JSP Annotated TOC

acl:argument Argument for other ACL tags.
acl:create Creates an ACL.
acl:delete Deletes an ACL.
acl:gather Gathers fields into an ACL.
acl:get Copies a field from an ACL.
acl:list Retrieves a list of ACLs.
acl:load Loads an ACL.
acl:save Saves an ACL.
acl:scatter Scatters a field from an ACL.
acl:set Sets a field in an ACL.
asset:addchild Designates an asset to be added as a child asset in the AssetRelationTree table when the asset:save tag is called.
asset:adddimension Add a dimension to the currently loaded asset
asset:addlocale Add a locale to the currently loaded asset
asset:addmembers This tag adds child assets to an asset that can contain child assets.
asset:addsite Adds a site affiliation to a loaded asset.
asset:argument Declares a value that is available to the parent asset tag.
asset:asset This is a child tag that will add an asset to a list maintained by a parent tag.
asset:canedit Checks whether a publish operation, which prevents the specified asset from being edited, is in progress.
asset:cantakeaction This tag checks whether editing actions related to the assets members are allowed.
asset:changeref This tag changes the a member reference to reference a different asset
asset:checkin Checks in a revision tracked asset.
asset:checkout Checks out a revision tracked asset for editing.
asset:childgather Gathers information from variables about which child relationships in the AssetRelationTree table should be added, deleted, or updated for a loaded asset.
asset:children Queries the AssetRelationTree table and builds
asset:childtypes Builds a list of asset types that are children of this asset.
asset:create Creates an asset object instance.
asset:def Returns a list of an asset type's attributes and indicates whether each attribute is optional, required, read only, or editable.
asset:delete This tag permanently removes an asset.
asset:deleteassettype This tag permanently deletes an asset type and configuration related to the asset type from the system.
asset:deleterevision Deletes a revision of the tracked asset.
asset:deletevoids This tag permanently removes assets previously marked void.
asset:dimensionparentrelationship This is a child tag that will add a dimension parent relationship to a list maintained by a parent tag.
asset:export Gathers Sites variables to create an XML rendition of an asset.
asset:filterassetsbydate This tag takes an input list of assets, compares the start and end date attributes of each of those assets with a specified date and constructs an output list consisting of assets whose start/end dates contain the given date. See description below for more specific use-cases.
asset:gather Gathers all variables, where the variable matches a column name for the asset, and sets data in the asset instance.
asset:get Retrieves the value of a single field from a loaded asset object and stores it in a Sites variable.
asset:getassettype Loads the asset type object of an asset instance.
asset:getassettypedependents Provides a list of asset types which depend an asset type's existence
asset:getassettypeproperties Reports values for various asset type properties.
asset:getassettypesonwhichidepend Provides a list of asset types on which must exist for the asset type to be functional.
asset:getdimensions Get an IList of the dimensions assigned to a particular asset.
asset:getdimparents Get an IList of the dimensionable asset parents for particular asset.
asset:getlegalsubtypes Generates a list of asset subtypes that are valid for this asset type.
asset:getlocale Get the locale for a particular asset.
asset:getlocales Get an IList of the locales assigned to a particular asset.
asset:getpubdeps Gets the mirror publish dependencies for an asset.
asset:getrelatives Get an IList of the relatives of this asset.
asset:getsitenode Queries the SitePlanTree table and returns the node ID of the specified page asset.
asset:getsubtype Gets the subtype or flex definition of an asset.
asset:gettemplatefortarget Returns a template name in the designated variable.
asset:gettemplatepagename Returns a SiteCatalog pagename for the asset in the designated variable.
asset:gettemplaterootelement Calculates the name of an asset's template and gets that template asset's root element, without loading the template.
asset:gettranslations Get an IList of the translations of this asset.
asset:import Parses XML and sets Sites variables which can then be gathered to set values in the asset.
asset:inspect Creates an object with the asset's attributes and the specification for each attribute.
asset:isempty Determines whether a field in an asset is empty.
asset:legalchildtypes Builds a list of asset types that can be used in an asset field.
asset:list Queries the database and retrieves a list of assets that meet the specified criteria. It creates a list of assets of one type.
asset:load Queries the database for the specified asset and then loads an instance of the asset into memory as an object.
asset:loadall Loads all assets specified in the input list and creates objects with names made up of the prefix name plus a counter.
asset:loadrevision Loads a previous revision of a revision-tracked asset using the
asset:referencedby Builds a list of assets that reference this asset.
asset:removechildren Designates which entries to remove from the AssetRelationTree.
asset:removedimension Remove a dimension from the currently loaded asset.
asset:removedimparents This tag removes the dimensionable asset parent instances specified, for a given asset.
asset:removeexcessrevisions Remove excess revisions of tracked assettype.
asset:removelocale Remove a dimension from the currently loaded asset.
asset:removemembers This tag removes member asset references from an asset.
asset:removesite Removes a site affiliation from a loaded asset.
asset:reorder This tag reorders the specified member asset references of an asset.
asset:rollback Rolls back an object to a previous revision.
asset:save Saves an asset to the database.
asset:saveall Calls asset:save for all assets named with the prefix name plus a counter.
asset:scatter Retrieves and makes variables of ("scatters") the values from all the fields of a loaded asset object. (To obtain just one field value, use asset:get.)
asset:search Locates a list of asset primary table rows based on the asset type and a set of search criteria.
asset:set Sets a field in an asset.
asset:setdimensions This tag sets the dimensions for a given asset.
asset:setdimparents This tag sets the dimensionable asset parent instances for a given asset.
assetset:establishratings Enumerates the assets in the named set and recalculates the rating for each one according to the rules that apply to it.
assetset:getassetcount Retrieves an asset count.
assetset:getassetlist Retrieves an ordered list of assets, given optional sort criteria.
assetset:getattributevaluecount Gets the count of distinct attribute values for a specific attribute associated with the assets represented by an assetset.
assetset:getattributevalues Gets the list of attribute values that are associated with the assets represented by an assetset.
assetset:getmultiplevalues Scatters attribute values from several attributes (and potentially more than one product) into several specified lists.
asset:setlocales This tag sets the dimensions for a given asset.
assetset:setasset Builds an asset set from a single asset.
assetset:setempty Creates an empty or null assetset object.
assetset:setlistedassets Builds an assetset from a list of assets.
assetset:setsearchedassets Creates an assetset object which represents all assets of specific types narrowed by specified search criteria.
assetset:sortlistentry This tag is a special argument tag to the assetset:getmultiplevalues tag that specifies the content of the sort list.
asset:setsubtype Sets the subtype or flex definition for an asset.
asset:share Updates the AssetPublication table to have an entry for each of the requested sites.
asset:siteparent Queries the SitePlanTree table and then loads the parent page of the specified page asset into memory as an object.
asset:sites Creates a list object of sites (formerly known as publications) to which the asset is shared. The list contains the columns of the Publication table.
asset:stream Streams the value of a field from an object.
asset:track Enables revision tracking on an asset type.
asset:undocheckout Retracts the checkout of an object.
asset:untrack Turns off revision tracking on an asset type.
asset:void Sets the status code of the asset to VO and removes any child relations from the AssetRelationTree.
