2 Description of Structures in Oracle BI EE Web Services

This chapter describes the structures used by the Oracle Business Intelligence Session-Based Web Services.

This document uses JavaScript-like syntax to describes structures. The exact syntax and implementation depends on the SOAP code generation tool and the target language used by your application development environment.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 AccessControlToken Structure

Use this structure to describe permissions granted to a specific account in the access control list. This structure is used in the"SecurityService Service".

Table 2-1 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-1 AccessControlToken Structure Fields

Fields Description

Account account

Specifies a reference to the Account structure.

int permissionMask

Specifies a combination of the following flags:

1 = Permission to read item content

2 = Permission to traverse directory

4 = Permission to change item content

8 = Permission to delete an item

16 = Permission to assign permissions to other accounts

32 = Permission to take ownership of the item

2048 = Permission to run an Oracle BI Publisher report live

4096 = Permission to schedule an Oracle BI Publisher report

8192 = Permission to view output from an Oracle BI Publisher report

65535 = Permission to grant full control of the item.

2.2 Account Structure

Use this structure to hold user names or group names. It has a flag to indicate whether the name is a user or a group. This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service".

Table 2-2 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-2 Account Structure Fields

Fields Description

String accountName

Specifies an account name or group name.

int accountType

Specifies whether the account is a user or a group or both.

Use accountType when it is:

  • An input to a "non-query" SOAP function (for example, a parameter in calling updateCatalogItemACL() ).


  • An output from any SOAP function (for example, as returned data from getAccounts() ).

0 = user

1 = catalog group

2 = initblock user

3 = invalid or deleted account

int accountFindType

Specifies whether the account is a user or a group or both.

Use accountFindType when it is being used as an input to a "query" SOAP function (for example, as a parameter in calling getAccounts() ):

0 = find a user using name or GUID exact match

1 = find a catalog group using name or GUID exact match

2 = find a application role using name or GUID exact match

3 = find a user OR Catalog group OR application roles using name or GUID exact match

Note the following information for advanced use of this field. If accountFindType is greater than or equal to 4, the system treats the Name or GUID as a pattern.

4 = find all users using name or GUID pattern match

5 = find all catalog groups using name or GUID pattern match

6 = find all application roles using name or GUID pattern match

7 = find all users AND webcat groups AND application roles using name or GUID pattern match

Using this field in this way can be slow, and result in the system returning many records. When receiving an Account, both Name and GUID are set.

String GUID

Specifies the unique ID which identifies the account.

2.3 ACL Structure

Use this structure to hold the access control list (ACL). This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service".

Table 2-3 list the fields in this structure.

Table 2-3 ACL Structure Fields

Fields Description

AccessControlToken[] accessControlTokens

Specifies the full list of permissions. For more information, see Section 2.1, "AccessControlToken Structure".

String dummy

For internal purposes.

2.4 Action Structure

Use this structure to hold information about the action attached to the scorecard. This structure is used in the "ActionLinks Structure".

Table 2-4 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-4 Action Structure Fields

Fields Description

String Path

Specifies the catalog path to the BI content that is the target of the Action (only appears when ActionLink is not a "BI Content" type).

String ActionName

Specifies the catalog object name of the action.

String ClassName

Specifies the java class to be called by an EJB Action.

String ClassPath

Specifies the Java path containing the jar.

String AddnClassPath

Specifies additional class path if the jar is not in the specified path.

ParameterDocument[] ActionParameters

Specifies an array of ParameterDocument objects. A ParameterDocument is a JavaScript object defining a single action parameter. For more information, see Section 2.26, "ParameterDocument Structure".

String ActionType

Specifies the type of action (not all action types are available, for example, depending on system setup, privileges):


String WebServerRegistry

Specifies the individual web service details that the action will invoke.

String WebService

Specifies the individual web service details that the action will invoke.

String WebOperation

Specifies the individual web service details that the action will invoke.

2.5 ActionLinks Structure

Use this structure to reference valid action links. This structure is used in the "ValidActionLinks Structure".

Table 2-5 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-5 ActionLinks Structure Fields

Fields Description

String ActionPath

Specifies the catalog path to the BI content that is the target of the ActionLink (only appears when the ActionLink is a "BI Content" type of Action Link).

String Text

Specifies the text that is shown to the user that they click on to invoke the Action.

Action[] Action

Specifies the Action details (only appears when the ActionLink is not a "BI Content" type). For more information, see Section 2.4, "Action Structure".

