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Interface DocumentTransformer

public interface DocumentTransformer

This represent the Document to be transformed. It can have various implementation based on the output of the document file type (TEXT/HTML/XML/PDF).

Method Summary getBytesAsStream(java.lang.String filename, TransformerFormat outputformat)
          Deprecated. -Don't use this.
 java.lang.String getOutputDocument(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String inputFileExt, TransformerFormat outputformat)
          This returns path for the transformed document.
 java.lang.String getOutputDocument(java.lang.String filename, TransformerFormat outputformat)
          This returns path for the transformed document.
 void release()
          This should be called after the document being transformed to release any resource associated with it.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
          This method allows to set the transformer level properties.


Method Detail


void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
This method allows to set the transformer level properties.
configuration - -- specify supported transformerformat and transformer level properties

getBytesAsStream getBytesAsStream(java.lang.String filename,
                                     TransformerFormat outputformat)
Deprecated. -Don't use this.
Read the document file and return back the InputStream of document.
filename - - Path of document file to be read ..
outputformat - - Output format of the document passed.
InputStream of the output document


java.lang.String getOutputDocument(java.lang.String filename,
                                   TransformerFormat outputformat)
This returns path for the transformed document. Which can be further processed.
filename - - path of the document to be transformed
outputformat- - Output format of the document transformed
path of the document converted in the specified format password


java.lang.String getOutputDocument(java.lang.String filename,
                                   java.lang.String inputFileExt,
                                   TransformerFormat outputformat)
This returns path for the transformed document. Which can be further processed.
filename - - path of the document to be transformed
inputFileExt - -- extension of the input file type. There can be used when input file itself is not capable of specifying the format
outputformat- - Output format of the document transformed
path of the document converted in the specified format password


void release()
This should be called after the document being transformed to release any resource associated with it.

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