blobservice:getidcolumn Returns the name of the key column to be passed to other blob management tags.
blobservice:gettablename Returns the name of the blob table to be passed to the blob management tags.
blobservice:geturlcolumn Returns the name of a URL column to be passed to other blob management tags.
blobservice:readdata Uses an ID to load the file name and URL data of the specific blob.
calculator:go Calculates the value of an expression.
cart:additem Adds an order item to the shopping cart.
cart:clear Empties the cart.
cart:cleardiscounts Clears the cart's current discounts.
cart:commit Sends a checked cart to Transact via the Commerce Connector.
cart:create Creates an empty cart object.
cart:deleteitem Deletes an item from a cart.
cart:fromstring Creates a cart object from a text string previously written by cart:tostring.
cart:getcartdiscounts Obtains a list of the current discounts.
cart:getcartdiscounttotal Obtains a total of all discounts applied to the cart.
cart:geterrors Obtains the cart parameter errors reported the last time the cart was checked.
cart:getfinaltotal Obtains the final cart total.
cart:getitemdiscounts Obtains a list of current discounts.
cart:getitemdiscounttotal Obtains a list of the item discount totals.
cart:getitemerrors Obtains the errors for an order item.
cart:getitemlegalvalues Obtains an item parameter's legal values.
cart:getitemparameter Obtains a single item parameter.
cart:getitemparameters Obtains all item parameters for the item.
cart:getitems Obtains all items in the cart.
cart:getitemtotal Obtains the item total of the cart.
cart:getlegalvalues Obtains the legal values for a parameter from the cart.
cart:getparameter Obtains the current value for a specified generic cart-level parameter.
cart:getparameters Obtains the current parameter selections for the cart.
cart:getpreliminarytotal Obtains the preliminary cart total.
cart:getshippingtotal Obtains the shipping total.
cart:getstores Obtains a list of stores for which items in the cart are assigned.
cart:gettaxtotal Obtains the tax total for the cart.
cart:gettransactionid Obtains the Transact transaction identifier from the Commerce Connector for this cart.
cart:gettransactionids Obtains the transaction identifiers from the Commerce Connector for this cart.
cart:merge Merges an older cart into the current cart object.
cartset:addcart Adds a new cart to the cart set.
cartset:cartids Returns a list of identifiers for carts within the cart set.
cartset:deletecart Deletes a cart from the cart set.
cartset:getcart Retrieves a stored cart from the cart set.
cartset:getset Retrieves the current visitor's cart set, or else creates a new empty cart set.
cart:setitemparameters Sets order item parameters.
cart:setitemquantity Sets an item's quantity and price information.
cart:setparameter Sets a single shopping cart parameter.
cart:setparameters Sets the specified shopping cart parameters.
cart:tostring Writes the cart object into a text string.
ccuser:clearroles Removes all roles for the user.
ccuser:getdisplayablename This tag is used to retrieve the name of the current user that is used for display.
ccuser:getemail Gets the e-mail address for the user.
ccuser:getid Gets the id of the user.
ccuser:getlocale This tag is used to retrieve the locale settings that are in effect for the current user.
ccuser:getname Gets the user name that is displayed on the screen for the user.
ccuser:getsiteroles Gets the roles for the user for the specified site.
ccuser:getsites Gets all the sites for which the specified user is enabled.
ccuser:gettimezone This tag is used to retrieve the timezone settings that are in effect for the current user.
ccuser:setemail Sets the e-mail address for a user.
ccuser:setname Set the username to another name.
ccuser:setsiteroles Sets roles for the user.
commercecontext:calculatepromotions Creates a list of the promotions that the current visitor is eligible for.
commercecontext:calculatesegments Lists the segments to which the visitor belongs.
commercecontext:discountcart Examines the current promotion list to determine whether there are any appropriate discount rules.
commercecontext:discounttempcart Examines the current promotion list to determine whether there are any appropriate discount rules.
commercecontext:getabandonedcartsessions Gets a list of sessions that have abandoned carts.
commercecontext:getcurrentcart Retrieves and names a copy of the current cart from the visitor context.
commercecontext:getpromotions Creates the list of promotions for which the current visitor is eligible.
commercecontext:getratings Calculates the ratings of the assets in a named list.
commercecontext:getrecommendations Retrieves and lists the assets that match the recommendation constraints passed to the tag.
commercecontext:getsegments Retrieves the list of segments that the current visitor belongs to.
commercecontext:getsessioncart Obtains a cart given a session identifier (visitor id).
commercecontext:getsinglerecommendation Returns one recommended asset based on the recommendation criteria passed to the tag.
commercecontext:inform Informs the engine about the user's activities.
commercecontext:isuserinsegment Establish whether the current user profile matches specified segment.
commercecontext:logout Discards the current visitor ID and creates a new one.
commercecontext:saveall Saves a copy of everything in the commerce context to the Sites database for the duration of the session; that is, to persistent storage.
commercecontext:setcurrentcart Checks the working copy of the current cart back into the visitor context, updating the current cart that is stored there.
commercecontext:setpromotioncutoff Sets a value to compare against to determine promotion eligibility.
commercecontext:setsegmentcutoff Sets a value to compare against to determine segment membership.
csmac:cookievalue Produces a cookie value that the web designer can insert into the visitor's browser to enable Transact to recognize the user without requiring additional authentication.
csmac:payload Generates a MAC query string value for a string resembling a name-value pair URL query string, with a specific store's current key.
csmac:string Generates a MAC string for any string with a specific store's current key.
csmac:transactserver Returns a string with the form protocol://hostname:port that is the URL prefix of the configured Transact.
csuser:clear Clears the parameters and data in a csuser object.
csuser:create Creates an empty csuser object.
csuser:createpmtacct Creates a new payment account in Transact for the csuser object.
csuser:deletepmtacct Deletes a payment account on Transact for the user.
csuser:fromstring Creates a csuser object from a text string previously written by csuser:tostring.
csuser:getallpmtaccts Obtains the current payment parameter selections for the csuser object.
csuser:geterrors Obtains the errors reported the last time any of the following tags were called for the specified csuser object:
csuser:getlegalpmtbrands Obtains the current parameter selections for the csuser object.
csuser:getparameter Obtain the current value for a specified generic user parameter.
csuser:getparameters Verifies the user exists in Transact.
csuser:lookup Looks up and retrieves a buyer from the Commerce Connector.
csuser:modify Modifies buyer data on Transact.
csuser:modifypmtacct Changes payment account data on Transact for the specified buyer.
csuser:register Registers a new buyer as a csuser object with Transact.
csuser:setparameter Sets a single buyer parameter.
csuser:setparameters Sets the specified buyer parameters.
csuser:tostring Writes the csuser object into a text string.
currency:create Creates a currency object for a specific currency ISO code.
currency:getcurrency Converts a double to a displayable currency string.
currency:getisocode Returns the ISO code for the currency instance.
currency:getsymbol Returns the symbol used to represent currencies of this type.
currency:readcurrency Converts a number previously rendered as a monetary string back to a decimal value.
currency:round Rounds a currency value to the nearest legal absolute currency value.
currency:rounddown Rounds a currency value down to the next lower legal absolute currency value.
currency:roundup Rounds a currency value up to the next higher legal absolute currency value.