2.6 ArrayofGUIDS Structure

Use this structure to specify a list of GUIDs representing a saved result set. This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service".

Table 2-6 lists the field in this structure.

Table 2-6 ArrayofGUIDS Structure Fields

Fields Description

String[] guid

Specifies a list of GUIDs representing the saved result set.

2.7 AssessmentResult Structure

Use this structure to contain a single assessment for a particular QDR for a node in a strategy tree. This structure is used in the "ScorecardAssessmentService Service".

Table 2-7 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-7 AssessmentResult Structure Fields

Fields Description

String ScorecardPath

Specifies the Presentation Services catalog path to the folder containing the scorecard that was assessed.

Variable[] Variables

Specifies an array of Variable objects defining the QDR for which the assessment result is applicable. For more information, see Section 2.46, "Variable Structure Fields".

String GUID

Specifies the GUID identifying the node of the strategy tree for which this assessment result is for.

Enumeration Assessment

Specifies the status ID for the node or QDR.

Number Assessment

Specifies the normalized assessment result for the strategy node. A number between 0 and 100. The number is not only an integer and so can include decimal places.

String ObjectContext

Specifies the object context representing the instance of the strategy node.

String ObjectContext

Specifies the object context representing the instance of the strategy node.

Boolean IsAnnotated

Specifies the value of a flag indicating if the node is annotated (true) or not (false).

KPIResultColumn[] KPIResultColumns

Specifies an array of KPIResultColumn objects defining the KPI results, if the node is a KPI node. For more information, see Section 2.21, "KPIResultColumn Structure".

Boolean IsOverridden

Specifies whether the node is overridden (true) or not (false).

ValidActionLink[] ValidActionLinks

Specifies an array of link elements defining the actions links for the current evaluated status. For more information, see Section 2.45, "ValidActionLinks Structure".

2.8 AuthResult Structure

Use this structure to specify authorization details during an authentication. This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service" (in the "impersonateex() Method" and "logonex() Method").

Table 2-8 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-8 AuthResult Structure Fields

Fields Description

String sessionID

Specifies the session ID, which is usually returned by the logon method. If the SOAP client engine can handle HTTP cookies, you can omit the session ID or set it to null.

boolean authCompleted

If set to TRUE, then the authorization is complete. If set to FALSE, then the authorization process is in progress and the logonex or impersonatex process should be called again.

2.9 CatalogItemsFilter Structure

Use this structure to filter catalog items and changes based on the path and timestamp. This structure is used in the "ReplicationService Service".

Table 2-9 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-9 CatalogItemsFilter Structure Fields

Fields Description

String[] items

Specifies the list of folders and their descendants to include in the filter. If this value is null, then all nodes in the catalog are included.

Calendar from

Specifies the time period on which to filter. Only items and changes with timestamps within that period satisfy the filter. Either or both of those fields could be null, in which case corresponding bound is considered not set.

Calendar to

Specifies the time period on which to filter. Only items and changes with timestamps within that period satisfy the filter (from <= timestamp <= to). Either or both of those fields could be null, in which case the corresponding bound is considered not set.

2.10 CatalogObject Structure

Use this structure to retrieve or specify all information for a particular catalog object in a single method. This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service".

Table 2-10 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-10 CatalogObject Structure Fields

Fields Description

String catalogObject

Specifies an XML representation of the object.


Specifies the returned content of the catalog object as string or bytes. What you specify in this field is determined by the readObjects method.

ItemInfo itemInfo

Specifies catalog information about the object, supplied in the ItemInfo common structure.

For information about the ItemInfo structure, see Section 2.17, "ItemInfo Structure".

ErrorInfo errorInfo

Specifies the level of error information to be supplied as specified by the ErrorDetails argument in the readObjects method.

2.11 CausalLinkage Structure

Use this structure to describe a single causal linkage. This structure is used in the "ScorecardMetadataService Service".

Table 2-11 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-11 CausalLinkage Structure Fields

Fields Description

String ID

Specifies the GUID of this causal linkage.

String causeNodeID

Specifies the GUID of the strategy or initiative node at the cause end of the link.

String effectNodeID

Specifies the GUID of the strategy or initiative node at the "effect" end of the link.

String Strength

Specifies the strength of the relationship. Defined using one of the values in the Section 2.11.1, "Strength Enumeration".

