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Interface TransformerFormatRepository

public interface TransformerFormatRepository

This is basically repository which keeps the information about the possible output transformerformat So this is an inventory of possible output format and possible transformer for the each output format It also has a responsibility to tell correct transformer to to be used. TransformFacotry uses it create an instance of DocumentTranformer.

Method Summary
 TransformerFormat getFormatByExtension(java.lang.String extension)
          Return the Output type TransformerFormat object from the repository specified by file extension.
 TransformerFormat getFormatByMimetype(java.lang.String mimetype)
          Return the TransformerFormat object from the repository specified by file mimetype
 Transformer getValidTransformer(java.lang.String inputFileExtention, java.lang.String outputFileExtention)
          Returns the valid transformer...based on the input and output file type or otherwise throw an exception saying no valid transformer found This keeps all the information needed to transform a document


Method Detail


TransformerFormat getFormatByExtension(java.lang.String extension)
Return the Output type TransformerFormat object from the repository specified by file extension. This can be used basically to
extension - - File extension of the output file type
TransformerFormat object based on file extension


TransformerFormat getFormatByMimetype(java.lang.String mimetype)
Return the TransformerFormat object from the repository specified by file mimetype
mimetype - - mimetype of the output file
TransformerFormat object based on mine type extension


Transformer getValidTransformer(java.lang.String inputFileExtention,
                                java.lang.String outputFileExtention)
                                throws TransformerNotFoundException
Returns the valid transformer...based on the input and output file type or otherwise throw an exception saying no valid transformer found This keeps all the information needed to transform a document
inputFileExtention - -- input file extension (optional)
outputFileExtention - -- output file extension
Transformer object need to transform a document..

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