date:clocklist Converts an epoch format long integer representing milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, 0:00 GMT, into a single-row list with columns representing various date/time fields and formats.
date:convert Converts a specific date to an epoch format integer.
date:defaulttz Returns the current time zone in standard international format.
dateformat:create Creates a date-format object which can be used to convert a date value to a displayable string.
dateformat:getdate Converts a date string from JDBC date format or milliseconds into a displayable date string according to the format of the current DateFormat object.
dateformat:getdatetime Converts a date string from JDBC date format or milliseconds into a displayable date and time string according to the format of the current DateFormat object.
dateformat:gettime Converts a date string from JDBC date format or milliseconds into a displayable time string according to the format of the current DateFormat object.
decimal:create Creates a decimal mapping object, which you can use to convert between a floating point value and a displayable string.
decimal:getdecimal Converts a floating point value to a displayable string.
decimal:getmaxplaces Gets the previously set maximum number of places to the right of the decimal point (or comma).
decimal:getminplaces Gets the previously set minimum number of places to the right of the decimal point or comma.
decimal:getthousands Gets the value set by decimal:setthousands for this decimal converter object.
decimal:readdecimal Converts a displayable string (created by decimal:getdecimal) back into a floating point value.
decimal:setmaxplaces Sets the maximum number of places to the right of the decimal point or comma.
decimal:setminplaces Sets the minimum number of places to the right of the decimal point or comma.
decimal:setthousands Sets whether to include a thousands separator, where appropriate, in displayable strings.
device:capability Retrieves value of device capability and sets it in current ICS scope for a currently loaded device object.
device:get Retrieves the value of a device property from the loaded device object and stores it in a Sites variable.
device:hascapability Checks if the current device supports the given capability and conditionally evaluates the body of the tag.
device:load Creates an object of asset type 'DeviceImage' from the user-agent present in request header and loads the current device object in Content Server scope.
device:siteplan For a given site information(site name or site id) and device group suffix ‘d’, the tag gives id of corresponding site plan.
dimensionset:addenableddimensions This tag adds the dimension assets listed in the body content of this tag to the dimension set specified.
dimensionset:asset This is a child tag that will add an asset to a list maintained by a parent tag.
dimensionset:filter This tag filters the input IList of assets using the filter attached to the specified dimension set.
dimensionset:filtersingleasset This tag filters the input asset using the filter attached to the specified dimension set.
dimensionset:getenableddimensions This tag looks up the enabled dimensions for the specified dimension set and puts them into an ilist that is registered in the ics context.
dimensionset:getfilter This tag sets the dimension filter attached to the specified dimension into the ICS object pool using the name given.
dimensionset:removeenableddimensions This tag removes the dimension assets listed in the body content of this tag from the dimension set specified.
dimensionset:setenableddimensions This tag adds the dimension assets listed in the body content of this tag to the dimension set specified, removing any previously enabled dimensions.
dir:addattrs Adds attributes to existing entries.
dir:addgroupmember Adds a member to a group
dir:children Retrieves the immediate child entries of the specified parent.
dir:create Creates new objects.
dir:delete Deletes a named object from the namespace.
dir:getattrs Retrieves the attributes for a specified entry.
dir:groupmembers Lists all members of the specified group.
dir:groupmemberships Lists all groups to which a specified entry belongs.
dir:listusers Returns a list of all ancestors to the property CS.Property.dir.peopleParent.
dir:removeattrs Deletes the specified attribute from the specified entry.
dir:removegroupmember Removes a member from a group.
dir:replaceattrs Replaces the existing attribute values with the specified values.
dir:search Searches for entries matching the specified attributes.
ftcs1_0:flush Flushes the body content of the ftcs1_0:ftcs tag to the servlet output stream.
ftcs1_0:ftcs Root tag for Sites :jsp elements.
hash:add Adds a value to the hash table object.
hash:contains Checks for a specified value in the hash table object.
hash:create Creates a hash table object.
hash:hasdata Checks for the existence of data in hash table object.
hash:tostring Writes out hash table values to a string.
ics:argument Declares a value that is available to the parent tag.
ics:callelement Processes the content of an element.
ics:callsql Retrieves and executes a SQL query stored in the SystemSQL table.
ics:catalogbatch Allows ics:catalogmanager calls to be used in groups.
ics:catalogdef Queries a table for its column definition and stores the results in a list.
ics:catalogmanager.addrow Adds a row to a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.addrows Adds multiple rows to a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.addrowtext Adds a row to a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.addUser Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by object:create.
ics:catalogmanager.commit Commits a record from a tracked table into the RevisionTracking subsystem using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.createtable Creates a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.deletelog Deletes the log file using ics:catalogmanager (futuretenseip_address.txt) if per-IP address logging is enabled.
ics:catalogmanager.deleterevision Deletes a revision of a row from a tracked table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.deleterow Deletes a row in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.deleterows Deletes multiple rows in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.deletetable Deletes a table using the ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.delUser Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0;
ics:catalogmanager.editrow Modifies the fields of a row in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.editrows Modifies the fields for multiple rows in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.exportlog Exports a per-IP address log to the browser when used as an argument in
ics:catalogmanager.flushcatalog Flushes the internal memory cache for a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.flushpage Deletes a page's cache file using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.history Gets a revision history for rows in a revision-tracked table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager Creates, modifies, or deletes tables and rows.
ics:catalogmanager.lock Locks a record for the current user in a tracked table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.login Authorizes a user within an application using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.logout Logs out a user from within an application using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.mirrorabort Aborts a mirror operation in progress using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.mirrorrows Copies rows from a table in one database to a table in another database using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.modifyUser Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0, replaced by dir:replaceattrs.
ics:catalogmanager.release Releases a lock on a row from a tracked table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.replacerow Replaces an existing row in a table by first deleting it, and then inserting the specified information into the row using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.replacerows Replaces multiple rows in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.rollback Reverts a row in a tracked table to a previous revision using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.selectrows Executes a query against a given table and displays records from a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.setversions Sets the number of revisions stored for each row in a tracked table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.tracktable Enables revision tracking operations on a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.unlockrecord Unlocks a locked row using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.untracktable Stops tracking a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.updaterow Updates field values for a row in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.updaterow2 Updates or clears values in columns for a row in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.updaterows Modifies field values for multiple rows in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:catalogmanager.updaterows2 Modifies field values or clears columns for multiple rows in a table using ics:catalogmanager.
ics:cdata Includes a CDATA in the output of a rendered XML element.
ics:clearerrno Clears the current error state.
ics:copylist Creates a copy of the specified list.
ics:dateargument Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:debug Activates debugging for the ics tags.
ics:disablecache Disables caching.
ics:else Conditional else clause.
ics:encode Builds a URL string from a base and key/value pairs.
ics:fieldargument Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:fileargument Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:flushcatalog Flushes the internal memory cache for a table (known previously as a "catalog" in earlier verisions of the product).
ics:flushstream Flushes a data stream.
ics:getcookie Gets a property value from the currently loaded Sites property files.
ics:geterrno Gets the current error code as an integer.
ics:getnamespace Streams the current namespace prefix to the browser. If the output attribute is given, the namespace is set into the variable name.
ics:getproperty Gets a property value from the currently loaded Sites property files.