String Interaction

Specifies the proportionality of the relationship. Defined using one of the statics in the Section 2.11.2, "Interaction Enumeration".

String Operation

Specifies what you want to do with the specified CausalLinkage. Can be one of the values ADD, UPDATE or DELETE.

2.11.1 Strength Enumeration

This enumeration describes values of the various supported link strengths. This enumeration is used in the "CausalLinkage Structure".

Table 2-12 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-12 Strength Enumeration Values

Values Description


Used to identify strong relationships.


Used to identify normal relationships.

String WEAK

Used to identify weak relationships.

2.11.2 Interaction Enumeration

This enumeration describes values of the various supported link strengths. This enumeration is used in the "CausalLinkage Structure".

Table 2-13 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-13 Interaction Enumeration Values

Values Description


Used to identify directly proportional relationships.


Used to identify inversely proportional relationships.

2.11.3 Operation Enumeration

This enumeration describes values of the operation. This enumeration is used in the "CausalLinkage Structure".

Table 2-14 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-14 Operation Enumeration Values

Values Description

String ADD

Used to identify the operation to apply.


Used to identify the operation to apply.


Used to identify the operation to apply.

2.12 DimensionContext Structure

Use this structure to retrieve dimensions. This structure is used in the "ValidActionLinks Structure".

Table 2-15 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-15 Dimension Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies the name of a dimension.

String value

Specifies the value(s) that the dimension has been pinned to.

2.13 ErrorInfo Structure

Use this structure to retrieve error information during Presentation Catalog Service method invocations. This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service".

Table 2-16 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-16 ErrorInfo Structure Fields

Fields Description

String code

Specifies the error code to display.

String context

Specifies the service and method in which the error occurred.

String details

Specifies detailed information about the error.

String message

Specifies a human-readable description of the error.

2.14 FavoriteItem Structure

Use this structure to retrieve favorite item information during Presentation Catalog Service method invocations. This structure is used in the "UserPersonalizationService Service".

Table 2-17 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-17 FavoriteItem Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies the favorite or category name.

String path

Specifies the path of catalog object in case of favorite item or category path in favorite manager in case category object.

UnsignedShort type

Specifies the type stored in FavoriteItem object:

FavoriteItem = 0

Category Object = 1

ItemInfo itemInfo

Specifies catalog information about the object, supplied in the ItemInfo common structure.

Valid and stores the actual catalog object if type is 0. Not valid if type is 1.

For information about the ItemInfo structure, see Section 2.17, "ItemInfo Structure".

FavoriteItem favoriteItem

A list of sub items in case type is 1 otherwise not a valid value.

2.15 GetSubItemsParams Structure

Use this structure to contain optional parameters used in a getSubItems method. This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service".

Table 2-18 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-18 GetSubItemsParams Structure Fields

Fields Descriptions

GetSubItemsFilter filter

For internal use only.

boolean includeACL

If set to TRUE, then ACL information is included in the resulting ItemInfo structures.

int withPermission and int withPermissionMask

Specifies that you want to filter the resulting items collection by access level. The only items included in the result are those for which the following expression is true:

(itemPermission & withPermissionMask) = (withPermission & withPermissionMask)

where itemPermission is a combination of permission flags for the current catalog item.

int withAttributes and

int withAttributesMask

Specifies that you want to filter the resulting items collection by attribute flags. The only items included in the result are those for which the following expression is true:

(itemAttributes & withAttributesMask) = (withAttributes & withAttributesMask)

Where itemAttributes is a combination of attribute flags for the current catalog item.

2.16 ImportError Structure

Use this structure to describe the cause of a failure during an import. This structure is used in the "ReplicationService Service".

Table 2-19 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-19 ImportError Structure Fields

Fields Description

String item

Specifies the path to the changed item. For example, /users/jchan/analyses/.

String operation

For internal use only.

String catalogError

Specifies an error string, describing the reason for the failure.

String file

Specifies in which file the error occurred.

String line

Specifies the line in which the error occurred.

2.17 ItemInfo Structure

Use this structure to contain catalog information about an object. This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service" and "ScorecardMetadataService Service".

Table 2-20 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-20 ItemInfo Structure Fields

Fields Description

String path

Specifies the path to the object in the catalog. For example, /users/jchan/analyses/.

