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Interface AuthorizationHandler<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the entity encapsulated into the PermissionBean.
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public interface AuthorizationHandler<T>
extends Service

This interface validates authorization for asset operations.

The contract enforces implementation of a single method, getPermission, which decides if a user is authorized to perform the operation on an asset in a site.

See Also:
AuthorizationRequestBean, PermissionBean

Method Summary
 PermissionBean<T> getPermission(AuthorizationRequestBean request)
           Decides if a user is authorized to perform the operation on an asset in a site.


Methods inherited from interface
getManager, getResponse, setManager


Method Detail


PermissionBean<T> getPermission(AuthorizationRequestBean request)
                                throws ServiceException

Decides if a user is authorized to perform the operation on an asset in a site.

Typical use of this method is as follows:
 AuthorizationHandler<MyData> authHandler = ...; // get the service object
 AuthorizationRequestBean req = ...; // Populate request object
 PermissionBean<MyData> perm = authHandler.getPermission();

 // If the operation is permitted
 boolean permitted = perm.isPermitted();
 AssetId asset = perm.getAsset();
 // Further information
 MyData data = perm.getEntity();
request - input to this service.
the permission object.
ServiceException - in case of any server side exceptions.
See Also:

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