ics:getssvar Returns a Content Sever session variable.
ics:getvar Returns the value of a Sites variable.
ics:if Processes other tags or displays text based on a logical condition.
ics:indexadd Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:indexcreate Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:indexdestroy Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:indexexists Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:indexremove Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:indexreplace Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:insertpage Inserts the results of a Sites page evaluation into the current output stream.
ics:listget Retrieves a list.
ics:listloop Iterates a list.
ics:literal Formats literals for ics:callsql and other tasks beyond those for which ics:sqlexp is designed.
ics:logmsg Write strings to a Sites log file for debugging or system monitoring.
ics:mirror The ics:mirror tag mirrors one or more mirrorlists.
ics:mirrorlist Specifies a list name to mirror.
ics:mirrortreenode Specifies a subtree to be mirrored.
ics:popvars Saves a copy of all the current variables to a stack. The current variable state is unchanged.
ics:pushvars Pops the variable stack, returning the variables to their previously stacked state. If the stack is empty, ics:popvars() does nothing.
ics:queryevents Performs a query for a list of registered events.
ics:readevent Reads an event from storage.
ics:removessvar Deletes a session variable.
ics:removevar Deletes a variable.
ics:resolvevariables Resolves Sites multiple variables.
ics:search Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6; Replaced by Search API
ics:searchdatetonative Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:selectto Executes a simple query from a table.
ics:sendmail Deprecated;
ics:setssvar Sets the value of a session variable.
ics:setvar Sets the value of a variable.
ics:sql Executes an inline SQL statement.
ics:sqlexp Passes a column name and an expression that contains the column name to be used as the left side in the where clause.
ics:textargument Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
ics:then Creates a conditional then clause.
ics:treemanager.addchild Adds a node to a tree table using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.addchildren Adds multiple nodes to a tree table using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.copychild Copies one or more nodes from one tree to another tree using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.createtree Creates a new tree table using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.delchild Deletes a node from a tree using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.delchildren Deletes multiple nodes from a tree using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.deletetree Deletes a tree table using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.findnode Gets a list of nodes from a tree using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.getchildren Retrieves a list of child nodes from a tree using the ics:treemanager command, specifically when you want to retrieve the children of a particular node (specified by nparentid).
ics:treemanager.getnode Retrieves a node from a table using the ics:treemanager command. The object data may be joined to the result.
ics:treemanager.getparent Gets the parent record of a given node using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager Calls the TreeManager servlet.
ics:treemanager.listtrees Retrieves a list of all the trees in the system using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.movechild Moves a node and its children to a new parent that may be in the same or a different tree table using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.nodepath Traverses the tree beginning at the parent of the current node, returning a list of all ancestor nodes within this same tree using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.setobject Sets an object on a node using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.validatenode Verifies that the given node is valid using the ics:treemanager command.
ics:treemanager.verifypath Verifies that the given path of nodes matches the actual path, using the ics:treemanager command.
insite:argument Declares a value that is available to the parent asset tag.
insite:calltemplate Defines an editable slot. The slot can be either enabled for:
insite:edit Makes an asset field editable in web mode. All data types are supported, except asset reference fields
insite:ifedit Conditional tag to executes the code within the tag only in InSite editing mode.
insite:list Streams additional editing widgets allowing content contributors to edit multivalued asset fields in a dedicated popup window
insite:slotlist Streams additional widgets allowing content contributors to edit multivalued asset reference fields.
listobject:addrow Adds a new row to the end of a list.
listobject:create Creates a new list with specific columns but no rows.
listobject:tolist Converts a list object to a resultset list.
locale:create Creates a locale descriptor for use in other tags.
localestring:argument Declares a name/value pair that is available to the parent tag, localestring:getstring.
localestring:getstring Returns a localized value for a string.
mail:attachment Includes an attachment to the SMTP email message sent by mail:send.
mail:send Sends SMTP email messages to one or more recipients.
misc:getlistcolumnnames Returns the names of all the columns in an input list.
name:get Retrieves the distinguished name of the user that is currently logged in.
name:makechild Builds a distinguished name.
object:argument Argument for other object tags.
object:checkin Checks in an object.
object:checkout Checks out an object.
object:children Retrieves children of a particular node.
object:create Creates an object.
object:deinstall Deinstalls an object by deleting its supporting tables.
object:delete Deletes an object from storage and the object pool.
object:deleterevision Deletes a revision.
object:gather Gathers fields into an object.
object:get Copies a field from an object.
object:install Installs an object.
object:isempty Determines whether a field in an object is empty.
object:list Retrieves a list of objects
object:load Loads an object.
object:rollback Rolls back an object to a previous revision.
object:root Retrieves a list of root nodes.
object:save Saves an object.
object:scatter Scatters a field from an object.
object:set Sets a field in an object.
object:setobject Sets an object in a node.
object:setparent Sets the parent of a node.
object:stream Streams the value of a field from an object.
object:track Tracks an object.
object:undocheckout Retracts the checkout of an object.
object:untrack Removes tracking on an object.
participants:addparticipant Adds a participant to the participants object.
participants:clear Clears all participants from a participants object.
participants:gather Gathers variables into the participant object.
participants:getallparticipants Gets all participants from the participants object.
participants:getallroles Gets all roles of the participants object.
participants:getparticipantsforrole Get all participants with a specified role from the participants object.
participants:removeparticipant Removes a participant from the participant object.
participants:scatter Scatters the participant list into prefix+participants.
participants:setparticipantsforrole Set participants with a specified role for the participants object.
portal:logdep Logs an article as a dependency on an item.
portal:randomval Generates a random number between 1 and 10 to select an ad image for the banner.
property:get Gets a property value from a property file.
proxy:addstoreitem Adds a proxy asset to a data store.
proxy:createstore Initializes a new store.
proxy:register Registers an external content item as a proxy asset.
proxy:tojson Streams all store items as json data.
render:callelement Invokes an element defined in the ElementCatalog table.
render:calltemplate Invokes a Template, as either a pagelet or an element, for the purpose of rendering an asset.
render:contentserver Renders a pagelet from the SiteCatalog table.
render:encode Produces a complete URL (from the servlet name onward) from the arguments, previously packed arguments, and the servlet name (usually ContentServer or BlobServer) provided.
render:filter Filters single assets or lists of assets that have not been approved for publishing from being exported into the generated file.
render:getbloburl Creates a BlobServer URL without embedding it in an HTML tag. A vanity URL will be used if available.
render:getpageurl Creates a URL for an asset, processing the arguments passed to it from the calling element into a URL-encoded string and returning it in a variable. A vanity URL will be used if available.
render:gettemplateurl Generates a valid URL to an asset, rendered through a template, with optional wrapper page support. User-defined arguments will be packed if wrapperpage is specified. A vanity URL will be used if available.
render:gettemplateurlparameters Looks up all of the URL parameters that would have been set into a URL and returns them in the form of a List instead of as a URL.
render:logdep Handles an asset dependency during the export and approval process and compositional dependencies for cache management.
render:lookup Looks up a map value for a given Template or CSElement.
render:overridedeps Removes executed dependencies calculated previous to the calling of this tag and then if desired, sets new dependencies.
render:packargs Encodes in the URL the name/value argument pairs passed in and writes them to an output string, in standard form, with ampersand characters (&) separating each name/value pair.
render:satelliteblob Retrieves a blob from a table or from the Sites-Satellite cache.
render:satellitepage Inserts a pagelet identified through a page name and a set of arguments.
render:stream Displays asset fields that may have embedded links or inclusions.
render:unknowndeps Describes the current asset dependencies as incomplete.
render:unpackarg Retrieves a variable from a packedargs string, optionally removing it from the string.
rolelist:add Add a role to the list.
rolelist:clear Clears the role list.
rolelist:delete Deletes a role from the list.
rolelist:gather Gathers the values from the variable, prefix+roles, into a rolelist object.
rolelist:getall Gets the list of roles as a comma-separated string.
rolelist:hasrole Verifies whether a role is present in a role list.
rolelist:isall Verifies whether the role list corresponds to "any" (or "all") roles.
rolelist:scatter Writes (or "scatters") the role list object into the variable, prefix+roles.
rolelist:setall Sets the role list to indicate "any" role.