ItemInfoType type

Specifies a character string that indicates the type. Valid values are:

  • Folder

  • Link

  • Missing

  • NoAccess

  • Object

String caption

Specifies the localized name of the object in the catalog. For example, in French, 'My Folders' is displayed as 'Mes Dossiers'.

int attributes

Specifies a combination of the following flags:

1 = read only 2 = archive 4 = hidden 8 = system

Calendar lastModified

Specifies the date and time that the object was last modified, in Calendar format.

Calendar created

Specifies the date and time that the object was created (saved) in the catalog, in Calendar format.

Calendar accessed

Specifies the data and time that the object was last accessed by a user, in Calendar format.

String signature

Specifies the signature of the catalog object.

NameValuePair[] itemProperties

Specifies an array of object properties.


Specifies the Access Control List for this catalog item.

Account owner

Specifies the owner of the object.

String targetPath

If the ItemInfoType field is set to "Link," this field specifies the target path for the object.

2.18 KPIColumnName Enumeration

This enumeration specifies a list of valid values for the KPIColumnName field. This enumeration is used in the "KPIAssessmentService Service" and is used by the "KPIResultColumn Structure".

Table 2-21 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-21 KPIColumnName Enumeration Values

Values Description

String NAME

The column name.


The status column name.


The actual values column name.


The target value column name.


The variance column name.


The variance percent column name.


The change column name.


The change percent column name.

String TREND

The trend column name.


The object context column name.


The status info column name.

String OWNER

The owner column name.


The dimension context column name.


A custom column name.


A custom column name.


A custom column name.

2.19 KPIDimensionPinning Structure

Use this structure to contain the metadata for an individual dimension pinning used when defining the QDR for a KPI when requesting assessments. This structure is used in the "KPIRequest Structure".

Table 2-22 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-22 KPIDimensionPinning Structure Fields

Fields Description

String DimensionID

Specifies the ID of the dimension that you want to pin to a specific value (or values).

String Value

Specifies the value that you want to pin the specified dimension to.

String VariableType

Specifies the type of variable containing the value you want to use to pin the specified dimension.

String VariableName

(Optional) Specifies the name of the variable containing the value you want to use to pin the specified dimension (may be left null if VariableType is NONE).

String LevelID

(Optional) Specifies the ID of the dimension level the specified value belongs to (may be left null if the dimension is not a Level or Value Hierarchy).

2.20 KPIRequest Structure

Use this structure to contain the information required to request assessment values for the specified KPI. This structure is used in the "KPIAssessmentService Service".

Table 2-23 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-23 KPIRequest Structure Fields

Fields Description

String Path

Specifies the KPI's Presentation Services catalog path.

KPIDimensionPinning[] KPIDimensionPinnings

Specifies an array of dimension pinnings that define the filters to be applied to the query. For more information, see Section 2.19, "KPIDimensionPinning Structure Fields".

2.21 KPIResultColumn Structure

Use this structure to contain a single assessment for a particular QDR for a node in a strategy tree. This structure is used in the "ScorecardAssessmentService Service".

Table 2-24 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-24 KPIResultColumn Structure Fields

Fields Description

String Name

Specifies the column name that the cell belongs to. For more information, see Section 2.18, "KPIColumnName Enumeration Values".

String Type

Specifies the cell's data type.

String Value

Specifies the cell's value.

String FormattedValue

Specifies the formatted value.

String ObjectContext

Specifies the QDR that was applied to the query that returned this cell.

Boolean IsAnnotated

Specifies whether the cell has been annotated (true) or not (false).

2.22 MRUItem Structure

Use this structure to retrieve most recently used (MRU) item information during Presentation Catalog Service method invocations. This structure is used in the "UserPersonalizationService Service".

Table 2-25 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-25 MRUItem Structure Fields

Fields Description

String catalogPath

Specifies the catalog path for the recent catalog object.

Boolean isFavorite

Specifies if the MRU item is a favorite item as well.

ItemInfo itemInfo

Specifies catalog information about the object, supplied in the ItemInfo common structure.

For information about the ItemInfo structure, see Section 2.17, "ItemInfo Structure".

2.23 NameValuePair Structure

Use this structure to denote named properties, such as COLOR=RED. This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service".

Table 2-26 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-26 NameValuePair Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies a character string that contains the name of the property, such as COLOR.

String value

Specifies a character string that contains the value, such as RED.

2.24 NodeInfo Structure

Use this structure to contain the information that identifies a single node. This structure is used in the "ScorecardAssessmentService Service".

