java.util.List<ArgumentBean> getTemplateArguments(java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String assetType)
          Returns a list containing the arguments associated with a template for the specified asset type.
 java.util.List<TemplateBean> getTemplates(java.lang.Long site, TypeBean type, java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType, java.lang.String nameRegex)
          Returns the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria.


Methods inherited from interface
getManager, getResponse, setManager


Method Detail


java.util.List<TemplateBean> getTemplates(java.lang.Long site,
                                          TypeBean type,
                                          java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType,
                                          java.lang.String nameRegex)
                                          throws ServiceException
Returns the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria.
site - the editorial site for which the templates are being retrieved.
type - filter for a specific asset type and sub-type, or null for Typeless.
templateType - filter for a specific template type.
nameRegex - comma-separated list of regular expression to match the template name against, null for no name restriction.
a list containing all templates matching the filter criteria.
ServiceException - wraps any exception underlying the service call.


TemplatesBean fetchTemplates(java.lang.Long site,
                             TypeBean type,
                             java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType,
                             java.lang.String nameRegex,
                             java.lang.Integer start,
                             java.lang.Integer pageSize)
                             throws ServiceException
Fetches the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria and returns paged results.
site - the editorial site for which the templates are being fetched.
type - filter for a specific asset type and sub-type, or null for Typeless.
templateType - filter for a specific template type.
nameRegex - comma-separated list of regular expression to match the template name against, null for no name restriction.
start - the start index for the paged result.
pageSize - the page size for the result.
a list containing all templates matching the filter criteria.
ServiceException - wraps any exception underlying the service call.


TemplatesBean fetchTemplates(java.lang.Long site,
                             TypeBean type,
                             java.util.List<TemplateBean.Type> templateType,
                             java.lang.String nameRegex,
                             java.lang.Integer start,
                             java.lang.Integer pageSize,
                             java.lang.String deviceGroupSuffix)
                             throws ServiceException
Fetches the templates in the specified editorial site as per specified filter criteria and returns paged results.
site - the editorial site for which the templates are being fetched.
type - filter for a specific asset type and sub-type, or null for Typeless.
templateType - filter for a specific template type.
nameRegex - comma-separated list of regular expression to match the template name against, null for no name restriction.
start - the start index for the paged result.
pageSize - the page size for the result.
deviceGroupSuffix - The suffix of the selected device's device group.
a list containing all templates matching the filter criteria.
ServiceException - wraps any exception underlying the service call.


java.util.List<ArgumentBean> getTemplateArguments(java.lang.String templateName,
                                                  java.lang.String assetType)
                                                  throws ServiceException
Returns a list containing the arguments associated with a template for the specified asset type.
templateName - name of the temaplate for which the arguments need to be retrieved.
type - the asset type for which the templates are to be retrieved.
a list containing the arguments associated with this template and the asset type.
ServiceException - wraps any exception underlying the service call.


java.util.List<ArgumentBean> getArguments(AssetId assetId)
                                          throws ServiceException
Returns a list containing the arguments associated with a template for the specified asset type.
AssetId - AssetId of template,cselement,siteentry for which the arguments need to be retrieved.
a list containing the arguments associated with this template and the asset type.
ServiceException - wraps any exception underlying the service call.

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