SATELLITE:COOKIE Sets a cookie on the user's browser.
satellite:flush Flushes individual items from the cache.
satellite:form Emits an HTML <form> tag suitable for using in a Satellite Server, Sites, or mixed Sites-Satellite Server environment.
satellite:link Primary link generation tag for Sites. A vanity URL will be used if available.
satellite:normalizeurl This tag allows links generated for Satellite Server to work properly when they are not served to a client through Satellite Server.
satellite:page Gets a pagelet and specifies its cache expiration.
satellite:parameter Argument tag that supplies arbitrary parameters to a parent tag. The similar tag, <satellite:argument> is deprecated and should no longer be used.
satellite:preference Argument tag that prefixes argument names appropriately to ensure that they are treated by the portlet as preferences that should be set.
searchstate:addhasancestorconstraint Adds an ancestor constraint into an existing searchstate object.
searchstate:addhasdescendantconstraint Adds a descendent constraint into an existing searchstate object.
searchstate:addlikeconstraint Adds a list of attribute like name/value constraints into a new or existing searchstate object.
searchstate:addnestedconstraint Nests a searchstate as a constraint within another searchstate.
searchstate:addrangeconstraint Adds a range constraint to a searchstate on a specific attribute.
searchstate:addrichtextconstraint Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6; replaced by Search API
searchstate:addsimplelikeconstraint Adds an attribute like name/value constraint into a new or existing searchstate object.
searchstate:addsimplestandardconstraint Adds an attribute name/single value constraint to an existing searchstate.
searchstate:addstandardconstraint Adds a list of attribute name/value constraints into a new or existing searchstate object.
searchstate:create Builds an empty searchstate object.
searchstate:deleteconstraint Deletes a specific attribute constraint from a searchstate.
searchstate:duplicate Duplicates a searchstate object.
searchstate:findconstraint Checks a searchstate for a constraint to a specific attribute and returns data about the constraint.
searchstate:fromstring Provides the ability for a searchstate object to be initialized from its string representation.
searchstate:tostring Converts a searchstate object into its string representation that is suitable for various uses, such as saving in a session variable or packing into a URL.
sessionobjects:flush Flushes object storage for all expired sessions.
sitelist:add Add a site to the list.
sitelist:clear Clears the site list.
sitelist:delete Deletes a site from the list.
sitelist:gather Gathers a site list object from variables that are names with the convention, prefix+roles.
sitelist:getall Gets the list of sites as a comma-separated string.
sitelist:hassite Verifies whether a site is present in site list.
sitelist:isall Verifies whether the site list is set to be "any" site.
sitelist:scatter Writes ("scatters") the values in a site list object into variable, prefix+sites.
sitelist:setall Sets the site list to indicate "any" site.
siteplan:children Queries the SitePlanTree table and then builds a list of the child nodes (pages) for the specified node (page).
siteplan:get Retrieves and lists the value of a single field from a loaded site plan node.
siteplan:getpagename Retrieves the page asset name of the specified node. This is an asset name, not a page name from the SiteCatalog table.
siteplan:listpages Queries the SitePlanTree table and then creates a list of pages, starting with the page node that you specify.
siteplan:load Queries the database for the specified site plan tree node and then loads an instance of the site plan into memory as an object.
siteplan:nodepath Returns a list of the currently loaded site node's ancestors in the SitePlanTree.
siteplan:place Marks the page as Placed and assigns it a place in the hierarchy.
siteplan:root Queries the SitePlanTree table for a root node of the site plan.
siteplan:save Saves an siteplan.
siteplan:setobject Sets an object in a node.
siteplan:setparent Sets the parent of a node.
siteplan:unplace Removes a Site Plan node from the Placed part of the tree and sets the NCODE field to Unplaced.
siteplan:unplacedancestor Returns whether the specified node has any pages above it in the hierarchy that have an Unplaced ncode.
soap:argument Defines arguments for the soap:header tag, which defines a simple soap header.
soap:body Indicates the main part of a SOAP message body
soap:fault Creates a status or error return message.
soap:header Defines a simple soap header.
soap:message Processes the contents of an element. The element must exist in the ElementCatalog.
string:encode Encodes text for later use in an HTML context.
string:fromobject Converts a named Sites object back to a string.
string:length Returns the length of an input string in the specified variable.
string:stream Streams text in an HTML context.
string:streambinary Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6
string:toobject Converts string to a named Sites object.
textformat:length Returns the length of an input string in the specified variable.
textformat:tostring Converts a list to a displayable string.
time:get Retrieves the elapsed time.
time:set Names the current time.
typelist:addassettype Adds an asset type to the type list object.
typelist:clearassettypes Clears the type list of all asset types.
typelist:deleteassettype Deletes an asset type from the type list object.
typelist:gather Gathers the variable, Prefix+types, into a type list object.
typelist:getallassettypes Gets the list of types as a comma-separated string.
typelist:hastype Verifies whether an asset type is present in a type list.
typelist:isall Verifies whether the type list describes the "all" or "any" condition.
typelist:scatter Writes (or "scatters") the values in a type list into variables that are named with the convention, prefix+types.
typelist:setall Sets the type list to indicate "any" asset type.
url:pack Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by the render tags.
url:unpack Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0, replaced by the render tags.
user:add Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by object:create.
user:changepassword Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by dir:replaceattrs.
user:delete Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by object:delete.
userlist:add Adds a user to the list.
userlist:clear Clears the user list.
userlist:delete Deletes a user from the list.
userlist:gather Gathers the variable, prefix+roles, to create a user list object.
userlist:getall Gets the list of user ids as a comma-separated string.
userlist:scatter Writes ("scatters") the user list object into the variable, prefix+roles.
user:login Log in as a particular user.
user:logout Logs out the current user.
usermanager:deletesite Deletes a site.
usermanager:deleteuser Deletes a user.
usermanager:getloginuser Obtains the logged-in user id.
usermanager:getloginusername Obtains the logged-in user name.
usermanager:getmultisiteusers Gets a list of users across sites (or all sites).
usermanager:getuser Loads or creates a user instance with the specified user id.
usermanager:getuserfromname Loads or creates a user instance based on user name.
usermanager:getusername Obtains the displayable name for a user when the user's id is specified.
usermanager:getusers Gets a user with a specifed role.