Table 2-27 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-27 NodeInfo Structure Fields

Fields Description

String NodeType

Specifies the type of node. For more information, see Section 2.24.1, "NodeTypes Enumeration".

String NodeID

Specifies the node's GUID.

2.24.1 NodeTypes Enumeration

This enumeration defines the values for the different types of nodes. This enumeration is used in the "NodeInfo Structure".

Table 2-28 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-28 NodeTypes Enumeration Values

Values Description


Specifies the node belongs to a strategy tree.


Specifies the node belongs to an initiative tree.

2.25 PathMap Structure

Use this structure to specify the location to which you want to copy the data included in the export method. This structure is used by the "ReplicationService Service".

Table 2-29 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-29 PathMap Structure Fields

Fields Description

PathMapEntry pathMapEntries

Specifies the location to which you want to copy the data included in the export method.

2.26 ParameterDocument Structure

Use this structure to model a parameter, as used by the Action framework. This structure is used in the "Action Structure".

Table 2-30 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-30 ParameterDocument Structure Fields

Fields Description

String Name

Specifies the name (title) of the parameter.

String Prompt

Specifies the prompt displayed to the user for this parameter.

String Description

Specifies the description of the parameter document (sometimes displayed as a tooltip).

String ParameterType

Specifies the datatype of the parameter which should be one of the following:


Array[] ParameterValues

Specifies an array of parameter value objects. This could be an empty array, or an array with one or more parameter values (see MultiValuesAllowed).

For more information, see Section 2.27, "ParameterValue Structure"

String ValueFixed

Specifies whether the parameter values are fixed for this parameter (cannot be overridden). Values are 'true' or 'false'.

String Order

Specifies the particular order of parameters in which the owning documents want to keep them.

String MultiValuesAllowed

Specifies if the parameter supports multiple values. Values are 'true' or 'false'.

String Mandatory

Specifies whether user entry of a value is mandatory.Values are 'true' or 'false'.

2.27 ParameterValue Structure

Use this structure to model a parameter value, as used by the ParameterDocument structure. A ParameterDocument owns an array of zero or more of these. This structure is used in the "ParameterDocument Structure".

Table 2-31 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-31 ParameterValue Structure Fields

Fields Description

String Value

Specifies the value. Defaults to an empty string.

String ValueMapping

Specifies the type of parameter value, which should be one of the following:


String AltDisplayValue

Specifies an alternative display value, for when the actual value is a code.

2.28 Privilege Structure

Use this structure to represent global privileges. In Oracle BI EE, you configure these privileges using the Manage Privileges screen. This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service".

Table 2-32 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-32 Privilege Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies the name of a privilege.

String description

Specifies the description of a privilege.

2.29 QueryResults Structure

Use this structure to specify query details during query execution.This structure is used in the "XMLViewService Service" (in the executeXMLQuery method).

Table 2-33 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-33 QueryResults Structure Fields

Fields Description

String rowset

Specifies the rowset XML encoded in the string.

String queryID

Specifies the unique ID of the query, which can be used in fetchNext calls.

boolean finished

If set to TRUE, then there are no more rows to return. If set to FALSE, then another fetchNext call is needed to return more rows.

2.30 ReportHTMLOptions Structure

Use this structure to define options for displaying results on an HTML page. This structure is used in the "HtmlViewService Service".

Table 2-34 lists the field in this structure.

Table 2-34 ReportHTMLOptions Structure Field

Field Description

boolean enableDelayLoading

Internal use only. This field is always set to 1, which means that Oracle Business Intelligence web services is never required to provide results immediately, and displays a message indicating that it is waiting for results.

String linkMode

Specifies whether to display drills or links in the current browser window or a new browser window. For more information about valid values, see Section 2.30.1, "ReportHTMLLinksMode Enumeration".

2.30.1 ReportHTMLLinksMode Enumeration

This enumeration specifies a list of valid values for the ReportHTMLLinksMode field in the "ReportHTMLOptions Structure".

Table 2-35 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-35 ReportHTMLLinksMode Enumeration Values

Values Description

String InPlace

Specifies that drills or links should replace only the content of the current analysis without changing the rest of the page.

String NewPage

Specifies that drills or links should be displayed in a new browser window.

String SamePage

Specifies that drills or links should replace the current browser window.

2.31 ReportParams Structure

Use this structure to replace existing filters and variables in an analysis. This structure is common to all services in Oracle BI EE web services.

