60 File Systems: Default Mapping Specifications

The default mapping framework in the Content Integration Platform enables publishing from file systems, as long as the publishable content is based on the following default constructs of the file system: Folder and Document file types, and attributes contentAttr , contentURL , and FileSize.

This chapter contains the following sections:

60.1 Overview

The mapping framework supplies the following default components:

  • The FileSystem flex family, pre-configured to match the file types and attributes listed above.

  • A mappings.xml file, in which file types and attributes (listed above) are mapped to assets in the FileSystem flex family:

    • The Folder file type is mapped to a flex parent definition asset named fs_folder.

    • The Document file type is mapped to a flex definition asset named fs_document.

    • Attributes are mapped to flex assets of type FileSystem Attribute.

The mapping is coded in mappings.xml, and summarized in Table 60-1, "FileSystem Default Data and Flex Family Analogs" (for more information, see Section 60.2, "Default mappings.xml").

Once the mapping is established, folders of type Folder (and their contents) can be published:

  • Folders are published as flex parent assets to the FileSystem Folder asset type.

  • Documents are published as flex assets to the FileSystem Document asset type.

During publishing, the Content Integration Platform refers to the mappings.xml file to determine the types of objects to publish (Folder and Document). The folder that is named in the publish command is the starting point of the publication process. The folder is published as a flex parent asset of the FileSystem Folder, along with all the subfolders and documents it contains.

To reproduce the folder's structure, (subfolders and documents), the Content Integration Platform refers to path information. If subfolders exist, the Content Integration Platform chains their counterpart Filesystem Folder assets to reproduce the heirarchy. Documents, treated as flex assets of file type FileSystem Document, are placed under their respective FileSystem Folder parent assets.

Figure 60-1 Mapping the Document Type to the FileSystem Flex Family

Description of Figure 60-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 60-1 Mapping the Document Type to the FileSystem Flex Family''

Figure 60-2 Mapping the Document Type to the FileSystem Flex Family

Description of Figure 60-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 60-2 Mapping the Document Type to the FileSystem Flex Family''

60.2 Default mappings.xml

The default mappings.xml file, located in the Content Integration Agent, maps the file system's default schema to WebCenter Sites' FileSystem flex family. The mapping is uniquely identified by the id attribute, specifically in this example as <mapping id="filesystem2cs">. Parameters for the <assettype-mapping> and <descriptor-mapping> tags are defined in "Tags and Parameters for Mapping File System Data to Oracle WebCenter Sites".

<!-- File System to CS -->
 <mapping id="filesystem2cs">
      targetid="file" type="static" />
      targetid="contentURL" type="dynamic" />
      targetid="file_size" />
    id="fs_folder" />

60.3 FileSystem Flex Family Specifications

Table 60-1, "FileSystem Default Data and Flex Family Analogs" summarizes the default mapping of file system schema to WebCenter Sites' FileSystem flex family. For customized implementations, you can either re-use the flex family or create your own.

Table 60-1 FileSystem Default Data and Flex Family Analogs

Type of Data File System Default Data Maps To FlexAssetType Maps to Flex Family Member Description Assets of This Type Are Created By



Attributes (for documents)Foot 1 :




FileSystem Attribute

Stores attribute instances:Foot 2 





Flex Attribute

This flex asset type stores attributes for documents.

WebCenter Sites Administrator


Folder File Type


FileSystem Parent Definition

Stores parent definition instance: Foot 3 


Flex Parent Definition

This flex asset type stores parent definition instances.

WebCenter Sites Administrator


Document File Type Document

FileSystem Child DefinitionStores child definition instance:


Flex (Child) Definition

This flex asset type stores child definition instances.

WebCenter Sites Administrator


Published Folders

Folders of file type


FileSystem Folder

Stores flex parent assets (of type fs_folder and any other type)

Flex Parent

This flex asset type stores folder assets.

Content Integration Platform


Published Documents

Documents of file type


FileSystem Document

Stores flex (child) assets (of type fs_document and any other type)

Flex (Child) Asset

This flex asset type stores document assets. For an example, see Figure 60-1.

Content Integration Platform

Footnote 1 Attribute names are display names. The less commonly used system-defined attributes have been omitted from the default mappings.xml file and flex family. The attributes are: DateCreated, DateModified, MimeType.

Footnote 2 "Instance" means "asset." "Instance" is used only to help differentiate metadata (instances) from published content (assets).

Footnote 3 "Instance" means "asset." "Instance" is used only to help differentiate metadata (instances) from published content (assets).