usermanager:loginuser Logs in a user.
usermanager:logout Logs out the user.
usermanager:setuser Saves a user's information.
user:modify Deprecated as of Content Server version 4.0; replaced by dir:replaceattrs.
user:su Log in as a particular user.
vdm:flushinactive Removes unused data recorded for visitors that have not returned to the site within a specified period of time.
vdm:getaccessid Retrieves a copy of the visitor's access identifier, if there is one.
vdm:getalias Retrieves the alias string for the current visitor if there is one.
vdm:getcommerceid Retrieves a copy of the visitor's commerce identifier, that is, the visitor's Transact ID.
vdm:gethistorycount Retrieves the number of history records recorded for this visitor that match the specified criteria.
vdm:gethistoryearliest Retrieves the timestamp of the first time the specified history type was recorded for this visitor.
vdm:gethistorylatest Retrieves the timestamp of the last time (that is, the most recent time) the specified history type was recorded for this visitor.
vdm:gethistorysum Sums the entries in a specific field for the specified history type.
vdm:getscalar Retrieves a specific single (scalar) visitor attribute for the current visitor.
vdm:loadscalarobject Retrieves an object stored as a single (scalar) visitor attribute.
vdm:mergeinactive Merges together linked visitor records that are older than a time cutoff.
vdm:recordhistory Saves a time-stamped copy of the specified history type with its current values for the visitor to the database.
vdm:savescalarobject Saves an object to the Sites database as a visitor attribute.
vdm:setaccessid Sets (or clears) the visitor's access identifier.
vdm:setalias Sets the alias string for the current visitor using the specified alias key.
vdm:setcommerceid Sets or clears the visitor's commerce identifier; that is, the visitor's Transact ID.
vdm:setscalar Writes the data for a visitor attribute to the Sites-Engage database.
webservices:invoke Deprecated as of Content Server 7.6
webservices:parameter Deprecated as of Content Server 7.6.
workflowaction:gather Gathers variables that have been named with the specified prefix convention to create a workflow action object.
workflowaction:getarguments Gets the arguments of the workflow action.
workflowaction:getdescription Gets the description of the workflow action.
workflowaction:getelementname Gets the element name of the workflow action.
workflowaction:getid Gets the id of the workflow action object.
workflowaction:getname Gets the name of the workflow action.
workflowactionlist:addaction Adds an action to a workflow action list.
workflowactionlist:clearactions Removes all actions from a workflow action list.
workflowactionlist:gather Gathers variables that have been named with the specified prefix convention into a workflow action list object.
workflowactionlist:getallactions Loads all actions of a workflow action list.
workflowactionlist:removeaction Removes one action from the workflow action list.
workflowactionlist:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow action list object
workflowaction:scatter Writes ("scatters") the variables of the loaded workflow action object into variables with the prefix naming convention shown in the Description.
workflowaction:setarguments Sets the arguments of the workflow action.
workflowaction:setdescription Sets the description of the workflow action.
workflowaction:setelementname Sets the element name of the workflow action.
workflowaction:setname Sets the name of the workflow action.
workflowasset:getassetid Retrieves the asset id from the asset object.
workflowasset:getassettype Retrieves the asset type from the asset object.
workflowasset:getobjectname Retrieves the asset object name from the asset object.
workflowasset:load Build a workflow asset description from either a unique name, or the asset type and asset id.
workflowassignment:getassigndate Retrieves the date the assignment was made.
workflowassignment:getassignedobject Gets the object of a workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getassigneduserid Retrieves the user id for the specified assignment.
workflowassignment:getassigneduserrole Gets the assigned user role from the workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getassigneruserid Retrieves the id of the user who gave the assignment.
workflowassignment:getassignmentcomment Retrieves the comment for the assignment.
workflowassignment:getdeadline Retrieves the due date of an assignment.
workflowassignment:getdisposition Retrieves the disposition of the assignment and classifies it as cancelled, completed, delegated, etc.
workflowassignment:getdispositioncomment Retrieves the disposition comment for the assignment.
workflowassignment:getdispositiondate Retrieves the disposition date of the assignment.
workflowassignment:getdispositionuserid Gets the id of workflow assignee.
workflowassignment:getgroupedcomment Retrieves the grouped comment for the assignment.
workflowassignment:getgroupeddeadline Retrieves the grouped due date of the assignment.
workflowassignment:getgroupedworkflowstepid Retrieves the id for the workflow step of the assignment.
workflowassignment:getgroupid Retrieves the group id for the assignment.
workflowassignment:getid Gets the id of the workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getprocess Retrieves the workflow process id of a workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getprocessdeadline Retrieves the process deadline of a workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getprocessstatus Retrieves the process status of a workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:getqueuedworkflowstepid Retrieves the id of the queued workflow step for an assignment.
workflowassignment:getstateid Retrieves the id for the workflow state of the assignment.
workflowassignment:getstatus Retrieves the status of a workflow assignment.
workflowassignment:scatter Writes ("scatters") the workflow assignment object into a group of variables that are named with the specified prefix convention.
workflowengine:abstainfromvoting Allows a user to abstain from voting.
workflowengine:addnewobjecttogroup Adds a new asset to a workflow group
workflowengine:addobjecttogroup Adds an asset to a workflow group.
workflowengine:assigntoself Assigns workflow asset object to self.
workflowengine:cancelassignment Cancels a workflow participant's workflow assignment.
workflowengine:candeletegroup Checks to see if a workflow group can be deleted by the current user.
workflowengine:caneditgroup Checks to see if a workflow group can be editted by the current user.
workflowengine:canstartworkflow Checks to see if the current user can start the specified workflow process.
workflowengine:checkprocessactive Verifies whether a given assignment is active.
workflowengine:closeassignments Cancels all assignments for an object and removes the object from workflow.
workflowengine:completeassignment Allows a user to send an asset to the next state in the workflow process.
workflowengine:createnewassignmentaction Creates a new assignment action. The assignment is an association between an asset and a user.
workflowengine:createnewcondition Creates a new condition.
workflowengine:createnewdeadlockaction Creates a new deadlock action.
workflowengine:createnewdelegateaction Creates a new delegation action.
workflowengine:createnewfunction Creates a new workflow function.
workflowengine:createnewgroup Creates a new group.
workflowengine:createnewgroupaction Creates a new group action.
workflowengine:createnewprivs Creates new privilege.
workflowengine:createnewprocess Creates a new workflow process.
workflowengine:createnewstate Creates a new state.
workflowengine:createnewstepaction Creates a new step action.
workflowengine:delegateassignment Allows a user to delegate a workflow assignment to a workflow participant with the same role.
workflowengine:deleteassignmentactionid Deletes an assignment action based on its id.
workflowengine:deleteconditionid Deletes a condition based on its id.
workflowengine:deletedeadlockactionid Deletes a deadlock action based on its id.
workflowengine:deletedelegateactionid Deletes a delegate action based on its id.
workflowengine:deletefunctionid Deletes an existing function, and all its components, based on its id.
workflowengine:deletegroupactionid Deletes a group action based on its id.
workflowengine:deletegroupid Deletes a group based on its id.
workflowengine:deleteprocessid Deletes an existing process, and all its components, based on its id.