Table 2-36 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-36 ReportParams Structure Fields

Fields Description

String[] filterExpressions

Specifies an array of Oracle Business Intelligence web services filter expressions in the form Object[] filter_expression, filter_expression ...

Variable[] variables

Specifies an array of variable values to be set before method execution. This structure is used in Section 3.15.4, "executeXMLQuery() Method" and Section 3.8.3, "generateReportSQL() Method". For more information, see Section 2.46, "Variable Structure".

NameValuePair[] nameValues

Should be set to NULL. This field is for internal use only.

TemplateInfo[] templateInfos

Should be set to NULL. This field is for internal use only.

String viewName

Specifies which view to use when generating XML data for the analysis.

Table 2-37 shows how filter expressions are applied to an analysis.

Table 2-37 How Filter Expressions Are Applied to an Analysis in Oracle BI EE Web Services

Step Internal Processing


Obtains XML representations of the analysis and each filter expression.


For each expression element, locates the child node of the type sqlExpression (the type is determined by the value of the xsi:type attribute), and references its inner text.


In the analysis XML, locates all nodes that also have a child node of type sqlExpression where the inner text matches that located in the preceding step.


Replaces all nodes found in Step 3 with the expression from Step 2.

Table 2-38 shows how variables are applied to an analysis.

Table 2-38 How Variables Are Applied to an Analysis in Oracle BI EE Web Services

Step Internal Processing


Obtains XML representations of the analysis.


For each variable, locates all nodes in the analysis XML that have a type of variable, attribute scope equal to analysis, and inner text that matches the variable name.


Replaces each node located in Step 2 with the new variable value.

2.32 ReportRef Structure

Use this structure to reference an analysis in one of the following ways:

  • The location of the analysis in the catalog.

  • The ReportDef object that defines the analysis. This field should always be null.

  • The XML that defines the analysis.


    Only one of the fields in ReportRef should be populated.

    The ReportRef structure is common to all services in Oracle BI EE web services.

Table 2-39 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-39 ReportRef Structure Fields

Fields Description

String reportPath

Specifies a string value that provides the path to the analysis in the catalog. For example, /users/jchan/analyses/.

String reportXML

Specifies a string value that contains the XML that defines the analysis.

2.33 SAColumn Structure

Use this structure to represent the logical column in the Subject Area. This structure is used in the "MetadataService Service".

Table 2-40 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-40 SAColumn Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies a column name used in SQL statements.

String displayName

Specifies a localized name, used in Oracle Business Intelligence Answers.

String description

Specifies a string to contain the description of the column name.

boolean nullable

If set to TRUE, then the column can be null.

String dataType

Specifies the type of data that a column contains. For more information, see Section 2.33.1, "SADataType Values".

boolean aggregateable

If set to TRUE, then the column can be aggregated.

String aggrRule

If the column contains aggregated data, this value specifies the type of aggregation used. For more information, see Section 2.33.2, "AggregationRule Values".

2.33.1 SADataType Values

The SADataType indicates the type of data that a column contains. The following list shows the data types available:

  • BigInt

  • Binary

  • Bit

  • Char

  • Coordinate

  • Date

  • Decimal

  • Double

  • Float

  • Integer

  • Invalid

  • LongVarBinary

  • LongVarChar

  • Numeric

  • Real

  • SmallInt

  • Time

  • TimeStamp

  • TinyInt

  • Unknown

  • VarBinary

  • VarChar

2.33.2 AggregationRule Values

The SADataType specifies the default aggregation rule for the column. The following list shows the aggregation functions available:

  • Avg

  • BottomN

  • Complex

  • Count

  • CountDistinct

  • CountStar

  • DimensionAggr

  • First

  • Last

  • Max

  • Min

  • None

  • Percentile

  • Rank

  • ServerDefault

  • SubTotal

  • Sum

  • TopN

2.34 SASubjectArea Structure

Use this structure to represent Subject Area attributes. This structure is used in the "MetadataService Service".

Table 2-41 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-41 SASubjectArea Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies the table name that is used in SQL statements.

String displayName

Specifies the localized name, used in Oracle Business Intelligence Answers.

String description

Specifies the description of the subject area.

SATable[] tables

Specifies a collection of tables for this subject area. For information about the SATable structure, see Section 2.35, "SATable Structure".

2.35 SATable Structure

Use this structure to represent the logical table in the Subject Area. This structure is used in the "MetadataService Service".

Table 2-42 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-42 SATable Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies the table name that is used in SQL statements.

String displayName

Specifies the localized name, used in Oracle Business Intelligence Answers.

String description

Specifies the description of the table name.

SAColumn[] columns

Specifies an array of the table's columns. For information about the SAColumn structure, see Section 2.33, "SAColumn Structure".

2.36 SAWLocale Structure

Use this structure to define the locale for the current session. This structure is used in the "SAWSessionService Service".

Table 2-43 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-43 SAWLocale Structure Fields

Fields Description

String language

Specifies the language code. Values for language should conform to the ones used in Java, in the java.util.Locale class (ISO-639, ISO-3166).

String country

Specifies the country code. Values for country should conform to the ones used in Java, in the java.util.Locale class (ISO-639, ISO-3166).

2.37 SAWSessionParameters Structure

Use this structure to define optional parameters for the current session. This structure is used in the "SAWSessionService Service".

Table 2-44 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-44 SAWSessionParameters Structure Fields

Fields Description

SAWLocale locale

Specifies the locale to be used, supplied in the SAWLocale structure. For information about the SAWLocale structure, see Section 3.9, "SAWSessionService Service".

String userAgent

Specifies whether the HTMLView service is used with current session. It specifies the userAgent string of the browser, where Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services HTML content is displayed. Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services uses this information to produce browser-specific HTML.

String syndicate

Internal use only.

LogonParameter logonParams

Specifies the parameters used for authentication.

boolean asyncLogon

If set to TRUE, then asynchronous login is enabled. If set to FALSE (default), then asynchronous login is not enabled.

String sessionID

Specifies the unique ID of the session. This field is used in Section 3.9.9, "logonex() Method" and Section 3.9.5, "impersonateex() Method".

2.38 SegmentationOptions Structure

Use this structure to define the segment or segment tree to override the defaults specified in the Oracle Marketing Analytics user interface. This structure is used in the "MetadataService Service".

Table 2-45 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-45 SegmentationOptions Structure Fields

Fields Description

OverrideType cacheOverride

Specifies how you want to override the Oracle Marketing Analytics' "Cache the block for future update counts requests" user interface option.

If set to Default, then the cache override is not specified in the structure or the structure is not specified. The Default value specifies to use what is defined in the user interface option for each criteria block.

If set to None, the system overrides the user interface-defined values and sets all criteria blocks to disable the "Cache the block for future update counts requests" user interface option.

If set to All, the system overrides the user interface-defined values and sets all criteria blocks to enable the "Cache the block for future update counts requests" user interface option.

OverrideType countOverride

Specifies if the system should use the getCounts method to generate the count numbers.

If set to Default, then the count override is not specified in the structure or the structure is not specified.

If set to All, the system executes the getCounts method. When set to All, the system calculates count numbers for all criteria blocks.


Specifies a value to enforce the corresponding contract planning rules for the segment or segment tree.


Specifies the prompt values to apply to the columns in the segment or segment tree. This process filters data when generating counts.

If you do not provide a value in this field, then the system does not apply filter criteria to columns in segments.

Boolean removeCacheHits

Specifies that you want to clear cache entries that contain count information.

If set to True, the system queries against the most current data. To do this, the system removes all existing cache entries that contain count information for the target segment or segment tree. The system then repopulates the cache with new count number entries calculated by the getCounts method.

BigDecimal samplingFactor

Specifies the size of the data set for calculating counts. The getCounts method calculates the count number of all criteria blocks against a subset of the data determined by this value.

The default value is 100. The default value determines that the count number is calculated against the whole data set.

2.39 SessionEnvironment Structure

Use this structure to return environment information for the current session. This structure is used in the "SAWSessionService Service".

Table 2-46 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-46 SessionEnvironment Structure Fields

Fields Description

String userName

Specifies the name of the current user.

ItemInfo homeDirectory

Specifies the full path to the user's home directory in the catalog. For example, /users/<user login ID>.

ItemInfo[] SharedDirectories

Specifies the full paths to shared directories to which the current user has at least read access.

Note: By default, only administrators are allowed to list direct descendents of the "/shared" directory. Retrieving the SessionEnvironment object is the only way to enable users to navigate its shared area.

2.40 StartPageParams Structure

Use this structure to define options in startPage method invocations. This structure is used in the "HtmlViewService Service".