workflowengine:deletestateid Deletes a state based on its id.
workflowengine:deletestepactionid Deletes a step action based on its id.
workflowengine:deleteworkflowhistory Delete inactive workflow history and remove all inactive assignments.
workflowengine:executetimedactions Executes all timed actions that are due, and removes them from the queue.
workflowengine:getabsdeadline Retrieves the absolute due date of workflow asset.
workflowengine:getaddobjecttogroupcandidateassignees Generates a list of potential workflow participants (candidates), if the workflow process has a "Choose assignee when step is taken" assignment method for the Start Step.
workflowengine:getallfunctions Loads all existing functions.
workflowengine:getallprocesses Loads all existing matching processes.
workflowengine:getallstates Loads all available states as objects named in an array of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getallstatesforprocess Loads all available states for a specific workflow process as objects named in an array of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getassignmentactionid Loads an assignment action based on its id.
workflowengine:getassignmentactionname Loads an assignment action based on its name.
workflowengine:getassignmentid Loads an assignment based on its id.
workflowengine:getavailableassignmentactions Loads all available assignment actions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailableconditions Loads all available conditions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailabledeadlockactions Loads all available deadlock actions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailabledelegateactions Loads all available delegation actions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailablegroupactions Loads all available group actions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailablegroups Loads all available groups as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getavailablestepactions Loads all available step actions as objects named in arrays of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getblockingreason Gets the reason why the asset cannot move to the next state.
workflowengine:getcompleteassignmentcandidateassignees Generates a list of potential workflow participants if the process has a "Choose assignee when step is taken" type start step.
workflowengine:getconditionid Loads a condition based on its id.
workflowengine:getconditionname Loads a condition based on its name.
workflowengine:getdeadlockactionid Loads a deadlock action based on its id.
workflowengine:getdeadlockactionname Loads a deadlock action based on its name.
workflowengine:getdelegateactionid Loads a delegation action based on its id.
workflowengine:getdelegateactionname Loads a delegation action based on its name.
workflowengine:getdelegateecandidates Loads the workflow participants (candidates) who are the potential recipients of an assignment and stores the user ids as a list.
workflowengine:getfilteredassignments Loads a list of assignments that match the specified criteria.
workflowengine:getfunctionid Loads an existing workflow function based on its id.
workflowengine:getfunctionname Loads an existing workflow function based on its name.
workflowengine:getgroupactionid Loads a group action based on its id.
workflowengine:getgroupactionname Loads a group action based on its name.
workflowengine:getgroupid Loads a group based on its id.
workflowengine:getgroupmembers Gets the members of the specified group.
workflowengine:getgroupmembership Obtains the group identifier (if any) for the specified object.
workflowengine:getgroupname Loads a group based on its name.
workflowengine:getlegalnextworkflowsteps Gets a prefixed array of allowable steps that can be taken next.
workflowengine:getmultisiteprocesses Loads all existing processes.
workflowengine:getobjecthistory Retrieves the assignment history for an object as an array of prefixed variables.
workflowengine:getobjectparticipants Retrieves the participants for a workflow asset object.
workflowengine:getobjectprivs Reads the access permissions for a workflowable object.
workflowengine:getobjectstateid Gets the state id associated with the specified object in the workflow.
workflowengine:getobjectworkflowprocess Gets the workflow process id associated with the specified object.
workflowengine:getobjectworkflows Gets active workflow processes.
workflowengine:getpotentialparticipants Gets the potential participants for a specific workflow.
workflowengine:getprocessid Loads an existing workflow process based on its id.
workflowengine:getprocessname Loads an existing workflow process based on its name.
workflowengine:getstartworkflowcandidateassignees This tag comes up with an IParticipants object containing candidate users and their roles if the process has an "ask" type start step.
workflowengine:getstateid Loads a state based on its id.
workflowengine:getstatename Loads a state based on its name.
workflowengine:getstepactionid Loads a step action based on its id.
workflowengine:getstepactionname Loads a step action based on its name.
workflowengine:getstepid Loads a workflow step object, based on its id.
workflowengine:isfunctionlegal Verifies whether the current user on the specified site is allowed to execute the specified function.
workflowengine:isinitialdeadlineallowed Verifies if initial deadline is allowed for process.
workflowengine:isobjectassigned Verifies whether the specified object is assigned to a specified user.
workflowengine:isobjectassignedtogroup Verifies whether the specified object is assigned to any group.
workflowengine:isobjectassignedtouser Verifies whether the specified object is assigned to any user.
workflowengine:isobjectdeadlocked Checks to see if an object is deadlocked.
workflowengine:newparticipants Creates new participants.
workflowengine:removeobjectfromgroup Removes an asset from a workflow group.
workflowengine:setabsdeadline Sets the absolute due date of workflow asset.
workflowengine:setassignmentaction Saves an assignment action.
workflowengine:setassignmentdeadline Sets a deadline for a workflow assignment.
workflowengine:setcondition Saves a condition.
workflowengine:setdeadlockaction Saves a deadlock action.
workflowengine:setdelegateaction Saves a delegation action.
workflowengine:setfunction Saves a newly created or edited workflow function.
workflowengine:setgroup Saves a group.
workflowengine:setgroupaction Saves a group action.
workflowengine:setobjectparticipants Sets the participants for a workflow object.
workflowengine:setobjectprivs Sets the access permissions for a workflowable object.
workflowengine:setprocess Saves a newly created or edited workflow process.
workflowengine:setstate Saves a state.
workflowengine:setstepaction Saves a step action.
workflowengine:startobjectworkflowprocess Starts the workflow for an object.
workflowfunction:gather Gathers values for fields in an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in the environment.
workflowfunction:getdescription Gets the description of the workflow function.
workflowfunction:getid Gets the id of the workflow function.
workflowfunction:getname Gets the function name of the workflow function.
workflowfunction:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow function instance.
workflowfunction:setdescription Sets the description of the workflow function.
workflowfunction:setname Sets the name of the workflow function.
workflowgroup:gather Gathers values for fields in an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in environment.
workflowgroup:getabsdeadline Retrieves the absolute due date of workflow group.
workflowgroup:getdeleteroles Retrieves the roles that can add or remove a group for the workflow group.
workflowgroup:getdescription Retrieves the description of the workflow group.
workflowgroup:geteditroles Retrieves the roles that can edit or delete a group for the workflow group.
workflowgroup:getgroupactions Gets the group deadlock actions.
workflowgroup:getid Gets the id of the workflow group.
workflowgroup:getname Retrieves the name of the workflow group.
workflowgroup:getparticipants Retrieves a list of workflow group participants.
workflowgroup:getsites Gets the sites for the workflow group.
workflowgroup:getworkflowprocessid Retrieves the id of the workflow process for the group.
workflowgroup:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow group instance.
workflowgroup:setabsdeadline Sets the absolute due date of workflow group.
workflowgroup:setdeleteroles Sets the roles that can add or remove a group from the workflow group.
workflowgroup:setdescription Sets the description of the workflow group.
workflowgroup:seteditroles Sets the roles that can edit or delete a group from the workflow group.
workflowgroup:setgroupactions Sets the group actions for the workflow group.
workflowgroup:setname Sets the name of the workflow group.
workflowgroup:setparticipants Sets the participants object, which describes the participants of the group.
workflowgroup:setsites Sets the sites for the workflow group.
workflowgroup:setworkflowprocessid Sets the id of the workflow process for the workflow group.
workflowobject:getdisplayablename Retrieves a description of the object that can be displayed in the user interface.
workflowobject:getobjectname Retrieves the unique name for the workflowable object.
workflowpriv:gather Gathers variables that have been named with the specified prefix convention into a workflow priv object.
workflowpriv:getallowed Verifies whether the function is allowed for the privilege.
workflowpriv:getfunctionid Gets the id of the workflow function.
workflowpriv:getrole Gets the ACL for which the workflow privilege is set.
workflowpriv:getstateid Gets the id of the workflow state for which the workflow privilege is set.
workflowprivs:add Adds a workflow privilege to the workflow privs object.
workflowpriv:scatter Writes ("scatters") the loaded workflow priv object into variables with the following prefix naming convention.
workflowprivs:clear Clears the workflow privs object.
workflowprivs:create Creates a workflowpriv object.
workflowpriv:setallowed Sets whether the privilege is allowed.
workflowpriv:setfunctionid Sets the id of the workflow function for the workflow privilege.
workflowpriv:setrole Sets the role for the workflow privilege.
workflowpriv:setstateid Sets the id of the workflow state for the priv.
workflowprivs:gather Gathers variables that have been named with the specified prefix convention into a workflow privs object.
workflowprivs:getallprivs Gets all privileges.
workflowprivs:getpriv Get privilege for specified role and function.
workflowprivs:remove Removes a workflow privilege from a list of workflow privileges.
workflowprivs:scatter Writes ("scatters") the loaded workflow privs object into variables with the following prefix naming convention.
workflowprocess:addstep Adds a step to a workflow process.
workflowprocess:checkprocessrequiresparticipants Verifies whether a process requires participants.
workflowprocess:clearsteps Deletes all steps from a workflow process.
workflowprocess:deletestep Deletes a step from a workflow process.
workflowprocess:gather Gathers values for fields into an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in the environment.
workflowprocess:getadminroles Gets roles that represent administrators for the workflow process.
workflowprocess:getdeadlinetype Retrieves deadline type.
workflowprocess:getdelegateactions Gets delegation actions from a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getfunctionprivs Gets the function privileges for a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getid Gets the id of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getinitialstepid Gets the start step id of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getprocessdescription Gets the description of the workflow process.
workflowprocess:getprocessname Gets the name of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getroles Gets roles for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowprocess:getsites Gets sites for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowprocess:getsourceroles Returns the authorized list of roles that correspond to a particular start state.
workflowprocess:getstep Gets steps from a workflow process.
workflowprocess:getsteps Loads all steps of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:gettypes Gets asset types for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowprocess:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow process instance.
workflowprocess:setadminroles Sets roles that represent administrators for a workflow process.
workflowprocess:setdeadlinetype Sets deadline type.
workflowprocess:setdelegateactions Sets delegation actions for a workflow process.
workflowprocess:setfunctionprivs Sets the function privileges for a workflow process.
workflowprocess:setprocessdescription Sets the description of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:setprocessname Sets the name of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:setroles Sets the roles for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowprocess:setsites Sets sites for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowprocess:setsteps Sets all steps of a workflow process.
workflowprocess:settypes Sets asset types for which a workflow process is valid.
workflowstate:gather Gathers values for fields in an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in the environment.
workflowstate:getactions Gets the actions in a workflow state.
workflowstate:getestimatedstatetime Gets the estimated time (the time between assignment and the deadline) of the state.
workflowstate:getid Gets the id of the workflow state.
workflowstate:getstatedescription Gets the description of the workflow state.
workflowstate:getstatename Gets the name of the workflow state.
workflowstate:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow state instance.
workflowstate:setactions Sets actions in the workflow state.
workflowstate:setestimatedstatetime Sets the estimated time (the time between assignment and the deadline) of the workflow state.
workflowstate:setstatedescription Sets the description of a workflow state.
workflowstate:setstatename Sets the name of a workflow state.
workflowstep:gather Gathers variables that have been named with the specified prefix naming convention into a workflow step object.
workflowstep:getauthorizationroles Gets the authorization ACLs of the workflow step.
workflowstep:getcompletionactions Gets the step actions for the step.
workflowstep:getconditions Gets the conditions for the step.
workflowstep:getdeadlinetype Retrieves deadline type.
workflowstep:getdeadlockactions Gets the deadlock actions for the step.
workflowstep:getendstate Gets the end state for the step.
workflowstep:getgrouplockflag Gets the group lock flag for the step.
workflowstep:getid Gets the id of the workflow step.
workflowstep:getname Gets the name of the workflow step.
workflowstep:getnotifyroles Gets the ACLs that are notified when a workflow step is taken.
workflowstep:getoverrideflag Gets the override flag for the step.
workflowstep:getstartstate Gets the start state for the step.
workflowstep:getsteptype Gets the type of the workflow step.
workflowstep:scatter Creates independent variables and lists (or "scatters") from an in-memory workflow step instance.
workflowstep:setauthorizationroles Sets the authorization ACLs for the step.
workflowstep:setcompletionactions Sets the step actions for the step.
workflowstep:setconditions Sets the conditions for the step.
workflowstep:setdeadlinetype Sets deadline type.
workflowstep:setdeadlockactions Sets the deadlock actions for the step.
workflowstep:setendstate Sets the end state for the step.
workflowstep:setgrouplockflag Sets the group lock flag for the step.
workflowstep:setname Sets the name of a step in a step object.
workflowstep:setnotifyroles Sets the ACLs that are notified when a workflow step is taken.
workflowstep:setoverrideflag Sets the override flag for the step.
workflowstep:setstartstate Sets the start state for the step.
workflowstep:setsteptype Sets the type for the step.
workflowtimedaction:gather Gathers values for fields in an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in the environment.
workflowtimedaction:getassignmentaction Gets the assignment for a workflow timed action.
workflowtimedaction:getrelativetime Gets the relative time (relative to the assignment due time) for the workflow timed action.
workflowtimedactionlist:addtimedaction Adds a timed action to timed action list.
workflowtimedactionlist:cleartimedactions Removes all timed actions from the timed action list object.
workflowtimedactionlist:create Creates a workflow timed action object.
workflowtimedactionlist:gather Gathers values for fields in an object from the name/value pairs of variables defined in the environment.
workflowtimedactionlist:getalltimedactions Gets all timed actions in a workflow timed action list.
workflowtimedactionlist:removetimedaction Removes a workflow timed action from a workflow timed action list object.
workflowtimedactionlist:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow timed action list instance.
workflowtimedaction:scatter Creates independent variables and lists from an in-memory workflow timed action instance.
workflowtimedaction:setassignmentaction Sets the assignment for the workflow timed action.
workflowtimedaction:setrelativetime Sets the relative time for the workflow timed action.
xlat:argument Argument for other xlat tags.
xlat:lookup A tag which looks up a locale-specific string, and encodes it appropriately for an HTML or Javascript environment.
xlat:stream A tag which looks up a locale-specific string, and encodes it appropriately for an HTML or Javascript environment, and streams it to the page.