Table 2-47 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-47 StartPageParams Structure Fields

Fields Description

String idsPrefix

Specifies a prefix to be used with IDs and names of all HTML elements to avoid name conflicts on an HTML page.

boolean dontUseHttpCookies

If set to TRUE, thenOracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services cannot rely on cookies for passing the sessionID. Instead, the sessionID is included as a parameter in callback URLs.

2.41 TreeFlags Enumeration

This enumeration specifies the static definitions for the various different TreeFlag values that can be returned as part of a nodes assessment. This enumeration is used in the "KPIAssessmentService Service".

Table 2-48 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-48 TreeFlags Enumeration Values

Values Description


Specifies that the value of the Strategy TreeFlag is 1.


Specifies that the value of the Initiative TreeFlag is 2.


Specifies that the value of the Accountability TreeFlag is 4.


You can add the values in Table 2-48 together if required. For example, if the you want the results to include nodes from both the Strategy and Initiative trees, you would pass 3 as the value (1+2).

2.42 TreeNodePath Structure

Use this structure to specify a segment tree path and branch Id number for a branch in the segment tree. This structure is used in the "JobManagementService Service".

Table 2-49 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-49 TreeNodePath Structure Fields

Fields Description

String treeNode

Specifies the segment tree's branch Id number that contains the members to include in the list.

String treePath

Specifies the path to the segment tree.

2.43 UpdateACLParams Structure

Use this structure to set options in updateACL method invocations. This structure is used in the "SecurityService Service".

Table 2-50 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-50 UpdateACLParams Structure Fields

Fields Description

UpdateACLMode updateFlag

Specifies how to update the ACL mode. For more information, see Section 2.43.1, "UpdateACLMode Enumeration".

2.43.1 UpdateACLMode Enumeration

This enumeration specifies a list of valid values for the update flag in the "UpdateACLParams Structure".

Table 2-51 lists the values in this enumeration.

Table 2-51 UpdateACLMode Enumeration Values

Values Description

String ReplaceACL

Specifies the ACL value to update.

String ReplaceForSpecifiedAccounts

Specifies a list of accounts to update in the ACL.

String DeleteAccountsFromACL

Specifies a list of accounts to remove from the ACL.

2.44 UpdateCatalogItemACLParams Structure

Use this structure to provide additional parameters in the "updateCatalogItemACL() Method". This structure is used in the "WebCatalogService Service".

Table 2-52 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-52 UpdateCatalogItemACLParams Structure Fields

Fields Description

UpdateACLMode updateFlag

Specifies how to update the ACL mode. For more information, see Section 2.43.1, "UpdateACLMode Enumeration".

boolean recursive

If set to TRUE, then the method is applied to the catalog item and all descendents, which are identified by the path. If set to FALSE, then the method is only applied to the catalog item.

2.45 ValidActionLinks Structure

Use this structure to reference valid action links. This structure is used in the "AssessmentResult Structure".

Table 2-53 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-53 ValidActionLinks Structure Fields

Fields Description

DimensionContext[] ActionLinkContext

Specifies an array of DimensionContext structures. For more information, see Section 2.12, "DimensionContext Structure".

ActionLinks[] ActionLink

Specifies an array of ActionLink structures. For more information, see Section 2.5, "ActionLinks Structure".

2.46 Variable Structure

Use this structure to reference a variable in the analysis and replace it with another variable. This structure is common to all services in Oracle BI EE web services.

Table 2-54 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-54 Variable Structure Fields

Fields Description

String name

Specifies a character string that contains the name of the variable to replace.

Object value

Specifies the value of the variable.

2.47 XMLQueryExecutionOptions Structure

Use this structure to specify optional parameters during a query. This structure is used in the "XMLViewService Service" (in the executeXMLQuery method).

Table 2-55 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 2-55 XMLQueryExecutionOptions Structure Fields

Fields Description

boolean async

If set to TRUE, then asynchronous query execution is enabled. If set to FALSE, then asynchronous query execution is disabled.

int maxRowsPerPage

Specifies the maximum number of rows to be returned by a executeXMLQuery or fetchNext method.

boolean refresh

If set to TRUE, then the server re-submits the query to refresh the data. If set to FALSE, then the Oracle Business Intelligence Server uses data in the cache.

boolean presentationInfo

If set to TRUE, then store localized presentation information in the metadata section of the record set XML.

Presentation information consists of the following:

  • Column heading information (stored in the columnHeading field).

  • Table heading information (stored in the tableHeading field).

String type

Specifies the query ID, which can be used in logs to diagnose errors.